Testimonial for by Andrea - June 15, 2010

“I must acknowledge the accuracy of readers Ruby, Sadie and Nikki in their predictions for my employment situation.  I was in a very negative work environment and keen to move on but not sure where, whilst feeling miserable; Ruby predicted that “a job would tumble into my lap” and that the interview setting would have a peach or pink coloured door (which we thought was unusual).  Sadie predicted that I would put in a job application with an immediate response and would attend an interview “after lunch and before two o’clock” which would be successful.  Nikki told me that two jobs would be available in the workplace where I was successful, and that the job I was offered would have the letter “C” in the title.  I attended an interview in late May at 1.45p.m., with two jobs in different areas being on offer, and the interview room had peach coloured doors.  Three hours after the interview, I was offered a job with the letter “C” in the title.  How wonderful is that!  I must also say that Nikki could also see me spending some time in America and I had no intention of doing so but my situation has changed and I’m to America tomorrow for one month!  What else can I say?!!!!!”