Testimonial for by Sharon - May 25, 2011

“I would like to say how perfect Julie is in every way. I got made redundant when I returned from maternity leave – My main concern was my job – well she told me I would get a job in one months time and it would be across a month – true to her word i am starting a job 31st May. She also said that it had something to do with America – Im actually starting work for this company and I am going to be in charge of the American customers! totally everything she has said came true in everyway! She said it wouldnt be too far from home – exactly right in my home town!
She also told me Thursday would be my best day for interview to get the job well I got the call on the Thursday asking me to interview and had the job by the Monday – Amazing lady – will definately be back to speak with her again and she is a relaxed lovely lady to talk to!”