Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“A friend of the show, she’s never been wrong.” Ben Shepard introducing Michele Knight on one of her stints on Xtra Factor.

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“Spookily accurate with me and my life.” Jane Goldman on Jane Goldman Investigates Tarot – Living

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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Michele Knight with Leona Lewis on Xtra Factor. Michele predicted her American success as well as her collaboration with Justin Timberlake

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Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“What a lot of people don’t know about me is that I’ve produced a fair few paranormal series, so I’ve been around psychics for at least 10 years. I’ve met countless clairvoyants, both in the UK and US, and can hand on heart say that Michele is one of only three people I will listen to. She’s up there with the best in the world. The very first reading she gave me left me gobsmacked – and that’s really saying something!  Not only was her detail uncanny, but she really cares about what she’s saying – a rare and unusual gift.”

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“Simply Astonishing! How could she know all that?” After Michele Knights reading on Livings ‘Mystic Challenge’

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“Her predictions were spot on!” Helen Lederer

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“That was fantastic! A great reading. You have opened my eyes!”

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“Really impressed.” Will Mellor on Living TV ‘mystic challenge’

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“I have been a client for over ten years, Michele is always amazing and incredibly specific.” Sue Perkins

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“Excellent, she was brilliant.” Melinda Messenger on ‘Psychic Knight’ pilot for Channel 4

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


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“That was the best reading I have had in my life.” Tara Palmer-Tomkinson on ‘Psychic Knight’ pilot for channel 4

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


pin: 2388

“She was spookily accurate about me and my life. I’d recommend her to anyone.”

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


pin: 2388

“She is fantastic, an enlightening experience!” Russell Brand on ‘Psychic Knight’ pilot for channel 4

Psychic Reader Eve 2388


pin: 2388

“We are standing on the edge of a new age of expansion of the understanding of spirituality. Modern times call for modern guides and thank The Universe for Michele – the right leader for the right time.”