Litz is a very warm and detailed reader. She is very precise in describing my situation and feeling with my POI without me giving her any details. I will definitely be calling on her again!

“I just had the loveliest reading with Litz. She has such a strong clear reading style and I felt uplifted just hearing her voice. She is amazingly accurate and really came out with things I needed to hear. She is truly gifted and I felt such a safe and positive connection with her and am so glad I picked up the phone! She will definitely be my go-to person! Very special! Love and Light!”

“Litz is a direct yet very compassionate honest reader. Litz has a great clairvoyant capability, I did not give her any detail other than I wished to inquire into personal circumstances. Litz provides clear, concise feedback and with detail that makes sense to your personal circumstances. It is not general and very specific. Details Litz provided, predictions in other readings about specific things that did materialise! These were not always things I wanted to hear or know, yet her integrity as a reader is that she will give you what information she receives, all with compassion and impartial guidance. Litz, has provided direction for me to grow, re-gain strength and move forward. Litz is very detailed and provides a lot of information regarding the situation, she is able to pick up information with no prompt only asking questions to validate the information on occasion. Litz was able to determine the character of people surrounding my situation both at work and personal circumstances which were in some cases complex.”

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