
pin: 2160

I’ve had readings with Carol for quite some time now, and it feels like sitting down with a good friend for a cup of tea and a chat, her warmth, wisdom, and insight leaves me feeling like the world’s a better place. Carol is currently supporting me through some pretty intense emotional stuff with my partner which at times has been fairly horrendous. Just to know that she’s there to turn to means so much. I know I can rely on her to give me sound judgement and appropriate advice in the weeks ahead. She’s been an absolute rock. Thank you so much Carol.


pin: 2160

“Immediately Carol picked up that I work as a medium and then she told me the pet name my mum used for me. She did not know this but had heard the name before she spoke to me and mentioned it thinking it was strange – so i explained that it was my mum’s nickname for me. Carol had picked up my mum in spirit strongly already, also describing her profession-incase any doubts remained about who it was! Together with the main gist of the message in the first few minutes. It all happened very fast and was a very clear, very accurate and evidential reading both of the situation and of linking in with spirit. Everything she then went on to tell me exhibited quite extraordinary and in depth channelling about my my life that she would have not known or had any way of guessing. It was clear to me that Carol was channeling my mothers knowledge and care very well. So, as someone who works in this field I would probably be the worst person to leave a review normally as I tend to have fairly high standards – all I can say is this was a superb and very heartfelt, very helpful reading and I am extremely grateful to carol for giving it to me. It meant a lot and it has been very effective in settling my heart and helping me forward.”


pin: 2160

“Just wonderfully accurate and everything she said was just so in tune with what was going on. Thank you Carol! So helpful!”

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pin: 2160

“Carol reads and reflects with GREAT accuracy. Carol is a hair raising medium able to relay messages if a spirit chooses to come through. Carol communicated specific experiences, emotions and memories of my loved ones she had no way of knowing. This validated her connection time and again when I call for a reading. Additional kin to being a gifted medium she’s a fabulous psychic with life balancing foresight. I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone else, but Carol picked up a distrust I had for a co worker; she assured me I was right in what I was feeling and that I was by passing all of her hidden agendas, ploys and traps. Carol told me of work related travels that came to pass and she described an area of nature I love to visit with complete accuracy. She even identified my culture without me mentioning it. I am Native American, she kindly and specifically described my ancestors war paint and bird feather meanings to a T. I had not told her anything about my ethnicity but my ANCESTORS sure did! Carol is someone you will want to call again and again enjoying connection with deceased loved ones.”


pin: 2160

“Carol is a lovely, warm, friendly gifted reader. She picked up immediately on a field of work I would be perfect for and it is exactly what I am studying for at the moment. She picked up on my spiritual needs including Yoga which I am also practicing again after a long absence! She tuned into my energy immediately and left me feeling very positive and grateful.”


pin: 2160

“Carol has supported me a lot over the last 5 months or so, guiding me through with my POI. Her reading’s have been extremely accurate, and she’s always tuned in so quickly to myself, my POI and the situation. She is such a warm, friendly and easy-going reader. I love Carol’s style of readings, and I’ve always found the readings encouraging and positive and because of this I’ve returned to her over and over again because she always gets it head on, and is very honest. I’m very grateful for Carol’s guidance as it has enabled me to make empowering decisions for myself.”


pin: 2160

“Thank you very much for the specially kind, encouraging and uplifting talk with Carol this morning, who is one of my most favourite readers. Fortunately, she was able to give some encouragement.”


pin: 2160

“She was totally in tune with me and very kind and accurate in her reading of my current circumstances.”


pin: 2160

“Carol was amazing, just a few minutes into the reading I knew that she understood what I had been going through. So intuitive and emphatic. Carol gave really helpful advice and gave me real hope that life would improve. Thank you so much. ”


pin: 2160

“I have been a happy customer for many years but I have to tell you, I’ve NEVER had such a great reading as I’ve just had with Carol! I could have been fooled into believing she’s lived in my head and world for the past couple of days because the reading was INCREDIBLE! Not only that but what a lovely, straightforward and decent human being to talk to. Like all humans, I doubt spirit from time to time but OMG, I’m back online and have Carol to thank for that! She is a huge asset to your already wonderful team. Thank you!”


pin: 2160

“Carol is wonderful. I love her. You feel like when you are speaking with her as if you are talking to your best friend who genuinely cares about your well-being. She makes you feel like she is your best and wisest friend. She is not at all judgmental and I told her some, very difficult to admit, private things. Her psychic insight of my present situation was 100 percent accurate. It was so healing for me to speak with someone so kind, genuine, compassionate, wise, intelligent, and so psychic all at the same time! Thank you Carol from the bottom of my heart!”


pin: 2160

“A truly gifted woman. An exceptional psychic whose compassion is off the charts. It is like Carol is in your life sitting on your shoulder. The insight she gives is incredible with the added bonus of giving you hope for the future and that beautiful feeling of being understood. I can not rate Carol enough. A top psychic. A compassionate soul with psychic accuracy that blows my mind. Thank you, Carol.”


pin: 2160

“She was really nice to talk to, really friendly indeed. I explained a recent work situation and she was great at getting to the heart of this and assessing the people involved. Very accurate indeed and gave me a lot to think about and gave me real confidence to move forward in a really positive way.”


pin: 2160

“I had a reading with Carol and it has been an incredible accurate and precise description of my feelings and developments in my life. She had absolute clarity of the circumstances surrounding a new job role and its future as well as an exact description of a personal relationship with a colleague at work which I was keen to discuss with her and which she described with almost perfection. I have never before encountered such a detailed and truthful reading!”


pin: 2160

“Just had a reading with Carol, absolutely outstanding! The most spot on reading I’ve ever had! Highly recommend you have a reading with her! Many thanks!”


pin: 2160

“What a find she is. She is a lovely reader. Very nonjudgmental – which is a blessing. Spot on every time with her readings and very reassuring as well. I have rang Carol a few times, feeling rather lost on my direction, and she helped me by looking at different paths.”



pin: 2160

Wonderful reading from a wonderful lady. Carol has a very healing energy about her and I have no doubt that what she saw ahead for me will come to pass.


pin: 2160

“I had a reading tonight with Carol. We connected instantly, Carol is a fantastic reader, very friendly, felt as though I’d known her for years, she passed on messages from spirit, which was great, and without any prompting from me got straight to the reasons I was calling and gave me a timeline for the predictions she had given. Fabulous reading, really uplifting and I will certainly be speaking to Carol in the future.”


pin: 2160

“Carol is a very good reader, she connected with my dad and told me the car he drove and what he wanted to say to me. She’s also helped me through relationship problems and helped me with self sabotaging patterns that became a part of my way of life. I’m forever grateful for her guidance and support though some tricky times. I’ve called her quite a bit and she’s really helped me understand parts of myself that I need to transform.”


pin: 2160

“I had a reading with her 6 months ago and everything she told me would happen, has just happened! She told me I would meet a man, have a brilliant relationship, very strong attraction and she even gave me the right month when I would meet him. She got his birth month right and told me particular and specific characteristics about him that would make me recognize him. She said I would look at him and know that he is the one for me and I sure did! During my first meeting with him, I was looking at him and almost chocked that it was so obvious that he was the man Carol had seen and everything was on point. I then had to call her back to confirm that everything had happened as she told me, and she even then mentioned wow the attraction is extremely strong and we both giggled as it is the least you can say! She is warm, sweet and if you can trust her words and guidance.”


pin: 2160

“My reading  with Carol #2160 was seriously wow. Once I had watched her short film and read her profile I just knew I really wanted to speak to her. I found her while browsing the list of profiles for all the readers, earlier in the week. It was like having a chat with an old friend who knew me really well. She was totally in tune with the way I felt about situations and people she could not possibly know anything about. Its like they just came to her. She really helped me to understand and look at my self honestly. She has a very relaxed speaking tone and delivery. I really got see my situation from a more positive perspective. Which was not the case at all before our conversations. Its been about a half-hour since the end of the call and I can feel my empowerment growing. I will be having a reading with her again soon defo. Thumbs up all the way Carol.”


pin: 2160

“Carol recently read for me about a very deceptive situation around me and that something wasn’t being shown to me. A few days later, I received paperwork that was very deceptive and misrepresented which now requires a response from me. She is very kind and compassionate in her readings even if she has to tell you something not so good. Thank you Carol – you have helped more than you probably realize and it is greatly appreciated!”


pin: 2160

“I had a very positive and enlightening reading with Carol today. I found her to be very gentle and caring having sensed my urgency and nervousness. At the same time she was honest, articulate and to the point which I needed. She was able to put the situation I am in into perspective and was able to read my personality, emotions and my situation accurately and gave me some concrete and much needed guidance.”


pin: 2160

“I had a reading with Carol 2160 with regard to a relationship issue. She is a lovely caring person who helped me see what I need to do to move forward with my life. At first I wasn’t sure that what she was telling me was right. When she told me about my Ex and the reason he ended things with me was to release me to allow me to have a better life, I realised she was right after all. I had been about to cut contact with him but the info she gave me helped me to realise that wasn’t the right thing to do. She gave me insight on what I should do instead. It helped me feel so much better about things afterwards.”


pin: 2160

“I have been using Michele Knight Psychic site for a good few years now. I have just had a reading with the wonderful Carol (2160) and I am truly inspired. She picked up on my personality and caring nature to a tee. A little boy came up in the reading and I was considering fostering. She also able to see how far I had come and that I had truly healed and was ready for love again. Its like talking to your own personal angel talking to Carol. Thank you and I cant wait for the man I finally deserve to appear in the New Year! Still smiling whilst writing this.”


pin: 2160

“She was amazing!  I had a reading with her about a month ago and she told me I would meet a guy who was 5’10”, within 5 yrs older than me and either a Virgo or a Libra.  In the reading she also mentioned some sort of tie to London (I live in NYC) but that was all the info she could get. Well, I just met a guy who is 3 yrs older then me, 5’9″ and his bday is Sept 20th!  Even crazier, he got his law degree in London even though he is American. What?! I cant believe it! She is incredible!”


pin: 2160

“I’d love leave few words for all the wonderful readers I’ve talked to over the year and half  here..
Beautiful Carol, Sharie, Hazel, Elona, Nicola_C, Jan-Lee, Lydia, Lynn, Maria, Saffy, Sam, Virginia..
and not forgetting amazing and always helpful lovely Julie at the reception desk !
I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart… you were all guiding stars in my darkest hours, assisting in finding my way back into the light.
I feel grateful to you all, as your warmth, sincerity & guidance in many ways I’ve always felt very deeply. What a wonderful team you have here Michele.”


pin: 2160

“I had a reading with Carol a few months ago and thought she was great at the time but I just had a look back at the notes I wrote down and WOW! She said I was house hunting in completely the wrong area but not to worry my place would find me. She said it was very light and minimalist and that I would move in in February. She kept saying it has to do with 5’s–but wasn’t sure if that was in the address or if I should expand my search by 5 miles. So my flat did find me, it is just as she described and I’m moving next month, 15  miles away from my original search to an area with a 5 in the postcode and a 5 in the house number!”


pin: 2160

“I would like to give a huge thank you to Carol, whom I had a reading with this evening. She tuned straight into the stress in my relationship instantly and backed up what I already felt. She knew that other people were trying to divert me in another direction, and confirmed what I believed in my own heart to be true. I feel calm, relaxed and more in tune with myself. Carol has confirmed what I believe to be true. She is a very honest truthful reader, who told me she would not tell me what I wanted to hear and only tell me  the truth as she sees it, which is exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much for your time, your  non judgemental honesty, and your soothing calming nature.”


pin: 2160

“I have had several readings with Carol she is the most outstanding gifted psychic I have ever had a reading with. She has an amazing ability to tune in connecting with me very strongly. Given me specific name places and connecting with my loved ones in spirit world.  she has the most wonderful calming nature and excellent sense of humour.
Also Carol has the ability to send healing energy and its very strong. It really lifts you. Its amazing. I have only experience this strong energy from Carol
I have no hesitation in recommending such a wonderful women in and out and non judgemental.
Thank you so much for guiding and helping me to change my life around.”


pin: 2160

“I’d love to leave much deserved feedback for lovely Carol.
I’ve had several readings with Carol with regards to my complicated relationship,and each reading left me peaceful, clearer & lifted my spirits.
Every time she confirmed my innermost feelings, and her insight into my relationship was simply amazing. Talking to Carol feels as if you were talking to a closest friend. She is wonderful, positive & empathetic reader and beautiful person inside and out. I feel very lucky to come across her will certainly be back again.”


pin: 2160

“I have had two extraordinary readings with Carol in the last month and I think she exemplifies everything that is exceptional about the quality of the readers on Michele Knight. Both times she connected with me easily and a very deep level getting to the root of the issues that were bothering me. She gave me specific details from my birth sign to describing the people around me and the opportunities ahead. When I talked about a business opportunity she knew that it was a partnership with 2 people ( it is). Without knowing any of the details she told me that i will be travelling back to the city where my previous partner lived ( I will). She knew that I needed to change my life’s process and put myself first for once in business negotiations ( i am). I just felt such a strong connection with her, as through she could see right inside me to understand exactly how I felt and what was happening around me. I felt she was able to give me profound and wise insight into how to move forward and approach my life. Just so much more than a standard predictive reading – I felt what she actually gave me was priceless spiritual guidance.”


pin: 2160

“I had a beautiful reading from Carol just now. She very sensitively outlined my boyfriend’s character and behaviour and picked up on what was causing me so much heartache. Speaking with Carol was like chatting to someone I have known for years although this was my first reading with her. She was gentle but to the point and I came away from the call feeling strong and with a very clear idea of what I need to do now.”


pin: 2160

“Carol was a very gently person in what she gave and she tuned into my past hardships very easily, described the true me on a spiritual and emotion level that made a lot of sense as the only person who truly knows me is me. Carol got to the core of my emotional self at this moment in time and was able to encourage me to believe in my abilities and how I can use these to move forward tying that very much into what I am good at when I was needing to know where my career path might go or should go.”


pin: 2160

“I had a reading with Carol today and immediately she connected with me and went straight to the area I wanted to speak about without me even uttering a word.
She is honest and straight forward and helped me clarify a lot of muddle in my own thinking. She came across as extremely warm and passionate and I would like to truly thank her for her wonderful reading today.”


pin: 2160

“Yesterday I decided to take up the special offer of a 10 minute reading. I have never had a reading before and didn’t quite know what to expect. Carole was straight on to my wavelength and I was speechless. She was so kind and caring and knew things she couldn’t have known without having her very special gift. I will definitely be ringing her again”


pin: 2160

“Had a really good reading with Carol. Really hit on the issues that were creating some stress for me and gave me the outcomes that I knew deep within me were true.”


pin: 2160

“I just had my second reading with Carol 2160 thought she was amazing again and really easy to talk to. Everything she said came true! She knew the ins and outs of my relationship and got my stubborn partner down to a tee. She also told me about a change in jobs for us that I didn’t see coming but it did! Tonight she also knew personal things that had not been shared yet and had amazing insight into my life! I’m now more positive and excited about the future! Bring it on! Thanks Carol you are an outstanding reader!”


pin: 2160

“I’ve had several readings with Carol over the last few months, and after always feel much more positive. Carol has tuned into my situation, both my difficult work life and love relationship, and without prompting. Carol is a lovely reader, very caring, non-judgemental and has helped me to see the way forward positively. “


pin: 2160

“Hi I just want to say what a fab uplifting reading I have just had from Carol 2160. She totally tuned into me and helped me with very clear guidance about what I am going through and helped me see the way ahead.”


pin: 2160

“I was so blown away with my reading with Carol (2160) that I had to leave feedback. Carol & I ‘clicked’ straight away – fantastically approachable, easy going, compassionate, honest, says it how it is – Carol ticked all the boxes of what I want from a reader. No prompting from myself, Carol picked up on my current situation straight away. Her prediction on a relationship matter was not what I wanted to hear – but I knew in my heart she had it. I could have continued to speak with Carol all evening – she has such a lovely, straightforward, amusing manner & I came away from the reading feeling uplifted, buzzing & able to take a step back and look at my situation as part of the bigger picture.”


pin: 2160

“I have just had a reading with Carol 2160 and it’s the first time that I have rang a reader back immediately to carry on with my reading! I have had a bad relationship break up which Carol picked up on straight away and how it has effected me and my children. She has given me the strength to stick by my decision and the insight into my future to know that I have choosen the right path!”


pin: 2160

“Just a short note to thank Carol for a truly inspirational reading.  Having gone through a difficult time where everything seems to be up against me – Carol has truly lifted my spirits with uplifting insights.  Carol is a spiritual double gin and tonic for the soul :)”


pin: 2160

“Carol is one of my favourite readers, she has such a genuine lovely mannerand is truly gifted! It felt like she had been in the room with me.”


pin: 2160

“Carol instantly picked up that I am a psychic which was instantaneous and the first thing she said. I was provided information on the details of a previous relationship, present relationship and also of the specific and very different challenges within both. I was also given the reading in the context of my growth and spirituality and await what she sees happening to unfold within confidence. Carol is a lovely lady to talk to, understanding, gentle and incredibly caring. I feel so much better after talking to Carol.”


pin: 2160

“I just had a reading with Carol. Unfortunately, I did not have as long with her as i would have liked but I definitely will be going back.
She left me feeling uplifted and understood very well the situation I was in and was able to see what was going on and helped me see a way through it.
Cant wait for my next reading with her.”


pin: 2160

“Just had a reading with Carol Pin 2160. She was warm friendly and very intuitive to my situation.”


pin: 2160

“I had a lovely reading from Carol this morning, she made me feel so much better about my situation, I feel much happier about things now. She is very warm and very easy to talk to, she tells the truth without being negative about it. Don’t hesitate to have a reading with her, she was brilliant.”


pin: 2160

“I have had readings with quite a few of your readers and they are all talented. Carol is one of my favourites, she is warm, sincere and very caring as well as being hugely talented.”


pin: 2160

“I have had four readings with Carol over the course of this year and each time she has delivered what she has seen in a caring and non-judgemental manner. I have laughed and I have cried during my readings as she has without fail picked up on what is happening in my life and my emotions.  Her knowledge of the feelings of others is uncanny. She has been a great help. Thank you Carol.”