Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“All of your readers are truly wonderful and inspirational. However Saffy has truly touched my heart in a profound way.. she tuned in so clearly into my deepest feelings and gave me such great insight and practical advice to help me heal my broken heart. It was a lightbulb moment.. until last night I was still stuck.. but she captured the situation and me so perfectly. I can see now how I can help myself and give me the life that I deserve. Thank you Saffy, you’re amazing.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“My reading was in depth, she picked up on relevant details that were not provided to her about people around the situation. She validated my own personal insights into the path of personal growth, which encouraged me to remember the importance of my own self knowledge and how important a balanced view is to take.”


pin: 2160

“I’d love leave few words for all the wonderful readers I’ve talked to over the year and half  here..
Beautiful Carol, Sharie, Hazel, Elona, Nicola_C, Jan-Lee, Lydia, Lynn, Maria, Saffy, Sam, Virginia..
and not forgetting amazing and always helpful lovely Julie at the reception desk !
I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart… you were all guiding stars in my darkest hours, assisting in finding my way back into the light.
I feel grateful to you all, as your warmth, sincerity & guidance in many ways I’ve always felt very deeply. What a wonderful team you have here Michele.”

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Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I really like Saffy, she doesn’t tell you want you want to hear, but she does tell you want you need to do at soul level to change negative patterns to enable you to move forward, not what most expect from a psychic reading, but very effective if you take her [guidance] on board.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I had a reading with Saffy last night, I had been looking for her to show as avaialble for ages. WOW she was worth waiting for! After connecting with her guides she immediately went into work/career for me, spot on I am in the midst of changing jobs and spirit has said it is a fantastic move for me and will give me the change to branch out. Then Saffy moved on to spirit showing her a garage (I dont have one so dismissed it) then moving on to relationship the garage came up again and it occured to me it may refer to someone I am attracted to but have tried hard to give up on, yes he works in a garage, Saffy went on to describe his personality, his past, his looks and his emotions. Very modest when thanked Saffy keeps saying it is spirit giving the information which I truly believe, she is gifted to have the connection and delivers the information in such a lovely way, it wasnt just what I wanted to hear, no false hope was given but was what I needed to hear but I have great guidance on how to move forward taking it slow and easy with this man when we meet again. Saffy you are a gem, thank you lovely lady.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“In my recent reading with Saffy she said that the man who hadnt been in touch for 3 months would be in contact and come to see me on 7th April. Well the good news is I have had text messages for the last 3 nights and in one he states he wants to come and see me on 7th April. Saffy you are truely gifted!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have recently had readings with both Lynn and Saffy, my first reading was with Lynn and I was intrigued by her use of ribbons. The reading was a general one and she really tuned into the issues in my life at the moment. She touched on a number of subjects that are at the forefront of my mind and the moment and knew details without prompting.

One of the subjects we spoke about, I wanted some more information on and as Lynn was unavailable I chose to speak to Saffy and was not disappointed! It was as though both readers knew me personally and Saffy backed up much of what Lynn had said and was able to give me more detail on the specific query I had.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I was very excited when I logged on to view Michele’s astrology video and saw that Saffy was free to talk to for a reading. She is really lovely but also quickly tunes in and says what she sees and what her guides say. She will focus on questions but can also take off after a few opening sentences from me and tell me about things that have been in my head and only vaguely thought about that are still important.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have just had a reading from Saffy and want to say how brilliant she is. Working with her spirit guides she got straight to the subject that was uppermost in my mind and gave me so much wonderful, helpful and constructive information. I have never had a reading over the phone before and was a bit worried it might be awkward or difficult but it was as if Saffy was in the same room as me. I look forward to my next reading. Thank you! And thank you Michele for just the best website which is clearly inspired by your own unique gifts and the wonderful humour and ‘down to earth’ approach you bring with your spirituality.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I am a regular customer of Saffy, she is such a wonderful reader. Without any information from me she told me that my mother, grandmother and a male maybe an Uncle was with her, she confirmed this by giving me information that only I would know which related to these people. So I know she is a genuine reader and has given me comfort to know that my relatives that have passed over are all around me.
She gave me messages from my relatives which I have taken on board and some of the predictions have come true and I cant wait for the rest to happen.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“”I have very recently had a lovely reading from Saffy who was able to provide very detailed information about my present situation using her guides. She was confident and reassurring and very quickly got to the heart of the problem. She confirmed (without any info from me) what i knew and filled in the details I didn’t.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Hi, I just had another reading with Saffy – and yet again she blew me away. This is the 4th reading I’ve had with her and every time she has consistently told me about my own emotional state and those of others – feelings I’ve not told anyone. She gave me confidence in my own abilities that the decisions I’ve recently made were correct and for my own good and that I’m on the right path. We have always had a strong connection during our readings and she has guided me through some major life changes and everything she has told me has come to fruition apart from one major thing, which i’m hoping will happen in the next couple of months. Saffy is a wonderful lady and will tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. If you want to gain some clarity and confidence in your life, speak to Saffy and you won’t be sorry!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy is unique in her style, extremely empathetic and a natural healer. I thoroughly enjoyed my reading with Saffy, just speaking with Saffy you feel a great deal of emotional release, as well as feeling genuinely uplifted.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“What can i say about this lovely lady, not only is she a kind soul but a very smart reader who delivers info from spirit with intelligence and empathy.
I have been having readings with Saffy for a while now and everything she has said has come true. There are times when she gives me something, i’ll just write it down and then as time unfolds it all fits in and makes sense! She has a fabulous connection with spirit and i feel she delivers her info with great care and in a responsible manner.
Thank you so much for all your help and guidance through the good and bad.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“As a regular client of Saffy I really should be used to her extraordinary ability as a psychic, however once more I am stunned at what she picks up and how detailed the information she gives is. She is never judgemental and has helped me through a very unpleasant time with her kindness and very useful suggestions. If she suggests an affirmation to say don’t hesitate to practice it because they work big time! Apart from the specific siuations I have asked her to look into she always gives information that makes much sense at a later date. recently she kept getting Africa when we were talking about my plans to move house. I was baffled, but today I arranged to view a flat on a road with a very unusual name. It turns out the name of the road is a place in South Africa!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy (2204) is amazing. She truly connected to me, gave me guidance, and also gave so much detail with my relationship. She also confirmed my higher thoughts. Thank you so much”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I just had a most wonderful reading with Saffy. She was extraordinarily helpful and really connected with me answering all my questions and leaving me with peace of mind about a very painful work situation and an old relationship that had been troubling me for months.I just can not do justice to how good she was and would recommend her 100% to anyone.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I just had the best reading I’ve ever had (several calls actually). Saffy (2204) is fantastic. Her reading made me feel lighter, she is clear. What a great connection. Saffy uses the spirits rather then cards and tells you what she is being told and makes sure you understand what is being said. I would definitely recommend her and will be calling again.
Thank you Saffy.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Just an update on the amazing Saffy. I have spoken to her three times now. She knew immediately that I wanted to resume my relationship with a previous partner, no one new; she knew when it had ended; she told me when he would contact me again (he did) and she said that we would meet up. We did and it was lovely and, as she said, we shall meet again. Over and above all this, though, she really helped direct my thoughts, gave me confidence and showed me the way forward.
I am indebted to her for her help. She is the best psychic I’ve ever spoken to.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy! What a wonderful soul she is – I could talk to her all night! I have had two recent readings with her and she knew exactly what my quandry was and the issues surrounding it. The second reading was to ask her advice on the way forward and, because I trust her, I have followed it. She had in fact remembered our previous conversation. I am optimistic and energised and shall let you know the outcome. Thank you for now!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have just had a reading from Saffy, she was so easy to talk to, didn’t make me feel silly about my lack of confidence and explained everything clearly and concisely. I feel quite shakey still because she was so helped, giving me affirmations to boost me. I am so glad I had the courage to phone.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have just had a reading with Saffy. I have never had a reading quite like it. Crucially for me I did not feel judged. I felt she grasped the depth and complexity of my situation and confirmed many of the hunches I have had, which has helped my confidence enormously. Saffy, I cannot tell you how helpful and comforting my reading was, even though all is not rosy in my garden. I have been floundering around and feeling very isolated. There were several points made that I really needed to hear. I feel I have found the strength and regained a sense of the goodness in the world. Saffy, thank you so much”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I had an excellent reading with Saffy (2204). It was straight to the point and I felt refreshed by the calm, down to earth way she has of getting to the heart of the issues. Thank you.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Just had a reading with Saffy (2204) – she literally blew me away. Her guides gave me exactly what i needed to hear as well as guidance and encouragement to take the next steps. I’ve had many readings before but this one was different and uplifting. If you are reading this feedback, you need to speak to Saffy, she’s brilliant.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Lovely Saffy… thank you for another amazing reading. Both times I’ve spoken to you it’s like talking to a family member, or someone who knows you on a really deep level. You connect to situations beyond the physical, and have really helped me to see how the situation I’m in is helping me to grow spiritually.
Always patient, and you didn’t waver from what you’ve told me before, despite not remembering the previous reading! Truly amazing.. Oh, and as much as I didn’t want to hear it, I think you could have been right about a new guy coming in to my life.. I met someone yesterday, and he’s asked me out on friday.. so we’ll see! Love to you Saffy, you’re a gem.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I am a new customer to this website and had my first reading with Saffy (2204). I have to say i was absolutely amazed and as a new customer she made me feel at ease and explained the process which has helped me to understand my inner strength. Left me feeling fantastic and focused on what i need to do for ME!!

Thanks again.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Dear Saffy, I just wanted to say thank you for an insightful and deeply helpful reading. You have helped me to see the reasons for my current circumstances on a very proufound spiritual level, and I feel more at peace about things than I have for a long time. All the information you gave about my career has made me feel really excited about the future. Truly you have an incredible gift, I will be back to let you know how things pan out. Much love and thanks!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have to say that Saffy is the most amazing psychic. She is astonishing with the details she picks up. A couple of months ago she told me I would recieve profound news from America, I did a month ago. She has predicted work contracts and been spot on when she saw that some would take off, another would have difficulties and then work out. Sometimes she has said things that I have thought, ‘I don’t believe that.’ but always she is correct as time and time again these things come to pass.”
Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I would like to say a big thank you to Saffy and Steve. I have been going through a very hard time in my life, and they helped me through. without their support, kindness and upliftement, I wouldnt have been able to stay as strong as I have.
They have given me hope for the future and helped me to see a light at the end of a tunnel.
I’m so glad that I had chosen to contact them, Well done, michele! x”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Over the last month I have been in a very bad place in my life and have had readings from Jan Lee, Maria, Martine, Saffy and Lynn. They have all predicted the the same outcome to a situation and have given unconditional love and support. I cannot thank them all enough. In my darkest hours they have given me light at the end of the tunnel.  Thank you to them all loads of love and happiness to them all. Thank you Michele for finding them all and letting them share their gifts which help so many people.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I would just like to leave feedback for the AMAZING Saffy! I have had numerous readings with Saffy over the last 14 months, and all I can say is that she has never failed me. My first reading gave me a few home truths, which made me face up to some issues in my life. Since then I haven’t looked back with the support of Saffy and her spirit guides. Whenever I’ve been unsure about my feelings, mainly relating to my love life, I have contacted Saffy and she has provided me with down to earth, no-nonsense information in a supportive and caring manner. Saffy predicted that I was going to get married, even before I could have considered it, and discussed things about my life that no-one else knows. The majority of the predictions that she has made, too numerous to mention, have already come to pass, and now I feel excited about what she has predicted for my future. Give her a go and you really won’t be disappointed! Thank you so much Saffy!”
Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Just wanted to leave feedback for the lovely Saffy! I had a reading with Saffy back in January and she predicted that I would meet a lovely kind man around March time and that we would go on holiday in the Spring and around June and August time. I did indeed meet that man in March and we have already had one holiday together and have two others booked, one in June and one in August! She described him to a tee and also said he would have a child from a previous relationship, which he has. Saffy is a real star reader and a very caring and special lady.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I am always quick to complain, but never commend. I just had a reading with Saffy and she is truly a credit to your team. She is amazing! She not only picked up on an issue that has been weighing on my shoulders for months now, but more importantly she lightened the load and sent me well on the path to resolving it. Thank you!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy, Saffy, Saffy!!! This woman is amazing and her connection with spirit is true, genuine and very real.  although I may have dismissed the always comes to fruition! If you want a realistic interpretation of events specific to your life TALK TO SAFFY.  You may be initially saddened by the reality of truth (because sometimes I’ve wanted stuff that was bad for me and I’ve been so close to that wall I couldn’t even see it) but ultimately the truth has set me free! Over a period of two years and many trials in my life, men, …..times when I thought my situation was hopeless, Saffy always delivered really honest, direct information to me which has all come true and I have to say it’s wonderful to now sit in the light, learn from past experience, live and grow. Thank you for this amazing gift you’ve given me.  May the forces be with you always.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy is a good reader if you need counselling, or emotional advice.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Hi – just had a reading with Saffy – worth every penny. Will definitely be in touch with her again. Saffy has explained so much to me that I feel I am on the right road to reaching my full potential as a person. She has given me much insight regarding a certain person and insight into myself as a person. Love and Light (you’re fab).”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy really is astonishing.  I met a man a few months ago in a foreign country, we didn’t exchange any details – in fact, I wasn’t really sure what his name was!  Saffy assured me that he would make contact.  This would have been extremely difficult as he didn’t even know my surname and we both live in different countries and met in another country.  Two and a half months and three countries later, he has made contact!  Now all I need is patience….Thank you Saffy, what a wonderful lady you are!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“…I have also had readings in the past with Saffy and Jeanie who too have given me lots of support and guidance with my problems.  Annie, Saffy and Jeanie have told me things about myself that no one else knows on this planet but me.  Wow, I’m so glad you have been there for me.  Thank you so much.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I have had a few readings with Saffy and I can honestly say that on each occasion she never ceases to amaze.  She’s an incredibly talented lady with a genuine gift; she is caring, and has a natural ability to empower you. I would highly recommend her without any hesitation to anyone who wants a genuine reading. Thank you so much.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy is fantastic………a true gem, intelligent, warm, empathetic, witty, charming….a woman of substance! Thank you Saffy for all your healing and guidance and most of all for sharing this precious gift!

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Would just like to say a huge thank you to Saffy for her amazing reading today. I was truly astounded by what she told me and will now move forward with her wonderful advice. Thanks again x”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Had a reading with Saffy a few weeks ago. She predicted an offer of work for September between the 2nd and 3rd week from the reading. Spot on!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Just had a reading from Saffy, she was wonderful! Very warm. Made me feel more empowered and positive about my future. Thank you. xxx”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I just want to say thanks to Saffy – It is always a very empowering experience talking to Saffy. There’s just so much information on how to tackle issues on a deeper level. It never fails to amaze me whenever I talk to Saffy – the last time she predicted a move in Feb and I did move.. and I am always blown away by her insight!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy predicted I would receive money. I am due to receive a bonus in March and a pay rise in April. As she said Tony would be in touch on Thursday at 4pm and guess what he texted me on Thursday at 4.03pm. Give her a call you won’t regret it. The more open you are about receiving from spirit and you take on board what you are given the more they will give you.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“You said I would meet a man called Tony. Well I have and now we are engaged!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“Saffy – is she just the most adorable healer ever!!”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I had a reading with Saffy the other night and she was simply amazing. She told me info about someone in the spirit world who was near me,  I will definately call her again.”

Psychic Reader Saffy 2204


pin: 2204

“I would like to say a big thank you to Saffie for the reading/healing she gave to me back in May. She asked me why a particular man in my life was ‘surrounded by water…that he was writing and that he felt very down’. I was thinking deeply about an ex, who ten years ago was on a cruise ship (surrounded by water!) and wrote me a beautiful love letter!”