
pin: 2295

Amazingly accurate predictions Gina gets straight to the point without wasting anytime. If you can pin down a reading with her, you will not be disappointed. A very special reader.


pin: 2295

“I had my first reading with Gina today and I am blown away by her accuracy. She is such a delight and I cannot wait to get another reading with her.”


pin: 2295

“Gina asks for no info just tunes right in. I didn’t have to say a word (and actually I couldn’t as I was in awe to what she was saying). She was so accurate with all the information she fired back about what was going on around me. She picked up even the tiniest of details about my POI and her predictions are already happening. Gina is amazing and if you have a chance to have a reading with her, you won’t be disappointed.”

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pin: 2295

“Super accurate and insightful about my POI. Always feel so much better and smarter after our call.”


pin: 2295

I have spoken with many psychics but Gina and Louise has blown me away. Gina was so on target with in the detailed information she gave me, this was before I even asked her anything..These two ladies are truly gifted and has filled my soul with hope and shown me that I am on track.


pin: 2295

“I’ve had many readings with Gina over the last 2 years because of a difficult time. I wanted to say how consistent, kind and gifted she is. She has helped keep me on track and gave a lot of clarity.”


pin: 2295

“I’ve had a few readings with Gina and she is now my go to for a grounded, intelligent and perceptive reading. She picks up a lot of background details and links it well into the situation a whole. I feel I can ask specific questions though a lot of the time I don’t need to. She always seems to help me ground when i call in confusion about an issue and puts it into perspective in an uplifting and empowering way. Thanks Gina”.


pin: 2295

“I have spoke with many talented readers with you. Gina I feel is a reader who can connect deeply and quickly with her clients – certainly she did with me. I have been in a difficult relationship situation for many years – with the same wonderful person – and Gina has helped me understand the truths of what lies between us. I will be talking to her again. Sometimes there are special and talented readers who one is guided to connect with – and I feel that Gina is one of those. Thank you so much Gina for your insight and guidance – at last I feel I have the real truth of my relationship – and it is now a truth that I am sure about.”


pin: 2295

“Gina and Lucy U. I have connected with both readers on numerous occasions. These are two readers with exceptional gifts and offer a lot more than just a prediction. I feel they have supported me on my life path, at times through very dark valleys. A time that I needed a loving, gentle yet strong energy to hold me and they never failed to deliver. They have given deep inner guidance which was always delivered with such love, passion, strength & light. These two angels helped me keep the faith when I felt the light had gone out they always managed to switch it back on and give me hope again!! I can highly recommend either of them, they deliver in their own unique way, yet together they always seemed to knit the ends together which helped me navigate along a very difficult path to knowing my deeper self. I felt held in a safe space to be able to work through things to grow & evolve. I truly thank them both with all my heart and can honestly say if you are needing support, love & guidance in your life you have found the right two people.”


pin: 2295

“Gina has been nothing but an absolute star since I began speaking with her in September 17. In truth, the reason for my initial call was to do with love life – of which Gina provided accurate information and guidance. But during that first reading and subsequent ones since, Gina had always referred to changes in my career – which in truth at the time did not resonate at all. Gina stated these changes would be taking place during a warmer time of year and would mean a huge uplift in my career. Roll on to July and completely out of the blue several job opportunities presented themselves. At the time I was gobsmacked (two in one week) and then remembered Gina’s readings – I was able to go back and listen to those readings and start joining the dots. The most important aspect of this is that Gina advised me that although offers would come in from outside my current organisation, an offer would also come from my current employer which would offer me the promotion and level of responsibility I have been looking for. Further to this Spirit were advising the they would really want me for this particular role so I would have some negotiating power. So here I am in early September having taken Gina’s advice on board. I have been promoted and also had the confidence to negotiate terms which were acceptable to me. I would not have had the courage to do this without Gina or Spirits guidance.  Gina – thank you from the bottom of my heart.”



pin: 2295

Some 18/20 months ago I had a reading with Gina. At the time I was in a very different place to where I am today, this of course is part of her prediction. Although when I revisited what had transpired on the call she clearly predicted a friendship, or more a transcendence of a relationship with a person in my life to a friendship today that wouldn’t be recognisable. At the time of the reading it was impossible for me to see this at all and nor did I want it to, Gina offered it to me as gentle, honest and yet direct manner possible. In that moment it was refuted by me as being not only something I wasn’t interested in, but more so that the person involved would not want that either given the issues and the fall out from that situation. Here I am today having been able to transend the issues and hold a space of friendship with that person in a very different way than was available previously. All the additional detail was reviewed as well, and most of this detail has shown to be bang on. Proving to me, Gina has immense integrity to say what’s been seen and what’s true for her and is conveyed even if you aren’t in a place to hear it yet! Having had several readings of fantastic quality across the years Gina is a reader of significance, she has also been consistent as I had subsequent readings, although had not recalled this one at all.


pin: 2295

This is one seriously talented and totally lovely lady. Gina gave me an incredible reading a few weeks ago and I left feeling hugely better and uplifted. Talking to Gina feels very easy and the information she brings is extremely insightful. She doesn’t ask for any detail – I gave her an area of focus and the information just seemed to pour out! Gina made a number of predictions for the following months; one prediction being that an opportunity for a mini break ( which I couldn’t foresee how it might happen at all) came about just as she predicted a week later when I was invited to a friends surprise hen-do away. I only wish Gina was online more because she is up there with my favourite MK readers.


pin: 2295

“This is one seriously talented and totally lovely lady. Gina gave me an incredible reading a few weeks ago and I left feeling hugely better and uplifted. Talking to Gina feels very easy and the information she brings is extremely insightful. She doesn’t ask for any detail – I gave her an area of focus and the information just seemed to pour out! Gina made a number of predictions for the following months; one prediction being that an opportunity for a mini break (which I couldn’t foresee how it might happen at all) came about just as she predicted a week later when I was invited to a friends surprise hen-do away. I only wish Gina was online more because she is up there with my favourite MK readers.”


pin: 2295

“I first connected with Gina eight weeks ago. Without me providing any information she delved deeply into my circumstances giving an astonishingly accurate synopsis touching on information I hadn’t even shared with my closest friends. Gina then went on to outline the outcome over the coming months. From the minute I spoke with Gina I immediately picked up on her sincerity and integrity. Gina delivers her readings with empathy and without judgement. I have spoken to her several times since and although weeks have passed her messages remain consistent. She is an incredibly special person and I can’t thank her enough for the reassurance she has given me over a very difficult time.”


pin: 2295

“I’ve had a number of readings with Gina and she has helped me immensely to fathom, understand and navigate a very challenging situation in my life and if things work out as I hope they do, then I will be forever grateful for the assistance and guidance she has given along the way. I cannot praise Gina highly enough.”


pin: 2295

“Hi. Just wanted to say I have had a few readings with Gina now and have loved and been amazed by every one of them. She has described my situation each time exactly. Given the negative and positive news in a very compassionate and caring manner. Her readings are intelligent and articulate. Her readings leave you feeling empowered with the detail and guidance that she gives you. I will definitely be back for more.”


pin: 2295

“I’ve spoken with Gina a few times now, having been stunned with the detail she gave me the first time I spoke with her. Everything was spot on – I’ve never known anything like it. Since then, every time I’ve spoken with her she’s been able to give me further information whilst still covering the same issue, and it’s all been correct. There was only one thing she told me that confused me, but I’ve since found out the person did indeed have red hair, just it was before I met them. Although she’s very straightforward, all the information is delivered in such a positive friendly manner, she really manages to put you at ease.”


pin: 2295

“I found Gina to be a good solid reader with nice energy. With little information from me she was able to pick up on a current situation and gave me accurate details around this in addition to a prediction fitting with my own thoughts and plans. I found Gina’s style to be open and articulate.”