Psychic Reader - Pearl 2380


pin: 2380

Pearl is absolutely wonderful. I  have been having regular readings for well over a year and find both her insight  and humour invaluable. When I started with my readings, I was was quite anxious about a various  aspects in life but with time I’ve managed to grasp hold of the reins myself with Pearl’s perils of wisdom (that are so spot on ) echoing in my ear long after putting  down the phone.

Psychic Reader - Pearl 2380


pin: 2380

Pearl is a wonderfully gentle and kind reader and her guidance was so in line with my current energies. Pearl managed to reassure me and could also see why things felt as they did and gave me information to back this up and affirm. She is able to pinpoint how long things might last and when things have the potential to change for the better. This has really helped me to be patient with myself and my current situation. Pearl gave me some good guidance on some small things to watch out for in terms of things that might trip me up on my way. I feel very safe and held with Pearl and she is clearly very connected! I will let you know how things go Pearl! Thank you.

Psychic Reader - Pearl 2380


pin: 2380

Uplifted and amazed!  That was me, after a reading with Pearl.  She drilled into things with uncanny insight.  Identified some very specific and unusual issues connected with a project I’m working on – with no prompting.  Also described how a friend and I can best work together, to achieve our creative goals.  And yes – she’s exactly as described:  warm, gentle, thoughtful, fair.  I couldn’t agree more – she’s a total gem!

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Psychic Reader - Pearl 2380


pin: 2380

She is a Pearl – a real treasure  – and I recommend her.  Pearl comes directly to the point and delivers detailed information that is both useful and inspiring. She has a soft, gentle manner and is  sympathetic and kind. I connected with her immediately and resonated with everything that she said to me. I was able to act on the information that she gave me, which brought positive results. I hold her in my highest esteem.