Our Psychic Xmas message to you!
You may not be celebrating Christmas itself today, but we can all share in the essence of what it’s really all about, which is a time when we pause and send good will to everybody. I asked some of our readers what they wanted to share with you for the season.
Raven wanted to pass on something that she does at this time of year to mark the passage from the old to the new. She says, “Well something I have done for almost 20 years now is buy myself a present. I have a good look round the shops and see some small inexpensive thing that really floats my boat then buy some expensive wrapping paper a posh tag and label it, “From me last year”, “To me this year”. It might sound a bit bonkers, but you see I don’t open the present until New Years day! It means I get to start the New Year with a gift. When I open the parcel, I look back over the year gone and say well done and thank you to the old me and then let her go on her way. I always throw away the wrapping paper because then I know that I have learnt some very expensive lessons over the year and although I’ve let go of past negative experiences, I remember what they cost! Then I enjoy what’s left inside.”
If you are celebrating Christmas with family or friends, Fiona wanted to share a piece of wisdom she has learned from 18 years of being a wife and mother, and that’s to see the blessing of an imperfect Christmas. She explains, “Christmas day rarely goes perfectly so if the Turkey is tough and the crackers don’t quite crack and you forgot batteries for some toys, or whatever went wrong, don’t stress. Look around at what you have, the love and happy eyes and remember pretty much each day is imperfect in a small way. So enjoy what you have.”
Sue C says, “Keep it simple, spend time with the ones that mean the most to you, keep the time sincere and special. Don’t worry if you haven’t been able to spend a lot of money, just give whatever you have been able to get from the heart. Maybe you could spend some time today in making gifts for each other. This is the time of loving and giving.”
It’s a sentiment shared by Sophia, who says, “Christmas is a time where we are naturally more inclined to contemplate. Every night before going to bed, make a list of at least three things you are grateful for in your life. To practice gratefulness is an act of giving back to the Universe. We may not always have enough money to give to charity or to contribute in a material way, but we do have the ability to say thank you. It will feel great!”
As with any celebration, it can also be a time when we may feel sad at who is no longer there to share it with us. At every celebration, I always lay a plate for my mother and we always spent a few moments thinking of friends who are no longer with us. Along these lines, Jan Lee says, “I love this quote by Winnie The Pooh, “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you.” For those who have lost someone this year, remember this — your loved ones are always with you, in your heart forever and ever and one day you will be reunited. I don’t just think this is true, I know it is. I hope you have a wonderful time this Christmas and that 2011 is your best year yet.”
My own message to you goes out to anyone who is spending today alone for any reason. Make this day a day for you, when you make a total commitment to yourself. You can make it a day of peace and pleasure. Remember that you have true freedom to create exactly the day that you want. Cook yourself something delicious to eat, light candles and dress to please you. Or spend the day snuggled in your pyjamas, watching what you want on TV. Do whatever brings you peace, happiness and joy. You are a unique soul and no one can take your place. Remember that you are loved and more special than you could possibly know.
And that just leaves me to wish you all a very happy holiday and Yuletide Greetings from everyone at Michele Knight to every one of you, whoever and wherever you are.
With all our love,
Michele and all at Michele Knight Psychics x
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
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