February 2019 Horoscope Forecast
Monthly Forecast For All Signs February 2019
- Open your arms and embrace all the universe wants for you
- Jumpstart those dreams
- Where can the power of passion take you?
That final attitude or outlook adjustment takes place this month. Makeover yourself and see yourself in a new light this February. For the past seven years you have had the planet of reinvention – Uranus in your sign asking you to be exactly who you were always destined to be. And freeing you from anything that was holding you back from doing just that. The fact is, our success birthright rests of us giving ourselves permission to be just that. When we embrace and then showcase who we are, we not only open the floodgates to happiness and success, but we attract in the people who love us for exactly who we are. Ruler Mars is about to make one final meeting with Uranus in your 1st on the day before Valentine’s Day. This is the last time you will experience this in your lifetime. Uranus is all about freedom, individuality and evolution. Stepping into all you can imagine you can be. Are you ready to embrace a new daring and to demonstrate to the world just how far you have come these past seven years? Your personal evolution is fuelled by passion and action. What is it you can initiate to show the world just how far you have come?
This is a month to be yourself and also to open your arms out to the universe and to allow in new people, ideas and possibilities. The sign of Aquarius is Uranus’s ruling sign and the 4th brings a soul-stirring new Moon. How do you answer the call to revolutionise your ideas around how others see you, your brand, your connections and your social life and also your goals? Jumpstart those dreams now and also see yourself as able to attract in the people, contacts and connections you need to make them happen. Do you have a dream or even a journey to your dream to share? This is an excellent new Moon under which to start that vlog, blog, website or just look to how you use your social media presence. Above all, focus on connectivity. Please make extra effort now to meet or connect to people as this new Moon determines whether your social circle is set to expand or contract over the next year.
Divine inspiration, following those intuitive ideas and making them real feature now Mercury enters your 12th from the 10th. The past also features in ways you might not expect. Resurrecting an idea is one potential as is hearing from people from your past and for some of you, these could even be from your childhood, old school friends or past neighbours. There’s also something to do with tapping into what you learned in the past and using this in the present. Others could look back at their school years. Were these happy times for you or were you glad to put them behind you? Are you happy your level of education or do you feel you could or should go back to school on some level? If so, class is in session now even if it is at the University of the Universe!
Valentine’s Day promises sensuality and demonstrations of love rather than poetry and talking about it. All thanks to Mars changing signs and arriving in your 2nd. You’ll want to show rather than tell how much you care. V Day plans could also include sensual pleasures – food, wine and yes – love making. Your desires come to the surface ready to be expressed. You’ll sweep up the object of your passion, wowing and wooing them and then scorching them with that heat between the sheets! Single and seeking? Yes, that passion is stirring but if you have no focus for that hot love you are feeling then channeling this into new ventures which allow for creative self-expression or boost your income or self-worth, gets your ruler working for you.
When it comes to work and your career, time to see yourself as more capable, more desirable (to employers, clients or even that lover who sends your stock soaring!), than ever before. If you don’t see yourself as valuable and know your worth, then how do you expect others too? Embody a new, beautifully serious gravitas with a touch of theatricality thrown in. Above all, know what it is you want as Venus and Saturn get smooching in Saturn’s ruling 10th on the 18th. Make your best impression now and also know, no, you are not punching above your weight be it in your career or your personal aspirations. Venus will move on and meet Pluto in here on the 23rd pointing to intense and possible beautiful transformations. Your moment has arrived and you’re ready for your close-up. Be aware that people are paying close attention to you now. Play to your audience and give them what they want (hint: That’s you!).
Between the time that Venus meets Saturn and then Pluto, we have the Sun in your spiritual 12th on the 18th and Mercury enhancing your intuitive process on the 19th when it meets with the ruler of this house, Neptune. You can tap into past ideas, talents and experiences, and even those from a past life, and reshape them to bring them into the present. Go with that gut feeling. News could just open up a portal into the deeper meaning behind what it is you do – or are destined to, as life could just reveal a fresh path. How do you get where you are going? In that Avatar – your body of course. The full Supermoon in your 6th on the 19th could just reveal a body of evidence when it comes to how you treat yours, the fuel you put into it, the exercise (or not) that you take. It’s a cosmic call out to remind you that no matter what talents, skills, ideas and desire to succeed that you have, you won’t get anywhere if that body is not in good repair. Take some time to tune in and see what it is telling you now. Bring work related projects to fruition and remain focused on the details and the job in hand. Do not allow distraction to creep in. Take a practical rather than an emotional approach but at the same time, pay close attention to what that body is telling you.
The month ends with the call for a compromise. Yes, you need more and to fulfil your soul’s calling on some level. But you also need to remember that true success comes with striking a balance. And nobody gets ‘it all’ – no matter what the media might want us to believe. In fact, having ‘it all’ and maintaining that, would end up being pretty exhausting. Ceres in your 9th square the Sun in your 12th asks you to relinquish something in order to have an alternative that is so much better. How do you know what/how/where to do this? Your soul knows the direction true freedom lies. Head towards it and allow what holds you back to fall away. Now you’re living up to all the promise of that passion that fuels the entire month for you, Aries.
In a nutshell: Get to know the power of your desires this February. It may be Valentine’s Day but you are in a position to win hearts and minds all month long, Aries.
- Fall in love with renewed desire and ambitions
- Obstacles to success vanish
- Big up those love dreams
February could mark the start of a love affair with a fresh ambition. The month begins with a powerful new Moon in your 10th of rewards, recognition, reputation and status. Step into a new cycle of achievement and the ability to influence your destiny when it comes to your career path now. Time to see the professional ‘you’ in a fresh light. This is an excellent new Moon under which to begin a new role – or to apply for one. To relaunch that career and to get people in positions of influence and authority, seeing you in an entirely fresh light. It says not to take yourself for granted any more or to underestimate or undersell yourself if that is what you have been doing.
It’s time to get out of your own way if you have been creating blocks to your own success. Very often we can be unaware we are doing this. Or sometimes it is someone or something else entirely that stands between us and fulfilling our destiny potential. But we cannot see this for what it is. Just prior to Valentine’s Day, watch how the truth reveals itself for one last break-free time as Mars and Uranus meet in your 12th for what will be their final encounter in your lifetime. What holds you back, whether self-created or imposed on you by circumstances or others, drops away behind you for good. Allowing you to step forward into your full potential unencumbered. When we see something for what it is, it no longer has the power to bind us. Prepare for a freedom-inducing revelation.
You are now in preparation time for one of the most exciting and freedom-inducing cycles you have ever experienced. Mars’s arrival in your 1st on Valentine’s Day brings you a sneak preview of what may lie ahead. This is going to be all about your values and what truly matters to you. You’re in a go-getting frame of mind and when it comes to expressing how you feel, you’ll have no problem letting others know exactly what is in your heart. Allow that latent passion that is always present with you free rein to express itself. Know what you want and then go after it. Above all, that wild side which you may sometimes keep under wraps or just push aside due to taking those responsibilities seriously, needs an outlet now. If you are settled, then you need more than just one V-Day date night to explore this.
Ruler Venus in your 9th this month points to a freer, bigger, more passionate love experience. Have you been feeling restricted on any level lately? Gateways to opportunity re-open as it meets Saturn in here on the 18th and a major transformation could follow after another passionate encounter with Pluto in here on the 23rd. There’s something larger than life about all of this. You could find the courage to claim something bigger for yourself be it a travel or work opportunity or a love which sets your soul free. If you work in academia, the travel industry, the law (or are engaged in legal proceedings) the mass media, sports, the outdoors or with animals, this could see that big breakthrough you have been waiting for. Contact or dealing with people or companies overseas brings benefits. Above all, this tells you that putting up with the status quo or just settling for something, is just not longer an option for you.
These themes of newness, passion, expansion and stepping free into fresh opportunity extend right across the sky and into other areas of your chart. The 10th sees Mercury getting social in your 11th. Expect improvements in your social life with new friends and contacts to be made and existing ones enjoyed and strengthened. Make an effort to connect and stay in touch. If you reach out to others, they and the world will reach back to you. Accept all invitations coming your way and extend some yourself. If you have been feeling the lack of like-minded souls in your life, you are in a position to do something about this after the 18th when the Sun also arrives in your 11th. You may even get the feeling you have met one of these before thanks to a meeting between Mercury and Neptune in here on the 19th. A past friendship could also re-emerge with new resonance for you both. For the single Taureans out there, a full Supermoon in your romantic 5th house on the 19th is just one more reason not to stay home cocooning with that boxset or hiding yourself away. Prepare to be worshipped and adored if you schedule date night for now. It’s a fabulous night for a moondance! This Moon’s light could reveal a new love opportunity or see you handed a chance to shine and be noticed via what you do. Prepare to step into the spotlight and to be noticed. Whatever you do – don’t hide your light away.
Changes and compromise bring the month to a close. Is someone offering you something but with conditions attached? Is generosity in fact an attempt at control? If you are negotiating anything right now, hang on to those values I talked about earlier. Know where you are prepared to compromise but where you need to stand firm. Ceres in your 8th is all about your power of negotiation but also your ability to see when something which is on offer has strings attached to it. The Sun in your 11th makes a hard but illuminating angle to Ceres on this day. So, you will enter into anything with your eyes wide open. It says ultimately there is an agreement to be reached and a compromise to be struck. How you come up with this solution may have others – and the other party, looking at you in a whole new light. Selling out however is simply not an option. Neither is letting anyone else run your show this February, Taurus.
In a nutshell: February prepares you to break free of anything that holds you back. Time to take a leading role in your own life, Taurus. Your audience- and your future – is waiting.
- Uncover the secret to success
- Step into peak performance
- Love transcends time and space
You could just have others wondering what the secret to your success is this month, Gemini. Inspiration fuses with practical action. You’re no longer content to dream or think it – you follow through and are prepare to do whatever it takes. It’s a potent mix and if you combine the ingredients correctly, a recipe for success. You have what it takes this February.
It all begins with the new Moon which appears in your 9th on the 4th. Freedom, friendship, who you know and also what you know, open up doors to travel, learning and opportunity. Make no mistake, this new Moon marks is the start of a journey – either real or metaphorical. This journey may be initiated by a major change around your finances, assets, loans, resources, your salary or even a key relationship. There’s also a need to create a foundation or to make yourself secure on some level. Think of it this way: if you are going to set sail you don’t just need a ship – you need a home port to return to. February offers you the opportunity to create just that before setting sail.
Ruler Mercury heads into your 10th on the 10th and hands you the secret to your success as it does. Mercury in here is all about taking care of business. You’ve an eye for the details now and access to a wellspring of original ideas. You may even astound those you work with or do business with by your spooky ability to apparently know what they want before they know it themselves. And deliver it! To bosses, clients (present and potential) and anyone in a position of influence and authority, you come across as someone who knows what they are talking about. So, ensure that is the case and don’t whatever you do pretend to know the answer when you don’t. Bear in mind nobody has all the answers but the successful person knows when to admit this – and also who to ask to get the information they need!
The 13th sees Mars encounter Uranus in its ruling 11th in your chart for the final time in your lifetime. Over the last seven years, Uranus should have delivered new and unusual friendships, revolutionary ways for you to connect to wider groups of people than ever before and exciting and soul evolving goals to aim for. This final meeting has you looking closely at what remains relevant for you. There’s a restlessness behind this, and potentially a desire to move on if some friendships have now been lived out or hold you back. Check goals now for relevance. Do they ignite your passion and stretch you the way they once did? Valentine’s Day sees Mars move into your 12th ahead of Uranus next month. This is the house in our charts where we can reach across the barriers of time and space and bring through ideas, insight, inspiration and experiences from our past to use in the present. This includes the accumulated love and knowledge of our past lives too. Remember, our soul destiny and connections transcend time and space. The 12th house is our cosmic safety deposit box. What we deposit in there over many lifetimes is always there for us to access. But often we are unaware it is even there. Mars in our 12th puts us in soul warrior mode. We’re fearlessly looking in nooks and crannies to discover the truth. And opening the box which also contains the truth about ourselves – and others. Expect peak performances and creativity and a truth that could connect you to a past life love.
Those peak performances are set to impress others when it comes to your career now. As is your creativity. Mercury in your 10th is joined by the Sun in here from the 18th and on the 19th, we see that perfect fusion between inspiration and practical application take place as Mercury meets Neptune in here. This could be your X Factor moment provided you have infused those original ideas with the right amount of detail and taken a methodical, practical approach. Do your research and back up what you say with fact. No matter what area you work or operate in, see yourself as a story teller but this is no fantasy you’re selling. This is hard news. Stick to the facts, demonstrate you can bring it and by the light of the full Supermoon in its ruling 4th also on the 19th, you could lay those foundations for future success.
Tangible results may not take long to appear either. While you’ve been focused on utilising ideas for achievement, power moves have been taking place in your 8th with Venus meeting Saturn in here on the 18th and then moving on to encounter Pluto on the 23rd. For some of you, this could deliver a raise, salary increase, bonus or put you in a powerful position when it comes to money or access to other people’s. It goes without saying if you are put in a position where you have access to other people’s money or other resources, please keep all your actions transparent and above board. Because this is also your house of desire and relationships where sex is important, this could be a defining moment for a relationship. It’s either hot – or not now. Passion could take you and your partner to a new level, a new and intense attraction could prove downright irresistible, you commit for the long haul or decide that the connection is not for you after all.
Ensure with all your decisions this month that you think in the long term especially when it comes to making yourself secure and having that ‘port’ to return to. Big decisions and agreements can be made and reached. Know that when the time comes to make them, you will choose the right one. Setting sail on a journey for some of you may even involve a house or job move but if so, this will enhance your security over the long term. If you are settled, this may involve renegotiating that work/life balance with your loved ones. Even if you are currently unattacched, some kind of compromise between your public and your personal life may need to be reached. You could find yourself with success within your grasp but suddenly realise that this leaves you no time for relationships. Balancing what you need to achieve in the world with what you need on a soul level forms a major part of your success story this month. There’s a tight angle forming between Ceres, the Queen of Compromise in your 7th and the Sun in your career sector as the month ends. Those smarts have got you this far. Reach for one more inspired idea and then see how this can be utilised to give you – and someone else, what you need. Remember, what we are talking about here is time. That soul safety deposit box transcends that and you access it by entering the world of inspiration and higher love. It’s not so much about access all areas, but success all areas when you utilise what you’ll find within. And that’s the secret to your success this month.
In a nutshell: What’s the secret to your success this month, Gemini? Others may wonder. Maybe it’s your uncanny ability to know what others want before they do – and deliver it.
- Forge your own path
- Go somewhere you’ve never been before
- Destiny + love = transformation
Do you believe fate or destiny is a force that carries us along? Or do you believe we can influence it? Or perhaps you think it is a bit of both? That some events and people are destined to cross our path but the free will bit comes in with how we choose to react? The reason I am writing about this is that February has more than a touch of fate about it especially when it comes to your current, former or potential partner, close friendships or working ties or even that enemy. This month destiny is at work and a big cosmic clock could just be timing you.
Change is in the air from the first week of the month, heralded by a new Moon in your 8th. It points to a transformation and this could be around money (your salary, loans, joint accounts, payouts, benefits and maintenance) or a relationship that runs deep – or has the potential to. New Moons always bring us a new phase – this is not an ending but a beginning. Intense activity in your career zone follows with a final meeting between Mars and Uranus in here on the 13th. This is the final time this will happen in your lifetime. Innovate, be bold and forge your own path when it comes to your career whether you work for someone else or yourself. This is about taking action and also showing people in positions of influence what you and you alone bring to the table. This is no time to undersell yourself. Adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and above all, ensure you stand out from the competition. Success is yours if you make your move and above all – be yourself. If you have been stuck in a dead-end job or on the wrong path, this is the moment when you may be propelled out of it and on to a better one. But please, take action on your own behalf as opposed to just being carried along. Influencing destiny or at the very least outcomes? In this instance – yes, you can.
Travel may feature this month or at the very least you’ll want to explore the bigger picture, the hidden and mysterious meaning behind the forces which govern our lives. This could go hand-in-hand with a desire to escape anything you consider confining or mundane. Adventure, exploration and learning are permitted. As is exploring the realms of fantasy when it comes to spiritual learning or creativity. But stay connected to the ‘real’ world and don’t get lost in escapism. Mercury enters your 9th from the 10th sending you in search for the higher truth. Your ideas around the world are set to expand and some of you may do this exploring quite literally via travel which is highlighted for you now. Be transported somewhere eye and mind opening once the Sun reaches here on the 18th. Opportunity is all around you now but you have to go look for it. Out of this world experiences are promised thanks to a meeting between Mercury and Neptune in here intent on transporting you somewhere different or just opening your mind to the larger more spiritual dimensions of life. Even if you are staying close to home, expect people from far away to feature in some way. Travel in your mind and explore what possibilities are they for you. Dare to try something you have always wanted to. Delve deep into a subject matter. If you are seeking answers now – from anything to the meaning of life or what your true purpose is – expect to receive them. This could mark the beginning of what feels like a major trip and by that I don’t mean the psychedelic kind but someone or something which takes you out of your ‘ordinary’ world and plants your feet firmly in a new one.
But the main theme for you this month is relationship destiny. Saturn is the great cosmic timekeeper and the ruler of karma and soul contracts we have with others. Saturn tells us when it is time for something to happen – and in your 7th we are talking about Time for Love. Saturn also tells us when time’s up and when it’s time to get serious. The symbol of Father Time is associated with Saturn. Pluto making its long term transit of your 7th rules relationships where sex is important, endings, death, transformation and rebirth. This month sees the ruler of your 7th – Venus meet both Saturn (18th) and then Pluto (23rd) in here. So, expect transformation around a key relationship or your relationship status. Yes, destiny has its role to play here. If you are destined to be together or be in a partnership now, you will be. Some of you could go from single to suddenly being a couple. Others may realise they are with the perfect person and now take this to the next stage or conversely, that the person they thought would play a major role in their future no longer has a part in it.
All this tells you that love, like comedy, relies on timing. Soul contracts fall due at the appointed time. Many of us have had the experience of going out searching for a partner and despite our best and heroic efforts to be visible and connect – we don’t find who we are seeking. Then later someone just appears on our radar – and us on theirs without us particularly doing anything to make it happen. It’s all down to timing. This does not mean we should not do all we can to attract someone if love is what we are seeking however. Sometimes yes, destiny needs us to give it a nudge. But what the line-up this month tells you with regards to love (and it’s all love no matter whether we are talking about a romantic partner, a close friend or a working relationship), is that it is time for you to get serious about it. The scene could just be set for something long term now.
Mars entered your 11th on Valentine’s Day giving you a much needed push out of the door when it comes to your social life and making new connections. You’ve a desire for connections that stimulate you and offer excitement. This is an excellent transit for joining any kind of sporting or activity group and while it is not by itself indicative of attracting a potential love interest, jumping passionately into an activity or enjoying stimulating conversation puts you in the flow with like-minded souls.
This month’s full Supermoon in your 3rd sees you wanting to get your point or ideas across. It’s time to bring anything to do with communication and the written word to completion or say whatever needs to be said. There’s also a sub-theme happening with your wellbeing or even your daily routine. Take care of your body now however and don’t overdo things. There could be blow-back if you over-indulge or have been doing so for some time with little thought of the long term effects. The month’s end sees a tight angle between Ceres in your 6th and the Sun in your 9th. You may need to adjust your diet or habits accordingly. Others may have to juggle their daily responsibilities with their desire to pursue their dreams. There is a balance to be struck here and it’s important that you take this as seriously as you do your relationships now. If you’re pulled too much in one direction how are you going to make time for love or able to do what you love if that body isn’t feeling it too? Time to give routine and responsibility the serious attention they deserve in order to be ready for love this month, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Fate works its magic this month, Cancer. And it has a plan for you. When it comes to love this Valentine’s month – it’s all in the cosmic timing.
- Embrace a new way of loving
- Are you ready to step into your power?
- Be released into soul freedom
Fabulous new beginnings around partnerships and lasting love beckon you on into February, Leo. Valentine’s month for you could be extra special thanks to a new Moon in your 7th on the 4th. Set the scene for romance or a new phase of relating. You’re feeling loving and more open with this new Moon which is one of the most important of the year for you when it comes to your closest personal ties and also your need to be loved and adored. This new Moon is one of attraction and if you are single and seeking, should have you feeling sexy – and you know it! Use this and others will know it too.
Under this new Moon if you are seeking a relationship, please be aware this is a time when love will first enter through the eyes. You’re all about the aesthetics now. At least at first. I’m not saying you’re likely to stick with someone whose soul doesn’t measure up to their exterior. Just that now more than at any other time, the outer package is initially what draws you in. Oh and vice versa seeing as you are looking and feeling your best. Settled lions will be looking at ways to enhance their connection and immerse themselves and their partners in beauty and pleasure. For other Leos, we have a big emphasis on your work and career happening this month and long term and close working relationships and business partnerships also fall under the rulership of your 7th house. Those of you who work in a creative field will benefit the most but almost all of you will have access to creative ideas to enhance any task now. You can work this beautifully to your advantage all month long.
Changes are in the air as Mercury heads into your 8th from the 10th while your ruler the Sun will follow eight days later. Mercury will also have an inspired encounter with Neptune in here on the 19th. This is your house of transformation, alchemy and sexual magic. It’s where feelings run deep, contracts of all kinds are honored and signed and it is all about the interactions that shape our souls. When we share ourselves, our resources or what we have with another, we are transformed by the experience. This is the house where our power resides and also our fears. Funny that so often we fear how powerful we truly are. This is also the house where the dead can dance – in other words, rebirth and where things can come alive again. It is important with the 8th house to know where our boundaries lie and to be fully in our power however. Negotiations especially around money or how powerful you feel in the material world may feature. As may that new beginning in love turning out to be a lover who wants a second chance.
Be prepared to be shaken free of something that has been holding you back as part of this larger process as Mars and Uranus meet in your 9th on the day before Valentine’s Day for the final time in your lifetime. If you’ve been walking a road to nowhere, a lucky break or radically different opportunity to anything you previously envisaged, puts your feet firmly on an exciting new path. Just be aware that often, opportunity when it arrives may not look like we thought it would. Suspend judgement for now. And take the initiative when it comes to making changes.
Valentine’s Day sees Mars strike an ambitious note in your 10th which is why for some of you, that theme around new relationship beginnings could well revolve around a new working one. This is also reflected elsewhere in your chart with meetings happening between Venus and Saturn and then Venus and Pluto in your house of work on the 18th and 23rd respectively. This points to a change around something you may have been working towards for a while. Above all, take a cooperative approach when dealing with bosses, managers and anyone in a position of authority now. Be open to collaboration and cooperation but also be ready to offer leadership when required. Long term work and career ambitions can be fulfilled now and if you have been looking for work or a new job for a while, this could well see you stepping into a role where you have more responsibility – and more money.
This month brings a full Supermoon in your money zone on the 19th – the same day you can draw on inspiration to bring about positive change thanks to the Mercury/Neptune meeting in your power zone. Try to schedule important meetings and negotiations for this day if you possibly can. Have your facts to hand, try to anticipate any questions you may be asked, and focus on the details- success and not the devil is in them now. Remaining organised, practical and insightful will get you the results you are after.
The end of the month says Stop, in the Name of Love! There’s a balance or a compromise that needs to be reached in order for you to have what you want now. Ceres in your 5th stirs your sensuality and makes an intense angle to the Sun in your 8th. Have you become so immersed in a love connection that you’ve been neglecting other areas? Or is it the opposite? Not enough time for love or pursuing that passion? Tap deep into that power now and come from a place of knowing exactly the kind of love you’re worth – or the balance you need to create in your life to experience the love you deserve. That fabulous new beginning could just involve you deciding to prioritise what really matters. And what really matters to you is all about the love this month, Leo.
In a nutshell: Love begins anew, Leo. This month offers fresh starts in matters of the heart. Old loves return to passion while new ones sparkle. Go where the love is, this Valentine’s month.
- Love is letting go of fear
- Spark joy
- Be timeless
Click and connect this Valentine’s Day month, Virgo. Your houses of romance and lasting love are lit up with cosmic planetary action. And what do we say about astrology? ‘As above, so below’. In other words, what happens in the sky will be reflected down here in the human world. The planets are busy getting it on and this could just translate into some star struck love opportunities for you this month.
If you are single and seeking, you need to do whatever you can to find that cosmic ‘click’. This includes internet dating or just putting your best face forward out there. This month should see you looking and feeling your best as if you have been dusted with some Hollywood golden era glamour. Think classic elegance with a touch of magic. Transcend ideas of trend and instead – be timeless. This is your look to aim for. The month begins on a slightly different note however with a new Moon to vibe for in your 6th of all things close to your pristine Virgo heart. You’ll feel your usual soul calling to strive for perfection yes, and also a reawakened connection to your inner truth that less truly can be more. Let’s face it, Virgo – you have always known how to spark joy long before Marie Kondo turned us all into her declutter cheer squad. Could this be your superpower? It is under this new Moon. Time to cut out what no longer brings you joy or supports you mind, body and soul. This can be anything from those thoughts to that dull routine or even the files on that desktop. If you need to make changes you have support thanks to Mars in its ruling 8th meeting Uranus in here for the final time in your lifetime on the 13th. You’ll fearlessly shed what you no longer need and be willing to take a radically different approach to relationships, work and even your resources now. You should experience a new confidence and sense of freedom immediately after this as Valentine’s Day sees Mars arrive in your 9th.
Relationships should be what gives us the most joy and if you are single, February offers you one of the best months of the year to spark a new one. You know it is the quality that counts. All you need is one – if it’s the right one. Take your timeless self now and ensure others can see you from the 10th when ruler Mercury gets you talking about love as it arrives in your 7th. Venus planet of romance is in your 5th and makes a cosmic encounter with Time Lord Saturn. It then moves on to meet Pluto in here on the 23rd. The Sun enters your 7th from the 18th and the 19th promises to be one of the best days of the year for destiny-defining love. This day sees Mercury meet Neptune in your house of partnerships and lasting love and a full Supermoon appear in your 1st. Literally, this is your day to shine and above all, to reach for that love which has the depth and resonance you need. You want more than just a physical connection but someone who can move your soul. And this day could just connect you with the person who can provide this. Singles could meet someone they truly feel they have known before. If you are settled, you’ll want to explore the deeper meaning behind your union with your partner.
If you have recently begun a new relationship, this could see the two of you move your connection to a much deeper level. Just be warned that anything superficial will not stand the test of time however. You need depth. Also, don’t allow your quest for perfection ruin your potential. Sure we all have our non-negotiables. Just bear in mind that nobody’s perfect – and this includes you, but it’s whether you are perfect for each other that counts.
Security and sustainability, nurturing and even perhaps that person who feels like they are your home wrap up February when Ceres in your 4th checks the Sun in your 7th. Ensure you are seen by that lover as just that – and not ‘mothering’ them on some level. This angle can sometimes call for a compromise with the one you live with or you having to strike some kind of balance on the home front. Someone once said love is letting go of fear so look carefully if issues around how secure you feel in your relationship surface now. Especially if they have nothing to do with the person you’re actually with. Remember, there’s a cosmic love-in happening right across your chart this month, Virgo. Bring it all down to earth.
In a nutshell: Time to know what you want when it comes to romance, Virgo. Seeking that destiny defining connection? Then take a radical, new approach – to yourself first and foremost.
- Become your own best creation
- Get final answers to love questions
- Make love, babies or art!
Look back over the past seven years and you’ll probably see it has been all about partnerships – present, past, potential or the person ‘opposite’ you in some way – that individual in your grill. Through all these interactions, coming together, drifting apart, experiencing the rejection dance from both perspectives or in some instances, outright conflict, you’ve stepped into a new awareness about your needs in a relationship. It is through our interactions with others that we come to know ourselves best.
For some of you, one relationship may have defined this period. Others may have suddenly found themselves back on the market again due to an unexpected break-up. The journey to partnership truth may have had many twists and turns. It could even have played out across more than one type of ‘partnership’. For example, some of you may have experienced the rejection dance in your professional relationships – going from hot to distinctly not. Or you may have experienced togetherness in the form of a business partnership or close friendship. No matter the strange and charmed quarkish story you’ve been living out, what I can tell you is that this month is the final chapter of it. Congratulations, you made it. February brings this to an end and at the same time, offers a new beginning.
There’s a new dawn when it comes to love, romance and creative self-expression happening on the 4th thanks to a new Moon in your 5th. Children, young people, step children, babies, pregnancies or just young people in general may feature. For example, singles could meet someone who has children from a previous relationship. This is a new Moon under which to make love, babies or art. Others may choose to make themselves their own work of art – this is your house of indulgence, showing off and adornment. Clothes that allow you to stand out and make you feel good, lingerie and make up all fall into the 5th house. Expect one final unexpected twist in that unique love story you’ve been living out as Mars in your 7th encounters Uranus in here on the 13th for what is the final time in your lifetime. You may see one connection or an on-going situation with another in a very different way as a result. But the real lesson here is the difference is YOU. How you act, feel or react simply is totally different to what you would have done seven years ago and this is what changes everything. Mars moves on into your oh-so-hot 8th on Valentine’s Day making it sizzling for some but also saying that one chapter is very much now at an end when Uranus follows next month.
Mercury enters its ruling 6th on the 10th and it’s now time to focus on the work you do (paid or unpaid) and that body. There’s a need to create structure and foundation in your life now and this begins of course with what supports you on an everyday basis – your day job and the body you inhabit. You need a routine as opposed to a rut and healthy fuel for that lifestyle. Looked at another way – you can’t attract what you want in your outer world if you don’t feel good on the inner one. Time to make this a priority. Ruler Venus in your 4th is all about enhancing your home and lifestyle. Saturn is about establishment and foundation while Pluto calls for transformative change. Venus will meet first Saturn on the 18th and then Pluto on the 23rd. The 18th also sees the Sun join Mercury in your 6th while the 19th brings a defining moment when Mercury meets Neptune in here and a full Supermoon takes to the sky in your 12th. This is all about identifying what you truly need across the entire mind/body/spirit spectrum. Many of you may decide to move house under this influence. Others could change anything from their job to their diet. Questions around home, what that means to you and where you belong may pull you in a certain direction.
This is a highly emotional, empathic and intuitive Moon that can stir up feelings and memories from the past that can literally make you feel ‘swamped’ or overwhelmed on some level. You may feel a deep need to withdraw to process these feelings but at the same time, others may be exerting their own demands on you, perhaps even pulling you in to their own problems. What this Supermoon is asking from you is to be the observer not the participator and to maintain a certain emotional distance – especially if this involves the dramas of others. Focus on your own issues rather than getting drawn into those of others. Put yourself first. Think of this as the kind of safety advice you get when you fly. In an emergency, you are told to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. You can’t help someone if you too are in distress. Apply the same principle here. This Supermoon may have you looking at one particular connection and seeing the person in a very different light. Step back and maintain your perspective.
Tap into your talent for bringing balance to the Force and your ability to come up with the perfect compromise or win/win scenario as we head into March. Ceres represents power but also the ability to bring about a compromise that both parties can live with. In your 3rd of communication you have the capacity to come up with this and also to get it across in a way that doesn’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. You may be asked to do this especially if something is impacting on your energy or sense of wellbeing at the month’s end. This could even relate to what I said about helping yourself or becoming the observer around the time of that Supermoon. The Sun in your 6th may make a slightly unforgiving angle to Ceres on the 28th but it is showing you what needs to be done – and the way to do it. If you’ve been feeling that work and life or even a relationship has become a juggling act, this shines on the solution.
You have been forged in the fires of relationship transformation. You are different. Now show how you relate to yourself and any situation by reaching for that different solution. And let go of anything that drags you down as new beginnings in relating rebalance your life, Libra.
In a nutshell: Valentine’s month marks the final evolutionary stage in one particular love journey, Libra. You won’t have to go through this again. Still have questions? You’ll get the answers you need.
- Get your hygge happening
- Prepare to be noticed
- Flirtation is your superpower this month
Bring it on home at the beginning of February, Scorpio. There’s no place like it! You’ve a reawakened need for security, stability and nurturing thanks to a new Moon in its ruling 4th on the 4th. This is also a call to create a lifestyle or something which sustains you that is designed entirely with you in mind. New Where you live and how you live will be in focus and some of you may just think about moving if you feel the space you occupy no longer nurtures your soul. Redecorating, decluttering or simply buying items to bring about a feeling of renewal are other actions you may take. You’re feeling the need to create a home environment – a temple of your soul, which supports you and also reflects the true ‘you’. Career matters are also highlighted as after all, our jobs play a major role in supporting and sustaining us. Changes to your work may be a result, especially as ancient ruler Mars has a final meeting with Uranus in your 6th on the 13th. The next two weeks are likely to have you focused on inner matters and cocooning. Consider this your recharge period for what comes next.
Usually our homes are the first place where we experiment with our creativity and creative self-expression. All the more reason to have our living space reflecting who we are. We then take this to the outer world. Time to flirt with ideas and more as Mercury enters your 5th from the 10th. The talk turns to romance and then hots up! Now you have your base sorted, you’re back to feeling decidedly playful and flirtatious. As the 5th is your house of creativity, your ability to generate ideas and get them across to others in a way that engages is your superpower now. How do you intend to use this? Mercury is the ruler of your 3rd house and we have some major planetary action happening in here, the start of which coincides with the Sun’s arrival in your 5th on the 18th. This say sees Venus meet with serious Saturn in your 3rd. I could say that one interpretation here is the ability to do some serious flirting of the professional variety. You are set to make a lasting impression. This is your house of communication and commerce. What you say and your ideas have long term implications. Your 5th is also the house where you get noticed. Venus will then move on and meet with your modern day ruler Pluto on the 23rd pointing to big beautiful transformations occurring. All this is coupled with ancient ruler Mars’s arrival in your 7th on Valentine’s Day bringing passion and also a determination to go after what you want in true Warrior for Love style.
Selling yourself short will not be an option now as all this adds up to you believing in yourself and what you have to offer – on every level. Some of you could be looking at a major job or career breakthrough as you impress with both your confidence and your ideas. Others could begin an intense and potentially game-changing love affair. News around children or family members could also feature. What you say now has the power to transform a long term situation and set you off on a new path.
People may be seeing you in a very different light and this may be no bad thing if you have felt overlooked or taken for granted recently. Look closely at any relationship where you don’t feel valued or even friendships that may be one-sided now or have lost their resonance. There are like minded souls out there waiting to connect to you if your social life has lost its sparkle – as well as potential soulmates. The day a full Supermoon waxes in your 11th is also the day when Mercury and Neptune meet in your 5th. If ever there was a day to be nobody but yourself – this is it. Friendships, romance and all connections are imbued with a spiritual depth. Conversations run deep. Any connection that begins now may feel strangely familiar. You could also run into someone from your past under this Supermoon and Mercury/Neptune combo. Your psychic abilities should also receive a boost and if you feel pulled to contact someone or drawn to a certain group, place or people, follow this impulse. You could just end up in the right place at the right time for fate to work its magic. Let the energy of this Supermoon carry you up and away to where your people are or place you within the orbit of fated connections.
The people you do meet this month have the potential to influence your future even if they do not turn into lovers. This February offers stand-out success opportunities and also sees you in the spotlight in some way. Don’t be afraid to be noticed in a way that is uniquely you! The fact is, when we have the courage to showcase our truth, that is when we attract the success and people we need. The month ends with you looking closely at your resources and your values. There may be a need to save or put aside something or else divert anything from your money or your time from one area and invest it in another. Ask what is important to you and keep that priority as Ceres in your money and values sector falls under the light of the Sun in your 5th. Only spend on what adds value to your life now and also with all the intense activity across your romance, please and social sectors, ensure those you spend your time with value you too. You could be bringing home success, the bacon and even love this month, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: February is flirtation month for you, Scorpio. From people to ideas – take a flirty, lighthearted approach. You’re destined to stand out in some way. Let love find you.
- Plant the seeds for your future
- Small changes contain big potential
- Opportunity may not look like you think – but it’s what you need
Themes around home, security and your money dominate February. Decisions will be reached and important papers and documents signed. You’re going to be given the opportunity to create a strong foundation and when this appears, please take it. Each decision you make this month will build on the previous one. The upshot is you could just end up in a stronger position than you have been for a very long time.
Your message, brand, the internet, communications, study, teaching, writing, business or just leveraging that idea for all its worth, are highlighted by the new Moon in your 3rd on the 4th. That favourite of all Sag activities – travel, may also be possible now. Above all, this is a new Moon under which to plant the seeds for something long term. Initiate this now especially if it involves new business, applying for a new job, starting that course, side hustle or project. Plant now to reap the full harvest in the future. But this Moon combined with activity elsewhere in your chart, also tells you that you may receive validation that you are on the right track sooner rather than later.
For the past seven years your creativity has been expressed in new ways, your experiences with lovers has taken on a decidedly different flavour and children and young people – your own or another’s, may have featured. Lovers – past, present, potential would have provided you with experiences you would never forget – even if the connection did not last. Some you met may have entered laden with potential – which then failed to manifest. Some may have experienced a dating Sahara while others found love in the most unlikely places or with someone totally different to what they would have expected. A new boldness should have crept in with how you express yourself. Being afraid to stand out should never have been your problem. And if others have a problem with you – you have now let go of caring about what people may think. Hopefully you are emerging from Uranus’s transit of your fabulous 5th loving yourself a whole lot more no matter what your romantic history has been during this time. The 13th offers you one final experience around these themes as Mars meets Uranus in your 5th for the final time in your lifetime. Something you put in motion may bring you totally different results to what you expected. But suddenly you see – this is no bad thing and may in fact be exactly what you wanted. Grasp sudden opportunity and be on the lookout for chance encounters.
Mars moves on into your 6th of work (paid and unpaid) and routine on Valentine’s Day. This is ahead of Uranus’s arrival in here next month. It’s time to start a personal revolution when it comes to your work, your health and your routine. Shake things up especially the order in which you do things. Are you saying you want change but are not becoming the change you want to see in your world? It begins by altering your routine – just slightly to begin with. When we change this up, we open up the way for change. Mars gives you the confidence to do this. You will have more energy at this time but please, do not rush or worse, become slapdash otherwise accidents can occur and mistakes can be made. You need forward motion now – not having to go back and do something all over again because it was not done right the first time!
Seek out new ideas and people who challenge your thinking. Because this is a month that has you looking closely at where you are living, expect more interaction with your neighbours or your neighbourhood. Feeling ‘at home’ doesn’t just involve being happy about your home and living arrangements but extends out to neighours and the area you inhabit. Are you happy with what surrounds you and do you feel you ’fit in’? Does it offer what you need or are looking for? What kind of people live in your neighbourhood? Are you like them or is there a misfit? If you are the arty, funky, doing your best work in the coffee shop kind of person, then picket-fence suburbs may not be where you flourish the best. Mercury rules our neighbourhood and immediate environment and enters your home sector from the 10th. The Sun follows on the 18th and the 19th sees Mercury and Neptune meet in your 4th and also a full Supermoon in your career sector. This is not just about where you belong in terms of where you live but where you work and the path you are on. Success in our work and career naturally impacts on where or how we live. A change in one can lead to a change in the other. Big changes around your money could fuel a major decision around where you are living thanks to Venus in its ruling 2nd in your chart meeting with first Saturn (18th) and then Pluto (23rd). You’ve been on a big learning curve with your money and resources these past few years and this is the point where it all could literally pay off for you. Saturn is all about that structure and stability I’ve been talking about while Pluto is not only about transformation but guards the treasures of the underworld. Venus – well, the material girl planet just wants to bring pleasure and an enhanced connection to the material world. If you’ve been doing serious work on issues around self-worth and your ability to feel in control of your financial destiny, what transpires now could be a direct reflection of the progress you’ve been making as you literally cash in.
Powerful Ceres in your 1st places future decisions in your hands at the end of the month as it angles to the Sun in your home sector. By now you know you have to move in the direction your heart is telling you to go in. You may have to compromise to live the life of freedom you’ve been striving for by concentrating on security and stability – and success, first.
In a nutshell: Unlock hidden resources and forge a new relationship with the material world this month, Sag. You’re in a position to aim for the stars – and launch the rocket to take you there.
- Be adorable
- The world is your mirror
- Put yourself on a negativity diet
Get ready to be adored and adoring. February sees you in the mood for love – and to be loving in return. Not every sign this month is in the Valentine’s mood but you are lucky enough to have Venus planet of love and romance in your sign and Mars, planet of passion, in your romance sector on Valentine’s Day itself. It’s very much a month where your desires will surface and demand you to something about them. Those desires could even include the need to for some self-adoration or makeover. You will be more aware than usual of your image and how you want to appear in the eyes of others. Making your very best impression will be a priority for you – not just in terms of being utterly and totally adorable, but being seen as professionally desirable too. At times during this month it may seem as if the people opposite you are holding up mirrors and you see yourself reflected back. Do you like what you see? Do you see yourself as loveable? Are you getting the love you deserve from the lover(s) in your life?
February tells you to make a serious commitment to love on some level that goes far beyond the cards and flowers of Valentine’s Day. If you feel you are not getting that, Mars in your 5th on the 14th sends you in pursuit of it. You want to demonstrate how you feel to others and the lucky object of your affection could be in for a treat this V-Day as a result. If you are single, the commitment lies with yourself – feeling loving and loveable while you take action to get yourself loved-up. If you are currently in a relationship, Venus and Saturn co-joined in your 1st on the 18th could see you take your connection to the next level. There is another cosmic meeting occuring on the 23rd when Venus reaches Pluto. You want passion, you want depth and intensity. Not only could this see your relationship transform but this is when that outer you could undergo a transformation as you reinvent your image in order to be seen exactly how you want to be.
Not only could changes to your relationship status have long term impact, if you’re single, don’t be surprised if there is an age difference – seven years or more either way, between you and that lover. Age should not be an issue and love isn’t about the numbers. How old do you look or feel? Again, are you looking a little dated? If you want to get back in the dating game or just ensure that reflection reflects the true you, update that image. You’ll love the results and so will others.
The new Moon of the 4th appears in your 2nd and opens up avenues to boosting that bank account and also your feelings of self-worth (there’s that adorability factor again!). The secret to making the most of this new Moon – and remember, new Moons are always about new beginnings, is to understand what you are doing is fueled by two things. One is the desire for emotional balance. In your relationship to your money, assets and talents and the second is for emotional support – from those who are ‘assets’ to you. Your 2nd house is ruled by Venus, planet of love and creativity. This is the house that links us to the material world and sensual pleasures. Under this new Moon you may give your imagination free rein when it comes to your sex life! Again, this is all a reflection of how adorable and adored you are feeling!
This month also sees plenty of activity in your 3rd of communication, commerce and ideas. Mercury rules this house and arrives on the 10th. The Sun in here from the 18th gives you one more reason to ensure that you are seen and are coming across to others in exactly the way you want to be. Time to not only look at what you are saying but what you are thinking as the big planetary build up in here links you to the quantum realm. Focus your thoughts and although it’s impossible for anyone to maintain a positive mindset 100% of the time, please try to weed out the negative ones. What you will discover as this month unfolds and the planetary build up in the house increases – culminating in a meeting between Mercury and Neptune in here on the 19th. This day also sees a powerful Supermoon appear in your 9th inviting you to move in a fresh direction. All this adds up to you ditching thoughts of limitation, lack and negativity and focusing on what you want to achieve and experience. Neptune transports you into realms of fresh possibilities while Mercury delivers fresh ideas. But it’s easy to get lost and see the potential dissipate unless you focus your mind like a laser beam. You will also be more susceptible than usual to other people’s thoughts, ideas and what they are saying. So, you may want to put yourself on a social media or even mass media diet as a result. Think of this as the soul equivalent of staying away from junk food! It does your body no good! Work and business should increase with contracts and orders to be signed. So, make a serious commitment to that thought process too!
Mars makes one final meeting with Uranus in your 4th on the 13th perhaps triggering one final lifestyle or living arrangement adjustment. This is the last time these two planets will meet in here in your lifetime. It’s been about designing your home or lifestyle for really living – in a way that works individually for you. Your ideas around what family means to you may also have changed. Mars then va-va-vrooms off into your 5th heating things up for Valentine’s Day and giving you that passionate edge that other signs can only envy!
The Sun in your 3rd shines back to Ceres in your house of secrets at the month’s end. This is all about something you might have ignored but can no longer afford to. It may even be getting in the way of all that potential I have been talking about – tripping you up or polluting your thoughts perhaps without you realising it. Try to remain detached even if you feel your buttons are being pushed. The Sun is actually lighting up a new way out of this. However, whatever emerges now isn’t likely to affect the overall feeling of you being in love with your own life this month. It merely clears anything away that blocks more love to enter.
In a nutshell: Ready to be adored this Valentine’s month, Capricorn? The planets are asking you how lovable you’re feeling. Fall in love with yourself and the whole world will follow this February.
- Focus your thoughts
- Make a fresh start
- Become who you are destined to be
Be your own best creation now and launch yourself into the future, Aquarius. Your public – or dare I say your dreams, await you! Who or what do you desire to be or become? The new Moon in your 1st on the 4th is asking you to Be It Now. What are you waiting for? No matter when your birthday falls in your sign, the new Moon in your 1st always marks the start of your new cycle. It is a time to launch something – that idea, business or yes, a new version of yourself, out into the world. How you imagine you are IS how you can be in the next year. The old Army recruitment line perfectly sums this up: Be all you can be. Ensure the outer ‘you’ reflects this now. Think of yourself as stepping into a role but this role is the one you were always destined to play. It simply feels natural to you. If others have made you feel you have to be anything other than your vibrant unique self in order to succeed – it’s time to stop being bent out of shape and unfurl your wings instead.
This month sees a big emphasis on your money and self-worth – which of course links you back to how you currently feel about you. There are also deeper themes going on which relate to secrets and hidden truths which I will come back to in a moment. First let’s talk about your ruler Uranus which is currently poised to exit your 3rd and enter your 4th next month. The 13th sees one final meeting in your 3rd for this lifetime between Mars and Uranus. Be on the lookout for unexpected opportunity or news which has the potential to open up a whole new direction for you and be prepared to follow through. Success is very much self-initiated now. Mars then enters your 4th on Valentine’s Day ahead of Uranus’s arrival. Mars in here asks you keep things in perspective as unless you find an outlet for its energy you will find the tiniest little thing irritates you. So, if you are planning a V-Day celebration with that special someone, my advice is to have this anywhere but at home if that is possible – except of course the hot bedroom action bit! While Mars remains in here, this is however an excellent time to undertake repairs, home improvement tasks or even plan that move if this has been on your mind. Remember, Uranus’s entry in here may well bring moving experiences and changes around your living arrangements. Mars in here puts you on the fast track to those.
Venus rules your 2nd house of money, assets and values. The rest of this month’s major planetary activity revolves around your 2nd and also Venus currently in your mysterious and soul defining 12th as well as your house of change and personal power. Time to think and act in a positive way, and have an action plan for those ideas. If you do this, you could see them become real and quite literally pay off for you following the entry of Mercury into your money zone on the 10th. Mercury in this house is also wonderful for expressing how you truly feel to others – which could make Valentine’s Day special for you as well as the period immediately following it as you have the Sun entering this house from the 18th and then a meeting between Mercury and Neptune on the 19th. This conjunction links you to higher love and also truly inspired ideas – especially when it comes to using your talents and abilities to make money aligned to your spiritual purpose. Bring them down to earth and use that laser-focus to ensure they don’t remain in the realm of possibilities. Destiny defining aspects aligning you to your true path or purpose are also occurring in your 12th thanks to Venus meeting with Saturn on the 18th and then Pluto on the 23rd. You may suddenly become aware of an opportunity you could not see until now. If so – act on this information.
The same day as Mercury and Neptune meet in your 2nd, you have one of the most powerful Supermoons of the year lighting up your 8th house. It’s asking what you believe you and your ideas are worth. This is a Supermoon which not only ushers in change but also a new deal for you with regards to your money, salary, income, loans or even the terms of that relationship. Come from a place of surety and self-worth when it comes to any negotiations. One word of warning about these aspects is that if you have been kept ‘in the dark’ or misled over something, the truth will come out now. Boundaries may need to be stated or reinforced especially when the Sun strikes across at Ceres which rules compromise and also negotiation, power and loss at the end of the month. Again, come from that place of knowing your true worth. Which all ties in to becoming who you truly are and are meant to be. This is your year of being true to you. Be all you can be and don’t wait. Become it now.
In a nutshell: February is asking you to become the person you believe you are. Which is who you are meant to be. Time to launch something new – including that new you, Aquarius!
- Open up to a more magical side of love
- Incubate those ideas
- Happy birthday, Pisces!
Open up insight as one of your birthday gifts this February, Pisces. There’s a great deal of planetary action focused on you as we head into a very special birthday and Valentine’s month for you. The new Moon in your 12th always boosts your latent gifts of intuition and psychic ability. You need to pay close attention to what you higher self is telling you now. The period before our birthday is always one where our higher self, guardian angel, spirit guide, universal wisdom – whatever you prefer to call it, speaks loud and clear. If we have questions, it will answer them if we are open and listen. This new Moon can often see us withdrawing or just keeping things to ourselves. Those who know us may not quite understand what is going on with us. It’s best explained as you knowing something new is coming – but are not sure what it is. It is a time for reflection as opposed to action –that begins when the Sun arrives in your 1st on the 18th. So, until then take all the ‘me time’ you need to look at what and who you wish to take with you into your new cycle. And see this time as for planning rather than launching something.
You have ideas you are incubating as to what this new beginning or fresh start could entail following Mercury’s arrival in your 1st on the 10th. This could even involve your work, business or a side hustle. Be an innovator when it comes to your income. For the past seven years you have had Uranus in your money zone asking you to unleash your inner entrepreneur. Even if you work for someone else, you have had access to ideas and new avenues that would allow you to increase your income and sense of self-worth. How have you used this? How has how you make your bread changed during this time? Make those final evolutionary moves mid-month when it comes to your money – and those values, when Mars encounters Uranus in here for the final time in your lifetime on the 13th. Be open to going in an entirely fresh direction if necessary. Mars then moves off arriving in your 3rd on the V-Day itself. The talk hots up now on more than one level. You bring power and above all, passion to all your interactions. That includes the love talk now!
Friends, contacts, groups, connections, clubs, organisations, networks and your biggest goals are also in focus now thanks to Venus in your 11th getting highly social with Saturn on the 18th which is the same day as the Sun arrives in your sign, and then Pluto on the 23rd. Expect benefits from friends which may involve more than just the usual birthday presents, and also a change in your social circle. Your birthday season sees you wanting to embrace something new, exciting and different in the coming year – or perhaps I should say someone! You can now initiate those ideas, goals and projects you’ve been incubating since the start of the month. Your desire for the new extends to wanting a deeper love connection now. The 19th sees Mercury meet with ruler Neptune in your 1st – the same day as a loving spoonful of a Supermoon shines out of your partnership sector. You’ll want to bring an existing union to a deeper level now. You’ll seek emotional and spiritual connection to enhance the physical. If you’re single, the combination of the Mercury/Neptune conjunction and this Moon could bring you a new love interest where you immediately feel a deep ‘knowing’ and resonance with them and with whom you can discuss the deeper, more magical side of life which fascinates you now. You need a lover who will journey there with you and this alignement may just answer your prayers!
That money making change could require you to make a change or a compromise in order to capitalise on it. The end of the month sees Ceres in your house of career, reputation and rewards, sun struck by the Sun in your 1st. It says this is all about an opportunity for you but also that you need to adjust and deal with this in a professional, dispassionate manner. Be all business when it comes to arriving at a solution which works for you – and the other party. There is a deal to be done here but you have to understand that in this instance, you will not get everything on your own terms. Reach for the middle ground while showing you have confidence in what you have to offer. This birthday season, it’s time to express yourself in new ways that usher in a bright new spiritually aligned new beginning.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Pisces. Your gifts ready to unwrap from the universe include insight – and the ability to bring about a deeper, more spiritual love connection. Time to embrace the magic!
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