Astrology August 2020 All Signs – Freedom!

Monthly Astrology August 2020 All Signs – Freedom!
Own what makes you you, Aries!
Heart-start those dreams
Fading into the background? So not your style, Aries!
You’re sexy and you should rock it like you know it, Aries. Sexy is an attitude. You don’t have to have the ripped bod or even the bodycon outfit. The new sexy for you this August is simply being confident in yourself. And a certain daring playfulness that others simply can’t help but want too!
You’ve the Sun in your 5th of attraction until the 22nd. This is the Sun’s ruling house in your chart. So, take it that this ignites the fierceness within! Start the month as you mean it to go on and make the world your showcase. What is unique and different about you? Own it on the 1st as the Sun lights up rockbaby Chiron in your 1st. Ice ice baby! Chiron’s a comet. But in a fire sign – it sizzles. So, pursue opportunity to put yourself out there and get yourself noticed.
Time to put a ring on it
With Mercury in your 4th opposing Pluto and Saturn during the first week of the month, that confidence extends to making big, long term decisions around home and career too. Be a leader now. Your own CEO even if you are seeking a new position. The full Moon of the 3rd in your 11th is also impacting on how the world at large sees you.
This is the sector of your chart which not only links you to friends, groups, associations etc but also your future. Take a bold step now. This is a good time to make a lasting impression. On people in positions of authority with the ability to say ‘Yes’ to you. And your own circle too. It’s about not following the crowd but following your own path. With confidence. Yes, confidence is a key ingredient to that sexiness!
Give your dreams new life
Dust of those dreams and de-fib them if needed. Is what you want really so impossible or out-of-reach? Mercury too arrives in Leo asking you to work that message and also what makes your heart beat faster. Hearing something momentous and maybe a long time in the making could be the result of this as Venus meets the North Node in Mercury’s ruling 3rd also on the day this occurs (5th). Everything old is new again as the song goes. Jump back in time 19 years if you were old enough. Because this could bring something full circle or deliver a new opportunity with a past flavour to it.
Karma interest
Take it if doors are opening wide this month, this is because you have earned the right to walk through them. Your soul values, your cosmic cred and the reputation you have created for yourself are serious currency now. And your best assets. You’ll be all too aware of how you are perceived. And also, what you can be proud of having created in your life. So, while the Sun remains in your 5th and trines ruler Mars in your 1st – work that.
What comes to you will be a direct result of the actions you have taken and what you have set in motion in the past. And this includes opportunity. You’ll experience this directly from the 22nd. More on this shortly.
First however, the fabulizing new Moon in your 5th sashays in on the 19th. All that glitters just may be gold now, Aries. Or at the very least is a cosmic disco ball inviting you onto the dance floor. This new Moon says Dance like nobody’s watching. In other words, pursue happiness, passion and plunge yourself into doing things you enjoy – and stop worrying about what others may think. This is a new Moon which can kick-start love for some of you.
Choose the spotlight – not the shade
Let’s talk shade. And those who throw it. Because we always have a choice. We can allow it to colour our world grey or we can simply choose to walk away and back into the light. In other words: don’t take shade on board. This new Moon wants us following our bliss and if someone has a problem with that, to understand that the reason they are being so shady is they want us to remain in the shadows with them. Because happy people are too busy being happy to throw shade over someone else’s joy.
That is why it is important under this new Moon to lighten up and stop caring what others think. It kick-starts this major cycle of attraction for you. It wants to deliver someone or something new, but to do that, it needs you to take a chance on yourself. And ditch what others may be thinking.
This is a full Moon under which to reignite lost fierceness. To connect to that dragon-riding, starship piloting, audience wowing person that you believed you were when you were young. Sure, growing up meant we had to get practical. But it didn’t mean we had to stop having dreams or worry about other people’s approval.
Read on if you feel happiness is the truth
Pharrell Williams knows. The thing about being ourselves is, we then effortlessly attract others who simply love what we are putting out there. That’s the other key to making the most of this new Moon. Sharing the love. In person, in public even or certainly via social media or a creative venture. Follow that bliss, radiate to attract and put yourself ‘out there’ as this new Moon stirs fate as it trines ruler Mars and makes a sextile to the North Node in your 3rd.
Venus which of course rules our love life and our creativity, wants love of the home baked variety as it unpacks for a stay in your 4th from the 7th. It’s all about loving your lifestyle. Or enhancing the one you have. Now, you have already had Mercury moving through your 4th and opposing those retrograde slow-moving planets in here. This should have highlighted where opportunities were for you. If you took action and followed up on them, Venus’s arrival in here and the subsequent angles it makes to Jupiter (25th) Neptune (27th) and Pluto (30th) could bring the actual results of past efforts down to earth.
The 20th puts fast-moving Mercury in its ruling sign – Virgo and the Sun follows on the 22nd. Mercury and the Sun are set to make another set of aspects to Ceres and Neptune in your 12th. Time to look closely at how what you do, eat and where you live affects you mind, body and soul. It’s a good time to make healthier choices for yourself. Mercury will also trine the now retrograde Uranus in your money zone on the 25th which is the same day Venus opposes Jupiter in your 10th.
Doors to making yourself more secure, to career progress and maybe even a literal door as in a new home, could swing wide open now. The 29th offers one of the best days of 2020 for contracts, purchases, work, business, career and all kinds of property and money dealings as Mercury trines Jupiter.
Faith is banking on yourself
Pluto rules your 8th of power money, banks, loans, salary and in your 10th, this could see you dealing with power players in the form of that boss or client (present or prospective), bank manager, partner or anyone with the access and authority to give you a helping hand or a ‘yes’ result. Know what it is you want as a take out however and be clear on this. Venus opposes Pluto on the 30th and in this instance we say, love has the upper hand. Be Venus – diplomatic, creative and seeking agreement in any negotiation and both parties should walk away happy with the results. Use tact and intuition.
Mercury’s opposition to Neptune this same day could see you able to tune in and instinctively know the right approach and what to say. And maybe that way involves just having fun while you do it. And trusting in your own ability to get the outcome you need, Aries.
In a nutshell: With ruler Mars in your 1st you won’t take no for an answer. Or hesitate when an exciting new direction opens up, Aries. Life, love and the pursuit of happiness? You might just catch it this August!
Get a new view on an old issue
Embrace the unexpected
Love takes you in a new direction
Mars and Chiron sit in your 12th. Hidden meanings, hidden motivations and above all WTF! I didn’t see that one coming highlight August for you, Taurus.
Nobody expects the unexpected
Expect the unexpected. And for the unexpected to manifest in unusual ways. The month begins with the Sun in your 4th. You’ll be focussed on home and also maintaining the status quo. However, if things shift or change, this is a sign you need to go with them. Or at least don’t resist.
Allow change room to work
Career matters or long term decisions may call for your attention in the first week. You have Mercury in its ruling 3rd house opposing Pluto in your 9th also on the 1st. And the 2nd sees the Sun highlight the need for a different kind of arrangement as it squares the now slowing Uranus in your 1st. Uranus will turn to full retroactive phase from the 16th. Like many of the outer, slow moving planets, we feel its effects strongest during retrograde periods.
If its improvements and leap-frogging over obstacles you’re after this August, Taurus, then time to give change some house room. Give it a hug as it enters and let it have your favourite spot on the couch. Because August wants to give you a fresh perspective and even a new start. If you sit in a different spot on the sofa, you look at your lounge in a new way.
Get a fresh perspective on an old view
Yes, change can be that simple. You notice that crack in the plaster you didn’t see before and realise it’s time to redecorate. Or you realise that actually, this corner of the couch is actually more comfy and you get a better view of anything from the TV to who is walking up your front path than you did before. But you would never have seen this unless you shifted.
This month’s full Moon in your 10th is telling you to tie up something. No, not in that pleasure room – yet! It needs completion in other words. Now this could be those series of interviews or that presentation. A decision or long term project. But it’s saying you now have to get it to a certain stage where it can be finalised.
Break out in a fresh direction
This happens against a break free series of aspects between planets in your 3rd and your 9th. Is there more than just a new view that’s needed? Your 9th doesn’t just rule travel but expansion, opportunity, teaching, lecturing and mass communications.
With the present Covid restrictions, going somewhere may just be limited to your neighbourhood. However, travel in your mind needs no quarantine. But if your work or even a personal project involves dealing with foreigners or those overseas, August could break you out in a fresh direction. Another reason to bring one stage to a conclusion to allow a new one to begin.
Desire fuels change
Ruler Venus in its ruling 2nd meets the North Node in here on the 5th. The same day as Mercury enters your 4th. You want to feel that all important sense of belonging – and stability. Not to mention access to that kitchen! But to get this may involve those changes I mentioned earlier. Venus conjunct the North Node triggers long term themes – perhaps going back 19 years. And these are around your money and yes, that all important sense of self-worth and value.
So, as Venus moves into your 3rd on the 7th, look to these as to clues around that new view, expansion and opportunity. Because chances are the changes that come into effect are around what you most desire and hold close. Venus in your 3rd is also wonderful for ideas which inspire and send you in a new direction. And yes, romance too.
Room with a fresh view
That WTF surprise twist you didn’t see coming could occur around mid-month when we have the Sun in your 4th trine Mars in your 12th on the 15th, Uranus retrograde in your 1st on the 16th and then Mercury in your 4th trine Mars on the 17th. That unexpected twist in love or a way to come up with a win/win scenario could be at the heart of this thanks to Venus trineing Ceres in your new deal 11th on the 16th.
All this happens just days before the new Moon appears in its ruling 4th in your chart. It may not just be you that’s moving but that couch too, Taurus! For some this could mean a house move or relocation. Or simply you seeing that the view from where you sit could do with some improvement. Room to move as well as a room with a view. Being your 4th house this also extends to your career – think office view if you like.
Long term shifts brought about by changes due to Covid may also impact now with some of you looking at permanent changes around where and how you work. An example of this would be you working from home more and spending less time in the office. This brings about a need to change or adjust your living situation.
Whatever the changes may look like, simply take it that they are designed for your benefit. Of course, you may not be waiting for the planets to prompt you. You may have already set these in motion but the time Mercury and then the Sun enter your 5th of total fabulization on the 20th and the 22nd respectively. You’re being asked to dream a different kind of dream too now. One that frees and also rewards you.
Are you getting enough?
Of life, opportunity, love, freedom, or for that devotion you have put into a key area to be rewarded, Taurus? There’s an invitation to dream, a new dream that isn’t just based on pure imagination or escapism. Your Dream Factory contains all the tools you need to live it for real as we head towards September.
Here’s my question to you, Taurus. Is there any area in your life that should be pure pleasure but is now run like a business at best or simply feels like hard work at worst? You feel you have to keep on showing up and doing the same old, same old. Maybe you don’t mind doing it but you ask yourself: Is that it? Is this what I signed up for? Now, these feelings can arise in so many situations. The obvious one is that day job whether it is paid or unpaid. But this could just as easily be projects that you poured your passion into but have now lost their lustre or even that connection that started off so hot but which now seems more like a business arrangement.
Love is business but not hard work
If any of these scenarios chime within you, then the final part of August hands you the tools to re-spin that straw back into gold. Time to dive deep and search for spiritual answers to real world problems. And to let go of whether or not your insights initially make sense or not. But to try and then watch what results you get.
If you are experiencing barriers to progress or even closeness, ruler Venus opposing Jupiter on the 25th offers you a chance to go up, over, below or even through what is holding you back. The same day also sees Mercury in your 5th trine Jupiter making this one of the best days of 2020 for love, answers to sticky problems, opportunity and solutions to long term issues.
Get that win/win happening
News you have been working towards or waiting on could arrive which in itself, frees you from the status quo. See, who said change has to be negative, Taurus? The 27th hands you the pure magic of bringing something you may have thought out of reach or simply in the world of fantasy – right to your door. This is a day of inspiration and also synchronicity as Venus trines Neptune.
It’s time to go after or simply ask for the changes you know need to happen as the 28th sees the Sun angle for that win/win solution as it opposes Ceres in your 12th. The next day the Mercury/Jupiter trine could literally seal the deal between you and someone else.
Be the coming change
And certainly free you or transmute anything that has now become like work instead of passionate play. The Venus/Pluto opposition as well as the Mercury/Neptune opposition of the 30th contain all this potential – and more. In this instance, your ruler Venus rules the day over Pluto. And Mercury and Neptune are both in their ruling signs.
If you’ve felt stuck, trapped, lost in a cycle you cannot escape, you’ll see limitations begin to vanish and answers, if you dare to act on them, transform your world. You may look back at August 2020 and think; What a difference a month made! But the difference is actually in you, Taurus. So act on it now.
In a nutshell: Change doesn’t have to be big or scary. Sometimes it’s as small as changing our perspective. This month hands you a new view on love, Taurus. And the chance to live it.
What you say opens doors
Money talks but love needs conversations
Start your engines!
Rock that message, anthem, social media feed, internet presence, Instagram – you are both the messenger and the message itself this month, Gemini. How you get this across, your ‘packaging’, brand, marketing, that Twitter feed or simply you being the picture that is worth 1000 words – whatever you have to say, time to say it in whatever way you can. And in a way only you could.
Up until the 22nd, the Sun is in your house of communication, business and getting around. Or getting what you have to say out there. Be it that CV, manuscript, screenplay, vlog or story. See everything as a story and your story as having chapters. You will be writing a new one this month thanks to shifts around finances, joint responsibilities or simply outcomes which appear and allow you to simply soar above long-term blocks to progress.
The future – reloaded
This could begin at the very start of the month when the Sun trines rock and roll object Chiron in your 11th. Someone you know or who is connected to you in some way may offer if not a solution, then the potential to explore an exciting new social or professional scene or group venture. It may look edgy, perhaps different to what you have done or requires you to step into strange new worlds as in the circles you usually operate in. That’s okay.
Watch for someone charismatic or from a different background to your own. And with regards to that message or story you have to tell, they could represent the audience you are aiming it at.
How far can your ideas take you?
Emotionally, you are looking for something that draws you out into a bigger life experience. And that’s what the full Moon in your 9th on the 3rd is all about. Time for exploration and release. It’s asking you how far you think you can go or that idea can take you. And what may be between you and that now. Chances are this full Moon highlights that – and the wish or destination you want to get to.
Release anything that holds you back under this full Moon. This is in preparation for the new Moon in your 3rd later this month. It’s important to do this work now. The universe wants you to experience a new kind of freedom. And I’ll get to that in just one moment.
Set your compass
If you are feeling stuck, drained, blocked, fuzzy or confused about decisions or the next direction you should head in, try a mind and opportunity creating read such as Martha Beck’s Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, which is one of the best books on setting or regaining your soul compass I’ve come across. Put your feet up – and re-set your compass.
Taking care of business!
Ruler Mercury has a major role to play in what this month delivers for you. It is direct for one thing and starts the month in your money zone where it opposes first Pluto (1st) and then Saturn (3rd). Time to talk business or at least be business-like when it comes to finances. Especially shared ones. Also, if those discussions involve what you share with a partner as in lover or marriage partner, see this as part of the business of love.
There’s a reason the planet Venus rules both our 2nd house (money) and 7th (long tern love). These two areas are linked. Especially the more intertwined we become with someone else. We pool our resources and other assets. We commit to sharing bills, take out joint accounts and mortgages. It’s often easier to talk money when it is a business partner. That’s because we have gone into business with them hopefully to make some!
Cash up on that love talk
But we need to stop seeing money talk with a love partner as unromantic. It’s part of the business of love. And not letting it get in the way of love either. In this instance, Mercury will be striving for a win/win outcomes all month long for you. Certainly in terms of ‘power’ money – your salary, payments, mortgages, loans, joint accounts. Use the Mercury/Pluto/Saturn oppositions on the 1st and 3rd to ask for what you want not or make changes around money and assets.
Big business could feature as could you simply getting the answers you want. The 5th sees Mercury arriving in it rulings 3rd favouring deal making, paper signing, contract agreeing activities of all kinds. You will also be able to get your point across effectively now. Especially if this involves you and another. That past, present or potential boss or boo. Or even that bank manager. This is about money and love. And above all how you love yourself. Your worth or self-esteem as opposed to vanity.
Destiny spins you around
The Nodes take our destiny and run with it in a new direction. The fact Venus is involved tells you this won’t just be about you. So watch who or what you are interacting with around the 5th. and yes, this could be that new potential partner too! Fate is at work. Old enough? Look back 19 years to the period between 2001-2003 for clues.
Days later Venus moves into its ruling 2nd – which combined with your ruler in your 3rd should hand you the means to further yours. You could find yourself dealing with people on a larger scale mid-month. Even if this is simply via the internet, Zoom or remotely.
Draw others to your fire!
Go getting Mars in your 11th ignites your passion to break out and pursue friendship, goals or even fame or getting yourself noticed. You have something to say now and its also the way you say it. With confidence and passion that has others sitting up and taking notice. Put yourself out there and this includes looking for that potential new boo as well as reviving connections or building new ones.
You’ve the desire to be seen as a success over something. Maybe simply around what you love to do, that social media feed, a relationship, your career – the list goes on. Goals are very personal for each of us. But they must ignite our fire in order for us to manifest them. So, what’s yours? Excitement and motivation replace spinning those wheels.
The trine between the Sun and Mars on the 15th fuels the fire while one between ruler Mercury and Mars on the 17th gives you the power to persuade. Make your case now. With a touch of win/win thrown in thanks to the Venus/Ceres trine on the 16th. The very least your take-out will be is win/win.
We have ignition!
Fantabulizing new beginnings now beckon as you take your newly re-ignited fire for something or someone forward with you. It’s new Moon in your 3rd shining on Mars and most importantly for you, making an angle of destiny driven new beginnings to the North Node in your sign. When it comes to news, what you hear or have to say, getting around, the internet or that idea – take it you have not seen a fresh start like this appear for a long time. Begin it now. Don’t talk, don’t dream – ignite it.
Take action. Write, speak, flirt, communicate, share and above all, do it in ways that make you stand out.
Give that love house room
Ruler Mercury moves into its other ruling sign of Virgo and your 4th on the 20th. And the Sun arrives two days later. Property and home matters may feature. If you want to move, the next month is one of the best to do that, start your search or set the wheels in motion. Or even redecorate and renovate. Now that the other planets have spurred you into action and you have a plan, chances are you won’t mind if the rest of the month is spent closer to home.
Working from home is favoured. Which of course many of us are still doing. Or more of it. As is that side hustle or your table top talent. Balancing home, work and ambitions in better ways could result as Mercury trines ceres on the 25th. And one of the most gift-wrapped transits of the year appears on the 25th when Venus in its 2nd opposes Jupiter in your 8th and Mercury in your 3rd trines Uranus in your 12th. Look for exciting, sudden, unlooked for and innovating ways to make yourself secure or take those ideas to the next level.
One thing is certain. You won’t necessarily mind cocooning at home if this is the order of the day. So, you can draw new inspiration, insight and creativity from your surroundings now as Venus trines Neptune on the 27th. You may strike a deal around that work/life balance as the Sun in Vigo opposes Ceres in Pisces. Especially if this concerns your daily responsibilities, paid or unpaid work or your wellbeing.
Receive answers from a higher source
Three more fabulous benefits are heading your way in the final three days of August. This may lead you to not entirely writing off 2020 as a lost cause! Property or security enhancing news could be the result of the Merc/Jupiter trine on the 29th. This could usher in a new sense of self-worth or self-generated prosperity as Venus opposes Pluto on the 30th. Both planets are in their ruling houses in your chart. Venus has the bank account. Pluto looks after the vault. Venus wins this one when it comes to financial and feel-good improvements.
Throw in as one final touch ruler Mercury’s opposition to Neptune. You’ll reach for amazing spiritual answers to long term questions now. You can delve into the multiverse via meditation, soothing music while you are at home, creative visualisation or let you mind wander when you are doing something you love – and return with the kind of insight and solutions you’ve been seeking all along. You can take these with you on into September. Enter that wild new world you can design perfectly for you, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Just when you thought 2020 was a no-show, it arrives with wine to get the party started, Gemini! Destiny spins the bottle and sends you off in a fresh direction – towards love perhaps?
Welcome to your astro-after party!
Have that conversation
Get glamourized
Your birthday season may have be re-gifted to those Leo’s next door and then the Virgo’s down the astro street later this month. But August may feel like it is still your birthday on some level, Cancer.
For one thing, Mercury now very much direct helps with the feeling that life has regained its momentum. For another, you’re still experiencing the love moves from that line up in your 7th. Love or one particular connection remains at the centre of your thoughts and even topics of talk at least until the 5th when Mercury leaves you sign for your 2nd.
Is it time for serious love?
From the 1st until the 3rd, Mercury will oppose first Pluto and then Saturn. Saturn is back for a final visit to your 7th before exiting for good later this year. Pluto asks you where the transformation still needs to take place between you and another? Or even within with yourself. These two planets in our 7th always tell us there is work to be done around relationships.
Plug into the source
But here’s that birthday bonus for you, Cancer. You have Venus which rules your 7th in your sign from the 7th . Become the love or the love change you are seeking to create. Clothe yourself in glamour. The great thing about planetary energy is that it is archetypal. Now, the ancients associated each planet with either male or female energy. Or sometimes a mixture.
Energy is however energy. We don’t think of electricity of having a gender for instance. And archetypal energy is the same. It doesn’t matter what gender we identify with or what the planet itself is associated with. Its energy is gender fluid.
Don’t define love by old standards
So, with Venus think beauty, creativity, gorgeousificiation, showstopping moves, doing or saying it with love, diplomacy, glitter and timeless glamour and style. Again, think anyone from Audrey Hepburn to Cary Grant to Billy Porter redefining red carpet lush for all of us. Beauty is fluid. So is love to that is the archetype you are embracing and the energy you have to work with now. What your personal take on this?
Be your version of beauty and love. Who can resist, Cancer? Certainly not the old boy network archetypes of Pluto and Saturn that’s for sure. But before you become the embodiment of what you want to attract in, we have a full Moon in your sector of transformation on the 3rd. Is this your preparation for launch? This is your house of ‘power’ money which Pluto rules. Where changes, endings and re-birth occurs.
Re-write the rule book
It rules what we share and is shared with us in return. And also, the T&C’s which go along with that. You may be reviewing these now. This full Moon asks if the arrangements you have with others – be they your salary to who makes the decisions or even takes out the trash, are equal – or not. And if not, how powerful do you feel in negotiating something better?
This Moon can either send you scurrying back to your shell in search of emotional safety and a a dish of ice cream. Or it can have you tackling something you’ve been putting off for some time. Which is it to be, Cancer? Goddesses of Gorgeousness don’t get scared. They know how they should be treated and aren’t afraid to ask for what they want. It goes with the territory after all.
This full Moon should quite literally leave something done and dusted and put behind you. You’ll feel both relief and release. Not to mention a feeling of achievement and surprise as it could turn out to be easier that you thought.
Days of future past
Your 12th is where your past lives. Not just last week but days of futures past in the form of past lives and karma. The North Node in your 12th gets even more karmically charged as it links you to patterns not just in this lifetime but across the multiverse of lifetimes. New karma, old karma coming full circle, the chance for another go around with some new. Or someone returning. Watch for themes going back 19 years to 2001-2003 or 19 before that if you are old enough as Venus meets the North Node in your 12th just prior to arriving in your sign on the 7th.
Vesta into Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 12th is all about being able to say ‘Show me the money!’. Asking for your worth. Most importantly in how you are treated and what others expect of you. Especially if this is a role you have not assigned yourself but has been delegated to you simply based on your gender or family position.
Get talking
If you need to speak up about something or simply want to craft your very best presentation or case, wait for the period from the 15th – 17th when the Sun and Mercury in your 2nd trine confident Mars in your status setting 10th.
The new Moon in your 2nd on the 19th is one of the best for new beginnings. This is another reason why I said it may seem as if you are getting an extra-large bite of that birthday cake this year Cancer! And can have seconds too. This new Moon tells you to value its energy. Don’t waste it. It can begin to show you areas where you need to focus your energy. But you won’t get results unless you do.
Strike out in a fresh direction
Again, lucky you has Mars and also the North Node at your after party both making beneficial angles to this new Moon as it appears. This extra-rare alignment means you have the confidence and desire to follow through with that focus. And the North Node promises destiny defining results if you do. Or even fate stepping in to assist you in some way.
Mercury moves off into its ruling 3rd from the 20th and the Sun follows two days later. Your focus could shift from one relationship to something wider. Work, business, writing, wellbeing, communication and also meaning it. Promises in other words. You’re good at those, Cancer. And the thing is you can’t bear anyone who breaks theirs.
Actions say all you need to know
You’ll see who keeps their follow through and who is simply all talk and not much more as we head into the final week of the month. Venus will align to first Jupiter in your 7th on the 25th, one of the best love days of the year. Followed by a free-flowing trine on the 27th. The 30th sees it oppose Pluto – which is also the day when Mercury will oppose Neptune in your 9th. Higher, brighter, more beautiful love expressions are possible now.
Mercury also trines both Uranus in your 11th on the 25th and then Jupiter on the 29th. Love is somehow taking you towards freedom or something higher. If you are seeking answers around love, expect these to be answered. Perhaps not in an obvious way because that’s not how spirit works. But through dreams, symbols, synchronicities and simple flashes of insight.
This could be a slow certainty or a sudden revelation. But whatever form it arrives in you know it’s the truth. This could be a magical rekindling of love or taking an existing connection to another level. Or else the clarity of what you need to now do to go find this. Either way, it all feels like the party’s continuing – all August long, Cancer.
In a nutshell: your birthday season may be over. But let’s get this after-party started! Intuition and insight fuel new beginnings in love. Destiny has a plan for you this August, Cancer.
Imagine more
Can you re-write the stars?
Welcome to the realm of impossibilities
Let go of what you think is possible as August begins. Ruler the Sun’s angle to Rockstar Chiron in your 9th is all about something you just figured was beyond the realm of possibilities. And suddenly it’s not. This could be related to learning, far off places, or you suddenly being able to strike out towards freedom or the direction of your dreams. They just got bigger. Not more impossible.
Mercury remains in your 12th until the 5th and Venus will enter here from the 7th. While they are in here, expect your psychic abilities, insight, ‘gut’ feelings and your soul muse or whatever you want to call it, to be broadcasting loud and clear.
Hello, again
Combine this with Venus’s meeting with the North Node in your 11th on the 5th and you can expect to ‘Play it again, Sam’ on some level this week. Either with someone familiar or within a scenario that feels just that.
While planets remain in your 12th, they will oppose the outer, slow moving planets in your 6th. All three are not retrograde – Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. We need to talk about the business of feeling good, Leo. Because this is what this is about. To take full advantage of the next big thing the universe plans to sent you way, you need to be on your game. And August is when you get to train.
Game time!
Yes, I know it is still your birthday season right up until the 22nd when ruler the Sun leaves your sign. And here I am talking about getting ‘in training’. But bringing your best game means winning. Let’s see what else is in your playbook by the stars this August for that game plan, Leo.
Full Moon always reflect their light into the house opposite. So, expect someone to be showing you how they see you on the 3rd when the full Moon appears in your 7th. Now, hopefully they are bringing gifts, tributes and general adoration. You like it and also what is says about how they see you.
Nobody deserves a disconnect and certainly not during their birthday season. But if you don’t like what you see, now it the time to tackle that. Because anyone or anything that simply doesn’t contribute to you feeling on top of that game, needs to be put up for transfer. You’re being asked if you believe there’s more or simply more of the same?
Welcome to Saturn’s rules
Just prior to the full Moon your ruler the Sun slants at Uranus in your 10th. Uranus always wants to free us. This is all about autonomy and self-determination. The day of the new Moon also has Mercury in your 12th oppose Saturn in your 6th. Saturn rules time and also the rules of the game. It can say ‘Time’s up’. This could blow the final whistle on something that really, when you think about it, may not have been doing you any good for a while.
With the line up of planets in your 6th we are talking daily responsibility and wellbeing. Your game plan rests on your feeling your best. And retaining who or what contributes to that. And showing yourself enough self-love to let what doesn’t go. While Mercury and then Venus is in your 10th, both these planets highlight what this may be for you. And also if you do need to shed, what may be coming in to replace it!
Rock the motion of devotion
Vesta’s arrival in your 1st on the 12th could have you also looking at devotion to someone or something. And asking yourself whether or not a better, more reciprocal arrangement could be put in place instead? Mid month points to new beginnings in the making and also a fire behind any desire to start something or put it on a new footing.
Just prior to the new Moon in your 1st on the 19th, we have ruler the Sun and then Mars in your sign both trine Mars in your 9th on the 15th and 17th. This new Moon also angles to Mars when it appears, infusing what you say with more than just confidence. But a desire for understanding and agreement too. You want a result but you want the other person to walk away with what they want too.
Rewrite the stars – for yourself and someone else
Your golden Leo capacity for generosity and sharing comes to the fore in a way that your ideas around this could put you and another on a new (read better, more soul aligned) karmic path. This new Moon is a real ‘rewrite the stars’ one as it angles to the North Node in ideas driven Gemini and your 11th of the future. And being the sign of the twins – this tells us at least one other person’s karma is at play here. Trapeze is optional.
Right after the new Moon the party breaks up in your sign as first Mercury (20th) and then your ruler (22nd) exit and enter your 2nd. But let’s now get the after-party started, Leo. And we’re back to that game plan but now with an extra splash of soul healing attached to it.
What you give away or release, you could get back bigger now. And by that I mean taking inspired, spiritually based action around wellness, what energises you and feeds your soul. Old wounds or the past can be healed, reframed and released. What drags you down, keeps you stuck, holds you back or drains you can be ditched.
It’s not the work – it’s the way you werk it
The first clues you’ll get around this is the Mercury/Ceres opposition on the 23rd. Ceres rules reaping what we sow and also compromises, new deals and new worlds. In your case, this could begin by cleaning your environment of pollution. Junk food, junk thoughts and dare I say it – people who aren’t interested in raising your vibe. But dragging it down to theirs.
You may come up with new ways to work with what you keep however. Your routine, work and anything that the past has proved has stood the test of time too. Because not everything in our past needs to be let go of. Some loves are forever. And these can be for people, places, ideas, hobbies, activities and the things we create.
Some loves are forever
You may remake some of these as Mercury trines Uranus in your 10th on the 25th. Your 10th is a house you feel good in, Leo. Why? Because it’s about reputation and where you get to strut your stuff. It’s a ‘public’ house as well as one of achievement. Where you can take pride in yourself and your accomplishments. And watch the world take note at the same time. Unexpected breakthroughs and electrifying news could propel you up that ladder or see you ‘front of house’ in some way. Watch also for the Mercury/Jupiter trine on the 29th for further validation of this.
Beautiful, free flowing and alchemical transits point the way forward as Venus in our 12th trines Neptune and opposes Pluto on the 27th and 30th. You want to move forward into a deeper love and need a partner who wants to take the plunge with you. Inspiration, imagination, intuition and creativity will be at a peak now.
These series of transits could remove limitations and provide you with ways around, over, through and even beneath old issues. Checking out from the world to dream of what your future looks like is totally part of this as August draws to a close. Enter a magical space and understand sometimes unplugging and dreaming is an essential part of creating what we want, Leo.
In a nutshell: A fresh start is your final moonstruck birthday gift this month, Leo. Possibly between you and someone else. The rest? Turns out the universe still has the capacity to astound – and surprise you.
Are you what the world needs now?
Get ready for synchronicity and serious results
Happy birthday, Virgo!
Happy birthday, Virgo. You’re going to be showing the rest of the zodiac just what qualities the world needs now. And they’re yours. You’re the inspiration and beacon, the sensei and the sage. Ready to be a shining light? Brighter than those birthday candles? Get ready for a visionary 12 months, Virgo!
Virgo rocks – and writes the new rules
Now that we’ve already established that what the world needs now is you, sweet you; let’s look at what makes the run-up to this birthday and your solar return itself, so special.
Double the effect, double the love
Lucky for you, ruler Mercury is now free of retroactive shadows and in full flight mode. It begins the month in your 11th of social connections, groups and yes, dreams for your future. I hope you are letting go of that check list on a certain level when it comes to love, Virgo. And are going to allow synchronicity and a little bit of magic to enhance it!
Thanks to Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces and your partnership sector, you have the tools for some magical manifestation at your disposal for the coming year. Especially when it comes to any kind of double act. In fact, double is the world best used to describe Neptune when it is in its ruling sign. In ‘double promise’ or ‘double potency’.
Hack the magic!
But there’s the right way to work with this energy. And the way which gets us nowhere fast. Your birthday forecast includes your Neptune hacks. First however, changes could send you rocking down a new path as the Sun in your 12th trines Chiron in your 8th at the very start of August.
You may not see this coming. The phrase I am getting over this is ‘the blind side’. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. Chiron asks us to take a bold, previously untried approach. Often we reach for this only when we’re caught off guard or see a radically different response if called for. Chiron wants us to be independent – a bit like Uranus does. But a lot more punkily on our own path. Electrifying results could spring from you reaching for the untried reaction.
This may come about around the 3rd when the full Moon appears in your 6th and ruler Mercury opposes retro Saturn in your 5th along with Vesta. You could claim independence and freedom from someone or something and strike off in a direction all your own! Now, that’s sexy, Virgo.
Show you mean business
Mercury is on the move into your 12th from the 5th. This is also the day Venus in your status soaring 10th meets the North Node. With the line up you have in Capricorn and your 5th, and the North Node in your 10th, this is business, baby. So, act like you mean it. No matter what area is in focus in the run up to your birthday – children, lovers, career, creativity, partners – act like a boss.
Work it like you mean it and mean what you say. Venus arrives in your 11th from the 7th. Now this transit is usually simply about the love of friends and not romance. However, you have that major stellium in your romance zone and double influence Neptune in your partnership sector. Venus will trine Neptune on the 27th while ruler Mercury will oppose it from your 1st on the 30th.
Venus will also add a major touch of irresistible sugary sex magic to the mix on this day when it opposes Pluto in your 5th. Even Pluto cannot resist that come-hither. Then you have Venus opposing Jupiter in your 5th and Mercury trineing Uranus in your 9th both on the 25th. Thunder! Lightning! Talk about knock on wood.
All at sea or plain sailing?
This makes this period excellent for attracting both powerful or influential friends and hot-as- Hades lovers. One word of warning however: Neptune can weave a magical spell that can either take us towards freedom or leave us lost at sea.
To go back to the quote from that disco hit ‘Knock on Wood’ ‘You got me spinnin’, baby You know I’m in a trance’ – heads up because that’s the flip side of Neptune. Lost at sea, in a trance, out of our depth and disconnected from reality. In other words, we are in a fog of delusion when it comes to love. ‘Besotted’ is a very Neptune word. It refers to someone who is drunk – Neptune rules alcohol. And also someone drunk on love. Either way, the person is unaware of what is really going on.
Get that reality check list happening
Mercury your ruler is the antidote to any attempts by Neptune to pull the sea mists over our eyes. That’s because Mercury rules facts. So, this can bring you the most wonderful connection of pure magnetism but take care that is exactly what it appears to be by having your check list of the heart handy. Does the person do what they say they will? Keep their word or are promises followed by excuses?
Your pre-birthday package includes a lot of good medicine for the heart and soul thanks to the line up of planets in your 12th just prior to Mercury and the Sun’s arrival in your 1st. This is Neptune’s ruling house in your chart. So, your creativity, insight and ability to predict what’s next is at its peak. As is your Virgo discernment about what is good for you – and what isn’t.
The new Moon in here appears on the 19th promising a new beginning arising from the past. This is a new Moon which always triggers the feeling in us that something new or important is just around the corner! Yes, of course the obvious answer is our birthday. But as this is the house of secrets and mysteries, there’s more to it than that. This is a new Moon of knowing. About something that is going to happen or appear before it does.
Just know it works, not how it does!
The new Moon angles to Mars in its ruling 8th and also the North Node in your house of achievement and rewards. Something could return from the past but re-imagined in a new form. Tap into creativity, insight and all those fantastic analytical Virgo qualities. There’s both an art and a science to what you are picking up now.
Two days after the arrival of Mercury the Sun lights up your 1st and your birthday cycle from the 22nd. Now, back to those Virgo qualities you are radiating that the world wants more of. Let’s start with sophistication, devotion, joyfulness and discernment. Because you instinctively know less is more and you don’t need more than one – you need the right one!
Show others that being in sync with life, the universe and your body is the ultimate way to wellbeing and attracting what you want. In doing so, expect that ‘gut’ feeling you were having at the time of the new Moon in your 12th to be proved spot-on.
Love gets the win/win makeover
You’re the embodiment of the Now Age vibe that’s beginning to build now and what all of us will experience once Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius. For now, you’ll show all of us what to expect from this. You get to experience the preview.
As you radiate your glamour and pristine gorgeousness you will attract. People could be asking for more, more, more! Especially given the Venus/Jupiter opposition on the 25th. The very same day ruler Mercury will trine Uranus in your 9th and then Jupiter in your 5th on the 29th. Making the end of August a stellar period for romance or any venture where you get to stand out and get yourself noticed.
The 28th sees the Sun oppose Ceres which is also in your 7th. This could mark a new deal on love or a working relationship. As Mercury opposes Neptune on the 30th, it’s time to give yourself the gift of pure imagination. Being the sign of health you should know a little dreaming of what the future could look like is good for the soul. You have all the tools now to come up with a bright new cycle and also bring it into being. While showing the rest of us just how it’s done, birthday sign!
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Virgo! You’re the centre of attention anyway. But even more so. ‘Cos you got what the world is hungry for! How about serving up that love and devotion in the way only you can?
Time for the return of big love
Don’t stop believin’
Long live your dreams!
Let’s talk about fate, destiny and time travelling love, Libra. Not just love for someone – although it could take this form. But love for a project, what you love to do, an activity or even a place. And no small loves either. This month is about big, breathtaking, heart starting loves. And really, being the sign ruled by Venus – no other kind will do.
What you believe to be impossible, unimaginable or unbelievable around love could be about to take you utterly by surprise. The month begins with the Sun shining on connections and goals. It will trine Chiron, rock of ages on the 1st. In fact, that soundtrack is probably a great one to put on that Spotify playlist. It’s a combination of ‘Hit me with your best shot’ and ‘Don’t stop believin’’.
Expect the incredible
This is a double whammy, one-two punch that leaves you saying ‘I don’t believe it – but it’s real’. Anything from that lover you never thought to hear from again to something you have loved for so long becoming possible for you. This may not manifest all at once and right on the 1st. Give the stars time to align. What you are yearning and reaching for, where you are going and also who this may flow from or through – the full Moon in your 5th is all about Give Us a Clue. It could be shining towards a person, a group or a goal. It’s an important factor in that dream – and attaining it.
Our 11th house is where our future is created and Mercury rules contacts, communication and ideas. It arrives in here on the 5th which is the same day as your ruler Venus meets the destiny defining North Node in Mercury’s ruling sign of Gemini. And your 9th of travel, expansion, luck and yes, those big dreams that propel you out in search of ways to make them real. This is the house where dreams get lived as adventures.
The Nodes link us to the days of future past. The karma we are living, paying and are setting in motion. When the North Node is triggered by your ruler – this is big! And in your 9th and coming after the improbability engine of Chiron being triggered, the likelihood is it will get bigger. Something could come full circle, have its roots in events which began 19 years ago – or if you are old enough, seem like 1982 again. What you thought was done and dusted lives again.
Freedom feels good
Watch for returns but in the form of fresh starts. Especially around the time of the new Moon in your 11th on the 19th. This Moon is one that has the potential to send your future down a new path. And this is intensified by its angle to Mars in your 7th adding confidence and yes, chemistry and the North Node with its dash of destiny defining direction.
Take steps now to go with new beginnings. Because shortly you will enter a period where things may stall, fizzle out or simply not ignite. For now however, you have green lights all the way as Mercury (20th) and then the Sun (22nd) arrive in your mysterious and soul centered 12th.
Pay particular attention during this cycle to what your intuition or your body tells you about what makes you feel good. Dynamic or drained? Marvellous or meh? Tune in to your energy levels and see what or even where or who affects these. And then act accordingly. By the time your own birthday season approaches next month you will be glad you did.
Go for glam
Ruler Venus is moving through your 10th with the intention of giving your pubic and professional image an old style Hollywood glam makeover. And to make you seem like everyone’s object of desire. Be it for your talents, skills and smarts. Or just you. Sure this house rules our career. And shows how high we can climb. But it also rules the status of our partner too. What Venus is doing while in here is lifting you up. And ensuring you are seen in the best possible light by whoever you want to impress. Anyone from that boss to that potential squeeze.
Provided you believe it, there is no such thing as punching above your weight as August draws to a close. Not with both heavyweight Jupiter and Neptune on side for you. Venus will oppose Jupiter in your 4th on the 25th. The same day as Mercury triggers an important angle of change around your finances and possession with Uranus in your 8th.
The feelgood factor
Venus then moves to trine Neptune in your 6th of basically what does you good. Neptune wants to help you dress yourself in the role you are becoming for your new cycle Libra. This is where that image of old Hollywood glam comes in. Of course, this will look different for everyone. Think magic, costume and illusion. It’s not however about faking it will you make it. Rather that Venus and Neptune together want to draw out the real ‘you’ inside you, and have you dress how that feels!
The results could be all too real for you. So be prepared to step into that role you see yourself playing. Business person? Lover? Partner? Magician? By now August should have shown you that anything is possible and fate is not just what you go with. It’s what you make of what the universe presents you. So, take that impossible outcome or incredible opportunity – and go with it, Libra.
In a nutshell: Love is the surprise you may not see coming this August, Libra. It may arrive unexpectedly or in a different form. Open up to possibilities especially around what you love to do. Then go with it.
Change arrives but in a surprising way
Ready to move on up?
Go directly to the need
August may bring any restless streak you’ve been keeping under wraps to the surface. Blame Mercury now in full throttle mode in your 9th of long distance travel. Itchy feet? Sense of adventure got you wanting to know what else is out there? Or it is just you saying Gimme more more more! than what you’ve had to make do with of late?
Chances are August sees you wanting a change. And if you can’t manage a change of scene then maybe it’s a chance of mind or perspective that will satisfy your need for more. More love perhaps? More opportunity to pursue what you love to do? What about a side order of rewards and recognition to go with that?
Feed that need – listen to it
Expect opportunities to shine around work or career matters. If you’ve felt overlooked or that nothing you’ve tried worked, get ready to be proved wrong. If you’re out of options, then reach for the never before attempted as the Sun in your 10th trines Chiron in your 6th at the beginning of the month. You’ve got backing in the form of ruler Pluto in your 3rd opposing Mercury in your 9th. Need the right words? Power of conviction? Selling point? You’ve got that and more. Expect an unexpectedly alchemical transformation which answers that call for something more.
Let’s stop and talk about that need for something more. Because it’s going to propel you right through the month, Scorpio. Don’t ignore it. Instead invite it for a chat. Offer it a nice cup of tea. Or something stronger. Then sit down and get to know it. Especially when the full Moon stirs it up when it appears in its ruling house (4th) on the 3rd.
One minute you may want to stay home with a tub of Netflix n’Chilll’d and Real Housewives. The next, that restless spirit grabs you again and you need an escape plan. What’s going on? This full Moon can stir up all these feelings – and a few more. But if you’re willing to go deeper into them – and you are the sign of the deep dive even more than Pisces, you’ll find its an unanswered dream or desire that’s making you feel that way. Good job!
Let your dream do the talking
This may be a highly individual and personal dream. But take it that it’s a big part of you and therefore you have it for a reason. Now you and your need are on the same team, time to fulfil it. And boy, does August deliver the tools for you to do that.
Mercury joins the Sun in your 10th from this 5th. Vesta follow on the 12th. This along with the New Moon in here on the 19th will hand you the determination and confidence you need to go after more. Venus will also arrive in your 9th from the 7th triggering even more desire for that bigger love experience.
You’re in your power zone
First, it will make a destiny and direction changing meeting to the North Node in your 8th. The Nodes are time machines. They are destiny markers. In 19 year increments. In our birthcharts, they show what karma we have brought here with us and what we are here to learn. Of course, there’s the karma we make in this lifetime too. So, take it this meeting involves sex and money. Possibly your two favourite things, Scorpio.
You of all signs knows neither of these are any good unless they mean something. If you are old enough then jump in your time machine from the comfort of your couch and look at what was going on for you in these areas back then: Loans, mortgages, shares, benefits, payments, joint accounts, credit, your salary, wills, legacies, settlements and pay outs, joint accounts or property dealings, what you share with someone and what is shared with you. And any relationship where sex is a feature. Or lack thereof is an issue. Sorry, but the flip side always applies!
Destiny hands you a decision
Just avoid ‘It’s complicated’ situations with Venus. Remember, we have a say in our destiny. Financial improvements could come in via a pay rise or your loan could be approved. Something could come through which is to your benefit. Again, look back if you are able to what this may be. The themes will be similar. As could be the arrangements you enter into with someone else. Anyone from that boss to that boo.
This month’s new Moon offers a significant opportunity to aim higher, be seen and receive rewards and recognition. Just prior to this, you have an outstanding aspect between the Sun in your 10th and ancient ruler Mars in your work sector. It’s fuelling your confidence and that feeling within you that there is nothing you simply can’t do. Carry this forward to the time of the new Moon on the 19th. Its extra specialness cannot be underestimated as it makes two angles of initiation between Mars and also the North Node.
Again, refer back to what I said about the themes the Venus/Node conjunction is likely to bring in for you. This new Moon could be the marker of this. This will be an especially important new beginning for you if you have your Scorpio Sun or other planets at 26 degrees – or within a 1-2 degree orb of this. Time to step into surety, self-empowerment and commitments, Phoenix! This is the beginning of you getting that ‘more’!
Answer need with action
Right after this new Moon, you’ll feel that restlessness vanish and simply be going with the flow once more. The feeling of forward motion and heading towards a more positive future is pushed along by Mercury (20th) and then the Sun (22nd) into your sector of friends and also your future pathway. Chances are you now have a goal in mind. Or have set yourself a new one.
Changes which free you to experience love in ways it was meant to be now occur. As first Mercury in your 11th opposes Ceres in your 5th on the 23rd. Venus in your 9th opposes Jupiter in your 3rd on the 27th and then your ruler Pluto on the 30th.
Ask your angels
Do you believe in a higher power? Of course, we all know the answer to that, Scorpio! It’s time to follow insight towards love or any other opportunity you want to create for yourself. Intuition is merely how angels, your higher self, your guides, the great all-that-is chooses to communicate to you.
The aspects during the final week of August are simply designed to remove limitations. To show you previously unimaginable ways to solve problems, And to open up doors to fresh experiences and opportunities. Entering into a new kind of agreement with someone – one that is passionate and aligned to the same purpose is one possibility as the Sun opposes Ceres in your 5th on the 28th. This can be across work, love or friendship. But the Venus/Neptune trine of the 27th whispers it will benefit you both. Love in some way, shape or form is probably the need you were trying to fill at the start of the month, Scorpio. Fill it and head into September!
In a nutshell: Any feelings of restlessness are simply a dream or a deep need within you asking to be taken seriously, Scorpio. You have this for a reason. To be fulfilled. Make that commitment this August.
Barriers vanish
Have an escape plan
Revive the dream
August could well offer you a long-awaited taste of freedom, Sag. We know how you are the sign who hates feeling restricted, confined or fenced in. certainly current events have conspired to clip those wings.
August offers the opportunity for escape on some level. Sure, this may not be the big adventure you’ve been spending lockdown planning. But you may get a preview or a taste of it. The month begins with the Sun in your 9th of all things Sag ruled. It’s also the house where you get yourself noticed, receive attention and accolades. And have fun doing that.
Predict the unpredictable
Love, luck or other opportunities could appear where and when you least expect them at the very start of the month as the Sun trines Chiron in your 5th. This could bring about an impossible, jaw-dropping and totally unlikely opportunity. In fact, the more improbable you believe something to be – the more likely it is to occur.
Chiron can blow us away. It’s the most ‘out there’ object in our solar system. Simply because it shouldn’t be important. But it is. So, what does this tell you, Sag? Don’t underestimate yourself. Or what the universe is able to deliver.
Take a dream vacation
News of this could arrive soon after this aspect takes place as Mercury then moves into your 9th. This usually favours long distance travel – or these days at least travel in your imagination. Some of you may be using the Mercury/Neptune Venus/Neptune aspects of the 25th and 27th to explore ideas. Even if you cannot travel in physical form, these are excellent aspects to take a holiday from reality and to explore what your imagination can come up with.
Occasionally checking out from the day to day and escaping is good for us. Especially if this engages our creativity or us imagining something different for us for the future. and to channel these into projects such as writing, screenplays, books and other creative activities. Venus and your ruler Jupiter will also create a portal of opportunity between them on the 25th when Venus opposes Jupiter from your 8th of powerful transformation. While Mercury will trine Jupiter on the 29th. Look for news which offers you a literal ‘way out’ from long term problems or a situation that has held you back.
Revive the vision
Before we get there, this month’s full Moon in your 3rd on the 3rd shines its light back into your 9th where all this potential lies like a sleeping dragon. What is it highlighting for you, Sag? If it shows you a project, plan or idea that is unfinished yet still has potential, you might want to think about completing or reviving it.
This Moon triggers your desire to be part of something bigger. To go after something special. Just keep an eye on what you say to others under this full Moon however. Especially if you feel someone is holding you back in some way or worse – raining on those dreams. You will resort to you signature Sag bluntness if so. But you need to ask yourself if you are in fact, just projecting your need to move forward on to them?
Hold the dream
If you do have a Dream Team of friends however, this can be a wonderful Moon to catch up and dream up a new adventure together. Even if its just over Zoom. Outdoor activities – with or without others, are another way to open up to the energy that wants to break you free. And without feeling trapped and snarky in the process!
Love wants to take you back in time. Possibly in 19 year quantum leaps. Who remembers that TV series from the ‘80’s? Scott Bakula leaping from time to time and life to life? If you fancy some retro TV take a look. Look past the ‘80’s visual effects to the writing which stands the test of time. And time is what we are talking about here. So, leap back 19 years as just before Venus exits its ruling 7th in your chart it meets the North Node in here on the 5th.
Take a Quantum Leap into another life
If you were too young (or even not here!) 19 or even 38 years ago, you may find themes in your family history recur via you. But make not mistake. This is all about destiny and love. In your 7th with the ruler of your 7th involved – love is taking you on a new journey. This involves you and another. It may not be a love partner but you are in this together!
Venus moves off into your power money sector from the 7th. And as it moves through where will make a series of opportunity creating angles with ruler Jupiter and Pluto. Mid month puts the Sun and Mercury both in your shining path 9th. You’re ditching worries about what others may think and following your bliss as both make confidence booting angles to Mars in your 5th on the 15th and 17th. You won’t wait for love to make the first move. Or really anything else for that matter.
Make your move
Daring to go after what you want or to seize an opportunity to break free of that feeling of being stuck in the status quo forms part of this. It’s real ‘What are you waiting for?’ Certainly, the only person’s permission you need is your own.
Love is coming around again
A freedom lighting new Moon appears in your 9th on the 20th. What’s more it’s making stunning future-spinning alignments with that Mars in your 5th and also that North Node in your 7th. this is a new moon of attraction and also possibilities for you to explore. It marks the beginning of an important 19 year cycle especially around love.
If you are seeking any kind of partnership, now is the time to have a plan to enable them to find you. Existing unions can move to the next level of loving and learning together. For others this may also include what they love to do, those big dreams or the love of a subject, place or project.
Mercury and the Sun are now on the move. Mercury arrives in your status conscious 10th on the 20th and the Sun on the 22nd. These two are going to make easy flowing angles to those heavy weight planets in your 2nd as they move through here. This includes your ruler Jupiter. They will also opposes Neptune and Ceres in your home sector and trine Uranus, planet of surprises and freedom in your house of work and wellbeing.
Move back into freedom
Who’s afraid of big, bad Uranus? Well, not you Sag because you understand that when Uranus is on your case its intentions are to free you from any ruts you have inadvertently dug for yourself. It’s also retrograde right now so just like Pluto and Neptune, twice as surprising. Something which takes you up, up and away from what has become your reality and then drops you back down past the limits you’ve been working with lately, could be the result. But the entire month has been preparing you for this. Welcome back freedom.
In a nutshell: The Nodes rule karma and destiny timed cycles. Yours is about partnerships, long term loves or something you love to do. Love if your fastest route to freedom this month, Sag. And it’s coming around again.
No Band-Aids – just real fixes
Explore alternatives
Evolve your love
We begin the month with the Sun and Mercury in your house of power money. Your salary, assets, shares, loans, credit cards, mortgages, legacies, wills and joint assets if you and your partner jointly have a bank account or own your home.
If you are been looking for a new way to manage what you have and what you are worth, the start of August could bring an outrageous new alternative to your attention. Or someone could make you an offer you probably shouldn’t refuse as the Sun angles to Chiron in your 4th.
Solutions – especially around your home, living arrangement or income, could appear now. Watch for what this could be when the full Moon of the 3rd appears in your money zone. Chances are you may be having joint discussions with someone near and dear thanks to Mercury remaining in your 7th until the 5th and opposing ruler Saturn on the 3rd – same day as the full Moon in your 2nd – your ‘other’ money house. So, try to schedule any important talks around money, sharing or living arrangements for them. And hold fast to your values.
Act today but future proof your thinking
Mercury joins the Sun n your 8th from the 5th favouring contracts and agreements of all kinds. With Saturn still giving you that surety to ‘put a ring on it’, you should be confident when it comes to signing or entering into anything long term especially when Mercury is opposite it on the same day as that full Moon.
The stars are in the house
Venus rules both your 2nd and your 7th houses. Your money and your love. Of course, in partnership matters and marriages, these two things are interwoven. Relationships where they are joint assets and where sex can play in important role comes under your 8th house. Romance and lovers – your 5th. But astrology breaks these down into separate houses. Why? Good question. Those clever Capricorns who know the answer can skip this bit and just scroll on down.
Well, it was like this. Back in ancient times marriage (which Venus rules) was not always about love. Marriage was about all kinds of things that we in the 21st Century don’t have to consider when choosing that lifetime squeeze. If you were from a rich and powerful family, you would be married to someone chosen by your family for power or politics usually. If you were lucky, you might come to love them. Or not.
So, the joint lands and marital assets were an 8th house issue back in ye olde days. Even if you were a poor serf, you would endeavour to marry in order to have an extended family and children to care for you in your old age. Again, this was survival and love may or may not have entered into it.
So, who you actually loved as opposed to who you were married to, came under the rulership of the 5th and not the 7th house. And just because you were married to someone, did not necessarily mean you were having sex with them. Hence, the 7th house ruling marriage and partnerships, and the 8th ruling relationships where sex is usually a feature. Or again, not as the 8th house also rules death of desire. Go figure!
What do you need from love today?
Pluto is the modern ruler of this house and Mars was the ancient one. Of course, you have Pluto in your 1st and powerfully retrograde right now. It’s intent on transforming your long term love life, partnership status and ideas around love. Many of you by now will have had Pluto pass over your natal Sun and other Capricorn planets. Those of you born in the later part of Capricorn are now experiencing this.
You also have Uranus in your 5th working on what you most value about yourself – and want from love. What you will and won’t compromise over and where you will. Expect a new deal on love to appear this August one way or another. But also keep that knowledge about which house rules what part of love and partnerships in mind. Venus arrives in its ruling 7th on the 7th. As it moves through this house it will makes a series of simply fabulous Come and get your love angles. Especially to Jupiter in your 1st which it will do on the 25th.
What do you want from love? Where do you want it to take you? This is the final time Venus will make these angles to Jupiter in your sign for 12 years. Jupiter provides solutions and open doors. This could spell a literal meeting or introduction to a new love. The next stage in an existing one. Or with the Node in play – the return of an old one.
Please be aware however, that although this is one of the best periods for love of the year for you, the planets cannot fix what is broken. However, what they can hand you now if consciously uncoupling is inevitable, is an easier way to achieve this than usual. Thanks to Mercury and the Sun in your house of freedom and expansion from the 20th and 22nd.
This months new Moon on the 19th angles to Mars in your 4th and the North Node in your 6th. for everyone this is going to be one of the most powerful new beginnings of the year. One where destiny may be at the controls but we have the confidence to go where it is directing us.
Simply Irresistible
So, what has this month shown you about what you want and need, Cappy? Especially in terms of love or another close relationship. Hopefully August will hand you the ability to ask (nicely of course) and also show you where to compromise if necessary.
Mercury and the Sun in your 9th offer win/win solutions as both oppose new deal Ceres in Mercury’s ruling 3rd in your chart on the 23rd and 28th. What can you imagine? For yourself, for you and another or simply an idea that could take you further than you ever imagined? If you are looking for ideas, solutions, suggestions or even answers to those big questions like: What is love’s purpose for me right now? Ask and chances are you’ll get your answer tanks to Venus trineing Neptune on the 27th.
Still in doubt? Mercury opposes Neptune in its own house on the 30th and by then you should know for sure. Meanwhile, Venus still in your 7th opposes Pluto in your sign the same day. Venus rules this one and Pluto cannot resist, so ask away. Or go with the transformation love wants to bring you now. It always was, still is and will be the answer, Capricorn!
In a nutshell: Love wants to transform your world. Or maybe just you, Capricorn. And if it’s a new love or a love revival, August is one of the best months for you to evolve your soul – and another’s.
Love takes an unexpected turn
Intuition has the answers
Get star-struck!
Ruler Uranus upturns even more expectations as it heads retrograde in your 4th from the 16th, Aquarius. Like many of the large outer planets, Uranus simply ups its game backwards. So, twice the surprises! Twice the excitement! And twice the thrills!
Like a bolt from the blue during this cycle, you may not see things coming – until the arrive. And when they do realise how badly things needed well – just that little bit of a shake-up.
You may hear it – but do you believe it?
You’ve a full Moon in your sign this month. It occurs on the 3rd right after another surprising interlude take place. This one between the Sun in your partnership zone and Chiron in your 3rd. Unexpected declarations of lurve. Hearing from someone you never thought to ever again. Meeting that exciting potential squeeze in the last place you would have imagined. Feeling intense chemistry with someone you would never have thought would be your ‘type’. This combined with this full Moon puts someone else in your searchlight, Aquarius.
Uranus always wants us to be open-minded. Chiron even more so. To look beyond the obvious. This especially applies to anything affecting your home or living arrangements now Uranus is retro. Sudden moves can be common under this cycle. As could be that property sale or purchase falling through. Chains collapsing or people changing their minds. If so – take it that this is happening to ensure you are where you need to be. It could even be right where you are.
Hidden truths provide real answers
While Mercury and then Venus move through your 6th house, they both oppose the heavy duty line up of power planets in your 12th. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. All retroactive. All powered up to bring you access all areas to hidden truths and what you need to know. Provided you let go of what you think is going on and open up to what is really happening! Being your 12th, this resides in the realm of your intuition, dreams and gut feelings. So, don’t ignore these. Especially when it comes down to money, self-worth and values.
Star struck – not star crossed!
The day Mercury fuels love talk and partnership discussions (5th), also has Venus which rules your 7th, encounter the North Node in your 5th of lovers, children, young people and creative passions and heavenly pursuits. Love destiny is in motion now.
Please don’t use the term ‘Star crossed lovers’. There’s a lot of confusion about that. People don’t understand what it really means. Sorry, Shakespeare. You knew. Your audience just interpreted it how they wanted. Star crossed means the stars are not aligned for you. Nobody wants that! This however is something very special and very different. Fate, destiny, karma – whatever you want to call it, is aligned with this meeting.
This could bring through that unexpected encounter with that destiny defining lover. It could involve news or the arrival of a child or even a grandchild. Or as this is your house of luck and being noticed for your talents and what you love to do, the start of a shining success story.
Know it – go for it
Once you see it – you should have no doubts about knowing what it is – or going for it for that matter, Aquarius. Mid-month isn’t about hesitating or procrastinating. If it makes your heart beat faster – go for it! Mars in your 2nd of cash and self-esteem gets heated up by first the Sun in your 7th (15th) and then Mercury (17th. You also won’t have problems making the first move or with that opening line. Agreements can be reached between now and the end of the month.
New beginnings in an existing relationship, new kinds of togetherness or possibilities around long term love are whispered by the new Moon in your 7th on the 19th. This Moon comes pre-packaged with Cupid’s Extra Special Passion Bonus. It trines Mars in your 3rd and sextiles the North Node in your 5th.
No procrastination, no excuses
If you are single and seeking – no more excuses about why you’re not out there letting love find you. Especially if these revolve around ‘I need to lose 10lbs’, ‘I just don’t have time at the moment’ or the latest and greatest hit in the love procrastinator’s list ‘Covid has put a stop to everything’.
If your current relationship has become like a wilting flower, bring a long tall drink of water. Schedule date night. Or simply stop avoiding having that talk about something you know is actually affecting your relationship on a deep level. Table the discussion and begin on a new footing.
It’s all love
New relationships can and will appear. And it’s all about the love. In business, in friendships or with anyone or any being that wants to collaborate with you. An activity partner. Co-creator. That horse even if you ride. All these are partnerships. Don’t limit your love experience. Because you and I know – it doesn’t have to be the romantic kind to be the real deal! With the Nodes involved, look back 19 years if you were old enough then and see what was happening around relationships. New beginnings? Endings? Significant milestones? There’s your clue.
Sharing is your superpower
Change is in the air as we head towards September. Mercury lands in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th, on the 20th and the Sun follows two days later. This is your house of empowerment, of assets and the cash you earn or are granted access to – think mortgages and loans. It’s about shared money and other stuff you might not have but would like access to. What is shared with you by others and also what you share in return.
Here’s the great thing about sharing. And I’m not just talking money but anything you have to share. Your time for instance. Sharing a chore or a task you know someone would like help with. Sharing contacts, entrée, resources. And as this is your house of marital or joint assets and all that goes with that, your bed, bank account and sure, yes, the chores too.
Sharing transforms both parties. The giver and the receiver. We’re entering a new kind of sharing economy thanks to your ruler in Taurus. And expect even more ideas around this when the big planets arrive in your sign kickstarting the Now Age.
Link to a higher purpose
For now, as the planets move through your 8th, they will oppose Ceres and Neptune in your 2nd and also trine ruler Uranus in your 4th. Then there’s Venus drawing on a higher love from Neptune on the 27th and Venus opposing both Jupiter and then Pluto. This could lead to financial improvements, the wherewithal to make that move or someone merely putting what they have at your disposal with no hidden agenda in mind. Other than to help that is.
Sharing is more than caring. It sends a powerful message out into the universe that we have more than enough so we feel we can be generous with it. And because this month is all about love and you and others, the more you feel you have to go around, the more you have to share. Just like karma, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Lovers, babies, children, young people or relationships that could turn you into a parent, step-parent or even adult children feature this month. As does your creativity. Time to shine, Aquarius!
Be your own wish granter!
Work some new magic
Don’t think it – act on it
This month could see you literally taking flight and soaring away from issues that have been keeping you grounded for far too long.
I don’t mean your fairy godmother waves a magic wand and all your problems vanish, Pisces. Just that if you are willing to take action on what we all know is your infallible intuition, you may be surprised at how easy this all is. Especially if you have been feeling that you have been trapped in the equivalent of the Twilight Zone lately.
No delays. No excuses
Just bear in mind, once you get a strong feeling around what you need to do or say – you must act on it. There’s no more room for doubt or procrastination. Do it or say it with confidence. But don’t procrastinate. Yes, I know I said that already. It was just worth saying again.
First up, August wants you examining the feel-good factor in your life. In other words, what delights you and what drains you? It’s a time when we all need to become more mindful of the impact of everything we think, do and eat on our bodies. Even down to where we hang out and the people we hang with. Even at a social distance. Because it is your opposite sign, you might want to read Virgo’s forecast for this month because channelling your inner Virgo (and yes, you DO have one), could be your magic feather for achieving this. And a whole lot more.
What’s that feelgood factor?
What reflects your values and your worth, Pisces? What contributes to you feeling energised, alive and vibrant? And what doesn’t? Your mission at the start of August is to examine this closely. And once you get your feedback from your higher self – not to ignore it. An unexpected, feelgood event around work, study or your routine could propel you towards something exciting and life-affirming thanks to the trine between the Sun in your 6th and Chiron in your 2nd on the 1st.
For some of us -and the good news is you are one of those signs, Pisces, August could deliver a bubble of fun, opportunity and optimism to break the lockdown mehs. This is in part due to Mercury now very much direct once more and in your 5th at the start of the month. It will then move into its ruling 6th in your chart from the 7th – hence the focus on what makes you feel good.
Intuition is information
You may arrive at the truth around this via instinct and insight. But once you have this information act on it. Spiritual answers are the ones which ring truest. If you are still unsure – please speak to a professional. Anyone from your doctor to a counsellor, dietician, therapist or one of our gifted readers. The first week also hands you a powerful tool with which to scry. The full Moon in your 12th may show you via simple ‘gut’ feelings, dreams, symbols or even the reaction of your energy levels, what you need – and what you don’t!
Clear out and cleanse. And if all this is sounding like spring clean for the soul in high summer – well, what better time to prepare. The other bubble forming in the sky for you – aside from the one ruler Neptune is creating which I will go into in depth shortly, is Venus set on fabulization for you as it sashays into your 5th from the 7th.
Go back to move forward
Just prior to this, it will encounter the North Node in your 4th. This has not happened for 19 years! In your 4th this is about family karma, destiny, country, home, homeland, belonging and roots. If you are old enough, jump back in your time machine 19 years. To the period between 2001-2003. What themes came up around this then? If you were a child did your parents move for instance? What happened in your family and to your family? If you are older then go back another 19 years again. Find the pattern. Find the themes. History could be set to repeat itself in a funny way or bring you a new place to call home. Even a new area, town or country!
As Venus moves through your 5th it will oppose both Jupiter and Pluto in your house of friends and the future. Opportunities and the ability to soar away form restrictions may come via the people you are connected to. Jupiter is all about removing limitations and Pluto is about handing us the power – or at least showing us we are powerful enough to create the changes we want to see. Again, this is all about taking action.
A little system works some synchronicity
This month’s new Moon on the 19th is in your 6th which may see you now acting on those insights which came to you around the time of the full Moon in your 12th. Time to look at all the information your intuition fed you, and now use it in a highly practical and systematic way.
Make To Do lists. Create a routine which supports you and makes things easier. Have a structure and a schedule. If you do these simple things, you might think a minor miracle has taken place as you watch tiny changes bring you big results. The reason for the magic is that this new Moon makes pivotal angles to Mars in your 2nd and the North Node in your 4th. Bring that success story down to earth, Pisces.
Become what love imagines you could be
You’ll be glad you did from the third week of August when first Mercury (20th) and then the Sun (22nd) enter your 7th house. With Venus still in your 5th this is therefore one of the best cycles of the year for romance, partnerships and pleasure.
What’s more, aside from Jupiter’s problem solving skills at your disposal, as Venus transits your 5th is will trine both Ceres and your ruler Neptune. Mercury will oppose Ceres on the 23rd and trine now retroactive Uranus in your 3rd on the 25th as well as trineing Jupiter on the 29th and opposing Neptune on the 30th.
Venus will trine Neptune on the 27th. Now, when Neptune is in its ruling sign and retrograde, what you need to remember is that its power its doubled. If you are searching for love, for a new job, for opportunity in any sphere now, the way to work this oh so rare Neptune magic is to immerse yourself in it. Remember please. Neptune will not return to your sign in your lifetime.
Wrap yourself in some magic
How do you make the most of this? Neptune rules glamour and also the ability to shapeshift. Think of water and how it flows. In our first house Neptune wants us to first imagine who we can become. And then become it.
This is why you need to be organised this month. To have a system or a schedule and get that day job or those ‘must do’s’ out of the way. Free yourself up to connect to Neptune and allow yourself to imagine what you can become and what this new ‘you’ looks like.
Once this is clear, then come back to earth and use your upskilled practical smarts to become just that. In other words, be who you see yourself to be. Dress differently or project a new kind of energy. That person you want to become – how does s/he act? How do they dress, think or speak? Sometimes it’s all about the aura we project as opposed to how we look or dress.
Be your own fairy godmother
The biggest gift this wonderful bubble has for you this August is the ability for you to change your vibe and your beliefs about yourself. And in doing so attract new outcomes with old connections. Or new connections where the future has yet to be written. In other words, you have become your own fairy godmother. Be who you know you can be, Pisces. But don’t just dream it. Love favours those who act on insight.
In a nutshell: The person you dream you can be? Ruler Neptune wants you to become them, Pisces. Weave a little magic spell. And transform yourself into who you know you are becoming.
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