October 2019 Monthly Astrology Forecast
Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs October 2019
- Have a clear goal in mind
- Strike a new deal based on surety and self-worth
- That game face says – sexy, Aries!
Pluto direct in your career sector from the 3rd removes any remaining barriers to progress. But the question is: do you know where you want to get to? Time to get your game face on this month and come from a place of self-empowerment and surety. A key situation is about to transform and you will be the catalyst for your own rebirth in a specific area, Aries!
You’re the warrior of the zodiac and usually unafraid to take action. Tap into your reservoirs of power and do just that this month. On some level the world will be watching – possibly those in positions of power, authority or influence. So be aware at all times as the planets shift into your 8th of shared resources and transformational change, that you need to project self-assurance even if you are shaking in those warrior shoes! Believe me, no one will notice provided you have a clear outcome in mind!
Your 8th is where your passion resides and you are being asked to reconnect to it now if you feel it’s been absent lately. This doesn’t just include passion in your relationships, but being passionate about what you do, your ideas and what you believe in. It’s also about being unafraid to show what you stand for and where your boundaries lie. In other words, showcase those values! What do you bring that adds value to a job, work, salary, your ideas, talents or skills, or any kind of negotiation this month? Mercury in your 8th from the 3rd opposes Uranus in your money zone on the 7th, indicating you are coming from a new place of self-worth. Venus rules your money as well as your love life, and it too arrives in here the day after. What’s more, your ruler Mars enters Venus’s ruling 7th from the 4th and opposes Chiron in your 1st on the 9th, while the Sun still in your 7th aligns with Ceres in your 9th on the 11th. This is all about daring to ask for or try for a result or deal that you haven’t had the courage to pursue until now. This can be asking for a raise or when someone at that job interview asks what salary you are seeking, stating what you know you are worth and being unafraid to do so. This can also manifest as renegotiating the terms of an existing relationship. You want depth, understanding and to know you deserve respect and also passion in return from partners. State your terms now. Again, this is all about knowing what outcome you want.
The 13th puts you firmly in the spotlight on so many levels. This is the day of the full Hunter’s moon which appears in your 1st. Have a target or goal in mind. Be clear about your intentions. Try if you can to bring personal projects or goals to completion now. And above all, be aware of how you are coming across to others and what you are projecting. Again, this is linked to your values and what you stand for or will or won’t compromise or ‘sell short’ over. Perhaps this is selling yourself short if you have done in the past? There’s questions around what you will and won’t accept any longer. This extends right across your personal relationships and in to your professional ones. How are you treated or rewarded and how do you expect to be?
Did you know this is the only night of the month that the Moon is in the sky all night long? This is why it is so important for those intentions! The 13th – 14th are power days for you especially when it comes to you and another. Again, this can be a matter of the heart or a business one. The day of the Hunter’s Moon sees Venus in your 8th oppose Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd. Soul worth defining moves can be made – know your worth now and act on it. Doors to love and freedom swing wide and don’t allow your belief in yourself to waver now on the 14th as the Sun in your partnership zone impacts on both Pluto in your status sector and Jupiter in its ruling 9th. This is your ‘go for it’ moment. You don’t need anyone’s permission or approval. Know you are enough to have or go after what you want and let your belief in yourself propel you forward!
There’s a bigger, better deal on the table or a whole new world of experience simply waiting for you to explore it now. Rare opportunity could present itself when Jupiter and Ceres meet in your 9th on the 22nd. Ceres is about compromise and the art of the deal. It is also about power. Jupiter in its ruling 9th is all about travel, expansion and freedom. For some, this could literally mark the start of an actual journey – that gap year or long haul vacation for example. Others could be embarking upon a learning one. There’s something to be conceded or let go of in order to get what you want now. What you are prepared to give away again is determined by those values. What is it you feel is priceless and not for sale? Or what are you prepared to negotiate around if it means you walk away with a better deal? Chances are you’ve been working up to this moment.
Sexy is the word with how you are left feeling by all this – or it should be. The Sun’s entry into your 8th on the 23rd ignites passion and the new Moon in here on the 28th adds to your magnetism. You want to add depth to those desires and need someone who responds in the same way! The resonance you are feeling extends now into your work and yes, the ability to craft that deal for yourself. Confidently state your values and those soul T&C’s as the Sun and new Moon oppose Uranus in your 2nd. You’re coming from a new place of confidence and empowerment and that is sexy in itself. The conversation hots up as desire tops the talk topics when Mercury and Venus meet in your 8th on the 30th. From the bedroom to the boardroom, you’re attracting a passionate new dynamic due to you being forged in the fires of transformation this month, Aries. Bring you game face – and work it for all you’re worth!
In a nutshell: Knowing what you’re truly worth determines your outcomes this month, Aries. From the bedroom to the boardroom, seal a deal which reflects your true value. Now that’s sexy!
- Look deep into the mirror of love
- Tap into the call of your heart
- It takes two, baby!
Take note of who is opposite you this month, Taurus. This could be more than one individual holding up a mirror that reflects so many facets of who you are. It’s time for partnership matters, love or even to deal with that person you cannot stand in a new way. The people you interact with, meet and encounter are all aspects of you. Partners past, present and potential will feature – and remember this includes business and collaborative partners as well as your closest friends. The universe will send through the perfect partnership dynamic this month via which you evolve your soul by relating to yourself better. This is where all our outer relationships begin – with understanding what makes us ‘tick’ and what we need from others. Once we know – we can go get it or attract it. Existing connections can be strengthened and re-formed with this knowledge. So, get ready to re-shape love this October!
From the start of the second week of the month, you have all the attraction factor and help you need to send out that attraction vibe and see what reflects back at you. It’s all down to your ruler Venus’s arrival in its ruling 7th from the 8th. You’ve a new boldness and feeling of daring infusing all you say and do now due to Pluto moving direct again in your 9th. You’re willing to go where you may not have had the courage to venture before. And this includes starting that partnership discussion as Mercury arrives in your 7th the same day (3rd). Needless to say, discussions now extend to other hot topics such as work, ideas and selling yourself not just as a candidate for someone’s heart but as that candidate for that prime professional position.
Your words weave webs of attraction and also your desire for win/win solutions combined with your ability to think outside the box, puts others in a position where they just want to say yes to you. Whatever or whoever you are seeking in terms of that dynamic duo opportunity – get your message out there or search for who is broadcasting on your frequency. The 7th favours saying it differently and anything to do with the internet – from dating to that job search as Mercury in your 7th opposes Uranus in your 1st. It’s time to table that topic or send that message winging out there as someone is waiting to receive it. Others could receive surprising news in turn which puts a positive spin on interactions between you and another.
Mars in your 6th gives you the confidence to tackle those work tasks, take on that project or apply for that position. Take care not to rush however or to overlook key details in your desire to get the job done or pursue that agenda! You’re being asked to stretch yourself, to take a daring and radically different approach to work matters but also to ensure all those I’s are dotted and T’s crossed in your usual signature style as Mars opposes Chiron in your 12th on the 9th.
The full Moon in your 12th on the 13th occurs the same day as ruler Venus opposes Uranus in your 1st. There’s a link to the past here or to past life connections. Hearing from someone you never thought to again or even a strange and charmed encounter leaves you with a funny sense of déjà vu. Have you and they done this dance before? Absolutely! But you and therefore they have an opportunity to come from a new place of soul-inspired relatedness now. Which could deliver a new outcome this time around. This is a Hunter’s Moon and also a lonely hearts Moon if that is how your heart is feeling, Taurus. Tap into the call of your heart and work that magnetic attraction of your 7th at the same time by taking whatever steps you can to attract in someone new. The answer to that call may just surprise you.
Continue to focus on work related matters and finding new ways to tackle those mundane tasks that no-one, not even superstars like you get to escape. If that work/life balance is out of kilter, the second and third weeks of October hand you the tools to correct it. That better paying and more stimulating job could be the solution for some of you – again, get looking at those job ads on-line. Others could just discover ways of working smarter rather than harder and have more time for the things they want to do rather than have to do. It’s all down to the Sun’s remaining time in your 6th as it changes the rules of your work/day job/wellbeing and resets your priorities as it shines on both Ceres and Jupiter in your 8th of empowerment. Jupiter is all about expansion and Ceres rules compromise and the art of the deal. Changes are now very much to your benefit as Jupiter and Ceres meet on the 22nd. Help, assistance, resources (financial, emotional, practical) could be placed at your disposal. Other Taureans could step away from the negotiating table with what they want which lifts them out of a long term, confining situation. This house rules your salary, mortgages, joint assets, what you share with others and what is shared in turn with you. This could involve renegotiating anything from a pay rise, settlement to who does the dishes. But the end result is more freedom for you. And the long term take-out is that sexy sense of self-empowerment.
Take that and run with it as the Sun arrives in your 7th from the 23rd. Partnerships of all descriptions and that person holding up that mirror put you firmly on the romance radar now. New beginnings in relationships or the start of something potentially heart-defining is promised as the new Moon appears in here on the 28th. It’s also asking you if you are prepared now to accept something or someone different as it opposes Uranus. You’ve been through a shift during this month alone – let alone the previous ones. And you should now have arrived in that place where you understand that reflection of yourself so much better. Simply because you see yourself in a whole new light. Falling for someone different to your usual ‘type’ could be one manifestation of this. As could be daring to suggest a radical new approach to an existing relationship.
The 30th delivers love talk as Mercury and Venus entwine in your 7th. Forging a partnership, strengthening an existing one or even entering into a new work dynamic are just some of the heart-centered potentials around you. It’s a day to start a conversation, ask or be asked out on a date or to an interview, accept an offer or proposal or to tell someone how you feel. Someone likes what they see in the mirror – and you love your reflection too. Forge a different kind of love and see yourself anew through someone else’s eyes this October.
In a nutshell: Your opposite number – past, present or potential, features this October, Scorpio. See yourself in a whole new light thanks to someone else’s love reflection. Bask in that love light, Taurus!
- Let’s get physical
- Work your passion
- Love is your ticket to a whole new world of experience
No matter which way you look at it this October, what you do has to have passion and meaning, Gemini. And that Avatar via which you experience life – in other words, your soul container, is going to demand your attention. It’s time to focus on everyday work matters and the skin you’re in.
If you’ve been ignoring that connection between how you feel, what you do and how you treat that body, then October puts all this top of your ‘To do’ list. Your work, your routine, your diet, your wellbeing and even in some cases your pets if you have them, will demand your attention. There’s no ignoring the fact there’s work to be done and you need to Just Do It once ruler Mercury arrives in its ruling 6th from the 3rd. This is the same day as Pluto stirs up those long term ambitions as it heads direct once more in your 8th. You’ve the passion and the power to achieve now as this is Pluto’s ruling house in your chart. If changes are needed now – be they small ones to that routine that has turned into a rut – or larger ones such as applying for that better job or tackling wellbeing issues, you’re bringing a new fearlessness to your approach.
Routine and regimen may on the face of it, run contrary to Venus’s loved-up and indulgent vibe. It too arrives in your 6th at the start of the 2nd week of the month. The day after your ruler opposes Uranus in your 12th uncovering just where your attention is needed when it comes to those work or body issues. Don’t ignore that Ah-ha! moment as you join the dots here. Venus hands you a more creative approach and also, if job changes are going to be part of your mind/body rebalance, Venus enhances your work relationships and image. Not just with present co-workers and bosses, but with potential ones too. Inspired yet beautiful adjustments can be made around the 13th when you can follow through on those revelations you gained on the 7th when Venus follows Mercury and opposes Uranus. It’s all about using your intuition to enhance the everyday. Be this your day job – whether this is paid or unpaid, how you look and how you feel – or most importantly, how you want to feel in the future.
Expect an even bigger focus on these areas once the Sun arrives in this house from the 23rd. But up until then – let’s not ignore what’s going on in your fabulous 5th. This is your house of romance, indulgence and pleasure. Where you get to party, holiday and express yourself. All the more reason to be feeling at your absolute best. Mars in here from the 4th alerts you to what is missing with a capital ‘P’. Passion is now a key ingredient as is re-awakening it if it has been missing recently. Mars gives us the confidence to make that move and also to claim that passion if we need to. It’s a time for daring and to allow yourself to stand out in some way as Mars opposes Chiron in your social sector on the 9th. This is your time to be noticed and also to open up to that outrageous outcome. The thing you secretly hope will happen but deep down believe not possible for you. This alignment says anything is possible and to reawaken you belief in the incredible by letting your inner rock star out to play. Most probably to a packed stadium as you could end up the centre of attention now.
Romance has to match the heat you’re radiating. It’s time to make and create. And that includes love, Gemini! Don’t hide yourself away. Showcase your uniqueness and beauty! You’ve a full Moon taking flight in your social sector on the 13th making this a wonderful night to meet and connect. The following day sees the Sun in your 5th angle to Jupiter in your partnership sector. One new contact could have big partnership potential for you. The 16th – 19th sees first your ruler and then Venus angle to Neptune in your status and long term career sector. It’s time to know what you want to achieve and where you want to get to. Truly inspired career moves could get you noticed by all the right people. You also intuitively know what that client, customer, employer, person in a ‘yes’ saying position or potential boss is seeking – and also know how to deliver it. You could be in a position to sell yourself effectively and also come across as the person who is the ideal fit or offers the idea or solution that’s needed. Don’t waffle and please don’t offer more than you can deliver. These aspects ask you take yourself seriously so others take you seriously in turn.
There’s a rare and special connection taking place in your 7th of long term love and partnerships on the 22nd. The day before the party in your romance sector breaks up as the Sun arrives in your 6th. Jupiter and Ceres meet in here promising entrée into a whole new Aladdin style world of love or someone who says ‘You never had a friend like me!’ A new deal around love or even a long term working arrangement could be on the table. Yes, it involves some kind of compromise. But it sets you free at the same time. When it comes to how love has worked out for you in the past – all bets are off now. Entertain the new or simply new possibilities.
The following day sees the Sun in your 6th turning up the hi-contrast filter on those work and body issues. If you’ve been mulching over changing up that routine or diet or starting that new fitness regimen, now is your cue to implement it. If your plans do include making dietary changes – I am not saying ‘diet’ as in abstinence, but simply making healthier, happier choices, then the new Moon in here on the 28th is a wonderful day to start. Especially if your plans involve doing things differently than you have done in the past. The new Moon opposite Uranus promises success through an innovative, intuitive approach and also that you are most likely to make any changes permanent ones if you initiate them on this day.
New you beginnings receive a wonderful boost on the 30th when ruler Mercury and Venus meet in here. For some, this could bring good news on the work or job front. If you are thinking of applying for a new position or are seeking work, this is one of the best days of the year to send that CV winging its way into that potential employer’s inbox. Others could be on the receiving end of positive feedback over that job well done, that project or simply how good they’re looking now. Whatever you have to offer this month – work it, Gemini. And that includes your passion!
In a nutshell: It’s time to follow your passion. And also let your body talk, Gemini. Looking and feeling your best is the key to letting the love flow. Work it like you own it this October!
- Weave a little mojo magic!
- Make some love alchemy
- Radiate – and attract back!
What alchemical changes do you need to make around love or one particular partnership matter, Cancer? Pluto direct in your 7th tells you it’s time to act. Maybe it’s all as simple as your attitude towards a key connection or a situation has transformed. And this is the catalytic attitude that changes everything. It could even involve someone you simply cannot stand as opposed to someone you love. This is your house of opponents after all. An example of this would be you becoming well and truly over someone’s on-going drama or negative attitude and simply choosing to no longer react to them in the same way. Sometimes being an agent of change involves nothing more complicated than changing our own response.
Nothing however should detract from the fact that you own the love mojo now. All the more reason to be ready to usher in the love changes, Cancer! There’s a big shift happening all month long as the planets join the house party in your 5th. Mercury adds excitement and flirtation when it arrives in here on the 3rd – the same day that Pluto heads direct. Any talk that relates to love, partnership matters or even business ideas or deals is the topic du jour now. It really is all about the romance, the creativity and sheer indulgent pleasure when Venus follows on the 8th. It’s time also to be seen and get social. Not just on-line but in putting your heart, soul and self out there and meeting the world! This includes showcasing your talents and abilities, letting the world know you are open and available when it comes to love or any other opportunity for that matter, and also giving yourself permission to lose yourself in what you love to do. Those hobbies, passions, pastimes, experiences or places. Good times and being in the moment set you free to explore just how powerful an attraction magnet you can be. Be open to the new, the novel and the different now. That’s how you activate all this potential.
That mojo magic could just extend out into others areas such as your work and career. That feeling of passionate being you’re experiencing translates into feeling pretty powerful when it comes to seizing opportunities to progress. Mars is in your 4th this month from the 4th. Now, Mars is hardly about hygge and cupcakes, and seems an odd houseguest in here on the surface of things. But dig a little deeper and Mars in your 4th is all about getting pro-active when it comes to your long term security. Decisions around the home can be taken now – anything from moving to those DIY chores. But as Mars hands us the energy and confidence to take action, in your 4th this also applies to your career and job status. Make that daring move around the 9th when it opposes Chiron in your 10th. It’s time to showcase what you have to offer. You’ve the backing of the Sun also in your 4th now brokering a new deal on the day job front with Ceres in your 6th.
The full Moon in your 10th on the 13th arrives on a day when you are bound to get yourself noticed. If not personally then professionally as Venus in your 5th opposes Uranus in its ruling 11th. This full Moon hands you an innate understanding of what bosses, managers, clients or anyone at the top you need to impress to say ‘Yes’ is searching for. You are the missing piece of the puzzle, the answer, the solution, the ambrosia which fills their cup. This applies to present and potential people on that list. So, if you can, schedule those all-important interviews or meetings for now and proceed with intuitive intent. Fabulous dress for success aspects occur between the Sun and Jupiter in your 6th on the 14th. And then a new day is dawning when it comes to work, wellbeing or your daily routine as Ceres and Jupiter schedule a rare meeting on the 22nd. Know when to compromise now – especially if this means you get a better deal over the long term. This could see a job offer, order or promotion on the table for many. Yes, you may have to make a concession in return but the result is win/win and can enhance that long term security I mentioned earlier.
Celebrations, a feeling of lightness and release come flooding in and see you ready to embrace pleasure and play as the Sun arrives in your 5th from the 23rd. It’s a time to plant seeds and for new beginnings. That love affair could get a kick-start now. You could embark upon a creative project, take up a new hobby or even head off on holiday. Children and young people could feature – what do you have to offer them or show them? The 28th is a red letter day for you and one to be out and about, to enjoy yourself, socialise and above all, be open to the new. This is the day of the new Moon in your 5th and time to conceive of what is possible for your future. The impossible, perhaps? New friendships can be made, lovers met, dates set or goals embarked upon as the Sun and new Moon oppose Uranus. Something or someone different or unusual could enter your life and sweep you away from the mundane – or just your usual social circle. It’s time to embrace spontaneity now.
Messages of love, invitations, validation, getting noticed or just plain and simple good news that makes you shine bright like a diamond could be the result of the Mercury/Venus meet-cute on the 30th. Mercury has always been Venus’s personal courier when it comes to delivering up-side communications. In your 5th this is all about seeing or hearing what you have been able to attract. You’ve got that mojo magic all month long, Cancer. So, say it, act it and attract it this October!
In a nutshell: Work that mojo magic this month, Cancer! You’ve the ability to attract – anything from attention, to career opportunities and love. Get radiating – and see what or who, enters your orbit!
- Fall in love with those dreams
- Find room to expand
- Try something new and shake up that everyday routine
The world’s not going to run out of lovers this month. Not when there are Leo’s like you around! You’re stepping into a fabulous, sparkling, disco ball of a month. One where your personal magical blend includes a dash of daring, a pinch of passion and a glitter-cannon shower of charisma. Expect opportunities to express yourself and freedom to be the major side-effects you experience.
Your backdrop, however, will be the need to satisfy a deep, emotional yearning for more security. More on this shortly. First up, however, Mars’s entry into your 3rd adds confidence and the ability to take action on your ideas. Are you ready to launch now? Speak up and speak out. Above all, don’t just think it and talk about it. Mars in here says actions speak louder than words now. Follow through. Update that CV and send it out there rather than just thinking about changing your job. Launch that business, side hustle, blog or website. Apply for that course – your 3rd rules studying. Test drive that car. Try out a new commute route. Start that conversation – don’t wait for others to give you the opening. You are the opening! Your ruler the Sun is also in here shining on what you have to showcase and say. And also on the path ahead when it’s time to take action.
The topic of conversation isn’t just about business, study or how you can communicate that winning idea. It includes love too and perhaps even that trip you’re dying to take. Your 5th house rules holidays and children (and let’s face it, holiday time is when we all get to let our inner child out to play!). Your ruler is about to make wonderful angles to both Ceres and Jupiter in your 5th on the 11th and 14th respectively. This is your time to chart your course – to the stars! For some the meeting between Jupiter and Ceres on the 22nd, could mark recognition of your talents, the start of a new learning or creative journey, or setting sail towards love via an exciting romantic adventure! Embrace possibilities that involve pleasure and play. Jupiter always wants to expand and deliver luck. While powerful Ceres invites us to strike a fresh bargain with our dreams. Together they tell us anything is possible. It’s not about having it all. This is about having what you need to set your soul free. It’s intensely personal and yes, intensely pleasurable all at the same time. Ignite those dreams, Leo. You were born to live them. As a lover does.
This month’s full Moon which takes place in your 9th on the 13th is all about releasing you into something bigger. It’s time to set sail into adventure or something that allows you to expand. Feeling confined? Literally? Has this got anything to do with where you live, home, living arrangement or your lifestyle in general? Do you need more space? This full Moon is about a voyage or journey. And yes, can indicate a trip or holiday for some. But also a journey of a different kind and expansion closer to home. If this is what you are seeking – read on.
The ‘back to business’ backdrop is going to make itself felt. Your efforts can yield real and lasting results now when it comes to work and career. Especially if you inject these areas with the passion you are feeling. After all, you’ve got more than enough to spare now. This all dovetails with home and family issues. What you need in order to feel safe, secure and grounded. In today’s world this often includes the people we live with – as in flatmates or roommates as opposed to those we are related to by marriage or blood. Home, lifestyle and living arrangements, renovating, redecorating, moves, buying, selling and leasing of property are all fourth house issues. And your 4th is ruled of course by the Moon.
It’s all about where you call home or where you may want to as the Sun enters your 4th on the 23rd and the new Moon appears in here on the 28th. Both these are going to oppose Uranus in your 10th. You may see unexpected developments in your income or career have an impact on your living arrangements – or vice versa. Things get topsy-turvy when Uranus is involved. Packing or unpacking, people moving out or moving in, a sudden move such as your landlord telling you they are selling your home are some examples. However – there’s a purpose here and there always is. And that is to free you up into a better arrangement.
This is promised by the deal making alignment between Mercury and Venus in your 4th on the 30th. It could be all treat and no trick. Mercury rules contracts so signing a contract or lease and a move to somewhere better is indicated. As you be remodelling or redecorating your current surroundings. Mercury rules those ideas while Venus is all about enhancement and beauty. When Venus is involved in any kind of property dealings, we can end up with a better home and also unpacking if we have needed to move, for the long term. So, if a move in on the cards, take it that once you’ve upped sticks, you probably won’t again for a while. That theme around love that you entered into this month extends not just to someone special but to loving where you live and how.
If you live in a shared household and you have someone new moving in, this could be someone with whom you get on well and who enhances your situation in some way simply by their presence. Career changes or shifts, long term work decisions also work out in your favour bringing you an unusual combination of feeling settled yet freer all at the same time. A new sense of place goes hand in hand with more room to move in any direction you choose, Leo. Home lover or just loved up lover that you are.
In a nutshell: Love really is all around you now, Leo. Whether it’s in the outer world with that new romantic interest, discovered on holiday or in how you live or express yourself. Bring it on home.
- Is this the start of an unexpected journey?
- What you say aligns someone’s heart, mind or purpose to yours
- You have the key – will you open the door?!
Conversations – especially around love, take a deeply passionate turn now Pluto heads direct in your 5th and ruler Mercury arrives in its ruling 3rd all on the 3rd. The same goes for business and those ideas, Virgo. You feel the emotional connection and you sell something in on that basis. If your job actually does involve advertising, marketing, promotion or sales, you need to believe in the company, product or service you are being asked to represent. That is if you want results. If you don’t – well, I hardly need remind you that Mercury in its ruling 3rd favours any job related and communications venture. This includes updating that CV and seeking a new job.
News and activities are likely to revolve around money and business, Mars in your 2nd from the 4th gives you confidence in your skills and abilities and also the desire to act in order to align your self-worth with your bank account. October is no time to undersell yourself or your ideas. A little self-promotion goes a long way now. Bold moves pay off. Especially if you believe in yourself and what you do. Again, this is the key ingredient. You won’t be able to fake it now. But knowing you are the genuine article – or you work for a company that offers this, is your key to success. Flex those confidence muscles, put forward those ideas and show the world what makes you unique. This is no time to be shy when Mars opposes rockstar Chiron on the 9th.
You may discover you need more freedom and stimulation with what you do. Room to evolve and certainly room to play with those ideas or be in an environment which encourage stimulation and growth. New ideas could come rushing in or even a new way of working. You’re so ready to embrace these. A new job offer or project could be just what you need as Mercury opposes Uranus in your 9th on the 7th. For some excitement could come as an unexpected offer or opportunity to travel. Perhaps even work connected. This tells you to jump in.
There’s a new deal on the table or a golden opportunity in the offing. Jupiter just wants to open doors for you and hand you the key. This may be literal as Jupiter occupies your 4th house of home, real estate and living arrangements. This touches on themes of security too. Venus in your 3rd is all about enhancing your communication abilities and this is your house of contracts and commerce. Deals which are very much in your favour can be done now. For some this could be that job offer, pay increase, launch of a business or order. For others signing on the dotted line signifies a property deal or lease. Again, the benefits are all in your favour now. A better paying job or raise could of course lead to you upgrading your living arrangements. Jupiter is always intent on expansion and represents a golden opportunity.
The Sun in Venus’s ruling 2nd makes fabulous angles to Ceres and Jupiter (11th and 14th) while a rare meeting between Jupiter and Ceres occurs on the 22nd. A new deal or an invitation to explore an exciting cycle of expansion, learning and freedom is now on the table. The full Moon in your 8th on the 13th points to this change. Potential charges the air around you. You yourself may simply crackle with electric attraction and possibilities. What do you dare to try or discover? For some, an expected opportunity could present itself as the day of the full Moon also sees Venus oppose Uranus in your 9th.
Ruler Mercury and then Venus are about to align to Neptune in your 7th. That move or big deal or decision may involve you and a significant other party. Remember, this may or may not be a long term lover but could just as easily be a business partner, employer or close friend. Again, there’s a deal to be done here to your benefit which is asking you to say ‘Yes’. Just remember with Ceres involved that some compromise or concession will be required. After all, even with the sweetest deal, nobody gets it 100% their own way. But sometimes the sweetness comes from your own ability to give something to the other party. Neptune tells you however to be very clear about what this is – at least in your own mind. Neptune’s highest vibration in your 7th aligns two people to the same love, goal or purpose. Hearts and minds of both parties want the same thing. That’s why it pays to know what outcome you want but have the bigger vision in mind too.
Matters brought to a successful conclusion especially between you and someone else, allow you to step from transformation and into a brand new beginnings once the Sun arrives in your 3rd on the 23rd. It’s now all about your way with words, your ideas, what you say and write. That email, paper, pitch, screenplay, manuscript, thesis, website, blog – this will be an especially important fresh start if your job involves the internet, writing, speaking or even teaching or studying. One key piece of news, something you say or send out, an idea or even something you hear or are told, has the ability to set you on a fresh course.
How you get around could also be one of the changes the new Moon on the 28th ushers in for you. This is what I like to call a Bilbo Baggins kind of new Moon as it will fall opposite Uranus in your 9th. Remember Bilbo’s unexpected journey? His change of career if you want to call unintentional burglar just that. This new Moon promises a release. A new commute, a journey, a new means of getting around such as a new car, scooter or even bicycle, embarking on a course, a launch sends you down a previously unexplored path which is somehow liked for you to more freedom. What you say, how you present yourself, a conversation, meeting, encounter, a new computer, phone or tablet, car, conveyance or trip hand you those keys I was talking about as ruler Mercury and Venus meet on the 30th. This month says do a deal and start a new journey or venture. Especially with someone whose heart, mind, goal or purpose is aligned to yours, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Deals can be done that hand you the key to an opportunity. You have a magical way with words now that aligns someone’s heart or mind to yours. Step onto a higher path, Virgo.
- Be your best version of you
- Strike a deal that leads to freedom
- That sense of self-worth is your access all areas pass when it comes to abundance!
Even though Pluto heads direct again in your 4th at the start of October, you may still feel you lack clarity when it comes to home, family and living arrangements, Libra. And if so, you’d be right. Any changes now are not the final ones. Or there simply may be no change even though this is something you would like to bring about. This won’t be sorted out completely until January 2020 so no matter what occurs now – not just around home or moving, but your career, take it the story is far from over. Or if you are wanting changes but they are not happening, that for now you continue to stay in place.
In the meantime – evolve your soul by making changes to yourself and especially the outer ‘you’ as well as your finances. Mars in our 1st says ‘Best face forward’ and it arrives in your sign from the 4th. With ruler Venus in here until the 8th when it enters its ruling 2nd, it’s truly time to focus on your appearance, image, look, brand and how you are seen by others. And how you want to be perceived in the coming 12 months. Our birthday cycles are the time of new beginnings and this includes relaunching ourselves if necessary. Venus brings beauty and glamour while Mars is all about passion and action. So, take those steps and follow through on those You upgrades as the Sun has you firmly in the spotlight now. Dare to stand out and be different as part of this. Your inner rockstar or maverick superstar demands you let it out and wow that audience as Mars opposes Chiron in your 7th on the 9th. Choose something different if attracting something or someone different happens to be your goal now. Showcase a hidden part of you via that wardrobe choice, haircut or make up.
The message you send out visually – your identity, brand or even the title on your business card, reflects all of these changes. As always, no one area of our live operates independently of the others. And there’s no other house which reflects changes in how we see ourselves and therefore our self-worth more than our 2nd. With your ruler in here from the 8th and Mercury’s arrival from the 3rd, those financial dealings and your bank account could ring in those changes in more ways than one now.
New avenues of income could open up as a result. But the main change is coming from you and how you now expect to be treated by the world and others in general. Put this down to your ruler opposing Uranus in your 8th on the 7th as you set your price and also determine what is important to you and what you will and won’t compromise or ‘sell out’ on. It’s not just you on a personal level that you are setting out on a new course now. But your money and your relationship to the material world, assets and what your birthday birthright tells you that you can have in the upcoming year ahead. You are heading into new clarity around these issues and engaging with them with a newly minted confidence too. New you translates to striking a new deal or bargain when it comes to work or business thanks to the Sun in your 1st saying ‘Deal or no deal?’ to Ceres and then Jupiter in your 3rd on the 11th and 14th.
This month brings you a full Moon in your partnership sector. This is one of the most important full Moons of the year for you. Being the sign of partnerships and balance these are always your prime focus. The full Moon in your 7th is the person ‘opposite’ you who holds up a mirror which allows you to see how they see you. And also look at a key connection at the same time. Be aware this mirroring effect may be triggered not just by a marriage or long term lover, but can just as easily be a working or business relationship, that opponent or close friend. Who or what is reflecting back at you at this time represents an aspect of yourself whether you love what you are seeing or not. It’s the relationship you need to focus on right now. This Moon tells you: don’t look away but engage instead.
A rare aspect occurs on the 22nd just prior to the Sun exiting your sign and moving off into your 2nd. Ceres and Jupiter meet in your 3rd. For some this could mean a job or business win which offers more freedom but requires a level of compromise. You are stepping into a new world with rules which may yet to be defined. They need to work for both parties. For others, that new world could be a literal journey but again, something may have to be let go of in order to take it. Don’t worry – no matter what you concede here Jupiter says the deal is all in your favour. Just aim for a win/win solution in any discussions. Concession is your superpower now but to get what you want – or can live with – you won’t have to give too much away.
It’s the Art of the Deal you’re perfecting and a theme that continues as the Sun sashays into your 2nd from the 23rd. By now you should be feeling a new sense of wonderful empowerment around your ability to attract abundance of all descriptions. Your self-worth and above all, knowing what you want and what you value above all is the key here. Ensure that when the new Moon in here on the 28th opens a conduit to this new level of abundance, that you are clear about those values and also how you see yourself and your existing assets. It’s time to invest in your future now. Often this new Moon can usher in a new source of income but it can also mark the turning point when we see what we already have at our disposal in a new way. Setting a new value – valuing ourselves and what we have more plays a major role more than at any other time under this new Moon as it falls opposition Uranus. The Venus/Uranus opposition earlier in the month was your practice run at this. And as they say – practice makes perfect.
That bank/soul account boosting news could reach you on the 30th as Mercury and your ruler meet. Your stock is on the rise now – perhaps due to something you can bank on in the literal sense or else just because you see you have so much more at your disposal than you previously thought. Invest in yourself and get ready to conquer the world – or the area of it that matters to you, from this moment on, Libra.
In a nutshell: Evolving the outer ‘you’ – your appearance, image, brand, identity, look or how others see you, results in a fresh sense of self-worth. All of which has the ability to attract more abundance, Libra.
- Enter the love evolution
- Say what you need to say
- Happy birthday, Scorpio!
In the all-important run-up to your birthday, your energy is set to peak, Scorpio. Of course, ruler Pluto direct again in your 3rd of saying what you need to say just happens to help this. Especially as Mercury which rules communication arrives in your sign on the same day. You’re brimming with ideas and also needing to express those simmering emotions, passions and plans. If there has been something you need to say to someone but have been putting off – even if you try to keep mum, you’ll find those feelings tumbling out. Thoughts demand expression now that ancient ruler Mars sts in your 12th from the 4th onwards.
By now you should know that the month immediately before the Sun arrives in your sign is your annual ‘soul house clearing’ time. It’s when we go within (so expect to feel you need to spend time unplugged and with your own thoughts). You are weighing up your beliefs and feelings around the future and delving fearlessly into your insight and inner ‘knowing’. This is telling you what needs to be let go of with a sense of universal release – and what needs to come with you. Time to be philosophical about what has been lived out, worn out, or cannot continue in its present form. Mars in here gives you the ability to take action on this once you see the truth. Ask yourself: does this evolve my soul? If the answer is ‘no’ – then Mars hands you the ability to clear the way for real passion to replace it!
Take an edgy or even radical approach to this as Mars opposes Chiron in your 6th on the 9th. This especially applies to anything that touches on your daily routine or wellbeing. If working smarter or with more joy is your aim for the coming year – time to showcase what you have to offer or if your work is unpaid, shake up the way you do things so that your daily tasks energise you rather than drain you. You’ve a full Moon approaching in your 6th which will shine back on secrets and hidden truths relating to these areas. You may suddenly become aware of how your environment or certain people impact on how you feel for example. Once you make a connection between these areas – again, use that peak energy to do something about it. The feel-good factor you get from taking action on it will put you back where you need to be. In full flow once more instead of circling that energy drain!
Strike a deal with yourself, over a work matter, a job or a wellness approach that sets you free from that rut as the Sun in your 12th illuminates first Ceres in your sector of money and self-worth and then Jupiter on the 11th and 14th. You’ve also a rare meeting coming up between Ceres and Jupiter on the 22nd. This could see you striking a bargain that is very much in your favour and promises either greater financial freedom or boosts your self-worth.
Saying what you need to say to someone close to you – or striking up a conversation that could lead to a new beginning in love is possible on the 7th when Mercury in your 1st opposes Uranus in your 7th. Be open minded as to where discussions or even that talk with a stranger, could lead you. Venus arrives in your 1st from the 8th lending the art of diplomacy to any talks but also enhancing how others perceive you. It’s now time to begin to emerge from all that soul refinement and begin to think about emerging back into the world at large. And showing everyone a new side of you as you do.
You are now operating as a magnet for your dreams and desires – drawing the new to you as the Sun approaches your sign. Romance, gifts, attention, special occasions, opportunities to shine and be acknowledged for how special you are, inspired creativity, lucky breaks and good news that simply seem ‘heaven sent’ opportunities, could come your way thanks to both Mercury and Venus drawing on the higher love of Neptune in your 5th on the 16th and 19th. Prepare to be seen and to feel glamourous. Special connections can be formed now and you’ll feel a close emotional connection to those around you. If you’ve done the spiritual work earlier in the month, it’s all about the higher love – and also spiritual rewards as your birthday draws near.
Step into that higher love and optimism from the 23rd when your birthday season officially begins. Above all, forge a new emotional connection with yourself and a fresh appreciation for all you have to offer as the new Moon appears in your 1st on the 28th. No matter what date your birthday falls on, the new Moon in your sign always marks the astrological fresh start of your new cycle. Set personal goals and then those expectations to ‘high’. Ask yourself what step no matter how small can you take today towards making one personal dream a reality? Then take it. This new Moon falls opposite Uranus in your 7th. This isn’t just about you asking ‘Who am I?’ and ‘How do others see me?’ which is common in this cycle. But it’s you asking ‘Who do I need?’ or ‘What connection will evolve my understanding of love?’ Ask these questions and then step back and be open-minded about who appears. They could represent the next stage in your love evolution.
The 30th is the day your antenna needs to be set to receive back that signal you’re emanating as Mercury and Venus meet in your 1st. Somebody could just answer on your frequency. It’s out with the old and in with the new as your new cycle begins. This includes how you love as well as who you love – or will love, in the coming year, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Be the love change you want to experience in your new cycle, Scorpio. Your birthday season sets the mood for love – or who you will love in the coming year. Time for the love evolution!
- Take a journey back to something you missed
- Recognise your need to shine – and be adored!
- Play with past possibilities – and future potential
Prepare to dive deep into the mystic this month, Sag. Time to put that soul exploration hat on and embark on a journey. Into what exactly? How about the path not taken? The potential that was never realised? The missed opportunity? The dream you set aside? It’s reclamation time now so get ready to unearth buried treasure from your past.
Money matters may have simply felt like hard work these past two years. Money may have simply been hard to come by or your efforts to get more haven’t yielded the results you hoped for. Dreams may have been restricted because of this. I wish I could say that Pluto direct in your 2nd would bring the transformation around your resources that you need, Sag. But the fact is you may have to harness your incredible talent for imagination and just work with what you already have more inventively. You are not a sign that does lack very well. But you are good at adapting. That being said, some kind of new deal that releases you into more potential may be in the offing this October. But you may have to wait until 2020 to see real improvements around resources.
That journey back to something you missed and yes, this could even include that missed opportunity to boost your income, begins with Mercury’s arrival into your 12th on the 3rd. People from your past could get in touch now, you could travel back to places you have lived in the past (including your past lives) and loves from your past all feature. Especially when Venus enters here on the 8th. Someone could reappear like a bolt out of the blue and take you completely by surprise now. Reconnecting with something you used to love to do and allowed to lapse is another possibility as could be reviving a lost career path or opportunity. It’s time to re-engage with your dreams and with what makes you truly unique as Mars in your 11th from the 4th opposes Chiron in your 5th on the 9th.
Unexpected romantic encounters with someone who truly does walk to the beat of their own drum are one possibility. As is making a connection with someone who can help you revive that dream. It’s time to be out and about if you can as by the end of the month you will find yourself in a period of inner reflection. For now, take advantage of the Sun also in your 11th angling to Ceres and ruler Jupiter in your 1st. It’s time to meet life on new terms now. This month’s full Moon in your 5th asks if you fancy a moon dance? Time to express yourself, to enjoy the company of friends or one special connection, to socialise, accept invitations and above all, have fun. Benefits flow from who you know – or meet under this full Moon. It’s an invitation to extend your social circle, have that special date night or simply enjoy being with your people.
Recognise your emotional need to shine or simply be adored. And take advantage of those opportunities to do this because the energy begins to shift inward from the middle of the month. The people you have encountered or those who reappear may have an important role to play for the rest of October when it comes to that road not taken or something you left behind. You could have had a foretaste of opportunity – but it failed to manifest in promised form. You could have been put it a situation where you had to let something go due to outside circumstances. Or you have been left with that feeling there’s a missing chapter in the story between you and someone else.
Your annual dive into deep spiritual waters – whether you explore your beliefs, your ideas around God, life, the universe and everything, has a different feel to it this year. This is your House of the Spirits and yes, of the past and all those past factors I’ve been talking about. That road not taken could open back up as an option due to Neptune’s influence which rules your 12th. As the planets move through your 12th they will trine Neptune in your 4th. Venus enters here on the 8th and it as well the Sun and Mercury will trine Neptune in your 4th as well as sextiling Ceres and Jupiter in your 1st. This could quite literally send you travelling back into your past and allowing you to perform a ‘back to the future’ deal over something you wanted but missed out on. Take it this can be anything from that home to that job or that relationship.
Ready to receive the future on new terms? There is a new deal on the table for you on the 22nd when Ceres and Jupiter meet in your 1st. This is an extremely rare event that allows you to realign with a deep, soul desire. Yes, the usual soul decluttering period applies to this time – especially when the Sun enters here on the 23rd. You’ll have a keen feeling of destiny and spiritual truth around all of this. Perhaps that if and when something is meant to happen, it will. You can’t argue with fate!
The new Moon of the 28th should see you knowing what aspects of your past now have fresh relevance and new possibility. It falls opposite Uranus in your 6th enabling you to look at what you have created in your life in a new way. Is it good for your soul? Does it feed it and free it? You’ll make your decisions based on this. The 30th is a day where you could literally feel blessed and at one with the universe as Mercury and Venus meet. Time to embrace the concept of a better tomorrow in a key area. To see where you may have held yourself back from this – perhaps out of fear. And to surrender to the mysterious workings of the universe. You’ll understand that sometimes we have to let things go and have faith that if we are meant to have them, they will return. If you’ve had to wait for a key dream to catch up with you in the present, this month tells you the wait is worth it, Sag.
In a nutshell: A dream or path not taken comes spinning out of the past to meet you in the present, Sag. The future could mean new possibilities. And a new way to having what you want.
- Indulge in a little image alchemy
- Enter a new social scene
- Time to make that serious impression
Become the alchemist and embrace those areas you need to transform as Pluto heads direct in your 1st from the 3rd, Capricorn. You are going to be very much ‘on show’ and front and centre this month so this process begins with your image, appearance, style, brand, title and how you come across to others. Be a little bit fearless when it comes to making changes. You are going to be more aware now of how other people perceive you. Anyone from your friends and wider social contacts – and this includes your on-line profile, to bosses, VIP’s and authority figures.
Mercury shifts into your 11th of social connectivity and also goals also on the 3rd. This could result in an increase in invitations heading your way. Please accept these and be open minded about the company you may find yourself in if you do. As the planets are moving through this house in your chart, they are opposing Uranus which rules it in your 5th of romance, pleasure, parties, attention and fun! Love or people who are in a position to grant you favours or help you in a way you may not be able to imagine, could be encountered where you least expect to find it. Uranus is all about being ourselves. Rocking our own individual vibe or message. And getting noticed for it.
Bear in mind that usually Venus in our 11th is about the love of friends. Uranus in your 5th promises unusual lovers that break the mould for you. You may fall for someone who is not your usual ‘type’ for example. Or your ‘type’ may experience a radical change. This month is all about opening up to the attraction of the new and different. And rocking that new and different aspect of yourself that you have been evolving. Mars in your 10th from the 4th delivers increased confidence to do just that as well as firing up those career ambitions. While it and the Sun remain in here until the 23rd, your professional and public persona is under scrutiny.
Time to project your best face forward – even if you are in unpaid work. Take a pride in who you are and what you do. Above all, take yourself seriously because if you don’t – how do you expect others to? Above all with Mars in here – channel your energy strategically. And please don’t challenge or get into arguments with authority figures now. This is all about being seen as someone who works within the system towards a goal. Yes, that goal can be your own ambition. But cooperation and being seen as a team player or someone who plays by the rules, is your secret to success. You know you understand this innately. You have so got this one.
Gatekeepers will now either open those doors wide for you or you will find them closed. It’s time to own your decisions and choices as first Mars opposition Chiron in your 4th on the 9th. Be a little bit edgy, a little bit fearless and upfront about who you are and what you need. Then, the full Moon appears in its ruling 4th on the 13th – a day which sees you looking at fulfilling those emotion needs for security. As well as taking a daring step towards the new thanks to the Venus/Uranus opposition.
Your secret yearnings, hopes, dreams and plans for the future which you may not reveal or only allow a select few access to, also feature. One in particular may fall within reach or you begin to see a new way to make it real thanks to the Sun’s angle to both Ceres and Jupiter in your 12th. These two will make a rare meeting in here on the 22nd. Ceres is a dwarf planet we should never ignore. It always points to a new deal to be struck or entrée into a new way of living or doing things. With Jupiter in here this points not just to your past but something that stretches your soul. If something has been holding you back, it will be laid bare so you can deal with it and move forward into a bold, brave new world. Jupiter rules our biggest dreams. It tells you to aim high and along with Ceres promises a new way to have what you want. Dare to reach for it.
The Sun’s entry into your 11th may see you with something to share and celebrate. Friendships will now be defined and locked in for the coming year. This especially applies to the new Moon opposition Uranus on the 28th. This is one of the most important new Moons of the year for you as it truly does set your social life in motion and can also set you on course towards a key goal. New goals can be set now and new people appear who may have a role to play in their attainment. Don’t ignore the world knocking on your door now. If you are determined to be a boxset hermit now – then you are likely to remain one. This new Moon gives you the opportunity to reconnect to existing friends, groups, clubs, bands, associations, networks – or enter new ones. If you have been thinking about joining anything from a gym to forming a Meetup group or a band – now is the time.
Beautiful people and social scenes feature as Venus and Mercury meet on the 30th. That invite is not to be ignored or turned down. Being in the right place at the right time and being seen at the right scene could just bring in that person who charges up your future and sets it on a new path. You’ll never know until you dare to be yourself – and showcase all you have to offer, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Your public face, your professional reputation and your image plus how you are seen by the world at large is all-important this month, Capricorn. Rock out and rock on – outrageously.
- Unearth secret treasure
- Dress for success
- Anything is possible!
What secrets have you been uncovering, Aquarius? Delving deep – especially into the family closet or healing family karma has been part and parcel of both Saturn and Pluto in your 12th. Our 12th rules things that are hidden and also things we fear will come to the surface. Digging around your unconscious mind and following up on your intuition may have played a role. What you have ended up unearthing is buried treasure which you can use to either heal or set yourself free as Pluto heads direct in here from the 12th. But it may take until January 2020 for an even bigger picture or revelations to emerge.
You will however experience a heady taste of freedom thanks to Mars joining the Sun in your 9th from the 4th. This hands you the ability to step past fears that may be holding you back and enter that territory outside your usual comfort zone. That’s where the magic happens as you know. Stretch yourself a little but above all, don’t rush and don’t take on too much. Mars in here with the Sun and also Venus until the 8th, is about taking a step towards something bigger but in controlled bursts. Have a strategy or a plan rather than rushing in. Above all, if travelling now which is a possibility for many, allow plenty of time to get where you are going. Have a schedule and also don’t venture into unsafe areas. Go boldly with awareness.
October is asking what success means to you. And this is more than just your salary, job title, position or your achievements. What’s your purpose or your mission? Are you allowing others or even society to define your idea of success or are you authoring your own success story? Maybe it’s not your story but your partner’s money or professional standing that sets your level of success? You will be looking at your success story – or that of your partner’s, and writing the next chapter so to speak. If you are currently unemployed and looking for work, the arrival of planets in your 10th house can see you landing that new role. Especially after Venus which rules your bank account arrives in here from the 8th. This enhances your job prospects as well as potentially your bank account! Others could see themselves in line for a promotion or else their partner being offered one.
You may take an emboldened approach to business, interviews, those ideas, study or even that side hustle now. Do you need a new piece of technology, skills or even a new means of transportation – which again may impact on your success in a direct or even indirect way? This October don’t say anything is impossible especially around the 9th when Mars opposes Chiron in your 3rd.
You have the Sun working on your behalf in your 9th right through October. How you are seen by others, your friends, associates, contacts, connections, that club, group or organisation just links to your ideas around what success is for you. Mine those networks, ask who you know for what you need to add to that success story be it that contact, expertise or entrée as the Sun shines on connections made with Ceres and Jupiter in your 11th. These two will meet in your 11th on the 22nd pointing to benefits coming your way via who you know – or who is about to get to know you. That ‘anything is possible’ mindset extends to being open to who you encounter now. People make things possible. Be open to the magic of connection.
Venus and Mercury in your 10th not only allow you to sell yourself and your ideas effectively, but both will trine Neptune in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 19th and 16th. Be very clear about what outcome you want when it comes to financial dealings. This month’s full Moon in your 3rd on the 13th, shines on work, business, interviews, messages, communication and ideas. Travel especially for study and business could be in the offing for some of you. Try to bring anything written to fruition now – that pitch, proposal, thesis, manuscript, screenplay or schedule that important meeting or interview if you can. You can get your point over and sell yourself, that product, service or personal message so much more effectively now. Then sit back and wait for your results.
If we leave Ceres out of our horoscopes, we leave out opportunities to strike deals or enter into a new world or brand new bargain with life itself. Think of yourself as stepping out of a season of storm clouds and into the sun again. Ceres is in many ways a portal. It makes an oh-so-rare conjunction with Jupiter in your 11th on the 22nd. Stuck for a solution? Someone you know could provide you with it. Travel with friends, opportunities and above all win/win solutions feature. Jupiter and Ceres together in here offer you out of the blue resurrections and simply being in the right place at the right time.
The Sun enters your 10th the following day and the new Moon which appears in here on the 28th also falls opposition Uranus in your 4th. This could mark an unprecedented new beginning in work or career matters. Many of you may take that next step up the ladder or embark on a new job, promotion or position now. Those results I mentioned earlier may now manifest and past efforts suddenly bear fruit. The month ends with a meeting between Mercury and Venus in here on the 30th. Remember this house of your chart not only rules your own status and what you can achieve, but that of your partner – or potential partner. You may not just be the best candidate for that position but this could see some being the best candidate for someone’s heart too. A lover which appears could be successful in their own right, well-to-do and have serious intentions. Get ready to get serious about success, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Define your own idea of success. Then write a success story to be proud of this October. It’s all down to that ‘anything is possible’ mindset you’re cultivating, Aquarius!
- Enter a wild, new world
- Head towards what makes your soul soar
- Don’t just dream it – live it!
Friendships and connections may have transformed under Pluto in your 11th. It’s a long term on-going process where you are looking at all your connections and testing them for resonance. If it’s missing – you can be sure that you will magnetically draw people to you who are on the same wavelength. Pluto heads direct in your 11th from the 3rd. Remember, this is your house of the future and during Pluto’s stay you are likely to meet people who have the ability to impact on yours in powerful ways. In fact, friends with influence and in high places is one aspect of Pluto in here.
There’s a wonderful feeling of optimism, release and adventure entering your life this October. If you’re ready for change then be prepared to open your arms wide and embrace it. Be a little more daring and get ready to explore and expand your horizons. Remember, unless things change they cannot improve. Travel, foreign affairs, overseas connections, airlines, faraway places, the mass media and studying could play a role as Mercury enters your 9th also on the 3rd. A new friend who is well travelled and/or has foreign connections? That’s a sign the cycle is at work! As are sudden and unexpected opportunities to travel and explore as Mercury opposes Uranus in Mercury’s ruling 3rd on the 7th. Venus which enters your 9th from the 8th, makes the same aspect on the 13th. Good news, lucky breaks or embarking on a journey literal or metaphorical, puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart. And yes, these are all examples of change.
Mars enters its ancient ruling 8th from the 4th and again this is all about change but also you asking yourself where the passion may be missing in your life? Is money or lack of any other kind of resource preventing you from living your most passionate life? If so, the impossible could just shift to possible or fully funded as Mars opposes Chiron in your 2nd on the 9th. Again, if you are waiting on soul path setting news, a financial outcome or wondering just how you can free yourself to take the next stage of your journey –this may become apparent to you around the 13th when the full Moon appears in your 2nd – the same day that Venus which rules this house is opposition Uranus. That sudden break towards freedom could occur right now – especially if those financial concerns have been holding up progress.
It maybe that the path ahead was always open. But you simply could not see the way forward. Watch what’s illuminated for you as the 16th – 18th is one of the best times of the month for anything to do with escapism, travel or taking that next step on your personal journey. Both Mercury and Venus trine ruler Neptune on these dates. This is not just about your dream – but living, experiencing and having it. Inspiration on how to attain this may play a role. Again, you may suddenly find a way to do this that you realise was always an option for you. It was simply hidden until now.
This could even involve striking a deal or bargain or making a trade off. Ceres rules the art of the deal and compromise. Giving up something in order to have what we really want. As the Sun moves through your 8th house it writes the terms of a fresh bargain with Ceres and Jupiter in your 10th of success and status. Ceres and Jupiter will also make a rare power meeting in here on the 22nd. Jupiter always seeks to expand and is don’t forget, your ancient ruler. And the old rulerships still apply. This could open doors for many of you. The deal on the table could be a job that offers more money and freedom. Or even the chance to study or travel as part of it.
You are entering that bigger, bolder world where your passion propels you forward with the desire for more and to aim higher than you have allowed yourself to do before. The Sun arrives in your 9th on the 23rd asking you where you want to head next? Have a destination in mind and set your soul compass for the time of the new Moon on the 28th. This new Moon opposes Uranus. Sudden and unexpected news could open up that potential or see you heading off in a path you never imagined you would explore.
The 30th could bring a trip which benefits you, big news or see you embracing that big love. This could even be the romantic kind, immersing yourself in a subject or activity you love or simply something that sets your soul free. Again, this is all about change and passion. Woven together they could set you free to explore a wild new world of experience. Pack your bags this October, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Ready for a journey? Change and passion combine to bring you an opportunity to explore something which expands your world, Pisces. Take the road less travelled, this October!
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My New Tarot Deck
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