Flame on soul warrior!
Hey – must be the money
Secure that confidence in your soul purpose
Go getting forces get you reaching for -and grabbing – new opportunities this month, Aries. Maybe even different ones than you might have opted for in the past. What was once good enough may no longer be. Or you have simply had it for keeps with the ‘same chocolate, different wrapper’ option.
What was once acceptable no longer is. Jupiter now in your 1st bigs up that capacity to dream and also accept something better. As Mercury begins forward motion again in your house of money on the 3rd, we begin a series of bottom-line boosting aspects designed to upgrade more than just your bank account, Aries. You’re taking that superhero/warrior stance now when it comes to that self-worth right up to mid-month.
Actually, before you attempt any task – which includes work, financial matters or even initiating that conversation, a couple of minutes spent in the superhero stance – feet slightly apart, fists on hips, have been proven in psychological studies, to improve our confidence, performance and outcomes when it comes to anything we undertake. Breath into your power. Draw on that desire for expansion that Jupiter is handing you. Breath out the residue of what holds you back.
Courage, confidence and charisma are the triple soul vitamin C shot you get now ruler Mars is in da house. And those three ‘C’s are embodied in three big emboldening transits occurring in the first half of June. These are guaranteed to get that pilot light lit and flaming, Aries! That build up to mid-month outrageous fortune culminates in a meeting between your ruler and Chiron on the 16th. You show everyone quite clearly that you are not only ready for something different but will do whatever it takes it set it in motion and claim it. So, plan those moves – and yes, you may have more than one in mind, accordingly.
Being right on the money has nothing and everything to do with your relationship to your cash, income, possessions etc. This yes and no dichotomy is linked to something far deeper which are your inner values and you working your worth. To do that, you need to know exactly what this is. Uranus in your 2nd has been acting as your revolutionary catalyst, and has had you reassessing just when and where the price is right for you. And seeing you knowing when its not. Those key three events linked to your timing for ‘going for it’ are the Mercury/Pluto trine which occurs just after Mercury heads direct from the 3rd, the Venus/Uranus conjunction on the 11th, and the Venus/North Node conjunction on the 13th.
Financial solutions or an opportunity to draw to you the resources you need could follow as the full Supermoon (14th) comes sandwiched between the Venus/North Node conjunction (13th) and the Mars/Chiron one (16th)
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – Jupiter’s ruling domain in your chart. So for those of you with Aries factors at 23 degrees, this full Moon will trine them. Fit for a superhero in fact so bring that superpower and add a touch of warrior stance to any world-saving task you undertake under it.
Lucky you. Especially if this supermoon offers entree into something enticingly fresh and unknown. Embarking on a new journey or the culmination of those big plans releases you from what is familiar. Dare to act and step into new territory if invited. If you are feeling restricted under this full Moon, take time out to look at just what it is holding you back. Time spent outdoors meditating (weather permitting) or just in activities when you can move your body but allow your mind to travel in whatever direction it wants, will bring you the wisdom you need around this.
This is setting you up for a two year cycle which could see you make significant inroads into what you own and feel you have at your disposal. As in the ‘You own it!’ feeling. Whatever you want to draw to you in terms of abundance – and this includes a wealth of loved-up, rich list feelings of emotional abundance, this month marks the change station when you embark on getting that.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. Time to focus on safety, security and sustainability now the Sun moves into your 4th of home, family and foundation. This is also about your path and owning that too. No longer being willing to live in the shadow of other people’s expectations.
You and you alone determine your path, your passion and your purpose from here on in. Allow the magic of the new Moon in your 4th – the Moon’s ruling house, to imbue you with fresh intent. This new Moon will square Jupiter in your sign – meaning that the opportunity to shore up or access whatever security enhancing factor you need is there – but you need to make an effort or step away from the familiar to access it. For more on this, refer to your new Moon in Cancer forecast. And don’t forget your full Supermoon in Sagittarius forecast either as this links you to where that path can take you next. The 29th also sees a beautiful alignment between Venus now in your 3rd and Jupiter. That news which shows you clearly you’re on the right path could simply be the perfect close to the month, Aries.
In a nutshell: Charisma, courage and confidence – that has to be you under the influence of ruler Mars, Chiron and Jupiter all in your sign. What was once good enough no longer suits you. Go get yourself what you know you deserve, Aries.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (2nd)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (11th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (3rd)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (9th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (1st)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (3rd)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 9th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (4th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (3rd)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (12th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 1st)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 1st)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 1st)
Say what you need to say
Bank on some long term love magic benefits
No more labels
A little bit of love magic is the promise handed to you by ruler Venus – all month long in fact. Venus moves through your sign until the 23rd when it will enter Gemini and its ruling 2nd. So see this as Venus gently shifting and sifting through what is now most important to you, Taurus. Your key dates are the 11th when Venus meets Uranus – a day where you my determine what area of love receives your priority.
Venus then moves to conjunct the North Node on the 13th – a day of release and resetting a long term cycle of partnerships and relating. Decisions you made back in 2003 if you are old enough, may impact on this. Venus eases your way to fall in or out of love as the late, great Bob Marley tells us to keep doing. It can cement a long term love and bring us closer, or see a new and potentially long term partnership appear. Your third key date is the 21st when Venus will trine Pluto in your 9th offering opportunity, solutions and the kind of love choice which lifts you higher. Don’t settle for anything less is the message you should have taken on board by the time Venus moves into your 2nd on the 23rd. Now it will be all about receiving what you know you deserve.
I’m painting a broad picture here but now let’s go into more detail. You start the month with Mercury’s direct motion from the 3rd. Hopefully you used that retro cycle to say what you needed to – or may have been putting off. Of course, Mercury is not yet in full throttle mode and won’t be until after it enters your 2nd(13th) and clears retroshadow (18th). As it trines to Pluto in your 9th (10th), use the energy building up until mid month to take care of any outstanding business. And please, grasp that rose, thorns and all, and use this final opportunity to table that talk you’ve been putting off if the elephant is still sitting at it. You will be amazed at the lightness of spirit which follows if you do no matter the result.
Your innate sense of duty and the fact others see you are reliable, can sometimes result in you being taken for granted. Or else you feel duty-bound to maintain the status quo even if it is no longer working for you. Use the meeting of ruler Venus and the North Node in your 1st (13th) and the energy of the waxing supermoon on the 14th to identify if this applies to you.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius and your ‘other’ money house and sector of transformation, change and rebirth – your 8th. Something wants you to accept it in order for your life to improve. Now, this can simply be you accepting the fact that talk or change is inevitable now. Or it can be that opportunity to embrace something new, powerful and enriching knock knock knocking on your door demanding you let it in!
Of course, opening that door means letting change in too. But have you become all too comfortable with the way things are when truly they aren’t that great to begin with? This powerful supermoon drags this to the surface. Dredging up those hidden feelings around not having enough. Or even fears of having more because you secretly worry about how you will react if you get it!
There’s no hiding place under this Moon so my advice is to simply open that portal to allow change to pass through it. Let go of fear and know it is just a thought your own mind creates. Yes, it believes it is keeping you safe. But in fact it blocks your growth. And fully trust in the process. For more on this do see your personal mooncast for the Full Moon in Sagittarius.
Know once you have adjusted your mindset then what you are needing to attract for positive change will be drawn to you. As Mars and Chiron meet in your 12th mid month, do let go of the negative labels you are applying to yourself – or have been. And now, prepare for action, activity and news to reach you. In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. The Sun enters your 3rd house – Mercury’s house in fact which is now clear of retroshadow in your 2nd.
Ideas, commerce, communication, movement and the internet all feature. This is your big launch window of the years for those plans, Taurus. And what you have said and done (and needed saying/doing) now brings you the results. Or you commit to beginning them now.
What story within have you been telling yourself about why you cannot have or do what you desire? If there is still any more insight to be explored or hesitation on your part, the new Moon of the 29th gives you another way to approach something. It will square Jupiter in your 12th meaning that this is an opportunity to step free of what is holding you back. Especially if you have been unable to identify this in the past. Ruler Venus eases you past that final point of resistance or negative residue now it is in its ruling house. All of which adds up to almost two months of prosperity, self-worth upgrading moves you can make, Taurus. And long term love magic benefits. Don’t hesitate to change your thinking – about yourself first and foremost. Or put off for one minute longer saying what you know is your truth.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus invites you to enjoy almost two whole months of divine upgrades and the chance to see love magic in motion, Taurus. Of course, this may involve accepting it’s time for change in a key area. Don’t hesitate to initiate talk around that.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (1st)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (10th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (1st)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (2nd)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (8th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (12th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (2nd)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd to 8th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (3rd)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (2nd)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (11th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 12th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 12th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 12th)
Postcards from the past free you – but don’t look back
You have everything you need to get what you want
A portal to goal attainment opens
Feel the release as ruler Mercury heads direct once more in your 12th from the 3rd. Know however there may still be information that comes to light as it moves through this house and trines Pluto on the 10th. Release and rebirth could go hand in hand for you now. Mercury arrives back in your sign on the 13th – but won’t fully exit retroshadow until the 18th. You know the rules better than anyone, Gemini.
Past loves, old loves, potential loves and secret loves – all may feature right up until the 21st. Speed bumps in relationships will be smoothed out this month – one way or another. Especially after the 23rd when Venus lands in your 1st. Understanding where your choices and decisions around love in the past have brought you to wherever you are today will be both a revelation and a gift for you this June.
The past is there to serve and teach you. It’s no longer a place you live however. So, please don’t forget that this June as your birthday month peaks with potential when it comes to those new beginnings. Mine the past for its lessons and yes, its treasure too. But anything which no longer holds relevance – or worse, is painful, needs to be bundled up and labelled ‘Learning Experiences’ – and let go of for good.
Before Venus arrives it meets Uranus in your 12th (11th), the North Node (13th) and trines Pluto (21st). Along with the full Supermoon (14th – and more on this in a moment), you have a future setting meeting between Mars and Chiron in your 11th on the 16th – plus a key alignment between the Sun in your 1st and the Galactic Centre in your 7th on the 18th – the same day as Mercury exits retroshadow finally, are good days to close any doors on what you no longer need.
If you keep revisiting the past even in your head, heaping self-blame, regret, hurt or even anger on top of those memories, your brain thinks this is all still happening RIGHT NOW. This is how the past traps us without us knowing it. Our minds cannot discern whether we are simply recalling something or experiencing it. So, we flood our being with all the emotional, physical, psychic and psychological responses we felt back then. And then wonder why we still feel stuck in pain even if things are now going well for us.
So, as Venus transits your 12th and your ruler prepares to return to your sign on the 13th, please keep what I would call as ‘Soul Overwatch’ on what you remember or recall. Understand that reframing the past in order to move on from it is healing. But reliving it has the reverse effect. And right now people are looking at you and taking notice. On line and off. So if the past keeps popping up – gently thank it and release those thoughts. You should now be focussed on the future.
Time to accept yourself for who you have become thanks to your past. June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – your 7th and house of duos and double acts of all descriptions. Check your chart now for any Gemini factors at 23 degrees. If you have them then you can expect this supermoon to be shining on one particular duet in your life.
If this kicks up a past one – and they pop up in person, look at who you were then and who you are now. You made choices back then but would you make them today? This is your point of power. If you are single under this full Moon, it’s time to understand you are enough, whole and complete whether you are in a relationship or not. You are all heart now so show this love to yourself by refusing to entertain past hurts and tapes. Or if settled or in any kind of partnership, letting the other party know just how much you appreciate them enhancing your life.
Loving yourself means if your relationship is not as you would like, you have the courage to deal with any issues. The same goes for that opponent, frenemy or rival as this is your house of open enemies. The ultimate act of love is to put in boundaries or take appropriate action in the name of your own wellbeing. For more on this please see your Full Supermoon in Sagittarius moonscope.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. Looking at the resources you have at your disposal – what you have now and what you still feel you need to acquire to achieve those goals – time for that re-appreciation of all your resources as the Sun enters your 2nd.
This is most probably more than you think you have. Especially when you add in all those intangible assets. Your talents and skills. Your qualifications and experience. Your support network. Your beliefs about yourself. How you value yourself. All these combine to kickstart a new cycle of emotional and material prosperity. This begins with gratitude and appreciation for what you already have. And discovering new ways to direct your resources for a more satisfying outcome.
The new Moon in here on the 29th marks the real start of a fresh cycle of abundance. What’s your wish around growth and the experience of having more? Not just more money but more life and more love? Remember what I said in a previous forecast about how Jupiter in your 11th is the wish-granter and you should make three now it is in here? But also that you need to do whatever you can to turn that goal into a reality?
This new Moon squares Jupiter letting you know that what begins or is on offer for you now is linked to one of those wishes. Break through resistance and claim it. It should be effortless now Venus in your sign also angles to Jupiter on this day ridding you of any remaining self doubt. You’re free of the past now. So step into the abundant new where you belong.
In a nutshell: The past may try to pull you back but you need to keep your focus on the abundant new, Gemini. This month could see you on course towards a goal. And you can’t move into the future if you’re always living in the past.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (12th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (9th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (12th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (1st)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (7th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (1st)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st to 7th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (2nd)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (1st)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (10th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 11th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 11th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 11th)
Get fierce for your future
Unwrap the gift of the present
Happy solstice celebration to all Cancerians!
Even as you plan for your future and your new cycle, you are simultaneously curating your past, Cancer. Mercury direct once more in your 11th should have seen you revising those future plans. Now aided by Venus adding colour and depth to your dreams and friendships. Both are on the move into your 12th – Mercury (13th) and Venus (23rd). The Sun is in here right up until your birthday begins. That curating you’re doing needs a touch of universal perspective and inner wisdom.
Get in touch with how you see your future unfolding. Not just in the next 12 months but on into the imaginarium of your full potential. This may see you working that Cancer withdrawal and retreating temporarily into your cocoon. Along with your Tarot cards, your journal, that book, music, astrology chart. Where have you been? What did you learn from all those past experiences? How can you use these to shape your future? What impact does the past still have on you?
What remains precious and timeless and what needs to be released are part of this curation. Take all the time you need. Above all, look to the seeds you planted in the past especially when it comes to relationships and partnership matters. As Mercury and Venus move through your 11th they will angle to Pluto in your 7th – Mercury on the 10th and then Venus on the 21st. Venus will also meet the North Node on the 13th. Time to look at whether or not your expectations were fulfilled. Especially around love and relating. The choices you made going back as far as 19 years ago factor in. But take it this can mark the culmination or the start of a dream journey for you.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – your 6th which contains everyday magic when it comes to that day job, those habits and your wellbeing.
The Moon packs a big message for you. As you know, full Moons shine their light into the house opposite to the one they appear in. So, the insights you receive will come from your 12th of the past but be applicable to where you are right now. Such as living your best life. Not in the future but in the now. What changes and/or adjustments need to take place for you to do this? This supermoon inspires and illuminates.
This could be a small adjustment to changing up that routine, fuelling your body better or a bigger one such as deciding to look for a new job. Explore further any gut messages and please, don’t dismiss any thoughts as ‘trivial’. No matter how mundane the area, chances are it has a bigger impact than what you think. Again, if you need to spend time alone to look deeper – do so. For more insight don’t forget to check your full Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope for your sign!
With Mercury now direct – and this supermoon appears in Mercury’s house, then if you are seeking to change jobs, study or get your hustle on, you now have a green light. And with Jupiter, Mars and Chiron in your career sector you are here to slay when it comes to career and status setting moves.
Sun, sun, sun – here it comes! In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. And in your case, your new cycle begins as the Sun enters your 1st.
Now is the time to gather your plans, dreams and goals for the future, and set them in motion. You should have realised looking back at your past, that you are the catalyst of your own destiny. You make it happen. This is especially important now as we head towards the new Moon on the 29th. No matter when your birthday falls, this marks the start of your new astrological cycle and it tells you that what you make of it is entirely up to you. You move out of hiding and exploring your spiritual/inner realm and into the flow again.
Above all, when it comes to living that best life, don’t project too far ahead. Yes, goals can be realised in the coming year due to Jupiter’s opportunity creating factor. So, it is important to have some idea where you want to get to or what you want to achieve. That being said – living in the future is just as counterproductive as living in the past. Again, it deprives us of the magic of the NOW. So, when you wake everyday for the next month say to yourself ‘I am here to experience the magic of the NOW’. That way you won’t be so focused on what you hope is to come you miss something better that’s in the moment.
This is especially important at the time of the new Moon in your 1st (29th) The start of your astrological new year no matter when you birthday falls. Time to initiate new beginnings, breathe into the moment and what is going on around you, and then imagine all the possibilities the next 12 months can hold for you.
The Sun and new Moon will square Jupiter in your 10th meaning that you may meet with some resistance. Now, this can just as easily be internal as it can be an external barrier to progress. What this tells you is some effort is going to be required from you. Nothing worth having magically falls into our laps. And if it did, we might feel that something was inexplicably lacking. That feeling of dissatisfaction is due to the fact we didn’t get all the satisfaction of unleashing part of our greatness to get it! So be ready to push yourself past that point of resistance as the new Moon appears. Whether this is in the form of your own thoughts or simply knowing others are expecting you to bring your best game. You’re ready for the best – right now.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Cancer! The solstice brings you the start of a new cycle where your imagination guides you towards something greater. But remember to keep your focus on the here and now – that’s why they call the ‘present’ a gift!
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (11th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (8th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (11th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (12th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (6th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (10th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (12th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 6th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (1st)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (12th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (9th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 10th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 10th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 10th)
Be the Bold Type
Commit to being extraordinary
Love could appear when you least expect it
Start the month with a vision board or writing down your goals in your journal, Leo. With Jupiter now in its ruling 9th and ruler the Sun in your 11th much of June is about making inroads towards new experiences. What we want changes with us. If you look back 5, 10 or 15 years ago you were a different person back then to who you are today. And chances are what you wanted was different too. So, as Mercury shifts into gear again (3rd) and igniting factors light up your 9th, set yourself some soul firing and the you you have become stars to reach for.
Your vision board should contain images that relate to no more than five of your main goals. Why? Because it is impossible for us to truly focus on more than that and to succeed in manifesting them. Ensure these are the five that you truly desire to attract and experience. The goals that define you and form part of who you are. Not trying for them feels like abandoning your identity. Above all, be honest about what your dreams are. You don’t have them to please others or as a means to live up to their expectations. Only your own.
The planets still in your 10th make the perfect backdrop to this. Some of you may be looking at a promotion, career opportunity or fresh direction when it comes to path or purpose which is aligned to a long term goal. Venus meets Uranus on the 11th and then the North Node on the 13th. While both Mercury (10th) and Venus (21st) will trine Pluto in your 6th of work and daily purpose. With Mars and Jupiter both in a happy place in your chart expansion and rewards will be on offer for you this month. Travel, learning, breakthroughs and solutions feature. Especially once Mercury sweeps away the last of the retro cobwebs from the 18th when it is back in your 11th.
Upgrading your devices, getting an astrology reading and circulating take on fresh significance. Watch who you meet and interact with now. If you have been thinking to yourself: Well, this all sounds uplifting but what about the love? Who you click and connect with is linked to romance and love may be found where you least expect it and comes with a dash of destiny and an outrageous fortune flava now.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – your 5th which contains all the themes that make your soul glow and that Leo heart beat that little bit faster.
Are you the Bold Type now, Leo? You should be feeling just that as this supermoon is all about taking that chance. Maybe the first move when it comes to that potential lover? Or taking the plunge into a fresh social scene. Please be open to invitations that come your way around the time of this full Moon and in the days immediately before and after it. And check your chart for Leo factors at 23 degrees. If you are lucky enough to have them, then this full Moon promises that extra special cocktail of romance, soul pleasing pleasure, escape from the mundane and perhaps the promise that you may out-shine it! Read more moondancing details in your personal Moonscope for the Supermoon in Sagittarius.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. For you, this is the time when you enter the soul vault of becoming. You may temporarily feel the need to spend time alone. In contemplation, meditation, consulting your tools of the Tarot, journalling, astrology, reading and reflection.
Time spent on creative pursuits brings you immense pleasure now. And also acts as a gateway to insight. The Sun your ruler is in revelation mode when in here. What you need to know is exposed like an angel’s whisper. You see the truth – yours and others. Nothing is hidden from you now and you need to take this knowledge and utilise it to empower you to make fresh inroads towards attainment, when the Sun arrives in your sign next month.
The new Moon in your 12th (29th) brings secret longings to the surface. And for some of you perhaps even a secret love. There’s something awakening about this new Moon. You may no longer be able to ignore any unfulfilled goals for instance. You may ask yourself ‘If not now, then when?’. This is a good question because whether we want to think about it or not, sooner or later we all run out of days.
This new Moon squares Jupiter telling you to seize yours and not to allow excuses, self-doubt or fear to get in the way of this. As we head into July you need emotional honesty to fuel those dreams and desires. Own them, Leo. It’s time to commit to being extraordinary again. Above all as we head towards a new cycle for you, be who you truly are – not the person others think you are. And ensure the dreams you commit to align to that.
In a nutshell: Boldness is beauty for you. Take a chance when it comes to saying yes to the new. Someone or something is waiting to say yes back to you. And could be found where you least expect it this month, Leo!
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (10th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (7th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (10th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (11th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (5th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (11th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th to 5th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (12th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (11th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (8th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 9th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 9th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 9th)
Work the room with that va-va-voom
Assemble your future
Gimme shelter!
Ruler Mercury heads direct in your 9th on the 3rd. But it won’t fully shake those retroshadows until the 18th in its other ruling sign of Gemini and your 10th. So, you know the rules, Virgo. By all means proceed but continue to expect the unexpected, delays and reversals until then. Especially around travelling (the long distance kind in particular), legal matters, study and major purchases – anything from devices to horses. Use caution and know that no matter what is agreed, it is subject to change until both parties sign on the dotted line.
Unfortunately, this may also apply to swiping right. Or that lover may reveal that other side to them you had no idea existed. Continue to take your time with any new romantic partners. Of course, these can be shining hues of gorgeousness and devotion just as easily as they could be 50 Shades of Murky Misdirection. Just bear in mind that with love there is no need to rush. So, slow things down with anyone love bombing you – or even friend bombing. This should raise an amber flag at the very least. You will be shown the truth around this from the 28th and on into July when Neptune retrograde in your partner zone.
That doesn’t mean you are not back up there where you belong. Or that ambitions are out of reach this month. June sees your house of personal empowerment, raw searing potential and yes, desire turn lava hot. The dynamic between the planets in here – Mars, Jupiter and Chiron – and those in your 10th – Sun, Mercury from the 13th and Venus from the 23rd, sees you scorch a path towards those desires. Transformation, creation, alchemy anywhere from the bedroom to the boardroom occurs thanks to alignments between both your ruler (10th) and Venus (21st) and Pluto in your 5th. But again, don’t feel pressured to follow through unless it feels right to do so. True personal empowerment hands us the confidence to slow things down if needed. And say ‘Too much too soon’ if required.
Venus’s meeting with Uranus in your 9th (11th) and then the North Node (13th) wants you to look at what you have allowed to block your journey. And offers the chance for removal. Especially if you have been feeling restricted for some time. Uranus is concerned with freeing us from stagnation. And overturning anything which is preventing our evolution. This can take the form of something surprising which suddenly propels us in a new, exciting direction. Bear in mind this could also form part of the transformation that is occurring for you this month.
You may also feel there’s nothing you cannot handle this June. That va-va-voom hands you courage and conviction. The ability to tackle change if that is what is needed. From the small stuff to the big – your philosophy is it’s all small stuff. Above all, you seek to put things right if you have been feeling they have got off-kilter lately. From that discussion with your significant other to getting to grips with money to making changes on a more fundamental, emotional level – you meet the challenge head on and crush it! By doing so, you’ll make room for the new as you head into July.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – your 4th and of course, the Moon’s ruling house. You may want to check your chart for Virgo factors at 23 degrees now. Because if you have them, you may feel extra specially sensitive under this full Moon and require down-time, reassurance or nurturing.
After your can-do, pro-active few weeks, this comes as a change of pace. But it may be needed to recharge and realign your energy. If you feeling unsettled or just extra vulnerable now, know you are safe, loved and cherished. Sure, you may need to withdraw and recharge. But if you do, remind yourself the world is a safe place and not scary at all. Create a refuge if needed. Don’t whatever you do, eat to suppress your feelings. This may be a common reaction under this full Moon if you feel unsettled, insecure or unsupported in some way. Under this full Moon if you resort to stuffing down those emotions instead of simply feeling them, you are likely to overindulge and your system is now more delicate than usual and may rebel against it!
You are entitled to feel what you feel. No, you are not clingy, needy or emotionally immature. Give yourself permission to experience whatever comes up. If you examine your feelings closely you will see there is a good reason behind why you feel the way you do. And by acknowledging this you are on your way to putting things into perspective and creating whatever it is that truly fills the need for you.
On another level, this is a wonderful full Moon under which to entertain family and friends at home, beautify your home or plan an upgrade or move. Or simply enjoy your home and appreciate how it surrounds, shelters and supports you. If something is lacking in your living situation, now is the time to plan to rectify this. And when it comes to those feelings, to ask up front for what you need. It’s okay to be vulnerable as in your vulnerability lies your true self as well as beauty and strength. For more insight see your super full Moon Moonscope for June.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. You look to what you still want to achieve for the rest of the year now the Sun lights up those goals, soul aims and ambitions. Who you know, as opposed to what, is your focus. Time to be a joiner, Virgo. You should now have emerged washed free of hesitation by the full Moon and ready to re-assume your pro-active stance. But this time directing those actions towards your social life and the goals at the top of that manifestation list. Look to how these could be linked now. Time to network.
Get a head start on your upcoming cycle now. Next month the Sun will arrive in your 12th when you will undergo a clearing when it comes to what you take into the future with you. But the end of June kick starts that process from the time of the new Moon on the 29th. This new Moon will square Jupiter in your 8th while Venus now in your 10th sextiles it. The opportunity to step outside your usual circles may present itself or a shift within a current one contains an opportunity. Push yourself out there and past any shyness or desire to be a hermit, Virgo. The people around you are co-creating your future. Nobody does that alone. Get some collaborative magic happening as you continue to work your X Factor on into July.
In a nutshell: You begin June with the attitude there’s nothing you can handle right now, Virgo. This simply sets you up to work those change dynamics with confidence. Did I mention how sexy that comes across to others? If you got it – werk it this month.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (9th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (6th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (9th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (10th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (4th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (8th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (10th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th to 4th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (11th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (10th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (7th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 8th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 8th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 8th)
Know your outcome
What you hear or say has a big significance
Accept nothing less than big, bold, beautiful love
Love or other relationships may have a roulette wheel feel to them this month. Or at least right up until the 23rd when ruler Venus shifts signs and offers solutions. Sure, Jupiter is in the background like a benevolent Fat Cupid. But June may bring surprises and uncertainty and you may be left wondering just what someone’s agenda is or what they are going to do next. Let go of any desire to label liaisons too quickly. And also know that if something doesn’t live up to expectations it’s to make room for something better.
That spinning wheel of course includes the fact that ball could land on your number and you discover you unexpectedly won the jackpot. What’s certain is you’ll be looking at all the ways to express not just love but your ideas. And when it comes to romance – that mental turn on will be all-important once ruler Venus moves into Gemini and your 9th from the 23rd.
How to say it with love, having the confidence to go for love dominates thanks to that line up in your 7th. Mars adds the mojo in its ruling sign and Chiron’s presence in here could bring a breakaway moment from past patterns around mid month. How willing are you to accept healing and possibly release from a history that no longer serves you? A dynamic partnership possibility could offer just that.
Mercury heads to forward motion in your sector of change from the 3rd. Property matters which have been stalled could regain momentum, but please remember Mercury won’t fully clear its retroshadow until the 18th when it is back in its ruling sign of Gemini and your 9th. However, you can begin to move forward and may see a shift around work, money, income and assets thanks to ruler Venus. A transformational and possibly freeing moment could set you up for enrichment over the long term when Venus and Uranus meet (11th) and Venus and the North Node co-join on the 13th. Financial decisions which you made 19 years ago could come full circle. Especially if these were made with your partner or spouse. The joint home, mortgage, investment. This also sets you up to establish a better foundation for yourself if needed.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius and your 3rd house of news, ideas, communication, getting around, siblings, and your neighbourhood – actual and digital.
What you say, see and share will be important. As could be the news or that trip which coincides with its appearance. If you have been sitting on an idea – now Mercury has its zoom back, it could be time to launch under this full Moon. Others may experience the conclusion of a discussion or dialogue which results in agreement between both of you.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. And for you that pivot may well be a compass reset around your career, recognition, rewards and status. This has been bubbling away in the background from the start of the month. Yes, your main focus may well have been on that all-important Libra fascination with love and lasting togetherness due to the planets in your 7th. You’ve been focused on creating a more passionate and intensified connection – no matter what form the double act takes.
The Sun’s entry into your 10th has you looking at what you want from all areas of life which impact on how you are seen and perceived. Longevity and commitment become important as is knowing exactly what you want from any relationship whether it is professional or personal. In the upcoming month you are going to find yourself being asked to step up on some level. To show you are the Right Stuff either emotionally or professionally.
But when it comes to anything you set in motion under the new Moon in here on the 29th, you need to stand by what you want to take out of it eventually and know what this is going in. Because your 10th rules your status, this includes your relationship status too. You decide what you are seeking from any kind of union now as the new Moon squares Jupiter in your 7th. If you’ve shied away from asking for this, or stating your terms up front, Jupiter emboldens you. This day also sees ruler Venus align to Jupiter from its ruling 9th opening the door to something bigger. Check your chart for factors at 7 Libra. This is as boldly big and beautiful as it gets.
In a nutshell: Fierce, fearless love is what you crave, Libra. But if seeking something new, know what that take-out is before going all in. Intense sudden attractions can happen. As could ‘You had me at hello!’.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (8th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (5th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (8th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (9th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (3rd)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (7th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (9th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th to 3rd)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (10th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (9th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (6th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 7th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 7th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 7th)
Practice extreme self-care
Get ready for cosmic change
Start in the name of love!
Ask not what love can do for you, but what you can do differently in the name of love this month. Relationships are asking that you take a different approach now. Especially if you crave a closer bond with your boo or seek a different outcome than what you may have experienced in the past.
That lover that looks like no other or who goes against type could be an enticing possibility for singles. As could finding them where you least expect to! We begin the month with Mercury’s direct motion in your 7th of double acts of all descriptions. If the pause button got pushed on romance during the retro period, between now and the end of the month, you should start to see things move forward. This also applies to waiting for news around that interview or job. You also begin June with Venus in its ruling sign/house in your chart. That unexpected and unusually freeing twist in your love journey could appear as early as the 11th when Venus and Uranus entangle.
A partnership possibility or the next stage which would evolve an existing one could appear as love is asking for you to make a change or transformation in its name. Both Mercury (10th) and Venus (21st) will trine your ruler Pluto. Love talks or a change in conversation brings about the love rebirth you’re seeking. Certainly, as the sign where there is always so much more going on below the surface that you are willing to let on, all this adds up to you being willing to open up and share the contents of your heart. Simply put, you come to the point where you realise that letting go of fear of hurt or rejection is your only option now in order to get what you want.
A little old fashioned rest, recuperation and reset goes a long way this month. As does simply pacing yourself. Mars in your 6th can have you rushing to get things done. Most probably with the best intentions. But burn out could follow if you are tempted to rush or else exist on nothing but coffee and convenience foods. Does your routine or even work require a radical overhaul? With Jupiter and also Chiron in here, this is your month to look for that new and better job, reshuffle your priorities or attend to radical self-care practice if necessary. In fact, with ancient ruler Mars in here treat self-care like an extreme sport!
Adjust that diet, exercise regimen or even simply those habits. Mars gets the job done, Jupiter wants to expand your experience while Chiron tells you success is nothing unless you are healthy and whole. A new approach may be called for as a result.
Acting in your own best interests, taking time to recharge and having the confidence to call ‘Time out!’ if needed see you getting more done even if this starts with slowing down. This is a paradox you’ll come to appreciate this month. Many Scorpios have planets in next door sign of Sagittarius. So, use any pauses to check your chart factors for anything at 23 degrees.
Whether you have them or not, June’s full Moon – known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live, is all about the value you place on yourself. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. This one is supersized in Sagittarius – your 2nd of all this worthy. That includes you, Scorpio. You the priceless treasure and unique, unrepeatable soul. Hopefully you know this and are treating yourself accordingly. If not, it’s time for a value reset. This powerful Moon draws to the surface the knowledge about what is most valuable to you. Have you left yourself off the list lately?
This is of course about your emotional relationship to your cash, income, possessions, what you earn, have and hold to be priceless or not for sale. All this is set by our own value system. And it extends out into our relationships too. This is the house of relationships we can ‘bank’ on and are ‘assets’ to us. And we perform the same to that person in return. What we believe we will receive in our relationships is a reflection of how we value ourselves. Whether we are being paid by an employer for the work we do, or someone we care about in love, this is all about how you value yourself first and how others reflect that.
Expect to be exploring whether the price is right or not in a key area under this full Moon. To dig deeper, see your Scorpio Full Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. This can see you yearning to move in a fresh direction as the Sun enters your 9th. Expanding your living experience, your path or heading for a new port to make your base of operations. You want to experience something that broadens your horizons or opens the way simply for more life to enter yours.
Following on from that full Moon, some of you may be traveling now or moving forward towards a larger goal attainment. Mercury out of retrocycle finally hands you green lights. The upcoming month should open your eyes, heart and mind to bigger possibilities and the truth there are simply more choices and options for you if you are willing to simply seek them out.
Jupiter may be working in the background at this time to lovingly propel you out of any rut you may have dug for yourself. The new Moon of the 29th is in Jupiter’s ruling house in your chart. It will square Jupiter in your 6th while Venus now in your 8th makes a sextile to Jupiter on the same day. Let’s face it, phoenix, you know your 8th is where all the good stuff is hidden. And this transit is no exception. Positive changes around your work, income or a healthy release follow. And yes, that includes the bedroom for some of you or that enticing new connection which began earlier in the month now crossing that next stage threshold! You are being set up for an even deeper and more lasting cosmic change to occur next month. And take it from me, Scorpio – it’s going to be around someone or something you love!
In a nutshell: Love may be full of surprises this month, Scorpio. Changes to your routine or work keep that feeling you can tackle anything going. Any shift which occurs this month is a precursor to a deeper one to follow.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (7th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (4th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (7th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (8th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (2nd)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (6th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (8th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th to 2nd)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (88h to 6th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (9th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (8th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (5th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 6th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 6th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 6th)
It’s Love Revival time!
Less equals more in so many areas
Don’t stop the flow
Work, money, love and a bring it on home baby vibes dominate June for you Sag. Of course you have ruler Jupiter working its wonder world magic in your 5th now. So many of you were reporting the change or lightening of the energy last month as Jupiter left Pisces and your 4th, for Aries and your 5th of lovers, children and everything that lights up your life and frees you. You are spontaneity incarnate now. Ready for the new, the exciting and freeing. You’ll head off in a new direction at the drop of a hat. Just ensure however you don’t throw your heart into the ring along with it too quickly. There’s a difference between spontaneity and impulsiveness.
Watch and wait when it comes to love and ensure love proves itself worthy before you go all in. That being said, it is time to let go and allow your carefree freedom loving side to take over without dwelling too much on potential pitfalls. This month is all about the lighter side of life – and loving it.
You won’t appreciate critics or negativity now. You actively seek out similar souls who are upbeat and optimistic. With the Sun in your 7th and a highly charged 5th it’s time for love and you know it! Your ruler opens up your generous heart even further. Indulgence and attraction are about to get bigged up thanks to Fatso ruler. But its not fat – its potential that’s supersized. You’ll be more gregarious too and simply wanting to circulate and see what you encounter.
Needless to say your all-time favourite Sag activity ravel will be well and truly back on the menu again. Especially after Mercury shifts to direct motion in your 6th on the 3rd and then clears retroshadow in your 7th on the 18th. Reconciliations, reunions and kiss and make up moments are still in play for some of you hoping for a second chance with an ex. However, just take it that if this doesn’t happen, there is too much going on now for you to be dwelling on it. Chances are you will move into acceptance and move on if that is the case.
Changes around your day job – whether paid or not, your studies, those habits and that routine shift your mindset into a more open and positive frame. There’s also an enhanced flow of ideas and news. Restrictions are lifted not only by Mercury’s forward motion but Saturn retrograde in your 3rd from the 4th. This sees you more open and willing to share what’s on your mind as well as green lighting work and communication projects.
Who is on your radar in June and really in focus mid-month, Sag? Because as long as the Sun stays in your 7th, June really is all about you being a party of two with someone. June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. Check your chart for Sag factors at 23 degrees. If you have them then this points to a key union reaching a high tide mark.
When full Moons appear they shine their light back into the opposite house. So, a full Moon in your 1st throws a searchlight into your 7th of boos, baes and bandits. A big one and therefore a massive focus on a particular duo, duet or double act. Yes, your 7th contains everyone from that one true love to that soul you wish would simply Doctor Strange themselves into another part of the multiverse. Hopefully this Moon highlights the former rather than the latter. For more on this please see your Full Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
Freshly minted love or reimagining an existing one is possible as passionate Mars and Chiron meet in your 5th on the 16th. You need something electrifying to light up that emotional landscape. If not love then you will actively seek out opportunities for creative self-expression and play. And in ways that make you stand out from the crowd. If you have no boo, this isn’t likely to bother you and friends, group gatherings, festivals and other events may make you feel part of something bigger.
If you are engaged in any creative pursuits now, you could be in for recognition and anything you produce reflects that lightness of being you embody. Don’t censor yourself. Experiencing fun and pleasure are also spiritual experiences and every bit as valid as any other. Above all, say yes to who or what turns up. It’s important not to stop the flow. However, please be aware that if something is beyond repair, all the sparkly transits in the cosmos won’t cover the cracks now. But what they can do is make it easier to move forward than at any other time. Venus’s arrival in your 7th and its ruling house on the 23rd keeps that love fest going on into July. And what you project, you will attract back in kind now.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. The Sun arrives in your 8th – your ‘other’ money house and area of rebirth, transformation and yes, that kind of wild, untamed sexiness you know you own when you are on form (and you are on fire now, Sag!). If you recently started a new relationship the new Moon in here (29th) should show you where you are headed. The same goes for that career or money direction.
The Moon squares Jupiter asking you just how far you are prepared to go for emotional resolution or claiming your dues? What about barriers within you to having what you want? This signals it is truly time to make the space for something new to enter your life which transforms you. Or to take that energy that has propelled you into the pleasure realm and channel it into making permanent changes so you feel that good ALL the time – not just some of it. Time to look at the pivotal part of the year to who you feel you are or want to be for the rest of it. Venus’s angle to your ruler this same day makes this one of the best days to restart love or effortlessly remove any barriers between you and a new one. The love you get rests on the changes you make to let more of it in this June.
In a nutshell: June offers all Sagittarius an opportunity to enter into a new love experience. Whether this is a new or current boo, a working duo or that bae. Opportunities, fun and good times banish the mehs. And take you on into July, Sag!
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (6th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (3rd)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (6th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (7th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (1st)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (5th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (7th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th to 1st)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (78h to 5th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (8th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (7th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (4th)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 5th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 5th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 5th)
Connect soul to soul
Love every part of you
Lay the foundations for your love future
Love is both an art form and a work in progress for you this month. Especially from the 21st when the Sun arrives in your 7th. Adding to the mix could be a surprise romantic development or invitation, Cappy. All courtesy of the planets in your 5th which include Venus up until the 23rd.
Mercury in your 5th at the start of the month finally moves ahead on the 3rd. The 4th sees your ruler Saturn head backwards in your 2nd. What’s the connection here? Both say you are now ready to receive. Especially if you have been taking on board Saturn’s lessons of quality over quantity. As well as your money, your 2nd rules those relationships which you can bank on. Your love foundation if you like. Assess this and if needed, set new criteria as you move ahead this June.
Continue to apply those retro rules however right up until the 18th. Mercury will re-enter Gemini and its ruling 6th on the 13th. But it can still throw the odd delay or snafu your way until it is fully clear of retroshadow on the 18th. As it gets traction happening it will trine Pluto in your 1st removing delays around a personal matter. Venus also in your 5th will do the same on the 21st but first will meet Uranus (11th) and the North Node (13th) – the second conjunction is just a day before the oh-so-mysterious full Supermoon appears in your 12th.
Take it destiny is at work now and love or something you love is the transformation catalyst that is about to spin your fate into a new, evolutionary direction. If you are old enough – as in 18 or over back in 2003, look back at what happened as what is occurring now is somehow linked to that. Lovers, romance, babies, children, parenting, young people, you in the spotlight, creative ventures and soul soaring lucky breaks. Themes can repeat, close a chapter or send you into a new one now. Needless to say, if a new partnership is your goal, this month is the time to seek it out.
A deeper, more spiritually fulfilling kind of love is what you seek to establish now and this applies to singles and settleds alike. How to connect soul to soul is your main goal. As June unfolds its time to open up your mind and your heart to better ways of loving and building connections. This of course starts with your ability to love and accept yourself. Your love workout as we approach mid-month is to look at where you may be rejecting part of your uniqueness through fear of being seen as not good enough.
June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. In your 12th of spiritual awakenings, hidden truths, healing and psychic skills, that self-love workout takes on new meaning. No more judgment or worse, comparing yourself to other people. If someone is constantly criticising you or making you feel you are in a competition for their love, time or attention, then use this time to reflect on whether this connection truly serves your worth.
Your creativity and intuition will peak under this full Moon. DO use its insights and follow through with them. DON’T see yourself as a victim or prisoner. For more insight into what this full Moon can show you, please see your Full Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope.
In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. As always, its the Summer of Love for you as the Sun in now in your 7th of partnerships of all descriptions. It’s time to be part of a double act in some way. Or to revel in the one you are already in.
The 21st also sees Venus trine Pluto making this a ‘You own it’ day. Work that like a boss. Singles could attract someone highly magnetic and even successful. Others could be part of their current boos success story or step into a no more fakin’ it but makin’ it business dynamic. Once Venus exits your 5th and lands in your 6th from the 23rd those of you seeking work or to change jobs should double up on those efforts as its not just what you are offering personally that is going to get you results now.
All this takes place against the super-sustaining effects of Jupiter in your 4th. You should be coming from a place of enhanced security and belonging now. The Moon is the natural ruler of your 4th and the new Moon in your 7th on the 29th will square Jupiter while Venus sextiles it. Partnership matters naturally extend into joint property decisions, living arrangements, shared resources and that feeling you are emotionally supported. As we head towards July anything new which begins which involves a double act or duo is likely to enhance all of these areas. Or you and your current partner look to what you both need from one another and with regards to your lifestyle, for your future. Something gets cemented for your future this month. Go forward with love, Cappy.
In a nutshell: You reach your yearly love peak with both your houses of romance, love and attraction alight, Capricorn. Of course, you need to be ready to receive. So, begin by practicing self-love and acceptance this June.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (5th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (2nd)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (6th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (12th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (6th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th to 12th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (68h to 4th)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (7th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (6th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 4th)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 4th)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 4th)
Non attachment opens you to alternatives
Reset that routine
Get ready for rom-com style love!
Expect the unexpected, rolls and reversals at the start of the month. And know even if the surprise wasn’t what you wanted initially, it may look very different further down the track. You may feel you’re no longer on solid ground when it comes to home, living arrangements, family, those you live with or what you have come to rely on. The ground shifts beneath your feet. Something you counted on misfires or simply doesn’t work out. Deals fall through or new information makes it impossible to go forward unless changes are made.
There are too many potential variables to list them all here but you get the idea, Aquarius. And if this all sounds highly retro-suspect, you’d be right about that. Mercury heads direct in your 4th from the 3rd and the following day Saturn turns retroactive in your sign. Mercury then trines Pluto in your 12th (10th) while Venus also in your 4th collides with your ruler Uranus (11th) and then the North Node (13th). With Mercury still in retroshadow until the 18th this means that something you thought a given suddenly stalls or reverses. However, if this occurs, take it there will be an eventual benefit to this revealed. One piece of news is quickly replaced by a better one.
Despite the presence of Jupiter, Mars and Chiron in your 3rd, please try to hold off on buying anything from a new device to a car until after the 18th when Mercury finally shakes off those shadows. After this however you are in a position to find a good deal or bargain. The same goes for signing contracts. Try to delay unless it truly cannot be helped. By the 18th you should be clear of any confusion and also looking at something better if your first option did not work out.
Fabulizing love factors are in focus all month long and last into July for you. Of course, the fact party pooping planet Saturn rolls into reverse lifting restrictions and that heavy feeling helps! Travel and holidays may also feature thanks to the Sun in your 5th until the 21st and then Venus in here from the 23rd. Get up and glow now. This is your main house of attraction and to do that you have to be the brightest star in the sky. Be runway ready or simply feel like you are the star of your own reality show. Because when we have planets in this house we are. You will seek out ways to get yourself noticed, recognised and want to immerse yourself in romance or good times.
Yes, flings can be flung as this is your house of lovers. You want to express and share the passion that’s firing you up to put yourself out there, sparkle and shine. Whether this leads to anything long term will however depend on your personal chart factors. One of our astrologers can guide you through this. Above all, it’s time to socialise and circulate no matter your romantic status. June’s full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. And in your 11th this is the best night of the year for that moondance!
Of course, your 11th house packed with all things edgy and Aquarian. Your friends, groups, connections, networks. Your inner entrepreneur lives here. Your ideas and inventiveness grow here. Your future takes form. Your goals are launched skywards. You intuitively understand that all of these things manifest or revolve around those connections. Both on line and off. This full Supermoon encourages you to go out there. To align with like minded people. Preferably yes, in person but as the 11th rules electronics and innovation, the internet and apps may feature for others.
Pay special attention to who is around you now, who you meet or encounter. One particular friendship or even group may play a bigger role than usual under this full Moon. Getting involved in a cause or movement, joining a group, club or organisation, being in a public place or large event may result in you meeting someone who has a bigger role to play in your future than you would imagine. As for romance – enjoy the moment, the date, the flirtation and dance away! For more on what this Moon illuminates, see your Full Moon in Sagittarius Moonscope forecast.
Decisions around work, wellbeing, habits, lifestyle, fitness and that routine or rut, see you moving in a fresh direction as the year shifts to a fresh focus for you. In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots. The Sun in your 6th infuses what you do every day with new energy and also allows you to inject the joy back into what you take for granted or has simply become something you to by rote.
Now Mercury is fully free of retroactive rain checks, along with Jupiter and the other planets in Mercury’s 3rd, tackle any dissatisfaction around your work (paid or unpaid) and look to what boosts your energy rather than drains it. Follow that feeling. Look to what impacts on your energy levels.
Initiate a fresh routine or turn yours on its head. It’s important now if you want things to change to send a signal to the cosmos you are ready for it. How do we do this? By making even the smallest adjustment to the things we do every day. Think of this as choosing from a smorgasbord of possibilities – many you have simply chosen to ignore before. Especially if this involves adjusting your diet. You are not engaged in deprivation or denial. You are simply opting to make a different choice for this meal.
Look at the world and your habits differently. For instance, if you normally get your news from one site, for the next month look at the headlines on a different one – or maybe more than one. How does the different in reporting affect how you view events? If you usually go to one coffee shop – get your latte from a different one for a week. If you commute how about varying your route or getting off one step earlier and walking the rest of the way? If you usually shop in one place choose another supermarket. Buy something you’ve not tried before to eat. If you exercise, if you run, cycle or walk your usual circuit in reverse, how does this change how you view the route and what you usually see?
Small adjustments send the signal we are ready for something bigger now. Be ready to implement these as the new Moon appears in your 6th on the 29th and triggers Jupiter in your 3rd. This tells you talk is over and its time for action. It’s no use simply saying you will apply for a new position – you need to follow through in order to get that better job. This new Moon says don’t simply talk a good game. Bring it. And above all, not to underestimate the power of the insignificant. Your new Moon Moonscope shows you what’s too important to simply take for granted now. Charge up that routine with variety to change up your future in July!
In a nutshell: Feel like a superstar? You should this month Aquarius as factors light up your fabulous 5th. Love is in the air while on a more mundane level, showing that routine or habits the love brings the shift you’ve been waiting for!
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (4th)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (1st)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (4th)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (5th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (11th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (3rd)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (5th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th to 11th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (58h to 3rd)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (6th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (5th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (2nd)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 3rd)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 3rd)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 3rd)
Are you ready for the Summer of Love?
Colour your world with fresh bliss
Know when to work it – and when to play!
You are the other Summer of Love sign, Pisces as the Sun’s entry into Cancer puts it in its ruling 5th. It’s all a very ‘If you’re going to San Francisco’, 60’s, retro, hippy trail vibe. It tells you to leave your cares behind you. Yes, this is a great time to take off for that holiday too. Especially as we Mercury direct once more in its ruling 3rd from that day. Get your Haight-Ashbury happening. There’s also the promise of release from anything that binds or ties you to the past. Now I’m not talking about the retro, mod, vintage love vibe but anything which literally does seem like a heavy load of the soul or spirit. Saturn’s move backwards in your 12th points to a lesson learned from the past or simply karma repaid. You also have your ruler Neptune turn retrograde on the 28th.
This points to releasing that pause button on a key area of your life this June. One that may have held you back for quite some time. In fact – it may not even be your story but that of your family. New research into how the body stores memories have revealed that we may store what can only be called ‘family karma’. Look to any themes in your family that you may unwittingly carry forward into your life. This is not your story if so. But do spend time meditating if you discover it and release it back into the cosmos. Neptune retro helps you to do this.
You don’t want anything getting in the way of that summer of love. Jupiter along with Mars and Chiron in your 2nd amp up that self esteem. Also your confidence to get out and attempt new things. Shyness or being an introvert needs to take a back seat this June. Mercury and also Venus link to Pluto in your 11th of friends and circles. A new and potentially influential connection can enter your life. What starts as a friendship or shared interest could evolve into something so much more.
Not being too attached to outcomes and plans, being willing to unleash your spontaneity all conspire to propel you out into the new and unexplored. Watch for exciting news or perhaps that invitation or offer you should not refuse on the 11th when Venus and Uranus meet in your 3rd. Venus will move on to meet the North Node in here. Siblings, your neighbourhood, commute, writing, commerce, travel, publishing, design, offers and the internet hold special significance. Is it time to launch something? With Mercury about to clear retroshadow on the 18th now is the time to ready any plans that align to your long term ambitions and build something lasting for you.
This especially applies when we factor in a status setting full Moon in your 10th. Not just any full Moon either – but a supermoon. June’s full Moon is also known as the Rose Moon, Dyad Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Crane Moon depending on where you live. It is also the full Moon which comes closest to the earth and when this occurs we get a supermoon. Check your chart for Pisces factors at 23 degrees of your sign. If you have them, this full Moon squares them bringing the need to maintain your composure rather than let your emotions hold sway.
You will be on show in some way under this Supermoon. How you come across to others will be all-important. If you are dealing with VIP’s, bosses or people in positions of influence or authority, you need them on side. Some of you may see a career project reach a critical phase under this full Moon. Important meetings can be scheduled or you bring something to a satisfying conclusion. Again, this relates to the long term and what you create or establish that enhances that. So, don’t just think in terms of the present and act accordingly for your future. It’s all in your reputation and your response.
Now – on with the love. Having got the serious business out of the way it’s time to kick back and return to that summer of love festive vibe. In the UK, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to watch the Sun rising to the left of the Heel Stone to mark the summer solstice (21st). The Southern hemisphere officially enters winter. The year pivots.
Turn back, tune in, and if needed, drop out or unplug for a while as ruler Neptune heads backwards in your 1st just prior to the new Moon appearing in your 5th (28th). You may want to check your chart. Do you have your Pisces factors at 25 degrees? If so, this is an important retrograde for you due to Neptune making a ‘station’ on you. This will be about reclaiming something from your past. Alternatively – do you have factors at 7 degrees of your sign? Important new beginnings around lovers, children, creativity and your self-expression come wrapped in promise thanks to the new Moon at 7 degrees of Cancer and your 5th on the 29th. What you can conceive of, you can attract now.
Tie this to your self worth and your ability to receive which Jupiter is bigging up now in your 2nd. This new Moon will square Jupiter asking you if you are emotionally short-changing yourself around what you believe you can have or hold now. If your self-esteem needs an upgrade, what transpires over the next few weeks will shore up that self-worthiness and see romance, validation and easy like the summer of love opportunities head your way. For more on this see your personal Moonscope forecast for the new Moon in Cancer. Turn on, tune in and opt for something better and beautifying, Pisces!
In a nutshell: Don’t drop out when it comes to your reputation and those ambitions this June, Pisces. But do turn on and tune in to that Summer of Love vibe that’s happening now. Upgrade what you believe you can attract. It’s waiting to find you.
3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (3rd)
4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (12th)
10 Jun 2022 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
11 Jun 2022 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (3rd)
13 Jun 2022 Mercury re-enters Gemini (4th)
13 Jun 2022 Venus conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)
14 Jun 2022 Full Supermoon in Sagittarius (10th)
16 Jun 2022 Mars and Chiron conjunct in Aries (2nd)
18 Jun 2022 Mercury exits retroshadow in Gemini (4th)
18 Jun 2022 Sun in Gemini opposition the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th to 10th)
19 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
20 Jun 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (48h to 2nd)
21 Jun 2022 Sun enters Cancer – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice Southern Hemisphere (5th)
21 Jun 2022 Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
23 Jun 2022 Venus enters Gemini (4th)
27 Jun 2022 Mars in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)
28 Jun 2022 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (1st)
29 Jun 2022 Sun in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 2nd)
29 Jun 2022 New Moon in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 2nd)
29 Jun 2022 Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 2nd)
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