Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs September 2021 – Magic and Balance

Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs September 2021


Recapture the magic

Don’t rush

Love demands you apply what you have learned from it

All the outer planets are backward facing this month plus we have Mercury in Retro Lite and then Retro 2.0 at the end of the month. All this adds up to going back over stuff. This simply grates against your pro-active, always-in-motion Aries vibe. Just remember that all transits have a purpose and that sometimes going back over stuff allows us to recapture some old magic we should never have stopped weaving in the first place.

While ruler Mars remains in your 6th, try to slow down and focus on the details. Yes, this may involve going back over something to see what you missed the first time. But rush and mistakes could be made or worse – you burn out, Aries. Mars in here wants to get the job done. Plus you may feel there’s no task you can’t tackle. So, you end up forgetting to pace yourself or again, completing something in a hurry only to find you now need to do it all over again.

Knock knock, ping ping. Another rare and special Mystic Rectangle appears on the 3rd of which your ruler forms a key angle. We had one appear back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope. So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, invitations or door knocks. There’s an announcement or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result.

This combined with the new Moon in here on the 7th makes this your window for job and career related moves if you are seeking work or to change jobs. Certainly, get that application in or that project to a key stage before the Mercury retro on the 27th. Fated, date stamped news perhaps involving you and another party is highlighted as the planets move through your 7th house and trine the North Node in your 3rd. First we have Mercury on the 3rd angling to it in its ruling house and sign.

Then once Mars enters here from the 15th it performs the same trine on the 21st. The Sun lands in here on the 22nd and trines the Node on the 26th so watch for key news, people and progress on these dates. And above all, please remain focussed on the small stuff.

Venus moves from ruling 7th to your 8th on the 10th. Any prospective partnership or double act may crystallise or go deeper now. This is also your ‘other’ money house and this area of your life may now be up for transformation and change. Especially as Venus rules your bank account. So, between now and the key Venus/Uranus opposition on the 23rd, that news or game-changer I mentioned could see your financial matters in focus.

Its important to have a strong value system in place. Uranus’s long term transit through Taurus and your 2nd has been all about refining this. Uranus is telling you to know you are the real deal and to strike exactly that based on this. Especially after Vesta joins Venus in your 8th from the 21st.

A dreamy, creative and highly intuitive full Moon links your past with future possibilities on the 20th when it appears in your 12th. You’ve a link now forming between you and timeless loves and the multiverse. This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 7th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter asking us to look at what we have sown and harvested and now what we want to plant for a fresh cycle.

For you, this may mean gathering in those memories and going deep into your past as in not just the past of this year but previous ones. Look at what needs to be released to make way for something new. This especially applies to partnerships, duos and double acts of all descriptions.

What the love?!

Renew the love with you current boo or else determine what you what seeds took root and gave you bountiful crop and what didn’t. And armed with this knowledge, look to what kind of love meets the you that has experienced this type of soul growth. Are you now seeking someone very different, Aries?

You can continue this process as we head into October as Mercury shifts to full fat retrograde on the 27th. As this is in your 7th house, this tells you it is not the time for anything new now but a time of renewal and reflection instead. If a reconciliation is possible, the way to accomplish this may simply appear along with the other party and there is no need to push. Either you have another chapter together or else that book is closed.

Watch for anyone or anything which returns from your past or comes full circle between the 26th – 29th when the Sun trines the North Node and then Venus trines Neptune in your 12th. Something could literally be resurrected or reborn or you begin anew. There’s a Grand Air Trine on the 26th featuring ruler Mars in your 7th linking to Saturn and then the Moon in your 3rd. Fated and dated also means releasing anything past its use-by date and not arguing with destiny. Surrender this September, Aries.

In a nutshell: Work matters dominate at the start of September and career inroads can be made. Love says look to the past and don’t rush into your future. Above all, don’t push for outcomes. Destiny has a plan of its own now.


Take care of the details and they’ll take care of you

Just when it’s mundane – magic happens

This month takes you all the way from work to pleasure, Taurus!

All work and no play makes for a dull you, Taurus. But ways to high vibe that routine or day job to make it less of a chore and more of a choice are on their way. Plus if you begin the month with a massive To Do list on both the home and the work/study front, after the first week of September you’ll be working them like a boss as opposed to being over-worked.

Mars barrelling into your house of work (paid and unpaid), study and daily duties from the 15th makes light work of what you have to do in order to take care of the full time job of simply living or earning your income. You’ll also be enlightened as to new ways of tackling old tasks or even that pile of clutter or paperwork once the Sun follows on the 22nd. However – be aware that Mercury in here begins to slow down from the 7th and will be fully retro-active from the 27th. This is Mercury’s ruling house in your chart. So, please tick off all the boxes on that list and take extra care with the details now as Mercury’s capacity for mayhem and mistakes will be maximised in this house.

Magic happens

It’s not all mundane but there’s magic in the air and despite Mercury’s down-shift, you’ll feel this grow as the month proceeds. Starting on the 3rd. It’s a day when Mercury trines the North Node in Mercury’s ruling sign of Gemini and your 2nd of all things self-worthy, gifted and good. Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Another rare and special Mystic Rectangle appears on this day. We had one appear back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an announcement or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort.

This one stretches across you 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th. It’s about romance, sensuality, good news, lucky breaks, friendships and freedom. Embrace fresh connections. Go after your goals. This propels you onwards to the new Moon in your 5th on the 7th whispering of exciting new beginnings, good times, blessings and indulgences of the mind, body and soul! Time to start to detach a little from those tasks and focus more on play and pleasure (while not ignoring the former, Taurus!).

No matter how hard you may try, fading into the background just won’t happen now. Especially when your ruler sashays into its ruling 7th from the 10th. Both your love houses are now feeling the full sensual heat and you are also in a mood to put yourself out there and make sweet love or simply that move, Taurus.

Clicks and connects can and will happen. The promise of the Mystic Rectangle could manifest via your dating app, Instagram feed, YouTube channel or LinkedIn profile as others gravitate towards you. Because your 5th rules what you love to do and what makes you shine and stand out and your 7th embraces all kinds of dynamics, what opens up for you could just as easily be turning that passion into a profession or a job or work offer as it could feature a past, present or potential love partner.

All this occurs in the lead up to the full Moon in your 11th on the 20th. This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 6th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter asking us to look at what we have sown and harvested and now what we want to plant for a fresh cycle. This journey will trigger thoughts around career ambitions, your status and even what you want from partnerships now. So, take some time with this.

But in your 11th this full Moon just wants you to join with like minded people whether this is in person or via Zoom. It highlights those goals for you. What you still consider worthy and which are aligned with who you are. And under it you could even link to someone who may play a pivotal role in this. More on this in a moment.

Who you know you are and how this all fits into your relationships – personal, family, professional, romantic – look closely at this as Vesta moves into your 7th and joins Venus in here from the 21st. How you are seen and perceived by those closest to you or who you are in some kind of double act with will be important. As could be how you identify yourself.

Vesta has long been linked to gender issues and bias. But a more modern take on this is really identity issues and how we identify ourselves. In your 7th this can even extend to how others treat you depending on whether you have a partner or not. Expect this to play out in some way and again, look to how this may occur not just in a current relationship but in a potential one be it love, work or friendship. Are you accepted or expected to conform to someone other than who you are?

Mercury, Mars and the Sun make three key angles to the North Node in your 2nd on the 3rd, 21st and 26th. Look for people and opportunities which boost anything from your bank account to your pride in your achievements on these dates. Venus opposes Uranus in your 1st on the 23rd and a personal desire or a connection could take a surprising turn. Singles could be faced with the appearance of someone dynamically new and different. An offer is held out you didn’t expect. Step through a portal of potential when it comes to income and self-worth enhancing moves on the 26th and the Grand Air Trine across your 2nd/6th/10th houses.

Someone from the past makes a surprise return especially during this last week of the month when Venus trines Neptune on the 29th making this a day for alternative realities, endings and new beginnings springing from the past as Mercury is now heading backwards. You’ve dealt with the key business of well, taking care of business this month, Taurus. This now says you can afford to immerse yourself in sensual escapism, warm embraces and even success. The magic begins with the mundane and ends with the miraculous in September.

In a nutshell: September begins with a focus on everyday tasks and that day job, Taurus. But don’t worry – it won’t stay that way! Ruler Venus welcomes in the love when it enters its ruling 7th. Do the work – then get ready to play.


Dream up a fresh purpose

Revive the joy, reclaim the love

News arrives which sets you on a fresh path

Ruler Mercury enters retroshadow in your 5th from the 7th and then hits full reverse on the 27th. You of all signs know the drill, Gemini. Yes, the usual Retro Rules apply. Extra is looking closely at your child, adult child, babies, the younger generation and whether or not someone needs some TLC, time with you or attention. Is there something you may be missing?

I should also not have to add that its time to withdraw from that dating app for now. Yes, a lover could return and you are free to weigh up the pros and cons to re-involvement. But something new is likely to stall or after a promising start, you are faced with ghosting or radio silence.

Reviving past hobbies, creative passions and projects is however favoured as is revisiting old haunts. If you are going on holiday this month which your 5th rules, I should not need to remind you to double check all bookings, current travel restrictions and not to leave home without a contingency plan. That’s just sensible retrograde packing.

Something from the past could indeed reappear, revive or draw you back this September as Mercury, Mars and then the Sun in your 5th all trine the North Node in your 1st. Your key dates are the 3rd, 21st and 26th. A foreshadowing or preview of what’s to come pre-packaged with a choice you need to make – as in a yes or no answer, may be triggered by the Mystic Rectangle on the 3rd.

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an announcement or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort.

What is this about or where is your answer required? Money, income, home, possessions, security, career, shared assets, mortgages, loans, agreements, bonds, unions and mergers. It promises long term change and may seem daunting. But take it from me, its much needed, Gemini. By the time the new Moon appears in what is the Moon’s ruling 4th on the 7th, you should have a clear picture of what this entails and the potential moving forward.

Venus shifts into your work zone from the 10th enhancing that day job and routine whether its a paid gig or not. You may also focus on self-care as in the feel-good, long-term variety. This isn’t about fads but supporting and sustaining yourself, prioritising mind, body and spirit and giving this fresh importance. Especially if you’ve been telling yourself you’re too busy lately. Put yourself first.

Think of this as the before party as the planets switch from your 4th to the 5th starting with Mars on the 15th and the Sun on the 22nd. Make a special note of what transpires on the 3rd, 21st and 26th as these are the dates when the planets trine the North Node in your sign. You also have a soul strengthening full Moon asking you to delve deeper into what you do and why you do it on the 20th.

Plan, path and purpose

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 5th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter asking us to look at what we have sown and harvested and now what we want to plant for a fresh cycle. This journey will trigger thoughts around those bigger dreams and what fires up your soul. What you need to learn and experience and how this fits with what you are doing. Or intend to do.

It’s about path and purpose. Whether you chose it or chosen for you, and what it has brought you. The effort and the reward. Is it still right for you? Or is another direction calling? As Vesta enters your 6th the next day ask yourself how your present path sits with your identity? And your values on the 23rd when Venus opposes Uranus in your 12th. If there is a disconnect then please, during the retrograde research into the alternatives for you and explore other options. The North Node is being triggered by both Mars and the Sun. Plus you have a Grand Air Trine with the Moon in your sign, Mars in your 5th and Saturn setting your direction on the 26th.

If you are harvesting satisfaction and continued resonance to what you do, then this full Moon can deliver recognition and completion on some level. Although Mercury at Retro 2.0 has its challenges, as we head into October many of you will experience a sense of lightness and release. Perhaps you let go of old ideas around what you are supposed to be doing and gravitated towards what simply feels right and supportive for you.

What Dreams May Come

Others may have seen that dedication pay off with serious results. Or you may suddenly feel the that rush of energy and excitement return as you contemplate the possibility of doing something new. The Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th sends your mind exploring fresh possibilities. Harness the creative power of your imagination now. This is one of the best transits for looking at alternatives to your present path or coming up with a creative side hustle if you need to. What about a portfolio career?

Your Tarot card to meditate on now if the Seven of Pentacles. What seeds have you planted or could you plant? The great thing about this card is that it shows someone contemplating more than one option. And because this is a card of earthly grounding, its energy allows you to imagine something and then infuse it with practical purpose to make it grow. Chances are you’re contemplating your next stage now, Gemini. Take all the time you need.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury turns retroactive this month, Gemini. Time to refine and redefine your path and purpose. Explore your imagination and just why you have the dreams you do. Is it time to reboot that goal?


The past makes itself known in the present

Meet karma in person

Get ready for a soul revival

Past influences ask that you look closely at them this month, Cancer. September says the karmic books must now balance in some way. The choices and decisions you made in the past come full circle for you. How’s your karmic credit score looking? You’ll know where you stand now.

If you discover you’re in the red – never fear. Because you are going to be handed an opportunity to begin to rebuild this month. Look closely at who is helping or hindering you this month. Because via their actions or your connection, you will be shown exactly where you stand when it comes to that balance sheet. And also what now needs to be done going forward. Or maybe just not much at all when you realise its good karma payday.

This is all down to planets in your 4th arcing back to the North Node in your 12th. Dates to watch are the 3rd – a very important day for you which I will go into shortly, the 21st (Mars trine Node) and 26th – Sun trine Node. These dates show you what is supportive, relevant and what doesn’t need to change – and what does. Remember – its inner changes that influence our outer world and our karma.

Someone’s knocking at the door

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

For you, you are already invested emotionally in this as the day it appears you have your ruler the Moon in your 1st. It could also involve a past, present or potential partner due to the opposition it makes to Pluto in your 7th. But there’s a whisper of freedom and karmic reward points thanks to Neptune in the mix. And perhaps an added dash of confidence or getting behind what you say with Mars in your 3rd. You will need to take action or walk your talk to make the most of this. But again, look to who may be holding out this offer or opening that door for you. Here’s that karmic connection showing you where you stand.

The new Moon in your 3rd on the 7th could see this on the table and show you where you stand with that karmic account I mentioned. This is the house which rules communication, messages, commerce, study, publishing, writing, speaking, design, getting around and yes, the internet. If you begin discussions or say an interview process now – and this is the form your invitation takes, this could well come to fruition or a peak at the time of the full Moon on the 20th.

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 4th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces and your 9th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter asking us to look at what we have sown and harvested and now what we want to plant for a fresh cycle. This journey will trigger thoughts around those bigger dreams and what fires up your soul. What you need to learn and experience and how this fits with what you are doing. Or intend to do.

Saturn rules your karma don’t forget and as the waxing Moon passes it, expect to look at what you need to change, transform or let go of because its been lived out. Again, someone’s actions may highlight this. Are they easing your path forward or throwing up obstacles? As we head towards this full Moon, look to where you in fact need to course correct and see every connection you have as providing information around this.

Mars enters your 4th on the 15th and the Sun follows on the 22nd. The secret to understanding both your sign and the power of your 4th is to know this isn’t just about home, family and security. But the security we get from living our purpose and owning our choices and path. And this again is about our past which has formed our present. You can strike out in a fresh direction or make a new choice if needed on the 26th with the Grand Air Trine.

Now – face forward

Venus’s entry into your 5th from the 10th however brings a very different vibe. Once you see where you stand with karma, its now about weaving some freshly baked kind and in ways that allow you to heal and dreamweave a new future. You’ll experience this even more intensely next month. However, bear in mind that Mercury entered retroshadow period in your 4th on the 7th and hits full reverse in here on the 27th. If you can, put off property dealings or moving. But also keep that connection to that whole past tense vibe I’ve been talking about.

It’s a time of returns, re-runs and reconciliations. Yes, this can include that former fling returning as in a love revival. Or reviving what you love. But ‘reconciling’ also applies to accounts too. You reconcile money in against money out. Or karmic deposits against debts. Venus opposes Uranus on the 23rd in what is Uranus’s ruling house. So, along with the Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th the final week of the month shows you who is helping you due to that karmic credit which pays interest forward and offers a move towards freedom to start depositing in that account anew.

Fresh new karma can be created with someone new this month which feels like an old soul bargain. They could arrive now simply to put more in your joint karmic account or again, pay you forward or you pay them. It’s the point of year where the energy must balance on all levels, Cancer. Balance the books now.

In a nutshell: A cycle could complete and a new one begin this month, Cancer. Karma is going to make its presence felt in September. And the people around you will show you exactly where you stand when it comes to balancing your karmic spreadsheet!


Get a self-worth budget

Partnerships reflect those values

What’s meant for you has your name on it

Penny pinching isn’t your style, Leo. Your motto most likely is: You never regret your extravagances – only your economies. Amen to that. So, if we want to avoid the dreaded ‘budget’ word this September how about we just agree it is about quality not quantity and values rather than stuff no matter what label that stuff may have?

We start the month with your ruler the Sun, Mars and a new Moon in your money zone. Hence, the focus on finances. It’s not just about what you make but your feelings around your money. This is a good time for you to look at how money makes you feel. And no, I am not talking about that high that’s like a sugar rush when we indulge ourselves with that big ticket item. I’m talking about emotions around money you may hide even from those closest to you. Such as how having it or not having it impacts on how you feel about yourself and your self-worth.

In the lead up to the new Moon in here on the 7th, you could well benefit from re-writing those money scripts. The beliefs and stories we tell ourselves about our worth-I-ness. Or those that have been handed down by others that aren’t actually ours. You’ve extra help here, the ability to make connections between how your beliefs affect your material outlook, plus a possible boost or offer that has you looking at all this anew thanks to the Mystic rectangle on the 3rd.

Bank on an answer

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping or should I say ka-ching,ka-ching? Something adds up for you now or boosts that self-worth or bottom line. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

The oppositions in this rectangle allow you to reconcile any conflicting beliefs around money, income and self-worth. While the trines and sextiles open the way to opportunity. Make those moves and anything to do with your cash, side hustle or commerce needs to be launched or brought to a key stage by the end of the month as Mercury slows in its ruling 3rd from the day of the new Moon and is full Retro 2.0 from the 27th.

Love and money are opposite sides of the same coin as both are ruled by Venus. Take control of the flow of money and abundance in your life and its funny how that investment translates to love upgrades too. Venus rules your 7th and in here right now we have both Saturn and Jupiter retrograde. Planets in your 3rd including ruler the Sun will trine these as well as the North Node in your 11th. The 6th being one of the best days of the month for love, partnership matters or simply enjoying time with that significant squeeze.

Once Venus and Vesta move into your 4th, they will make squares to both Saturn and Jupiter. So, this is one more reason for you to refine and redefine those worth issues as this will be about getting serious about what you need from relationships over the long term. Especially with the person you live with or may end up living with.

Mars hands you the confidence to express yourself around this as it enters your 3rd on the 15th. It will also ensure you meet deadlines ahead of the Mercury retrograde. You’ll be able to sell yourself and get your ideas across with passion and self-belief now. You won’t have any time for people who waffle or procrastinate however. Or those who don’t deliver on what they say.

Communicate, community, connection

The planets angles to the Nodes bring the promised of destiny dusted connections. A relationship may start off as one thing then evolve into something entirely different. Time to explore and also keep an open mind as the month unfolds Leo. Just take it those around you may have a bigger part of play in your future than you can possibly imagine now. Time to circulate, click and connect as much as is possible. This is no time to be a hermit. Especially around the 26th which delivers a breath of fresh potential Grand Air Trine. Circulate.

Know the value of love

The full Moon in your 8th on the 20th brings a soul call for a change or a shift. Once again, this is linked to your beliefs around your money and your worth as this is your ‘other’ money house. Something may change in line with your new value system or a negotiation may now reach a conclusion.

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 3rd and the equinox on the 22nd. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces and your 8th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter asking us to look at what we have sown and harvested and now what we want to plant for a fresh cycle.

For you personally, Leo this is going to involve partnerships whether this is a past, present or potential one. What you want, need and expect from others. Look at this seriously and then as your 8th rules negotiations and transformations, don’t be afraid to state those terms. Above all, know what outcome you are seeking and also where you will and won’t compromise. Stick to this.

The Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th promises divine transformation but to take advantage of it you really do have to be grounded in achieving a realistic outcome. Above all, don’t get caught up in promises that others aren’t able to keep. If you have any doubts around this, listen to that inner wisdom and wait for whatever is on offer to manifest before counting those golden goose eggs, Leo! Someone may simply mean it in the moment but then be unable to deliver.

However, Leos now could be looking at successfully conclusions and agreements once your ruler lands in your 3rd. Remember please, this is Mercury’s ruling house and when it retrogrades in a ruling house or sign, that Mercury Mayhem is on steroids once it heads backwards. As it is already in retroshadow, you may already be seeing this occur as the impulsion fuelled by Mars now slow and you may feel like you are spinning your wheels now. A feeling which may last until mid-October.

This is however a wonderful time for revision, revisiting, rebooting that idea, manuscript, CV, social media feed, website etc. If you are travelling now you need to take extra care and time. If you are returning to somewhere you visited in the past, this may appear new in some way.

Hearing from someone from your past, being offered a second time around opportunity is often an unexpected benefit from a Mercury retrograde. Especially in its ruling house and when combined with two planets retrograde in your 7th. Remember this month Leo – what’s meant for you always has a way of coming back even if you think its lost. This goes for that past boo too. Just ensure if someone promises change on their return, they follow through. And the only way you ensure they can do this is to slow down now and watch and wait as we head for October.

In a nutshell: September puts an increased focus on those values, self-worth and yes, your cash, income and money, Leo. Knowing we’re worth it isn’t about stuff. It’s knowing what we need from love. Don’t be afraid to upgrade now.


Take your time

Doorways to new beginnings open wide

Enjoy the process when it comes to love

Some birthday surprises may not be what you expect, Virgo. Something may stall or someone may act in a way which disappoints you. If its the former situation, you should know to blame ruler Mercury slowing down in your money zone from the 7th. By now you should know when this occurs that retrograde can redeliver or sort it out for you.

If its the latter however, then consider your connection may have been lived out as they show their true colours. Sure, that may be 50 Shades of what you don’t like but isn’t it better to see that for what it is? Move and party on.

Nobody puts the birthday sign in the corner!

Baby, time to look at how you greet the world and to open your arms wide ready for acceptance and to embrace someone or something new. How you meet this is the key to your potential for the coming year. In the lead up to the new Moon in your 1st on the 7th, you’ll need to answer a call. Your 1st house is all about your image, style, appearance. How you look to others. How your personality comes across.

So, think about how you come across when you answer the door for instance. Because you are about to open a real or metaphorical one wide on the 3rd! Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! Or not be looking your best when you do. The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

The oppositions in this rectangle allow you to see how others are seeing you. To serve up your own brand of realness. And thanks to Mars in your 1st forming part of this, to own your fierce power. You’ll feel the surge of confidence and self-belief. You’ll pay increased attention to how you look at the outer you reflects that inner charge. Above all, you won’t be afraid to accept opportunity, ask for what you want or even let something go if it doesn’t reflect your core beliefs around who you are.

All this in the lead up to the new Moon in your sign on the 7th which no matter when your birthday occurs, always marks the start of your fresh cycle. You’ll now taken that impetus which begin at the start of the month and use it to move in a new direction. Especially when Mars moves into your 2nd after the 15th. Don’t delay in setting plans in motion now as you need to keep in mind Mercury is slowing down at which point the pause button gets pushed until next month.

Venus asks you to get creative and also enhances anything you write, say or share from the 10th when it moves into your 3rd. Venus in here favours study, work, business and commerce. It hands you diplomatic skills when it comes to that conversation and also enhances your ability to sell yourself or get your ideas across if you are involved in meetings, interviews or pitches now. Vesta joins Venus in here from the 21st. Vesta is linked to gender issues and politics. But a more woke interpretation of Vesta is simply identity issues. In your 3rd this is about this being self-defined and you discovering new ways to convey this.

Ruler Mercury on its way to retrograde will trine the North Node in your career sector and also Saturn in your 6th of work and study. Again, this may be linked to that offer or opportunity contained within that Mystic Rectangle. What you accept or the direction you head in now has long term benefits. You can cement your path for the future. Not only in the coming year but for the long term.

This also applies to partnerships of all descriptions. And this month’s full Moon in your 7th on the 20th shows you one particular partnership and also how they see you in turn. This can just as easily be a past or emerging one as it can be a present one. A business or working relationship as well as a spouse or long term lover. Or even your bestie or alternatively, that rival or frenemy.

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 2nd and brings the equinox on the 22nd. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. On its way to Pisces and your 7th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter in your 6th of all things Virgo embracing. You understand the vibe in here. The details. The subtext. How things affect you – mind, body, soul. Tune it to that sensitivity around this as the Moon waxes and then, prepare to act on insights or discuss with that opposite number if necessary.

Needless to say – this is a magical Moon for date night. It favours being on the same emotional page as someone and in being open when it comes to feelings. If a connection needs some TLC, this date is wonderful to catch up or schedule ‘us’ time. This also applies to friends or family members you haven’t seen in a while. It’s about opening up to your need for connection and also those of the other party too.

Don’t rush into anything new too soon however. Ensure that no matter the resonance you feel, that the other person is a worthy recipient of your fine-tuned love and a trustworthy keeper of your heart. Take it slowly. And ask yourself what the hurry is if someone wants to take things to the next level too soon.

The Sun in your 2nd now shines on your income, possessions, talents and skills and self-worth. Try to hold off on applying for that new job or launching that business now but you of all signs should know why. It’s a good time to go over these areas, to look at your budget, your values and your beliefs around money and also the price you put on yourself. This can include valuing yourself enough to say no to yourself and others on occasion. As in, you may want that new outfit but it if causes you stress when the credit card bill falls due, then deciding not to click on Pay Now is an act of love – not denial.

That being said, the Grand Air Trine of the 26th has the potential to hand you ways to increase that bank account. Just don’t be tempted to spend it faster than it breezes in.

Likewise, saying no to someone even in the nicest way, or slowing down that eager lover not only conveys to them you are a person with standards, but ensures you value yourself enough not to be taken advantage of. If you are now dating, the beautiful Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th offers another opportunity for a magical date night. Why not just enjoy the process as opposed to rushing things to a conclusion? Others may receive confirmation of what began at the start of the month or expand on an idea now. Infusing it with new inspiration and potential.

Mercury now very much backwards says there’s no hurry now. You’ve set something in motion. Let events unfold in their own time. Review, revise, refine or even reconnect in some cases as the season of harvesting takes you into October.

For you personally, Virgo this is going to involve partnerships whether this is a past, present or potential one. What you want, need and expect from others. Look at this seriously and then as your 8th rules negotiations and transformations, don’t be afraid to state those terms. Above all, know what outcome you are seeking and also where you will and won’t compromise. Stick to this.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sign on the 7th opens up a portal to new beginnings and self-determined directions. Especially combined with a Mystic Rectangle. Party of one? Unlikely. Party of two is highlighted now as partnerships get infused with fresh potential.


New new – fierce attitude

Don’t be afraid to ask

Happy birthday, Libra!

Happy birthday, Libra! The year pivots and so do your desires and ambitions for your future as the Sun arrives in your sign on the 22nd. This birthday cycle has got off to an early start thanks to Mercury and the arrival of ruler Venus ahead of the Sun. Mars enters your sign on the 15th putting you in No Limits mode. You know what you want and are determined to let nothing stand in your way. You’ve most likely been in this mindset since last month and taking steps to make things happen. Just take it plans get turbo-charged from this point.

This new you is a little more extra, confident and daring. You’re willing to play with potentials and step into fresh possibilities. There’s a real desire to step away from the past this month and simply embrace something new.

Sure, if things have stood the test of time you won’t relinquish them now. But treasure and value then even more. But what has been lived out or worn out will now be discarded or replaced. This part of your process begins long before the Sun or even Mars reaches your 1st and it will also continue on into October for you.

Mars in your 12th certainly has you testing everything from your thoughts and beliefs to who and what you surround yourself with for continued relevance. You may be looking at certain connections in a very different light. Your card in the Tarot at this point is the 5 of Cups. Spend some time with this card from the start of the month if you can. Do you notice that the figure in the card is so focussed on the three cups that have fallen over and are spilled that they are totally ignoring the two cups filled to the brim with overflowing potential?

In preparation for the balance that must occur when the Sun lands in your sign on the 22nd, you may need to change your perspective in line with the message of this card. The fact is, if you focus too much in what isn’t working or may be over, you’re missing the new or what remains pure gold in your life. And this is echoed by the Mystic Rectangle on the 3rd.

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July and if you look at them on a chart they look like the back of an envelope.

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

This one contains that Mars which throws something or someone into sharp relief. Or alerts you to an opportunity or different choice you’ve overlooked as echoed in the 5 of Cups. You’ll cut through illusion and delusion, separate fact from fantasy and above all, know what needs to be done to move forward now although you may wait a few more days before taking action until the new Moon in your 12th on the 7th. Above all, the potential around this will be released via your own belief in yourself and what you know to be right for you. And the truth as you now see it.

Dare to do different

Following revelation and insight from this, you power forward even though you need to keep in mind that Mercury is now slowing down in your sign from the 7th and heads retrograde from the 27th. But this puts you in even more of a mindset to get things done. As the planets move through your sign – including the Sun once it arrives in here, they will trine the North Node in your 9th, trine both Saturn and Jupiter in your 5th and Mercury will oppose Chiron in your 7th on the 7th.

This tells me you are willing to try anything new to break out of restrictions and kick-start freedom, opportunity love and self expression. You want release from the old ways of doing things. And you’ll push the envelope when it comes to how you do this or what you think you can get away with. No move will be too bold. No request too outrageous.

Ruler Venus in its ruling 2nd from the 10th boosts your sense of self-worth in a way which has nothing to do with entitlement but which nonetheless communicates your standards, Libra. Others will be left in no doubt about how you expect to be treated as a result. You’re setting new potentials in motion or even re-working the terms of old alignments due to this. You may be surprised at how others are prepared to fall into line with this now. At least up until the end of the month. If so, take it that these relationships have passed the time test and are now future-proofed for you. If you have to move on, you should be able to do so with no regrets and in your usual diplomatic way.

Just before your birthday season starts, if there are any remaining doubts, watch them swept away as the full Moon appears in your 6th on the 20th. This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 1st and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting.

On its way to Pisces and your 6th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter in your 5th. What or who you love. Children, babies, romance, creative self expression, what you do that gets you noticed or makes you stand out. So, now think back to that new Moon in your 12th. And who are what supports this or is aligned to this and who or what isn’t. You’ll see how what that inner voice might have been telling you earlier in the month is now true. And take action on this or move forward with a new plan and purpose when it comes to those priorities.

Think of the next month as identity and image perfection time once the Sun arrives. You are now your own work in progress. And you may go back and forth over this now during the Mercury retrograde. How others treat you will have to align to your values as Vesta joins Venus in your 2nd on the 21st and Venus opposes Uranus from here on the 23rd.

Deals, mergers and agreements could be on the table and now is the time to sign before the 27th. Especially when the Grand Air Trine on the 26th wants to propel you forward into something new.

For the most part, the people who surround you now are the ones who simply want to say yes to you. Venus trines Neptune on the 29th but in Neptune’s ruling 6th. If something looks too good to be true it probably is. Get a second or third opinion now if needed. And wait if you can. You’re now very clear on where you are going and/or the outcome you want. Simply ensure others are coming from exactly the same place, Libra. You don’t need old disappointments or broken promises going forward into your new world order.

In a nutshell: New you – new way of doing things, Libra. A fresh cycle demands a fresh approach. And you’ve the confidence and charisma to get away with some envelope pushing as your birthday cycle begins!


Showcase your authenticity

Friends, lovers, connections support who you are

Attract with ease

Mix and mingle. Meet cute and greet. Clicks and connects. November says – don’t stay home, Scorpio.

Just understand however that in the lead up to your birthday next month, you are now in a peak energy period. You’re in a mood to tie up loose ends, take action and tackle anything you’ve been putting off when your ancient ruler Mars moves into your 12th from the 15th. You’ll be very clear from this point onwards what needs to be said and done. Especially as Mercury also in your 12th, begins retroshadow from the 7th and turns full retroactive from the 27th. This allows you to go back over anything left unfinished or else, have that conversation you’ve put off for far too long.

Previews of what the year ahead could hold for you appear this month but by its end, prepare for a slowdown until the Sun arrives in your sign next month. So, think potential and then a wait before it finally blossoms in its full form. This especially applies to that love interest or a project or plan. So, think fast forward and then spinning your wheels until you new cycle when you shift back into high gear again.

Opposites attract

You have two house lit up this month. Your 11th of friends, networks, communities and your future. And your 5th of lovers, children, pleasure and good times. You can see how these two are opposites but also aligned at the same time. This is your time to immerse yourself and join in, but also to be noticed for who you are. To stand out and shine. And to attract with effortless ease when you do.

Your social life is in focus from the 3rd. Ancient ruler Mars forms part of a Mystic Rectangle in here. A super-charged aspect which looks like the back of an envelope when we see it in a chart. Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July. What happened back then?

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

Both your rulers ancient and modern are caught up in this axis which is what makes it especially powerful for you. As well as Mars in your house of friends and future pathways we have modern day ruler Pluto in your 3rd – the house of news and communication. Indicating that no matter the source this could be a game-changer. Neptune in your 5th brings a touch of magic and dreamy intent while the Moon in your 9th whispers emotional freedom.

The new Moon in your 11th appears just days after this event. Casting a pristine, focused light towards a new path and you being part of a fresh group or network. This is one of the most important new Moons of your future for the year as it sets the tone for your social life for the upcoming 12 months. So, from now up until the full Moon in your 5th on the 20th, please make an extra effort to connect or circulate.

Venus in your sign from the 10th tells you its time for a little (or a lot!) of self-validation and love. Are you being too critical of yourself or even others? Venus’s arrival wants you to appreciate true beauty within and without and also stop judging – period. Venus in our 1st wants balance restored on some level. It also craves attention! By all means indulge yourself to showcase your unique va-va-voom but please don’t overspend doing this. Venus doesn’t care about how much it costs. Only how good it looks or makes you feel. But you do however!

Sometimes all we have to do is pay more attention to ourselves and use what we already have in new ways. Venus now offers opportunities to Be Two for singles. This could just as easily be that new bff, activity partner, collaborator or work duet. Or even attract in that person who can offer a major assist towards that goal. But just like you’re no longer judging yourself – don’t judge a book by its cover either.

Getting in touch with your passion and creative fire is what the full Moon in your 5th promises on the 20th. This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 12th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting.

On its way to Pisces and your 5th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter in your 4th.. This process will have you looking deep into your needs. Especially when it comes to being supported, nurtured and accepted for who you authentically are. Do you feel you have to bend yourself out of shape to people please? It doesn’t matter who – family members, partners, friends. Do you worry if you didn’t they would withdraw? As the Moon waxes you’ll see who or what provides you with the kind of love that allows you to be seen and heard and appreciated for who you are.

Take some time if you need with this process. Remember, the Moon spends approximately two days in a sign so allow this. Ensure you take some ‘me’ time even if its just an hour a day. By the time the full Moon bursts through, a new you should have emerged from this. Radiant, confident – owning it! And in your house of pleasure, attraction and attention. Who or what responds now should be aligned with who you are.

The more we learn about Vesta and see it in action, the more we realise that it governs far more than gender issues or home and hearth. Vesta is all about our identity. How we see ourselves and our right to define who we feel we are without having labels put on us. So yours may undergo an additional state of refinement as you take that full Moon process once step further, when Vesta arrives in your sign on the 21st. And what will be increasingly important to you now is surrounding yourself with the people who support that.

The Sun in your 12th brings the equinox, the balance between night and day no matter where we are. This month also sees key alignments between the planets in your 12th and the North Node in your 8th. Mercury (3rd), Mars (21st) and the Sun (26th). Effortless transcention of something icky that has kept you stuck is one potential outcome of the Grand Air trine also on the 26th. Decisions which see you taking control of your own life, no longer giving in to inner fear or self-doubt and letting go of anything that stops you from being boldly and authentically you can be made on these dates.

You may feel life begin to slow as we head towards October as Mercury enters Retro 2.0 in your 12th from the 27th. The usual Retro Rules apply, Scorpio. The past or people from your past could be in touch. Please test these connections for continued relevance and look to whether or not they support that authentic soul you’ve now worked for hard to claim. The Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th could show you one person or opportunity which truly does honour the real you and support those passions and desires. Let’s face it, Scorpio. Only that will do going forward now.

In a nutshell: It’s a month of attraction, of finding your people or what truly honours and supports that authentic you, Scorpio. You won’t be afraid to ditch anything that gets in the way of that. Accept only the real deal when it comes to love and support.


Know yourself to know who’s right for your

Set your purpose for the rest of the year

Long haul commitments bring big results

Despite the fact that September’s planetary movements are concentrated on your 10th/11th/12th houses, there’s a lot going on in your partnership sector, Sag.

Let’s talk about those ‘flighty Sag’ labels you get stuck with. The image – false usually, of you are a freewheelin’ commitment phobe always looking to the horizon for the next best thing. From FOMO to fear of having your wings clipped (and yes, that centaur should also be a Pegasus too!), Sag suffers bad press when it comes to long haul love. Needlessly, I might add.

What you are seeking is someone who shares your worldview – no matter what this is. And who on some level, is a fellow free spirit. That ‘Don’t fence me in’ attitude only emerges when this is absent. Knowing ourselves first and foremost, is our key to finding long-term, lasting love as we know exactly the kind of person we need. So, this month if Game of Hearts is what you want to play for keeps, start by truly knowing and accepting who you are so you recognise ‘The One’ when they appear.

Let the Right One In

Ceres is all about deals, compromises and win/win scenarios. In your 7th this points to a brand new deal or dawn, a fresh agreement or arrangement between you and someone else. Ceres tells you there needs to be a finer balance drawn in either your existing relationship, or if this is an emerging one, you need to know it is there from the get-go. How? By knowing what you need and being honest about it. And by taking the time to discover the other party wants the same thing too.

With you, Sag, that balance is all about what you want to do or experience in the big wide world in the name of personal desire and freedom balanced against what you need on an emotional emotional level. Is you current or potential partner able to provide this? Have you taken the time to explain it? Often there are just misunderstandings to be cleared up. Ceres trine to Saturn in your 3rd allows you to leap frog over reluctance to talk about this or to lay your cards on the table from the get-go.

Seeking that special person who sees love as a journey like you do? New circles or connections could open up which bring you into each other’s orbits thanks to the planets in your social sector pinging off the fated, dated North Node and Ceres alignment to Mercury in your 8th on the 6th. Dates to watch for close encounters of the karmic kind are Mercury trine North Node (3rd), Mars trine North Node (21st), and Sun trine North Node (26th).

Ready for delivery!

Others could find work or professional circles place new people in their path. It’s not just time to shine but time to climb this month. The 3rd brings us a Mystic Rectangle. A super-charged aspect which looks like the back of an envelope when we see it in a chart. Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July. What happened back then?

So, think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

This one weaves energy from two fellow mutable signs – Mars in Virgo and your 10th and Neptune in Pisces and your 4th, with cardinal emotional pragmatism – Pluto in Capricorn and your 2nd and the Moon in its ruling sign of Cancer and your 8th. This relates to money, career, security, home and living arrangements. What this rectangle contains may change or impact on one, some of all of these areas.

You also have a new Moon appearing in your 10th on the 7th. Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo and your 10th and is now slowing down in your 11th of groups and goals. Your 10th is all about establishment and long haul efforts. So, an opportunity which begins now is likely to have been worked on or invested in by you for a while now. This along with the Rectangle could bring you material rewards or acknowledgement now.

While the Sun remains in this house, you are ‘on show’ in some way. Your public image and reputation matter. You’re being asked to step up and own your path. And get serious about what it is you want. Don’t forget while you do – this house also rules the status of our partner in traditional astrology. So, get serious about that too for serious results. The dates to watch are the trines by Mars and the Sun to the North Node in your 7th – 21st and 26th, and the Grand Air Trine also on the 26th between the Moon in your 7th, Mars in your 11th and Saturn in your 3rd.

By all means, set career goals in motion now as this month supports that application, pitch, promotion or raise. But once Mercury turns backwards from the 27th, ensure you can put things on hold or else enter a period of revision or refinement. Go back over what you have achieved so far and mine those past and existing contacts which could yield fresh results once Mercury is direct again next month.

Venus shifts into your 12th house from the 10th enhancing your ability to enchant. You may have a galaxy far, far away other worldly vibe about you that others find exotic and alluring. This transit enhances your psychic, intellectual and creative gifts. And if you are not physically travelling at this time (always that favourite Sag activity), you will journey via fantasy, science fiction, dream journaling and visualisation. Vesta’s arrival in here on the 21st asks you who you believe you are or can be? Again, delve deeper into what makes you truly you and align this with what you seek in a partner or need to ask your partner for. Take it by doing so you are planting the seeds for your new cycle.

Mars is also on the move into your 11th and is joined by the Sun from the 22nd. Goals and friends with become infused with fresh focus and passion. Aligning with groups of people who share the same dreams or outlook brings all kinds of connection potential to the fore. Mars in here is especially suited to joining in anything which involves sport, the outdoors and physical activity or anything that involves strategy and a sense of competition. Joining a chess club fits this if you are not your sporty type Sag for instance.

Discovering and going after what fires up your soul and being an active player in your destiny will be contrasted with the home centric and intuitive full Moon in your 4th on the 20th. From wide open spaces to home on the range – you may now take some time out to look at what sustains your soul.

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon and in its ruling house in your chart. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 11th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting.

On its way to Pisces and your 4th house, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and your ruler Jupiter in your 3rd.. This process will have you looking deep into your needs and how you are communicating these. Watch at this time whether you go deeper into realms of storytelling, sci fi, metaphysical subjects or even arm chair travel. Are you using these to inspire your next step or as a means of avoiding taking action or talking?

Use the energy of this Moon to look back at what you have achieved since the time of the summer solstice. Celebrate the milestones you have reached. If there are goals you have yet to achieve, now come up with an action plan to at least make inroads towards them between now and the winter solstice at the end of your birthday season. If it is an existing goal then recommitting and coming up with a revised plan to do so fits perfectly within the Mercury retrograde weather in full effect from the 27th.

Someone may be in a position to help with this or this may even be a family member, someone you live with or a person returning from the past as Venus and Neptune open a portal between the present and what you next need for your path on the 29th. This could even be that fellow free spirit I talked about earlier. Align hearts and purpose for perfect double acts, Sag.

In a nutshell: New dawns in double acts ask you to first delve deep into what you need, Sag. Aligning your truth with love results in you and the other party getting what they want. If there’s a balance to be struck – you’ll discover it.


Get ready for recognition

Dress to impress

Open to opportunity

Opportunities, solutions, personal ambition and that next big step. Time for some fierce, confident, determined self-promotion now, Capricorn. The month begins with you inspired and ready to explore what’s on offer for you. Believe me – a lot, Capricorn.

Your core beliefs around what you can do and achieve will also have a bigger role to play than usual this month. You need to feel what you do counts, has a purpose and above all, will be recognised and rewarded. Now this applies just as equally if you are a CEO Sea Goat or one that engages in unpaid work. You need it to add meaning to your life and you aim to set a new standard while doing it. And have others recognise that fact.

Capricorn doesn’t climb that ladder of success simply because it can. It does it because how it does it gives it the soul power to get there. Capricorns usually love what propels them higher. In fact, Cappy Gone Bad usually gets tipped off the top of the mountain or out of the boardroom when they got there out of nothing but ambition for its own sake. Capricorn’s long term success in any area rests on a true passion for what they do. And also in taking the time to admire the view on the way up.

Keep this all in mind as September begins. As pathways to progress are eased and new ones appear. The rewards or simply recognition you have been working towards – those too. The 3rd brings us a Mystic Rectangle. A super-charged aspect which looks like the back of an envelope when we see it in a chart.

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July. What happened back then? Or was in its beginning stages. This was the time when the Sun was in your 7th and house of partners. Who had a co-starring role in your life?

Think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now make that extra effort to make it real.

This could involve that other half of a past, present or potential double act I mentioned as this rectangle has the Moon in your 7th opposing Pluto in your sign. Then there’s Mars in your 9th opposing Neptune in your 3rd. There could be a joint desire here to make something real or one party hold out an opportunity, offer or helping hand to the other.

Open to opportunity

This appears just before the new Moon in your 9th on the 7th. When the new Moon appears in this house it tells you that a new journey is beginning. It’s designed to take you away from what you know and into fresh territory to explore. It asks that you get serious about wanting to be all you can be, to truly desire to live up to that potential you know you have. And above all, to grab any opportunity that comes your way. So, just say yes, Capricorn and go along for the ride!

A planetary shift is happening elsewhere in the sky giving you extra resources to tap into. First Venus changes signs on the 10th and its now not just about what you know but who. Venus in your 11th enhances all your connections – social and professional. Venus in here is all about making that introduction and also in others just wanting to be around you. People will be in a mood to offer help and assistance with Venus in here. So, mine your network.

Venus can also deliver creative, glamorous and generous friends in this house. But not usually lovers. Don’t spoil the vibe by wanting more unless you enjoy being friendzoned. Mars changes signs on the 15th giving you that shot of extra fierceness and confidence to tackle anything like a boss when it arrives in your 10th. Bear in mind that Mercury is now in retroshadow in here from the 7th pulling a full reverse on the 27th. So, seize the day and don’t delay when it comes to those moves.

Travel and study may feature for some of you. But as Mercury is slowing down, please put those Retro Rules in place even if you are setting out before the 27th. Projects peak and promises could be delivered by the full Moon in your 3rd on the 20th. One piece of news, click or conversation could be pivotal. But watch for restlessness and saying or even releasing something that’s only half-formed (that Mercury retroshadow again as this is Mercury’s house!).

This is the full Corn or Harvest Moon. The time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 10th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting. There’s no better time to begin something serious than the 21st – 26th when trines with the North Node in your 10th and a Grand Air Trine offer inroads to income and career progress.

On its way to Pisces and your 3rd house, the waxing Moon passes both ruler Saturn and Jupiter in your 2nd. Income, money, possessions but most of all – values will be highlighted. What you do with your resources. What adds value to your life. By the time the Moon reaches your 3rd, you will be looking at how you can utilise what you have to leverage more of what you need. And you may initiate conversations or actions under this full Moon designed to achieve just that.

However, ensure your message is clear. And if you are not clear about what someone else is saying please ask for clarification. Combined with slowing down Mercury this full Moon can produce confusion and misunderstanding. Also, don’t believe everything you read on social media. And please, avoid pointless spats with strangers on it over who is right.

This process will have you looking deep into your needs. Especially when it comes to being supported, nurtured and accepted for who you authentically are. Do you feel you have to bend yourself out of shape to people please? It doesn’t matter who – family members, partners, friends. Do you worry if you didn’t they would withdraw? As the Moon waxes you’ll see who or what provides you with the kind of love that allows you to be seen and heard and appreciated for who you are.

Gather your smarts, walk your talk and work it like a boss once the Sun lands in your 10th. This is one of your arrival points of the year. You are now on the radar in a positive way. Especially when it comes to people in high places – decision makers, bosses, authority figures, influencers, VIP’s.

Dress to impress. Even if you are just taking a Zoom meeting. Your image and reputation is everything now, so guard it. Even your on-line one. Someone may be checking you out to see if you’re The Right Stuff and belong ‘up there’ with them. And that promotion, client or job could hang in the balance.

You may find yourself moving in new, exciting or even elevated circles as Venus in your 11th opposes Uranus in your 5th on the 23rd. While the free-flowing Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th promises easy, pleasurable conversations and encounters between like-minded souls. This month should open doors or offer opportunities and rewards for that long game you’ve been playing. Be ready, Capricorn. Your dedication and patience could just pay off.

In a nutshell: Expansion, freedom and opportunity take you up, up and away from the everyday and put you back up there where you belong, Capricorn. You’re in a position to make your move and impress this month. Work it!


Have your answer ready

Choose different

A bigger experience beckons

There are deals to be done this month, Aquarius. These can be both the financial variety and also those of the heart. But no matter what form they take, they will require a definitive Yes or No answer now.

Of course, that deal on the table could be brand spanking new and look at lot different to what’s been on offer before. If so, is it time to give it serious consideration? If you keep saying yes to the same old thing over and over again and not liking the result, maybe its time to choose different.

This could especially apply to anything to do with romance, your creative life, babies, children, young people and parenting. The month starts with Ceres in your 5th angling back to Saturn in your 1st. Plus we have a superb trine between Venus in your 9th to Jupiter on the 6th. Lucky breaks, an opportunity, a new deal on love, big news or even a trip or invitation. It (or they) come wrapped in the promise of big benefits. But your answer is required. As is your participation.

Mercury in your 9th trines the North Node also in your 5th on the 3rd. We have three key trines involving the Node this month. But the 3rd has a special delivery for you via cosmic courier. Winging its ways across the sky comes a Mystic Rectangle. A super-charged aspect which looks like the back of an envelope when we see it in a chart.

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! The last Mystic Rectangle appeared back in July. What happened back then?

Think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time, we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves. Or we have already done that and now comes our result. Or we now have to give our answer.

This one is asking you to look back at those choices and decisions. What opportunities you say yes or no to. The results of this. What you learned from it. Don’t whatever you do tip into regret territory or blame yourself. Look instead at the experiences these choices brought you. Placing it all in this context opens your mind to learning and leads to your next decision being more empowered.

Mars sits in its ruling 8th telling you to feel any fear but do it anyway. Neptune asks if its time to leave past thinking behind. The Moon in your 6th and Pluto in your 12th could simply show you that old ways of doing things have been holding you back. Or past choices.

The truth behind your choices

There may be very intense emotions around what is on offer even if it is clearly to your benefit, Aquarius. If we know saying yes to something will take us outside of our comfort zones, we end up thinking it is the opportunity we should say no to – rather than pushing through our own resistance. The new Moon in your 8th on the 7th shows you the truth behind any fear or reluctance you may feel around moving forward. At which point – you’ll know what answer to give.

Sometimes its the no which frees us rather than the yes. Often we delay making a decision because we not only fear how it will impact the other party, but fear the unknown of striking out on our own. Our relationship may no longer work for instance, but we hang on despite being unhappy because we fear we may end up alone. Or we are in a secure but dead-end job. But we justify staying there by telling ourselves we have no guarantee; one which offers more career progress will work out in the long term. So, we stay stuck.

Take a chance on change

Nothing worth having in life comes with a written guarantee. September says if you need to take a chance on change – the month should offer you an opportunity for that. Do be ready to move with it however. Mercury begins retroshadow from the day of the new Moon in your freedom inspiring 9th and is retrograde from the 27th. The usual retrograde rules apply and in this house especially to travel. But do take it plans will slow, reverse or even come to a standstill at that point until next month.

Venus moves to your 10th zhushing up your professional image. You’re the one with what others are seeking now. Showcase this as this is one of your houses where you are on show. And there is no place Venus likes to be more than the centre of attention. Even on the business stage. So any follow ups or through on those opportunities that appeared should see you in a position to make your very best impression.

Mars sweeps away any lingering doubts over decision making, banishing hesitation and fear when it joins Mercury in your 9th from the 15th. We are now a week away from the Sun joining it. The 20th brings the full Corn or Harvest Moon in your 2nd of money, values and self-worth. The final full Moon of summer marking the time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 9th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting.

On its way to Pisces, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter in your sign. Call this a stocktake around those personal desires and what you believe you deserve. You may look back at what you have achieved since midsummer. This shows you how far you have come and makes the next stage or decision easy. It’s just the next logical move for you. No biggie after all. Under this Moon you can erase any remaining insecurities when you look back on your journey just over these past months. You know you’re so ready for this!

The Sun’s entry into your 9th on the 22nd is your cue to step up and claim a bigger life experience as a result. Don’t pretend you now don’t know what direction you should head in, Aquarius! Fate is at work as the Sun trines the North Node in your 5th promising love-struck opportunities and lucky breaks. Super-sized by the easy, breezy Grand Air Trine between Saturn in your sign, the Moon in your 5th and Mars in your 9th on the 26th.

Venus opposes ruler Uranus in your 4th on the 23rd. You know where you need to direct your resources now but do others? If someone shifts the goal posts on any kind of arrangement, you won’t put up with unilateral decisions. It doesn’t matter if its that business deal or that understanding around who takes out the trash. By now you’ll know some things are up for negotiation but others simply aren’t.

The 29th sees the Sun in your 9th trine Saturn in your 1st while Venus in your 10th trines Neptune in Venus’s ruling 2nd. This could literally hand you rewards, validation or the result you wanted from that decision you made this month, Aquarius. Take away the priceless feeling you made the right choice.

In a nutshell: The year pivots, day and night equals. Time to choose, Aquarius. Something requires a yes or no answer from you. You can’t afford to let fear or hesitation hold you back. So, you may need to opt for a different answer than you have done in the past. You got this!


Dust of that halo

Get your glam happening

If you look, love really is all around you this month

Be a labourer or warrior for love in Persian gloves, this September Pisces. Time travel back to the early 70’s, when legend Marc Bolan and glam rock band T. Rex released a single called Hot Love. A melange of mystical, sexy, witchy lyrics that fit right into that Pisces vibe for those of you not old enough to remember.

There’s potential Hot Love in your chart this month. Add it to your Spotify list and boogie on down to a rush of planets in your long term love zone and ruler Neptune joining the party. Above all, get your glam on and while Persian gloves may be impractical – act like you’re wearing them.

You begin the month with the Sun and passionate, strutting glam rock Mars in your partnership zone and Venus in your scorching 8th. Listen – when I said hot I meant lava floor hot. The 3rd simply intensifies the searing heat as ringed with fire, a Mystic Rectangle forms. Remember this from July which is when the last one appeared? If you see one in a chart they look like the back of an envelope. It’s a special delivery from the cosmos. Sometimes we interpret these aspects literally.

Knock, knock, ding dong, ping ping. Answer the door or the call to action. Let opportunity in. Don’t procrastinate or worse – pretend you’re not home! Think message in a bottle, email, snail mail, news, texts, that WhatsApp group, answers, announcements, invitations or door knocks. There’s an offer, acceptance or something opens up for us under these aspects; which are a mix of trines, sextiles and oppositions. They are free-flowing but at the same time, we have to make some kind of effort or stretch ourselves.

This one contains hot love magic, potential, passion, partnership and pursuit possibilities. You and another. You and your passions and how you express this. Your future. It links ruler Neptune in your 1st to Mars in your 7th. Pluto in your 11th to the Moon in your romantic and creative 5th. We’re also days from the new Moon in your 7th which always ushers in a new long term cycle of relating. This could be in a business or work relationship, collaboration or friendship as it could be a love partnership.

Settleds could revive the romance or set out on a new joint goal together. Singles feel the swipe or find they check out more than their groceries in the supermarket line. Or an opportunity to pursue something they love to do brings the love of followers, audiences, clients, customers etc. Hey – it’s all love. Get ready for new beginnings.

Venus is on the move from the 10th into your 9th and at the end of the month will make a truly magically charged angle to Neptune on the 29th perhaps taking something into new and fabulously uncharted territory. A job offer could land you a front of house position where you get to feel like a rock star in your chosen field. Your brand gets a sponsor. People want what you got as Mars keeps the temperature turned up as it moves into its ancient ruling 8th on the 15th.

Get Your Hub Cap Diamond Star Halo here!

Yes that is a line from another Marc Bolan hit – Get it On. Because the full Moon in your sign on the 20th looks like exactly that, Pisces. So, get it on with that boo, bae or bestie under it; as full Moons reflect their light into the house opposite to the one they are in.

Traditionally this is known as the Full Corn or Harvest Moon. It shines a light on one particular person, union, half of a double act or connection. It’s the final full Moon of summer marking the time of gathering as the year pivots and day and night becomes equal on the 22nd with the Sun’s entry into your 8th and the equinox. Or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, this is spring and your time for planting.

On its way to you Pisces, the waxing Moon passes both Saturn and Jupiter in next door Aquarius. Your mysterious 12th house. You’ll be seeing things differently as it does. Aquarius is the sign of revolution and is ruled by Uranus. And yes, wouldn’t you know there’s also a Marc Bolan song for this transit as well. You won’t fool the children of the revolution. So take a note of what that inner voice is telling you about one connection and where it is headed. And please, take this seriously. Now, hub cap diamond star halo ready – prepare to shine and dazzle. Feel free to accessorize as befits a superstar especially on the 26th and the day of the Grand Air Trine.

You are now heading into the season of empowered and self-directed change. After the heady rush at the start of the month you will feel things begin to slow. The reason being Mercury in your 8th which entered retroshadow on the 7th and which now heads backwards on the 27th. The T&C’s of partnerships and unions can now be renegotiated and refined if needed. The finishing touches put on agreements. The usual Retro Rules apply.

This is your ‘other’ money house and rules loans, mortgages and other assets such as joint accounts and the marital home. Shopping around for a better rate or deal is favoured. Taking on new financial responsibilities – not so. Please wait until after Mercury moves forward and clears retroshadow the other side. Same goes for you and your boo deciding to move in together. Enjoy where you are and by all means discuss and plan. But wait to move forward to the next stage. However, anything that completes under the fabulous Venus/Neptune trine on the 29th ends the month on a high note. There’s a Marc Bolan song for that too – Ride a White Swan. Take a bright star and a place it on your fore-head. Say a few spells and baby, there you go.

In a nutshell: Weave a spell that’s impossible to ignore this month, Pisces. Mystically charged duos and partnerships feature. There’s passion, magic and a full Moon in your sign. Say a few spells and be careful what you wish for!

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