Monthly Forecast For All Signs January 2022 – Ambitions
Surf’s up for you in ‘22, Aries. Catch a break!
Align with love
Go for the emotional take-out
Wax on, Aries! Ready to surf the waters of ‘22? The 2nd delivers a powerful new Supermoon in your 10th of ambitions asking you just how big a wave you think you can catch in the coming year. It’s time to take a fresh look at those career plans and goals and to enter a planning stage where you are ready to catch that break when it appears.
We do begin ‘22 in big retro weather. Mercury moves into your 11th of friendships and the future also on the 2nd but it will turn retrograde on the 14th and land back in your 10th on the 26th. This is why you need to revise, review and reboot your path rather than launch yourself out there right away.
Then there’s retro-active Venus slowing things down on the love and money front. Yes, your pulse races with the desire to simply get the adrenaline pumping and go 2022 2.0. But the planets drag their heels making you backtrack. It won’t last Aries but you can’ t fight it for now.
You also begin the year testing existing partnerships of all kinds for continued continuity. Are you and the other party still aligned? This can include professional dynamics as well as your spouse or long term live-in lover. Long term promises and commitments are thrown into sharp relief as Venus and Juno meet on the 7th and Venus meets the Sun on the 9th. It could be decision time around an existing union or even a long term career path you have taken. Are you still all in or are you out?
Juno and Pluto meet on the 24th and with Vesta in your 10th from the 12th and powerhouse ruler Mars igniting ambitions when it too lands in here on the 24th, you will know the answer to this one way or the other and take action accordingly.
However, please stick to the Venus retro rules until it is direct from the end of the month. No seeking new love until after that date. February – March will allow you to make up for lost time, Aries. And by March all planets are direct. The backwards facing weather begins to break as Ceres heads direct in your money house and Uranus does the same from the 18th. Based on a shift around your values you may be looking at a new job or source of income for the year ahead.
I can’t get no satisfaction
This month’s full Moon in the moon’s ruling 4th on the is about takeouts that money can’t buy however. This is the Snow or Wolf Moon. It’s also known as the Stay at Home moon. Fitting not only due to the fact that it appears in winter in the Northern Hemisphere but also because it is in the sign of Cancer which rules home, family and security.
Emotional satisfaction will now top the success list for many of you. If that is absent on your present trajectory, you will be now looking at making serious adjustments in order to obtain it. You need the balance and also to see that other areas of your life – family, people, time to do what you love as opposed to what you have to do, need to be given the same kind of priority as you give to your work or career. There is a different kind of success story to be authored now, Aries. If you dare to re-write it. One that hands you emotional satisfaction and removes regrets.
Deciding what needs to be a priority for you is ultra-important for you as we approach what is the first big shift for you in ‘22, Aries. That’s the North Node’s entry into your 2nd on the 19th – the day after Uranus heads direct once again in here. What was once important may no longer be as your values undertake a radical revision. This is about your money, your self-worth and yes, that value system. What is priceless to you and not for sale at any price. If you look back at the past few years, you may already see how this shift has redefined what’s important to you. And even your expectations around relationships as in how you expect to be treated by others.
Long term financial matters including borrowing, loans, what you owe or are owed in turn, come full circle as does any money karma. Adjustments to your values and your relationship to your cash, begin to pay off and can re-write your expectations around abundance, receiving and prosperity. Cash in on these themes, Aries.
Surf’s up when it comes to your future path and plans. And your life surfing buddies for that matter as the Sun arrives in your 11th on the 20th. By now you should be seeing that friendzone as something very different. A place where you can expand and express yourself without fear of censure or criticism and receive the support of like minded souls as you do. Empowered souls empower others. Are you getting this from your circle? If not, you have the opportunity to find those who will now.
Goals will shift in line with your refined value system too. And staying power in friendships will be determined by shared values. As Venus shifts direct once more from the 29th you can begin to think about those goals around love for the coming year. Higher, passionate and more refined perhaps? A deeper, more resonant and above all, meaningful love experience is what you are now open to thanks to those clearly stated values, Aries.
If you feel there is still work to be done in this area, the Jupiter/Eros meeting in your 12th on the 30th sets your heart on a more spiritual path. A past love or a belief in love takes on new meaning now. You may find fresh joy in your creativity or go deeper into an area that fascinates or inspires you. Especially if this is linked to the metaphysical or your spiritual beliefs. Or simply now understand your calling towards something greater is a part of who you are. Accept this and above all, now take action towards it. Surf new waters in the name of love, Aries!
In a nutshell: Get a fresh take on love and what ultimately hands you emotional satisfaction, Aries. Partnerships take on fresh meaning. This year will hand you an opportunity like no other. Be ready to catch that break!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (11th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (10th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (11th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (2nd)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (4th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (12th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (2nd)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (2nd)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (11th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (11th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (10th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (10th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (10th to 1st)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (10th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (12th)
Is all fair in love for you?
If it’s working – work it!
Strike out – and make change your friend
What’s fair and equal in the name of love or even your soul freedom tops that New Year’s resolution list, Taurus. A bold fresh start begins thanks to a new Supermoon inviting you to strike out in a previously unexplored direction on the 2nd. Ruler Venus continues its retrograde cycle in your 9th and has you looking back at paths not taken or even actions you’ve been putting off, Taurus.
All’s fair in love and war – or so the saying goes. But Vesta landing in your 9th from the 12th combined with your backwards facing ruler, is asking you if it really is fair. Maybe you have taken on a role in order to maintain that status quo you value so much or even to keep someone else happy. But have you bent yourself out of shape doing so? Or simply realised that playing by someone else’s rules stops you from being you? Time to renegotiate or simply say ‘No more’ this month if that’s what’s been happening.
This year is all about removing blockages to progress and flying free. And as it begins its also about existing love or thinking about what you want from love in your future, rather than going in search of new love. This is due to Venus remaining retrograde in here until the 29th. So, do some love gardening and pull out those weeds, Taurus.
Relationships take work in order to work. But if something is no longer working, you will no longer able to avoid the truth around that between now and next month due to the meetings between Juno and the Sun and Venus. Venus also has one more meeting with Pluto next month as it powers forward again. The truth and the need to follow through with any action plan will be pretty well inescapable now.
For settleds, this may mean you both looking to something new to aim for in your future. For singles – a bigger, better deal on love. Or even the pursuit of what you love to do. You have one of the most important new cycles of ‘22 occurring this month. And honestly, Taurus, once it begins resisting change will not only be futile – it will prove to be impossible for you. Because no matter how hard you resist the call to break free, the universe will simply take over and ensure it occurs once the North Node arrives in your 1st on the 19th – the day after Uranus heads direct in your sign again.
Karma and Committment
This cycle will focus on love, money, and relationships. And karma from decisions you made around any kind of ‘I do’s’ comes full circle now. You may embark on an important new partnership during this time or be looking at commitments you made 19 years ago. Expect one particular duo, duet or double act to undergo an important shift. This may in turn Impact on your finances if you have joint assets – or are entering into a partnership where sharing something like a joint account or mortgage now features.
If changes are overdue, again – please bear in mind if you do not proactively set these in motion the universe will step in and make them for you. But in an unexpected way. Since you love predictability, you may want to minimise any surprise outcomes by simply initiating them yourself.
You do have time to refine any choices or decisions you need to make. The message of January however is to begin to plan what these are at the very least. Mercury heads retrograde in your 10th of career and status from the 14th – the same day as Ceres heads direct in your 1st. You could feel a profound need for escapism or for something bigger around the 16th when the Sun and Pluto meet in your 9th. If traveling, dealing with people overseas, the mass media, studying or the law, please hold those retrograde rules sacred.
The deal’s not done until the contract is signed, check the details, have a Plan B and listen carefully to the subtext of what people are saying when the full Moon lights up your 3rd on the 17th. You may react intensely to news or someone’s reaction to what you say may surprise you. Take care on the internet with those links, files or attachments. With Venus still retroactive stop the swipe or the catfish before they can happen simply by deactivating that profile temporarily. Take it that your first reaction to anything you hear is most likely the correct one and don’t edit or second guess that response.
It’s a good idea now to hold fast on applying for that new job despite the Sun’s arrival in your 10th on the 20th. If you have been waiting on news or a decision around a long term career issue, then the 23rd could see it arrive when the Sun and Mercury meet in here. This is also an excellent day under which to revise anything related to your career from that CV to that project, business plan or pitch, New ideas or information can come to light which elevates it to a new level and aligns it to your future ambitions.
The 24th brings out your confident and most passionate side, Taurus. No more dragging your feet or self-doubt when it comes to the direction you need to take. Mars enters your 9th as Juno and Pluto meet in here. It’s truth or dare when it comes to what you need to do now. You’re accepting the truth and yes, taking the dare because what have you got to lose? The answer to that is only stagnation and settling for less than you deserve.
By now you should be fired up and fiercely determined to do whatever is needed to bring about improvements all round. And people are sitting up and noticing your mojo has returned! If one final push to really convince yourself (and others) they are now dealing with You 2.0 for 2022, then ensure you ditch both the procrastination and the comfort zone on the 30th. You need a fearless, out of the box approach now with any long term issue you’ve avoided to date. Especially if you want to avoid the universe acting on your behalf instead.
Friends prove to be your best resource and your best outlet – as well as that cheer squad should you be seeking advice, support or validation now. Jupiter’s meeting with Eros in your 11th on the 30th points to others who can open doors to new experiences or your mind to fresh possibilities. You are about to enter a goal realisation cycle like no other. Don’t allow resistance to change to slow down your progress, Taurus. Or stop you living and loving in a way that’s rightfully yours.
In a nutshell: You know what needs to be done in order to bring in improvements, Taurus. So, what’s stopping you? Time to stop putting off living and loving the way you know is right for you. Get change on your side as ‘22 takes you further.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (10th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (9th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (10th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (1st)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (3rd)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (11th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (1st)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (1st)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (10th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (10th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (9th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (9th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (9th to 12th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (9th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (11th)
Don’t just wish for change – be change
Head in the direction of passion
Live your truth
Don’t get shipwrecked on the retro rocks this January, Gemini. Surely you’re too smart for that to happen in any case? Snafus can occur however. As can others going back on their word. Should you be traveling overseas you should have Plans B thru to Z firmly in place when Mercury backslides in your 9th from the 14th.
If you get that uneasy feeling as this month progresses that someone cannot be relied on or something is about to go pear-shaped, I do suggest you pay close attention. True colours and agendas are set for an expose now. Watch what you are picking up at the time of the new Supermoon in your 8th on the 2nd. This isn’t just about your money but your self-worth. And who or what is ‘worthy’ of your time, love, commitment, attention, continued investment etc.
Become the Change You’re Waiting For
That ‘something’s gotta give’ feeling leaves you antsy. But also determined to do something about it. Mercury may be slowing down but in your 9th from the 2nd, you’ll be feeling you want to kick-start something for ‘22. But that retro vibe is telling you to hold off for now. Or you simply pick up on the fact that something is about to emerge – but are uncertain as to what it may be! One thing you are certain of however, is that changes need to happen. And these may revolve around your money or love. Retro Venus and Juno ask you if something is still relevant on the 7th while the Sun and retro Venus on the 9th show you exactly what this is. And if it holds true for you.
Between now and Venus direct on the 29th, please do attend to outstanding issues that touch either your heart or your bank account. Especially if they have been impacting you over the long term. Keep in mind that Ceres which heads direct in your 12th on the 14th (same day as Mercury heads backwards), will offer you the seeds of something new, brighter and more satisfying when it re-enters your 1st next month.
This month’s full Moon on the 19th is the Wolf or Snow Moon and takes place in your 2nd of self-worth, income, money and what or who is a literal ‘asset’ to you. Or what isn’t. It’s time to look at your talents, what you bring to the party and your ability to support yourself. Be you single or settled. It’s a potent full Moon as it exposes any insecurities or illusions we may be carrying around about not being capable or good enough. In its searing light we can discover not just we are more than we have given ourselves credit for – but also our courage and higher self-esteem. In doing so we become a force of change in our own lives.
A new cycle begins
You’re reaching for alternatives you may not have known existed or simply daring to try them over the next two years, Gemini. Go deeper or go home as the North Node exits your sign and heads into your 12th on the 19th – the day after Uranus heads direct again in here. Mysteries will be revealed and what will be in focus will be everything from the creative muse to Tarot, astrology, your 100 psychic senses, religion, spirituality, healing, the past, the multiverse, quantum mechanics, dark matter and also revealed – where and how you get in your own way. And the way to get out of that!
The truth is out there but we have to be open to it. And when we find it, even if its not what we thought, we need to embrace it as it leads to our freedom. So, do remember this as you enter this cycle. Denial really isn’t a great place to swim. Sooner or later you encounter a crocodile if you do.
This is a truth exposing cycle. And Uranus is always associated with freedom and revelations. So, what comes to light during this month really is designed to set you free. The only question is: are you ready for the unvarnished kind, Gemini? You’ll see the past, people and situations as they truly are as opposed to what you might have been told or want them to be. If someone is keeping something from you, expect it to come out in a surprising or unexpected way. What did I say about true colours?
The Sun enters your 9th on the 20th – a transit that always fills you with optimism and a desire to experience more of what life has to offer. Due to the Sun meeting your retro ruler in here on the 23rd, a missed opportunity could present itself. Or you could revive or return to a goal you let slide – now asking yourself why? Mars in your 8th on the 24th points to transformation and this day also sees Juno meet Pluto in here. You now have both rulers of your 8th in their ruling house. Money, shared (marital) assets and the sum of any fears feature. But so does searing self-determination. Know decisions are cemented now and there’s no U-turns for you, Gemini.
Mercury returns to your 8th on the 26th while Venus finally ends its retrograde in here on the 29th. Personal love needs to be put on hold until Venus regains some traction. Not so for those professional ambitions however. If Mercury now in your 8th is firing up a desire to seek out a new job or even a fresh path, then the meeting between Jupiter and Eros in your career sector on the 30th, sees the beginning of you taking steps to shake up your status and head with determination, towards what adds passion and purpose to your life. By the end of this month relationships or the future of them, could look very different and people are looking at you in a whole new light, Gemini. Your truth is out there in January.
In a nutshell: Major retrofactor weather this month sees you re-examining your path, role or purpose, Gemini. You won’t be able to resist the need to change in order to live that. The truth has a way of getting out – and bringing freedom when it does.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (9th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (8th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (9th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (12th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (2nd)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (10th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (12th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (12th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (9th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (9th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (8th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (8th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (8th to 11th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (8th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (10th)
Friends influence your future path
Own that emotional truth!
Evolve your double act dynamics
Despite the new Supermooon in your house of duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions on the 2nd, new love or partnership matters still has the ‘Pause’ button pushed on them as ‘22 begins, Cancer. The reason being Venus ruler of this house, is retrograde in here until the 29th. Not only that, you have Mercury retrograde in your change making 8th from the 14th which returns to your 7th on the 26th. This is about love replays, reboots and returns rather than swiping right. Please bear this in mind this month. Especially if you want to avoid getting shipwrecked on those retro rocks.
Remember, your 7th rules not just long-term love and live-in/marriage partnerships but every kind of double act and opposite number you can think of. With dynamic and confidence bearing Mars entering your 7th from the 24th,, the Sun in here until the 20th, Pluto in here for a long stay and now Juno, ruler of marriages and commitments entangled with both retro Venus (7th) and Pluto (24th). Whatever you do, don’t hang on to the status quo if deep down you know things need to change.
Also, don’t be afraid to have that conversation you may have been putting off with a significant other either. Or in taking steps to aim for that better working dynamic if you come to the conclusion that the one you are in has been lived out. This especially applies after the Sun enters your 8th on the 20th and meets retro Mercury on the 23rd. This is your house of shared (marital) assets and this also rules your salary. If something no longer works, the final week of the month throws this into sharp relief. And retroactive Mercury favours everything from revising that CV to renegotiations and consciously uncoupling from any situation that is unable to evolve you either emotionally or professionally.
Vesta’s arrival in your 7th from the 12th has you looking at issues around equality and gender politics. And in this house again, this stretches across both your personal and your professional life. Are you given parity and taken seriously for instance? Are you expected to assume a certain role or behave in a proscribed way based simply on how you identify yourself? Or judged by this? If you are being dismissed, diminished, taken for granted or ignored based simply on gender bias, watch out for the full Moon in your sign on the 17th which may bring things to a head. This is known as a Wolf or Snow Moon. The deepest part of winter illuminated by the brightest light which shows what is possible for us ahead.
This full Moon acts as a searchlight around co-joining and closeness. Because full Moons always reflect their light into the house opposite to the one they appear in – in this case your 7th, it may throw one particular relationship – past or present, into the spotlight. Your needs are highlighted as whether that give and take is present. Or in the case of a past connection – where it may have fallen short of what you needed. As always with a powerful lunar cycle, this asks you to be emotionally honest and authentic. With yourself and others. Vesta in your 7th is telling you to take what you feel seriously. Don’t close down but open up. Understand you have the sovereign right to your feelings but unless you share them unedited, others no matter how close cannot be expected to understand.
Be the ruler of your emotional truth. And be open to listening without criticism or censure, to how others feel in return. If you are single, this full Moon can send you in search of the kind of relationship you really need for the future to get those needs met. Spend some time with this and you’ll be setting yourself up to know it when it turns up from next month when Venus regains its momentum.
Who or what are you searching for?
In another part of your chart, a fresh long term cycle of potential is unfolding. The 19th sees the North Node exit your 12th and arrive in your 11th of friends, contacts and goals. It’s been 19 years since the North Node, that spinning point of karma and fate, has been in this sector of your chart. What makes this transit different from any you might have experienced in the past if you were 18 or over last time this occurred, is that this time the ruler of this house – Uranus, is in residence. In fact, Uranus moves to direct motion in here the day before the Node arrives. Plus you also have Ceres, planet of new deals and compromises also moving direct in here on the 14th.
What’s that new deal you need to make with your future – which is what this house rules. How do you see yourself and most importantly, with who? Who you know drives that future vision and they will have a huge influence on your path and how it unfolds not just for the time the Node is in here, but far on into your future. Above all now, be a joiner, not a hermit. Depending on how the pandemic is unfolding in your corner of the world, you need to be connecting, socialising and circulating. People will prove to be your greatest allies and assets now. The more you share yourself, the more will be shared with you in turn.
The Sun in your 8th from the 20th points to empowered and self-directed change. And yes, that fresh sexiness ready for the Venus direct again, Cancer. This will take you into February so be ready to harness it! To underscore that pursuit of passion, Jupiter in its ruling 9th sees the month out by getting together with Eros on the 30th.
Take aim at a bigger, higher love or result, Cancer. Adopt a no limits mindset and above all, follow the promptings of your higher self when it comes to change. Step out of that comfort zone and go after what it is you TRULY want as opposed to staying safe and settling for less. February will see all of us making up for lost retro time. You have a head start on the rest of us. What are you waiting for, Cancer? Change up your future. Charge up the love!
In a nutshell: Who you know and not what, defines your future path. But in the present it’s time to get very clear about what you want from partnerships. Then, now and forever, Cancer. Decisions can be made.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (8th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (7th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (8th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (11th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (1st)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (9th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (11th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (11th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (8th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (8th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (7th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (7th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (7th to 10th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (7th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (9th)
Reset your priorities
Set your status higher
Your superpower? Everyday love miracles!
Show that routine the love as ‘22 begins, Leo. And don’t underestimate the power of the small stuff as tiny adjustments bring you big benefits which last all year long.
Your 6th house is in focus as the year begins. Ruler the Sun is in residence as are Mercury (at the start of the month), Venus retrograde, Juno and Pluto. The 2nd brings a new Supermoon in here while Vesta arrives on the 12th and Mars on the 24th. So, even when Mercury exits this house also on the 2nd, and your ruler follows on the 20th, the entire month of January is in fact focussed on your day job (paid or unpaid), studies, habits, wellbeing, diet, exercise, daily environment and your pets if you have them.
This is Mercury’s ruling house in your chart and Mercury will turn retrograde in your 7th on the 14th. With Venus retrograde in Mercury’s house, this means the retro cycle packs a two-fer as both planets are backwards in each other’s houses. Double retrofactor rules for you, Leo! Hey, just because your ruler never retrogrades doesn’t mean you have a Get Out of Retro Jail Free card. So, no seeking new love until next month, avoid entering into fresh financial dealings if you can and consider the usual Mercury retroactive rules carved into stone tablets you cannot avoid to deviate from. Especially after the 26th when Mercury re-enters your 6th.
New Moons are all about new beginnings so I can hear you asking just what this month may be good for. Other than hibernation. Fresh commitments to your wellbeing can be made that bring you everyday benefits which transcend the pop culture idea of self-care. Rearranging or decluttering your whole life as well as your living/work space is favoured. Filling it with what enhances your wellbeing and adds meaning as opposed to ‘stuff’.
Self care is everyday magic
Because this is your house of work and as many of us are now looking at permanent hybrid working, January favours updating that CV if you feel a new job is in order – but holding back on applying for anything new until Mercury is direct again, refining that schedule, business or study plan, initiating better habits with your diet, exercise and what supports you, and looking closely at how to create some everyday magic to meet your needs and spark coninuing joy. No matter the movement of the Sun and other planets, your 6th will have five astral bodies in here for most of January.
With Juno’s presence in here, any changes or commitments you make now are likely to be lasting. You’ll stick to those habits or resolutions. Good days to initiate lasting changes or even undertake major transformations are the 7th when retro Venus and Juno meet, the 9th when your ruler and Venus conjunct and the 24th when Juno and Pluto enact a lasting change on how you work or undertake your daily life.
Vesta’s arrival in your 6th (12th), points to you deciding what is a priority for you. And also shows up any gender bias around what you do. This can extend to who does what and how much around the home and whether or not tasks are shared equally, to how serious your role or contribution is taken in the workplace. In some instances, it can also show us how we need to have different models for treatment between the male and female bodies. This has nothing to do with gender identification at all. Just in how we support the avatars we are in. And how the medical and healing professions need to embrace this. Vesta asks how seriously you are being taken across the entire work/wellbeing spectrum. Don’t dismiss this all important detail.
Above all, follow up on any ‘gut’ feelings or insights around this. And dig deeper at the time of the full Moon in your 12th on the 17th. This full Moon is known as the Snow or Wolf Moon. Illuminating not just the depths of the winter nights but your soul resource of inner knowing. This boosts your psychic senses, Leo. It shines its light back into your 6th and highlights a key issue or area which needs addressing. Don’t dismiss the insights or connections you make between what you do or how you feel under it. And once you have them, please – act on them.
A new and powerful long term cycle which hands you the tools to reach those career goals and sustain those status setting plans begins on the 19th. This day sees the North Node arrive in your 10th of recognition, rewards and renown, Leo. It’s been 19 years since it was last in here. So, if you are old enough, look back at that period to what occurred around your career path, your public image, how you were seen or treated by people in positions of authority, and also what occurred around partners too. Your 10th house rules the status of your partner but also your partnership status itself. As in married, single, divorced etc.
Rewards for long term efforts could be yours now. Others may embark on a new career path which requires sustained effort or investment but which ultimately pays off for your future. If you are in the wrong profession, nothing now will keep you there and expect a radical shift to take place if so thanks to the presence of Uranus also in here. Uranus heads direct the day prior to the Node’s arrival. You also have Ceres, ruler of new worlds and fresh deals direct in here from the 14th. By the time it reaches your 11th, many of you will have refined your ideas around what your future career path looks like.
The Sun’s arrival in your 7th on the 20th will have you firmly focussed on past and present partnership dynamics as well as what you need any kind of double act to bring you for the future. The 23rd has the Sun and retro Mercury meet. This may see a returning love or past potential resurface for some. However, don’t rush in if it does. Ask yourself if this (or they) enhance your overall wellbeing simply by their presence.
This can also open up the way for conversations around your joint future especially when combined with the Juno/Pluto meeting in your 6th on the 24th. This is the day when Mars arrives in your 6th handing you massive reserves of energy and determination to tackle any task. That routine is on fire with fresh impulsion, Leo!
The 30th brings a passionate encounter between Jupiter now in your sector of money and self-empowerment, and Eros – yes, him with the arrows and ability to target those passions. If you are no longer feeling it, you won’t be able to fake it now. And if this is the conclusion you come to, then please, act on this as chances are if there is an energy drain in your life – this is where it stems from. Others will draw on that passionate intention by setting themselves fresh goals to take aim at or else, will no longer shy away from the changes that need to be made in order to go after something fresh and fiercely soul satiating. Review that wishlist – on a daily and a soul path basis. Define your purpose and your passion. Now take these forward into February, Leo!
In a nutshell: Revamp your daily routine as ‘22 begins. Yes, there is an upside to retro weather, Leo. It hands you the ability to redesign your life in a way that adds some everyday magic to it. Love may be on hold, but show the small stuff the love for big benefits!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (7th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (6th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (7th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (10th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (12th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (8th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (10th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (10th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (7th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (7th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (6th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (6th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (6th to 9th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (6th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (8th)
Welcome to Launchpad January
Take fun seriously again
Refine those dreams this retro cycle
Revelations lead to release as the New Year begins for you, Virgo. These insights may however trickle down and take time to appear. Or you have to mulch and integrate what you are being shown, told and intuit before you see that big picture. This may well revolve around love, your children, or even what unpins your entire sense of security. Make no mistake, this could be both mojo/foundation shaking – and creating all at the same time.
The emphasis as the year starts is very much on your 5th house of what makes your fabulous, fierce and free. Please don’t forget we begin ‘22 with Venus still retrograde in here until the 29th. Hold off on that swiping or even spending if you can. Attend to love in the present and in all its other forms such as creative self expression and what you love to do. Take existing love to the next level by all means thanks to Juno also in this house. An old lover could even reappear. Perhaps with new intentions and freshly sparkling relevance.
Ruler Mercury will turn retrograde in its ruling 6th on the 14th. You don’t need me to tell you to shore up those retroactive rules and be extra OCD about following them. The 20th sees the Sun arrive in here putting a month long focus on all things Virgo-centric. But there’s a special hidden message for you in this and that’s linked to doing things every day and every way YOUR way, Virgo. You don;t have to sacrifice indivuduality or your personal style to get things done efficiently. In fact, your way is your superpower now.
Time to become the s/heroic super-person of routine reinvention from the 14th and especially on the 23rd when the Sun and retrofactor Mercury meet. Inject that day job, your environment and those habits with the pure energy of uplifting revision and renewal. And feel that everyday buzz that energies again. But let’s go explore the other retroactive house of your 5th which along with your 9th contains keys to freedom and hidden treasures this January.
Is it time for an image update, Virgo? Because of the retro action in your house of pleasure, reinvention of you could reawaken that inner platfulness, sensuality and also a desire to spoil yourself. Within reason of course with Venus backwards! Refine and realign to that inner gorgeousness especially once Mercury backs up into your 5th from the 26th and Venus breaks its retro love fast from the 29th.
In the interim, we have a full Moon in your 11th on the 17th throwing a spotlight onto the future of that self-expression and your connections which raise the roof on your happiness, Virgo. This is a Snow or Wolf Moon and as you know, full Moons reflect their light back into the house opposing the one they are in. So, in this case your 5th. If you need to Fab Five yourself, you’ll see clearly which areas need that update. Others will see lovers, children, friendships and hobbies highlighted. Also the truth around whether or not you are in fact denying yourself fun, pleasure and enjoyment. Has something simply become too serious? Or don’t you take making time for good stuff as seriously as you do everything else, Virgo? Schedule the pleasure under this full Moon.
One major mutable cycle closes now and a new, more grounded fate opens up to you. But one which at the same time offers up freedom, exploration and learning opportunities. First Uranus heads direct in your freedom sector on the 18th. Then the next day the North Node enters here. It’s been 19 years since it was last in this house in your chart. If you were 18 or over back then, look back at themes around travel, foreigners, mass media, learning, religion, the law, sports, animals and sheer breathtaking door-opening opportunity. It’s now back again. If you are experiecing this for the first time, then expect one, some or even all these themes to present themselves in a smogasbord of choices designed to open up your world.
Knock knock -opportunity and the world is calling
Where does this start right now? Knowing your values and what you will and won’t settle for, Virgo. This includes not settling for less and being unafraid to throw something back into the great cosmic fish pond when it doesn’t quite measure up. Cast your net wider and understand if your dream hasn’t come true its because you need a bigger one. For those of you going through this cycle a second or even a third time, expect things begun 19 years or even 38 years ago to come full circle or repeat in some way.
The Sun’s entry into your 6th refocuses you on your daily duties to others and most importantly, yourself. Wellbeing should be your priority for the next month. In other words, taking care of the business of living and working your best.
The 30th brings a key meeting between Jupiter now in your status sector and Eros – asteroid of the well-aimed arrows and passionate intent. That larger target I spoke of can come within striking distance now as Jupiter is intent on bigging up your professional opportunities and offering you a helping hand up that career ladder this year. You could take aim at a better position or even path now. One that inspires and ignites those ambitions. Aim higher and prepare to go further as we head into February. January is simply your preparation launchpad, Virgo.
In a nutshell: You’re the retro boss, Virgo so this month, show the world just how you can get the revisionary reinvention energy working in your favour! January tells you to prepare that launchpad. The rest of ‘22 takes you higher!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (6th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (5th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (6th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (9th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (11th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (7th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (9th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (9th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (6th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (6th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (5th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (5th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (5th to 8th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (5th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (7th)
No more guessing games in love
Values add passion
Shift your focus -change your world
No more guessing games or rejection dances as 2022 brings choices, commitment and fresh partnership potential. The past seven years might have seen those Libran scales involved in a see-saw cycle of questions, on-again, off-again connections or simply you feeling that love had passed you by. Sure, you might have encountered people who have reshaped your ideas around love and who you will never forget, but the other side of this might also have been not knowing where you stood or else just left with the impression you had gone from hot – to not.
This may not only have impacted on your personal relationships but your professional one too with employers just not seeming to want what you’re selling. Others may have been in the position where they have been doing the rejecting as what was on offer just wasn’t what they wanted. Sudden and unexpected changes in your relationship status could have turned your world upside down. So, let’s talk about putting the world to rights and re-balancing those scales again which is what the start of 2022 – and indeed, all of it, offers you.
Sure you start the year with ruler Venus backwards facing in your 4th of home, family, security and what defines your sense of place. And this also puts those love and money matters on hold. To add to the stop/start feeling of January we also have Mercury retro in your 5th of lovers, children and self-expression from the 14th. This puts you in key planning mode all the way on into February. So, see this as an opportunity to get very very clear about what you want and what no longer serves. In every way from how you live to how you love.
The new Moon in its ruling 4th on the 2nd is a call to look at whether or not you have been putting your own needs first lately. Or at the very least on equal footing to those of others? Those ‘gut’ feelings need to be seen a signposts now. Pointing you towards what is right for you and what isn’t. So, please heed them as along with the retro weather, you have the opportunity to course correct or make adjustments right at the start of the new year as opposed to later. So, once Venus heads direct from the 29th and Mercury next month, there’s no more time wasting or putting that energy into what simply no longer works for you, Libra.
Because this Moon is in practical, pragmatic Capricorn, you are able to disern the difference between mere emotional knee jerk reactions and your emotional truth. And therefore know you are making the best possible decisions as a result. This will set you up to live better for the rest of ‘22. And even make big inroads to those long term ambitions.
I mentioned no more guessing games around love. Yes, Venus retro will always reveal whether something is all it appears to be. Or built to last. Venus and Juno meet on the 7th and the Sun and retro Venus on the 9th. Juno wants to check those commitments for continued relevance. Or see you make new ones as it meets Pluto on the 24th. You have to feel it to commit to it. And you won’t be able to fake it if you don’t now.
Equality, being taken seriously by your significant other or even those you share your space with, matters more than ever now Vesta joins the line up in your 4th from the 12th. As does owning your path and direction. Strangely all this retro weather favours gathering up what works and repurposing it with new intent. Just as it does releasing what doesn’t. Above all, you now need to be seen as a powerhouse of positive intention by everyone close to you. And taken at your word. Yes, you are striving for dilomacy and balance as always. But you are now prepared to show you mean what you say if a compromise cannot be reached. Especially after Mars joins those 4th house planets from the 24th.
This month’s full Moon in your 10th on the 17th will highlight how others perceive your intentions and also call on you to enforce them if needed. Come from the head and not the heart and prepare to deliver on what you promise whether it is that deadline at work or telling someone close to you that you are not prepared to put up with something any longer. Act with emotional authority and understand that while you cannot control someone else’s response, you are always in control of your own.
Shore up anything that adds to or enhances your security – financial, material or emotional. And above all, set those values to ‘unshakeable’ ahead of the first major shift of ‘22 when the North Node enters your 8th on the 19th. It’s not just Venus retro that removes the guessing games around love, relationship and what you want, Libra. Uranus in your 8th which is direct from the 18th, has been busy refining your value system for some time. Now, with the arrival of the North Node in here, you can put this into action.
Shift your perspective and align to empowerment
It’s been 19 years since the Node was last in here. But last time you didn’t have Uranus present. So this time around expect shifts and cycles around your money, salary, legacies, benefits, what you share, sex and self-empowerment to shake up your core beliefs and put you on a path towards what truly adds value. As opposed to what doesn’t. Long term financial decisions come full circle as could choices around who you got into bed with on either a personal or material level. Expect shake and bake transformations to occur and your sexual/financial landscape to shift in a way that offers both freedom and alignment with what you deep down know is right for you.
The Sun in your 5th from the 20th lightens the retro load and dissolves those serious shadows. This is the Sun’s ruling house. Friends, social interactions, opportunities to shine or stand out may feature and these will prove to be your best outlets now while you wait for Venus to head direct again and gain back traction. Showcase yourself, your talents and all you have to offer. The spotlight is on you now and all you have to offer. Hopefully you have a greater appreciation of what that is and as we head off into February, expect to make up for retrograde lost time.
Values are often linked to our passion and what we love as well as who. Simply what we will and won’t ‘sell out’ over at any cost. The deal breakers which we all deep down have. The 30th sees Jupiter planet of solutions and opportunity meet with Eros, crazy cupid with the bow and arrow. In your 6th of work, wellness and everyday magic. Take aim now at those New Year priorities, Libra. Maybe these are around a better work/life balance? Ensuring you spend an equal amount of time pursuing what you love to do as well as what you need to do? Putting healthy choices first? Be they around your habits, work, studies, lifestyle or even the environment you spend your time in? Maybe that arrow is aimed at that side hustle or being your own boss? Examine how this links to those values, aim higher and further, and follow in that direction on into February.
In a nutshell: What you are passionate about is linked to your value system, Libra. It’s important to stand by these this month. Romance may still be on hold but there’s so many other ways to experience and express the love as ‘22 begins to rock your world!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (5th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (4th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (5th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (8th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (10th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (6th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (8th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (8th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (5th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (5th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (4th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (4th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (4th to 7th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (4th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (6th)
Love spins you in a fresh direction
Revise those plans this January
Say what you need to say
Don’t keep those ideas or thoughts to yourself as ‘22 begins, Scorpio. Air them, act on them or simply get them off your chest. Retro weather continues to dominate the communication sector of your chart. Not only that, you will have both your rulers ancient and modern in here with Mars joining Pluto from the 24th.
Normally, the new Moon in your 3rd which occurs on the 2nd, would be your time to launch something new. To take an idea and run with it and see just how far it can take you. Especially as this is a super-charged super new Moon. This is your house of commerce, your commute, your cousins and siblings if you have them, your neighbourhood, studies, short trips, your computer, car, devices, writing, speaking, your social media feed, design, photography and the internet.
So, under this new Moon you could normally be looking at dusting off that CV to apply for that new job, upgrading your car or phone, booking that trip or launching that idea. But due to Venus retrograde in here until the 29th, and Mercury retrograde in your 4th from the 14th which then returns to its ruling 3rd on the 26th, this points to you focussing on past or current plans or ideas and reviving them. Or else venting what’s been on your mind for a while
Because Mercury will return to a ruling house during this retrocycle, you should not deviate from the retro rules unless you love to experience chaos theory in an up close and personal way. Try to avoid signing important documents and entering into new agreements too. Especially around money as Venus rules your bank account.
This includes spending especially on anything that is ruled by your 3rd and Mercury. So, avoid at all costs unless what you have breaks down beyond repair and needs a total replacement. Just simply take it this is lemon season. Without the possibility of adding salt and tequila.
Refine, Review and Realign
You have help when it comes to staying within the lines (and those retro rules). Yes, once Mars is in here this can have you speaking and acting without thinking. But luckily for you Vesta lands in here on the 12th allowing you to step back and look at the long term implications. Especially when it comes to work or partnership matters. Now, I am not for one moment saying if something is out of balance or unfair and has been for a while, that you continue to put up with it. Just that after the meeting between retro Venus and Juno on the 7th and the Sun and Venus on the 9th, if something needs to be changed, you will choose your words and argument, carefully.
January speaks to starting the year as you mean to go on. Review, refine, revise and realign to your goals and true purpose, attend to housekeeping matters in relationships and above all, don’t procrastinate or shy away from what needs to be outed or settled once and for all, between you and someone else. The day to bring matters to a conclusion or even grasp your courage if you have been putting something off will be the 24th when Mars lands in here the same day as Juno and ruler Pluto meet. A key conversation leads to long term transformation on this day.
Long term love and freedom
The 17th brings a full Moon of awakenings in the Moon’s ruling sign of Cancer and your 9th house. This moon is known as the Snow or Wolf Moon. Does it have you howling with desire, Scorpio? Or satiated with satisfaction?
There’s a desire or a call towards something bigger and perhaps just out of reach. But is it really? Use this full Moon energy in conjunction with the retro vibe to go back over those goals and dreams or re-examine the path not taken. Is it really closed off to you or is this just your own limitations telling you ‘No’? Are you afraid of the reactions of others? It’s time to gather desire and courage and prepare to strike out on a new course once February arrives and this retro season ends.
Especially when it comes to love, partnerships, long term relationships and double acts of all descriptions. You have Uranus in your 7th (and Venus’s ruling sign/house) refining your values around all of this and also getting you to look at what you truly want and need from any kind of close union. Be this marriage or long term love, a working relationship or even a friendship. Uranus always frees us from anything that is stagnant or not evolving. Or else brings about the changes which put us on course to what we need in order to grow.
The 18th ends the Uranus retrograde in here while the 19th marks the beginning of the most direction defining cycle of relating you have experienced in 19 years (or may be doing for the first time) as the North Node enters your 7th. Decisions you made around partnerships, marriage, marriage like unions come full circle now in karmic terms. If something no longer feels right for you, there will be no denying this. However, with lucky Jupiter now in your 5th of romance and attraction for most of this year, if you are single or seeking (or find yourself suddenly back in this position), this should deliver at least one serious potential suitor for your soul!
The Sun enters your 4th on the 20th putting a month long focus on your home, family, living arrangements, roomies, your landlord or landlady, that Airbnb guest, your council, property dealings and simply how you want to be living. Just remember with Mercury retrograde in here if you are buying, selling, renting or leasing, nothing is set in stone just yet. That buyer may pull out, that tenant may not be who they appear to be, that work may not be done on time. Take care with signing anything to do with property on the 23rd when the Sun and retro Mercury meet. However, renovations have the green light. Look to how you want to be living and where. But wait to put those plans in motion.
Mercury backs up into it’s ruling 3rd on the 26th so please stick to those retro rules. You now have Mercury, Venus, both your rulers Mars and Pluto and Vesta here here keeping the focus very firmly on taking care of outstanding business and any conversation you have been putting off. Please don’t any longer. February wants you to have a clean slate.
Jupiter meets with Eros in your fabulizing 5th on the 30th. With Venus now direct you could be taking aim at a new love interest. Or simply be off in pursuit of a personal passion, hobby or pastime you love. Put spiritual passion high on your list of takeouts for any activity or connection now. This transit can bring you back into alignment with what you love to do and what makes you stand out and soar. It may be time to take aim with fresh intention at utilising your talents in a new way and Mercury retro will allow you to refine this. Shake yourself free of any left over business from ‘21. Green lights are ahead in February, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: One of the most important long term cycles for love begins for you this month, Scorpio. If you’ve been putting off having that conversation – don’t delay any longer. 2022 demands a clean slate and a fresh start.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (4th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (4th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (7th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (9th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (5th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (7th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (7th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (4th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (4th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (3rd to 6th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (3rd)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (5th)
Reboot that dream
Turn up the heat
If it works – work it!
Searing heat from Mars in your 1st until the 24th makes you antsy and also intensifies that irresistible wild sexiness you know you own, Sag. Hopefully you won’t take it the wrong way when I tell you lasting love of the new kind is still off the menu until fierce February at least? Focus that fire on self-love instead.
Ruler Jupiter gets together with Eros in your 4th at the end of this month. Taking aim at a higher lifestyle. Time to expand your space or even sense of place. Where do you feel you belong? Do you need to live bigger in ‘22, Sag? What does that look like? Where is it? You have virtually the entire year to refine this vision. At some point, Jupiter will hand you the key to the door to living larger, more securely or relocate you to where you can do this. Begin the year by imagining what this looks like. You are moving on up in ‘22, Sag.
January may seem like you are still stuck reflecting on ‘21 however. You can blame Venus still retro in its ruling 2nd right up until the 29th. This has put love and money matters on hold. And along with it, possibly opportunities to fund that dream. The new Supermoon in your 2nd marks a brand new beginning when it comes to cashed up self-worth and abundance. Note how the latter contains the word ‘dance’ .Because we need to partner up with prosperity and when it comes to ideas around how to increase our income, the best way often feels like dancing with our talents.
However, along with keeping love and money matters on the down-low for now, add to that those business plans, that side hustle, Instgrammable influencing idea or even that search for that new job. Savvy Sag already knows where I am going with all this – into retrofactor territory due to Mercury turning retroactive in its ruling 3rd from the 14th. The retro rules apply times three in here. Mercury will then revisit your 2nd from the 26th before heading direct once more next month.
So, review, refine and revise those money making ideas and plans but wait to launch until February. In the interim, powerful meetings between the Sun and Pluto (16th), retro Venus and Juno (7th), the Sun and Venus (9th) and Juno and Pluto (24th) could bring re-commitments or pay outs around long term commitments in work and/or a key relationship you’ve invested in. However, be warned that if when you add up what you’ve put in has now turned into a big effort without the rewards you were hoping for, once Vesta (12th) and Mars (24th) leave your sign and add to the planetary tally in here, you may just go for broke and cash in your investment. Or at least lay the groundwork for this to occur.
The 17th brings you a full Moon in your 8th which highlights the need to change something around your cash or even just that feeling of worthy-ness. Go deep into issues around abundance and your ability to receive. This full Moon is known as the Snow or Wolf moon. So I could ask what you are ‘hungry’ for now? This can just as easily be for something intangible as it could be for something material. But the fact is, you need to know you and you alone, have the ability to get that need met. This could mean confronting your own fears or triggers around money, self-empowerment or even self-control. See yourself as CEO of all your resources – and see how you can better channel them. Once Venus heads direct once more from the 29th and Mercury moves back into your 2nd on the 26th, having a resource audit could open the door to you understanding you have more to work with or utilise than you previously thought.
Uranus in your 6th is set upon bringing a revolution for you around how you work, study, your routine and your habits. Of course, this is linked to what you do and how you use your resources on a daily basis. It heads direct in here on the 18th and the 19th sees the North Node leave your 7th and move into your 6th. Expect radical changes around your day job (paid or unpaid), shifts in your attitude towards how you take care of yourself, and any karma linked to your job or how you have been looking after yourself, to come full circle now.
It’s been 19 years since the North Node paid this house a visit. So, this means the South Node has left your sign. So, you’ll be looking close at the long term impact of those habits, diet, exercise and duties – and setting new ones if needed. You will have an increased awareness of how what you do everyday and what you eat, think or even surround yourself with, has on your overall feeling of wellbeing – mind, body and spirit. If something works – work it. If not, change it for good now.
The Sun in your 3rd beams in new ideas from the 20th. But wait until Mercury is direct again next month before acting on them. In fact, you are advised to wait until March if possible when it will exit its retroshadow. However, watch for anything that returns now especially that idea which you cannot let go of. Is this because you need to do something about it?
The Jupiter/Eros meeting in your 4th on the 30th sees you taking aim at a bigger lifestyle vision which hands you passion and spiritual satisfaction. Again, this may just be a thought in your head at this point around where you would like to live or how. It can be far far away or just right where you are but in a way that gives you more breathing room. You were never meant to live small or be contained Sag. So what is getting in the way of all that? You have the desire, the dream and the resources. Get these all working for you as we head into February.
In a nutshell: You have the heat but how will you work it? Head in a straight path towards those biggest dreams, Sag. There’s a door opening wide for you now. Set your direction and pursue with determination into ‘22!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (6th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (8th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (4th)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (6th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (6th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (2nd to 5th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (2nd)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (4th)
Review the past to reimagine your future
What’s that reflection say about you?
A soul sparkling new love cycle begins!
We’re still in your birthday season as we enter 2022 but first you have to look back and pluck what still holds meaning for you from your past before moving forward, Cappy.
Ask yourself just what you want this year to bring for you. Because you’ve changed and its likely your desires and goals have along with this. and it’s all about new beginnings. The Now Age is pulling you into the future like an irresistible force. So, as January unfolds think about just what this new you wants from it, Capricorn.
You’ve been forged in the fires of transformation these past few years due to Pluto’s long term stay in your sign. You want something new from love and life and this has resulted in you having a new set of priorities. Especially when combined with Uranus in your 5th (more on this in a moment!). Your needs may have changed along with your attitude. Is that self-appreciation you’re projecting? By now you should know just how much you are capable of as you met the challenges in your path head-on. So, enter this new cycle knowing nothing is beyond you especially when Mars hands you self-confidence and scorching sexiness when it lands in your sign on the 24th. Just in time for Venus to head direct again on the 29th!
Before that occurs however you can weave new magic from past potentials. Due to the retro feel the new Supermoon in your sign on the 2nd is all about reclaiming something from your past and repurposing it for your future. Especially as this is combined with collisions and decisions around commitments this month. This includes commitments you have yet to make or are right this moment unformed but will await you on your future path. All down to the meeting between retro Venus and Juno on the 7th and the Sun and Venus on the 9th. An ‘are you in or are you out?’ moment will occur later this month when Pluto and Juno which rules marriage and all serious commitments we make, on the 24th – same day as Mars arrives in your sign. You’ll know the right choice to make at this point.
Even though the Sun will leave your sign for your 2nd on the 20th, this month sees the planetary focus remaining in your 1st. So, it’s about you, your image, your appearance, style, brand, message. You’ll be looking closely at how your outer appearance reflects the inner you and adjusting your look if necessary. Something that Venus retro in your 1st supports. Don’t forget – Mercury leaves your sign on the 2nd but returns during its retrograde on the 26th handing you plenty of opportunity to refine or reinvent that personal message whether it is visual or verbal. Certainly, once Vesta arrives from the 12th, you will be more aware than usual about how seriously you are taken. And correcting any misconceptions others may have about your meaning.
Love lights the way ahead
Enter into a pivotal understanding of both your needs and those of others. And also to stick with the theme about your image – how others see you at the time of the full Moon in your 7th. This is a Snow or Wolf moon. And like all full Moons it reflects its light into the house opposite to the one it is in. So, think of this as someone holding up a mirror for you. Not so you can gaze at your own reflection but look at how THEY see you as opposed to how you see and perceive yourself. Is there a disconnect here? Now sometimes this shows you they see far more in you than what you appreciate in yourself. They can highlight what you are capable of becoming or show how precious you are to them. Leading to the awakening of a new perspective within in that not only embraces this image but also your gratitude to them too.
Other times you see they simply do not value you the way you do them. This can be a hard but necessary wake up call for you. But again, no matter your actions as a result of this, you need to thank them on an inner level at the very least, for handing you this revelation.
Those of you in alignment with your significant other or bae, can take this into the freshly minted love cycle that begins in your 5th this month. Uranus heads direct in here on the 18th but the big news is the arrival of the North Node in here the following day.
Lovers, romance, children, your adult children, the children of your imagination as in your creative ventures, star shining opportunities are now in focus for you in a way they have not been for 19 years. Some of you may be reaching a pivotal milestone with your children – perhaps with them leaving home or moving on to high school. Others may be looking at their adult children making them grandparents. Decisions may be made around parenting. Or for singles, you could meet that lover who comes with the potential to turn you into a parent, step-parent etc.
Young people may enter your life whether you are single or settled and impact on it in a positive way. A creative venture could come full circle. A new talent cycle could awaken within you and taken you in a fated and fresh direction. No more waiting in the wings. It’s showtime for you, Capricorn! Yet another good reason to ensure that self-image is set to dazzle.
The Sun in your 2nd from the 20th throws a light on your resources and all you have to offer. You may be looking at a whole life budget or simply assigning assets to other areas as the Sun and retro Mercury meet on the 24th. Again, this may be in line with a fresh set of priorities for you, Capricorn.
Jupiter now in your 3rd of communication, learning and getting around meets Eros on the 30th. News could arrive which opens up a fresh direction for you in the months ahead. This could be a new work opportunity, a course of study or even an idea you are working on which ends up taking you further. This is a strategic meeting as you are carefully targetting what you are aiming for. Or what arrives seems designed with your future in mind. Venus now direct the day before begins to remove those barriers which will be gone entirely by the time we get to March. For now, this is the first step on a fresh path as opportunity makes a welcome return for you, Capricorn!
In a nutshell: That feeling of dragging a heavy load with you? Gone for good as 2022 begins, Capricorn. Look forward to a sense of life lightening up again. Love or a chance to shine is waiting. January puts you in preparation mode.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (1st)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (5th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (7th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (3rd)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (5th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (5th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (1st)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (1st)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (1st to 4th)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (1st)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (3rd)
Goals get grounded
Bold moves await you
Happy birthday, Aquarius!
Spend some time this month reviewing the past 12 months and what your take-outs from it have been, Aquarius. You are about to begin your fresh cycle in retrograde weather despite the fact your ruler Uranus is direct once more from the 18th. You have Mercury arriving in your sign from the 2nd – but it turns retrograde on the 14th and lands back in your 12th on the 26th. Venus remains retrograde in your 12th until the 29th. So, with major planetary weather in your house of the past, this is more a time of planning rather than initiating. Don’t despair however, from February onwards you will more than make up for lost time.
Goals and dreams for your future are likely to be grounded in reality more than simply castles in the air now. You are able to take the lessons you’ve learned from your past and apply them to future projects with ease. Throughout the month you will have a minimum of four planets in your 12th – even after the Sun and Mercury have entered your sign. And at its peak you will see six in here. At the time of the new Supermoon in here on the 2nd, you will have six – Sun, Moon, Mercury for just a few short hours, retrograde Venus, Juno and Pluto.
Retro Venus keeps love on hold for now and if a new boo is on your wishlist for ‘22 please do hold off your search until next month unless you want to swipe yourself onto the retro rocks. However, hearing from a blast from your past is possible thanks to retro Venus and Juno and Venus and the Sun meeting on the 7th and 9th. This Supermoon puts you in touch with your real feelings, desires and dreams. Perhaps there is something you are seeking which you have been reluctant to admit until now? It now emerges under this new Moon undeniable in its need to be answered in some way.
You have your dreams for a reason. Just as you have that ‘gut’ feeling or insight. You may not yet have the facts or proof. But that does not mean you are not right. So, take those feelings seriously this month and if they involve someone else, please stay on high alert. Your energy will be at a peak throughout the month and you won’t shy away from facing the truth head on. In fact, even if it is not what you might like or want, you’ll be grateful for it nonetheless. If you catch someone out in a lie – heaven help them now.
Vesta’s entry into your 12th on the 12th brings the astral tally back up to five in here and while the Sun’s arrival in your sign on the 12th takes it back down to four, it increases to five from the 24th with Mars’s arrival and then six again when Mercury re-enters on the 26th. You may be examining your relationships for continued resonance or even at their heart, honesty and integrity. Understand that long term ties may be tested now. Or even promises you have made in the past. You’ll be re-examining whether agreements between you and someone else still hold true as retro Venus and Juno meet on the 7th and the Sun and retro Venus on the 9th. Decision time could occur towards the end of the month when Juno and Pluto meet on the 24th.
Some of you may renew your commitment thanks to the movement of Ceres forward in your 4th from the 14th. This could even extend to a place or path as well as a person. A new cycle of living and security is about to open up for you. And if money has prevented you making a move, then opportunities and solutions are to hand this year. Saturn remaining in your sign should be telling you time is in fact on your side. This holds true for personal as well as professional ambitions. Take as much of it as you need and don’t rush.
This month’s full Moon in your 6th on the 17th performs two important functions. First it has you making that connection between your emotions and how you feel physically. And then you’re looking at how your emotional or psychic self may be better at decoding what people are saying or truly mean than your brain does. Learning to trust what you intuitively interpret forms part of the message of this full Moon. As does prioritising emotional wellbeing to support yourself mentally and physically. Time to go cold turkey on anyone or anything that affects your mood negatively.
Move on up
The 18th sees ruler Uranus move direct in your house of home and family while the North Node arrives in here the very next day. Please check your Aquarian factors now for any planets at a late anaretic degree – that is 29 degrees of your sign. Look back 19 years if you are old enough to moves, relocations, family matters, living arrangements, property dealings or investments, lifestyle choices and shifts. What began then may come full circle now. You may be more aware of your roots, your ancestry, your family karma. Stopping and asking ‘Just whose story am I living anyway?’ is common in this cycle.
If you want to break free of a family dynamic, this is your time. Others send their roots deeper or may make decisions around where they move to or how they choose to live. You may get your foot on the property ladder for instance. Or simply move out of home for the first time. Those of you with anything at 29 degrees will experience this first. If you are firmly planted where you are but have stopped growing – then expect a sudden shift or opportunity to put down roots somewhere new..
You’re the sign of ideas and original thinking. You embrace innovation and also turning things on their head and seeing them from a fresh perspective. That’s the gift of the Sun in your sign from the 20th. With Mercury retro and the Sun meeting on the 23rd, is it time to innovate some part of the ‘old’ you and replace it with a new statement? It doesn’t have to be a major one – even a small change will do. Or you can indulge yourself fully in a Fab Five makeover. Whatever way your budget or your inner desire for reinvention take you. Retrograde weather means reinvention and relaunch, Aquarius!
Venus heads direct from the 29th but please, as this is in your house of the past, wait until next month before initiating anything new around love or even money. You can however take aim at your next big financial or self-worth setting goal as Jupiter and Eros meet in your 2nd on the 30th. This is about aiming higher but also about setting a fresh benchmark when it comes to your ability to receive more too. Form a bond between you, your assets be they financial or your amazing talent stock, and your self-esteem. Set fresh values around these if needed. And above all, use your talent for innovation to see how you can make what you have at your disposal right now, work better for you. Jupiter is opening the gates to abundance for you in ‘22, imagine new ways to access them, Aquarius.
Mercury has been slowing down in your 1st since the 15th. It will turn retrograde from the 30th. The good news about this retrograde – yes, there is actually two parts to it, is that it will re-encounter Jupiter not just once but twice more. Things may swing back and forth for a while and the usual rescheduling and snafus can still happen. But this gives you a chance to fine tune that work-in-progress that is you, your dreams and goals, Aquarius. Be the poster child for the Now Age.
In a nutshell: Your birthday cycle puts you in a position of personal reinvention, Aquarius. And coincides with doors opening to satisfaction, security and self-worth. This is your year to make it happen!
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (1st)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (12th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (1st)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (4th)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (6th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (2nd)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (4th)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (4th)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (1st)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (1st)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (12th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (12th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (12th to 3rd)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (12th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (2nd)
Don’t limit your imagination!
Chase the dream to live it
Step into your biggest potential in ‘22
If there is one thing you should not restrict now, Pisces, it’s your ability to reimagine your future. This month keeps the planetary focus very much on your 11th house where you goals and dreams reside. As do your friendships, contacts and all social connections. Exploring how these are interlinked can open the door to reinstating both friendships and goals. Your 2022 restart begins here!
You also begin your year with both your rulers ancient and modern in your sign. Preparing for a big meeting later this year which has not occurred in 165 years! Because the planetary focus this month is very fixed on your 11th – even after the Sun enters your 12th on the 20th, is it hands you real tools to turn dreams into reality. It’s taking you on a journey. Towards invention and amazing possibilities. Combined with your Pisces imagination, I t could just be that your beliefs and ability to visualise and invent, open up well – a truth more amazing than fiction.
This cycle wants you to understand that if you can dream it, then you can experience it in some way, shape or form. If your social life has been lacklustre then its time to look to how to revive connections. The planetary focus on Capricorn which continues all month long, hands you tools to set your purpose and intention and commit to the long haul. In practical and pragmatic ways.
With Venus still retrograde in your 11th until the 29th and Mercury retrograde in your 12th from the 14th and returning to your 11th on the 26th, this is a time to reconnect to and revive old friendships, contacts and yes, your goals. There’s resurrected meaning and fresh relevance to be found if you do so. Please do be aware that Venus in your 11th is about friendship love, not romantic love. And no more so than when it is retrograde in here. So, unless you want to be friendzoned – avoid seeking the latter kind for now.
If you have interests in sci-fi, entrepreneurship, tech, the Tarot, psychic abilities, astrology, mediumship, spirituality, learning or simply a cause or movement which resonates for you and have past connections which share these or have considered joining a group which does, now is the time for a reach out even over Zoom. Watch the time of the new Supermoon in here on the 2nd for invitations, reconnects or even that seemingly random post for a new activity or group that pops up on your Facebook feed. There’s your invitation to join in.
Old friends could be in touch and while new love is off limits now, an old one could revive or else you reimagine your connection as a friendship when retro Venus and Juno meet on the 7th. Reunions or revisiting old haunts or even those dreams, is possible on the 9th when the Sun and Venus meet. Vesta now joins the gathering in your 11th from the 12th – this is about inclusivity and whether or not the group you are part of allows you to be yourself or who you identify with. If you have had to pretend to be anything other just to fit in – this time is now at an end. As will be associating with people who don’t support your vision and dreams. Especially after Mars arrives in here after the 24th.
The full Moon of the 17th is known as the Snow or Wolf Moon and appears in your 5th of lovers, children, self-expression and pleasure. Full Moons always shine their light back into the house opposite to the one they appear in. You’ve a desire to connect and be around like minded people now. And you will also know whether the company you’re keeping is right for you – or not. This Moon can also expose whether you and that existing lover are aligned. It’s a wonderful full Moon to find yourself in the right company – to share good times, party and play (within whatever restrictions may be in effect for you), but it will also show you if you need to go find your real people.
If you are at home alone under this full Moon, use its energy to immerse yourself in a hobby or activity you love. Express your vision in some way. This is an especially powerful full Moon under which to create a vision board in fact.
Uranus, the ruler of your 11th house moves forward in your 3rd from the 18th. But remember, the ruler of your 3rd is now retrograde so unless you are reviving an idea, hold off that launch for now. You have plenty of time to push forward with your ideas as the North Node arrives in here the very next day. In focus will be writing, communicating, speaking, design, photography, studies, travel, your commute if you have one, your devices, siblings, cousins, business plans and especially the internet.
It’s been 19 years since the North Node last paid this house a visit. So, if you were an adult back then, look at what happened around these themes. With the ruler of this house backwards, its a good time to revise anything that amounts to a message – from that CV to that manuscript, thesis, website or social media presence. What you say, think or share will have wings during this cycle. Something may come full circle for you or you may hear from someone from your past on the 23rd when the Sun and Mercury retrograde meet in your 12th. The meeting between Pluto and Juno the following day points to you deciding whether you want to continue or revive something – or else let it go and head towards something new.
The Sun’s influence in your 12th opens doors to solutions you did not know existed. It has you seeing the world in new ways, reframing your past but also act as a portal to something bigger if you are open to exploring this. Again, I’m talking about your ideas and imaginative/psychic abilities. You can lay the groundwork to make incredible leaps now and on into ‘22 which is set to become a year like no other you have ever experienced.
A foretaste of what is to come for you occurs on the 30th when Jupiter and Eros meet in your 1st. This is about taking aim at something very real and very personal to you. A goal, wish, dream that forms part of who you are. You can’t let it go any more than you could change who you are on a fundamental level. You now have to dare, see and try to make it real or happen. And the funny thing is setting off in pursuit of it can be just as satisfying as attaining it. Doing nothing with your dreams is not an option for you this year, Pisces. Go chase them as this is what ‘living the dream’ is actually about.
In a nutshell: Whatever you do in ‘22, don’t put fences around your imagination, Pisces. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to where your ideas can take you. Especially when you bring them down-to-earth by sharing them.
Jan 1 2022 Sun in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
Jan 2 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 2 2022 Mercury enters Aquarius (12th)
Jan 7 2022 Retrograde Venus and Juno conjunct in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 9 2022 Sun and Retrograde Venus conjunct in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 12 2022 Vesta enters Capricorn (11th)
Jan 14 2022 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aquarius (12th)
Jan 14 2022 Ceres stationary direct in Taurus (3rd)
Jan 16 2022 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 17 2022 Full Moon in Cancer (5th)
Jan 17 2022 Eros enters Pisces (1st)
Jan 18 2022 Uranus stationary direct in Taurus (3rd)
Jan 19 2022 North Node Enters Taurus (3rd)
Jan 20 2022 Sun enters Aquarius (12th)
Jan 23 2022 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Aquarius (12th)
Jan 24 2022 Mars enters Capricorn (11th)
Jan 24 2022 Juno and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 26 2022 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Capricorn (11th)
Jan 28 2022 Vesta in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries (11th to 2nd)
Jan 29 2022 Venus stationary direct in Capricorn (11th)
Jan 30 2022 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
Jan 30 2022 Jupiter and Eros conjunct in Pisces (1st)
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