New Moon In Leo – Brave New You!

It’s New Moon in Leo today!

It’s New Moon in Leo today which comes as a welcome relief. Leo New Moon gives us a shot of confidence and bravado as it reboots our self esteem. Creative juices start to flow as our soul reminds us that we each have a unique voice. Are you using yours?

Whatever has held you back from expressing your vision and talents can shift today. Here are a few tips to make the most of it.

Generosity of spirit

Leo is famous for her generosity of spirit. At her best she bestows a warm hug of love on all who come close. Commit to being generous with yourself. Be generous with time and love for you. Spoil yourself. Extend the hand of love to others and pay it forward. Partake in a random act of kindness today. Random acts of kindness are not only a soul boost but are also good for your health!

New moon in LeoStrut your stuff!

When we’re confident it helps draw positive circumstances to us. From Madonna to President Obama, Leo’s know all about confidence and self esteem. All of us go through periods of self esteem issues. When we’re in fear it can create blocks and can go hand in hand with falling into a quagmire of despair. Let the Leo New Moon remind you that you are equal to every soul on earth. I learned a great life lesson from a Leo I met when I was 15, walk with confidence. Even if you don’t believe it at first, confidence will come. And it did!

Madonna LeoDream a dream

Stick your tail in the air and shimmy toward your dream. Do one practical thing today toward your goal. Your Leo New Moon message is to get creative. Think out of the box. Do something stimulating. Write a soul map listing the steps toward your dream and tick them off as you go. Create a personal manifesto that lists your core beliefs about how you want to live your life. Stick it on the fridge, but most importantly, do one of them! Think out of the box but be practical. Leo also knows that play and joy often lead to breakthroughs. What are you going to create today?

new moon in leoBe Brave

Sometimes we feel more like the cowardly lion than the Queen of the jungle. The Lion in the Wizard of Oz teaches us that we are probably braver than we realise, we’ve been brave all along. Just being on your personal soul journey is an act of bravery! Let the Leo New Moon encourage this in you. If you were brave and fearless, what would you do today and with your life?

And ALWAYS wear sunscreen :)

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