Your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope September 14th 2023


Your New Moon in Virgo Moonscope September 15 2023

Perform an act of devotion to something new under the pristine and perfecting new Moon in Virgo. Virgo is the sign which says: You don’t need ‘it all’. You only need what is right for you. The appearance of this new Moon allows us to focus on just that. And step free of distractions and what is no longer fit for our souls. All you need is one. And all we need do is commit to one new and healthy choice with this new Moon. And stick to it. That’s the beauty and the brilliance contained within it. It not only hones our focus, but boosts our ability to see something through.

The new Moon appears at 21o 59’ for Virgo. Do check your chart for any factors in any house at 21-22 degrees. The Moon favours the earth signs – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. As well as Pisces as it is in your 7th house of partnerships. It will effortlessly cut away from our lives anything we no longer need. Or simply does us no good. And then seamlessly replace it with what does. And this process should be painless. Of course, we have to willingly engage with its energy and be open to what is right for us. One perfect choice or decision is all it takes.


full moon in aries

If you’re being too hard on yourself, or holding yourself to standards that are impossible to live up to, the new Moon in your 6th stops the insanity, Aries. Are you your own worst critic? Sometimes we are not even aware we’re doing this. And we certainly would not subject a friend or someone we loved to our own brand of negative self-talk. If this is occurring, the new Moon gives you not only a heads-up, but also sees you mindfully changing your narrative from here on in. Your 6th is ruled by Mercury which has been retrograde in here. It heads direct on the same day as the new Moon. As with any process or habit, it can take us a while to establish it. What you set in motion, that healthier decision around work or wellness, can be refined and readjusted during Mercury’s retroshadow. By the time we reach October, you’ll be living and working a brand new and lasting dynamic and making good choices along the way. If you fall off the good thoughts wagon for a day, you’ll climb back on the next. Telling yourself you have no willpower – that’s the first one you need to ditch, Aries.


Turn on that light and illuminate love, pleasure, romance, creativity and passion, Taurus. Ruler Venus is now direct and the new Moon in your 5th whispers a promise of new or reawakened love. It’s time to plant a seed for your future. To conceive of something new. And yes, this can be literal as this is your house of babies and children. For others, it could involve suddenly seeing where you’ve gone wrong with the choices you’ve made in love in the past, and now using this to identify the love that’s right for you. The One in other words. If you are single and seeking, this may involve you re-writing that dating profile or heading out with a fresh and better criteria that stops the time wasting. Across all areas when it comes to who you love or even what you love to do. Yes, all you need is love. If you now know you would not have recognised them or it in the past if it had turned up with a neon sign saying: This is the one you’ve been waiting for – well, just look at how far you’ve come, Taurus. Now you’ll know it for sure when you see it.



Look forward to making a healthy, sustaining, emotionally satisfying and long term choice under the new Moon in your 4th. Around your home, living situation, family, lifepath or life style, Gemini. Chances are you have been thinking about this during ruler Mercury’s retrograde in this house. Which ends the day the new Moon appears. Yes, of course we still have to free ourselves of the retro-shade period. But the new Moon signals your intention to move forward – literally in some cases, and make this happen. Property matters which have been stuck now unstick themselves. Or a better alternative appears in some cases. Especially if the retrograde delivered something falling through or a reversal. This is also the perfect new Moon under which to define, refine and declutter. You need to make space for the new to come in. Want to move or move on emotionally? Open up your windows (physical and in your mind), and let in the fresh air. Then clear your space of anything you no longer need. Sell it, give it away, toss it or give it to charity. You are also creating emotional space when it comes to family dynamics if needed. But that healthy choice is all yours, Gemini.


Push the button, Cancer! The time for just talking or planning is done. What you’ve been mulling over or discussing during the Mercury retrograde in your 3rd, now needs your commitment and follow-through as the new Moon appears in here. Coincidentally, the same day Mercury heads direct again. I am not saying you may not make some refinements or adjustments along the way. Especially as Mercury has yet to clear its retro-shadiness. But the arrival of the new Moon tells you that walking your talk is the only way forward. And that launching your plans or acting on intention is not only integral to making it real, but necessary for your health and self-esteem. It’s time to rediscover the magic of your ideas and what you can achieve when you act on them. We get disconnected from our greatness when we are all talk and no action. We stop believing in ourselves. Just as others stop believing in us when we fail on that follow-through. Or does the new Moon highlight for you where talk is simply cheap? You could walk yours away if so, Cancer! That’s when actions really do speak louder than words.



You’re out of the shadows and finally stepping into the light with the arrival of the new Moon in your 2nd of money and self-worth. Venus which rules this house is direct again. And now Mercury shifts back into 1st gear on new Moon day. The time for waiting is over but do stick to whatever decisions you made under this retro cycle. Especially when it comes to money and love. The new Moon should present you with a refined choice based on these. It says: Less is more. You should be very clear now on what you do and don’t need. What adds value and what is in fact, window dressing. A fresh and more abundance creating option allows you to make a statement about your own worth. Have you been relying on outer relationships or the things you own to make you feel worthy or valuable? Leo – you are so done with that cycle! All this retro action has simply validated the worth you carry within. Sure, there is nothing wrong with the pursuit of money and lovely things. The new Moon allows you to quietly state your worth with or without these. But also opens up a paradoxical portal where by communicating your real worth, so much more abundance flows in your direction.



I been working on me
I been loving on me
I had to learn to love myself 

Yes, Jayson Lyric wrote your anthem for your freshly baked cycle, Virgo. No matter when your birthday is, the new Moon in your sign ushers in the start of your astrological year. And the song title is appropriately Self-Love. With ruler Mercury direct on the same day as the new Moon, this is where your life begins anew. Head into it with a fresh sense of self-love and acceptance. Focus now on all you are capable of achieving. Do you still retain any doubts about this Virgo? If so, take a moment to look back at all you’ve already achieved and done. How far you’ve come even in the 12 months since the beginning of your last cycle. Looking back and honouring our progress is a form of self-love too. And no, it is not narcissism as some critics will try to tell you. It’s an acknowledgement of your ability to evolve, heal and expand your experience of being loving and loved in return. So, be the love you want to see in your life. And don’t keep that to yourself, Virgo.


mars in libra

A subtle yet intense new Moon in your 12th has you taking responsibility for your future in a way you’ve not done before, Libra. Especially in terms of your own happiness. That’s got nothing to do with being closed off to relationships. In fact, it’s the absolute opposite. You know you are complete. You don’t need anyone to ‘fix’ you. You not only become the magician when it comes to weaving a resonant, vibrant, rich and loving life for yourself. But you also go deeper into any remaining healing which still needs to be done in order to have this. Leaving the past behind means leaving blame and resentment back there too. You see you decide how your life gets lived from this moment on. And that excites you like nothing else. We’re out of the intense retro weather too. Ruler Venus is direct in your house of the future. And Mercury also in your 12th goes forward as the new Moon appears. What is says is you’re ready and responsible for what happens from here on in. Get creating, Libra.


How about a goal commitment ceremony to work a little or a lot of future-proof manifestation magic under the new Moon in your 11th? Infuse a dream with the activation of your intention. Write down your most important goal. And be as detailed as you can about it. This is a fabulous new Moon under which to begin a goal diary to chart your progress. So why not get one if you don’t already have one? Carve out some sacred time for this. And feel good about it. You might want to wear something you like or an outfit you would associate with living or having that goal. Light candles. Unplug your devices. When you’ve done writing it all down, read it out loud. And don’t forget ‘I affirm and commit to my intention’. Then track your progress. This may astound you over the upcoming month. Mercury which has been retrograde in this house, also heads direct on the day of the new Moon, adding to the momentum. This is your house of friendships, groups, clubs, associations and movements. It also asks you set your intentions for your social life for the next six months. People who may be connected to your goals can and will appear. Set it all in motion now.


mercury and venus in sagittarius

How badly do you want it, Sag? Of course, what ‘it’ is will be unique to each and everyone of you. The new Moon in your 10th asks the question. And also shows you that there are no short cuts. Which is why you have to really, really want it in order to stay the course. Go all in – or go home. This is the first stage on a much longer journey. It is linked to your career, something you want to achieve and are willing to work hard in order to have, and your status and how others see you. Only the most serious intention and commitment will sustain you. But what this also tells you is that the rewards will be so worth the effort. As always, you won’t commit to anything you heart simply isn’t it. So, if a change of direction is needed, now is the time to course-correct. Especially as Mercury heads direct in this house on the same day. Sticking with something that hasn’t delivered on its promise also is no longer an option for you. You are a force to be reckoned with now, Sag. And nobody will doubt your purpose. Or you intention to crush anything you set out to do.


You need to know where you stand with lovers under the new Moon in your 9th. Fakey, flakey, hot-then-not loves aren’t your usual style in any case. You’ll be craving reassurance and consistency, Capricorn. Sure, this may sound mundane to some but it actually isn’t. Nobody wants their heart toyed with. Yes, Venus retrograde should have sorted out the frogs for you. But if there are still lingering questions over that ribbit you hear, this new Moon combined with Mercury also direct the same day, delivers answers. This is your house of big loves and also realness. Which is why there will be a need to know where you stand. It’s also your house of travel, foreigners and long journeys.  All now back on the agenda along with studies and those plans. You are being asked to step into something bigger. There’s a key area you’ve outgrown if you look carefully. Time to acknowledge that and expand yourself into fresh possibilities. 


full moon in aquarius

Hesitation vanishes and is replaced by fresh certainty thanks to the combination of new Moon and Mercury direct the same day in your 8th. Change is in motion and you may be actively seeking it out. Your next brilliant, bold move is revealed. Or at the very least, the first step you need to take. The retrograde weather for you should have been a season of shedding what you no longer need. And a re-appreciation of all that you do and have in your life. If there’s anything revealed to be missing – the new Moon sees your emotional intention determined to bring it about. However, it also hands you much needed clarity when it comes to knowing what you can control and influence. And what you can’t. So, you’ll fix what you can fix. And what you can’t fix you’ll no longer worry about. Which paradoxically sees it fall away or fix itself. The only thing we can ever change is ourselves or our thoughts. So let go of any need to change the world. Or others in it. And fly freer as a result.


full moon in pisces

Love is never perfect. But is it perfect for you? And trying to live up to someone else’s idea of the perfect love? Impossible and exhausting, Pisces. So, don’t even go there! And if someone is constantly pointing out our supposed ‘imperfections’ – well, nobody’s perfect and again, that’s not love. So do keep this in mind as the new Moon appears in your 7th. This ushers in an important new cycle of relating and partnership potential. One based on real and honest communication. Mercury direct in here on the same day sees you open and wearing your heart on your sleeve. You are able to talk about your feelings without fear of being judged. Or you should be. So, do look closely at anyone who does. Single as a Pringle and ready to mingle? With Venus now direct again, its time to put yourself back out there. But do so with a new lightness of heart and willingness to let go of the memories of past failures. It’s time to trust in the process of loving again if this has been damaged in the past. Just know the partner who brings out our desire to be the best possible version of ourselves is a healthy choice. And our choice entirely. You don’t have to live up to anyone’s idea of what perfection is. Only yours, Pisces. So let in the real love.

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