October 26th 2020 – Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs October 26 2020
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
This week also sees retrograde Mercury re-enter your 7th house while on the same day (28th), Venus which rules this house, enters from the opposite side. So, one in the front and the other through the back. Past loves, issues with partners, lovers or any close long-term relationship that you’ve let slide, the one that got away, the love of something you used to love to do -is it time to pick up the treads or deal with this once and for all?
The Halloween full Moon falls on Uranus in your money zone. Full Moons brings culminations and peak experiences. But Uranus in the mix tells us this has a direction all its own. Uranus wants to free you on some level. This could be around money owed, debts, money shared, your salary and yes, that partnership as this is all about the two-way street of sharing. Avoid big financial commitments and transactions at this time. But anything you have been putting off – from that talk to taking care of business, may take on a life and a direction of its own. Hold tight to those values, Aries. They are both your compass and your wizarding magic this Halloween.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: It’s a blue Moon Halloween, Aries! Your true magic stems from your values – and refusing to sell out. Hold tight to what your soul tells you is right. It’s your spell book and compass.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Flying free of something (finally) may be a theme of this week’s full Moon in your 1st on Halloween. Along with Uranus in your 1st, it is set to deliver a peak experience where you are released from something which simply doesn’t align with who you are or those values, Taurus.
Keep it simple
This week also has ruler Venus on the move. It arrives in your 6th on the 28th – the same day as Mercury which rules this house, returns to it from the opposite end. Think one guest coming through the front door, the other via the back. There are elements of work (paid or unpaid), your routine and your wellbeing that still require your attention and need to be taken care of now. If anything, you are being asked to uncomplicate matters. So, think simple. Because solutions usually are.
Chances are the thing you need to be released from is having a major impact on how you feel. Whether you’ve been aware of this or not. And chances are this involves someone close to you. Failure to tackle this can lead to the following side effects: blurting, tears, frustration, energy drain, loss of faith in love and your dreams, feeling disconnected. When we don’t take the actions we are supposed to, sooner or later, the universe steps in and presents us with circumstances that ensure we do.
Others could end up surprised in the best possible way by a partner’s gesture or an opportunity to take something to the next level. If so, take it as a sign you’ve made all the right moves right up to the full Moon, Taurus. Either way – you’re flying free now.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Halloween delivers a full ‘blue’ Moon in your 1st. The surprise may just be the direction you want to take a personal desire now, Taurus. Magic up some changes. This week says: Love happens.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Ruler Mercury moonwalks back into your 5th of lovers, children, creative self-expression and what infuses your heart with joy this week, Gemini. The same day this occurs (28th), sees Venus arrive in the same house but via the front door. So, see this as igniting all the potential in between.
Parenting, adoption, grandparenting, babies, your adult children may feature now. As could that returning lover or opportunity to shine and showcase your talents. What comes back could seem brand new so revivals and reconciliations may feature due to Venus’s forward motion.
Tales of the Unexpected
This theme of the past resurfacing in some way – and possibly unexpectedly, is part of this week’s Halloween magic for you. You have a full Moon on this day in your 12th alongside Uranus in here. Uranus loves to surprise. Full Moons bring peak experiences plus the promise of release into something new afterwards. Uranus’s main goal is always freedom. A missing piece of the puzzle, something hidden, news or a piece of information puts something into a fresh perspective for you.
This may electrify you and come literally ‘out of the blue’. Expect revelations which are linked to your long-term wellbeing now. It lightens you even as it states something obvious. The Halloween effect for you? Being able to soar higher on that broomstick than before, Gemini.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Everything old could seem new again under the full ‘blue’ Moon of Halloween, Gemini. Especially when it comes to love. Expect the past to reappear in unexpected ways. Feel-good freeing outcomes could just follow.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Any month with a ‘blue’ Moon is going to be a big month for you, Cancer. This one spookily so as the second full Moon of the month appears on Halloween. Goals, friendships, contacts, connections will form part of this. As will a bigger vision unfolding.
First however, let’s talk about where you hang that witch’s hat – your home, flat, apartment or simply where you park your cauldron. You have planets entering your 4th this week from both directions. Retro Mercury via your back door and Venus through the front. Time to focus on what still needs to be done to ‘put your house in order’. Venus wants enhancement and enjoyment. But Mercury wants us to attend to practical matters. Updating, organising, home editing, planning, paying bills, ensuring everything works. Sort out any outstanding issues with your landlord, council, mortgage, repairs etc. It’s mundane, sure. But it makes enjoying our home and feeling ‘at home’ so satisfying.
Expect the unexpected
The Halloween ‘blue’ full Moon in your 11th is conjunct Uranus (whose colour is electric blue incidentally). This is Uranus’s ruling house in your chart. Friendships or one particular friend or group could be highlighted for you. You of all signs know that full Moons bring peak experiences. If you are meeting friends under this full Moon – anyone from one friend to that coven, then know this may not go as planned. Socially distanced broomstick riding aside, you may discover you no longer feel the resonance.
And ahead of this Moon if one friendship immediately comes to mind, then this is who or what needs your attention. Unexpected invitations however could open doors to new realms of possibility. Don’t say no. Your goals could shift and who is riding into the future with you should be apparent now. Sharing Halloween with like-minded souls is the positive aspect of this full Moon. Especially if you pride yourselves on being different. Want to learn astrology? There’s no better full Moon under which to begin.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: You’ve got chills, they’re multiplyin’. Expect an electrifying experience under this week’s ‘blue’ Halloween full Moon, Cancer. Someone could have an unexpected influence on your future path. Get ready for a fresh direction.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Say it again, Leo. You may have to repeat yourself this week as retro Mercury backs up into its ruling 3rd on the 28th. Venus also appears in this house – via the front door. Writing, publishing, the internet, studying, getting around – you may need to go back over one, some or all of these areas again. And if you do repeat yourself – say it with love.
Reviving a past project is likely now as is picking up a discussion where it left off. This could be with a former client, lover or even boss. This week is also all about your path and your public image. You should be able to work the latter like a boss as your sign rules reputation. Ensure you are seen in the best possible light at the time of the ‘blue’ full Moon on Halloween. Especially when it comes to whose who matter.
Rule that reputation, own that success story
The full Moon bumps into Uranus in your 10th. It’s all about working your smarts and authority but in your way. Yes, you can play by the rules but still stand out as a visionary. Full Moons bring culminations and peak energy. Uranus is all about innovation, evolution and freedom. Some of you may bring a key career matter to a final stage.
Others may be making decisions that impact on their job title or even their personal status. If you are on the wrong path or a dead-end one, this full Moon may point the way to fly your broomstick in the direction of a more satisfying one. Halloween hands you the power to direct where you head next, Leo. So be the decision maker. You’re the boss of you, after all.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Your path and purpose is in focus like never before this week, Leo. Thanks to a direction-determining full ‘blue’ Moon in your 10th. Set a fresh direction. And work success your way.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Ruler Mercury remains retrograde and returns to your 2nd on the 28th. This is the same day as Venus which rules this house, leaves your 1st and arrives in it via the opposite door. So, focus on all the potential in-between these two when it comes to your money, income, cash, possessions, side hustle and that all important self-esteem, Virgo. Do you still need to audit any of these areas? Get it done before Mercury heads direct again next month.
Big picture thinking begins at home
This week delivers a ‘blue’ Moon in your freedom focussed 9th house. This is usually what I like to call an Explorers Moon as this house rules long distance travel. But right now, most of us are staying close to home rather than setting sail on an adventure. That does not mean there isn’t still plenty to explore however. Right from your front room or your neighbourhood. The familiar may look unfamiliar now. Or you may find yourself dealing with people far away via the Internet.
This full Moon has an unusual travelling companion. Uranus. Uranus wants us to evolve via experiencing freedom. You may literally step free in unexpected ways of something that has been holding you back or blocking you. Something may be finalised or concluded under this Moon which opens the way for you to do just that. Large projects, anything to do with the law or studying, foreign affairs, the mass media, animals, the outdoors. Opportunity comes in disguise under this full Moon. Take a different path under it. It will lead you right where you need to go, Virgo.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: You’re being asked to embark on a journey this Halloween, Virgo. To point that broomstick in a new direction. Ideas, learning opportunities and experiences are yours to explore. The journey begins – right from your front door or lounge room!
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Get ready for a revival and relaunch. Ruler Venus arrives in your 1st telling you its time for some self-love from the 28th. It’s all about transformation and magic this Halloween, Libra. The same day sees retrograde Mercury reappear through the back door. So, think of the space between these two as room to design a new look or message for yourself. A little brand adjustment before Mercury heads direct once more next month.
The real change may go on behind closed doors
Change is in the air so ride the winds of it this Halloween, Libra. There’s a ‘blue’ Moon in your house of transformation, sharing and empowerment. This is your ‘other’ money house. It rules your salary, benefits, taxes, legacies, mortgage, loans and joint assets. As well as your sex life. Something may shift or the terms may change between you and someone else under this Moon. What this is may be intensely intimate. It’s funny as so many people find it easier to be open about sex than money.
Negotiations may come to a conclusion under this Moon. Or you may finalise something. The net result of this will be a new kind of freedom you’ve not experienced for some time. It may even feel like a rebirth. Some of you could literally be let off or let go of an issue that’s been controlling you for far too long. Thank Uranus for this. It’s all about flying away from anything that stops you evolving this witchy season, Libra.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: This week’s Halloween ‘blue’ full Moon points to an important discussion or transformation, Libra. It may go on behind closed doors or simply be too private to share. But it’s impact – alchemy.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Dynamic duos and double acts of all descriptions are going to feature this week, Scorpio. Especially those with a past flavour. Retro Mercury exits your sign on the 28th, re-entering your 12th on the 28th. The same day has Venus arrive in here – from the opposite side of the house. So think one in the back door, the other through the front.
This is your house of the past so expect elements to now resurface or even reappear. If not in person then certainly in your thoughts or spooky reminders that have you re-examining elements of it. What have you learned or how have you changed since then? If confronted with the same choices now, would you choose differently this time around?
Hubble bubble, double trouble!
Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon in your 7th and conjunct Uranus. So, it’s about you and someone else but perhaps not in the way you might imagine. Uranus is an ‘all bets are off’ planet. It’s highly unpredictable. But one thing we do know about it is that it wants us to evolve. This is about evolving your love or partnership experience. Be open to the form this takes. Unexpected encounters, blasts from the past could play a role. Or you could conjure a lover like no other you’ve previously encountered. One perhaps who wants to share their broomstick with you.
Full Moons bring peak experiences to release us into something new. Don’t shy away from that talk or discussion with your significant other. New love can come from old. Or you head away from the same old on that broomstick and on towards something or someone new now.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Halloween brings double the magic, double the trouble and possibly double the love, Scorpio. The ‘blue’ full Moon in your lasting love zone is all about dynamic duos of all kinds. And one that evolves your soul.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Fly that broomstick back to the future this week, Sag. Retro Mercury re-enters your 11th on the 28th, while Venus also arrives in here – via the front entrance on the same day. Past friendships, haunts and hangouts could feature now. As could those goals as this is your house of the days of future past.
There’s a time travelling element in the air this Halloween. Expect to be re-visiting something. A friendship. A group. A connection. A dream. And check in for relevance. Is the resonance still there? Is it time to reconnect or revive a goal you now see should never have been let go of in the first place?
Back to the future or turn back time?
Uranus is the ruler of your 11th house. And it is all caught up with this week’s ‘blue’ Moon this Halloween. With the Sun in your 12th opposing it in your 6th, this is all about how past choices and decisions have impacted on how you feel and what you do in the present. That witchy routine, those cauldron stirring habits, that magical blend of what you eat for instance. Is it time for a fresh conjuring? A spell-binding mix?
Take a good look at how each choice you have made (or not made as this too is a choice) has brought you to where you are now. There’s a clear link and a pattern here. Before you go back to the future, imagine how this choice will affect your future. Write down all the possible ways. Letting go is a choice too. Your choice under this blue Moon may surprise even you. But it’s the right one for you right now, Sag.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Travelling back in time is possible this Halloween. Under the light of the ‘blue’ full Moon you could reconnect to past friendships, haunts or even your childhood. Ensure you only bring what’s relevant back into the future with you.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Best face forward this Halloween week, Capricorn. Make sure that broomstick shines and sparkles under the light of this week’s ‘blue’ Moon. You’re on show in more ways than one. So cast a spell designed to impress.
Retro Mercury re-appearing in your 10th of career and status-making moves along with Venus also entering here on the 28th is telling you that yes, you DO get a second chance to make a first impression. This is your house of your ‘public’ image. Where you are ‘known’ for what you achieve and how you act. This week could see you re-present, re-apply or revive a project, plan or career opportunity. Or re-encounter someone influential. Just know that asking a second time may be worth it now.
Dare to fly that broomstick your way
This week’s ‘blue’ full Moon is in your ‘other’ house where you are on show. Your 5th. This is where you get to shine and get yourself noticed. Usually through what you love to do. If you want to turn a hobby or passion into a vocation, or be noticed for your talents, this is the house where this happens. It doesn’t have the serious vibe of your 10th. But combined with your 10th house transits and Uranus also in your 5th, this could hand you an unexpected opportunity to stand out, be recognised and rewarded in some way.
Full Moons bring peak experiences. Finishing off a creative project is one element of this. As is deciding whether a lover is right for you – or not. Date night could bring surprising outcomes – either delighting or disappointing. Others could snag the attention of someone wildly and sexily different. They are designed to stand out from the crowd in some way. Either via how they look. Or what they do or are into. You on show draws them in. Dare to stand out yourself under this full Moon. And fly that broomstick your way for success, Capricorn.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Personally or professionally you’re on display this Halloween, Capricorn. Trick or treat? You know you can be both. The trick is being unafraid to stand out. The treat? The attention and rewards that follow.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Free your wild side this Halloween week, Aquarius. Especially if you’ve been keeping it under wraps lately. Retrograde Mercury moves back into your 9th of freedom and expansion on the 28th. The same day as Venus arrives in here from the opposite side. In the middle – all this potential waiting to be let loose.
Explore the freedom/security paradox
You can explore this right from the comfort of your couch. Freedom comes in many forms. This includes a home and lifestyle that hands us that. This week’s ‘blue’ Moon on Halloween offers that opportunity. This is the Moon’s ruling house so expect powerful feelings to surface. Along with unexpected twists and events. Perhaps around your home, apartment, those you live with or share your space with, family, your landlord, council, homeland or your roots. Events in the outer world may ripple back and effect you. All due to this full Moon conjunct your ruler Uranus in here.
You’re part of a bigger plan or picture this week. And this may involve changes around any of the above. They may be unexpected or even unsettling to begin with. But tell yourself that’s fine. Because if this occurs it means that comfort zone has turned into a cage which is preventing your growth. Changes following this full Moon will actually have the effect of creating more security and a better base from which to experience a real and lasting kind of freedom. That’s the paradox this week. So, see anything unexpected as just that. An opportunity to live better. A free of anything that confines you.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Don’t hang on to the status quo this week, Aquarius. Ruler Uranus comes armed with a plan. And a new flightpath for your broomstick under this week’s ‘blue’ Moon. Upping broomsticks could be part of this. Greater freedom and security is what follows.
This Halloween brings us a full ‘blue’ Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. We also have the Sun in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Check your birthchart now for chart factors at 8 degrees of any sign. If you have them, you will be directly affected by this energy. Hang on to that broomstick – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!
Love is the change you have been waiting for, Pisces. Expect changes around an existing arrangement this week. If you are negotiating anything, do it with empowerment and love. Words are magic spells. And this Halloween wants you to experience the power of what you say. And the intention behind it.
You’re going back over the terms of something you share with someone else now. Your boss, your boo or even the bank or a government body. Contracts, negotiations and agreements may feature now Mercury re-enters your 8th on the 28th. This is your ‘other’ money house and Venus which rules your bank account also arrives in here on this day. From the other end of the ‘vault’ if you like. This could involve joint assets, your pay or a pay-rise, a payout, your mortgage, credit card or money you owed or are owed. Or just as easily involve the terms of your relationship. As in who gives or does what. State your terms with diplomacy and love. But stick to them.
Words are magic – that’s why it’s called ‘spelling’
This week’s ‘blue’ full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. This is your house of communication, words, contracts, business, writing, publishing and the internet. Full Moons are all about culminations and conclusions. So, expect this to bring just that. Tying up loose ends brings you the freedom Uranus wants you to have. The power to get the outcome you want lies both in how you say it, and the meaning behind it, Pisces. That’s why we call it ‘spelling’. Speak, write and communicate with intention. It’s magic.
If you have discovered planets at 8 degrees in your chart and want to know more, book a session with one of our astrologers for extra Halloween magic and freedom making broomstick moves.
In a nutshell: Write, talk and weave a little magic under the ‘blue’ Halloween full Moon this week, Pisces. Say it with intention – and with love. Words are magic spells and you have the power to weave one.
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