25th November 2019 Weekly Astrology

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 25 2019 – New Moon in Sagittarius
- Opportunity knocks
- Values underwrite that success story
- Discover just what you can achieve, Aries!
Fabulous new deals and wonderful releases into new possibilities could see you reaping the benefits for your efforts this week, Aries. November ends on a high note thanks to the movement of planets into your 10th of reputation, your public image and career. This may bring you not only recognition but tangible, material rewards along with it. Along with a sense of relief, freedom and excitement. Ceres in your 10th rules deals which benefit both parties. Venus rules your bank account as well as partnership matters. It joins Ceres in your 10th this week enhancing either your professional reputation and promising success. If not yours, then that of a partner. Work done not just professionally but around your values and self-worth could pay dividends this week in the form of success, achievement or a sudden sky-rocketing change in your status as Ceres (25th) and then Venus (28th) trine Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd.
Both Venus and Ceres meet on the 30th would could see you doing a deal which expands your professional horizons or sends you off into a new territory when combined with the new Moon in your 9th on the 26th. This could take you off in an exciting new direction which offers you so much more in terms of rewards and what you van accomplish. Neptune moves direct once more in your 12th allowing you to tap into insightful and inspired ideas that support those higher aims. Work with soul and a desire for the best outcome. And it won’t just be you who reaps the benefits, Aries.
In a nutshell: Recognition and acclaim could be yours this week, Aries. It’s time to step into a new and exciting success cycle. Doors to success swing wide. Step through and start the journey!
- Compromise hands you what you truly value
- Make a bold and beautiful change for the better
- You have your dreams for a reason
Bold, brave and beautiful changes can be made this week Taurus. All of which hand you a sense of renewed self-worth and satisfaction. There’s the magic of freedom in the air which comes along with this. For some of you this could involve sharing something in a new way – anything from those chores to other resources. It can hand you something you value above all else. This could even be something intangible but priceless. Freedom for example, more time for the things you want to do rather than have to do. Ceres ruler of new worlds and compromises trines Uranus in your 1st on the 25th promising simply a new way of living, working or sharing with someone. This comes the day before the new Moon in your 8th. The house of shared assets, mortgages, your salary, investments, joint accounts and anything you share with a partner – from your bed to the kids if you have them.
Ruler Venus has a massive part to play in all of this as it too enters your 9th on the 26th and will make the same angle to Uranus on the 28th. More time to go after those goals or simply set in motion those future plans could form part of this as Neptune shifts to direct motion in your 11th on the same day. It’s telling you not to give up on those dreams. To find a way. The month ends with a solution or compromise which basically seals the deal for you. Whether it’s in business, love or simply soul freedom as Venus and Ceres meet in your 9th. You are released from restriction and on into something much bigger which gives you room to grow. And above all, pursue what matters to you, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Time for freedom and time for what really matters to you, Taurus. These are things beyond price. This week offers a chance to strike a deal where you get both. Find that compromise.
- Opportunity like the angels, could arrive unawares
- Step into a new way to love
- Reconnect to passion
What something appears to be may not be actually what it is this week, Gemini. So, keep an open mind. This includes people, relationships and situations. Change may sweep in and catch you unawares. This is neither good nor bad – it is change only. So don’t label it if you can possibly avoid it. The changes that occur now have a purpose. And that is to free you and reconnect you to passion. This week sees both Ceres and Venus in your 8th trine Uranus in your 12th. This is an electrifying angle which could deliver new options or just highlight what has been missing in your life or keeping you stuck for far too long.
This week also brings you a fabulous new Moon in your 7th. Which of course, Venus rules. It points to a new phase in relating. And one which allows you learning and freedom. Existing partnerships could enter a new phase. Others could see a new one emerging. One where the dynamic benefits both of you equally. Don’t forget this could manifest as a work, business, collaborative partnership or even a close friendship. It’s set to redefine your ideas around what two can do together – or work towards, experience or achieve. Neptune heads direct this week is your 10th. You need to remain clear about what it is you want to achieve professionally or how you want to be perceived by those who matter. This is all about your public image. Don’t be vague about this. Venus and Ceres meet in your 8th on the 30th. Pointing to a powerful new deal or compromise with someone as this is your house of shared resources as well as changes. The transformations which occur this week – whether you have set them in motion or not, are designed to align you to something far better. Remember – like angels, opportunity often arrives in disguise.
In a nutshell: Be open to what change, opportunity or even love looks like, Gemini. This week tells you it may come in disguise. It’s all designed to put you on a higher path however – and set you free.
- Change those love rules
- Create a win/win future
- Make wellbeing work for you
Venus arrives in its ruling 7th this week. And both it and Ceres not only meet in here on the 30th but both trine Uranus in its ruling 11th in your chart. Ceres on the 25th and Venus on the 28th. Your love future is being set in motion now. Past, present and potential partners feature. Ceres rules deals and compromises. And the ability to come up with win/win solutions. If a current relationship needs renegotiating, you can reach that middle ground where love is shared or flows equally. Others could reconcile or attract a brand-new love dynamic. It’s about sharing, opening up and letting the other party fully into your world. Be open about your feelings, what you want for the future and for you both. Invite them to share. You could be amazed at what you can achieve.
With those highly charged angles to Uranus, if you are seeking love it is time to put yourself out there. Either on line or in the real world. Your love future is being set in motion this week. The week also sees a fresh cycle appear when it comes to work, routine and wellbeing. All thanks to a new Moon in your 6th on the 26th. This could usher in the start of long-term changes which enhance how you feel and your everyday routine or day job. Neptune, planet of spiritual truths, heads direct one again this week in your house of long-distance travel and higher learning. Reaching for a more universal outlook, connecting to enhanced insight or wisdom or even travelling somewhere that changes your belief system or worldview is possible now. You see your place in the grand scheme of things. That includes the grand scheme of love too.
In a nutshell: Set your love future in motion this week, Cancer. New beginnings are possible now. Whether it’s a past, present or potential partner, you can create something that works for you both.
- Welcome to your second birthday season
- Attract and shine
- Open up to opportunity
If there is one period of the year that feels like your actual birthday season, it’s the month your ruler the Sun is in your 5th house, Leo. This is its ruling house of course and shines on your and your ability to draw to you all those things that make your heart sing. Attention, romance, fun, creative self-expression, good times and joy around children or the younger generation. Time to showcase yourself as you would if it were your actual birthday. You know what to do. You’re the star of your own reality show so act like it. This week’s new Moon in your 5th on the 26th says it’s time for you to begin something new and breath-taking opportunities could present themselves. Time to stand out, sparkle and take a chance. Fall back in love if you are settled and be prepared to fall in love – either with an actual person or in love with a part of your life whether attached or free.
Your health, wellbeing and routine will also demand your attention. After all, you can’t enjoy all the opportunities knocking at your door if you don’t feel your best. Or have taken on too much. Ceres and Venus are now in your 6th and Venus wants to enhance your day-to-day routine while Ceres rules compromises. What can you shift, renegotiate or let go of? Are you shouldering too much responsibility? As both planets trine Uranus in your status sector this week deals can be done at work that enhance your status or workload simply by taking a radically different approach. Make those agreements designed to bring about a win/win on the 30th when Venus and Ceres meet. The way to change or negotiate for a better deal all round could be clear thanks to Neptune now direct in your 8th from the 28th. Know what win/win looks like. Winning for you means enjoying your time to shine this week, Leo.
In a nutshell: Time to fall in love with love. Or even in love with your life, Leo. This week offers a new beginning around love, attraction and pleasure. Get ready to attract attention – and opportunity.
- Be the love you want to attract into your life
- Don’t stay put
- New beginning enhance your security – and for those you love
Lucky, loved-up you this week, Virgo. Life is flowing in a new direction for you. But it wants you to own it as yours. Are you ready? One thing is certain – you won’t want to be alone now Venus joins Ceres in your 5th. Romance, attraction and good times are your goal. As could be seeking acknowledgement or attention for all you have to offer, Virgo. And believe me that’s a lot. You’re stepping into a showcase now where your talents or simply your specialness are on display. You could find yourself the centre of attention, making an unforgettable impression on someone – anyone from that boss, client, VIP or lover. Time to put your best self forward as a new role is on offer and you are the star. Watch for unexpected invites, opportunities and introductions. Last minute changes of plans could bring luck your way as both Ceres and Venus will trine Uranus in your house of luck, learning and expansion this week.
The trick is to see opportunity for what it is when it presents itself. And then to claim it. The new Moon of the 26th appears in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. This is your house of home, homeland, family and roots. It is also your house of owning yourself and your own path. If you have felt ‘stuck’ in a key area of your life over these past few months, the significance of this new Moon cannot be undersold. Own your path and what you want for yourself and you could now be looking at the beginning of a shift. Forward motion begins again where before there was struggles and being stuck in place. It’s time for you to step away from who or what holds you back on in place, and go towards what frees you and expands your horizons. As you do, you’ll feel the love grow, Virgo.
In a nutshell: This week asks you not to stay put, Virgo. There’s a new path opening up for you. The signpost tells you you’re heading in the direction of love. Seize that new beginning now.
- Take a leaf out of a new playbook
- Don’t compromise on what’s priceless to you
- Decisions pave the way for long term security
What are you willing to trade? What won’t you at any cost? What do you value most? This week says know your worth and also that the price is right when it comes to talking about any kind of deal, negotiation or even making that big, long term decision. This may revolve around your home, apartment, living arrangement, family, lifestyle or your pay or salary. What you invest and what you take out. Uranus in your 8th is all about defining your worth and what is simply priceless to you. This week is going to present you will an opportunity to state your values. It’s also going to have you looking at where you are willing to compromise. And where you’re not. Ruler Venus arrives in your 4th enhancing all endeavours related to your foundations and long-term security. It joins Ceres in here on the 26th. Both will trine Uranus and both meet in here on the 30th. Reaching for that compromise over what you are prepared to trade and what you get in exchange is possible now. Whether it’s that pay increase, that property deal or even how the chores are divided between you and your partner. Both these planets offer solution and both want that win/win outcome.
Important documents can be signed and agreements entered in to thanks to the new Moon in your 3rd. However, please bear in mind that Mercury which rules this house, still has a few more days in retroshadow. Use this time for some final fine-tuning especially as Neptune in Mercury’s ruling 6th, moves forward on the 28th. Time to escape that dull routine but you need a plan to do so. This new Moon always asks us to have new game plan for the future. This always relates to creating something which supports us in some way. Your values define the direction you are heading in this week. Communicate these clearly and then set your intentions, Libra. You’re laying the foundation for something worthwhile – and lasting. Plus you have a brand new playbook to work from.
In a nutshell: Time for a new plan for the future. One where you get to have what matters most to you. When it comes to reaching an agreement with someone – the price is right for you both.
- Unexpected solutions and new beginnings appear
- Love is the deal on the table
- What you value increases the more you value it
Love could be the new deal on the table this week. Either a love contract agreement between you and someone you care for – or even in a working relationship. Communicating your intentions with the best interest of both parties in mind could simply hand you breakthroughs and success now. Unexpected conversations, encounters and news take you by surprise. Someone’s true feelings or intentions may not be what you first thought. You could end up pleasantly surprised if you have been deadlocked with someone how flexible and open-minded to reaching an agreement they suddenly become. Talks take a surprising turn for the better thanks to Ceres and Venus in your 3rd both trineing Uranus in your 7th this week. Opportunity or that potential love interest could look refreshingly different. Are you willing to opt for a different choice and therefore a different outcome to the one you have experienced in the past? The deal on the table whether it’s around love or work could look very different when Venus and Ceres meet on the 30th. Neptune direct in your romance zone says provided you see the past clearly you can learn from it. But no longer have to repeat it.
This week also brings you a new Moon in your house of values and money on the 26th. This is all about how you relate to both your money – and your values and self-worth. Time to set new standards in other words. Because this house is ruled by Venus its about the relationship you have with what you have. Want more? Value what you already have and take care of it. And watch how it not only starts to take care of you, but also how you start to attract more to value. This also includes the people who you value. And who value you in return. Enough to talk about a compromise or deal which benefits you both, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Your love future could look very different than it has done in the past, Scorpio. The same goes for work. Make a different choice for a new outcome. You’re both on the same page now.
- Who makes it happen? You do!
- Restore that balance to wellbeing
- Embody that new direction with a brand new you
If you don’t kickstart your life in a fresh direction, then just who will, Sag? This week sees one of the most important new Moons for doing just that shine out in your 1st. It’s asking where you want to go, what you want to do or experience in the coming year. And not to sit waiting for someone else to make the magic happen. Because this is your 1st of image, appearance, style, brand and how you come across to others, a new direction needs a new you to reflect where you are headed. How will you convey this? Anything from an image change to a name or title change is possible now. How do you want to be seen? Above all, this is a new Moon of believing in yourself. Because if you don’t believe in who you are or even your dreams and your ability to create them, nobody else will either.
Venus enters its ruling 2nd this week and this is of course, the house that holds the keys to our values and self-worth. It joins Ceres in here which rules deals and compromises. You could be making one with your routine, wellness regimen, a present or future employer that is a reflection of your values. And which also restores balance in a key area. Perhaps you have taken on too much. Having nothing to do is also an imbalance. Venus and Ceres meeting could deliver a new work opportunity or if you do not engage in paid work, a way to enhance your wellbeing or charge up that routine. Escaping a rut is possible as both Ceres (25th) and Venus (28th) trine Uranus in your 6th. Neptune in your 4th heads direct this week, clearing up confusion around home, living arrangements, family and lifestyle. You could have a clearer idea around where and how you need to be living and what is needed for your long-term security. There could be an offer on the table by the end of the month which sets you free from something that simply no longer works for you on some level. Venus and Ceres meeting on the 30th says this should bring financial as well as intangible benefits. Such as an upgrade to that self-esteem and knowing what you can achieve, Sag. After all, doesn’t that new you deserve a new deal?
In a nutshell: Chart yourself a new course and set off down it with confidence, Sag. It’s a week of brand-new beginnings and setting opportunity in motion. Who makes this happen? You do of course!
- Compromise is your magic ingredient
- Get set for attraction – and surprises!
- Intuition tells you where you need to be
Ahead of your birthday cycle next month, you head into fresh, new beginnings. You’ll be craving more excitement, passion and romance. As well as opportunities to socialise, party and play. Venus in your 1st is always about attraction. Looking and also feeling as good about yourself as you can. Reawaken the magician within now when it comes to your ability to attract what you need. And your faith that life is taking you down the path you need it to flow in. Your own ability to trust your intuition and your own decision-making process is also in focus this week. All thanks to the new Moon in your 12th on the 26th. It enhances your psychic abilities and also could see you wanting to delve deeper into metaphysical matters. Or even your relationship with that higher power – whatever you consider that to be. Beginning a project where you work behind the scenes or are simply not yet ready to tell the world about is also favoured now. Keep your energy close. And your secrets closer.
All this contrasts with you wanting to be very much ‘out there’ Capricorn. So the week could bring you intense periods of socialising, dating or showcasing yourself. Contrasted with wanting that me time to connect to inner wisdom or work on something you aren’t yet ready to reveal. Ceres and Venus in your 1st – Venus arrives on the 26th, both trine Uranus in your 5th this week. Ceres rules deals and Venus rules balance. While Uranus rules the unexpected. Last minute invites, dates or attractions may need to be juggled with your desire for down-time. This could be the deal you make with yourself to take the need for both seriously. Neptune heads direct in your 3rd this week. Ensure you keep a diary and don’t commit to too much or double-book yourself. Above all, take your need to decompress as seriously as your need to express yourself, socialise or spend time with that lover. The perfect solution could be handed to you at the end of the month when Ceres and Venus meet. Compromise is your magic ingredient this week.
In a nutshell: Awaken the magic with you this week, Capricorn. Especially when it comes to attracting love, fun and opportunity. But stay connected to that inner voice. And follow it.
- Make that promise between yourself and your future
- New connections break you free
- Insight connects you to new sources of abundance
The deal you make this week could be with the universe, God, yourself or you may reconcile with the past on some level. The planets are building in your 12th of mysteries, your beliefs, secrets and higher wisdom. Venus enters this house on the 26th. Joining Ceres, Saturn and Pluto in here. Both Ceres and Venus will trine your ruler Uranus in your 4th this week. And both conjunct in your 12th on the 30th. Revelations surrounding your past, someone or something from your past reappearing, and the ability to re-frame this in a way that frees you are likely now. Don’t be surprised if some of you need to consult someone to verify what your insight is telling you. Perhaps a priest, psychic, astrologer, doctor or therapist. You’ll see what has tied you down and also how you need to step free to claim your true path.
This is a week designed to set the future in motion. Sometimes we need to re-visit the past to do just that. This week’s new Moon in your 11th on the 26th offers fresh social connections or a revival of your social life if you’ve spent too much time in hermit mode due to these 12th house influences. Even if you don’t feel like it, make the effort to connect and be out and about. The new people who enter your life will impact directly on your future path. You’ll miss this if you cocoon. Neptune which rules your 12th heads direct in your 2nd this week. Tap into those inspired ways to generate more income especially if these involve anything creative, psychic or wellbeing matters. Or simply that inspired idea. This also has a direct influence on your future path. Open up to your highest potential this week.
In a nutshell: Kick-starting your future often requires first re-visiting your past. Insights break you free of restrictions or what holds you back. While new connections pave the way forward, Aquarius.
- Let others see the real you
- Project confidence
- Watch your personal stock head skyward this week!
Ruler Neptune heads direct in your sign this week from the 28th. Are you emerging from a process of rebirth or seeing yourself differently, Pisces? Ensure the outer ‘you’ matches insights into who you are and also how you wish to be perceived. This is especially important now as you also have a new Moon in your 10th of career, public image and status on the 26th. You’ll be very much on the radar now when it comes to decision makers and people in positions of authority and influence. You need to ensure you are making your very best impression. New avenues to success could open up. If not for you, then you could see your stock rise thanks to a partner’s promotion or accomplishments. It’s a week to get serious about what you want to achieve and to broadcast a consistent message.
Many of you may be dealing with contracts or important documents and communications now. Your social and professional circles may widen thanks to Ceres and also Venus in your 11th. Both of these trine Uranus in your 3rd from what is Uranus’s ruling house. Unexpected news, meetings or trips or even a work or business opportunity may see you juggling your time or having to make some kind of compromise to get things done. The results could well be worth it however. The month’s end sees Ceres and Venus meet. This could mark the successful conclusion of an interview, work, study or business pitch. Both parties are in agreement and want to make a deal. It’s in both your interests to do this. Watch that status soar as a result, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Time to see yourself as a success, Pisces. Deals can be done this week that send your stock soaring skyward. Project that confident image. The world is watching and wants to reward you.
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