Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs 4th July 2022

Weekly astrology

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs 4th July 2022


Werk that worth!

Protect your precious assets

Escape that rut

Ruler Mars shifts into your 2nd and you are working those values this week, Aries. There’s a surety about you when it comes to what you will and won’t compromise on. ‘The buck stops here’ attitude that puts you in protective mode when it comes to what matters most. It’s all too easy to focus on the money aspect of this house. And yes, Mars can certainly hand you both the confidence and the impetus to chase ways to make more of it when transitting this house.

That being said, Mars certainly won’t see you selling out or selling yourself short in any situation now. And this extends to the price you put on your time and talents to how you expect to be treated by others. Mars is not only the warrior of the zodiac. It is the protector too when called on. Standing up for your values and rights. In your 2nd Mars also hands you a certain va-va-voom as it ups your self-worth so that others sit up and say ‘I’ll have what they’re selling’. That stock – going up this week.

Mercury joins the Sun and Ceres in your 4th and links back to Jupiter in your sign on the 9th. Along with the Sun/Uranus sextile on the 10th, this could see you stepping out of something familiar or even on the move. Either in terms of your home and/or job. Vesta backwards in your 12th asks you watch for gender bias however. If you detect it – Better Call Mars. And yes, the first impulse you have this week IS the correct one. Follow through.

In a nutshell: Ruler Mars isn’t just the warrior soul planet of the zodiac. It’s the protector too. This week it shores up your values. Including your self-worth. You’re the most precious asset you have, Aries. So, protect that.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (3rd to 1st)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (2nd)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (4th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (12th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 1st)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)


Focus your energy on what is truly important

Truth telling leads to freedom

Create something new

Time for focus, Taurus. Channel that rising tide of energy in one particular direction now because focus is your strength and your superpower. If you scatter your power or worse – do nothing, you’ll find yourself plagued with delays, frustrations and even accidents and mistakes now Mars is in your 1st. Remember – Mars needs a specific job to do. Anything from getting you fit to pursuing that goal you’ve been putting off. This is a super-empowering transit so please – don’t waste it.

Mars sends you off in hot pursuit of what (or even who) you want. Just remember, all energy has to find an expression and this doubly applies to Mars. If you don’t find that outlet Mars decides to make war instead of love. A little truth telling goes a long way in this now Mercury shifts into what is its ruling 3rd on the 5th. So, if there is something you need to say, please get it off your chest now. Otherwise it may simply surface in unexpected ways which leave you and the other party with a severe case of burned bridges.

All this aside, this week hands you all you need to make massive inroads towards something new for yourself – that job, that lover, that project. Mars awakens your warrior spirit. Just be aware however that if someone rubs you up the wrong way, you’ll take a ‘no prisoners’ approach. This week offers you a fresh start in a key area or the way out of something which has been holding you back as you have a sunstruck aspect between the Sun in your 3rd and Uranus in your 1st on the 10th. That unexpected news or event could be just the avenue Mars wants you to take this week.

In a nutshell: That juiced-up passion shot you’ve been craving arrives in the form of Mars in your sign this week. You’re in the mood to create something new and make it happen, Taurus. A fresh start follows.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (2nd to 12th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (1st)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (3rd)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (11th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 12th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)


Get ready for a peak experience

Are you receiving the rewards you deserve?

Get a bigger picture on money and self-worth

Ruler Mercury and Mars are both on the move on the same day (5th) this week. Mars in your 12th is one of those peak energy transits while Mercury in your 2nd is all about your values. Finding out that someone has crossed the line or operates from a very different value system to yours may see some illusions ripped away.

Positively, Mars in your 12th amps up those intuitive and creative skills. It’s fearlessness brings about healing due to handing you the courage to confront No Go areas of your past. If someone has been pulling the wool over your eyes, the blinders come off this week. Another little known elements of Mars in your 12th is that you have a gift with animals whether you have a pet or not.

Mercury in your 2nd is all about transactions – both financial and emotional. There’s also a more subtle message happening around this due to Vesta retrograde in your 10th around whether or not you are receiving what’s due to you. Or are being taken as seriously as you should be. Watch for issues around rewards and equality in the workplace or even how you are treated in your relationships. And yes, it’s no coincidence the asteroid which rules gender politics is retrograde Independence Day week with the on-going Roe v Wade controversy in the US.

Mercury asks you to look at the bigger picture as it angles to Jupiter on the 9th. Again, this may involve your values and even standing up for them or getting involved with a movement. One thing is certain, you’re in warrior mode when it comes to what really matters to you this week, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Mars in your 12th adds up to being your own warrior for self-love, Gemini. Ruler Mercury now in your 2nd triggers a big picture viewpoint when it comes to how you are treated. Work that perspective.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (1st to 11th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (12th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (2nd)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (10th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 11th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)


Do every little thing a little bit differently

See yourself in a fresh light

Harness some positive people power

What can you do a little differently every day now Mercury arrives in your 1st, Cancer? You don’t have to make huge changes, but small adjustments get you big results now. Especially if you commit to making a tiny one each and every day Mercury remains in your sign.

Don’t fall into the trap of self-protection either. Tell yourself it’s safe to share your emotions and ideas. Pretence should be off the table now. You feel what you feel or want what you want. You don’t need to apologise for either. This is a week for sharing. Especially with like-minded souls. Mars enters your 11th the same day as Mercury lands in your 1st, and in here hands you the confidence to be you. Employers are likely to appreciate your vision and ability to work independently and get things done. On the flip side, Mars in here can highlight where you and those baes have grown apart and if this happens, take a philosophical view and disconnect the friendship gracefully.

Walking your talk and being open to listening to different points of view puts you in the position of the person everyone wants to be around however. The 10th offers you one of the best opportunities of the month to stand out, connect to your people or push forward with those personal plans as the Sun in your 1st angles to Uranus in its ruling 11th. If today is your birthday then it should show you the benefits that being unafraid to simply be yourself is going to hand you for the coming year. But that also applies to all of you, Cancer. No filters, no apologies, no holding back.

In a nutshell: Get ready for a relaunch and new phase of self-appreciation this week, Cancer. Being you is a full time occupation this week. And the more you work that, the more people want what you’re serving!

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (12th to 10th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (11th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (1st)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (9th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 10th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)


Listen to your inner truth

Reality – unfiltered

Success comes from collaboration

Ruler the Sun and now Mercury (5th) in your 12th turns you into a psychic detective and channel for universal truth, creativity and light, Leo. You will pursue that shining mote of truth until you uncover all the facts that reveal its entirety. Expect revelations now – either what you need to know or via what others tell you. Please if someone asks you keep their confidence now, ensure what they tell you stays in that vault. If you need to confide in turn then do ensure that the other party can be relied on to keep your secrets on the down-low. If you have any doubts, please turn to a professional – a doctor, lawyer, priest, psychic, psychotherapist who is bound by a code of ethics.

If you are signing important papers, you may also want to get someone qualified to check the small print. Or at the very least ensure the T&C’s are spelled out for you. Mars also changes houses on the 5th – joining Uranus in your 10th of career, reputation and status. These are all-important to Leo’s as you quite rightly feel your reputation is everything. Recognition and rewards may be on offer as Mars fires up those ambitions.

Ruler the Sun highlights those achievements to date as it angles to Uranus on the 10th. That track record you’ve been laying down pays off now. Bosses (present and potential) see you as a force to be reckoned with. But to make the most of this success setting aspect you need to 1) Focus, 2) Project an image of someone who knows what they want and 3) Stick to what you know works and not deviate from that. Collaborative and group projects and ventures are especially favourable with an ‘all for one and one for all’ outcome. Above all, be accountable to yourself and for your results. This week could see you stand out for all the right reasons.

In a nutshell: Pay close attention to your intuition this week. Denial is a river filled with rapids so please, opt for the unvarnished truth and act on that. Collaborative ventures offer a route to rewards, Leo.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (11th to 9th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (10th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (12th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (8th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 9th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)


Don’t be a hermit!

Take a chance

Break free of that routine

Ruler Mercury joins the Sun and Ceres in your social sector this week. Your mind seeks out new people, fresh ideas and exciting new circles both social and professional to explore. It’s also one of those weeks to take a chance on something, Virgo. I’m not talking risky business but simply going with your instincts when it comes to taking that first step towards something.

Above all, ditch your usual routine or anything that has become boring and feels restrictive on any level. Just a word of warning as combined with Mars in your 9th, you simply won’t do dull. Either conversations, places or people for that matter.

You’ll have little or no patience for one topic wonders or those who don’t get to the point. What you are seeking is something mind-broadening or which offers you a challenge. And chances are it or they will find you if you simply engage with the process of seeking it out. Just ensure that in your desire for more, you don’t end up over-promising on what you are able to deliver now!

Freeing yourself from the mundane mehs, having the courage to go in search of the bigger experience, taking that chance or even travel leads to opportunity for you thanks to the Sun in Uranus’s ruling 11th angling to it in your 9th this week. If love doesn’t measure up to what you see yourself doing or experiencing, you’ll leave it behind you and seek out the lover who inspires and stimulates. And yes, the mental turn on is everything this week, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Freedom, adventure, passion and the confidence to go after what you want. That’s what’s on offer for you now. But staying home with that boxset and bingeing gets you nowhere. Get out and circulate, Virgo!

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (10th to 8th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (9th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (11th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (7th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 8th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)


Deal or no deal?

Own your actions

You’re on show this week!

Mercury joins the Sun and Ceres in your 10th this week asking Deal or No Deal, Libra? Serious, long term decisions can be made now especially those around your career, status or money. It’s important you project those intentions and above all, stick to what you know. Please under no circumstances be tempted to fudge the facts. If you are unsure of the answer, then admit that and seek out the person who does. If in the unlikely event you make a mistake, own it. Failure to abide by these two simple rules will leave you will a lot of explaining to do as take it from me – you will be caught out.

That would be a shame as this is a week where your hard work leads to rewards and recognition and some of you could even find themselves in the public eye in some way. So, ensure you capitalise on the former and enjoy the latter for all the right reasons. Mars is on the move into what is its ancient ruling 8th in your chart the same day as that Mercury shift. Oh baby, are you yearning for a walk on the wild side now. Choose your location. It would be anywhere from the bedroom to the boardroom.

Being the sign of balance you’ll strive to redress that if an area of life is out of whack. Now too much dull and vanilla is an imbalance. As is feeling someone moved your mojo. This week offers a big reclaim and step back into your power. Sexy not sterile Libra. Watch this week for some transformational alchemy around money, what you share or dare I mention it – your sex life? If you’re not daring to push a few boundaries in business or in more personal matters, this is a great week to seek out an experience which takes you out of your comfort zone. That wild, activity holiday for example. Success setting moves between the Sun in your 10th and Uranus in your 8th tell you that you got this no matter what you set out to do.

In a nutshell: Reclaim your power this week and have the confidence to take a walk on the wild side, baby! Recognition and rewards could be on offer. They who dare win this week. What do you dare to do, Libra?

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (9th to 7th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (8th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (10th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (6th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 7th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)


Jump start that love!

Confidence is your most valuable asset

Make your fiercest move yet

Ancient ruler Mars in your 7th jump starts your heart serving up passion, bold, fierce love moves and scorching self-confidence. Confidence is sexy, Scorpio. And you of all signs should not just know this but OWN it.

Confidence creates its own value system. That sexy self worth that is part of your truth. Work that too now. All your unions – be they the horse and carriage kind, the dynamic duo variety or a work collaboration, need to reflect those values. And give you that indescribable feeling of taking you somewhere new. Even if this is an established union. It has to continue to offer growth, passion – and love. And in your 7th its all love no matter what form it takes.

Any issues around inequality may have to be addressed as Vesta puts on the brakes in the 8th. Don’t necessary see this as negative – it’s simply part of the growth and keeping the passion alive. However, I should not need to add that if you relationship has flatlined, there may be no way of resurrecting it now and Mars would be broadcasting this. Uranus also in your 7th desires your evolution and your freedom so please, don’t continue to perform CPR on something that should not be revived.

Naturally this is a transit where flings can be flung. Whether something lasting is on offer or not – an astrologer needs to look at your personal chart. With Mercury joining the Sun in your 9th it’s also a fabulous cycle for holidays, travel, bold, brazen career moves, lucky breaks and those studies. Head towards something bigger this week be it in love, an experience, those horizons or business. And hold tight to your love foundation – your values.

In a nutshell: Heart-starting opportunities appear around partnerships – past, present, potential. That self-confidence and surety you’re serving is oh-so-sexy. Go in the direction of what offers self-expression – and love growth this week.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (8th to 6th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (7th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (9th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (5th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 6th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)


Opt for the road not taken

Second time around could be the charm

Revive what your heart still wants

Backtrack this week, Sag. This can include returning to places you have visited (and loved) in the past, looking at the path not taken – with a view to heading down it this time around, or a project, plan or work cycle that needs a revival or renovation on your part to re-juice it up.

Mars in your 6th has you looking at your day job (paid or unpaid) and also that routine. If the latter has become a rut, Mars impels you to do something about that. Along with Uranus in here, it delivers the confidence to make radical changes if needed to anything from what you do to what you’re not doing but should. As in taking more exercise, making different choices about how you spend your time or that wishful thinking about applying for a better role. Mars doesn’t do over-think – it acts.

You have the Sun, Ceres and now Mercury in your change sector from the 5th. If you want a new deal in any of the above areas, this tells you that you can make or create it. But just talking or thinking about it – even though you should also have a plan or a strategy to hand, isn’t enough.

Ruler Jupiter is asking the question whether your lifestyle or working life allows you to be seen or hands you enough joy juice? That’s where the backtracking or that missed opportunity could come back in this week. Mercury will square your ruler on the 9th even as the Sun makes a positive angle to Uranus the following day. If you are offered a second chance to reboot or try again, this is telling you to take it. Or else to approach an issue from a wildly different perspective. Don’t leave yourself with ‘What if . . ?’ questions, Sag. You’ll never know unless you try and find out for yourself.

In a nutshell: Those unanswered questions around ‘What if?’ can leave us hanging. If you are offered a second chance to get your answer, do take it this week. No matter the result, the answer means you win no matter what, Sag.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (7th to 5th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (6th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (8th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (4th)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 5th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)


Love gets real

Integrity is your passport to success

Welcome in a change in the relationship weather

Gimme your love, make it real – or else forget about it. That’s Mars’s Smooth, Carlos Santana message for you as it arrives in your 5th on the same day. You’ve little or no patience with people who promise but don’t deliver now, Capricorn. Not just in love but honestly in any area. From work to friendships. You’ve zero tolerance for talking a good game but simply not bringing it. Discovering someone doesn’t have the same sense of integrity or no intention of delivering – so no now.

That being said, Mars in here along with Uranus and the plethora of planets in your love zone which Venus will shortly add to, makes this the highpoint of the year for you when it comes to duos, double acts and duets of all descriptions. Singles need to be finding ways to connect if changing your status is your intention. But woe betide that prospective lover if you discover they have facetuned their profile pic beyond recognition! That too comes under unreal – and not in a good way.

Unexpected meetings, a change in your love weather for the better or a new and exciting dynamic which involves you and someone else could be on offer. You are being asked to evolve your understanding of what Being Two can bring you this week. For some, this can mean you walk away as you clearly see it doesn’t deliver that. Or you enter a next level love stage with a current or even potential partner – be this in work or in love. Whatever form it takes – just keep it real, Cappy.

In a nutshell: No filters – just the real thing when it comes to love now, Cappy. You also won’t tolerate fake people or anyone who doesn’t follow through. Holding to those values simply translates to you getting what you want in the long term.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (6th to 4th)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (5th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (7th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (3rd)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 4th)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)


Have a whole life renovation

Get yourself moving

Innovate to evolve

Mars needs a job to do to stay happy. Mars the Homemaker does not exist. So, when we have Mars in our 4th – which you do from the 5th, you need to be ready for it with a long list of DIY tasks. Or else just plan to spend as much time outside of the home as possible. This also includes limiting your time with demanding family members and also being able to tune out if possible, the annoying habits of those you live with. Your capacity for patience is severely limited when it comes to how many times you have to ask someone to do something.

Mars joins your ruler Uranus in here while Mercury joins the Sun and Ceres in your 6th (which Mercury rules). Your focus and that Mars energy needs to be directed into decorating, changing rooms, moving, renovating, paying attention to ‘atmospheres’ and energy levels, your day job, your habits, studying, gardening, exercise and wellbeing. Yes, you can stay home but if you do, innovate and create when it comes to that living/workspace.

Now is the time to plan to move – Mars will be behind that 100%. Or even change jobs. If you love where you live, then look to how you can improve it. If you don’t – commit to changing it and begin the process. The same allies to your work. Best day for this is the 10th when the Sun in your 6th strikes a positive note with your ruler. Innovate to evolve and have a grand design in mind, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: No more rut. Just lifestyle renovations and evolutions, Aquarius. Don’t just talk about making that move – do it. The more things change on a daily basis – the freer you feel.

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (5th to 3rd)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (4th)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (6th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (2nd)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 3rd)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)


Does that message need an update?

What does ‘Gender Politics’ mean for you?

Express that uniqueness as only you can, Pisces!

Look to your on line profile or presence this week, Pisces. Does it need juicing up? Are you projecting a slightly outdated image or message that simply no longer reflects who you are? Or are you making that common mistake of trying to imitate others instead of allowing your own unique brand of soul uniqueness to shine through? Mars now in your 3rd along with Uranus in here has you defining and refining this – with positive results if you do.

Your online presence includes those dating apps and also your LinkedIn profile or job applications. Again, look to updating these if needed once Mercury joins the Sun and Ceres in your 5th. This week Pisces you need to look closely at any gender issues impacting on anything from your work to your most intimate ties as Vesta turns retrograde in your 1st on the 8th. Sometimes these can be so subtle we can miss them. Small things such as you are expected to take on more than your fair share of chores due to your gender identification for instance. Or even more subtle dissing such as dismissing what you like as unimportant because it is aimed primarily at a certain gender. This then extends right up to major issues which impact the collective such as the rollback of Roe vs. Wade. I’m not saying you may be impacted here in a negative way – just that you need to up your awareness now.

This ties right into that soul unique message and freedom to express this. And whether you feel dismissed or judged for it. Or under pressure to keep conforming to something you are most certainly not. New lovers need to see and appreciate you for who you are – so do keep this in mind. Existing relationships need to accept and support you. And treat you as an equal. Having the courage to stand up and show your true colours could bring good news personally and/or professionally around the 10th when the Sun and Uranus beam in a positive message for you. Ensure everything you send out just reflects that brand new shine, Pisces.

In a nutshell: It’s a good week to look at your on-line presence – everything from that social media feed to that dating app or LinkedIn profile. Does this express who you truly are? Or is it just tired? Ensure it reflects the unique blend of soul spice that is YOU, Pisces!

Jul 5 2022 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries (4th to 2nd)

Jul 5 2022 Mars enters Taurus (3rd)

Jul 5 2022 Mercury enters Cancer (5th)

Jul 8 2022 Vesta retrograde in Pisces (1st)

Jul 9 2022 Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 2nd)

Jul 10 2022 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)


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