Weekly Astrology April 24th 2023 for All Signs – A touch of fate


weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Money makes the karma go round

Get that whole life audit happening

 pay those debts!

Money has its own karma. And your money story comes full circle this week Aries and the Sun in your 2nd meets the North Node (24th). And then aligns to Saturn in your 12th. What’s owed or is owning to you and by you – the bill comes due.

If you were of the age where you were in charge of your financial destiny 19 years ago, then the decisions around your money which you made back then, you pay you interest. Or the bill falls due. There’s also the self-worth and values element attached to all this. The question around what you will or won’t sell out for or over. What is simply not for sale for you at any price. Often this is an intangible thing. Time, love, your moral compass. Hopefully you have a clear idea where the buck stops as Vesta then meets the Node (25th). This is about your values. Not those of others.

If you feel indebted on some level to a family member – either to the Bank of Mum and Dad or a more subtle emotional debt, then the aspect between ruler Mars in your 4th and Uranus also in your 2nd (29th), offers accountability and a settlement. Above all, own what you owe. Others could pay off a long standing debt or refinance. We are back in retro weather so taking on any new financial obligations isn’t recommended. Balancing the books in preparation for entering a new cycle of money karma – that’s your best investment this week, Aries.

In a nutshell: Ka-ching goes the money karma as the Sun and Vesta ask for some self-worth accountability in your 2nd this week. Above all, know your worth. And what is or isn’t for sale – at any price, Aries!

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (2nd)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 2nd)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Get a fresh take on fate

Create your future

Stop the blame game!

No fate but the one we make. That’s a quote from Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This week is all about owning yours, Taurus. All the choices and decisions you made in the past. Which added up, have brought you to where you are in the present. As for the future? That’s up to you. And will be created by the choices you make from here on in.

This week asks you to own all that. Free from blame with has no part in this process. The best and most exciting part of this is by doing so, you are free to step into a brand new long term cycle that you get to create. And no shame, no blame means not only not blaming others but stopping any self-blame in its tracks too. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Yes, we all have regrets. But we need to learn from them and move on. That’s your invitation as the Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node in your sign.

The Sun also makes a free flowing angle to Saturn in your 11th. Pointing to a reset and your ability to send your future in a new direction. Saturn’s all about the ownership. Taking responsibility. But if you keep on blaming others or external factors for the fate you had a role in creating, Saturn merely keeps you in a cosmic time-out until you take that lesson on board.

Lucky you, Mars in your action-centered 3rd along with freedom and future-proof Uranus in your 1st get together on the 29th. Making difficult conversations easy and your choices simple. You follow through with actions you are 100% confident in making. It’s your birthday season after all. And you’ll quickly come to realise your most precious gift is right now. Which is why it’s called the present. Create that fresh fate this week.

In a nutshell: Blow out the birthday candles on a freshly-baked fate, Taurus. If you own your past choices this week offers you the ultimate gift. You get to begin again and create a new, long term destiny. Own it, and make a wish!

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 11th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (1st)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 1st)


Time is the key and there’s none like the present

Rewrite – don’t repeat

If it returns – its yours. If not – don’t continue to chase it

Yes, we are in retro weather once more. Plus we have the Sun, retro Mercury, Vesta and the North Node crowding your 12th. Expect to examine the past.

It could come calling unexpectedly. If it reappears in a personal form, do take your time before getting reinvolved. Especially if there is any kind of element of ‘Here we go again’ involved. You know the kind I mean, Gemini. You split up, you get back together again with soul stopping make-up sex. You split up again . . . Do you really want more of the same?

No astrologer can or should tell you what decision you should make. The stars guide and inform. They never compel. There’s a feeling of time’s up hanging over this week. Either in no more, or else in the time has come. This occurs as the Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node. And the Sun angles across to Saturn in its ruling 10th (25th).

If you do want to revisit the past, do begin again from scratch. Insist on a new set of rules you both adhere to. If this involves a lover, then act as if you had only just met for the first time. Date and get to know one another all over again. And take your time. Yes, there’s that word again. If something is meant to revive in your life now, it will. If not, don’t continue to give it CPR when it has clearly flatlined. Call it and have the confidence to move on. And know something better is waiting for you.

In a nutshell: A freshly laundered karma is ready and waiting for you. Provided you cherry pick from your past that is, Gemini. What have you learned? If something returns now, you might want to begin anew as if the past never happened. And if it doesn’t – it’s time to open to the new.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 10th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (12th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 12th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Get your feet back on higher ground!

Serve your realness

Light the flame within you

Your future is in motion this week thanks to a big line up in your 11th. This includes Uranus which rules this house in your chart. We are also in retro weather with Mercury now backwards in here. So, this calls on your to examine your past for where it contains the seeds of your future.

This week has the Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node in here. Fate is going to assert itself. And perhaps in an unexpected way. When we stray from the path we are supposed to take, or simply stop evolving, the beauty of the universe is that is a course correcting mechanism. It simply brings about the events which put our feet back on higher ground.

This week says if you have strayed, it is because you have allowed others to dim that creative flame and free flowing authenticity. Yes, maybe you were afraid you would rock the boat if you did. And of course, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But the problem us that yours are the feelings which end up being hurt.

Reclaim the lost parts of your soul this week. Infuse them with all the confidence and fire having Mars in your 1st hands you. Surround your soul witj surety and protection thanks to Saturn in your 9th. You’re whole and ready again, Cancer. And if fate suddenly surprises you with a twist you weren’t expecting, don’t be shocked. Instead feel alive and ready for whatever it brings you. Back to being real.

In a nutshell: Being our authentic selves allows us to live out the destiny the universe has planned for us. But when we allow the flame within to die or dim, we deny ourselves that birthright. Lucky for us – the universe always course-corrects, Cancer.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 9th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (11th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 11th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Don’t leave yourself out of the care equation

Recognition, reputation and rewards

Are you ready to move on up?

Allow the deeply caring core of you to shine forth this week. And show the world how responsible and ready you are when it comes to attaining those ambitions. This week sees ruler the Sun in your 10th meet the North Node (24th). And the following day angle to newly arrived Saturn (ruler of your 10th) in your house of money and empowerment.

What this signals is you are ready to move on up. Plus you know when to play by the accepted rules. And when to write your own playbook, Leo. That serious, caring mien you project is all about ensuring you give others their own chance to shine. And ensuring that if you succeed, you take care of the business of caring. People know they can rely on you now. Whether it’s delivering on a heart-felt promise. Or that deadline. You understand better than almost any other sign aside from Capricorn: Reputation is everything.

Long awaited recognition could appear for some of you. While others reassess exactly the rewards their chosen path has delivered. If these have failed to meet your efforts and expectations, you will use the Mercury retrograde to plan your next move. But defer from taking action for now. Mars in your 12th shows you where the actions of others match their intention. And where they have failed to live up to their side of the bargain. The thing is, you care too much but are no longer willing to waste that on the undeserving. Self care gets the priority this week.

In a nutshell: Long awaited rewards could arrive this week, Leo. Or something proves it has been well worth your investment in terms of time and love. You’ll shower care and appreciation on those who deserve it. Don’t leave yourself out of the mix!

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 8th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (10th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 10th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Step into a wild, untamed future

What calls to you from far, far away?

Your destiny knows how you should answer

Ruler Mercury is retrograde in your 9th of long distance travel, foreign affairs of all kinds, the law, universities, the great outdoors and mass media. Don’t leave home without Plans B thru Z. and put those big dreams on the back burner for now.

What calls to you from Far, Far Away however – be this a land, galaxy or idea, may be worth a revisit now. If not in person, then via exploring its potential in your mind. Is there a subject or even a culture, language or belief system you are yearning to explore? The Sun (24th) and then Vesta (25th), align with the North Node also in your 9th, and if something or a place exerts a mysterious allure over you, maybe now is the time you should explore it.

Do steer clear of big ticket items now. Anything from that cruise to that car, that horse or that crypto investment. Honestly, it may not be the best idea.

This week also sees the Sun align to Saturn in your 7th and Mars now in your 11th link to Uranus also in your 9th. Someone could cross your path offering a second chance or invitation to join them on a quest. This is the call to adventure we see in the S/Heros Journey. Will you answer the call? Or simply stay where you are? Chances are if you RSVP to the negative this week, it’s going to ask again before ruler Mercury clears retroshadow. Why refuse when you already know your answer, Virgo?

In a nutshell: You are being asked to step into something wilder and more freeing. Maybe you’ve been offered this opportunity before. And refused the call. This week the North Node wants to open your eyes to something bigger. Why hesitate, Virgo? Leave no opportunity unexplored.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 7th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (9th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 9th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Get rich in experiences

Embrace the change

Step into the role destiny has written for you

Ch-ch-ch-changes! Turn and face the strange, this week, Libra. Destiny calls you to go deeper than you have been prepared to in the past. See yourself as iconic and prepared to rise above the mundane. Do you know how much courage that takes in fact? And you have a deep reservoir of that to call on, this week.

Embrace your inner fire as the Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node in your 8th. There’s an eternal flame within you that no amount of setbacks or those who would sew seeds of self-doubt within you can diminish. It burns even brighter now. Allowing you to transmute any remaining fears and turn these into more fuel for the fire!

Do not whatever you do this week, allow money to become your sole (and soul) focus. Yes, it may play a role. But do not allow it to become your only goal. It either now flows effortlessly. Or you redefine what ‘rich’ now means to you for the long term. Of course, nobody is suggesting you abandon your love of all things beautiful and sensual. Or that you cease striving to attain them. Just that this week asks that you no longer judge yourself by the money in your back account or the labels in your closer. You are worth far, far more than that. And don’t compare what you do or don’t have to others either. That too erodes your worth on more than one level.

On another level entirely, a simmering attraction may suddenly reach critical mass. If it does, although it may initially take you by surprise, you’ll see passion was always an inevitability. Enjoy the transformation it brings courtesy of Now Age Pluto. Some things are worth the wait. And also give you that rich feeling, Libra.

In a nutshell: Sail stranger tides as the cosmos asks you to go deeper than you have been prepared to in the past. Above all, do not dilture your iconic individuality by comparing yourself or what you have (or don’t have) to others. Unique isn’s something you can buy, Libra.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 6th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (8th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 8th)


Make room for that co-pilot

Love is a collaborative venture

No more going it alone, Scorpio!

If love is a destination then how do you get to it from here, Scorpio? Your loaded love zone this week contains the Sun, Vesta, Juno, retro Mercury, Uranus and the North Node. This week is fated and date stamped when it comes to love and relationships. Long term unions stretching back 19 years could come full circle as the Sun (24th) and then Vesta (25th) offer completion with a new cycle of loving and relating ahead of you.

You and another may have been on a journey together. And this week has the real feeling of either embarking on the next stage of it. Or taking a different path. If love is meant to happen or return now, it will. With no extra effort on your part needed. Do have enough faith in destiny or whatever you want to call it to resist the urge to chase or bring about a certain outcome. I always say the universe is too big to try to push around. It can however push back if we persist.

Above all, if love is your destination, what the Nodes, Saturn in your 5th and ancient ruler Mars in your 9th want you to understand is you’re not going to get there on your own. Neither will you reach it by insisting you have it all your own way either. Yes, you can get there from right where you are in this present moment. Even if the message from Mercury retro is that you should defer your search for somone new for now. Do however look where you can partner-up with someone this week. If not romantically perhaps in business, an activity (no, not THAT one, Scorpio!) or a collaboration. If you open up to lettting love in, you’ll end up exactly where you want to go.

In a nutshell: If you think of love as a journey then it follows you need a co-pilot to reach your destination. That wing person, collaborator, North Star. This week is an invitation to chart a fresh course. Or a new search to find that perfect double act.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 5th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (7th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 7th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Work your purpose

Don’t play by rules you had no part in writing

Opt for what energises and reawakens your bliss

Dharma drama, Sag! What you are meant to do, your path and purpose. And all the rewards embracing the correct one for you brings. Have you strayed off course? Fallen into a rut? Are you trapped by repartition or something too coonfinng? And if so, what effect does this have on your overall energy and zesty passion for life?

In Roman times the Vestal Virgins were keepers of the sacred flame. If they allowed it to go out, they were beaten. In return for 28 years (a Saturn cycle) of devotion to keeping the temple fires burning, they were granted their freedom at the end of it. The deferred graitifcation being that unlike other women who answered to their fathers or husbands, they now owned their own destinities.

This week asks you if you have unwittingly handed yours over to an outside agency. Or are forced to abide by rules you had no say in writing as the Sun (24th) and then Vesta (25th) in your 6th meet the North Node. Mercury rules this house and is retrograde in here. Plus you also have Juno and Uranus on side if you want to re-examine the path you have chosen. Especially if you feel you didn’t.

Funny how we may hesitate when it comes to handing in our notice or even looking for something better. But then the universe takes over. We get told the company we work for is down-sizing and we are no longer needed. An unexpected event sees us taking our broader goals more seriously. We reawaken our belief in ourselves and our ideas. And ditch that ‘someday’ promise for taking action today. Be prepared, Sag. Your purpose is about to make itself known.

In a nutshell: Find your bliss and reawaken your belief in the knowledge you have a purpose and are here to live it. And work it via what you do each day. You are destined to be more than a cog in someone else’s big plan. Time to re-write the rules, Sag.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 4th)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (6th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 6th)


Accept yourself

Time to shine

Just the way you are – or not at all, Cappy!

No more trying to fit in or pretend to be anyone other than the unfiltered version of you in order to be accepted or receive love, Capricorn.

Time to celebrate and showcase who you are. And if anyone has a problem with that – don’t make it yours, Cappy. The Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node in your 5th. Do love and celebrate the true essence of you. Have fun. Create. Express yourself. And above all, let go of worrying about what others may think. Critics and haters will always exist. They will also always be threatened by anyone who dares to express their passion. Misery loves company. But why join them?

Ruler Saturn in your 3rd along with passionate Mars in your 7th tell you that real love adores what you are serving. And doesn’t want you to be anyone other than who you are. If anyone is making you feel you need to censor yourself or bend yourself out of shape to gain their love and approval, time to tell them to hit the road. Blaze a firework trail instead. Sparkle and soar! Love may seek you out without you even actively looking for it. What you wants wants you – just the way you are, Capricorn.

In a nutshell: Don’t allow anyone to make you feel you have to be inauthentic in order to gain love or approval, Capricorn. True love wants you to be yourself and isn’t out to change anything. What wants you wants to you keep serving that realness. The way only you can.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (5th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)


Create your own No Place Like It

Ditch the outdated and dated

Get living for the Now Age

Your own version of what ‘home’ is or means to you, wants your commitment now. This also includes your life path and purpose, Aquarius. Make plans for a moving experience.

This week the Sun (24th) and Vesta (25th) meet the North Node in your 4th. As the Vestal Virgins tended the sacred flame in ancient Rome, there’s an element of ‘keeping the home fires burning’ in this. However, do look at whether family members or those you live with, are expecting you to take on more than your fair share of responsibilities. Especially if there is a gender or relationship status bias attached. An example of this would be a sibling expected to do more than their fair share of caring for an elderly parent simply because they are single. Or if you are married and in a relationship, your share of the chores being greater than that of your partner’s even though you both work, because of your gender identity. This week says: down with tradition and out with stereotypes and outdated roles.

With Pluto now in your sign this is all about personal power. And being fearless. If you need to renegotiate, retro Mercury in your 4th offers that opportunity. This week favours plans for future moves (but try to defer or delay due to that retrograde). As well as work changes thanks to the angle between Mars in your 6th and ruler Uranus in your 4th. You won’t be afraid to shake up the status quo this week if you rightly feel you are being assigned a role or responsibilties that unfairly restrict you or are eating into your precious down-time. Maybe it’s time to write yourself a new job description, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Click those heels together and repeat: There’s no place like home! This week offers you the opportunity to create your perfect version of this. Ensure your vision is free from outdated gender roles however. You can drop a house on those, Aquarius!

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 2nd)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (4th)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 4th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Your sign? Open for business!

What returns could just have your name on it

Reclaim, revise, revisit

What’s your sign this week, Pisces? It should say: Open. Open to new experieces, ideas, knowledge and people. Yes, Mercury which rules your 3rd is retrograde in here. But it offers you an opportunity to revisit, revise and re-explore those ideas, projects and plans. The ones which still have mileage in them. But which you didn’t explore further at the time.

You have a loaded 3rd house containing not only backwards facing Mercury but the Sun, Vesta, Juno, Uranus and the North Node. This house rules writing, commerce, communication, sibling and cousins, short trips, your neighbourhood. Design, photography, studies, teaching and the internet. With Mercury retroactive, it’s not a time to launch. But it could well be a time to reclaim or revive that idea. Or to pick something back up. Anything from an interest to a friiendship.

The Sun’s angle to Saturn in your sign (25th) could show you an idea whose time has come. This is also an excellent time to update your CV or LinkedIn profile. In preparation for putting yourself back out into the job market next month. Blasts from the past, second time around opportunities could make a surprise reappearance on the 29th. Mars in your 5th ignites Uranus. Surprise news puts a new spin on something. Keep a look out for that readvertised job or opportunity you missed out on suddenly reappearing. If so, it returns free from retro-rules. Go for it. If it’s that lover who ghosted you resurfacing – by all means be open to their explanation. But for now, put them on a trial period for the next month. They have to re-earn your trust and certainly your love, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Open up to new ideas, people and ways of seeinfg the world, Pisces. If something reappears now, you could get a different outcome the second time around. That doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the winds however. Insist on a re-trail period when it comes to your heart.

24 Apr 2023 Sun conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)

25 Apr 2023 Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 1st)

25 Apr 2023 Vesta conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3rd)

29 Apr 2023 Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 3rd)


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