Weekly Astrology August 14th 2023 Forecast for All Signs


weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Freedom, fire, creativity, love – arrive when you least expect

No hesitation – no fear

Don’t judge the gift by the box it comes in!

Surprise developments are just that. Jack in the Boxes which startle but you need to be open minded as to what they bring you. Most of them occur on the day a new Moon appears in your fabulizing 5th. Uranus in your 2nd is all caught up by the new lunar energy. And also by the Sun in your 5th and ruler Mars in your 6th.

No matter what springs out of the box this day – the surprise is set to bring you something so much more aligned with who you are. And which allows you to shine bright and step into a new cycle of creativity and loving. Even it on the surface, it might not look like it at first! Bold, brave steps and new beginnings lead to long term satisfaction. And you so much more fulfilled and loved-up.

It’s all in the spin you put on it, Aries. As well as your ability to playfully adapt, shrug and know you are heading for better things. Of course, the surprise could be something unexpectedly heart-starting and breathtaking. Tip of the week: don’t get too fixed on one outcome or goal. If you do – you could miss something (or someone!), so much better. Unwrap this new Moon like a surprise gift.

In a nutshell: Surprise twists, the unexpected, a new way of seeing things – one, some or all could open up fresh possibilities in love, money or solutions for you, Aries. Ask yourself if there’s a different way of seeing things. The perspective contains all the magic you need.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (5th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (5th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (7th to 1st)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Long term loves take on fresh meaning

Step up into home truths around your needs

Make that commitment

Home thoughts – of stability, commitment, belonging – crowd in this week. What you are seeking, what you need in the long term – and this includes your path, gets reignited with fresh purpose thanks to the new Moon in your 4th.

Family members may be looking to you. Or property matters or decisions around where and what, call on you to honour your needs. Even as you take those of others into consideration. A call or a choice may be presented to you. You’ll do what feels emotionally right for you as you honour your foundation and core truths, Taurus.

Don’t be afraid to make a move. A radical, break out one if needed. This is big fixed sign energy. And its so easy to get stuck or take the easy option. Even if actually, it doesn’t do us any good. Juno’s arrival in your 4th the same day as the new Moon appears, is all about commitment. To a place. A lifestyle. A direction. To stepping up on to firm, solid ground. If a curve ball gets thrown into the mix – you so got this. Stay connected to your values and what you instinctively know is right. Doors literally fly open wide this week. To options you may have been blind to up until now.

In a nutshell: It’s a week of home truths. And owning what it is you need. You’ll willing to go all in for the long haul when it comes to taking care of yours. And the needs of those you care about. And also to commit to letting go of what doesn’t.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (4th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (4th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (6th to 12th)


Lighten up!

Get a fresh perspective on what truly matters

Truth telling sends you in new direction

Above all this week – don’t take things too seriously, Gemini. You have one of the most curious, seeking and open minds of the zodiac. So, as the new Moon appears in your 3rd (16th), don’t take anything on face value, ask as many questions as your curious mind demands, and know just like under a Mercury retrograde – things can change and more facts can come to light.

Your 12th house is one of secrets. And also where your fate resides. Triggers by this new Moon, the Sun and also Mars in your 4th, impact on Uranus in here. And Uranus is the planet of having a universal outlook. It loves to shift our perspective. And that’s what’s happening now. A new perspective on what love, your future direction and how you move into it to claim it looks like.

You could enter or exit something long term now – once those questions have been answered that is. This is a new Moon under which to launch something, to try, experiment or move in a totally unexpected direction. Or to simply opt for a different flavour that what you’ve chosen in the past. Especially when it comes to lovers or where you’re going next. Ceres in your 5th opposing Chiron in your 11th says the future is unwritten from here on in. You change it when you make a different choice.

In a nutshell: As Yoda reminds us: Always in motion is the future. We change that motion when we make a different choice than we have done in the past. Your secret sauce or superpower this week is seeing something in a new light. And acting accordingly to shape something better from it.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (3rd)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (3rd)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (5th to 11th)

july horoscopesCANCER

You own it – or can, Cancer

Fabulize yourself

I love the bright lights, I got to boujee!

Oh that new Moon in your 2nd just loves the boujee, Cancer. Yes, this is the start of your astrological new financial year. Yes, it’s about what you earn and own. But also ensuring it doesn’t own you. Leo and your 2nd likes the glam, glitter and the bling. This is the sign of showing off. And yes, time to look at how you relate to the fabulous material things life has to offer. And your self-esteem and knowing you are worth it – whatever ‘it’ is.

This includes love with this house. As well as how the world treats you and rewards you. Just ensure this is an accurate reflection of who you are. You can be decked out in the crown jewels (Leo rules royalty), but can still be humble. Or know you don’t need any gilding to come across as regal.

If you are in a position to enter into a long term financial commitment – this is a good time. That better paying job. Taking out that mortgage for instance. But do remember what I said about what you own owning you instead. If we rack up debts we find hard to pay off, then the stuff we bought now owns us.

The planets impacting on this new Moon don’t want that for you. In fact, they offer freedom from that. A new direction towards that opens up courtesy of a path taking opposition between Ceres in your 4th and Chiron in your career and status sector. Give it due consideration as opportunity is also an asset. That’s real rich for you.

In a nutshell: Bring on the bling, Cancer! There’s nothing wrong with a trip down the material world superstore now and again. The new Moon in your 2nd points to the resources to experience a little more in your life. And yes, it’s okay to be boujee just once in a while!

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (2nd)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (2nd)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (4th to 10th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Launch that new beginning

Know your outcome

Reconnect to your soul wisdom

Hello birthday sign! No matter when your actual birthday falls, the new Moon in your 1st always marks the astrological start of your fresh cycle. Served piping hot and loaded with extra potential this year. You do however have to be ready to bring your best game, Leo. No half measures or uncertainty. That shining, 24 carat self-belief has to be hallmarked and unshakable in your mind. Know what you want. Where you will compromise. But also where those deal breakers are.

The new Moon clears the path towards the truth of what it is you are really aiming for. Due to ruler the Sun and this Moon along with Mars in your 2nd, impacting on Uranus in your 10th, you won’t waste your time investing in anything that’s not aligned to this now. A course correction may follow. Others could be looking at validation and rewards for sticking to their stated intentions. Your stock lifts. You get invited to the VIP circle. You are noticed for all the right reasons. And yes, you have earned this, Leo.

The 20th opens the way for bold moves, clear intention and action. Grasp that momentum and use it to fuel forward motion as Ceres in your 3rd opposes Chiron in your 9th. If you come across blocks to progress, don’t be deterred. And also don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t go there or that your goals aren’t reachable. This week tells you to listen to no other voice but your guiding one, Leo. Don’t let the small minds of others shrink your potential.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sign infuses you with fresh intention. Don’t allow yourself to be waved from going after what you know you want for your new cycle, Leo. Only invest in what your sweet, truth telling inner guide is saying. Intention opens up so many fresh possibilities.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (1st)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (1st)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (3rd to 9th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Nurture those dreams in the dark

Escape those preconceptions

Declutter your zone

What are you keeping under wraps, Virgo? This week is a good time to nurture those secret dreams and goals in the dark. Or to wait until after you’ve made your move to tell others about it. In fact, you’ll take a certain delight in confounding people’s expectations. Especially around what they think you should or will do.

You’ll hate to think anyone sees you as predictable as the new Moon appears in your 12th. You’re also craving your space. You never like clutter anyway, Virgo. But this week beings cluttered by the demands, negative thoughts or energy of others, has a bigger impact than usual. Don’t be afraid to claim your clarity and your right to peace and release. Retreat or have a mental health detox if needed. And what you do to attain this may surprise you. It may be different from what you would normally do. But turns out to be oh-so-effective. And if you initiate new habits or even boundaries, now – you’ll maintain them.

Feeling invisible on some level? The combination of this new Moon plus the key opposition between Ceres and Chiron (across your 2nd and 8th houses), sees you no longer willing to remain in the shadows. What you’re not revealing just yet is going to be something that makes everyone sit up and take notice. You choose the timing around when you do that. For maximum effect, Virgo.

In a nutshell: No worries, no hurries. A new Moon in your 12th engages with Uranus in your 9th. Illuminating a previously hidden path to freedom. When it comes to those plans, or shaking up how others see you – take all the time you need. And weed out that negativity once and for all.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (12th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (12th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (2nd to 8th)

libra mainLIBRA

Co-create and collaborate

Charge up those goals

The universe has your back – and a plan

Your co-creators are waiting now to collaborate on crafting a fresh future for you with the new Moon in your 11th. It’s appearance sets goals in motion. You are one of the few signs this week who are able to consciously direct this energy. And sent it in the direction you want it to go. Rather than simply be carried along with it like a tide.

The reason for this is that the Sun and new Moon impact on Uranus in your change sector. And Uranus rules your 11th. Along with this Mars currently in your 12th makes a positive charge to Uranus – and Mars rules your 8th. Your mind is open. You are willing to try, experiment and above all, put yourself out there. This isn’t a new Moon under which to be a boxset hermit. For the next two weeks, focus on your social life, your friends, contacts and connections. And do initiate major moves when it comes to charging up one important long term goal. Who can you pull into this? Who has already done what you are setting out to achieve? These people are your resources and your cheer squad.

Ceres has returned to your sign and opposes Chiron in your 7th (20th). This could bring about the arrival of a new partnership potential. One that could be linked to that goal. This may or may not be a love prospect. But they have the juice you need to go about something in a new way. Be open, receptive and above all, a self-starter this week. Don’t let life, time or opportunity pass you by.

In a nutshell: Watch for an unexpected opening or opportunity. Towards love or a freshly baked goal you want to attain. Above all – engage with change simply by engaging with others. Life is a collaborative venture. Align with those with a vision to match yours.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (11th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (11th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (1st to 7th)


Follow that vision

Step up and claim what’s waiting for you

Bigger, bolder, more beautiful – love

That vision takes you higher this week. Bigger, better, bolder, Scorpio. For yourself and for those you love. Unexpected and dynamic duo energy shifts and swirls around you. Thanks to the new Moon in your 10th and the Sun fuelling Uranus in your 7th house. And further charged by old ruler Mars in your 11th.

Single as a Pringle? You need to be ready to mingle this week. Don’t forget – you also have Jupiter making its once-in-a-12-year transit for your 7th. Duos, duets, double acts of all kinds feature. And when I say all kinds – do be open to anyone who is radically different to those you might have been involved with in the past.

Step up if offered that promotion, better paying position or opportunity to showcase what you have to offer under this new Moon. This is your house of status and public image. Where your reputation and how you are seen and perceived is defined. And the important thing to keep in mind is – you are in charge of this. Own it, phoenix. You could attract the attention of someone in a position of influence – in the traditional term, not the Insta-famous kind. Or that potential partner who is a ‘catch’. If the past does reappear this week, do ask yourself whether or not you are done. Is this like a club DJ who only has one track to spin? You’re done with spinning your wheels, Scorpio. No more replays.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (10th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (10th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (12th to 6th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Redefine freedom

Be open to taking an alternative route

Let go in order to move up

What does freedom look like for you? For some of you, it could simply be working smarter as opposed to harder. To inventively streamlining what you have to do in order to have more time for what you want to do.

It could be finally getting round to attending to those areas of life that may be okay – but actually aren’t serving you any longer. This week says if you want freedom, then don’t put this off. Of course, the new Moon in your 9th ignites the desire for all things beloved of Sagittarians. And sees you willing to take bold steps to claim them. Travel, fire, expansion and that all-important sense of freedom. The Sun and Moon’s angles to Uranus in your 6th shows you a better way to go about getting these. Necessity is the mother or creator of invention. You need something so this is going to mean upturning something you usually do to get it. And finding a new and better way.

It’s time to let go of something. To feel lighter and brighter. This new Moon whispers of paths not taken and adventures and opportunities waiting to happen. This isn’t the time for hesitation. But it is one to explore new ways to get where you need to. Look to alternatives. It could turn into a short cut. Ceres in your 11th opposition Chiron in your 5th tells you this path is a very different one to what you have explored before. Go there, Sag.

In a nutshell: You know something big is coming. But you may not know what form it will take. Be ready under the new Moon in your 9th to explore a new path. No fear. No hesitation. That alternative route? It could be the highway to heaven you’ve been waiting for.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (9th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (9th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (11th to 5th)


Change promises something different

Go for that freeing feeling

Change a thought – change your world

Turn and face the strange, ch-ch-ch-changes, this week, Cappy. The Sun and new Moon in your 8th say you may not know what you want or need – until you see it. Or it sees you. We never really change anything. We simply change our reaction or viewpoint to it. And that always gives us the release and magic result we were looking for all along. It releases us and we soar free.

Uranus in your 5th is all about the unexpected, the surprising and yes, the freeing. The Sun and new Moon, along with Mars in your 9th, all impact it on the 16th, and together bring about well – just the change you were waiting for. You change gears, shift that focus and voila! New result or a fresh path.

Money, what you share with others, your income, mortgage, finances, loans may feature and solutions are to hand. And then there’s your sexiness, Capricorn. You may be seeing that in a new light as well. And how you werk it, along with some sass and daring, may get someone looking at you in a whole new light. They say its only a thought we need to change to change our lives and our destiny. You should show just how true this is in the following two weeks.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your change sector triggers a sassy, sexier version of you. One who is not afraid to make changes in order to get what they want, Cappy. If you want something to transform, changing how you see it, brings the outer shift you’ve been waiting for.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (8th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (8th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (10th to 4th)


Just how loved up are you feeling?

What you want is good for you

Enter into a new partnership dynamic

Who, what, where you love – all are infused with the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings thanks to the new Moon in love-in Leo and your 7th this week. Ruler Uranus has to get in on the act – naturally. Both the Sun in your 7th and this Moon bring about a desire to make some long overdue changes around love. Uranus asks you if you have allowed yourself to get stuck? If that status quo continues to serve you? Or if you have outgrown something? Maybe an old definition of what love should be or looks like for instance?

You are ignited by the desire to make a change. To do something about bringing back passion into a key area. And if you have neglected the partnership element of your life – to take steps to put this to rights as Mars in its ruling 8th aligning to your ruler says more of what you want is what you need.

Have you stopped feeling sexy, attractive, loveable? If so, take a good look and vow to feel good about yourself again. And do what it takes to bring this about. Juno’s arrival in your 7th on the same day as the new Moon is all about the pledge. If not to a particular person, place or path, then to yourself. The key Ceres/Chiron opposition on the 20th points to a new direction you can take to attain this. If you dare. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat, Aquarius. That simply tells you the wind is filling your sails and blowing you where you need to get to.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your 7th along with ruler Uranus tells you that the only kind of love you need is the soul evolving yet sustaining kind, Aquarius. That includes self-love if that’s been lacking lately. Dare to go claim it for yourself. In whatever direction it lies.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (7th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (7th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (9th to 3rd)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Feed your soul

Follow the energy to the truth

What you need comes from an unexpected source

Soul food features with the new Moon in your 6th this week. Not the cuisine per se. Although reaching for your favourite comforts and eating right is a good idea. I am speaking about what feeds your soul and nourishes it on a spiritual level. Time to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and goodness mentally and spiritually.

To do this, we need to downshift for a bit. To take a closer look at our routines, habits, what we do and where we inhabit. The daily minutiae of our lives we take for granted. And which normally goes unnoticed by us. But which has a bigger impact upon us than we realise.

Both the Sun and new Moon form a high speed link to Uranus in your 3rd. And you may suddenly receive information via a surprising source which relates to this. Look to your day job (paid or unpaid), your diet, exercise, wellness regimen (or lack thereof), and even the vibes around who you spend most of your time with. And what you spend that time doing. Keep an energy diary if you are not sure. What leaves you drained? What sends your energy level soaring?

What do you deep down know you need to change? But may be avoiding by putting your energy into something else entirely? The trine between Mars in your 7th and Uranus shows you the love that’s good for you. And what isn’t. And also hands you the confidence and zesty desire to really do something about it. Things must change – you know this. And you get to change them for the better. By choosing what really feeds your soul. That’s the diet you need to follow from here on in.

In a nutshell: What truly sustains you and nurtures you – mind, body and soul, requires your focus this week, Pisces. Soul food is the diet you need to follow. It’s what feeds that energy level. Take time to discover what does – and cut out what doesn’t.

16 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

16 Aug 2023 Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo (6th)

16 Aug 2023 New Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

16 Aug 2023 Juno enters Leo (6th)

20 Aug 2023 Ceres in Libra opposition Chiron in Aries (8th to 2nd)


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