Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 15th 2022
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 15th 2022
By our astrologer and psychic Elena
No time to be shy
Don’t delay what you need to do
Define your right to shine your way
The combination of gorgeous Ganymed and Mercury conjunct in your 6th (15th) and retrograde Vesta re-entering Aquarius and your 11th (21st) puts gender politics, LGBTQI+ issues and wellbeing well and truly front and centre this week. Just put it this way – no matter what your identity, expressing it authentically is good for you. And actually good for the rest of us too.
This is one of the luckiest weeks of the year so far for you when it comes to attraction and what you are able to set in motion, Aries. Ruler Mars powers into your 3rd on the 20th where it is set for a long term stay. It pushes you to act on what you say and to do so without any more delays. Especially as Mercury in its ruling 6th begins its retro-shade period from the 21st. The same day as it opposes Neptune in your 12th. Tackling something is your priority on this day.
Venus trines Jupiter in your 1st on the 18th while the 20th sees the Sun still in its ruling 5th trine the Galactic Centre in your 9th. Make this week one where you refuse to hide yourself away, take steps towards what you want, let go of concerns of what others think and define your right to shine. By doing so and ditching any moves that are understated or simply don’t do you justice, you’re able to throw yourself back into the full flow of life, laughter and love. You get back what you put out there, Aries.
In a nutshell: A week where it’s not in your best interests to hide yourself away, Aries. Get your glow on and go for it. The stars could just be working in your favour so take steps to stand out!
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (6th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (5th to 1st)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (3rd)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th to 9th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (6th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (11th)
It’s truth or consequences when it comes to connections
Have the courage of your convictions
It’s all about the love now!
Love is love no matter the form it takes. You are entering your yearly romance and indulgence peak which gets kick-started now by Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in your 5th while Mercury trines Uranus in your 1st across the 15th-16th. This is all about expressing your love your way no matter your sexual identity, desires or needs. And finding your ‘people’ where you feel supported, loved and accepted for who you are.
There’s a reality check around this on the 21st when Mercury not only enters its retroshadow but opposes Neptune in your 11th of soul friendships and support. Who truly has your back or allows you to be yourself? Or is what is said behind your back something different entirely? Frenemies get outed if they exist.
Mars leaves your sign on the 20th and hands you money making ideas as it lands in your 2nd. Not just that, you’ll feel the need to strongly defend your values. You have the courage of your convictions. So, woe betide anyone who shows you theirs are in deficit. Mars in set for a long term stay in here due to a rare retrograde. Changes around how you make your bread, or avenues which give rise to extra dough are likely between now and 2023.
Ruler Venus and the Sun remain in your 4th giving rise to two trines across your 8th – 12th houses as Venus trines Jupiter (18th) and the Sun trines the Galactic Centre in your 8th (20th). This gives rise to the possibility of a move of home or work. Or the emergence of something designed to put you in a better position all round when it comes to your long term security. Just watch for any signs of gender bias as retro Vesta returns to your career zone on the 21st. But Mars sees you unafraid to take a stand now if you discover things are not as equal as they should be.
In a nutshell: Bold and brazen and armed with a fresh, fierceness, you’re off in the name of love in hot pursuit of what you want, Taurus. Anyone who is not on the same page gets left behind you now.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (5th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 1st)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (4th to 12th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (2nd)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th to 8th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (5th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (10th)
The fire was always burning inside
Ditch that dead-end
Go for it!
You’re on fire now baby as Mars lands in your sign this week set to take you all the way into ‘23. No half measures for you. Hot as lava you’re here to slay now. Time to take another look at that goals list, Gemini. What’s left to do, have, experience or conquer? Your sexy self-assurance allows you to blaze a trail. Capture castles, hearts and minds and ride dragons (they want to be your friend so no slaying needed!).
Don’t waste this energy on anything or anyone that doesn’t send your inner passion-meter into the red. Ruler Mercury enters retro-shade in its other ruling sign of Virgo and your 4th this week. It also meets Ganymed in here on the 15th and opposes Neptune in your 10th on the same day it enters retroshadow. Don’t be surprised if you now back-track and tackle something you deep down know needs to change or simply represents a dead end for you. You know what you want with a surety that’s scorching.
Goals and wishes and agents of fulfillment or simply news of the heart-starting variety come spinning out of the Galactic Centre in your 7th as the cosmos aligns with that energy you’re projecting. The 18th could deliver what you’ve been waiting to hear as Venus trines Jupiter in your 11th. The 20th – the same day as Mars arrives, has the Sun in your 3rd trine the Galactic Centre in your 7th. Love and partnership matters take on new potential now. This applies to work liaisons too. What lands is an answer to that inner call you’re putting out. Head towards the heat, Gemini.
In a nutshell: We have ignition this week as Mars arrives in your sign. Blaze a trail towards whatever it is you desire to have or experience, Gemini. Reignite those dreams. No half measures!
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (4th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 12th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 11th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (1st)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd to 7th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (4th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (9th)
What needs to come out of the closet?
That’s not a knee-jerk reaction – just the truth
Start self-care season
Mars in your 12th – where it will stay until 2023, is in a power position. Nothing stays in the closet now. So, with Mercury and LGBTQI+ Ganymed meeting in your 3rd, I have to ask if that is you, Cancer? Or else someone around you? Whatever emerges is the truth now.
This can touch on your past, secrets and also your beliefs and insights. Do pay attention. And pro tip for dealing with Mars in this house – your initial reaction is usually the correct one.
Get ready for revelations which lead to positive change. How about changing your usual accepted order of things for once? Yes, I am talking about you putting yourself first. How does that make you feel? Scared? Selfish? No, its self-care season for you, Cancer. And again, the truth around this.
The Sun and Venus remain in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. Linking you to Jupiter in your 10th and the circle of truth – the Galactic Centre in your sector of work and wellbeing. Rewards are yours to claim now. And these could be as simple and effective as making you your first priority for once. Sure, keep a close eye on your money but spending some of it on you – or simply insisting for once you get the down time you need.
Mercury in its ruling sign and house enters retro-shadow from the 21st and opposes Neptune in your 9th the same day. The antidote to the mehs or simply putting you back on top of your game is a little more freedom to do what you want as opposed to what others do. Drag that out of the closet now. Don’t be afraid to harness that Mars and insist this week, Cancer.
In a nutshell: The truth around what you need is exposed now. So when it is – act on it, Cancer. Self-care season means giving yourself the kind of priority you normally reserve for others. Guilt free.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (3rd)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 10th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (12th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd to 6th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (3rd)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (8th)
The universe has a special delivery
Focus draws what you want closer
Stand by your authenticity
The final full week of your birthday season hands you major gifts to unwrap in the form of a series of opportunity creating trines and the arrival of Mars in your 11th. Time to get more social and also to go after those goals for the coming year. Mars is set for a long stay in your 11th due to a rare retrograde in here. Expect friendships or your group dynamics to change between now and early 2023.
Ruler the Sun and Venus remaining in your 1st mean your glorious glow is still switched on to High Radiance. Don’t allow anyone or anything to dull that shine now. Venus trines Jupiter in its ruling 9th on the 18th delivering one of the most opportunity creating days of your entire birthday cycle. But there’s more. The 20th has your ruler trine the Galactic Centre in your high attraction 5th. Love and pleasure rule the stars. Look to what you truly want to bring about and focus on that.
Money matters also move you forward as does standing by what you know you’re worth. Not just in terms of your income, but as a soul, Leo. The start of the week marks a key meeting between Mercury and Ganymed in your 2nd asking you to stand by your authentic self and not to let anyone cause you to doubt your power. This applies in work and your personal life too as Vesta moves back into your 7th this week while Mercury trines Uranus in your 10th telling you nobody can do it better so do it YOUR way and own it.
Mercury is entering its retroshadow from the 21st so it is time to take an audit around your money matters and also how what you have build or attracted into your life reflects that inner worth. It’s time this week to get very clear about what it is you want and you achieve this by owning your true self. Be bold, be boss, be brazen in your approach and watch what you are handed as a result.
In a nutshell: As your birthday season draws to a close, unwrap one final gift of opportunity. Standing by your authentic self pays dividends. No longer be ashamed of owning what you want, Leo.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (2nd)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (1st to 9th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (11th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st to 5th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (2nd)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (7th)
Readjust and reset as many times as you need
No more replaying the past
Prepare to welcome in the new
Time to press the reset button as many times as you need to, Virgo. Treat yourself and your life as your own best work in progress. Something freer and more satisfying results from reinvention or you simply reframing what you do.
Ruler Mercury will enter its retroshadow phase on the 21st. I don’t need to over-sell you on what that means. Just before it meets with gorgeous Ganymed (15th) and trines Uranus in your 9th (16th). Tune in to your wellbeing and please, don’t ignore deeply repressed truths which may continue to surface while the Sun and Venus are in your 12th.
You are days away now from the start of your freshly baked cycle. But due to your ruler slowing down this may see you having a stocktake or as I said, readjusting those priorities or even your image. The processes of reinvention and rebirth are yours to play with thanks to Venus’s trine to Jupiter in your 8th (18th) and the Sun’s to the Galactic Centre in your 4th (20th). What you don’t need now is a replay of the past. So do take your time when it comes to defining what or who you want to be in the year ahead.
What your body is telling you, the mind, body and spirit link holds the keys to this. Yes, connections you make between something and how you feel may be a little confronting. But think of this as ripping off the psychic Band-Aid so real healing and wellness can happen. You need to pursue the love or even the habits that are good for you now. Let your body talk, Virgo and when it does, do listen.
In a nutshell: You’re days away now from your new cycle. Don’t be afraid to experiment when it comes to how you want to be seen. If you want to attract the new and different, reset that image or try a few on for size!
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (1st)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 9th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (12th to 8th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (10th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th to 4th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (1st)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (6th)
Colour you so bright!
No hesitation, no self-doubt
Get ready to explore something new
Fly social butterfly! Bold moves and freedom see you spread your wings. If you stay in hermit mode now you’re missing chances to experience everything your radiance can bring you.
Luck and love – or even luck in love, are all around you now thanks to ruler Venus in your 11th bringing your one of the best days of the year so far when it trines Jupiter in your 7th on the 18th. The Sun also in your 11th trines the Galactic Centre in your 3rd on the 20th. Follow up on what you hear, see, are told and accept all invitations. Mars in your 9th pushes you onwards and out into a new area of experience to explore all while handing you confidence and an excess of sexiness. What more do you need to go after what you want? Don’t stay home. The world waits for you to show it your true colours.
Something or someone could return from your past or a better alternative appears to what you missed out on. Hopefully you are not bending yourself out of shape to fit in with someone else’s ideas of who you should be or how you should behave, Libra? Mercury and Ganymed in your 12th is all about your true hues and bright sparkling soul. Who or what has dulled these? If anyone has handed you a dialogue or emotional palette that’s not of your own creation, time to replace that with one that is now.
You will undergo a process of purging and reinvention in the next month before the Sun lands in your sign. Mercury entering its retroshadow in your 12th will have you facing a few issues you’ve been pushing aside. They hit close to home but also remove whatever has been dimming that shining light, Libra.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus along with Jupiter could bring you friends with benefits and so much more this week. Break out moves can be made now. Maybe all you need to leave is that rut, Libra.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (12th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 8th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (11th to 7th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (9th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th to 3rd)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (12th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (5th)
Honour the love within you
Ask those tough questions
Hold out for what you want
Ensure love is a true reflection of who you are and what you want this week. Mercury in your 11th is lighting up your entire love houses one way or another. Please do however avoid any connections you deep down know are not in alignment with your authentic love self. In other words – love yourself enough to say no to ‘It’s complicated’, eternal triangles or unavailability either emotionally, based on preferences or even distance. The fact is – you’re too precious for any of that.
Mercury in your 11th trines Uranus in your 7th on the 16th after meeting Ganymed the day prior. It can deliver a past connection which may or may not be the romantic kind because it enters retroshadow in here on the 21st. Do ensure whether you are meeting someone for the first time or reviving that link, that the other party wants the same as you. Or is free to enter into the relationship. Don’t shy away from asking tough questions or simply assume just because sparks are flying on the 21st.
Ancient ruler Mars enters its ruling 8th on the 20th which means you have the confidence to state your terms now. This week also opens doors to work and career advancement as Venus in your career sector trines Jupiter in your house of day job. While the Sun also in your 10th trines the Galactic Centre in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 20th. Holding out for what you know you deserve pays off in at least one area this week. Proving self-love works, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Mars returns to its ruling 8th house handing you the confidence to state clearly what you want. Cut through confusion and don’t simply assume someone is on the same page just because there’s chemistry, Scorpio.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (11th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 7th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (10th to 6th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (8th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th to 2nd)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (11th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (4th)
Go directly to your dream
No fakes, no fences when it comes to love
Big, bold authentic moves lead to success
Fabulizing freedom trends, opportunities and solutions appear this week around what you really want, Sag. The 18th – 20th opens a portal to something that’s been on your wishlist (or bucket list) thanks to Venus and the Sun still in your 9th of all things Sag-passionate. Optimism and big loves propel your forward as Venus trine ruler Jupiter in your 5th on the 18th. While the Sun trines the Galactic Centre in your 1st on the 20th. Something could literally come spinning out of the cosmos towards you. Or you simply go after it. It has your name on it, Sag.
Your soul is pointing you towards something specific and you have no option but to follow. But you are no longer willing to spend time on anything that doesn’t satisfy or fulfill you. Mars enters your 7th this week and will remain there until 2023 due to a rare retrograde. That ‘Don’t fence me in’ vibe you embody gets heated up and you simply won’t tolerate anyone who restricts you or is clingy. As a result, use caution when it comes to that potential new boo. They are either totally on the same page as you or else instead of lighting your fire they pour water on it instead.
Don’t get so caught up with that big dream you neglect to take care of business. Watch for equality or gender issues this week too as Vesta backs into your 3rd. Your image and identity, how you are seen and perceived and your ability to deliver sets your benchmark for success. Above all, be an original as Mercury meets Ganymed in your 10th on the 15th. Imitation isn’t the sincerest form of flattery. It’s just lack of imagination.
Work could take a surprising turn as Mercury trines Uranus in your 6th. Show your inventiveness and flexibility. Mercury will start its retroshadow in your 10th on the 21st – the day it opposes Neptune in your 4th. Don’t neglect to take care of what’s right under your nose. And take care of emotional wellbeing issues as they are what lead to the freedom you’re always craving, Sag.
In a nutshell: What you alone can bring to the table is what could deliver success. So, don’t imitate anyone else. Mars turns up the temperature between you and someone else. Go for the slow burn.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (10th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 6th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (9th to 5th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (7th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th to 1st)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (10th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (3rd)
Become the person you want to fall in love with
What’s your take-out when it comes to work?
Don’t leave home without a Plan B
Becoming who you know you are meant to be can be a lifelong journey, Capricorn. This week it could enter a key stage as Mercury and Ganymed meet in your 9th and Mercury trines Uranus in your house of attraction. This could also involve becoming the love you want to see happen too.
Change is well and truly in the air. But in an empowered and more positive form than what Pluto may have delivered during its stay in your sign. The Sun and Venus in your 8th link to Jupiter in your 4th and the Galactic Centre in your 12th across the 18th – 20th. Unspoken wishes and subconscious desires could magically manifest. What you have been focusing on is drawn to you. While what you no longer need effortlessly falls away.
Mars will enter your area of work and wellbeing on the 20th. It will remain in here until 2023 due to a long and rare retrograde. For now, you openly tackle whatever tasks you need to. But work whether paid or unpaid, needs to offer more stimulation. Mars in here doesn’t do procrastination, waffling or those who boast but cannot deliver. And as for anyone who takes credit for someone else’s efforts – zero tolerance. Yes, you are more than willing to do your share. But this week’s trines tell you that anything extra needs to come with rewards and recognition or you’ll put on the brakes.
Take care with any travel plans now as Mercury begins to slow in your sector of long distance travel and overseas connections. What you are told may need to be looked at closer on the 21st. Is someone telling you what you want to hear rather than the facts? If something doesn’t ring true or seems too good to be that – take it your intuition has read it right, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Freedom to have the love you want starts with openly becoming the person you’d fall in love with, Capricorn. Sweep away any remaining barriers between you and the real deal this week.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (9th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 5th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (8th to 4th)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (6th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th to 12th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (9th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (2nd)
Love it or leave it
Embrace a big easy connection
No hiding your realness
You’ve just over a week left of your annual love and partnership peak. But Mars’s arrival in your 5th keeps the heat turned up as it is set for a long stay in here. However, Mars doesn’t do pretence. You can’t fake the feelings so if love has gone off the boil you’ll let the other party know it. Please be diplomatic and no ghosting if so. Do the right thing.
Changes could occur in your favour around your money or finances thanks to a trine between Mercury in your 8th and ruler Uranus in your 4th on the 16th. There’s also a loved-up experience on offer for you whether this is with a partner or simply friends as Venus in its ruling 7th trines Jupiter in your 3rd on the 18th promising a meeting of hearts and minds. While the Sun in here trines the Galactic Centre in your 11th on the 20th. This could bring a new connection which shows you definitively how easy love or friendship can be when both of you are on the same page.
Mercury meets gorge-centric Ganymed in your 8th on the 15th meaning there’s no more hiding who you are to meet someone else’s expectations. Mercury also enters its retroshadow phase on the 21st – the same day it will oppose Neptune in your money zone. Have you been giving too much away, Aquarius? Either of your love or other valuables such as money, time, attention? Look to what you get back in return. Is it equal to what you invest? If the urge to do no more overtakes you, take it that’s the healthy choice.
In a nutshell: Love or any kind of connection that’s meant for you is like brunch in New Orleans. A big easy and delicious. Someone could show you just how easy it can be now. Friends or lovers – equally good.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (8th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 4th)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (7th to 3rd)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (5th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th to 11th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (8th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (1st)
True love begins with you
Take a direct approach
No more supporting roles in someone else’s life
To get the love we want we first have to love ourselves. Authentic love is being served now thanks to Mercury and Ganymed in your 7th ahead of the Sun’s arrival in here next week. However, it’s worth pointing out that Mercury will enter retroshadow in here on the 21st – the same day as it opposes ruler Neptune in your 1st. Where have you stopped being true to yourself in order to get the love you feel you need? If love isn’t what you thought it would be, time to examine where and when you stopped being true to you. Starting again is your first step towards rebalance.
As a result of this shift, love could take a surprising turn as Mercury trines Uranus in your 3rd on the 16th. Mars in your 4th from the 20th is far from a happy house guest in here. It is set for a long term stay which is why you need to know how to get comfortable with the energy. Ditch any passive/aggressive behaviour and ask directly for what you want. Call others out over theirs. Don’t let annoyances and niggles build up. Deal with them appropriately in the moment. Mars in here favours doing things to your home – decluttering, gardening, decorating, renovating or else moving somewhere new. Just remember with Mercury in retroshade it’s now not a good time for contracts and paperwork.
Work and career enhancing trines or a past opportunity representing itself means you also love yourself enough to no longer hold yourself back from achieving what you want. Venus trines Jupiter in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 18th. While a path setting trine between the Sun in your 6th and the Galactic Centre in your 10th on the 20th means you are no longer content to take a supporting role in any area of your life. Have the self-love to step up into your greatness this week.
In a nutshell: You’re at the start of your yearly partnership peak. Expect all kinds of duos and double acts to feature. What’s not to love? Hopefully self-love is top of that list, Pisces.
Aug 15 2022 Mercury and Ganymed conjunct in Virgo (7th)
Aug 16 2022 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
Aug 18 2022 Venus in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (6th to 2nd)
Aug 20 2022 Mars enters Gemini (4th)
Aug 20 2022 Sun in Leo trine Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th to 10th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury retroshadow begins in Virgo (7th)
Aug 21 2022 Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
Aug 21 2022 Retrograde Vesta re-enters Aquarius (12th)
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