Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 16th 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 16th 2021
Get connected
What you put out you attract back kind
Friends, lovers, good times and goals feature
Who you connect with or hear from this week is all important, Aries. We have Venus in its ruling 7th enhancing all partnership matters and also a full Moon in your 11th shining on contacts, connections and communities of all descriptions. The Sun still in your romantic 5th until the 22nd opposes Jupiter also in your 11th on the 20th. So, think good times, attraction, friendship and more.
This week also hands us a Grand Earth Trine which includes your ruler Mars in your 6th of work linking to the Moon in your status sector and Uranus in your money zone on the 19th. Combine this with a trine between Venus and Ceres in your 3rd and we’re looking at deals to be done and even sealed – on the page or on your heart.
It’s a wonderful night for a moondance
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July at who or what appeared. A person – past, potential or present lover or friend, that group, club, association, band, network, community, Meetup, cause, movement, party. They could be back now but in a bigger or more prominent way. This full Moon comes with an invitation to join in – or not. It gets you seeing if you and others are on the same page or journey together.
If so, this full Moon is an excellent one under which to party, celebration, join in or continue. The Sun’s arrival in your 6th this week highlights the need to give your daily routine attention but also alerts you to the fact that all work and no play makes for a full Aries indeed. If that’s the case, along with success and recognition, this week could just deliver the connection or entrée into fresh circles you’ve been waiting for. Party on, Aries.
In a nutshell: Friends or someone with the potential to be more feature this week thanks to the full Moon in your social sector. While a Grand Earth Trine could see those ambitions realised, Aries. Something to celebrate under the light of the Moon, perhaps?
Set those values
Give love equal priority with what you need to do
Move on up!
Time to go back over those priorities as Uranus retrogrades in your sign this week, Taurus. All the outer planets are now backwards handing us all the opportunity to course correct. For you specifically, this entails looking at those values and yes, revaluating what is most important to you. Look to the 19th when a Grand Earth Trine reminds you of the bigger picture, Taurus. And how having something to aim for is essential to your wellbeing.
Is it love? Experiences? Time to pursue what you love to do rather than just what you need to? Ruler Venus now in your 6th wants to enhance your routine and make it more creative, pleasurable and enjoyable. While the meeting of Mercury and Mars in your 5th on the 19th shows you that passion and pleasure deserve equal billing. What is the value you put on these?
Higher ground
Take care of outstanding business ahead of the Sun’s arrival in its ruling 5th on the 22nd. Because this is your cycle of attraction and light-hearted pleasure. Yes, this deserves an equal footing to serious stuff but you’ve enough of that too this week. Long term goals could come within reach. A move, promotion or recognition could be on offer thanks to the Sun/Jupiter opposition on the 20th and the superb deal-making trine between ruler Venus and Ceres in your money zone.
Aspire higher under this week’s full Moon in your 10th on the 22nd. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July at what was happening around your career, business, status or rewards. Or if you were mixing with or dealing with people in positions of influence and authority. Because something which began back then could now culminate with success and validation. Project that image of someone who knows what they want and also what they are talking about. Defer to those in higher positions and you if are mixing with VIP’s under this Moon this is a sign you belong there with them. Time to move on up now Taurus if you cement those values and determine what is most important this week.
In a nutshell: Time to revise your priorities, Taurus especially if what you love or simply fun, has been taking a back seat lately. This week could however bring you tangible rewards and recognition. If so, take it youve fine tuned those priorities correctly!
Live fabulously
If its right it feels effortless
Open up to bold, bright new beginnings
Let’s talk freedom and fabulization, Gemini. How about free wheelin’ fun while we’re at it? Which while effortless nonetheless has a fated feel to it. You will focus first on what you need to organise, release or move on in order to free yourself for this now Venus arrives in your 5th.
Get a move on, baby!
Ruler Mercury remains in your 4th this week and meets Mars in here on the 19th. They are joined by the Sun from the 22nd plus you have a Grand Earth Trine stretching right across your 4th/8th/12th houses pointing you towards long overdue changes. Look to what needs attending to on the home front. This tells you something is stagnant, has been lived out and perhaps needs to move out too! Anything from that lodger to that clutter. But this can set in motion an actual bold, bright, breathtaking move which opens up a fresh sense of regeneration, freedom and living. Time to act as Mars and your ruler together are about acting, not talking!
Make a fated date with love
The real stars this week for you are the Venus/Ceres trine on the 20th and the Venus/North Node trine on the 22nd. What occurs in the middle of this is a wondrous and opportunity creating, expansion making opposition between the Sun in your 3rd and Jupiter in your 9th on the 20th. Which is charged by the light of the full Moon also in your 9th on the 22nd.
Yes, Jupiter is now back in its ruling house in your chart. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July’s full Moon and what was happening around that time. Was there an opportunity or invitation on offer? If so what was your response? Combined with the Venus/Ceres/North Node trines this full Moon could mark the start of a fated love journey, new beginnings, travel (real or a learning journey) and chances to shine. It’s an invitation not a summons. It’s your choice how you respond but if it feels fabulous – that should dictate your answer, Gemini!
In a nutshell: Venus in your 5th brings a touch of glamour while ruler Mercury’s meeting to Mars in your 4th offers the potential for bold new lifestyle options. This week’s full Moon is an invitation to something which frees you. What’s your answer, Gemini?
Emotions rock the ocean
Express don’t repress yourself
First things first, Cancer!
The time of the full Moon is always intense for you, Cancer. No matter what sector of your chart it appears in. The lead up the this week’s full Moon in your change sector on the 22nd could see you rushing to keep up with deadlines, that WhatsApp group, your email or simply a work overflow. Meetings and interviews, short distance trips, orders, answers and communications of all kinds dominate primed by both the meeting between Mercury in its ruling 3rd and Mars on the 19th and a Grand Earth Trine the same day.
While this is a great week for finalising work plans and getting things done you are advised not to rush as key details could be overlooked. There is also the feeling of being pulled in several directions at once. Venus in your 4th wants you to enjoy your home life, smell the roses or the baking and simply unplug for a while and indulge yourself with that nice glass of wine. While other aspects see you juggling the needs of work, partners or even your social life. Uranus retrograde says time to prioritise. Take the highly emotionally intelligent ‘first things first’ approach rather than even try to multitask.
Release those emotions
Before the Sun arrives in your 3rd bringing you results of all this activity, it will oppose Jupiter in your change sector. You also have Venus making two significant trines to Ceres (20th) and then the North Node (22nd), both in your 12th house. Hidden truths, deep seated but unacknowledged needs may now surface as could your insecurities and fears. Time to hold and embrace these and rather than dismiss or deny them, give them voice and acknowledge them, as they are the keys to the changes you need to make. And also to getting everything done!
If you need time to do this, then be a bit ruthless about it as the full Moon appears on the 22nd. Be prepared to step away from the business of what you need to do and touch base with what your soul needs instead. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July’s full Moon and what was happening around that time. Were you in discussions or negotiations with someone around money, household tasks, loans, mortgages, insurances, your salary or benefits? Did someone push your buttons? Did you say yes when deep down you wanted to say no or vice versa? Jupiter says there is a better way, a way to free you from a stalemate or simply to find a solution that works for both parties. You’ll find it by validating your feelings and if needed, sharing them, Cancer. This is a silver bullet – not one to dodge. So feel the feeling and even the fear. In it lies the power you need to get anything done this week.
In a nutshell: This week’s hectic pace may leave you feeling pulled in more than one direction, Cancer. One step at a time and prioritise those tasks. A full Moon in your 8th demands you acknowledge what you feel and why. In your emotions lies your power to transform.
Focus on self-worth
Emotional authenticity brings you the outcome you seek
Get your hustle happening!
All good things must come to an end, Leo and sadly this incudes your birthday season. The 22nd sees your ruler leave your sign and enter your 2nd. But that’s fine by you as you should see your self-worth or even your bank account benefit from the Mercury/Mars conjunction in here on the 19th. You’ve more than your fair share of go-getting confidence when it comes to your finances or ways to boost your income now.
Right on the money
This week delivers a Grand Earth Trine right across your 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. So, basically all the sectors which rule work, rewards and status. Anything you initiate now with regards to interviews, applications, pitches, presentations and that side hustle receives a major boost. You also have Venus which rules your bank account, enter your 3rd which rules communication and contracts. Venus in turn creates two key door opening trines this week. With Ceres (11th) and the North Node (22nd) in your house of the future and contacts. Promising a new deal on the table with that plan or pathway.
You will also benefit from the Sun/Jupiter opposition (20th) and this week’s full Moon in your 7th on the 22nd. This will highlight one past, present or potential partnership or person who is likely to be at the centre of all this. Remember, your 7th rules marriage partners and long term loves but also business and working partnerships and collaborations too. And friendships we see as partners in life.
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to the full Moon in July and what was happening around then or should I say who? Because chances are one particular relationship was front and centre. This full Moon amplifies your potential with this person or brings a key discussion between you to a head. Looking for love or to deepen your connection? Emotional authenticity is the key. Come from the heart as your nature tells you to, Leo. Love is right on the money too this week.
In a nutshell: One particular connection is lit up by this week’s full Moon in your partnership sector, Leo. Not just in love but in work, business or friendship too. There’s a deal to be done between you and a significant other – past, present or potential.
Set your intentions
Fiercely set your future in motion
Happy birthday, Virgo!
Chances are by the time the Sun arrives in your sign on the 22nd, you’ll already have got that party underway, Virgo. Ruler Mercury along with Mars are determined to kick-start your new cycle on the 19th when they meet in your 1st. Its a time of fiercely confident new beginnings and fresh moves for you, Virgo. You won’t be sitting around waiting for things to happen – you’ll ignite the passion within and initiate them!
We have ignition
As if that isn’t enough to turn up the heat and desire for new beginnings, a Grand Earth Trine forms on the 19th between Mars, the Moon in your 5th and Uranus slowing down to turn retrograde, on the 19th. Surprise outcomes or opportunities spin out of nowhere like early birthday gifts. Don’t get too attached to plans or even possible outcomes. Taking full advantage of this requires you are flexible, willing to let go or change direction if needed and also keep an open mind as to what opportunity just might look like. In other words, it and even love, may look different to what you imagined, but different can be better.
Venus leaves your sign this week to enter its ruling sign and house – Libra. One outcome of this can be abundance heading your way. Not just money but gifts and opportunities too. However, some of you could be looking at career rewards thanks to trines between Venus and Ceres (20th) and the North Node (22nd) in your 10th. While empowered and positive change is heralded as the Sun opposes Jupiter in your 6th on the 20th.
The full Moon on the 22nd in your 6thties into this as of course, it is your house of work and all things Virgo-centric. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July’s full Moon and themes around your work (paid or unpaid), wellbeing, studies, habits, routine, diet, pets, doctors, vets and anything and everything which impacts on your vibrancy, your work/life balance and how you feel. This full Moon marks a peak decision or stage in that annual soul declutter as it occurs hours before the Sun’s arrival in your sign. You are about to either discard or grasp something important. To make a decision to either leave it behind or bring it on into your new cycle. It could well be an offer that’s on the table now. Enter into fresh starts with self-care and soul intent aligned, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Virgo! Fierce new starts and fresh beginnings feature this week. You might want to choose differently to go along with this cycle. Opportunities might come in disguise. Just set your intention to ‘Receive’ now!
Shake off the critics
Yes you can – live in two worlds at once
Love, luck and other opportunities appear
When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another – Salvador Dali
You may feel you have a foot in two worlds now, Libra. On one side ruler Venus in your 1st this week adds up to feeling your new cycle is beginning. You’re aware of the importance of your image, brand, profile, look, appearance and seeing this as key to moving best-face forward. This puts you firmly in the here and now and relating to others.
On the other hand, you are looking back at the past and still sifting through what needs to be discarded or brought forward with you. You feel a pull to explore the realm of dreams, intuition and alternate realities. And when this happens yes, you are wide awake in this world but checked out of the other. My advice is to dip in and out of both as necessary now. You will feel the pull into those other realms on the 19th when Mercury and Mars meet in here. This may mean confronting something you have been avoiding especially when combined with the Grand Earth Trine this day.
Wide aware and dreaming
You will however return to planet Earth between the 20th – 22nd. The Sun in your future house opposes Jupiter in the Sun’s ruling 5th bringing you lucky breaks, attention and opportunities to shine and be noticed. Venus trines Ceres in your 9th and also the North Node in here on the 22nd. Big loves, dreams, the mass media, overseas businesses, people and destinations could feature as could a dream coming full circle to begin again.
Just hours prior to the Sun’s arrival in your 12th you’ll experience a fabulizing and deeply romantic full Moon in your 5th. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July’s full Moon and what happened around that time. Lovers – past, present, potential could have played a role. As could children, babies, adult children, young people and parenting. Or simply opportunities to get away from it all, to enjoy yourself or shine. Being yourself in a very Taylor Swift Shake it Off way sees you focussed on doing what you love and ignoring critics within or out there. You’re very much in your own zone and in the real world at this point. There’s something to be said for being wide awake across the multiverse this week, Libra. Only you have this gift this week.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus’ arrival in your sign hands you an early start on a fresh cycle. Your image will be important as will you intentions. However, time spent reviewing the past or time out brings its own benefits. Walk between two worlds this week, Libra.
Double acts = double the surprise!
Mergers, meetings and moves feature
All paths lead to homecoming truths, Scorpio
Unexpected changes around partnership status or a key relationship could occur this week, Scorpio. Uranus in your 7th turns retroactive on the 20th. At this point every outer planet including your ruler Pluto in your 3rd will appear to be moving backwards – remember, this is all an illusion. But it will have real-world effects especially if you have been putting off having that conversation with someone close to you.
Others could see the startling and surprising appearance of a past or potential partner due to Venus in your 12th this week and ancient ruler Mars bumping into Mercury in your 11th. That surprising twist could turn out to be a nice one thanks to the Grand Earth Trine which also pulls in Mars on the 19th.
Door knocking opportunities and keys to anything from the executive loo to a new home could be on hand for some as the Sun in your 10th opposes Jupiter in your 4th. Or you and your partner could be on the move together. Negotiations, deals and mergers around money or simply the emotional kind usher in benefits as Venus makes trines to Ceres (20th) and the North Node (22nd) in your 8th of joint assets and accounts, salary, sharing and yes, sex.
Love’s the homecoming surprise
That partnership shift or decision has a knock-on effect again to how you may be living, your security or your sense of place as just hours before the Sun arrives in your 11th a full Moon appears in what is the Moon’s ruling house – your 4th. Changes around home or living arrangements could therefore go hand in hand with changes to that relationship status or even your job. You land a new, better paid role which enables you to literally move on up in more ways than one.
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to July’s full Moon and at what was happening around that time. Did it involve you and another? Not just a partner but a family member? Or your living arrangements, your path and purpose? There’s a big awakening happening for you this week. It gives you a glimpse of your future. How you could be living and with who. Prepare to be surprised, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Keep in mind this week marks the start of your annual soul declutter, Scorpio. A few home truths may be in order. And a few surprises too. Developments between you and another take love in a surprise direction.
Love breaks every rule
Work your smarts
News is too big to miss!
Venus in your 11th is usually about friendship love rather than the romantic or marriage variety, Sag. Except, your 11th is ruled by Uranus which loves to break every rule. It’s retrograde this week which basically means all bets are off in any case. When we combine this with Venus trineing both Ceres and the North Node in Venus’s ruling 7th then we have a situation where love could grow out of a friendship or its time to swipe or at the very least, circulate and be seen now. Don’t have an agenda. The presence of the Node tells you the connection will be what’s its fated to be. No interference necessary. Only your participation is required.
Career and work matters are also highlighted. You have confidence to burn when it comes to selling in yourself and your ideas thanks to Mercury and Mars meeting in your 10th. And an ambition stretching Grand Earth Trine the same day (19th) across your entire money/work/status sectors. Bring it on home, baby! This isn’t a time to undersell your smarts.
Set luck in motion
Despite being retrograde, ruler Jupiter has your back. The 20th sees the Sun in Jupiter’s ruling 9th ignite its capacity for expansion and to deliver opportunities, solutions and news you have been waiting on. Especially when this is combined with this week’s full Moon in your 3rd on the 22nd. This occurs just hours before the Sun leaves your 9th and enters your 10th.
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful and intense.
Look back to July’s full Moon and what was happening around work, business, commerce, your side hustle, website, social media feed, vlog, blog, devices, commute, screenplay, photography, application, pitch or thesis. Or even your siblings if you have them. This brings one, some or even more of these themes back in. if you began an interview or application process, this full Moon could bring it to a conclusion. This is a great full Moon to send that idea live or out there. It’s about launches and attainment. News that’s too important to miss. Offers and invitations. Someone could just want what you’re selling personally or professionally this week, Sag.
In a nutshell: New deals around love that break rules could appear along with news that you’ve been waiting for, Sag. Ruler Jupiter could just deliver the result you’ve been waiting for. Or else offer an opportunity that sets you on course to showcase those smarts!
Time for boss moves
Showcase your unique style
Confidence gets results
Go fierce or go home this week, Capricorn. This isn’t a cycle for shrinking violets. It’s about grand gestures, confident moves and working what you have to offer like a boss.
This week’s focus is on your money and success zones and also just how far you can go if you try, Cappy. She/he/they who dare win this week. The term ‘grandstanding’ comes to mind but only in the most positive way. You’re the headline attraction, front of house, in the spotlight superstar of your own reality show. The world watches and waits . . . What’s your next move? Make it and astound as Mercury and Mars fill you with ideas and raging self-confidence as they meet in your 9th on the 19th.
This links to the Moon in your sign on this day and Uranus in your 5th. The house where you attract attention and the planet that wants you to express yourself. So, operating under the radar – unlikely. So, you may as well work it like you own it instead.
Go bold
Venus enchants and enhances in your 10th of all things Capricorn-themed so don’t allow fear to prevent you from follow-through now. You can make the bold move or grand gesture provided you have done your due diligence and have your facts to hand as Venus trines Ceres (20th) and the North Node (22nd) in your 6th.
Your money houses feel the heat this week thanks to the Sun in your 8th opposing Jupiter in your 2nd. You also have a full Moon in your 2nd (Venus’s ruling house) on the 22nd – just hours before the Sun charges up your expansion and opportunity laden 9th (Jupiter’s house) later that day.
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. And you know Jupiter doesn’t do anything by half measures. Hence, going big. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to the full Moon in July and what was happening around that time. Especially around money, income, shared assets, possessions, your talents and skills, values, self-worth and the people and connections you would consider to be ‘assets’ to you. Or which could be. Chances are something you began then now concludes with a stunning result. Being CEO of you could just have its perks this week, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Go fierce or go home this week, Capricorn. This isn’t a week to work behind the scenes. Showcase all you have to offer personally and professionally. Werk that attraction factor for all it’s worth.
No more procrastination – just action!
Magnetise your desires
Create a vision built for two
Ruler Uranus heads backwards this week from the 20th and when it does every single outer planet will be retrograde. Time to go back over what supports you vs. what keeps you stuck or confined. And shake yourself out of the latter if needed now Venus arrives in your breath of fresh air 9th.
Its an excellent week for self-directed, empowered changes. You have Mercury and Mars meeting in Mars’s ancient ruling 8th in your chart on the 19th. And a Grand Earth Trine on this day linking ruler Uranus to this plus the Moon in your 12th. You will intuitively know what changes you need to make. And they may have been nudging at the edge of your consciousness for a while now. If so, no more procrastination – just action.
Your boo, bae or bestie
Jupiter is back in your sign until the year’s end. The 20th sees the Sun oppose it from your partnership zone bringing a present, past or searingly potential duet into focus now. But wait – there’s more! Venus in your 9th trines both Ceres and the North Node in your house of romance. Making this one of the best fated, dated periods of the year for love and attraction. Want more? Well, thanks to Jupiter who says never enough, you got it. In between these destiny designed transits you have a full Moon in your 1st on the 22nd – just hours before the Sun moves from your 7th and on into your magnetic and sexy 8th!
Remember, full Moons shine their light into the house opposite to the one they appear in. So, literally that ‘opposite’ number is lit up now. This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in your sign in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. And you know Jupiter doesn’t do anything by half measures. Hence, going big. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to the last full Moon in July and at who featured prominently around that time. Perhaps it wasn’t yet a person but your desire for a particular kind of partnership? This could be a working, collaboration, business or activity partner just as easily. If so, someone could answer that call. An existing connection moves to the next level if you had just started seeing someone new last month. Or you and your present partner are making fresh goals and decisions around where you go or what you do next. A future built for two is what you could create this week.
In a nutshell: It’s a week to magnetise your desires and then engage in self-directed empowered change while being open to what that charge in your energy attracts back, Aquarius. Or should I say who? Be part of two this week.
The past presents for healing
Superpower that intuition
Love gets a re-boot!
Passion gets fresh depth and certainty this week, Pisces. The past may feature too but if someone returns, please don’t rush to revive it. Adopt a wait and see approach instead and above all, openly discuss why you split in the first place. It’s only when we learn from it that we prevent history repeating itself. Uranus retrograde in your communication zone this week supports this.
Passion 2.0
Mars and Mercury conjunct in your 7th on the 19th are all about you expressing your desires to another. This is a compelling meeting where you get to express not suppress, all the love inside. This can also be for something you love to do as well. Settleds reboot the love. Or you commit again to finding it. Venus in your 8th this week adds to this heating things up for you if you are settled or seeing someone. The Grand Earth trine of the 19th sends you out in search for what’s missing – be it that perfect partner in love or that dream job.
Jupiter has left your 1st but never fear – it is back at the end of the year. For now, it opposes the Sun in your 6th highlighting work and wellbeing issues and bringing you solutions and opportunities around this. This is where that past flava comes in. This week brings you a full Moon in your 12th just hours before the Sun arrives in your partnership sector.
This full Moon is highly unusual as it is the second to appear in this house in your chart in a row. Its proximity to Jupiter boosts its emotional pull. And you know, your ancient ruler doesn’t do anything by half measures. Hence, going big. It is also at what is known as an ‘anaretic’ degree – 29 degrees. If you are familiar with ‘in and out’ astrology then you know this is when the effects of a transit can be at their most powerful.
Look back to the last full Moon in July and what was happening around that time. How did the past feature for you? Did memories surface to be healed? Or did anyone from your past get in touch? Did you re-visit a place from your past in person? Do you feel drawn back somewhere? Or did you simply re-frame your past so it no longer has power over you? This full Moon can bring up forgotten memories and intense feelings. It hands you superpowers of intuition and psychic ability. You may know something is going to happen in advance and then it does.
You may also leave the past behind once and for all under this full Moon. Especially if you have been holding on to an old connection. You are now free to embrace the new. It’s coming, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Passion takes on new meaning and so-so love is a thing of the past now, Pisces. If the past does reappear, don’t be afraid to frame it in a new context. There’s a touch of magnetism in the air this week. Use it to snare what you desire.
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