Weekly Astrology December 19th 2022 All Signs – All Change

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs December 19th 2022
Have a vision for ‘23
Set your intentions
Hope and inspiration are gifts which last
‘Tis the season to give the gift of hope. To yourself and to just add that vision to the multiverse of possibilities. Jupiter hands you the gift of big picture thinking as it return to your 1st on the 20th. While Ceres arrival in your 7th wants peace and harmony. Just watch out for Mars, restless but in a party spirit in your 3rd. It could make you indiscreet or say something under the influence of too much Christmas spirit you may regret later.
What you call this holiday time hardly matters. It’s the intentions and what’s in our hearts that does. We arrive at the winter solstice or summer if you are in the southern hemisphere on Dec 21st. The shortest or longest day and when the Sun arrives in your 10th house of establishment, status, recognition and rewards. A new Supermoon appears in here on the 23rd making this the perfect day for you to forge those hopes and intentions and to commit to following them through in ‘23. So, find a way to share them and inspire others. What you contribute to the collective or simply by the sheer optimism of your plans, just raises the vibration of everyone around you. More in your New Supermoon in Capricorn Moonscope.
Above all, the true spirit of the season lies in you following your own journey and setting your intention to do it your way. A sudden surprise or what you imagined wasn’t possible around the 24th-25th shows you that hope isn’t misplaced but is a fundamental element for creating our future. All thanks to Chiron direct in your sign and a glimpse of possibilities handed to you by Mercury and Neptune. So give extra generous servings of it to yourself and those you care for and in doing so, plant the seeds of opportunity and success this week.
In a nutshell: Give yourself the gift of allowing your own greatness, your fierce bravery and soul purpose to shine brighter and ascend higher, Aries! This week’s new Supermoon provides you with pleasure in the moment – and purpose for the coming year.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (9th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (7th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (1st)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (10th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (10th to 1st)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (10th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (1st)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 12th)
Capture the spirit of the season
Make that bold, playful, spontaneous move
What can’t you wait for?
The Sun meets the Galactic Centre in your 8th and Jupiter returns to your 12th all in the run up to Christmas Day, Taurus. Are you happily content with all around you in the moment or is your mind already racing ahead and focused on all you want to change in 2023?
The run up to Christmas could see you uncharacteristically craving change with the anticipation of a child waiting for Santa to arrive. So what has changed, Taurus around you seeing change as a positive element in your life? And one which you now may even feel is welcome or overdue?
That ‘I can’t wait’ optimism and excitement has you fired up about something you are keen to make happen or have happen. This could be around a relationship or your career as the Sun joins Venus your ruler and Mercury in your 9th on the 22nd. The life and soul of the party? That’s you as your optimism becomes contagious. You’re a delight and delighted by a fresh approach, freedom, expansion or literally that ‘something to look forward to’ as the new Supermoon appears in here on the 23rd and Venus trines Uranus in your 1st on the 22nd. Surprise others with your spontaneity and daring.
That feeling of optimism, willingness to play with change and wanting to welcome in something bigger and freeing is being sparked by Jupiter heading your way in May. What’s coming? It’s too big to miss.
In a nutshell: You just happen to embody the true spirit of the season, Taurus. Playful, spontaneous and above all, sizzling with anticipation for what’s to come! This week offers a preview or release into a new cycle of gorgeous growth and changes to explore.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (8th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (6th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (12th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (9th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (9th to 12th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (9th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (12th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 11th)
Supercharge those desires
Practice your wishcraft
Double threat sign? That’s you!
Are the ghosts of Christmases past haunting those holly-decked halls, Gemini? Are you finding yourself wishing you were somewhere else? Or vowing that this time you will be doing something different? Make a wish now but do ensure this is done without sentimentality or the desire for escapism as Jupiter returns to your 11th.. And funny, you CAN make a wish as Jupiter usually grants them while in here. Just make the right one!
This is your house of the future and along with Chiron direct in here on the 24th, could see you getting a head start on some radically different resolutions for the new year. You just need to ensure that restless Mars retrograde in your sign isn’t influencing these. If you are yearning for the ‘good old days’ please remove any sentimentality filters before wishing to go back there. They may simply be old as opposed to being that good.
There’s a power behind what you do focus on this week. Not just what Santa might have on that sleigh for you, but in your ability to bring about one way or another, what you focus your intention on. In other words, Jupiter is your Christmas star but do be careful what you wish for. Is it love? Ceres arrival in your romance zone ushers in a new era when it comes to love, babies and children, parenting and also your creative self-expression. Your children, other people’s children or those younger than you may have a bigger role to play than usual now.
Double acts, duos and duets are ruled by your 7th and Sagittarius. Just before the Sun exits here for your 8th it meets the Galactic Centre on the 19th. Another reason why you need to look closely at those goals and wishes if it involves you and another. Once the Sun is in your house of empowerment and yes, sex, and a new Supermoon appears in here on the 23rd, could simply remove the barriers between you and that wish you make. What you focus on gets that magic infusion of intention and determination. You have ‘The craft’ in every sense of the word this week, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Sexy, unstoppable and irresistible. Killer combo. It’s supercharged make a wish time. So, do craft the right one fit for your future. Not an escape route to the past, Gemini!
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (7th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (5th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (11th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (8th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (8th to 11th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (8th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (11th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 10th)
Reboot those ambitions – professional and personal
There’s a new balance to be struck
Love offers a next-chapter preview!
Whatever your ambitions, fabulous cosmic incursions give them a divine boost this week, Cancer. Across home, family, partnerships and career. Here comes the season of good cheer for you. Especially when it comes to double acts, duos and duets and that life or goal that’s entangled with the path of another, Cancer.
Ceres’ arrival in your 4th on the 19th brings your focus to what really matters to go. The Great Mother – which is an archetype which applies to being human rather than being binary, is all about finding the balance between nurturing and allowing freedom. It’s now in the sign of Libra – balance as symbolised by the scales. It’s a perfect fit in here. That work/life balance is something you can bring about now – creating something new with care and finesse which lasts thanks to the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre in your 6th on the same day.
Jupiter arrives back in your 10th on the 20th while Chiron heads direct in here on the 24th. Telling you this is your path to walk – your way. And to craft in a way that takes into consideration all that is most important to you. Without having to sacrifice it. The 10th rules our relationship status as well as our partners and now you enter your yearly focus on your spouse, live in lover, bestie or business partner as the Sun marks Solstice Day and enters your 7th.
Many Cancerians will have been put through the fires of transformation since 2008 when it comes to double acts of all kinds, or seen their relationship or their own needs within relationships, transform. Sometimes this has been conscious and self-initiated. At other times you may have had to adapt to how the other party has changed. Pluto is now coming to the end of this cycle in here and will stop playing crazy matchmaker/breaker next year. The new Supermoon in here hands you a preview of the kind of love cycle that lies ahead. Something deeper, more soul defining – for both you and the other party. Be this is work, friendship, collaboration or love. Take it that it’s something you will experience together in a sense of exploration and true partnership. This week could show you just what’s possible, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Love has changed you – and others, these past years, Cancer. This week’s new Supermoon in your 7th shows you just how deep this process has gone whether you are single or settled. And previews the next chapter of yours – and that past, present or potential partner’s story.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (6th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (4th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (10th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (7th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (7th to 10th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (7th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (10th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 9th)
Work that luck factor
Create that mission control
If now not, when?
Just how lucky can lucky Leo be? That’s the only question to be answered for the first five months of ‘23 now Jupiter returns to its ruling 9th. It asks you to shine at your brightest, to radiate, to put your best, more glowing version of yourself forward, to explore and above all – to take a chance. To ask yourself if not now, then when? And above all, to tune out the seeds of doubt and limitation planted by others. No matter how well meaning they may be.
You don’t need bubble wrap protection from the world. You need to burn that barrier away and embrace everything life has to offer now. Along with the return of Jupiter to your 9th which can see you showcasing that fierce, freedom embracing bravery, Chiron also heads direct in your 9th this week telling you: Baby, go your own way. Be an original in a world full of fakes! Listen to the cosmic wisdom in this house in your chart. As Jupiter moves through here it will trine your Leo factors between now and May. Boosting Jupiter’s open handed generosity and your bold spirit further!
Ceres also changes signs this week landing in your 3rd on the 19th. The same day as your ruler the Sun meets the Galactic Centre in your 5th. Watch for who or what appears, is on offer or news of a new deal or arrangement. That’s very much in your best interest to say ‘Yes’ to, Leo. Your ruler is on the move – into your 6th of where you can work your everyday magic with practical results. Yes, we need to dream big to go further. But all this needs to be underpinned by a launchpad or mission control back in Houston!
So, your ruler’s arrival in here plus the new Supermoon on the 23rd is your invitation to look at where improvements can or need to be made here. Focus on the small stuff for big results in other words. The schedules, details, To Do lists, your routine, habits – how can they be re-imagined to underpin or support you go for your dreams. See these as your hidden entourage which supports your star tour, Leo. You bring the dream and the talent.
In a nutshell: You don’t need anyone’s permission but your own to go after what you want. Jupiter’s return to your 9th asks: what are you honestly waiting for? This week offers to kick-start those New Year plans. And to put in the support system to make all of them possible.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (5th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (3rd)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (9th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (6th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (6th to 9th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (6th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (9th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 8th)
Give yourself the gift of self-worth
The wheel of attraction turns in your direction
Send the love circulating
Let’s talk about self-worthy gifts, Virgo. Those with the intangible price tickets attached to them. The season of giving and receiving isn’t something that simply happens in December. But occurs year round in every emotional transaction we make. This week is all about setting your expectations and the price on these. Every bit as much as it can be about what’s in your bank account.
Just what these are – how you are loved, rewarded or shown how you are valued across the whole gamut of your relationships from that lover to your family and on to bosses and friendships, will be front and foremost in your mind between now and February. Part of this is down to Ceres landing in your 2nd this week. Then we have Jupiter’s return to your 8th – that ‘other’ money house and where your insecurities, but also your massive well of self empowerment, lies.
As the Sun enters your pleasure zone on solstice day (21st) you should be at your most radiant and giving. This is your peak cycle of love and attraction but also when you are at your most sharing when it comes to your love, empathy, money, time, talents etc. Of course you are not doing any of this with set expectations of a return. But let’s face it – isn’t it nice to be adored and shown how much you are appreciated in return?
If this isn’t an equal two-way flow, the new Supermoon in here on the 23rd can highlight just where the short change may be. Or else hand you the validation that sends yours soaring higher. Your birthright is to be loved and loving and you know this lies in all the beautiful details and thoughtful touches. You’ll count these as blessings now. And if they are absent in the moment, please don’t worry, Virgo. From February onwards you’ll be able to put this right.
In a nutshell: Spread the happiness, the joy and yes, those delightful details and loving touches only you bring to the table this holiday season, Virgo. The fabulizing Sun and Supermoon in your 5th tells you that the more you send out, the more comes back your way.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (4th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (2nd)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (8th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (5th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (5th to 8th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (5th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (8th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 7th)
Love offers a fresh start or a new deal
Double up on that dream
Home is literally where the heart is
There’s about to be a new deal on love or a situation which involves one other co-star or key player, Libra. And this can all be stemming from you projecting a very different image or taking a fresh approach. Yes it may not be your birthday season, but the arrival of Ceres in your sign this week feels like a new beginning or rebirth for you. You see yourself in a new light and take beautiful, bold steps to unleash this. Final, fierce finishing touches could be made to your look, appearance, face, do, wardrobe, profile, social media feed as the year draws to a finale. You won’t wait for that calendar change. Your mantra is: Seize the day!
Jupiter returns to your 7th this week and Chiron heads direct in here. What are you and that other half dreaming and plotting? The importance of shared dreams as a cement of togetherness cannot be underestimated now. It will be the glue which holds the two of you together. No boo? No panic. Jupiter remains in here until May ‘23. Chances are a shared vision of what the two of you can have and experience will be the deal maker in any new union. This goes for the business, collaborative and friendship kind too. Just who or what is beckoning your forward this week is about to set the one for the early part of ‘23 for you. This can be your own project or dream you want to launch. Wait for the latter part of that as Mercury is now in retroshadow with full retrograde happening next week.
The Sun arrives at the Solstice and your 4th on the 21st. It’s a wonderful day to pause for reflection and appreciate all you have surrounding you. The people who underpin your life, your home and your achievements during the past year. You should not be in any hurry to embark on the next stage, Libra. This is more about present appreciation with a touch of future planning as the new Supermoon appears in what is, the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. This is a wonderful Moon for gatherings, for sharing emotional truths, empathy and to balance the activity of the past year with simple gratitude and mindful pause before the new commences. Enjoy food, love and lights without any need to push ahead right now. That’s the present gift for you, Libra.
In a nutshell: Jupiter arrives back in your 7th and with Ceres now in your 1st expect a new deal on love and partnership matters between now and May. Time to embrace the season of lights, joy and sharing as you celebrate home and heart centered love.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (3rd)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (1st)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (7th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (4th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (4th to 7th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (4th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (7th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 6th)
Who is it who gets what’s below that surface glitter?
Take your time with your answer
No time to sign – time to shine!
You could be outwardly expressing the seasonal spirit yet inwardly keeping a lot inside, Scorpio. As well as your sign being associated with the phoenix, symbol of rebirth, I personally like to think of Scorpios like hidden gems. An iceberg is a good metaphor for you. We only see the beauty of 1/10th of it above the water. It’s striking, blinding and beautiful as the Sun glances off it. But what’s really going on with it – well, 9/10th are below the waterline. That’s you this week. And who really sees you and who you feel loved and ‘seen’ by, is the person willing to go below the surface.
Let’s not forget ancient ruler Mars remains retro in your 8th. That’s enough to get you contemplating changes or looking within. But this week sees Ceres land in your depth-defining 12th which can also have you delving deeper into any area you feel needs change or where you need to understand something better. It’s the search for meaning as Jupiter also returns to your 6th and how this impacts on your everyday life.
Outward party going you however is all seasonal good cheer making you the life and soul others want to be around as the Sun joins modern day ruler Jupiter in your 3rd on the 21st. You may be highly appreciative of someone who shows you they see beyond that surface glitter and goodwill on the 22nd to the real ‘you’ or what’s making you truly tick. And this person may surprise you in the best possible way. You may also want to take your time with contracts or new agreements and you won’t want to be rushed into anything new now. The new Supermoon in your 3rd on the 23rd could ask for an answer you are not ready to give – yet. And that’s fine if so, phoenix. Discuss any concerns or details with someone who truly ‘gets’ 100% of you. Not just the surface 10.
In a nutshell: Sure, you’re the life and soul of seasonal cheer, Scorpio. But we both know there’s so much more going on below that sparkling surface. What lies beneath is where your true soul treasure and feelings reside. Not to mention those dreams. Luckily, someone gets that.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (2nd)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (12th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (6th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (3rd)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 6th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (3rd)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (6th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 5th)
Co-author the book of love
Get a whole new game plan
Here to slay – and to play!
Your silver linings playbook gets an entire new section on love and having it all thanks to Fat Santa planet, ruler Jupiter back in your 5th this week. And you get to co-author it, Sag. Extra outrageous and audacious moves are added by Chiron direct in here from the 24th. Who holds the keys to all this? Your dream team, naturally! Nobody does it alone and Ceres arrival in your friendship sector reminds you of this. Parties, friends, groups, clubs, movements, associations, networks provide you with the players and the future is now your shared playground. Because just as who we know impacts on our goals and what we attain, so we have the effect on the lives of those we touch. Ceres offers a new deal on collective power. Do join in and harness that now.
Just prior to the Sun exiting your sign on the 21st, it meets the Galactic Centre on the 19th. A personal desire, dream or ambitions gets launched skyward. You initiate something game-defining from your personal playbook. This is not a time to be shy but to make your move and kick start a whole new game – whose rules YOU set, Sag. Think about what it is that you want to have, experience or do. You are here to slay so ensure you look the part. Game on!
Remember as you do formulate that game plan this week that Mars remains retroactive in your 7th and Mercury is slowing down in your 2nd. When it comes to the financial plan, you may want to practice delayed moves or gratification as a result. Ignore the lure of the sales in favour of a bigger prize later next year. The new Supermoon in your money zone is also about self-worth. This determines in turn the moves you are confident in making. Opt for actions which add value as opposed to going for just what money buys you, Sag. But that doesn’t mean you won’t reward that dream team for their loyalty. Or receive back in return.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter returns to your house of romance, children, pleasure and luck. Between now and May you may get to live out a fantasy for real. Chances are you already know what you are out to conquer. Or whose heart for that matter.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (1st)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (11th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (5th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (2nd)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 5th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (2nd)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (5th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 4th)
Insight receives a thumbs-up
Begin a new, more self-defined era
Happy solstice birthday, Capricorn!
You move forward into a new cycle with a certain surely about you. This could well follow a revelation or ‘Ah-ha!’ moment just prior to the Sun’s arrival in your 1st on Solstice Day (21st). It could be around something you’ve had that instinctive ‘gut’ feeling about for some time. Or a question around what to do. Answers and certainly emerge from the encounter between the Sun and Galactic Centre in your 12th on the 19th. Use this knowledge in that practical way that’s your signature, Cappy.
This isn’t just a new yearly cycle. But marks the beginning of an entire new era for you. You’ll see the first shy shoots or direction around this appear with the new Supermoon in your 1st on the 23rd. But the change of vibe around you will really be felt in March when Pluto leaves your sign for the first time since 2008 and your ruler Saturn enters your 3rd. Ideas and intentions and a powerful sense of self-assurance will power you up and onwards towards something sustaining. Especially as Jupiter returns to your 4th from the 20th.
Power player Ceres enhances your career, reputation and public image and also brings a new deal on love as well as what you want to attain as it arrives in your 10th on the 19th. This could also coincide with you receiving recognition for something you have worked long and hard at or from past efforts. This is a very different power dynamic from the cis-gendered kind we have been so used to. And you have a role to play simply by your example. All this can see you so ready to embrace the holiday spirit in that cornucopia of generosity and love that only your sign can muster. Even as you plan your next move. You’ve learned something valuable throughout Pluto’s stay in your sign. That is to give nothing less than 100% wherever you are or to whomever you’re with. When you’re working – you are there 100%. It’s now 100% home, family and those you care about time. Be that for them – and yourself. That’s your gift.
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Capricorn! The new Supermoon in your sign this week marks much more than the start of your fresh yearly cycle. This is the beginning of a long term era. If you’ve learned anything it’s to go in 100%. Wherever you are in the moment. And with whoever you love.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (12th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (10th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (4th)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (1st)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (1st to 4th)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (1st)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (4th)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)
The past gets reimagined
The arrow points in a new direction
Explore the limitless realms of imagination, invention and intuition
Your axis of ideas is triggered this week as well as your inventive heart reawakened, Aquarius. The past – people, ideas, imagination, may also feature. Surprise reunions or reach outs can also occur. Do watch the 22nd when Venus in your 12th trines ruler Uranus for something which takes on fresh meaning or relevance.
You may take an old goal and re-imagine it in a new way. Inspiration, intuition and imagination are your tools as the Sun (21st) and a new Supermoon (23rd) appear in your mysterious 12th. The next few weeks offer returns and revivals, Back to the Future moments, re-encounters, old flames and the past revived and renewed due to the upcoming Mercury retrograde.
Two big planetary shifts occur this week. Ceres’s arrival in your 9th on the 19th and Jupiter’s re-entry into your 3rd where it will remain until May. You’ll have that vision in you mind but are able to balance this with the practical steps or the work you do to make it happen. This is about how far an idea can take you, crafting a new deal, studies, learning, the mass media, a journey real or metaphorical that opens your eyes to a bigger dimension of experience.
Yes, some of you may be traveling now due to the holidays. Mercury is in retroshadow so keep this in mind. However, if you are heading back to the past something around it seems new or you see it from a fresh perspective. Or is that gift you’re being given now simply the way forward for that big idea you’ve been nurturing? Or is it something you see, watch, hear or read that sends you off in an exciting new direction? There’s a change within – and a change in the direction the compass is pointing you in happening ahead of ‘23.
In a nutshell: You are on the cusp of the most powerful transformational cycle of your life, Aquarius. Put that bass into your imagination, inventiveness and inspiration and walk it boldly into ‘23. Something old simply gets reworked into a bold, brand new beginning.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (11th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (9th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (3rd)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (12th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (12th to 3rd)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (12th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (3rd)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 2nd)
You own it – and know it
Invest in what the heart wants
All together now!
Bye, bye, Jupiter. You co-ruler leaves you sign this week and won’t return for another 12 years. Yes, you still have Neptune and Juno keeping you company and holding out a promise of something lasting for the year ahead, Pisces. Jupiter moves into your money zone while Ceres enters your ‘other’ money zone and house of shared assets – your 8th on the 19th. You are getting serious about a result or what you now know you need, Pisces. Be this in a relationship or a financial outcome. What’s more, you no longer doubt your own ability to craft your outcome. Jupiter re-opens the vault of self-worth and empowerment.
What else is rich should be your group of friends, your connections, associations, networks and contacts, Pisces. The Sun in your 11th on Solstice Day brings with it your annual social peak which needs to be seen as independent of the general festivities at this time of year. Your relationship to others, who you know as well as what, is all important now. In the season of giving, give the present of your presence. Reach out, issue invitations to catch up and please, accept those which come your way in return.
The new Supermoon in this house on the 23rd, doesn’t just set the tone of your social life for the coming month, but for many to come. If you go into hermit mode now, you are likely to stay that way for a while. Make this your day to message, call or catch up if you have not already done so. This is also your house of goals. And any you set or recommit to get supercharged now. What can you share with others around this? Who do you know who might have that encouragement, expertise or experience to help you? Or is someone seeking you out to help them with their dream? The great thing about this new Moon is that none of this is pie-in-the-sky dreaming. It’s all grounded in reality and perfectly attainable should you commit. Only do so if you heart is all-in, Pisces. The same goes for friends. Be all in this together.
In a nutshell: The Solstice coincides with your yearly social and friendship peak. When you can set your future down a new pathway. Or even reclaim a lost connection or goal. This week’s new Supermoon tells you – time to mix more than just cocktails. As friends and who you connect with mixes up future elements to hand you something unimaginably real – and better.
Dec 19 2022 Sun conjunct Galactic Centre in Sagittarius (10th)
Dec 19 2022 Ceres enters Libra (8th)
Dec 20 2022 Jupiter enters Aries (2nd)
Dec 21 2022 Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice Northern Hemisphere, Summer in Southern (11th)
Dec 22 2022 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries (11th to 2nd)
Dec 22 2022 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
Dec 23 2022 New Supermoon in Capricorn (11th)
Dec 24 2022 Chiron direct in Aries (2nd)
Dec 25 2022 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 1st)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
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