Weekly Astrology December 4 2023 Forecast for All Signs

Own those desires
Sometimes getting to yes means saying no first
Make it happen!
Powerful aspects trigger more than just ‘All I want for Christmas’ desires, Aries. If there’s a festive song about wanting something deeper under that tree, then it would be top of your playlist right now. Venus’s arrival in Scorpio turns up the temperature. Perhaps around something you feel is missing. Hence the focus.
The mantra for Venus in Scorpio is ‘Nothing superficial’. This Venus wants to go deeper. Get into the nitty gritty of getting those needs meet. Those feels expressed. Those wants answered. Sometimes getting to that means first saying no to something that doesn’t fit the bill. If that’s what needs to be done, you’ll discover just how deep your courage is in order to do it.
You’ll also no longer be willing to wait around for someone to make up their mind. Behind all this there’s a push to make things happen. Or know one way or another. It’s almost the end of another year. You’ll feel you don’t have any more time to waste.
Fabulous, fierce and determined alignments this week boost your desire, your power to attract it and also strengthens your resolve around going after what it is you want. Your ability to attract, bring things to a conclusion or set something new in motion receives a massive shot of astro adrenalin thanks to the Mercury/Jupiter trine of the 8th. What’s on offer could simply be the answer to that wish you sent out at the start of the week. The Venus/Jupiter mate-off on the 10th tells you; opposites attract and sometimes that’s an answer to a prayer.
In a nutshell: Your ability to attract receives a nutri-bullet of magentism from Venus in your 8th. You know what you want. And that can mean rejecting what no longer fits the bill. If a gap appears – something better is waiting in the wings to fill it.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (8th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 12th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (12th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
‘Tis the season of love in sync!
Shadows get left in the past
Act on a new opportunity
Equal passion, harmony in partnerships, the attraction of opposites – this week’s arrival of ruler Venus in its ruling house (7th) sees it oppose Jupiter in your 1st (10th). Fated, dated meetings, grand designs in love, you and another in total sync – ‘tis the season to fall back in love with love, Taurus!
Who or what you seek seeks you in return. It is time to mingle if you’re single as a Pringle. Movement and travel are also highlighted thanks to a trine between Mercury in your 9th and Jupiter on the 8th. There’s an over-arching emotional release to all of this. A feeling of finally leaving any lingering shadows or restrictions behind you. They slide away into the depths of past memory. Leaving you to move forward bright and hopeful again.
That sudden hot flare of attraction may not die down if you meet someone new. All you share or have in common simply fuels the fires over time. Do look for shared spiritual ground as this is your ground zero where lasting love gets generated this week.
As well as relating and love, this week offers inspiration, creativity, opportunity and a call to action as your ruler opposes Jupiter. If news arrives you need to act. And possibly not take too long with your answer. You’re being asked to head in a fresh direction. With someone by your side. Perhaps that existing partner. Perhaps someone new. Answer the call, Taurus.
In a nutshell: New directions appear. Are you now bold enough to go explore them? The past no longer defines you, Taurus. Unless you let it. Time to release yourself into something which totally relates to who you’ve become.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (7th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 11th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (11th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 1st)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 1st)
Investments of the heart and soul pay dividends
Work your worth
Head in a new direction
You’re in your annual partnership peak but Venus which rules love is in your 6th of work this week. So, the love to focus on may be that of co-workers, that collaboration, employer and love for what you do.
You also have Saturn and Neptune in your 10th (which Saturn rules). Neptune heads direct this week while newly arrived Venus trines it on the 5th. Time to get down to business and establish what it is you want. Or want to be doing. Rewards may well be flowing your way. Extra resources especially stemming from long term efforts open up for you. The investment you’ve made in your own path begins to pay off.
Ruler Mercury in your ‘other’ money house – your 8th, trines Jupiter in your 12th (8th), while Venus opposes Jupiter on the 10th. Is the path you have chosen bringing you the satisfaction and abundance you hoped for? Has your faith in your own talents and abilities paid off? Most importantly, are you making the most of your skills and all you have to offer? If a change of direction or reassessment in either work or love – or hey, even both, is needed, now is the time you will go deep into working your true worth. If a path is no longer worthy of you – watch as shortly a new one opens as if by magic. Go down it to discover your reward.
In a nutshell: This week’s Venus/Jupiter opposition opens doors to opportunity, satisfaction and a fresh path for you to explore. Trust in your own core, your talents and that calling that’s telling you that you have so much more to be – and experience.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (6th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 10th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (10th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 12th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 12th)
The river of attraction flows in your direction
You and another make a pledge
Rise and shine, Cancer!
Luck, attraction, love, solutions, opportunity and what sets you apart from all the rest – good things and good times flow in your direction as Venus enters your 5th.
Your creativity has a life of its own. Your very own muse comes calling with Venus in here. Your ideas have depth. Your words speak to others on a deeper level. Do something with them especially as Mercury in your 7th trines Jupiter in your 11th (8th). That great opening line? You’ve probably got more than one at the ready.
Neptune heads direct in your 9th this week while newly arrived Venus trines Saturn also in here on the 5th. There’s a bond being formed, a promise between you and another. Someone or something – a plan, a pledge, a promise – to be realised. You could be in the right place at the right time. Make a significant connection. Attract the right kind of attention. Your existing union gets taken to the next level. You feel all things are possible for you. For this window – they just may be.
Jupiter is in the mood to grant requests and wishes as it opposes Venus on the 10th. Of course, you took the first step towards making something happen, Cancer. You and another then take it the rest of the way.
In a nutshell: The axis of attraction is activated this week, Cancer. What’s on that wishlist? Jupiter could be in the mood to grant it. If you commit to showing you’re serious about having it. By taking that first step towards making it real.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (5th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 9th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (9th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 11th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Connect to our protective core
Love what you have? Commit to it
Is it time for a lifestyle upgrade?
Focus on what you have created close to home with Venus now in your 4th. Your family, your roots, what supports and sustains you. Are you growing in fertile ground? Ahead of the new year cycle, do look at whether your living arrangements or lifestyle in general nurtures your growth. Or have you simply outgrown it? This goes for your path as well. Do you need a transplant into more fertile ground?
This doesn’t detract from all you have grown and created for yourself and those you care about. This is a good week for you to be in nature – yes, even in winter if you are resident in the Northern Hemisphere. A walk in the park on a chilly day can ground you and bring clarity if you are weighing up choices.
Change is in the air with Saturn and now Neptune direct in your 8th. Even a decision to make where you are more of a home is a change. Others however may be looking at that move or relocation. The word ‘protection’ may be important for you this week. Not just in the protection that four walls and a roof offer you but a job that offers stability and protection from the harsh economic realities we are living through.
You will be looking at what’s stable and what isn’t. And vowing to do something about the latter. Bonuses, benefits and fresh opportunities begin to appear as Mercury in its ruling 6th trines Jupiter in your 10th (8th) followed by a superb alignment between Venus and Jupiter (10th). Although in opposition we say what this transit attracts can be nothing but something good, beneficial and open-handed. It can consolidate our present position or offer the opening to a new one. Money or other resources open up. Or you just take a deeper drive into gratitude for all you already have.
In a nutshell: You’ll be looking closely at what sustains and supports you. Where you go when the north wind blows in other words. Is it time to send those roots deeper or pull them up to transplant them in more fertile ground? Get ready for homecoming decisions, Leo.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (4th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 8th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (8th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 10th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Explore potential and possibilities
Don’t be deflected by doubt
Act on faith
When Venus enters your 3rd, the planet of love and attraction magnetises a myriad of choices, ideas and options for you. So much to choose from – so little time to try them all! Or is there? One may stand out however thanks to Venus’ angle to Saturn in your 7th.
So many possibilities, so much potential. But you do need to decide or act to make something real. You may be asking: which idea should I run with? Which lover holds the most promise? Which path should I pursue? Above all, don’t sit wondering or talking. This is a week where actions determine what you squeeze from so many juiced-up aspects.
If you deep down know something is right, don’t be deterred by doubt. At the end of the day there is really only one kind of failure and that’s not even trying. Something new wants to manifest in your life. A new relationship, path, job, opportunity, direction for you. Yes, it may be nothing more than in the stage of pure promise at the moment. See yourself as the catalyst that triggers that promise when you make your choice.
You do have the luxury of some time to try and flirt with all these ideas however. Just know that as ruler Mercury in your 5th angles back at Jupiter in its ruling 9th, and then Venus and Jupiter align on the 10th, that out of all this something real, brilliant and beautiful will coalesce for you. A gift from spirit? A fresh spin on the Wheel of Fortune? All that and more if you are willing to set it in motion, Virgo.
In a nutshell: So many ideas and so many options to flirt with now ruler Mercury is in your 5th and Venus in your 3rd, Virgo! Even better, you have time to try each one and experiment. But one in particular craves your attention this week.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (3rd)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 7th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (7th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 9th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
It’s not what you have – but the way you work it!
Explore abundance, pleasure, sensuality
Change up for the better
Ruler Venus leaves your sign for Scorpio and its ruling 2nd house. Take it that Venus is bringing a hostess gift. In your 2nd Venus wants you to experience comfort, sensuality and security. Material and emotional. Your income may just exceed your expenses now. You do have to be mindful however. Remember, ‘tis the season of giving – not of splurging.
You may however be able to tap into unseen or underused resources. These may not be financial. But they could be just as valuable. It’s not what you have but how you work it and the results you get from that as Venus trines Saturn in your 6th on the 5th. Making what you already have work smarter for better results is another way you can do more with what’s already available. For richer results.
A new dawn dynamic with your cash or income, or solution to a thorny, sticky problem could appear thanks to Mercury’s angle to Jupiter on the 8th. An offer could require your serious consideration. Your best day of the week will be the 10th when Venus opposes Jupiter. Money, change – as in transformation but yes, monetary change for the better or rewards could appear. Both benefics are involved here and one is your ruler. Both want you to experience prosperity, success and the good things of life. Both planets enter into a two way energy exchange of giving and receiving. If you are on the receiving end this week, don’t forget to share the good times, Libra.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus leaves your sign and opposes Jupiter in your ‘other’ money house. A powerful force of attraction is set in motion. Which in turn brings about a positive change in your resources, or how you use them, Libra. Get that rich feeling.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (2nd)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 6th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (6th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 8th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Enter a new cycle of relatedness
Cosmic connections and counterparts feature
Love is to be lived, not replayed this week
Love goes deeper. Or you’re the still waters that someone wants to dive into as Venus reaches your sign. Although Venus in our 1st can bring a renewed focus on ourselves and our image, what it really conveys is the all-importance of relationships and connections.
Don’t spend too long analysing those feelings under Venus in your sign. Sure, a little probing below the surface to look at your real wants and needs is expected. But Venus in here wants you to live love. To experience it. To relate. If you’ve been working on release, compassion and forgiveness – either towards others or yourself, you’re now emerging from that. Freshly minted, shiny and new. Okay, Madonna may be the ear-worm of choice which marks the end of this process for you. That and Neptune direct in your 5th as well as Venus’s trine to Saturn in here. Making the final closing of one chapter and the writing of a new one.
Both your relationship houses are lit. Your 5th where attraction begins and romance happens. And your 7th where it all gets cemented for the long term. You’ve been the beneficiary of Jupiter in here. And it remains until May 2024. This should bring you at least one new love or other relating opportunity. Or send an existing one to the next level.
Looking for that cosmic counterpart, that fellow mischief maker, partner-in-crime or ride or die? If your intuition tells you to look in a certain place to follow it as Mercury trines to Jupiter (8th) and then Venus and Jupiter combine to bring the metaphysical elements of love into the real world in the form of an actual relating opportunity. Watch for places and people in hues of blues, greens, turquoise or purple. Or wear them to show you’re ready for the next expression of love to find you.
In a nutshell: No more dwelling in the past this week, Scorpio. In true phoenix style, its time to rise glowing from its ashes. Love is not meant to be dwelled on or replayed in our minds. It’s meant to be lived in the moment. This is yours. Escape into it.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (1st)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 5th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (5th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 7th)
You have that dream for it to come true
Purpose and focus bring about results
Engage in everyday, magical acts
You have a dream. Ahead of Venus’ arrival in your sign, its tour through your 12th which begins this week asks for you to look at what you truly, madly deeply want. This energy is laden with promise. Manifestation can and will occur. But you gotta want it. Really, really, Sag. But do you think it’s possible?
This is a highly creative and intuitive transit of Venus. It links to your past so yes, something you wished for, hoped for, maybe dreamed of having back when, could now appear. Do use all the inspiration that swirls around and through you to infuse those wishes and ideas with the missing element. True purpose which turns what is simply in the realm of your imagination, into something real right here on earth.
Every day and every way, ruler Jupiter in your 6th delivers little miracles and a daily dose of practical magic medicine. In earthy Taurus it can ground that wish-on-a-star dream in the practical steps you need to take. And also give you a helpful boost in the right direction where more resources and assistance can be found. Those of you with birthdays between the 8th – 10th this week will benefit most from this kind of pragmatic but powerful assistance from your ruler.
Don’t just get a good idea of what you really want but also what you really need to make it happen. Money, time, energy, expertise? Mercury’s trine to Jupiter on the 8th draws in additional resources. While the key Venus/Jupiter opposition on the 10th could herald a this-is-what-you’ve-been-waiting- for, moment. The only wasted dreams are the ones we dismiss as impossible.
In a nutshell: Go a little crazy and tilt at a few windmills this week, Sag. Especially if you have a dream that won’t let you go until you act on it. Ruler Jupiter’s acts of everyday magic are set to release you into something bigger.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (12th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 4th)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (4th)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 6th)
Dance like there’s no one watching!
Newbie’s have serious potential
You’re the magical blend the world is waiting for
As well as your love life and bank account, Venus rules the arts – music, dance, the visual arts, performing, creativity – and the beautiful friendships and connections that result when we either participate by expressing our own creativity. Or join in as part of a group or audience to appreciate the creativity of others. So, now Venus is in your 11th, do take any opportunity that comes you way to participate in any of the above.
For some sea-goats, this week could deliver serious fun and pleasure. As well as a someone worth getting to know. Watch for news or invitations on the 5th when Venus aligns to ruler Saturn in your communications sector.
The 8th -10th could bring someone intriguing, open, receptive and also on the hunt for either that serious potential mate. Or else become a long term friend. You could align together for a purpose. To attain or achieve something together. Discovering you share the same vision or values is not just another bonus, but could turn into the superglue that binds you.
Mercury in your sign hands you plenty to say. And also delivers ideas and inspiration. If you have something to share, create, showcase or simply want to take a chance – the 8th is your day to act and shine as Mercury trines Jupiter in your 5th. The 10th brings a wonderful Venus/Jupiter opposition. Lightning could strike in romance or getting yourself or your creativity some serious attention. Both your houses of attraction and the future align. Friends or who you already known open doors to fresh possibilities. Don’t fly under the radar this week, Capricorn. The world needs you to add your particular brand of magic.
In a nutshell: Love and friendship are actually all around you this week. This is no time to fly under the radar. Your brand of unique magic is what attracts others to you. Don’t keep it hidden, Capricorn.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (11th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 3rd)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (3rd)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 5th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 5th)
You have your own success story to tell
If a door opens, walk through it
Dissolve any lingering dissatisfaction
This isn’t the week to allow anyone to make you feel dissatisfied, disillusioned or even displeased with all you’ve accomplished so far, Aquarius. Do you feel you are being unfairly compared with others? Either personally or professionally? Made to feel nothing you do is good enough? I do hope you are not bombarding yourself with this kind of destructive self-talk. If so, this is a sign a serious recharge needs to happen. And you need to look at what your definition of success is.
This can be a time of year when old issues come around again like the Ghost of Christmas Past. We can be heading home for the holidays. Or family and the past simply occupies our thoughts more. Yes, we can be the boss, the lean in pro, the CEO at work. Then all this gets forgotten the moment family get mentioned and we instantly revert back to that 13 year old with zero confidence.
Venus in your 10th asks you to hang on to that impressive list of achievements. In work and in life. It also promises real, tangible rewards or proof you are the right stuff as it aligns to Saturn on the 5th. All you need is belief in yourself, Aquarius. Your vision and how you see yourself is the all-important one. And not living up to the one others may feel you should.
This can be a week of rewards and recognition. Of doors being opened. Of your personal stock or cred getting bullish thanks to Jupiter in your 4th and its angles between Mercury (8th) and Venus (10th). Your game face is on. You realise that faith and trust in yourself, plus your willingness to deliver is the ultimate recipe for success. As you define it. If others fail to recognise that – it’s not your problem. Wherever you are heading – to the boardroom or back to your old childhood bedroom, go there with your head high and with success written all over you.
In a nutshell: Don’t lost sight of all that you’ve done, accomplished and achieved, Aquarius. And don’t allow anyone to sow the seeds of self-doubt. Success is a journey as well as a destination or job title. Above all – it’s self-defined.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (10th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 2nd)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (2nd)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 4th)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Go higher to where you belong
Accept invitations to leave that comfort zone
Insight makes you opportunity ready
Venus is known as the Lesser Benefic. Jupiter the greater. Both planets want to lift us up where we belong. In fact, the song contains Venus and Jupiter lyrics. Love – Venus, obviously. But ‘Where eagles cry’ – Jupiter rules eagles. One of his many disguises as Zeus. So, take it when the two planets come into alignment with one another – the only way for you is up, Pisces.
Into something bigger. Venus moves into Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart this week. And let’s not forget – Jupiter is your old ruler. Yes, you get two. Just another example of how Jupiter bigs everything up. This week also sees contemporary ruler Neptune head direct in your sign. Even as Venus trines Saturn in your 1st (5th). There may have been a wait involved. You may even have felt you were getting nowhere no matter how hard you tried. But in fact, you’ve been gathering insight to make the most of opportunity when the wheel finally turns in your favour.
Now it happens. Travel, opportunities, solutions and new friendships appear. Enticing and exciting horizons beg to be explored. If an invitation comes your way – accept it. Publishing, learning, writing, design, photography, speaking, news, messages, the mass media and the internet – especially your social profiles, could act as a cosmic ordering system bringing you exactly what you need. Movement replaces stasis or that feeling of being stuck.
Love? It could come from far, far away. Riding a horse. In a starship. A Lincoln lawyer or a Tomb Raider. Designed to take you away from that comfort zone. It’s a week to take a chance if you want your future to look different to what’s past. Most of all – take a chance on finding out just who you can be if you go up there, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Are you ready to accept something bigger? Or to explore new heights, Pisces? Venus and Jupiter lift you up where you belong, this week. If you’ve wanted things to change – the wait is finally over.
4 Dec 2023 Venus enters Scorpio (9th)
5 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 1st)
6 Dec 2023 Neptune stationary direct in Pisces (1st)
8 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
10 Dec 2023 Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
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