Weekly Astrology February 13th 2023 for All Signs

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 13th 2023
The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
Recapture how passion is meant to feel
Love will rock your world!
Big up those love intentions. This V-Day sees the Moon in your 9th trine Fat Cupid Jupiter in your sign. Firing off those arrows in all directions. It’s big, scene stealing heart-starting passion. Someone could be aiming theirs your way. This is the energy of the 8 of Wands in the Tarot. Your desires have wings. You’re seeking the love or experiences that rock your world – mind, body and soul.
We will rock you planetary aspects see you in a position where you can’t ignore what the heart wants now. Picking up something you left off or reconnecting to a lost love is a possibility thanks to a pash-on between Venus and Neptune in your 12th the following day (15th). Emotions you experienced before reach back out of the past and you could experience them again as if they just happened yesterday – even if this was years ago. If this happens, it may not be an actual person or event you need to recapture, but simply how that made you feel. Yes, this may feel intense but it is absolutely authentic. So, stay connected to it and don’t settle for anything less. The Sun’s arrival in your 12th (18th) is an ‘It’s all coming back to me now’ moment. In a grand, Celine Dion ballad kind of way. Whatever form the love takes around you now, if it’s doesn’t make you feel like your soul is taking flight, then lose it this week, Aries. Go for the rush.
In a nutshell: Cupid in the form of Jupiter in your sign could just go crazy this Valentine’s Werek, firing off arrows in all directions. You’re right on target if you go with your own definition of passion, freedom and fire. Don’t entertain anything less.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (1st to 9th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (11th to 1st)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (12th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th)
Love is a state of being
Cupid beams in boldness
Knowing what you want is the first step to getting it
Love is the change and the catalyst. And we are changed simply by seeking it, embracing it or experiencing it. So, love is never a wasted experience no matter how long it lasts. It’s more than just cards and flowers on one day in the calendar. So, no matter whether you are single, loved up, the recipient of those hearts and roses or not, see love for what it is. A state of being.
When we close ourselves off to love, or only see love as valid if it comes in a romantic form, we simply stagnate and stop evolving. Uranus’s stay in your sign is all about your values and what you are looking for. It tells you to be open but at the same time, you’re right in holding out for the qualities that really matter in a mate. So, if you aren’t coupled up in the traditional sense of the word, look at all the areas of your life where love really is all around you. And do celebrate Palentine’s as one way to express this.
Jupiter’s angle in your 12th to the Moon in your 8th on the 14th could have you more concerned with what love you don’t have rather than what you do. But seeing love as a journey or state of being, is what opens the path to you getting more of it. However, many of you will be immersing yourselves in dreamy, steamy, romantic, rom-com loves thanks to the meeting between ruler Venus and Neptune in your 11th on the 15th. And this also includes those friendships which hand you that all-important feeling of being accepted, supported and validated.
Our ability to dream wild, beautiful, fantastic dreams is what keeps our souls alive. But the gift this week hands you is the ability to go out in search of them or make the changes needed to set love in motion for yourself. Gone are any doubts or hesitation over your next move. You have Mars in your 2nd to thank for this fired up fierce confidence and determination. Helped along by the Sun and Saturn in your 10th. You want to make it happen. And you see knowing what it is you want as the missing piece of the bigger puzzle. The rest is now up to you, Taurus.
In a nutshell: You may not usually welcome change. But this week is different. Chances are you’re the one who wants a change for something better now, Taurus.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (12th to 8th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (10th to 12th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (11th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 9th)
Love is lightning in a bottle!
The feels need to be real
You’re in hot pursuit of passion
Thunderstruck love crackles around you, Lightning bolts and surprises. The Moon in your partnership sector angles to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius on the 14th. You, your fellow air signs and certainly, the fire signs are going to benefit the most from this big loved-up energy this week. You make a crazy move or declaration. You get swept up and away by passion. You know what you want from all kinds of double acts be they heart-centered or work related. Too slow? You grab that bow and arrow off Cupid and take aim yourself! You’re not content to wait for love to find you but in hot pursuit of it.
Promises, promises won’t cut it. No matter how dressed up in hearts and flowers they may be. Yes, the meeting of Venus and Neptune in your 10th on the 15th is one of the grandest romantic meet-cutes of the year. If someone is promising to take you to the Moon and back you want to go now. Because if that star ship isn’t fuelled up and ready, you’re not prepared to wait. What’s stopping them? Or you for that matter? Your attitude is if you’re not prepared to go right now, then don’t bother asking. (That’s Mars in your sign). And don’t get me all excited over so so fantasies either.
You’re prepared to follow through and simply go where passion takes you. You need someone prepared to take that leap for you. If that current boo won’t, then the lightning bolt could be the person who will. The Sun’s meeting to Saturn on the 16th is going to lift restrictions and show you who’s the real deal and who simply stands in your way of that.
The Sun in your 10th is all about the reals in fact. That lightning bolt could have you seeing something is stark contrast. As in the expectation you’ve been buying into vs. the reality. What this V-Day week will show you above all is that if the reality doesn’t send your pulse rate soaring as it should, you have other options waiting.
In a nutshell: When it comes to love, you’re not content to wait for it to find you in the Last Chance Saloon. You’re off in hot pursuit of what you want this Valentine’s week, Gemini! And chances are you know exactly what – or who, that is!
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (11th to 7th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9h)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (9th to 11th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (10th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 8th)
Realness rules
Make a change in the name of love
Wherever you go – there you are!
With the Sun in your 9th (18th), and one of the most romantic encounters of the year – Venus and Neptune meeting in the cosmic departure lounge on the 15th in here, chances are you’re craving big romantic gestures and passionate freedom this V-Day week. This is your house of travel, expansion, big dreams, learning and yes, leaving that comfort zone and entering magic country.
But with Saturn set to enter this house in your chart next month, running away permanently or simply ditching those responsibilities, isn’t the escape route you think. Saturn in your 9th is your astral Buckaroo Banzai. It tells you: Wherever you go, there you are. We need big dreams because we need to have the experience of getting there. And making them come true. Don’t forget – you are also weeks off Pluto exiting your 7th. So, this V-Day week, when it comes to getting that big love or dream experience, what practical steps do you need to take for this to happen?
There’s no running away from this. And big loves also include your professional goals and dreams too. Reach higher as Jupiter in your career zone trines your ruler the Moon in your work sector on the 14th. The 16th delivers a shot of realness when it comes to what needs to be done to get to that dream destination as the Sun and Saturn meet. While the 19th sees Venus align to Pluto for a late Valentine’s date. Blissful, beautiful, beneficial changes around a key union are possible. And when it comes to what kind of relationship – hey, it’s ALL love this week, Cancer. And it wants you to have a real experience of it. Right where you are. Escape routes – not necessary.
In a nutshell: A bigger, more breathtaking love experience is what you’re craving. That passion needs an outlet, Cancer! Be this a person or simply that loved-up goal. Just wishing won’t make it happen. Luckily, you know exactly what you need to do.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (10th to 6th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (8th to 10th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (9th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 7th)
Align with passion, daring and desire
Make a date with destiny
Love has a plan
Fate, timing and karma have a massive role to play especially when it comes to lovers, children and your creativity this week, Leo. Are you ready for a date with destiny? Because if its now time for love that’s the unstoppable force that sweeps you up and carries you off into a new cycle of relating now.
Daring also has a role to play as Jupiter in its ruling 9th aligns to the Moon in your 5th on the 14th. You’re unafraid to make the first move towards that shining opportunity or that totally hot stranger. You’re unafraid to dance and experiment with life. You not only have the desire and drive to go after whatever it is you want, you’re unafraid to express yourself and let the true ‘you’ shine through. As a result, everything lightens up, you’re in flow and people are drawn into your orbit. They just want to feel that heat, Leo. So radiate now!
That fated feel lets you know cosmic timing applies to everything. It’s time for love or to enter that new stage of it. Or time’s up as your ruler meets Saturn in your 7th on the 16th. This occurs the day after Venus and Neptune co-join in your 8th. This either hands you that transcendent experience or brings you down to earth with a bump. I almost wrote ‘dump’ there but that may not be far off if you now see there’s no future.
Courage and regal self-love are also V-week expressions of the purest kind. Don’t forget – game changing Pluto is now weeks away from your 7th and Saturn the same from your 8th. Passion now becomes more than just physical attraction. You crave connection on a soul level too as your ruler reaches your 8th on the 18th. You discover you and your boo can explore new depths of sensuality and understanding that are almost telepathic. Or you attract someone who just may be able to offer that and the depth divining love you seek. It’s also in the timing this week. Cupid has your destiny in mind.
In a nutshell: Passion, daring and desire meet destiny, fate and good old Father Time this week. The time’s right to enter into a new love experience. One that takes you places where you can evolve your soul, Leo.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (9th to 5th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (7th to 9th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (8th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 6th)
Chart a fresh course towards love
Drift away but don’t get lost at sea!
Who is that guiding star?
Hopefully you are not adrift and lost at sea when it comes to love this week. No matter our relationship status, or even what we feel about Valentine’s Day in general, our thoughts are bound to turn to partnership matters this week.
Mysterious tides form with the intention of ensuring that ultimately, you end up charting a course to gorgeous, lasting, resonate realness when it comes to any kind of union. But the important thing to keep in mind is not to end up shipwrecked. You are the captain and chart your course. You need to know where or who lies your True North. This is ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 7th next month. This week sees one of the most blissed out and beautiful transits you can possibly experience this year with Venus which rules your 7th, conjunct Neptune on the 15th. This occurs just days before the Sun enters your 7th marking the ‘official’ start of your astrological love peak for ‘23. Dreamy, steamy spiritual unions and romantic deep dives could be on offer.
You will come up for air on the 16th when the Sun meets Saturn in your 6th. Allowing you a course correction or reality check if needed. Love has to function in the everyday world if its to last. How does it fit in? The winds of change pick up and you can now move forward. The energy vibes with the Six of Swords card in the Tarot. Are you the figure steering the ship or the passenger? Or have you and another created the perfect dynamic where you take turns in both roles? That should be your goal, Virgo. Venus’ alignment to Pluto still in your 5th on the 19th promises potent, passionate, positive transformation when it comes to who and what you love. Just who or what is the wind which fills those sails this week?
In a nutshell: Don’t get lost in a sea of love. No matter the deep, immersive experience on offer this week. You need to ensure you have a clear idea of who or where, your personal True North lies and chart that course towards it as your yearly love peak begins. Just who is the wind filling those sails, Virgo?
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (8th to 4th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (6th to 8th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (7th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 5th)
Let go and love more
You’re bathed in starlight
Blockages crumble
No matter your love and relationship history or present situation, you can rewrite the stars this week, Libra. You are one of the signs set to benefit the most from the love-struck trine between Jupiter in your partnership sector and the Moon in your 3rd on V-Day itself. Which could see you the recipient of those hearts and flowers or at the very least, bring in a love-laden discussion about a union. Keep in mind that restrictions around romance are about to be lifted for you as Saturn will move from your 5th next month. You are also about to get a preview of what this means as the Sun and Saturn meet for the final time in here on the 16th. Blasting away at the rocks and blocks that have stood in your way.
This week is about acts of self-love too. The beauty of being able to let go of what is no longer needed as ruler Venus and Neptune in your 6th on the 16th. Just prior to the arrival of the Sun in here on the 18th. Release of what simply no longer does you any good, hands you back energy, passion and power. And removes those blockages to being open to the love you crave. If you’ve had a big time out from pleasure due to Saturn in your 5th, there’s a fabulous song by Green River Ordinance which perfectly describes your process and also what’s coming for you.
Stand outside these city walls, And feel the forces swimming strong,
You’re bathed in starlight, pulled through ocean tide,
It hits you here, tonight and – And you’re falling out of all you were
And you’re finding out the beauty of letting go
So, don’t be afraid to let go this week. As the song goes ‘You’re waiting for the right time’. This V-Day week – the wait is almost over.
In a nutshell: Embrace the beauty of letting go in order to have more. This week can see Fat Cupid – aka Jupiter in your 7th, break you out of restrictions and out into the flow of love and abundance once again. Don’t be afraid to reject what no longer serves, Libra.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (7th to 3rd)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (5th to 7th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (6th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 4th)
Make some beautiful changes
Express that fierce, inner beauty in any way you can
Go on – take the love plunge!
Of all the signs out there this crazy, loved-up week, you are the one who can benefit the most from the divine entwinement of Venus and Neptune in your 5th, phoenix. This is one of the most romantic transits of the year. And it takes place in your house of love, pleasure, cosmic attraction and delight. Yes, on this day (15th) you are allowed to abandon yourself and immerse yourself in total, divine, unadulterated love, passion and pleasure!
Don’t allow lack of an actual lover to stand in your way. Take yourself on a date where you do something you love to do. That creative hobby, a day trip to a place you love if it’s possible. Let your inner child dictate what it wants to do in order to express itself. Dress as if you have somewhere to go even if its actually nowhere! The object of this exercise is to feel loved, special and unbound. Free to embrace joy and attraction. Note what happens as a result. Because it will be something good.
The Sun will move into your 5th on the 18th bringing you yearly attraction and pleasure peak. Please don’t forget, Saturn is on its way in here so it’s important you enjoy the free flow now and get very clear on who, where or what deserves your love and your time. Ruler Pluto too will make a big switch next month into your 4th. Expect changes around home, family, living arrangements and what sustains you. Ahead of that even bigger transformation, the Sun and Saturn meet in your 4th on the 16th. If where you are sustains and works, you’ll send those roots deeper. If not, prepare for the big move!
So so lacklustre love won’t cut it either. You need to know where you stand and if your feelings are returned. Venus angles to Pluto on the 19th opening up a way to get yourself noticed and attract. Or else a new, enticing conversation starts which is loaded with possibilities for you. And yes, you can change the conversation – and the rules of the game too, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: This is a week to take the plunge and simply follow through on those feelings. For one day, let love take you where it wants to. You’ll come up for air (and a breath of reality!) soon enough. Pleasure, romance and self-expression all have a purpose. And love is a state of being this week.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (6th to 2nd)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (4th to 6th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (5th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 3rd)
Lucky you. Take a chance on love or doing something you love this week as ruler Jupiter in your 5th trines the Moon in your 1st on V-Day itself. Love is in the air, all around you and potentially, the next big thing. Breakthroughs in doing what you love could be what Fat Cupid has in mind if this doesn’t involve an actual person. But chances are there just may be that special free-spirited pony who wants to run with you, Sag.
Serious commitments can be made this week and intentions for the future stated. The 15th has Venus and Neptune align in your domestic zone. While the conjunct between the Sun and Saturn (16th) in your 3rd could see you and another coming to an agreement. The 18th fuels romance and your intentions thanks to Mercury in its ruling 3rd working with Jupiter. Travel, that lifelong love may also feature for some Sagittarians.
Decisions around where to call home or park those ruby cowboy boots could follow as the Sun enters your 4th (18th). Venus aligns to Pluto in your money zone on the 19th. Again, you are now weeks away from Pluto’s move out of here. If money has held up a move or lifestyle improvement, that says love where you are or move towards it, this week.
In a nutshell: Jupiter aims high and at a bigger target in love, or getting you the recognition you deserve, Sag. This V-Day week is laden with luck, bonuses and attraction. Step forward and show the world you’re the next best thing whose time has come!
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (5th to 1st)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 5th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (4th)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 2nd)
The truth is – you have so much love to give
Small and intimate romantic gestures rule
Self-appreciation sets those values
This week’s V-Day angle between Jupiter in your 4th and the Moon in your 12th sees you wanting to spend time with the one you love. You’ll lean towards spending this at home with sensual treats and little touches of romance. If you do go out, you’ll want quiet, intimate candlelight where you can open up and share those feelings. Do however avoid getting over-sentimental about the past. Or any feelings that love has passed you by if you are single. The way we were may not have been all that great. If it was, it would have lasted. And as for the latter – I can assure you that nothing is further from the truth.
If you are single, opt for a home cooked meal or a nice quiet restaurant with a friend instead. Know you have so much to give and no matter who it is directed at, they will show their appreciation in return.
A self-worth boosting moment could be on its way this week. If not around a relationship then around your work, talents, skills and what you do as the Sun meets ruler Saturn in your 2nd on the 16th. A day earlier, Venus and Neptune get together and talk love in your 3rd (15th). The great thing about these two conjunctions occurring within a day of each other is they allow you to see what is simply spin and what is real. Is someone simply telling you what they think you want to hear? Or do they really intend to deliver on it? This ensures you are clear on that. And yes, now clear on whether the way we were really was all you remember it to be.
Pluto is in its final weeks in your sign prior to making its first incursion into your 2nd next month. Saturn is also on the move in March. You are ready to stand by those feelings. And also expect others to keep their word. Especially after the Sun arrives in your 3rd (18th) and Venus angles back to Pluto (19th). You say it because you mean/feel it. Truth is love and there’s no arguing with that this week, Cappy.
In a nutshell: One-to-one closeness appeals this Valentine’s week. And the way to your heart for others is in small, thoughtful gestures. Spending time at home with those you love brings you closer. And you’ll find the right words to express those feelings.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (4th to 12th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 4th)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (3rd)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 1st)
How do you express your worth – without breaking the bank?
If its revival time it will happen
Love for the Now Age demands you share yourself!
Unlike the Capricorns next door who are craving the quiet, thoughtful love experience – you just want to mix and mingle this week, Aquarius! The fire and air signs are benefiting the most from the trine between Jupiter in your 3rd and the Moon in your 11th on the 14th. If you have no Before All Others, that’s okay with you. Palentine’s Day suits you just fine. And the more the merrier. Organise something with those single and searching friends instead. Love the ones you’re with no matter what your connection.
You will be craving beauty, adornment and sensuality. Art, music, food. The meeting between Venus and Neptune on the 15th is one of the most creative and loaded with gorgeousness of the year so far. And seeing as we remain in your birthday cycle up until the 18th, then some indulgence is permitted. Within reason. Both these planets can easily lure you into overspending if you do not check yourself. Yes, what you are drawn to is pure loveliness. Yes, you ARE worth it. I’m not arguing with that. Neither should you fall out of love with it. But do ensure you can meet those payments when the bill falls due before Klarna-ing it. Running up that credit card. Or even splashing out on someone else. The meeting between the Sun and Saturn the following day could bring you back down to earth with a bump when you realise you have to spend the next two months eating pot noodles to pay for it.
You are now weeks away from Saturn moving into your 2nd and when this occurs, you will need to adopt a buy only what you need – not what you want, approach. The Sun in here from the 18th gives you a window to get this house in order ahead of this. And let’s not forget Pluto. Venus angles to Pluto poised at its final degree of your 12th. If a past love or opportunity is going to revive, this could be the rebirth. If not, you will be oh-so-ready for something new by next month, Aquarius!
In a nutshell: Sharing yourself is the ultimate romantic gesture, Aquarius. So, don’t be a hermit this V-Day week. The love of friends offers just as much heart-starting pleasure as the romantic kind. Bring all you have – anyway you want to!
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (3rd to 11th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (1st to 3rd)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (2nd)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 12th)
Become the person you have always dreamed you can be
Be ready to receive
Happy birthday, Pisces!
Divine, dreamy, heaven sent love – or self-love. Ahead of the Sun’s arrival this week (18th), Venus and ruler Neptune meet on what is the most fabulizing, love actually day of the year for you (15th). Embrace the rapturous, creative, self-expressive vibe in the air. Become your own version of how love looks and feels for you.
This could set the scene for what’s in store for you between you and another as this year unfolds. V-Day itself has an alignment between ancient ruler Jupiter and the Moon in your 10th. This is your house of recognition, rewards and status. And your 2nd rules self-worth and relationships that you can truly back on. All this can add up to you feeling you are loved up or even cashed-up. Above all, focus on gratitude no matter your personal circumstances. The trick is you have to feel you have it to get more of it. Whether this is love, money, friendship, accolades.
Those who know for sure they are loveable are the ones who usually have no problem attracting love. Just like money always seems to be drawn to those who already have it. The coming year may test your take on this. Saturn’s arrival in your sign next month asks you to own it to get more of it. Here’s your practice session and to test your own belief in your power as the Sun and Saturn meet for the final time for the next 28 years in your 12th. Pluto will also be on the move next month in here. Again, this is going to be about what you really believe and how the world and others always reflect those beliefs. So, ensure you believe in yourself first and foremost.
Here comes the Sun heating up your inner glow and radiating it outwards from the 18th. You could draw to you an opportunity you’ve been wishing for or focussing on for some time between now and the new Moon next week. It says are you really and truly ready to receive, Pisces? Believe in yourself and your ability to have what it is you want.
In a nutshell: The most loved-up week of the year so far asks you to be the love you want to see in your life. Don’t focus on what you don’t yet have. But on what you do. Your birthday week sets the scene for the year to come when it comes to love and attraction, Pisces.
14 Feb 2023 Jupiter in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius (2nd to 10th)
15 Feb 2023 Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
16 Feb 2023 Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12th)
18 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Jupiter in Aries (12th to 2nd)
18 Feb 2023 Sun enters Pisces (1st)
19 Feb 2023 Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 11th)
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