Weekly Astrology February 20th 2023 for All Signs

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 20th 2023
Hashtag #authenticity
Reclaim self-love
Take yourself to a higher level
Hello, lover! All the world loves one and that’s you this week as Venus joins Jupiter, Chiron, Juno and Vesta in your 1st. Now is the time to make beautiful enhancements to your image, look, style, brand, presence, adornment and presentation. Venus in your 1st from the 20th has you looking at your outer packaging. Ahead of your birthday cycle you can visually broadcast the new beginnings you want to set in motion in beautiful ways. Indulge in a make-over, cosmetic enhancements, a change in hair colour or ‘look’. Anything you can think of that broadcasts this new you. Or what you are seeking to be, have or attract.
There are so many ways to do this and your imagination is flooded with beautiful possibilities and creative, soul enhancing options. Your awareness increases this week with a new Supermoon in your 12th (20th). So many discoveries are highlighted for you under it that you simply were unaware of before. Take them and enact them.
The feedback you receive from others – on-line and in the real world, is likely to be positive and instantaneous. Do you still have any insecurities around putting yourself ‘out there’ and self-promoting. Take a ‘no time for critics’ approach this week and effectively tune them out. Sure, they are always going to exist. And be totally overwhelmed by your fierceness. You merely highlight their lack of courage to express this. So, don’t allow yourself to be influenced by them as just like misery – basic loves company. Venus and Vesta opposing retro Ceres is all about reclaiming that power. While the trine between Mercury in your social sector and ruler Mars in your 3rd (22nd) is what brings you the validation and reaction you wanted. Get yourself noticed, Aries.
In a nutshell: You’ve a month to go before your birthday. But the arrival of Venus in your sign is all about showing the myriad ways you can showcase yourself. With a new Supermoon enhancing your creativity, there’s never been more ways to get noticed, Aries!
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (12th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (1st)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (11th to 3rd)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th)
You are the impression you make
It’s about who – not only what you know
Take those dreams seriously
Do prepare for changes and power shifts around your work, career, public image and status ahead of Pluto’s arrival in your 10th next month. And also keep in mind during this time it’s not just what you know but who. And how the whos see you. The impression you create and the connections you make will be all-important to your progress from this point onwards. Friendships – even influential ones, feature at the time of the new Supermoon in your 11th (20th). Do be aware we are judged by the company we keep. And to paraphrase Mr. Darcy: ‘My good opinion once lost is lost forever’.
Time for serious goal setting under this new Supermoon which appears ahead of Saturn in here next month. Expect friendships to get locked in for the long term too. And that reputation you have worked so long to establish will pay off. The past and your track record is in focus once ruler Venus reaches your 12th (also 20th). You have a rare opportunity to back track or even a second chance at a first impression thanks to the stellium of stellar planets in here. And the oppositions between Vesta, Venus and retro Ceres in your 6th this week. Do make the most of this when it comes to any renegotiations. Be they in business, your rep or on a personal level.
A foretaste of those power shifts could appear too. As unexpected news or events at work show you which way the career winds are blowing. Mercury in your 10th asks you step up as it angles to Uranus in your 1st (21st). And then Mars in your money zone (22nd). How you are perceived and also recognised and rewarded becomes apparent. This week wants you to own and celebrate your uniqueness. To no longer feel you have to serve anything but your realness. That track record you’ve established of simply being you is the ultimate resume. Because nobody does it quite like you. And that’s the impression you make, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus in your 12th has you looking back at what has worked for you in the past. And where you now need a new approach. The impression you make on others becomes all important. Ensure you focus on who you know now – not just those smarts, Taurus.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (11th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (12th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (10th to 2nd)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (12th to 6th)
Reach for a more distant star
Step into success mode
One door closes, two others swing wide
Set your sights on the prize, Gemini! Remember that Jupiter remains in your 11th right up until May this year. And do keep in mind what I told you at the start of this cycle. Jupiter in our 11th house usually ensures we see one major goal – possibly more, manifest during this time.
We have a new Supermoon in your status setting 10th this week. So, focus on those goals relating to career, public image and status. This is one of the most success determining new Moons of the year for you. We can say all new Moons are a time to launch new goals or mark important new beginnings. But this one reminds you that success requires effort. But make it and the rewards taste that much sweeter.
You are in a cycle now where you can impress. Where how you project yourself and the impression you make on others is an all-important element in you attaining those dreams. Do guard your image – on line and off it, Gemini. Yes, people who matter will be following or taking note. I can’t emphasise this enough ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 10th next month. Your choices here will determine whether doors to progress swing open wide. Or you are held back.
Your social life gets a boost as Venus arrives in your 11th. Its upcoming encounter with Jupiter could turn out to be a dreams do come true trigger. We are in a rare window where all the planets are in direct motion aside from Ceres in your 5th. This includes Mercury your ruler. A plan might on the surface appear not to have worked out this week. But don’t necessarily see this as a setback, Gemini. Almost immediately thanks to the trine between Mercury in your 9th and Mars in your 1st, an alternative and better option appears. Don’t hesitate to lay claim to it if so.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (10th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (11th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (9th to 1st)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (11th to 5th)
Saying yes is your fastest route to freedom
Project yourself forward
Make that lasting impression
Ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your 9th next month, it’s time to embrace the freedom paradox as a new Supermoon lights up this house on the 20th. The freedom we crave is usually gained when we lay the foundations first. Foundations are different to fences. Yes, we may feel ‘fenced in’ when Saturn transits our 9th. Those rings can be taken literally as encircling us. But if we do the work, we then discover that when we are forced to pay attention to where we are in the here and now, our world actually expands.
So, under this new Supermoon, do resist the urge to escape or run away. Yes, this new Moon is associated with travel. But again, Saturn is going to remind you in true Buckaroo Banzai style: Wherever you go – there you are. You cannot run away from yourself. Or your life forever. More in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.
Jupiter remaining in your 10th and joined by Venus on the day of the new Moon, wants you to claim yours! Of course, Jupiter rules your 9th while the fast approaching Saturn rules your 10th. Again, taking care of business results in those boundaries dissolving. That is because we have earned the privilege to be free. Venus in your 10th enhances your professional and public image. Do craft this with care now. Dress for success and look like you belong. Go for style not fashion. Classic rather than Kardashian. If anyone from that employer to that prospective lover has a vacancy to fill, how you present yourself will prove to be a key factor to succeeding. Show them you’re worth it and via the effort you’ve made – that you know they’re worth it too. That yes you’re seeking could just follow. And committing to it is your fastest route to freedom.
In a nutshell: Release yourself into something bigger under this week’s new Supermoon in your 9th. But do understand there’s a big difference between freedom and escapism. The latter involves running away. The former – running towards what you really need, Cancer.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (9th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (10th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (8th to 12th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (10th to 4th)
You’ve changed – so have the rules
Get ready for a reset and a rebirth to follow
Love takes you in a surprising direction
Change is on the table and ready to be crafted by you. There are deals to be done, win/wins and agreements which allow in prosperity and a feeling of soul-empowerment under this week’s new Supermoon in your 8th (20th). This marks a rebirth point for you ahead of a deep karma reset once Saturn arrives in here next month.
All the planets are direct aside from Ceres in your 3rd of contracts and agreements. Plus Mercury in your 7th along with Venus in your 9th points to a dynamic move which releases you into something more satisfying and freeing. Jupiter remains in its ruling 9th in your chart. And this week it along with Vesta and Chiron, are joined by Venus (20th).
You know what the deal makers and breakers are for you. Be they in business or in love. You are holding fast to those values but at the same time aware of where the wiggle room is for you. Just as the other party is open to meeting you half way. The key oppositions between Vesta (21st), Venus (24th) and Ceres means it’s Deal or No Deal. And there looks to be one on the table for you now.
Your best day for love and attraction this week post Valentine’s Day is the 22nd when Mercury’s angle to Mars in your 11th promises karmic clicks, surprising swipes and hot dates. It’s time for new deals which are game changes, a fresh take on old unions, crafting something which is right for who you are today – not who you were. And this time you get a say in setting the rules. Game on this week, Leo!
In a nutshell: The new Supermoon in your 8th tells you – it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new deal and a new you. Don’t be afraid to re-write the T&C’s. You don’t have to play by the old rules. You’ve changed – so why should you, Leo!
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (8th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (9th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (7th to 11th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (9th to 3rd)
Surrender to that cosmic plan
Get real about what you need from love
Duos, duets, dynamic double acts get future-proofed
The new Supermoon in your 7th (20th) this week, marks the start of an important new phase when it comes to double act dynamics of all descriptions. Saturn’s imminent arrival in here is going to show you that one way or another – you can’t hurry love. It has its own timing and its own schedule. And as the planet of karma and the second largest object in our solar system – sorry, but Saturn is too big to try to push around.
If the timing isn’t right, you can swipe away until your screen is a greasy blur or be out every night of the week in the hope of meeting ‘the one’. Yes, you may date. But the kind of union you’re seeking remains frustratingly out of reach. If time is up and your union has flatlined, no amount of relationship CPR is going to get you a heartbeat. This new Supermoon can highlight that special relationship that sees you reinvesting, or the shoots of a promising new one. But Saturn is about to ask you to get real. About what you want from love. And the current state of yours.
All the planets are direct in the sky – including ruler Mercury, and Venus which arrives in your change sector on the 20th. Aside from Ceres that is which is retrograde in your 2nd. By the time it returns to your sign, you will be in a position to craft a new love deal or know what it is you really want.
This week is all about preparation for that. Redefining an existing relationship or releasing to make way for a new one. If we are not acknowledging what has changed within us, we are simply not love ready. Being love ready if we are seeking is having the confidence to know when its the right time, it will find us. We don’t have to go looking in all the wrong places. Redefine exactly what you need from love. There’s no hurry with that process this week.
In a nutshell: Embrace and acknowledge the changes within you and watch your relationships transform along with your new perspective. The new Supermoon in your partnership sector reminds you that love has its own timing – and plan for you. The first steps to engaging with this rather than trying to push for a certain outcome, is to own what you now need.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (7th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (8th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (6th to 10th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (8th to 2nd)
Get ready for Love for the Now Age
Second time chances appear
Revive your belief in the power of the heart
Ruler Venus enters your 7th this week and love and partnership matters are your main theme. One particular personal dynamic – past, present, enticingly emerging, may be in focus. And this time around you’re wanting something different. And certainly a different outcome than you’ve achieved in the past, Libra.
Don’t forget – you have Jupiter in your 7th right up until May. Intent on giving you a new love experience to explore. And Pluto about to cross into your 5th of romance, lovers and desire next month. All the planets remain direct in the sky aside from Ceres retrograde in your sign. This week sees it oppose newly arrived Venus (24th) and Vesta (21st). You are about to tear up the old rules and write yourself some new ones.
A missed opportunity may reappear for some of you once Ceres backs into your 12th. This week also brings a scorching, heart-staring angle between Mercury in your 5th and Mars in your 9th. If something has been simmering for a while – you have ignition, Libra! One sided unrequited love, love that reinforces old themes of not being good enough, emotionally unavailable lovers, ‘It’s complicated’, flaky, half-baked promises – so yesterday for you.
This week’s new Supermoon in your 6th could see you taking a far more practical and pragmatic approach to love. Without sacrificing your belief in the power of it. Or yourself for that matter. No more ‘All for love’. You’re willing to go all in yes. But the other party has to meet you halfway. Anything less – no deal in the upcoming Now Age of love for you, Libra.
In a nutshell: You’ll never stop believing in the power of love, Libra. But the past has shown you that passion has to be fused with pragmatism when it comes to what lasts. Ruler Venus in your 7th promises a reboot. And your ability to redefine what kind of power love brings in for you.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (6th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (7th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (7th to 1st)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (5th to 9th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (7th to 1st)
Can love live up to its promise?
Write the T&C’s for a new cycle
Weave some practical magic
Ahead of Saturn’s oh-so-serious take on romance, parenting and pleasure when it arrives in your 5th next month, and ruler Pluto’s entry into your 4th, this week’s new Supermoon in Pisces is all about bringing that love down to earth.
Yes, the promise is all very well. But is it likely to be fulfilled? Being a water sign and also the one where your true emotions are surging below the surface, your feels can drag you into unknown depths because you feel them so passionately and intensely. You are also the sign who often does not give your heart to just anyone. Forget the superficial interpretation some astrologers assign to you as being all about the sex. You are not chaste – you are choosy.
But here is where you of all the water signs can run into trouble. Because you would never make a promise you did not intend to keep, you assume others come from the same space of soul integrity. You see their potential so clearly. Yet disappointment can be your only take-out when they fail to live up to it. Luckily for you, Saturn’s arrival in your 5th is about to put an end to all that. And this new Supermoon marks the start of a new cycle of discernment.
Transformations and decisions lie ahead around who you now give your heart or commit to. Home, family, children, parenting, lifestyle and living arrangements. All the planets are direct now aside from Ceres in your 12th which opposes newly arrived Venus in your 6th (24th) and Vesta (21st). You’re done now with one long term cycle and ready to begin a new one. With a new set of game-changing rules. You’ll no longer wait around for Once Upon a Time, Scorpio. You’ll hold out for Happily Ever After.
In a nutshell: Ahead of Saturn’s move into your 5th, this week’s new Supermoon in here shows you that love has to live up to its promise. And that those only offering dreams and Once Upon a Time illusions need no longer apply. Get on board with Saturn’s ‘Put a ring on it’ manifesto, Scorpio!
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (5th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (6th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (4th to 8th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (6th to 12th)
Attract a winning mindset
A deal is back on the table
Red shoes at the ready – and click, Sag!
The new Supermoon (20th) appears in Pisces this week and its ruling 4th in your chart. This triggers ‘There’s no place like home’ themes for you. And it’s time to adjust that vision of what and where this looks like, Sag. Especially ahead of the arrival of Saturn in here which is all about foundations and putting down roots.
The corner of the world which feels like home is what is important. Yes, this can be right where you are. Or in an another town, part of the country or another country entirely. What is important is you know where that is and what it means to you. And take steps to either commit to moving there or if home is where your hat currently hangs, then send those roots deeper.
Venus joins ruler Jupiter, Vesta and Chiron in your fabulizing 5th this week. You’re on a lucky streak now, Sag. But you have to be prepared to activate it by making those bold, free-spirited moves. And to let go of worrying about what others may think. Or thoughts of failure too. There are only experiences now. That’s a winning mindset. And its what sets you up to attract anything from that new lover to travel, breakthroughs and opportunities.
All the planets are now direct in the sky aside from Ceres in your house of friends and goals. The oppositions between Vesta (21st) and Venus (24th) and Ceres could see a friendship or contact reappear or a deal you thought expired, back on the table again. Mercury direct in its ruling 3rd trines Mars in your 7th. This tells you that the wait is over when it comes to any kind of personal matter. Get ready for a revival and the feeling you’re right where you need to be, Sag.
In a nutshell: Venus joins ruler Jupiter in your 5th this week. Enhancing your power to attract, Sag. Meanwhile, a path illuminating new Supermoon in your 4th shows you exactly where and with who, you belong now.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (4th)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (5th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (3rd to 7th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (5th to 11th)
Move with the times
Tap into the power of your ideas
Words have weight
You’re in two endgame periods now, Cappy. With Pluto in its last days in your 1st and ruler Saturn preparing to exit your 2nd and enter your 3rd next month. A new Supermoon appears in your 3rd on the 20th. And along with Venus in your 4th and Ceres (the only planet retrograde right now) in your 10th, hints at a new long term deal on the table for you.
Coming up: Long term agreements, contracts, important paperwork. Business, retail, selling, commerce. Writing, speaking, sharing, the internet, your social media presence, design, photography, studies, teaching. And sibling if you have them. Short trips or visits to places you have lived or spent time in in the past could feature. And if you do re-visit you may well rediscover they have fresh relevance for you.
If you are currently dissatisfied with your level of education or would now like to upskill, the good news is that when Saturn changes signs next month it opens the door to learning. Saturn rules maturity, so becoming a mature student is the perfect Saturn in your 3rd commitment. No matter how you use them, you words and ideas will carry weight. Hashtag – #serious.
Your base of operations, your home and your path and purpose have taken on fresh relevance or even expanded thanks to Jupiter’s presence in your 4th. This week it is joined by Venus which is all about living and living well. Again, those deals or contracts could include buying, selling, renting, leasing property. As well as mortgages and loans. This week is all about launches, applications and ideas whose time has come. Move with the times, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Ahead of ruler Saturn’s arrival in your 3rd, a new Supermoon in here this week is all about ideas whose time has come. What you say, share or send out lays the foundation of your future. That’s world creating magic at your keyboard or device, Cappy!
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (3rd)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (4th)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (2nd to 6th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (4th to 10th)
Bank on love and self-worth
Every little thing you share is magic
The deal’s not done until the fat planet sings!
All planets are direct now save Ceres which is retrograde in your 9th. Travelling back to somewhere or going back over something is likely this week. A new deal for the upcoming Now Age could be on the table. Thanks to Venus’s arrival in your 3rd (20th). Words have wings now as do your ideas. Venus infuses yours with creativity, allure and a touch of love. You flirt with ideas and spark interesting conversations. Thanks to Jupiter one could open doors for you. And if it does, its likely to be on very different terms than you’ve experienced in the past.
Mercury in your sign says do focus on the fine print. And also that someone may change their mind suddenly. Just remember as it makes a high tensile angle to ruler Uranus on the 21st, that the deal’s not done until the ink is dry on the paper. Or we can say with Jupiter in your 3rd of contracts and agreements – until the fat planet sings! If you are selling property, that buyer could not be as cashed up as they have led you to believe.
A sudden flirtation may take singles by surprise on the 22nd when Mercury angles to Mars in your 5th. If finances have been holding up your own plans, then ahead of Saturn’s long term plan for your money, the new Supermoon in your 2nd (20th) points to either a new source of income. Or something which boosts your worth on a personal level. One way or another, this proves to be extremely valuable to you during your new cycle. Just remember, what turns out to be the most bankable asset we have very often isn’t money, Aquarius. It’s people and our own self-worth.
In a nutshell: The new Supermoon in your 2nd shows you that your most valuable and precious asset is actually you. And your own self-worth. Let nothing and no-one lower that personal stock value. Deals can be done and agreements reached this week. But get it in writing, Aquarius.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (2nd)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (1st to 5th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (3rd to 9th)
Supersize your gifts!
Commit to long haul love
No more lost causes
There’s no doubt you are the sign which owns this week, Pisces. There’s a heart with your name on it – perhaps your own, that’s beating to a new kind of rhythm as the new ‘secret’ supermoon appears pre-packaged with the promise of new beginnings on the 20th.
You’ll see your wondrous gifts heighten as it appears. Those psychic skills, inner knowing, compassion and creativity. This new Supermoon wants you to turn these on yourself now. As opposed to what you usually do which is selflessly direct them towards others. Shower yourself with all of your imaginative magic and creative self-care. And then simply watch the effect it has on those around you. Set yourself new, freshly roasted, long term goals and seriously commit to them ahead of Saturn’s arrival in your sign next month. Do not allow yourself to waver in your determination. What you set in motion now has the best chance of coming to pass in almost 28 years. Provided you commit that is.
Time to truly own your power. And in doing so, take charge of what your future looks like. No more wounded souls, no more feeling you are responsible for the happiness of others, no more ‘fix yous’. Venus joins ancient ruler Jupiter, Chiron, Juno and Vesta in Venus’s ruling 2nd (also 20th). And both Vesta and Venus oppose retro Ceres this week. Any power you have given away, you take back. Be this in love or your other precious assets. The only happiness you are responsible for is your own.
Drawing a line or setting boundaries could follow as ahead of Pluto’s incursion into your 12th next month, Mercury in here along with Uranus in your 3rd sees you engage in a ‘buck stops here’ conversation. The change that follows almost immediately simply cements your belief that you were right all along (you were!). Don’t sell yourself short or sell out what you know is simply too valuable to compromise over. That includes your soul, Pisces.
In a nutshell: It all begins with you, Pisces. Saturn’s imminent arrival in your sign means you need to protect your most precious asset – you. The new Supermoon enhances all your most precious gifts. Selling yourself short – so over it.
20 Feb 2023 New Supermoon in Pisces (1st)
20 Feb 2023 Venus enters Aries (2nd)
21 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)
21 Feb 2023 Vesta in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
22 Feb 2023 Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini (12th to 4th)
24 Feb 2023 Venus in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (2nd to 8th)
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