Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 28th 2022


Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 28th 2022


Uncover hidden treasure

Unleash your soul power

Love those connections

Solutions, answers to prayers, hidden opportunities and entree to worlds of experience you did not imagine existed until now, are all on offer this week which brings one of the most important new Moons of the year, Aries.

The new Moon in Pisces and your 12th is all about entering new worlds of imaginative enchantment. Of exploring potentials and possibilities. Of travels of the mind and soul if not in actuality. This is because it occurs at the same time as both rulers of Pisces – Jupiter and Neptune, are present in here. An extremely rare and special event.

Tap into a higher power

Creativity, psychic abilities, astrology, the Tarot, deep, soul centered healing, proof of the existence of ‘other’ worlds, divine intervention and spiritual truths are on offer. These may arrive in unexpected ways so keep your mind open and attuned to that higher presence. The Sun’s meeting with Jupiter on the 5th opens the door wide to shining, world defining, boundary breaking answers.

Eros in your 1st from the 6th has you taking aim at a fresh personal goal. Especially when it coincides with the meeting between ruler Mars and Venus in your 11th. Someone you are connected to could just act as an ‘angel’ for you. Or else prepare to get noticed or attract in a new connection who has a pivotal role to play in the new cycle that’s unfolding. Someone or even a group of someones, could rock your world like a social hurricane and show you just what a No Limits mindset can deliver. Ditch restriction. Help is at hand.

In a nutshell: A magical new Moon opens doors to potentials you never imagined, Aries. How does this manifest? Via who you know or meet this week. Angels arrive on the wings of friendship. Get connecting.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (12th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (12th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (11th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (11th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (1st)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (11th)


Move up where you belong

Craft your professional image

Get ready for wish fulfillment

Ruler Venus is set on enhancing your professional reputation and enabling you to create an image worthy of the cover of Entrepreneur or Fast Company this week. There’s a full board meeting happening in your 10th of long term career and status which sees you set for a take-over bid when it comes to those ambitions. The question is however: do you feel you belong in the boardroom – or the basement?

Right people, right timing

This week’s new Moon in your 11th angles to the ruler of this house – Uranus in your 1st. Could this be a case of right place, right time, right frame of mind, Taurus? You’re feeling playfully optimistic and open. Perhaps in a way you’ve not felt for a long time. You’re eager to experiment and try something new under this influence. And it’s all down to the fact that the two rulers of Pisces – Jupiter and Neptune, are in residence. This makes this new Moon extra special when it comes to those goals, wishes and dreams. So, start something new because wish fulfillment is in order if you make that first move.

Success and soul satisfaction from making all the right moves and standing firm could be within your grasp just days later when on the 6th, Mars makes a fabulous, success sustaining aspect to your ruler Venus. Commit to the long term now and forge a path for yourself. Jupiter in its ruling sign of Pisces opens doors to friendships and also goal getting opportunities as it meets the Sun in here. Something comes full circle now. You could just land right back where your soul – or opportunity, belongs.

In a nutshell: Opportunity is linked to what you soul values the most. Once you know what that is – you’ll know where to compromise. And what to stick to in order to get what you want.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (11th to 1st)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (11th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)

Mat 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (11th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (10th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (10th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (12th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (10th)


The world comes calling

Where can your ideas take you?

Take a chance on love (or doing something you love!)

Mercury in your 9th conjunct Saturn can only mean one thing: big ideas and the ability to take them seriously. Know where you are headed now. Destiny defining news or a journey is on its way. Your 9th is loaded with planets like passengers sitting in the departure lounge. Where are they headed to?

What is their journey about? Business? Pleasure? Study? Exploration? Freedom? The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars tell you it’s all about expansion and doing things you have always dreamed of doing – but which perhaps you’ve held back from attempting in the past. This line up is all about having the confidence to go for it. New and exciting people could cross your path and even if you are not travelling now, you could be meeting or dealing with people from overseas. However, this is a wonderful line-up under which to at least plan that long distance trip if not depart on it.

Chart that fearless course

This week’s new Moon is one of the most important of the year for determining your future direction. Plugging into the powerhouse within of desire and empowerment sees you off on a fresh path. This rare and special new Moon anchors you to Uranus so it’s about boss moves. You own it, so work it, queen! Think new beginnings or fresh steps towards that career move, ambition, project or plan which takes you higher and further. People in positions of influence are watching in the best possible way. It’s game on now. So bring your best one and initiate.

Luck is all around you especially on the 6th when Venus and Mars meet in your 9th. What is it (or who for that matter?) that you are seeking to attract? Take a chance, perhaps on love or doing what you love. Put yourself out there. Fiercely ensure you are seen – on line or off. Don’t second guess or censure yourself. Parties, celebrations or just being out and about lifts your spirits and you could even find yourself in the right place at the right time for an unlooked for opportunity. This is one of those weeks where your confidence and your belief in yourself and your ideas should be at an all-time high. The question is: where do you dare to go with all this? Plan for a big journey now.

In a nutshell: Take the first step on a big journey this week, Gemini. Something wider and horizon expanding calls you towards it. It it all seems daunting all you have to do is take that first step into a strange, more successful and satisfying, new world.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (10th to 12th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (10th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (10th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (9th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (9th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (11th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (9th)


River deep, mountain high passion

What’s not healthy gets cleared away

Change your ideas about change

A new Moon is always a big deal for you, Cancer. It highlights the area in your life where there is fresh growth and new beginnings. No more so than this week’s new Moon in your 9th – one of the most powerful for sheer daring and expansion you will experience all year. The reason for the sheer unlimited ability to reboot a key area? The presence of Jupiter and Neptune in here both of which rules Pisces and your 9th.

Change is the new sexy

We can have a very extreme reaction to the word ‘change’. Usually because we associate it with something negative or untoward happening. But change can be exciting, thrilling, put our feet on a new path where opportunities lurk we may otherwise have missed, and even small changes can have a big impact in the long term. Getting married is a change. Having a baby is a change. We move from single to coupled-up and from being responsible for ourselves, to creating a whole new person to be responsible for. So, these are two examples of positive change. Given this is a week to embrace change thanks to a massive line up in your house of transformation, shared resources and yes – sex – how many positive changes as opposed to negative ones, can you think of?

Passion is the change you’re seeking

Change your perspective on change. Shared resources, joint accounts and your salary could be up for negotiation. Passions run high and deep as first Venus and Mars meet Pluto in your 7th and then move in to your 8th where they simply amp up that intensity. Meanwhile, the Sun’s meeting to Jupiter in its ruling 9th opens a portal to immense opportunity. But again, this may ask you to change something. Even stepping out of that comfort zone and into the unknown – but a change for the better.

You could feel an intense desire to express your passion or even attract a lover who exudes magnetism thanks to the meeting between Venus and Mars on the 6th. What or who you attract mirrors your own inner intensity. What part of you is demanding to be unleashed now? And is this the change you have been waiting for? Don’t wait for it, set it in motion, Cancer.

In a nutshell: How do you feel about change? Or to put it another way: unless things change they can’t improve. Change leads to freedom and the ability to head towards your desires. So open up and embrace it.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (9th to 11th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (9th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (9th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (8th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (8th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (10th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (8th)


Intensify your purpose

Radiate empowerment

Love is the change you seek

Is love the change you need or are looking for, Leo? This includes outlets or rewards for what you love to do. Or changes for the better around an existing union. Resources and romance could go tango you into a fresh cycle as Venus and Mars meet in your 7th this week.

This is all about you and a significant other in business or your bae. And how positive change is a necessary evolutionary force in all our lives and our relationships. A new Moon of self-worth setting appears on the 2nd in your 8th. Money, assets, joint endeavours, negotiations from the bedroom to the boardroom and also the vault are in focus. As are value stating moves and serious, searing sexiness.

Time anything from that meeting, negotiation or werking fierceness for that new Moon on the 2nd and the meeting between your ruler the Sun and Jupiter in here on the 5th. This is one of the best weeks of the year so far for attracting love or success in business. Especially with that Venus/Mars love in awakening in you the desire to engage in exactly the same thing.

Fuel up on passion

Destiny and desire fuse to impel you forward with fresh confidence when it comes to exploring what you want now Eros sets you a bigger target to aim for in your 9th from the 6th. Love is all about desire and intensity and less about hearts and flowers. You step forward with confidence and powerful assertion when it comes to going after what you want. Love is your fuel this week. No more running on empty.

In a nutshell: Bring on the love this week, Leo! I’m talking about the REAL deal, not the Insta filtered kind. Accept no substitutes this week. And know it really IS all around you. In so many forms.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (8th to 10th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (8th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (8th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (7th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (7th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (9th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (7th)


Write a once upon a time love story

Bring back joy

Lighten the load

Your new era of love begins here, Virgo with a Once Upon a Time new Moon in your 7th. Why is it so special? Because it occurs just prior to the conjunction legends are made of when Jupiter and Neptune meet in this house in April. It’s extremely rare of these two planets – both of which rule Pisces and your 7th, are in residence at the same time. So, take it the stars are coming out just for you now, Virgo.

Ruler Mercury combined with Saturn in Merc’s ruling 6th has you working your superpower and focusing it on those positive work/life details. Meanwhile bring on the love or a rebirth of your belief in it as Mars and Venus meet Pluto in your 5th before they too move on and meet in your 6th on the 6th. Lighter, brighter more joyful daily improvements are on their way.

This is a good time to shift your schedule or to transition to hybrid or remote working or else to prioritise self care. Restore sublime balance in your life as this meeting is all about inner love and self-awareness, self-healing, good medicine, Shamanism and holistic health. You are more aware than ever now of connections – not just the mind/body/spirit one but the connection between imbalance in one area of your life and how this impacts on others. You’ll take steps now if necessary to restore this results in a happier, healthier, more joyful you and a better way of working.

Here and now love – it’s no fairy tale

Settleds feel that extra special love and affection while singles Virgos find their thoughts straying towards a forever kind-of-thing – or someone who fits the bill. Once in a lifetime love isn’t so once upon a time but the time is now after all.

In a nutshell: Time to create a life that just gives you back nothing but joy, Virgo. To do that, you may have to let some things go. Maybe love is what you’re making way for now. Not once upon a time but today.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 9th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (7th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)

Mat 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (7th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (6th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (6th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (8th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (6th)


Put your love on show

Work some special everyday magic

It’s all about the attraction

Ruler Venus meets Mars in your shining 5th house on the 6th and it’s all about how you showcase that love and express it. Including the love for what you love to do. This is high potency attraction no matter how you work this. You’ll receive an answer in kind.

A powerful new Moon also smiles on any attempts by you to make yourself love ready by making changes to your diet, fitness or wellbeing regimen or beginning a new routine, study or work cycle from the 2nd. This is one of the most stage setting new Moons of the year. And it impacts on what you do every day. The small stuff which is actually big stuff due to the presence of Jupiter and Neptune in here.

Love the form love takes

Connections which enhance your life – or don’t as the case may be, are foremost in your mind. Who do you belong with? Who fills in the blanks for you as you do for them? You’ll be bringing this insight to bear on your relationships now – whether romantic, business or just friendship and looking at how they fit in to the bigger picture. New connections can be made for the long term as Mercury in your 5th meets Saturn. It could start as a working connection, collaboration or friendship then evolve into a romantic one. Or at least that is a possibility. Eros in your 7th sees you taking aim at a past, present or potential partnership. But love it for whatever form it takes now.

This is a fantastic week for pushing forward with any plans you have especially when it comes to business and making money. The Sun’s meeting to Jupiter is intent now on improving the flow for you this year. You have the option now to take steps and accept what is on offer. It may require discipline but you’ve done this before. Focus and act and those financial goals could just materialise this week.

In a nutshell: Time to love yourself that bit more this week, Libra. Everyday changes pave the way for new connections and work opportunities. And yes, love too. Just love whatever form it takes now.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (6th to 8th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (6th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)

Mat 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (6th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (5th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (5th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (7th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (5h)


Create your future

Set that new work/life goal

Love is in the air

Houseguests in your 4th of all things home and family centered, are asking you to put your house in order this week. First however we have Venus and ancient ruler Mars meeting modern day ruler Pluto in your 3rd of news, contracts, business, getting around, doing the deal and the internet. Agreements, your siblings/cousins, your locality or an announcement or message could be a game changer this week.

Written in the stars

This week’s new Moon in your 5th is one of the most important of the year for all of us. It occurs while Jupiter and Neptune are both present in here and angles to Uranus in your 7th. Unexpected, unique, astounding, out-of-bounds and electrifying love or a cycle of attraction is set in motion now. Someone or something could send your world topsy-turvey and your heart racing in the best possible way.

This week is no time to be shy or withdrawn but to put yourself out there, sparkle, scintillate and socialise. Meanwhile, Mercury’s meeting with Saturn in your 4th could see you creating a solid foundation for your future around family or your living arrangements. Mars and Venus are on the move now – from your 3rd to your 4th on the 6th where they set up cohabitation.

This could bring joint property decisions or a move for some of you. This is the week under which to cement your future or carry out improvements. You may have the desire to beautify or improve your home environment. Make this your temple now. You may find you are more inclined to spend time at home than go out. But you will be active within it – tackling any DIY tasks to make it simply more liveable for you.

Eros in your 6th lets you craft that working from home/hybrid balance or else hands you a new goal which enhances wellbeing. Feeling good also lays another kind of foundation that supports you ability to enjoy the good things on offer, Scorpio. And there’s an abundance of those available to you now.

In a nutshell: This week’s new Moon wants to deliver on a promise of love or soul contracts written in the stars. There’s the promise of a bigger experience ahead for you, Scorpio. Time to believe in the power of love. Or doing what you love.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5th to 7th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (5th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)

Mat 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (5th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (4th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (4th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (6th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (4h)


Abundance is a mindset

Share those messages and ideas

Where energy flows manifestation happens

Venus and Mars meet up with Pluto in your 2nd this week marking a shift in your self-worth or handing you the ability to make serious inroads towards those financial goals. Suddenly you get that it’s all about your mindset. So, direct it like a laser towards a specific goal rather than scatter it and you will be amazed at the progress you can achieve this week.

Say it with love

Venus and Mars will move on into your 3rd where they meet on the 6th. Plus you have Mercury which rules this house meeting Saturn in here on the 2nd. A piece of news or even something you share or send out, has long term impact on you sending you out in a fresh direction. Mars gives you the confidence to act on your ideas while Venus enhances your ability to get them across and boosts your creativity. Especially in anything to do with business, design, imagery or the written word.

What you communicate is infused with love for what you do and passion – perhaps for someone as words of love, romance and being downright flirtatious are other ways both Venus and Mars can express their energy in this house. Bold moves can result in Ppositive news around business and yes, even affairs of the heart. But again, utilise that Mars energy in a constructive way as you’ll quickly discover that whatever you direct your energy towards quickly manifests now. Are you a magician? Possibly if you keep an open connection to your intuition now.

Bring it on home

The Sun meets ruler Jupiter in your 4th of home, family and long term security on the 5th. But just prior to that, you have one of the most security enhancing new Moons of the decade occurring in what is, the Moon’s ruling house on the 2nd. It’s special due to the fact it appears at the same time as both ruler Jupiter and Neptune are houseguests in here. Doors to living enhancements or finding your ideal place or space, swing wide. So step into a new phase of living larger, better or in a way that’s cosmically designed to suit you. This may also flow from that concentrated effort you’ve been so focussed on.

Time to look to your surroundings, your home and decisions around your career that sustain you for the longer term. Eros shifts out of your 4th and on into your 5th, boosting that Venus/Mars message of fiery confidence and heat you’ve been sending out and setting that path ahead on fire. A change is coming – for the better and all thanks to your efforts, Sag. That’s your magic this week.

In a nutshell: Feeling like you can conquer the world, Sag? With the right plan or idea you just might. And win a few hearts in the process this week. Closer to home, you get the key to living larger – and better for your future.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (4th to 6th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (4th) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (4th)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (3rd)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (3rd)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (5th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (3rd)


Get into a new relationship – with yourself

Communicate those inner changes

You are your next big idea!

Shifts around a key relationship dynamic could occur this week. But if you are honest Capricorn, you’ll be ready to admit this is just a reflection of a larger transformation that’s occurred deep within you. You now just need to bring connections into alignment with this as Venus and Mars meet Pluto in your sign before heading off for another meet-cute in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 6th.

Love needs to be brought into alignment with this new you or that fresh set of needs and values you have become increasingly aware of now. With Mercury meeting your ruler Saturn in your 2nd money, joint resources or just what you need in general may be up for discussion with you setting new standards for your future. If you are settled, then conversations with bosses or partners may follow. If you are single, you will now be seeking someone new with a fresh criteria and enhanced awareness of what you need.

See your money, abundant flow, possessions and your talents as entities you are in a relationship with and work on this accordingly. Some of you may see extra money or a fresh source of income open up. For others, the issue may not be how much of it you have, but how you use it. It’s about your power to direct your resources. This week will ask you if you control your money or if it controls you.

Ideas take you further

New ideas across all areas are ignited and good news may be on its way thanks to the new Moon in your 3rd on the 2nd and the meeting between the Sun and Jupiter in here on the 5th. This is one of the most important new Moons for beginning a new direction or setting your ideas in motion of the year. This is due to the presence of both Jupiter and Neptune in here. How far can that idea, message, offer or piece of news take you? The answer is further than you imagine.

This is your cue to launch or send out anything. And to understand the internet for you is truly a cosmic delivery system now. You can now also send out your message or express those ideas

in a way that is both emotionally compelling and resonates on a deep level. Your imagination is enhanced and takes flight. Whether you are utilising these gifts professionally, personally, in person or via social media, others find what you have to say or share irresistible and compelling. Communicate that inner transformation and the results may amaze not just others – but you too.

In a nutshell: You feel a need to communicate the profound changes that have been happening within now, Capricorn. The next big idea? Well, it could be your personal message. Get sharing for powerful results this week.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 5th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (3rd) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (3rd)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (2nd)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (2nd)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (4th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (2nd)


Expect revelations

Your values are your lodestone

Doors to abundance open

You see something or someone in a new light this week. So, when you do, be prepared to act accordingly, Aquarius. An ‘Ah-ha!’ moment is upon you when Venus and Mars meet Pluto in your 12th house of secrets, all things hidden and searing insight. There’s an awakening going on within you and once your eyes are opened, you won’t be able to close them to the truth any longer.

Is what you are being shown aligned to your soul values? That’s the key question you atre being asked in the wake of any revelations. It’s an answer only you can give. But one you will know at the time of the new Moon in your 2nd on this day. At the same time you have Mercury meeting Saturn in your sign. So, you state those values and/or intentions – and mean it. There’s no going back now.

This will be one of the most powerful new Moons of the year for all of us. As it occurs when both Jupiter and Neptune are both in Pisces. For you, it is extra laden with potential as it angles to your ruler Uranus in your 4th. This could have a big impact on your home, family, foundations and living arrangements. But it can just as easily see you coming home to what you truly stand for and believe in. And letting others know in no uncertain terms what this is.

New cycle 2.0

The Sun meets Jupiter in your 2nd on the 5th opening doors to abundance and prosperity. This occurs the day before Venus and Mars land in your sign and meet – handing you what may feel like a second birthday cycle. You know what you want, what you don’t need and when it comes to the latter what to do about it. And the former – how to get it. Your confidence gets that extra shot. Eros is also on the move into your 3rd this week. Underselling yourself? Simply not possible now, Aquarius. Move on into self-worth territory and mine it for fresh opportunities.

In a nutshell: Be a little bit more daring this week when it comes to where your life is headed. A revelation shows you what’s working and what isn’t. You have the self-confidence to act either way, Aquarius.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 4th)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (2nd) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)

Mar 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (2nd)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (1st)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (1st)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (3rd)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (1st)


Begin it now

Healing begins

Dare to follow your dreams

Big bold brazen new beginnings appear now. Don’t you dare dilute your dreams this week, Pisces. The new Moon in your sign on the 2nd is one of the most potential-laden you will ever experience.

It ushers in a cycle like no other due to the presence of both your rulers Jupiter and Neptune, in your sign at once. This is an event so rare and special, that you will not experience it again in your lifetime. The message this week is: Begin it NOW.

Set something new in motion

The more innovation, daring and flexibility you bring to this, the more you supercharge the latent potential that surrounds you thanks to the tight angle the new Moon makes to Uranus in your 3rd. Take your ideas – the bolder and more blue sky the better, and run with them.

Dynamic connections – perhaps even with people in positions of influence, may form part of this. Look at who you come into contact or are interacting with this week as Venus and Mars meet with Pluto in your 11th. The 5th sees you in the spotlight so craft your image and your personal message as the Sun and Jupiter align in your sign.

The following day sees Venus and Mars move into your 12th and form a powerful soul meeting. This is about deep healing especially around wounds in connection to love and relationships you may have experienced in the past. Mars cauterises these while Venus renews.

Others may get that intuitive ‘heads-up’ that something new is coming. Even if you are not certain who or what. This week also has Mercury make a fated meeting with Saturn in your 12th. Closing one door off and then setting you free to walk through a new one. If something now reveals itself to be lived out, it may simply slow to a halt of its own volition. Painlessly as you simply shed it and walk free. You are not supposed to live this cycle carrying old wounds or burdens, Pisces. Renew yourself, your soul and your purpose this week. As well as your faith in the future.

In a nutshell: Powerful new beginnings and potentials are ushered in by one of the most important new Moons you will ever experience. No more hesitation, Pisces. Step free of what holds you back and begin anew.

Mar 2 2022 Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (1st to 3rd)

Mar 2 2022 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12th)

Mar 2 2022 New Moon in Pisces (1st) – N.B. 1 degree off a sextile with Uranus

Mar 3 2022 Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)

Mar 3 2022 Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)

Mat 5 2022 Sun conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (1st)

Mar 6 2022 Mars enters Aquarius (12th)

Mar 6 2022 Venus enters Aquarius (12th)

Mar 6 2022 Eros enters Aries (2nd)

Mar 6 2022 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (12th)


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