Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 7th 2022

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 7th 2022
Bring your best game
Craft that deal
Know what you stand for
Beneficial business dealings, powerful people ‘on side’ and your ability to influence the gatekeepers and decision makers, could see a career-defining moment arrive this week, Aries. Ruler Mars simply adds impulsion, confidence and ups those leadership skills. And provided you don’t allow blind ambition to rule you, you have the ability to perfectly align your own agenda with those of in a position to say ‘Yes’.
Make that deal
Project a certain sense of authority and above all, if you are engaged in meetings and interviews, as well as selling yourself with magentic determination, emphasise what you are willing to add in terms of value. That’s the secret to your success this week. Power broker Ceres enters your 3rd of communication and contracts indicating a shift in the power structure around you. Old deals can be re-worked and new ones made. Have a clear idea of what you are prepared to compromise on – but also where you will and won’t ‘sell out’.
The same applies even if you don’t work or are involved in studies. Time to let others know what you stand for. Or to have that talk. How you come across is ultra important. Your 10th is actually quite a ‘theatrical’ house. In a different way to your 5th which is all about where you get to show off and have fun. You are not ‘playing’ a role but are the real deal. You know what you want, who you are and stand by what you say. Ensure you get your point across and also know when to stand firm on the 11th when Mercury and Pluto meet. Time to let the world know exactly what you stand for, Aries.
In a nutshell: Time for power moves. And to let others know you mean what you say, Aries. You’ve an opportunity to make inroads into a career matter. Or simply come across as a force to be reckoned with.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (3rd)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Be an escape artist
Align to your inner truth
No more someday dreams – just today living
Are you dreaming of escaping, Taurus? This week doesn’t want you to just dream about it. If you have felt confined for far too long this week offers you an escape route. Have you been keeping going because you’ve told yourself that things will be better ‘someday’? But that day or opportunity just never seems to arrive? If so, time to take action to make it happen.
Mars in your 9th pushes you out of the door towards something more aligned to your inner truth or purpose. This is you, the escape artist painting a larger canvas of what you want in your life from here on in. You may never have thought you would take this step – but here you are.
Take the right route to freedom
Often we escape what we have ‘settled’ for in ways we don’t even notice. The wine we drink to de-stress from that job we don’t like, the internet, our phone screens, the boxset. The list goes on. Kid at heart playing games, In the shadows, Fall asleep make a wish, And the bad goes, I can dream can’t I? When I close my eyes, Kiss the world goodbye, You’ll see me escaping. The lyrics to ‘Escaping’ perfectly sum this up. Anything ring true? Time to take control of that escape. And to see that it may be a trap not an escape at all.
Ceres in your 2nd this week wants to broker you a new deal that’s grounded in the reality of what you really need and isn’t based on escapism. This may see you asking to change up your working life, ruthlessly assigning more time for the things you want to do or else talking to your partner about how you can jointly create something more satisfying for you both that neither of you would want to escape from.
Talk about the need you have for real passion, love and experiences – not the edited Instagram version of it. Living vicariously or in the future you create in your head no longer cuts it. And you’ll do whatever needs to be done around the 11th when Mercury and Pluto bring you a transformational one. Seize both the day and the desire to escape the escape room you’ve created, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Welcome to your escape room week, Taurus. Where you get to choose whether or not to continue to settle for living vicariously. Or set that determined course to live those dreams for real.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (2nd)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Focus on your outcome
Go where change wants to take you
Step into rebirth and release
Ch-ch-ch-changes define this week, Gemini. What do you automatically think when the ‘c’ word is mentioned? Is it ‘About time!’ or ‘Over my dead body’?. You have a choice this week which is to embrace change or hang on like grim death. The thing is no matter which you choose, change will occur anyway. Not all change is to be feared but our 8th house is where our fears reside. Even if something isn’t actually working for us any more, we can fear changing it because we fear the unknown more.
You have both the rulers of this house – Mars and Pluto, in residence. They are telling you change is going to occur with or without your participation in the process. Mars’s angle to Uranus on the 8th could trigger unexpected events or forces outside of your control. This kick-starts the process if you have been dragging your heels. Carried forward, you now have to go with it.
This does not mean to say you don’t have any control over your outcome however. Ceres in your 1st acts as a power broker for a new and better deal in a key area. Just know what those deal makers and breakers are for you. And stick to them.
Time for transformation
The result could be a complete transformation or you simply ascending away from a situation that has kept you stuck for far too long. Money, assets (especially joint ones), your salary, benefits, something you share, mortgages, taxes, loans and legacies may feature along with discussions or negotiations around these. Ruler Mercury’s meeting with Pluto on the 11th points to key discussions or news which shifts and changes up the status quo. If things have been stagnant for far too long, Mercury now regaining its traction after retrograde, un-sticks them.
This all tells you its time to dance in the winds of change. Know what you want as your outcome. That way you will find yourself blown in exactly the direction you need to go in this week, Gemini. An important phase may end with a new one now just around the corner. No matter how you react to the ‘c’ word, it truly is inevitable this week. Your rebirth awaits.
In a nutshell: Change is designed to bring about something better. Something which has kept you stuck shifts and releases you back into the flow of potential. What looks like an ending may be a rebirth. Roll with it, Gemini.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (1st)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Look for a different kind of connection
Say it any way you can
Shift that relationship perspective
Powerful shifts around partnerships could occur this week, Cancer. Need to have that talk? This is one of the best weeks to tackle anything you have been putting off saying in any kind of double act dynamic. Mercury aligns to Pluto in your partnership sector on the 11th while Ceres enters your 12th n the 9th. It’s time to shake up that status quo as deal making and if needed, breaking can occur. You’re in a position of power where you can craft the outcome you need. Just know in your heart of hearts what that is.
It’s all about connection!
This cuts across all relationship areas. Seeking something new and dynamically different? In work, love or simply friendship? This isn’t a week to be a wallflower if so, Cancer. Mix, mingle, been seen and make that effort now Mars in your 7th angles to Uranus in its ruling 11th. That confidence you’re radiating is like a heat seeking missile sending you in search of where passion is hiding. Now this can be that potential boo or simply a group of like minded souls who represent where the action is happening for you now.
Mars hands you scorching self-assurance and the ability to take action where previously you might have hesitated. It tells you – don’t be shy and make that first move. Swipe, apply, have that opening line ready – it begins with ‘Hello’, or take a deep breath and say ‘Are you free to talk?’. The future shifts with your ability to take action. New people open wide vistas to fresh experiences. You are the one who sets this all in motion, Cancer. Become your own best destiny driver this week. It all starts with a click or a conversation.
In a nutshell: New connections wait for you to make that first move. Embrace new possibilities arising from the old. It could all begin with a click or ‘Hello’, Cancer. Say it any way you can this week.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (12th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
New dawn friendships are at hand
Shake up that routine
Act with practical confidence!
A new day dawns when it comes to what you envision your future to be as Ceres lands in your 11th this week. Head towards a new social circle, group, club, association, team, party or friendship, Leo. Yes, of course the people you are already connected to have a role to play. But if you are offered entrée into a new and enlightening circle or connect to that person who comes from a radically different background to your own, take it that this puts a totally fresh dynamic on the table for you.
Your 6th which rules work, study and wellbeing remains alive with the potential for change this week. Mars in here trines Uranus in your 10th. So, a new job, project, raise or promotion could be in the offing but although you are drawn towards success, you are not prepared to sacrifice certain things in order to have it as Uranus redefines just what ‘making it’ means to you.
Power and pragmatism
This week also sees Mercury direct once again in its ruling 6th, put you in a power position when it comes to negotiations or changing up that day job, habit or routine as it meets with Pluto on the 11th. Pluto adds power and persuasion in any situation where you are selling yourself, your product or service. Mercury zings up those ideas and also hands you flexibility if needed.
You’re able to meet any task and come across as someone able to get the job done making this an excellent day for interviews or meetings. Harnessing your resources in new ways – especially when it comes to your money – or negotiating more of it. If you need to build better habits, transform your working life or that routine, this week has you taking steps to do just that. And knowing exactly the price you are willing to pay to get it now, Leo.
In a nutshell: New circles offer invitations to fresh, future defining connections and experiences. Your energy levels peak this week. Direct them into work or cutting those tasks down to size and turn the pragmatic into passion as you do, Leo!
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (11th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Opt for what’s right – not ‘it all’
Assertiveness, confidence and desire send you forward
Shine a light so love can find you
When it comes to love, relationships and attraction, you and water sign Cancer have the advantage this week. You are on the cusp of a love and soul defining period when it comes to partnerships. And where does lasting love begin? In your 5th house of attraction, playfulness and passionate intent!
First however, time to broker yourself a new deal on that career, ambitions or what you define as ‘success’ as Ceres enters your 10th. If you’re looking for a shift to something more fulfilling that you don’t need to sell your soul or relationships for, Ceres offers the way towards a new deal or comprise around your career. No, you don’t get to have ‘it all’. But you can get what’s satisfying or doesn’t result in you having to sacrifice one area of life just to get ahead.
Get ready to stand out!
Mars in your 5th ignites that spark of desire. Perhaps for something freeing, bigger or radically new as it aligns to Uranus in your 9th. A surprise opportunity or that unlooked for flirtation could take you by surprise. Be open and above all, receptive and curious. You project an engaging intensity this week that many will be drawn to or simply find openly irresistible.
You can take this superpower and use it to be at your most engaging not just around love and attraction, but in business too as this links you to standing out, success and freedom to explore what you love to do. Or want to pursue for your future. Be yourself and not anyone else because it’s your unique vibe that seals the deal for someone!
Ruler Mercury is now direct again but has yet to clear its retroshadow. It’s meeting with Pluto in your 5th on the 11th could kick start something left hanging for you. This could be that lover who mysteriously went off-radar or now that job prospect reviving once more. Anything you attract or begin this week has the heat of confidence, certainty, assertion and passion behind it. If it (or they) look very different to what you have attracted in the past – even better, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Love begins in your 5th house and gets real in your 7th. You now have both these houses working for you, Virgo. Plus Mars igniting that confidence and passion. Whether it’s work or love, you’re in a position to attract.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (10th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Get moving!
Put your ideas to work
Where is ‘home’ for you?
Decisions around home, property, living arrangements, family or who you live with are front-and-centre this week. It’s all about your long term security, Libra. There’s no place like home and where this is or your roots may be in focus. Often where we belong can be totally different to where we were born, grew up or are even living right now. The same goes for our work if we feel we are the proverbial square peg in the round hole.
Changing Rooms or even locations, are what the planets in your 4th are offering. Especially now both ruler Venus and Mercury are direct in here once more. Mars and Pluto are also offering you the opportunity for a move or lifestyle change this week. Mercury will conjunct Pluto (change, endings, transformation, regeneration) on the 11th which could bring about a move or a decision around it.
This includes buying, selling, renting, leasing as well as touching on where you live and work. Look to where you feel ‘at home’ and if it is different to where you currently reside, then come up with a strategy or plan to relocate. Are you being ‘drawn’ either back to somewhere you lived in the past or to another neighbourhood, town, area or even country that has an inexplicable ‘pull’ on your soul? If you love where you are and what you do, time to commit to it, to send those roots deeper and improve it whatever way you can. The alignment between Mars and Uranus in your 8th could see resources shift to enable just that.
This week also sees Ceres land in your 9th perhaps offering an even bigger location for some of you. What’s the trade-off you need to make? Deals can be done now. And this includes giving up something or making a concession in order to live or experience something bigger, better and more freeing. Initiating that idea to make it happen down the line is a distinct possibility as is re-shuffling those priorities in order to make it happen. Your ideas can be what move you this week, Libra.
This week’s full Supermoon in your 12th gives you access to powerful intuitive knowledge when it comes to where you need to be. Don’t ignore this. The place where you can live and work the way destiny wants you to is calling to you. You know deep down where you belong, Libra. Set up home this week.
In a nutshell: There’s no place like where you belong, Libra. You’ll know this week if you’re in the right one when it comes to both home and work. If not – make that move now. Ideas pave the way.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (9th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Say it and mean it
Take action
A new deal could make a dream possible
This week places the focus on your ideas, devices, communications and your commute. With an extra serving of your neighbourhood, siblings and cousins too. Both rulers ancient and modern are in this house along with Venus and newly forward Mercury in what is its ruling house.
Time for launches and follow-throughs. Above all, say it like you mean it and watch how what you say transforms any situation. Long term efforts – with projects, study, presentations, publishing, the internet, design, your social media presence, writing, photos, applications, interviews and research, could pay off for you now. Once piece of news or something you send out could be a game changer as Mars trines Uranus on the 7th. Looking for love or even that new work dynamic? This is your day to put yourself out there.
The next big idea could be you
The fact is, this week people want to hear what you have to say or share. So, tell it like it is as Mercury meets your other ruler Pluto on the 11th. People take your meaning seriously now and while you have a way with words, you’re prepared thanks to Pluto, to back up what you say with appropriate action too. This is no time to turn into a ‘Yes’ person. Success comes from walking your talk this week.
Your power with words extends into your personal life attracting in new people, romance and opportunities to shine thanks to that trine on the 8th. Ceres planet of new deals, power sharing and carrying through those intentions, moves into your 8th on the 9th. You are prepared to back up what you say with action and won’t shy away from making changes. You and someone else could enter into an important new agreement this week. It’s important you know where to compromise and when to say no however. And to feel comfortable doing that. Recognition that you are a force to be reckoned with is your take-out this week.
In a nutshell: Your intentions are true and no-one can claim you don’t back up what you say with action, Scorpio. What you say, send out or news you have been waiting on opens up a new dimension this week.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (8th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
What have you learned about money?
If it’s worth it – work it
Get a fresh deal on love
Work shifts and cash-attracting encounters with planets in your 2nd house occur this week. First we have Mars trine Uranus in your 6th bringing with it the possibility of a fresh source of income. Mercury now direct in your 2nd meets Pluto on the 11th bringing news or an idea which could open up a valuable resource for you when it comes to generating more of the folding stuff. This could be a side-hustle as well as a potential better paying job or bonus. Yes, work is required to maximise this but the effort is worth it.
It’s time to put into action what you have learned about your relationship to your money during the period of Venus (which rules this house) and Mercury retrograde in here. Mars always wants action so now you are being asked to take some to demonstrate your new insights. This is about making it or investing it, not spending it.
So, what’s the deal on love?
Empowered surety around your self-worth should be your other takeout from this retro cycle. You will also apply this to the area of relationships now as Ceres enters your 7th on the 9th. This is all about self-empowerment within love. Of knowing where and when to compromise. Of how much you are willing to give blanaced with what is given to you in return. And of knowing exactly how you deserve to be treated by others. Work that worth now.
You won’t shy away from crafting a new world order of love with that existing boo or double act. And you will enter new ones with a surety about what you want and need that may have been missing in the past. If your current situation either in love or business isn’t giving you that and you can’t find that win/win solution, you won’t waste any more of your time or theirs for that matter but simply do what needs to be done.
Ceres is all about a whole new world order. And yes, that can include that magic carpet ride towards a connection that’s so much better in the real world for you, Sag!
In a nutshell: You head into February with a fresh sense of self worth and empowerment. This touches on so many areas including your cash. But also your relationships, Sag. New deals are on the horizon for you.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (7th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Take a leap of faith
There are no wrong choices except not choosing at all
You first isn’t selfish. It’s investing in your future
2022 has been a highly unusual year so far for you, Capricorn. The focus that our birthday season brings us has just continued unabated for you due to the big line up in your 1st. And retro Venus and Mercury in here just added to that big YOU factor. This week hands you the perfect blend of your signature earthy wisdom and sparkling innovation. You’re ready to take a chance. So, don’t overthink it – just do it as Mars in your 1st trines Uranus in your 5th on the 7th.
Sometimes we just have to throw our hat in the ring. Or take that leap towards what our heart is telling us to do. If we stop to analyse it, we can get paralysed and end up doing nothing. In fact, bear in mind this week there are no wrong choices except not making one at all.
Putting you front and centre
Time to follow up on that vision you have for your own future. By now, you should be fully aware of what you want from life – and love. And also clear about what you don’t want too. As Merecury moves to conjunct Pluto, you’ll take a powerful and fearless approach when it comes to letting go of what no longer serves you – and going after what does. Because of the continued emphasis on your 1st house, look at who or what is opposite you and see whether or not it or they distract you from attending to your own needs. Make decisions accordingly.
You’ve access to inspired ideas on how to align what you want with your physical, emotional and spiritual needs thanks to Ceres arrival in your 6th of work and wellness this week. Crafting a better deal for yourself around living and working is promised. You’ll also look at prirotising self-care, especaing that rut and making better choices for yourself when it comes to those habits, diet, exercise etc. Again, the only bad choice you can make now is simply staying stuck and doing nothing. Set a new future and fresh version of yourself in motion now, Capricorn. Become the transformation you want to see in your world.
In a nutshell: This week asks you not to overthink things. Sometimes we simply have to make that leap of faith, Capricorn. So long as you go with what your heart tells you, the only bad decision is no decision this week.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (6th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Tied down or soaring the heights? Look to those connections
Close a door on the past
Choose anew
What remains relevant and what needs to be let go of? The answer to this may surprise you as Mars in your mysterious 12th trines ruler Uranus in your 4th. Your birthday season promises new beginnings and a fresh direction. But while you are waiting for these to make themselves known, you may still be dealing with residue from your past.
This may be taking longer than usual to clear due to the intense retrograde energy that’s been happening in your 12th. You’ve had both Venus and Mercury retrograde in here. Venus is now very much direct and Mercury will step free of those retro clouds once it has returned to your sign. However, this week sees it make that final meeting with Pluto in here on the 11th.
If you are holding on to something outdated, or even if you are subconcsiously still holding yourself back from having what you want or love, this week sees you shed, shed, shedding those restrictions, situations, ideas and beliefs. If you have been thinking about someone from your past lately this week may see them reappear. Just look to what has changed since you were last connected before going in again.
Freshly baked love choices!
Your 12th rules your past lives and both Mars and Pluto are connected to rebirth. So look to who may be helping you or even putting obstacles in your way this week. Is that connection relevant to what you know you now want as opposed to what you used to believe you wanted? There may also be a need to show someone where the boundaries are in your relationship. The 12th is our house of empathy and compassion. But has someone overstepped the mark when it comes to taking your help for granted? Or is it all take and no give? Chances are you already know who I am talking about if this strikes a chord for you.
This week asks you look at the past not with sentiment, but how it has shaped your present circumstances and having learned from this, make a new commitment to your future. This week sees Ceres enter your house of romance, children, holidays, hobbies and creative self-expression.
Who or what is the wind beneath your wings which sends you soaring? Or is someone or something keeping you from taking off? If you are contemplating relaunching a connection, then how does it need to be reimagined to avoid past pitfalls? Dont be afraid to insist on fresh terms and conditions if so. Or to simply set them for yourself when it comes to that freshly baked love or other opportunity. Seeking anything from that new boo to an opportunity to stand out? Choose someone or something different which shows you’re no longer hanging on to the past.
In a nutshell: Powerful insights into your past allow you to re-frame your future. You’re keeping what heals or is relevant. And letting go of the anything that holds you back – especially in love, Aquarius.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (5th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Harness that people power
Life’s a celebration so join in
Who you know sets your future in motion
We’re heading towards your birthday season, so parties, celebrations, gatherings and get-togethers are probably already on your mind, Pisces. There’s little doubt this is YOUR year due to the presence of both your rulers in your sign for most of it. Add to the social mix that there is still a massive planetary house party happening in your 11th and you’ll understand why friends and who you know have extra special focus in the run up to your new cycle.
This week could mark a shift in your social strata. And also around your goals and what you want to have, do, experience or achieve this coming year. Your 11th rules your future. And also the people who can assist in setting it in motion with you. With Mars and Pluto aspected this week along with Mercury also in here and Uranus in your 3rd, new, exciting and possibly even powerful connections can be made now.
Friends, groups and benefits
Just remember that our 11th is more about the love of friends rather than romantic kind. Your time for love is coming once Jupiter and Neptune cosy up in your sign and Venus reaches it. This week, expect people to show you their true colours one way or another as Ceres enters your 4th as well on the 9th. This will especially impact those of you who have your Pisces factors at an early degree – between 0-1. Others could be looking at moving or changes to their living arrangements.
Someone you have only known a short while may prove they are the stuff long term friendship is made of. While someone you thought you could rely on proves the opposite. No matter what you discover, this won’t take the shine off your future plans. The party’s only just getting started for you now, Pisces. Kick start that cycle now!
In a nutshell: Time for new beginnings as your birthday season looms on the horizon. Set fresh goals. People power is your best resource for getting what you want now. Friends old and new have a pivotal role to play as a new phase begins.
Feb 8 2022 Mars in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)
Feb 9 2020 Ceres enters Gemini (4th)
Feb 11 2022 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
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