17th July 2017 Weekly Astrology Forecast


A Joy explosion
Sweet, sweet love

OMG! What a week, Aries! Mars your Ruler squares unpredictable and eccentric Uranus on the 18th, energising you but causing possible ructions at home. Keep calm and focus on your kind and compassionate side (Mars is also trine Chiron the wounded healer, opening your soul to a deeper empathy), and Venus the planet of love is having a whale of a time with lucky Jupiter. If you keep your cool, you can experience a deep emotional union with somebody and soothe rifts. Right now you can heal your self-esteem and get your mojo back.

Mars your ruler has been in watery Cancer for a while, which may have made you feel uncharacteristically drained and less feisty than usual. Mars goes into fellow fire sign Leo on the 20th, and it’s game on. Leo is one of the very best places for Mars to be as he fans your creative juices, reignites your passion, and has you laughing your head off. On top of that, the Sun is also going into this space, and so is a stunning New Moon. New Moons are about shedding the past and starting a fresh cycle, and for you, it is one of joy, soul connections, and creative power. Love, optimism, and a good time are all on this week’s menu. Strut your fabulous stuff and enjoy! Oh, and this New Moon is just a prelude to a rare second New Moon in this energy! Catch the clues for what will transform in August.



Home is Where the Heart Is
A Love Breakthrough
Goddess Women

With Venus starting the week, squaring up to Neptune, be very careful about lending money to anyone or falling into a charismatic group. All may not be as it seems, so don’t get sucked into the vortex! After the 18th, when Venus is trine Jupiter, you can sort out the facts and figures and realise which way you need to go. You can be very practical when you want to, so do it and you should get a reward. Venus is your ruler, and Jupiter brings expansion and luck, so make the most of it. Keep your eyes peeled for an opportunity on the 18th.

Hopefully, over the past few weeks, you’ve been looking after yourself more and sorting out all the irritating little jobs that have been bothering you. Well done! You can let yourself off the hook now and turn your focus to home and family.

“‘Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”Lilo & Stitch. You’re bringing everyone together to remember that.

Mars, the Sun, and a New Moon are all hitting your home zone. You’re energised and eager to redecorate, do up the garden, move, or look after the family. The New Moon allows us to shed the past and move into a new chapter. Expect to form deeper bonds with your tribe and close ones. Women also have special meaning right now and could support you in some way.



Nurture your self-esteem
A rocket ship of idea
Steamy encounter

While this week has enormous potential, it might start with you feeling a little bit vulnerable. Venus, the planet of love, is square Neptune the lord of spirituality and illusion. Seductive Venus is in your sign, which is excellent news, but this square could make you feel slightly paranoid about how other people perceive you, especially at work. Don’t overanalyse things, and use this opportunity to fall in love with what you are doing and take some time out to see where your soul path is heading regarding your career. One of my all-time favourite pieces of wisdom is this:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Your spirit is seeking security, and you might be about to find it. Don’t give in to fleeting fear; you have bigger enchiladas to fry.

The 18th is a mighty day full of possibility. Mars the passionate is trine Chiron the wounded healer and Venus is trine lucky Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter encourage you to heal a deep wound connected to finance and security. You have the power to push on with renewed confidence. Venus and Jupiter bring soul connections, a creative spurt, and lots of laughter, bringing you back into yourself. The 18th is spicy and sensual.

On the 19th, Mercury, your ruler, is trine Saturn, the lord of responsibility. You’re about to make a commitment not only to yourself but also to a partner or potential partner. You’re finding the perfect balance between freedom, self-expression, and intimacy.

With Mars and the Sun entering your communication zone at the end of the week, you’re in top form. You’re a lightning conductor of ideas. Your mind is brazen, bold, and exciting. Write that blog, tart up your website, and expect to be a whiz at social media. You have important things to say, so get on with it!

On the 23rd is the new Moon in Leo. New Moons are very powerful as they allow us to let go of baggage and confidently enter a new cycle. This particular new Moon, also in your communication zone, allows you to let go of negative thinking, to surrender ideas that no longer serve you and have faith in your brilliance. You should have a seed of an idea which, if you nurture it, can take you to the next level.



Cancer, you’re very sensitive and open this week. On the 17th, Venus, the planet of unconditional love and romance, is squaring up to Neptune, the King of spirituality and occasional Lord of illusion. Venus is making you particularly soppy at the moment. Venus has you seeking spiritual connections, idealistic love, and quiet times. When Venus and Neptune tussle, it can bring up some insecurity or vulnerability. Part of you wants to expand, and you’re exploring new ideas, visions, and philosophies.

You also want to experience a real soul union, and superficial connections bore you. This new sense of adventure is fabulous—don’t surrender or doubt your ability to expand your consciousness, your mind, and your life. Don’t give two figs for others’ opinions and certainly don’t beat yourself up. Fortunately, this energy is a distant memory on the 18th, as Mars in your sign is trine Chiron, and you have the opportunity to discover where your fears came from. Right now, you’re a fearless warrior of love. On top of that, you might just get your wish as Venus cosies up to Jupiter, allowing you to have an intimate and a magical moment.

Later in the week, Mars leaves your sign as does the sun. Give them a cheery wave goodbye knowing the next gift from the cosmos is a phase of security, earthly pleasures, and greater certainty in yourself. A new Moon on the 23rd helps you to break out and dig in. There is renewed focus on building up a secure future. You have a fresh outlook and a stronger sense of self. Go, Goddess, GO!



Massive transformation
Queen, queen, queen!
Radiant and charismatic

Leo, prepare yourself for a trailblazing week. You’re on top form as we fully enter into Leo season. Okay, just before that, on the 17th, you might feel a bit shaken, not stirred. Venus is square Neptune, making you oddly insecure. Remember you have Queen DNA; you were born with dignity, generosity, and strength. You may feel as if someone is trying to steal your crown or bad-mouth you. Before you bite them, just remember who you are and understand that even you feel scared sometimes. You are not powerless—it’s an illusion—and by the 18th you’re your old lion self.

On the 18th you dazzle in a crowd. Venus and Jupiter bring you a great connection, and you are following your hunches in the right direction. Make the most of this by getting out and about as you are sure to meet a troop of like-minded felines. You’re impressive—KNOW IT.

You’re about to launch yourself into the atmosphere full of charisma and bounce. Mars the planet of action, bravery, and vision is going into your sign. You are becoming more influential and have the courage to achieve your goals fearlessly. This is quickly followed by your ruler, the radiant Sun, also going into your sign. You have the heart of a tiger and suddenly remember it. Leo, this is an extraordinary time for you and one of the most powerful of the year.

If that was not enough, you have your very own New Moon. Actually, in August, there is another New Moon with your name on it, Yes! You get two New Moons, and you can change your world. The second New Moon also has a Solar eclipse that has a massive impact on you.

On the 23rd, the New Moon is snuggling Chiron, the wounded healer, allowing you to overcome a soul wound. Have you been carrying a primal and hidden pain? This pain may come from a childhood experience or even a past life. This year, starting on the 23rd, you are letting go of a ton of unwanted crap. You are back to truly being yourself. Look out for the clues of what’s to come. Oh, and you get to make a special wish. You know the score though, so be careful what you wish for.



Magic is real.
Secrets are revealed.
Career boost.

Your life might feel like a circus at the start of the week, and you are the tightrope walker. If you navigate across and keep your balance, there are rich spiritual rewards for you. On the 17th, you may feel as if someone is not supportive enough, and this pokes your insecurity. It might just be that you are overanalysing the situation and being self-critical.

This week is giving you a clear message. The more you work on your relationship with yourself, the smoother your external relationships are. Don’t worry too much, though, as later on Venus and Jupiter bring you a potential cure for all your self-doubt.

On the 18th, Mars is square Uranus, making you strong but a tad argumentative. You long to be free and in control. Do what you’ve got to do, but there’s no need to be destructive. In fact, open your heart to tackle the situation positively, and see the best in everyone. If you do, Venus and Jupiter will back you up. On top of that, express the love and enthusiasm that you have for what you do; influential peers will notice.

The 19th is an important day as Mercury, your ruler, connects to Saturn. You are moving into a time of self-reflection and great intuitive ability. You are in your spiritual part of the year. Mercury has already begun to give you important messages. Are you listening? You are also committing to your home/family on a deeper level.

“Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.” —Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

At the end of the week, Mars, the planet of action, is joining Mercury in your secret, psychic, and reflective zones. It’s essential you go within and nurture your beautiful self. The sun is joining these two, and you need quiet time to take advantage of all the subtle messages the universe is sending you. You might discover a secret coming directly from the cosmos. The flipside of this is the temptation to escape into a wild Romance, prosecco extravaganzas, or a love illusion. The choice is yours. However, you do find it much easier to merge, and bond as your empathy and compassion are on full blast.

The New Moon is the first of two in the same space; the second New Moon in August is a real doozy as it accompanied by a Solar Eclipse. On the 23rd there’s magic in the air and strange coincidences. Your psychic skills are blossoming, and you step into a new spiritual and karmic cycle. Heck, it feels like you’re in a reboot of ‘Supernatural’ or season 10 of ‘Charmed’ Go with the flow. Get out your magical superpower and use it wisely.



Eccentric love
Party time

Hey, lovely Libra. How are you doing? You’re about to get busy, and you will be a social wildebeest of joy. Before that, there will be a little test from the universe. On the 17th, Venus, your ruler, will be square with Neptune, the planet of illusion but also of empathy. You may suddenly have a panic attack or insecurity about your looks or your well-being and have a mini freak-out. Don’t do it! If there is something to sort out, go and sort it! Yes, it might be time to change a few patterns. However, you will soon see that this blip passes. In fact, the very next day, you will be full of the joys of summer. Venus is now dancing with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion. Lucky Jupiter is in your sign, so when these two boogie, something marvellous is bound to happen.Venus is in your house of learning and adventure. It’s time to approach love, lust, and passion with renewed eagerness and embrace the unusual. Plan a trip to somewhere you’ve never been, take up that Circus skills course, be more broadminded while swiping left or right, and dive into the unknown. Love and exploration are your lobster. The more you push the boundaries, the greater the reward.’Our Fate lives within us; you only have to be brave enough to see it.’ Disney’s BraveWe’re heading into your social season. Publishing, collaborating, and hanging with a new soul crew are all available. On top of that, you have serious skills when it comes to cosmic ordering and creating your reality because you have such a connection to the whole. Mars and the Sun make this your busiest time of year. You are excellent at sniffing out the right folk to team up with.

The New Moon in your social zone is the cherry on the Popsicle. Is it time to let go of a familiar gang? There’s an important collaboration, and your web presence can take off if you join forces with innovators. There is a second rare New Moon in the same space in August, so catch a glimpse of what is to come. The second Moon is joined by a massive Solar Eclipse which changes the way you are seen.



A torrid adventure
Social whirl
Career boost

Scorpio, this week has great potential for you to storm ahead in your career. It also promises stimulating and profound emotional connections. Your heart is diving deeper; the water is warm, so jump right in. On the 17th you might find yourself getting carried away with an obsession or desire. Let’s face it, you’re very intense at the best of times, so when Venus squares Neptune, you throw yourself all in and possibly feel high on love or lust. Enjoy it, don’t worry about it, as this energy transforms by the 18th. Venus is then trine Jupiter, the lucky planet. You may have been struggling with past painful emotions or convoluted attachments; now, Venus reconnects you to your power.

Whether it’s a lover or a special friendship, you open up a treasure trove of emotions. With Mars square Uranus also on that day, you might be extremely impulsive. You want to experience things differently and might feel as if people or circumstances are restricting you. You’re very charismatic at the moment, so get your Scorpio groove on and make proper plans for future swashbuckling. Add a bit of gratitude to your attitude, and you win over all resistance.

With Mars and the sun entering your career zone, you’re motivated and deal with any problems with ease. Ain’t no stopping you now. You’re building up to a mighty change, and with the New Moon also in your career zone, something extraordinary could happen this year. In August, there is a rare second New Moon, which also includes a solar eclipse. You’re upcycling your work. Fancy taking your love of dog walking to the next level or turn your passion for tarot or sushi into a business? Now is the time.



Lusty feelings
Relocation, relocation, relocation
Open minds

Generally, this week’s horoscope has a lot to offer you. OK, on the 17th, you might feel a little paranoid or vulnerable around an intimate relationship, but you are probably not seeing the full picture. Fear not, on the 18th, when Venus is trine Jupiter, your ruler, love spins into a much more positive direction. You feel motivated, empowered, and enthusiastic, and this makes all the difference to your Amore. Single? Your charm is compelling, and you have an uncanny ability to bump into the right people at the right time.

With Mars the passionate square Uranus the unpredictable, an erotic and impulsive adventure is on the cards. There’s no chance of you taking it slow as you’re hungry for a spot of carnal pleasure. Be careful what you promise though as not everyone understands your transient nature.

On the 19th, you might be contemplating a shift in location or direction. You want change and action. As Mars and the Sun are going into your travel and explorer zone, you have no qualms about leaping into the unknown. Avoid doing anything purely for the sake of an adrenaline rush. The adventure you are seeking will fulfil you more if it is mind, body, and soul, so nurture your inner spiritual warrior.

The New Moon is confirming it’s time to take a quantum leap into a different future. There is a second rare New Moon in August; with a Solar Eclipse on the same vibe, something big is on the way. Look for the clues and think about where you want to be in six months’ time, in six years’ time, etc. With such chaotic and tempting energy, it’s wise to remember the immortal words of Bob Dylan “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.”



Tantalizing moments
Forbidden Temptations
Jiggery Pokery

You’re on a mission to get things done, dusted, and sorted at the beginning of the week. Venus is trine with Jupiter on the 18th, and you sense that now is the time to act. You might get frustrated with lovers or mates if they are not making shifts fast enough. Try not to lose your cool around a problem with a flatmate or live-in partner or somebody you feel is not pulling their weight.

With Mercury trine with your ruler, Saturn, on the 19th, you are ready to make a significant commitment. Somewhere along the path, you’ve decided it’s time to listen to your soul compass; you cannot do what others want anymore. The changes you are making don’t have to happen all at once, but a new road is opening up to you.

Mars and the Sun are entering your power and mystery zone. You have an overwhelming desire to get your needs met. You might find yourself caught up in intrigue and temptation or have to resolve an issue to do with money or power. You’re likely to be drawn to influential and charismatic characters, and it’s all exhilarating and potentially a bit cloak and dagger!

The New Moon is also in this primal zone! Plus, this New Moon, although powerful, is just a taster of what’s to come. A second and rare New Moon in August (coupled with Solar Eclipse) is bringing about some fundamental changes in how you see yourself and how others see you. I am not exaggerating when I say this could turn your fortunes around and bring you to a new level of empowerment. You have the potential to become a superstar in some area of your life. That said, this energy could be tricky. You might feel that you want to get vengeance or feel destructive towards someone or something you feel has disempowered you. Confucius said, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Use this energy legitimately to conquer your world, ethically and from your heart!



Passion Fest
Fall in love with you
Creative brilliance

Love, love, love, love, love! Yes, it’s all about love this week! You are entering a new phase of relationships and partnerships. Big things are happening in the sky, and much of that energy is beaming into your love life. Take advantage of this to fall in love with you, work on your inner voice, and be your own best pal. You have stunning connections to make, so KNOW you are loveable and be your own cheerleader.

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world, and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself, is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away. It’s not like you have forever, so don’t waste any of your seconds, don’t throw even one of your moments away.”
C. JoyBell C

Don’t waste time on doubt, especially on the 17th as this is your chance to turn a corner. On the 18th, Venus, the Planet of Amore, is trine Jupiter the lucky, and this is when you start to feel more hopeful. Mercury is trine with Saturn on the 19th, grounding your personal and intimate relations. Don’t get yourself in a tizzy about a stupid argument, though, as Mars is square to your ruler on the 18th, and you will feel like someone is not sticking to a promise. Chill; you have bigger vegan burgers to fry.

The Sun and Mars are shifting signs and heading into your passion and romance (as well as business partnerships). Things are about to get HOT, and single or taken, you can change the dynamic. However, if you have a conflict, it will come to the surface. No one can hide their true feelings. You are also able to hold your own.

The new moon is bringing you a fresh cycle, and you’re releasing old ways of being in relationships and reevaluating what’s important to you. This new moon is perfect for finding love, letting go of love, and moving onto the next emotional level. Whatever happens, things are shifting. There is a rare second new moon with this vibe in August, and it’s accompanied by a solar eclipse. You will see someone differently and be seen differently. How do you want lovers to perceive you? Do the work on your relationship with yourself and let go of anything that no longer serves you, and you may find the happiness you so richly deserve.



Simmering desire
Get fit quick
Primal emotions

Calm your beautiful self on the 17th as you might have an attack of the vulnerable! Venus is square Neptune in your sign. On the one hand, this makes you feel selfless and open to other people’s needs, but on the other hand, it may remind you of a time when you were insecure or paranoid about how somebody felt about you. RELAX on the 18th. Venus is trine Jupiter in your primal powerhouse, allowing you to overcome past issues and stepping into your sexual and financial power. OK, I’m not saying a unicorn will deliver your ideal lover complete with a bucket of gold and a frappuccino, but I will say this is a shift in energy, and you should get a sign from the Cosmos on where this is all leading.

Mars is also trine Chiron (retro) in your sign. You’re getting your warrior boots on and learning to stand up for yourself as a deep healing is unfolding. Rumi said, “It’s good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone, and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing.” You are the embodiment of this now. Onwards!

There is much work to be done. With Mercury trine Saturn, you are content to beaver away until you reach success. Keep going and take care of the tiniest of details. You’re about to make a big commitment, and it may turn out to secure your future.

A love affair/attraction still has potential and is bubbling along, but control your desire to force things; it’s all about the flow!

The biggest shift of energy this week is in your health and well-being zone. Mars and the Sun are shining a light on what you need to change to feel good. Go to the dentist, have your health MOT done, and get on with the fiddly issues you’ve been avoiding (leaking tap, unpaid bills, a call to great-aunt Maude, etc.). Doing this tidying up is going to bring great rewards.

A new moon (which is trine Chiron in your sign) signals a time of awakening. You have the chance to let go of destructive patterns and commence the life you want to lead. An emotional wound is healing, and you step back into your body. One little caveat: Avoid being critical of yourself or others. You know what you want, and you will not be swayed. A warning though: This new moon is a foreshadowing of a rare second new moon in August; don’t ignore the signs or potential. Grab it with both fins.

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