August 27th 2018 – Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 27th 2018
- Values are your soul compass
- Career matters get back on track
- Time to achieve – and succeed
With ruler Mars direct once more this week, you’ll be feeling there’s nothing you can’t handle once more. In your 10th, Mars gives you the desire to achieve. To head to the top towards that lofty goal. Get climbing that career path this week, Aries, as success is back on your agenda. Just be aware that as with any retrograde, Mars remains in retrograde shadow. Progress may still be slower than you might like but it is the slow release or perfect timing of your action that’s going to get you the results you want.
Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot during this retro cycle. Especially on the value you place on yourself and what money can and can’t buy you. Call these your soul values. Of course, there are the things money can buy which enrich your life and allow you creative self-expression and enjoyment. These may be very different to just the ‘stuff’ we surround ourselves with, accumulate or which society tells us we should have if we want to be happy and successful (or seen to be that way). As the Moon meets Uranus in your money zone you’ll face a task of differentiating between these. You know the right choice now. So take action on it this week, Aries.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mars finally heads direct stirring your ambition and firing you up for fresh achievements. But at the heart of this are your values, Aries. Use these as your compass.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (10th House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (2nd House to 11th House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (5th House to 8th House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (2nd House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (7th House to 1st House)
- Jump into something new
- Expand those lifestyle dreams
- Your heart knows the destination
Venture into new territory now Mars finally heads direct again in your 9th this week. After what has seemed like months of inertia, you can now push forward with those travel or expansion plans. Your confidence also receives a soul boost as you won’t need the approval of others. All that matters to you now is that you know in your heart the direction you’re taking is the right one. And you’ll be prepared to fly solo if necessary once you have a clear destination in mind.
Changes may result on the home front or within a close love or working relationship as you push forward with plans. You may feel you’ve been in some kind of hedgehog hibernation recently and you’re now waking up to the fact you’ve got a whole lot of living to do! This week also sees the Moon meet Uranus in your 1st. Making some lifestyle adjustments may be a natural part of this process. Everything from how you live to where you live may be up for review. Of course, you want loved ones to share your vision but again, you’ll be the one to initiate the changes if necessary. Take a radical step into a bigger life experience or way of living this week. You’ll immediately see the impact on your overall wellbeing and be glad you did.
In a nutshell: You want more from life. Anything from more living space to experiencing more of the world. You’ve the confidence to go for it despite what others may think. Don’t hold back this week.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (9th Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (1st Hse to 10th Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (4th Hse to 7th Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (1st House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (6th Hse to 12th Hse)
- Get the big picture
- Action fuels evolution
- Doors open but require a push
Revelations bring the desire for change this week, Gemini. This may be something you have been contemplating for some time. But have been waiting for the right moment or just hanging back because your intuition was telling you that you didn’t have all the pieces of the puzzle – yet. This week could either fill in the blanks or else open up a clear direction for you to take now. All thanks to Mars heading direct in its ruling 8th and the Moon meeting Uranus in your 12th, handing you inner knowledge, clarification and also a universal outlook on change – whether you initiate it or not. If things don’t change they cannot improve. Change in the mother of reinvention. That’s how you’ll see it now.
This week also sees ruler Mercury in its ruling 3rd angle to Jupiter in your 6th. No more procrastination when it comes to work or communication projects. Business, the World Wide Web, publishing and presentations feature as well as those ideas. Some effort may be required – most importantly, around those details. Don’t get sloppy. But the way you get your ideas across or do things this week could impress. Selling yourself, your ideas, your product or service more effectively could be that change for the better this week.
In a nutshell: Deep down you may know it is time for a change. This week could hand you what you need to implement this, Gemini. Commit to a new stage of soul evolution and growth now.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (8th House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (12th House to 9th House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (3rd House to 6th House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (12th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (5th House to 11th House)
- Ditch the doldrums
- Go with your feelings
- Choose different
How’s that emotional ocean been for you, Cancer? Has someone been rocking the boat? Or have you been mired in the doldrums? Mars moves direct once more in your 7th this week, giving your ocean some motion. Mars retro in here should have enhanced your diplomatic skills – especially when dealing with people in authority. Hang on to this and you Cancerian sensitivity as the planet of action and passion powers forward once more. This especially applies if the Mars retro has left you feeling that you can’t get no satisfaction – or even that you have drifted apart from someone. Better to part on good terms than bad- so stay with the sensitive approach.
With passion pulsing once more, you may be on the lookout for something or someone to channel it into. Whatever it is you want, you’ll take the initiative now whether its love or that new job you’re coveting. This week also sees your ruler the Moon meet Uranus in its ruling 11th of social connections and goals. Feel different probably sums up this transit. You could be yearning for variety, excitement and freedom. You want to go out, connect, have fun as your energy peaks. You’ll be drawn towards new, exciting and different people and experiences than the ones you usually choose. There’s an electric charge to everything you do this week. Because you feel different, you don’t just act different, you make a new and different choice. And when it comes to the results – all bets are off. Get out and experiment now.
In a nutshell: Passion propels you out the door in search of love, excitement or just new people and experiences. Follow that impulse to try something new. Love (and life) is one big experiment now!
27 Aug 2018 Mars (7th Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (11th Hse to 8th Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (2nd Hse to 5th Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (11th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (4th Hse to 10th Hse)
- The power of persuasion is yours
- Pace yourself
- Stay cool when the heat is on!
When it comes to work and career matters this week you’re not only taking a different approach but you’re a dynamo when it comes to getting the job done, Leo. But please, don’t rush. Mars turns direct in your 6th, releasing pent-up energy that’s been accumulating over the retrograde period. You may have encountered frustrations during this time especially as it occurred within a backdrop of heavy retro weather and eclipses which affected you deeply. When the energy comes rushing back in, there’s a temptation to do the same. In your desire to do a proud Leo job or just catch up this is when mistakes or accidents can occur. Or something boils over – possibly frustrations that have been building up with someone during the retro cycle. Stay cool, Leo and if you do find yourself losing it, try physical activity as an outlet. Especially if your frustrations revolve around someone you work with.
Having said that, this could be an excellent week for career projects and plans. The Moon’s meeting with Uranus in your 10th allows you to come up with a highly intuitive and original approach. Plus you’ll instinctively know if you are on the right track. Venus in your 3rd at the moment hands you natural diplomacy, charm and the ability to bring others around to your way of thinking. Work that secret superpower this week.
In a nutshell: When it comes to getting the job done, you’re unstoppable this week, Leo. If you’re doing the right job, you’ll know it. If not, harness this to make the changes you need.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (6th House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (10th House to 7th House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (1st House to 4th House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (10th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (3rd House to 9th House)
- Act on intuition
- Take love one step at a time
- Escape into opportunity!
Much needed information pops up or your intuition is proven 100% accurate this week. Once you know what you need to know, please don’t hesitate. Take action on it. Ruler Mercury in your 12th is all about going undercover and digging up those secrets or just missing pieces of the puzzle. Sometimes the puzzle is us, sometimes it involves someone else. There’s a bit of a clash happening between Mercury in here and Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. What comes to light has big implications for you but it can clear the way forward if you are prepared to act. Mars, planet of passion and the feisty warrior spirit, finally heads direct in your 5th this week. You could feel more creative, alluring and ready to rumble especially romantically. Don’t rush into anything too quickly however. But you can channel this creative force into projects or even something you love to do in a way that gets you noticed now.
This week wants to unblock, unchain or unshackle you to something which is emotionally restricting. And set you free to express yourself, experiment and explore. Once you have taken action on the information you’re given you’ll feel a sense of lightness as new opportunities make themselves known. . The saying ‘The truth will set you free’ really does apply this week.
In a nutshell: Revelations unlock secrets but also reveal a new way forward for you, Virgo. Time to ditch anything that holds you back. And escape to soul freedom this week.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (5th Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (9th Hse to 6th Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (12th Hse to 3rd Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (9th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (2nd Hse to 8th Hse)
- Discover where you truly belong
- What’s your price ticket?
- Change your room – change your life
Find that centre, that space, that scene or that tribe that gives you that sense of belonging this week, Libra. Take note of the people around you and the company you’re keeping now. Especially if you find yourself socialising with people outside your usual social circle. This could be the universe telling you that you belong with them. When it comes to your finances and your values, you may be asked to take a stand now over something you feel strongly about. Questions around what you are prepared to negotiate over or even ‘sell out’ for may confront you now. Your emotional compass will be your best guide here. It may be time to show others and the world what you stand for and what price you put on anything from your time and talents, to your sense of self. Again, look to the company you’re keeping and see how they reflect this. You may need that moral compass this week, Libra.
Issues around your home, your apartment, your security, your family or the people you share your living space with – such as flatmates, may now need your attention. Mars planet of action heads direct in here this week. If you have been putting off doing anything from looking for a new place to live to redecorating, now is the time to perhaps not only change rooms but change your living situation entirely. Expect moving experiences – people either moving in or out now. Think of this as life renovation rather than anything to do with just the home.
In a nutshell: This week asks you to find a wider sense of belonging. It could be with that group of friends, that social scene or even your living space. Time for some life renovation now, Libra.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (4th House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (8th House to 5th House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (11th House to 2nd House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (8th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (1st House to 7th House)
- Actions speak louder than words
- Take a different approach especially to love
- Don’t just dream it – do it
Own those ideas and above all, back up what you say with action now. Ancient ruler Mars finally heads direct again in your communications sector. Time to say what needs to be said but also Mars direct again in here is really about actions speaking far louder than words. When you say you will do something, follow through. This applies across the board to delivering on your promises especially at work as this is your house of business and commerce. It also applies to ideas and personal goals. We all know that person who talks a good game. Full of big ideas and plans of what they are ‘gunna do’. Yet a year later, they are still talking about it, but have not actually done anything to make it happen. So, don’t be Gunna Do. Just do it like the slogan says.
This may even apply to your personal life. Is there something around a partnership or close connection you know you should do or say? Or do you keep promising yourself you will step up that search for someone special but then head into Gunna Do territory once more? The Moon in your 7th of long term love and partnerships nudges Uranus this week and this could not only spur you into action, but lead to a radical new approach. Not later – now. Just do it – and don’t be afraid to do it different this week, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: No more talk, Scorpio. It’s time to take action. Back up what you say you’re going to do. And don’t just talk about your dreams – do whatever it takes to live them this week.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (3rd Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (7th Hse to 4th Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (10th Hse to 1st Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (7th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (12th Hse to 6th Hse)
- Get back in the financial flow
- Renewed efforts bring rewards
- Don’t be afraid to change direction
Mars is the planet of action and energy. And for the past few weeks it may have seemed as if no matter how much of both of these you directed at your finances, nothing really worked. The good news this week is that Mars finally heads direct again in your house of money and possessions. Time to renew those efforts and this time, bank on results Sag. Also, if you libido has been in deficit of late, look forward to heading back into the black when it comes to desire and creative energy (both the same thing). Focus now on ways you can increase your income and don’t be afraid to explore new avenues if necessary.
Some of you may even receive an unexpected bonus or gift or a delayed payment. Doors are beginning to re-open all around you after a period of frustration or simply not very much happening. Again, this may be something connected to your past – or rather past endeavours. Someone you have worked with in the past or even with overseas connections could resurface now with an intriguing offer or proposition for you. Or you will now see clearly that one path you have been exploring contains no more potential for you and change direction as a result. There’s something worth investing in this week, Sag.
In a nutshell: One path reveals fresh potential. While another may be a dead end, Sag. Don’t be afraid to change direction especially when it comes to money and success.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (2nd House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (6th House to 3rd House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (9th House to 12th House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (6th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (11th House to 5th House)
- Direct your destiny
- No more ‘That’s just the way it is’
- Welcome back confidence and self-determination
Mars heads direct in your sign this week giving you a much-needed shot in the arm of mojo motivation, Capricorn. You’ve suffered more than most with the retrograde Meh’s. This has been due to ruler Saturn and also Pluto both retrograde in your 1st. I could use the term ‘heavy going’ and you will most probably relate. Everything requires extra effort on your part – and energy and motivation may also have been in short supply. Don’t worry – soon you’ll be back to feeling you can drive your own destiny. For now, indecision and inertia are replaced by a new determination and surety when it comes to deciding your next move.
Changes to your social circle or to long term goals accompany this. The fact is, you may have been putting up with something telling yourself ‘That’s just the way it is’ since before this retrograde cycle began. This week could show you that it doesn’t have to be that way at all. You suddenly desire something new and different and ditching something that simply no longer works or has out-lived its usefulness may play a major role in moving forward now, Capricorn. Opt for fire and passion and kiss the ‘Meh’s’ goodbye now.
In a nutshell: The past few weeks may have left you unsure of your next move. This week sees your confidence restored when it comes to deciding on what to do. Change things up this week, Capricorn.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (1st Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (5th Hse to 2nd Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (8th Hse to 11th Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (5th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (10th Hse to 4th Hse)
- Don’t rush major decisions
- Get fresh insight
- Do you have boundary issues?
What have you been waiting for, Aquarius? Chances are the past few weeks have given you a feeling that something is most definitely ‘up’. But you may not have been able to put your finger on precisely what this was. Mars direct once more in your 12th could lift the lid on this. But wait a while longer until it reaches your 1st again before taking action as there could be yet more to be revealed. Mars will remain in retrograde shadow until October so take your time. Above all, look closely at anyone who is pushing you or rushing you to make a major decision. Ask questions if only within as to what their motivations may be. What’s their hurry? Don’t be rushed.
Those boundaries may need shoring up or you may need to tell someone in no uncertain terms they have over-stepped the line. Don’t be afraid to do this if necessary especially if this is not the first time this has happened. This week sees the Moon bump into ruler Uranus in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. Someone or something could be making you feel uncertain or even insecure. Pay close attention to who or what this is. Your intuition is broadcasting loud and clear. And you may have to get your point across by taking a very different approach to what you have done in the past. Take your time and don’t be afraid to say the buck stops here this week.
In a nutshell: If you’ve been waiting for something, this week could show you the way forward. If this involves another, you’ll also be handed a new way to approach an old issue, Aquarius.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (12th House) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (4th House to 1st House)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (7th House to 10th House)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (4th House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (9th House to 3rd House)
- Friends, groups and activities offer the outlet you need
- Try something new
- Go for the positive
Expect the unexpected when it comes to friends, your social life and your goals. Recommitting to a goal is likely now as Mars finally heads direct again in your 11th this week. You’ll be seeking connections that offer you more excitement and also the freedom to be yourself. If any feel restricting or you no longer feel the resonance, then you’ll be off in search of ones that give you what you need. You won’t have any time for negative people or those who drain your energy. Try to steer clear of difficult people or those who just rub you up the wrong way as Mars direct in here means you won’t suffer fools gladly. This transit is best for activity centered friendships as your energy level is high. If the activity is linked to a goal, so much the better.
This week sees you needing something new to get involved in. This can be anything from a project, plan, trip or even a new job. You won’t want to stand still now. Do something with your ideas and if you feel you are stuck in a rut, then look at ways you can free yourself from it. Start with small changes to your daily routine and then expand out to bigger ones – such as joining that new group, applying for that job or booking that holiday. That energy needs to go somewhere this week, Pisces. Direct it for best results.
In a nutshell: You need positive people, excitement and something to channel all that passion and energy into. This week could offer the perfect outlet. Get connecting this week, Pisces.
27 Aug 2018 Mars (11th Hse) Turns Direct
27 Aug 2018 URANUS SQUARE BLACK MOON (3rd Hse to 12th Hse)
28 Aug 2018 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER (6th Hse to 9th Hse)
31 Aug 2018 Moon Conjunct Uranus (3rd House)
1 Sep 2018 VENUS OPPOSITION ERIS (8th Hse to 2nd Hse)
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