20th January 2019 Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 28th 2019


Aim for serious results
Share your ideas
Know what you want – and let others know it

It’s a week of collaboration, friendship and sharing ideas. It’s also a week of power moves and transformations around your career, reputation and how others see you. In a wider sense, it’s easy to see how these two things are connected. The Sun and Mercury meet in your 11th on the 30th, boosting your social life and also your ability to share your ideas far and wide. This encompasses not just the people you know but your social media, the internet, groups and organisations. Mercury and the Sun in here can bring a slew of invitations and have you feeling you have to be in two places at once. But in both you’ll discover you’re talking to like-minded souls and a rapt audience.

This is very much a week which revolves around who you know and how they perceive you. Dealing with people in positions of power and authority is likely, and if so, Venus’s entry into your10th softens a snarky, tense angle between ruler Mars in your 1st and Pluto also in your career zone.

Take action, be seen as someone assertive with a certain authority and who knows what they want. But don’t whatever you do get into confrontations with authority figures. Venus says compromise is your superpower so use it to get what and where you want. Venus in here is all about getting serious – results, impression, authority and yes, serious love. Just occasionally Venus in your 10th delivers that successful lover with serious intentions on your heart. Being in your power is be sexy, as is knowing what you want, this week, Aries.

In a nutshell: Opportunities to socialise and connect, see you sharing ideas and more with like-minded friends. When it comes to your career – compromise is your superpower this week, Aries.


Follow the path to love freedom
Know what you alone bring to the table
Get the outcome you know you secretly want

You are all too aware and have been for some time, when it comes to knowing which direction freedom lies in, Taurus. The question hanging around you is: are you going to step towards it? This week marks a meeting between the Sun and Mercury in your 10th. Success hinges on your unique ideas and being unafraid to show bosses, employers (present and potential) what you and you alone bring to the table.

It’s not so much ‘My way or the highway’ but selling yourself and your take on things as a natural evolution for a role, idea or company. Be yourself, don’t be a ‘Yes’ soul, is the message here and have faith in your individual perspective. Call this the secret boost to your empowerment strategy.

Ruler Venus leads the freedom vanguard as it enters your 9th on the 3rd this week. Secret desires and ambitions come to light with Mars in your 12th in tight alignment to Pluto also in your 9th. Your desire for that freedom may suddenly burst forth in unexpected ways such as you leaving something behind you.

You have an almost compelling urge to transform a key area of your life and break away towards that path I mentioned. Remember, energy has to find a way to express itself, and if we do not channel it mindfully it has a way of erupting in other areas! There’s intense creativity behind all this – raw creative force, and when it comes to those ideas I mentioned earlier, utilised properly this energy could see you produce some of your best work.

Or get you that outcome you’ve secretly wanted but so far have not had the courage to pursue. Take the step towards it this week, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Deep in your soul you’ve always known which direction true soul freedom lies – especially when it comes to love and career. This week invites you down that path, Taurus.


Depart from the norm
Dare to do
A new you is emerging

Ruler Mercury and the Sun align in your house of travel, freedom and learning. Reach for a new idea or different solution than what you are tried before when it comes to attaining those goals. There’s a path less travelled – at least for you, opening up now. It may require you leaving your comfort zone and trying something radically innovative and maybe just a bit challenging – perhaps just on an emotional level.

The fact is, your ruler is telling you that if you want a different outcome then a different approach is called for. Daring to do something – take up that activity, travel solo, sign up for that course, launch that business idea, is also favoured now. News could arrive that opens up fresh potential and a new direction.

This may also be linked to those you know. Shifts around your social circle may align you with those who support this departure. Or you see quite clearly those who want you to stay stuck where you are. We all know the saying ‘Misery loves company’ so examine connections for those who may be holding you back simply because they too are afraid.

Mars in your 11th ignites the change engine of Pluto in its ruling 8th. Venus also enters your 8th this week promising intensity or deepening of feelings when it comes to romantic ties. This is always the point of the year where a new ‘you’ emerges emotionally or you reclaim lost passion for something or someone. Fresh starts with finances could also lie ahead. Find that outlet for passion this week.

In a nutshell: You’re on the brink of a departure into revelations and doing something different. Who supports you or is with you on this journey? Be innovative when it comes to plans, Gemini.


Feel the power of love
Transform a situation for the better
Radiate – and attract back!

We have two periods each year where we can enjoy the maximum ability to attract love, partnership opportunities of all descriptions and good friends. This is when Venus planet of love, is in our 5th and 7th houses. Venus rules our 7th and it moves in this week – the day after Mars, planet of action and passion, angles to Pluto, also in your 7th. There’s a powerful shift occurring one way or another around a key relationship – or your relationship status.

If you’re single, you’ve a magnetic intensity combined with a glamorous allure that others may find irresistible. Certainly, settled or single, you will be motivated to transform your situation for the better this week. You’ve a strong desire for something deeper and more meaningful. You’ll want to express this with your partner – or seek out someone with whom you can.

Watch out for when the laser beam of your desire falls on a particular area or person, you are unlikely to be distracted. Radiate and you will attract in kind. If single you’ll be seeking someone who knows what they want – in both their personal and professional life.

The Sun and Mercury meet in your sector of salary and shared resources indicating a shift around joint finances, loans, mortgages or your salary. Contracts and agreements can be signed and reached now. This may be linked to a partner or just your work. Again, this represents a shift or change in how powerful you feel in the material world and what this says about you.

This is a week when you are very much in the driving seat when it comes to the direction your destiny in both love and money, is heading in. Leave others in no doubt about what you want.

In a nutshell: You’re entering a period of attraction this week, Cancer. When it comes to love and opportunity, focus on that outcome. Get ready for something deeper and more meaningful.


Let’s talk about love
Focus on the job at hand
Duos offer success stories

Ruler the Sun shines on conversations around love, collaboration and long term relationships this week. It meets Mercury in your 7th opening the door to discussions, agreements and talks involving you and at least one other person. This cuts across all close connections – not just long term love and marriage partners but collaborators, close friends and business ties.

Mercury rules commerce and contracts as well as conversations. Deals can be done in other words, partnerships cemented, joint goals ratified and signatures go on the dotted line. Business partnerships could be looking at a client or customer win. If you have been wanting to have a discussion with someone close to you but have been putting it off, this week sends you the right words.

Your natural diplomacy and charm can extend to the general workplace too now – with one caveat attached – you do need to remain focussed on the job at hand and the details. Venus in your 6th infuses your daily work life with creativity and allows you to be seen as someone desirable to work with by both employers (present and potential) and co-workers alive. Be aware however, that Venus does not do mundane tasks and can lead you into daydreaming and distraction.

Venus here is also your house of health so guard against overindulgence – So park the prosecco and chips, and especially sweet things.

You also have Pluto in this sector of your chart making a challenging angle at Mars in your 9th. While harnessing this energy to make positive changes to your job or routine is one option available to you, Frisky Mars can make you rush or in your desire to escape or get the job done quickly so you can, make you slapdash.

The other possibility is telling your boss where they can stick their job. Unless you have a back-up plan, resist the temptation. You can however use all this to enhance your present role or to win you a new one. Channel that drive to succeed into positive working change this week.
In a nutshell: Let’s not just talk about love – but include love in all conversations. Open the door to new understanding in romance and business this week, Leo. You have all the right words.


Work that attraction like a boss
Promote yourself
Let go of what you don’t need for something better

Along with the Cancerians out there, you’re the boss of the Law of Attraction this week, so work it Virgo! But be prepared to go deep with this and look beyond the glitter, romance and glamour that’s emanating from you right now.

Our two main cycles of attraction when it comes to love, romance, creativity and opportunities via others, come twice a year when Venus is in our 5th or our 7th houses. This week sees Venus join Saturn and also Pluto in your 5th. It’s about serious love, serious fun and serious creativity now. And taking your need to be seen as special and to express yourself just as seriously.

You also have Mars in its ruling 8th making a hard angle to Pluto in here – from what is Pluto’s ruling house too. The reason I said to be prepared to go deep with this encompasses everything from realising that something isn’t giving you what you need and letting it go to having the courage to face the fact that sometimes the thing we want the most is actually what pushes our buttons the most – causing us to push it away once it arrives.

Time to attract, receive and then retain and know, yes, you do deserve the love, success and opportunity to be yourself and loved for that too.
Ruler Mercury in its ruling 6th has an encounter with the Sun in here this week. So, you have two favourable cycles in motion – one with love and the other with work/health/routine.

Now is the ideal time to apply for that new job, bring that work project to a conclusion or make beneficial changes around wellbeing or your daily routine. Above all, it’s time to sell yourself and your ideas more effectively. You’re the centre of attention in more ways than one this week, Virgo. Work a little magic and love the results when they arrive.

In a nutshell: Make some magical moves this week and open your arms wide to the law of attraction. Be ready to accept what arrives. And yes, you DO deserve it, Virgo.


Flirt, play and charm your way to success
Benefits come from close to home
Time to shine!

The Sun in its ruling 5th in your chart meets up with Mercury in here this week which has you in a mood to flirt, play and charm your way to success or even someone’s heart. Children and young people may feature now as could even attracting the attention of someone with a distinct air of a Peter/Petra Pan about them.

Luck is on your side now and this week wants you to take a chance and start a conversation. This is your house of romance so making the first move towards someone is one possibility. But this is also where you get to shine so the conversation you begin could be with a potential boss, client or someone in a position to promote you. You need to express yourself and receive acknowledgement for your ideas, talents or just what makes you special now. If you’ve felt over-looked or just tired of working behind the scenes of late, you’re back in the spotlight now.

Ruler Venus makes a house call this week arriving in your 4th and intent on enhancing family relationships, living arrangements and bringing you benefits via your home, property, where you live or adding to your sense of security on some level. Doing a Maria Kondo and chucking things that don’t give you pleasure, redecorating or interior design are in focus but beware as Venus’s love of aesthetics mean you can easily blow that budget.

Mars is the planet of action so needs a job when it is in your house of partnerships. Relating just isn’t Mars’s style. Pluto is also still in long term residence in your 4th so giving Mars a job such as changing rooms or even moving experiences is a good way to channel this energy. Although Venus wants harmony you are advised not to let people overstay their welcome. Moving on up in terms of a better home, or earning money from your home – give all these potentials house room this week.

In a nutshell: Make the first move towards whatever it is you want this week, Libra as luck and love are on your side. While Ruler Venus gives beneficial changes on the home front house room


Money making opportunities could be close to home
Change what doesn’t support you
Know your needs

Time to focus on matters close to home, family, your house, apartment, flatmates etc. and to look closely at what you need when it comes to your security. The Sun meets Mercury in your 4th this week favouring buying, selling, and leasing of property as well as signing important long term documents which provide you with a financial future.

If you have been thinking of ways to make money out of your home – such as becoming an Airbnb host, renting out a room or even starting a business out of your home, this transit favours this. It’s time to know what you want and need from the long term. Family ‘business’ may also feature. It’s time to change any area of your life which you are not content with. Think of this a soul renovation which begins within and extends out into your living arrangements, career, money and relationships.

Both your rulers ancient and modern are busy empowering change by reminding you that it cannot be put off thanks to Mars in your work and wellbeing sector and Pluto in Mercury’s ruling 3rd of communication, siblings and your neighbourhood.

Moves and relocations could feature for some or now be very much on the cards. This week also sees Venus enter your 3rd making this week wonderful for business and money matters (again linked to security and your needs). And also enabling you to openly discuss your feelings and needs with those around you.

Women, particularly older women may assist you or offer their support. This week allows you to fully appreciate what you have in terms of your support system, family, home and money – while providing you with enough incentive and opportunity to make things even better. Build on love and gratitude.

In a nutshell: The focus this week is on what you can rely on and who or what enhances your life over the long term, Scorpio. Embrace a new sense of security and optimism in the future now.


Get yourself noticed
Initiate changes
Receive a soul – and possibly a bank account boost!

If you’ve been feeling a little ‘But what about me?!’ lately – especially when it comes to money, love or both, this week sees you no longer content to sit back and feel short-changed. You’re not about to stay silent either. Business could be booming, work opportunities or orders come door-knocking and you’ve ideas to spare as the Sun and Mercury meets in Mercury’s ruling 3rd on the 30th. This allows you to get your ideas or point across to whoever that audience is – especially employers, customers (present and potential), people in a position of authority and influence and enables you to sell yourself effectively.

In fact, becoming an influencer yourself is one possible outcome if you are willing to share what you know with others.

That ‘But what about me?!’ feeling could have impacted on both your money and the kind of attention (or not) you have been receiving of late. This week puts all to rights if you take action. Mars in your 5th heightens your desire to be noticed and also to express your passion – both creativity and romantically. It makes a tight aspect to Pluto in your house of money and values telling you that for things to change, you must move to change them.

Right after this, you receive assistance in the form of Venus which leaves your sign on the 3rd and arrives in its ruling 2nd. You’re not only back on people’s business and personal radar but your cash should be feeling the benefits. Leverage this and it could end up being more than just a short-term trend but a turning point for you.

You’ve the soul-boosting recognition you need now. And if you’re worried about what others may think – especially around how you make or spend your money, the buck stops here this week. So, don’t short-change yourself, Sag.

In a nutshell: feeling left out, ignored or simply short-changed comes to an end this week. Business takes an upswing while new beginnings boost your worth on more than one level, Sag.


Do you have the rich factor?
Updates extend beyond mere makeovers
Plant seeds to harvest later

This week brings an emphasis on your money and your emotional relationship to it. Your values are also in focus – what you feel is priceless, what you are willing to trade or compromise on, your self-worth and the price you put on not just your talents and skills, but how you expect to be treated by others. Deals can be done and some of you could see your abundance increase. If so, this is due to your efforts as our 2nd house is usually about the resources we make and our attitude towards it.

The Sun and Mercury meet in here this week indicating increased income but it’s not so much about what you have as what you do with what you have that counts. Do you automatically fritter it away? You would be a very unusual Capricorn if you did as your sign is usually one that plans for the future and that includes your financial one.

You do however have an increased appreciation for the good things of life right now and an enhanced love of beauty. This is all thanks to Venus in your 1st from the 3rd.You’re a love magnet in all ways, strut your Capricorn stuff.

Venus is the natural ruler of your 2nd house but it can also lead us into overindulgence or splurging out on beautiful things – artworks, object d’art, expensive wine, designer clothing and personal adornment – especially jewellery. Venus will whisper to you it’s all an investment and after all – you’re worth it.

Venus in our 1st is often a cue to update our image and to feel beautiful. Venus in here plants seeds to be harvested later in the cycle. Just ensure they are not the seeds of debt that’s all. This week also has Mars who is not the best houseguest in your 4th tightly angled to Pluto planet of transformation in your 1st. Changes may occur around home, living arrangements, family members or even your work.

Above all, do not get into arguments with older family members or authority figures now. People may push your buttons and if so, please remember to react in the controlled manner your sign is famous for. However, long overdue transformations may now release you into a better, freer and yes, more sensual lifestyle or way of living. Updating where or what you call home just could be a reflection of how you’re seeing yourself now – and how others see you.

In a nutshell: How do you feel about money? Bank account boosting news could be on its way – but it’s not about how much you have, Capricorn. It’s your relationship to it that adds richness.


Say what you need to say
What are you ‘projecting’?
Let the heart speak

It’s not a week for holding back when it comes to what you need or want to say, Aquarius. The magical, alchemical, meeting between the Sun and Mercury in your 1st enhances your communication skills and throws the focus onto you, your ideas and what you communicate. When it comes to a personal or even a business project, now is the time to begin it.

In fact, project and project are spelled the same. What you’re projecting – your image, enthusiasm, general demeanour, will be every bit as important as what or even how, you say something. Whatever you are aiming to get across, it will help to think of yourself as an actor playing the role. How do you want to come across to your ‘audience’? Work your brand, your identity, your image. Focus on how you wish to appear and make your message a genuine one and you’ll see people respond back in kind.

However, when it comes to what you may have not wanted to say or hesitated over, your words will have a way of escaping now. You’ll be unable to prevent saying what you truly feel. You may open your heart to one person while letting another know finally, how far over the line they’ve gone.

Venus enters your 12th this week bringing divine creativity, inspiration and also those hidden or past loves to the fore. If there’s someone you’ve been crushing on, you won’t be able to resist letting them know. Mars in your 3rd of communication and Pluto in your 12th however point to not suffering fools gladly at the same time. Your 12th is your house of the past, of secret loves and also hidden enemies. Whatever it is you’ve been holding back – say what you need to say this week.

In a nutshell: How you come across will be every bit as important as what you say this week, Aquarius. And if there are conversations you’ve been putting off – say it anyway this week.


Channel inspiration
Pay attention to intuition
You belong in the best company

You’re more sensitive than usual to the moods of others and ‘atmospheres’ this week, Pisces. Your creativity and inspiration is also at a peak. Your muse is speaking so please, do something with those divinely fantastic ideas. However, if you feel something or someone is ‘off’ – this is when you need to pay close attention.

The Sun and Mercury are meeting in your 12th and you may pick up a disconnect between what someone is saying and their vibe. Also, because of your increased sensitivity, you’ll pick up other people’s feelings of anger or irritability and if you are not careful, find yourself feeling unaccountably the same way! Because of this, this week is a good one to spend time alone meditating, doing something you love, creating, journaling or listening to music. This can be a valuable re-charge time.

Choose your company wisely this week and again, avoid negative people, psychic vampires or places where you feel on-edge. Too much noise, loud music, crowds may not be your thing right now. That does not mean you have to become a hermit this week, however. Especially as Venus enters your social sector on the 3rd. It does mean you should choose the company you keep with care.

Opt for like-minded friends and warriors of love, if going out, places where you can enjoy the conversation rather than have to shout over other people or the music.

Mars is in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart and makes a snarky angle to Pluto also in your 11th – emphasising the need to put the quality of the company you’re in above quantity now. If out and about, don’t give in to peer group pressure if it involves doing something or going somewhere you’re not comfortable with. The best company could even turn out to be your higher self this week so carve out some quality alone time too.

In a nutshell: You’re more sensitive than usual to moods and atmosphere this week. So choosing who and where you socialise is more important that ever. Opt for the very best company now.

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