19th March 2018 Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 25

Mercury goes direct! Boom boom chakalaka!


Don’t let your good intentions go astray
Your sensitivity is at a peak
The past comes calling

Just like the classic track by The Animals – You’re just a soul whose intentions are good. So why is it this week people may seem to be going out of their way to deliberately misunderstand you or just keep you in the dark? Nothing right now is what is appears to be – and as for what you are saying – well, some people’s ears may be open but their minds may be closed. Or they may simply be too busy talking to actually really listen.

You can say people may only hear what they want to hear due to retrograde Mercury conjunct Neptune in its ruling 12th this week. Also, if they are saying something to you – they may not mean it. It may now be your birthday, but you have heavy planetary activity in your mysterious 12th. Keep your own dealings above board and upfront. You too are more suggestible and because your intentions ARE good, please be aware some people may try to take advantage of this. Your body is more sensitive to what you put into it – watch for reactions now and please, limit your intake of alcohol or other substances.

The past may reappear unexpectedly thanks to Venus also in this house from the 26th and impacting for the first time in your life on newly arrived Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd. This could be anything from a lover or a past money making venture but please, don’t rush back into something and know that for you right now, there is no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme. Question everything.

Mercury heads direct on the 29th but it will make one more pass to Neptune next week and will take until mid-April to clear retroshadow so until then, heed this advice. Mars enters your communication sector from the 31st. This is Mercury’s house so despite you knowing you are being clear, people still don’t seem to get your message. Above all, if boundaries are crossed this week, let people know in no uncertain terms. That’s one area where you can be perfectly understood now.

In a nutshell: You know you’re being you’re usual direct self. So why is it people seem to be deliberately misunderstanding you? Get a little inside clarity and cut through confusion this week, Aries.


Do certain people make you go Hmmmm?
Get clarity on connections
Are friends evolving with you?

Could it be that you have outgrown certain connections or friendships, Taurus? There’s a lot happening in your social and friendships sector this week but it’s not about going out and making new friends – or even connecting on-line. It’s more about looking at who is already around you and whether there is a still a resonance there. Or even if the connection is actually evolving or keeping you stuck in place?

Retro Mercury bumps into Neptune in here on the 25th plus you have Venus entering this house on the 26th. Normally I would say that ruler Venus would enhance your social life but with this Mercury/Neptune meeting, you need to be careful about getting re-involved with friends from your past and also be extremely wary of friends with ‘issues’ – especially if they involve alcohol, drugs, or trouble with the law. You could find yourself sucked in to their drama if you are not careful. Another example of the kind of energy that is around you is the friend who lurches from one crisis to the next and is always seeking to be bailed out, or who only calls you when they need something.

Um-friends may also feature. As in that person with whom your relationship is not yet clear: ‘This is John and he is my um – friend’. Are you not asking for clarity because you are frightened of the answer? Then you already have it whether you ask or not. Don’t choose not to know where you stand with others this week. Are you wanting to change an aspect of your own life – such as quit drinking for example, but continue to go down the pub or open that bottle of wine with your drinking buddies? Again, look at the company you keep. This week is not a good time to launch anything on line either – from that blog, Meetup group or join a new social media site.

Ruler Venus aspecting Uranus in your 1st could have you seeing things differently and perhaps being content with your own company rather than the wrong kind. Mars moves out of your sign and into Venus’s from the 31st. stoking those values and your confidence. You’ll now only want to be around people who support you and reflect who you are – and ditch the Um-friends or even those who make you go Hmmmm – if necessary.

In a nutshell: Check your existing connections for resonance. Do your friends truly support and value you? If anything makes you go Hmmmm, pay close attention this week, Taurus.


Get it in writing
Present yourself impeccably
Take care of today and the future will take care of itself

Usually, the news your ruler Mercury is heading direct is cause for celebration. However, this week that would be extremely premature. Mercury does indeed head direct again on the 29th and in your 10th of career, public image and reputation. However, before it does this it will meet Neptune in there on the 25th and once direct again, remain in retrograde shadow. Things, in other words, are confused, confusing and still unclear until mid-April.

You do have assistance from image-enhancing Venus entering this house on the 26th. And an alignment between Venus and Uranus in your 12th could well deliver a piece of information or just a surprise turn of events which clarifies matters. However, you can take nothing for granted despite this. Career moves and decisions remain shrouded in confusion and prone to cancellation and change until next month. If you are doing a deal or accepting a new position, please get everything in writing and comb through the fine print. Even when signatures are on the dotted line, T&C’s may still be subject to change.

Above all, take no risks with your professional reputation. Do not get caught up in anything that may negatively impact on your position – from office gossip to how you are seen outside of working hours. If you are applying for a new job – and you know this is not the best time but closing dates are not set by astrologers, watch what you post on your social media feeds because yes, employers can and do check these.

Mars entering your 1st on the 31st makes you want to push forward and make things happen. Try to resist this impulse when it comes to anything new. Project confidence and take care of the job in hand. Tying up loose ends and putting the finishing touches to anything may be the best move you could possibly make this week – aside from the waiting game, that is.

In a nutshell: Guard your professional reputation. Finish up rather than initiate new ventures. You’ve an opportunity to be seen in the best possible light – simply by doing what still needs to be done.


Plan an alternative route to your destination
Check the details
See your world in a new way

Travelling? Don’t leave home now without triple checking everything from reservations to departures, connections and even the weather or the chance of industrial action. Have a Plan B all the way though to Plan Z handy just in case. Make copies of all important travel documents – passport, insurance etc and back these up to more than one storage source you can easily access should you need to.

Whatever you can imagine could derail your plans – plus a few things beyond that, can and possibly will happen thanks to retrograde Mercury conjunct Neptune in your sector of long distance travel and foreign affairs this week. If you are travelling back to somewhere you have visited in the past and love, you may not be so adversely affected thanks to Venus also entering this house from the 26th and making a highly positive angle to Uranus in its ruling 11th on the 28th.

If you are involved in publishing, the mass media, the law, exams or study, please double and triple check anything you send out or are required to sign, proofread or submit. Mistakes are likely to be big ones. If you are unsure, please seek a second opinion or professional pair of eyes.

Resist any urge to escape either literally via running away and becoming a beach bum (yes, that is an extreme example but you know what I mean!). Or via other more subtle means – anything which takes you away from reality – excessive drinking, drugs, eating, shopping, gambling, retreating into a fantasy world or even something which appears relatively harmless such as binge-watching.

Neptune rules the seas, fogs, nets, addiction and confusion. There is a reason it’s called Netflix. Mars’s arrival into Neptune’s ruling 12th on the 31st is meant to be a wake-up call – not a snooze button. It tells you there is more going on now than meets the eye. There’s actually a powerful awakening happening for you if you are ready for it. One that will allow you to see the world, yourself and your relationships, in a new way and for clear thinking to replace the waking sleep of escapism. You need clarity and reality. Not confusion and an escape room. The Sufi poet Rumi said it best: Don’t go back to sleep.

In a nutshell: Have a back-up plan when travelling. Do you yearn to escape? Before you do a disappearing act, follow your soul to a powerful awakening, Cancer.


Tackle soul insecurities
Defer financial decisions
Invest in your inner worth for outer success

How powerful do you feel when it comes to your money and assets? Look deep within to issues around fears and insecurities when it comes to your earning power, ability to attract abundance and other resources. As well as this, fears around intimate relationships or even your own desirability may surface. Chances are if they do you may have been dwelling on these or harbouring them for some time. See this as a chance to go within and make changes rather than react to the outer world and other people. When it comes to money, borrowing, credit, loans, joint accounts or even your own account, Mercury retrograde meeting Neptune in your 8th says now is the time to do precisely nothing as chances are all you will be left with is precisely those fears and not much else.

Do not apply for credit, loans, invest, buy, sell or trade stocks unless this cannot be avoided, as you truly don’t have all information you need or may be on the receiving end of the wrong advice.

Venus rules your bank account and money as well as your love life. It too enters your 8th from the 26th and impacts on Uranus in your career and status zone. This says decisions you make now with regards to your salary, income, shared assets and accounts or even a key relationship, has a broader, longer term impact.

Your key strengths lie with your inner resources and your values. These are what you need to leverage and to ensure you make the right decisions. Mercury will head direct this week but makes one more pass to Neptune and remains in retroshadow until mid-April. Nothing is decided, signed or sealed and is subject to change up until then. This includes what you may think of as an ending.

This week sees Mars set fire to your long term goals and your social life as it arrives in your 11th. You may wait and go within when it comes to your inner world, but your outer one is calling you. Look for a fresh path to forge when it comes to friendships and also a goal that fills you soul with passion this week.

In a nutshell: Connect to your true worth this week, Leo. And invest in your inner power. It’s this that determines your success in the outer world – both financially and in love!


Opt for no-complications love
Time those career moves
Play the waiting game

It’s complicated now when it comes to love, Virgo. Ruler Mercury is retrograde in your partnership sector and to add to the complications, encounters nebulous Neptune in here on the 25th. When it comes to partners – past, present and potential, you may feel all at sea, perhaps simply not able to figure them out right now or not knowing where you stand.

Normally the arrival of Venus in this house which it rules, on the 26th, would be the start of one of the best cycles of the year for love and attracting a partner. However, due to retroactive Mercury, all bets are off. It’s worth remembering that as well as true love, Venus also rules triangle situations, affairs and yes, any relationship that comes under the ‘It’s complicated’ heading.

While Mercury heads direct again from the 29th, it will remain in retroshadow until mid-April. Until then, it is probably best not to go looking for love or start a new relationship as you are unlikely to find what you are seeking. If a former lover returns wanting a second chance, take things very slowly unless you want a repeat performance of whatever it was that caused the break-up in the first place. And please, insist there are no ‘complications’ and be prepared to walk away if there are.

Sudden opportunity could provide you with compensation in another area thanks to a highly charged angle between Venus and Uranus in your 9th however. Mars in your 10th from the 31st of the month is powering you up to push forward with those ideas and career moves but again, please remember your ruler has only just started its forward motion again. Prepare to make that move – you’ll know when the time is right. But with love, play the waiting game this week.

In a nutshell: Love should not be unnecessarily complicated. So please avoid any situations that are now, Virgo. And unexpected opportunity in another area provides the distraction you need.


Be flexible to adapt to opportunity
Stay in the present moment – it’s a gift!
Take care of routine now to be ready for pleasure later

Itching to break free of that routine or anything else that confines you, Libra? Take care if travelling due to Mercury retrograde in its ruling 6th and Mars entering your 9th of long distance adventures this week. Rushing or just giving in to the impulse to tell your boss where they can park your job at Amalgamated Nuts & Grommets may not be your best tactic.

In either case, take your time and ensure you have something else to go to. This is Mercury retrograde mayhem on steroids due to Mercury encountering Neptune in here before heading direct again.

Ruler Venus sashays in here from the 26th but this is not a house Venus enjoys being in as it is all about routines, duty and practicality. You of all signs know Venus is about none of these things! You may look around for distraction and escapism due to that Mars in your 9th but your best tactic is actually to remain fully present in the here and now and focussed on the task at hand.

Dull I know but look at it this way: by the time Venus reaches its ruling 7th in your chart, Mercury is well out of retroshadow and all the confusion is at an end. Plus, by tackling those everyday chores now, you free yourself up for when Venus brings back the love, romance, creativity and all things Libra love extravaganza.

Do be flexible when it comes to that routine however and be prepared to change plans, schedules and even direction, if needed. Venus could present you with an unexpected work opportunity which may require you to reschedule or shuffle things around to take advantage of. Have a new Silver Linings Playbook when Venus makes an angle of change to Uranus now in your 8th on the 28th. Something better could just emerge from this. Take a chance on it, Libra and head in a new direction.

In a nutshell: Your escape route if you are seeking one lies in remaining firmly rooted in the present. And in being flexible enough to change direction if that opportunity comes knocking, Libra!


Show your boundaries
Soul worth and self-worth issues define relationships
Know where you stand

This week calls upon you to show someone where the boundaries are, Scorpio. When it comes to children or young people, make no mistake. No matter how they may complain about rules ruining their lives, they know boundaries mean they are cared for and loved. So, if you need to show the tough love by imposing some now, don’t be afraid to do just that. You have help with this if needed thanks to ancient ruler Mars in its ruling 8th from the 31st. That’s the power of (tough) love, baby.

Mercury is retrograde in your romance sector – which also rules children, step children, your partner’s children if not your own, or the younger generation. It meets Neptune in here on the 25th and an issue with a lover may be another reason why you have to show someone just where the line has been crossed. Some of you may not know where you stand with someone. Or feel they are not being 100% honest with you. Don’t be afraid to ask that direct question even if you are nervous about the answer you will receive. Believe me, you are better off knowing in the long term. This could also revolve around how you are being treated in general by someone.

Venus in your 5th normally brings a wonderful cycle of attraction and romance. But even when Mercury heads direct again on the 29th, things are likely to remain confused and up in the air. Uranus is newly arrived in Venus’s ruling 7th and as they align on the 28th, it may be time for you to convey to someone that relationships need to be aligned with your values or not at all. Just like children understand that boundaries and rules equate to love, your soul and the person opposite you if there is one, needs to know that they also reinforce self-worth and respect. State your value via how you expect to be treated – and those boundaries, this week.

In a nutshell: If someone has crossed the line, don’t be afraid to show them where the boundaries are this week. A little tough love goes a long way. Especially when it comes to self-love, Scorpio.


Capture the potential of staying put
Pimp that crib, sex up that routine!
Your thoughts attract what they focus on

Don’t move now Sag unless you are placed in a position where you absolutely have to. Don’t put your house up for sale, buy property, lease it, rent it, look for a new flatmate, renovate or in fact do anything around real estate. Your mantra is: Stay put. Watch for problems however around pipes, plumbing or the water table. Mercury retro is in da house and hanging with Neptune this week.

Agreements are not likely to stick or be changed, people will back out of contracts, sales or even renting that room from you, or the fine print on contracts will reveal something you were unaware of. If you do move or someone moves in, you could find yourself living next to or with, someone who is not what you thought. If you want to move, plan by all means but for when Mercury moves out of retroshadow which will not occur until mid-April. It will head direct once more in here on the 29th, but will have one more encounter with Neptune in here so expect more confusion.

If you are resigned to staying right where you are for the time being, Venus’s entry into this house offers you an opportunity to bring in hygge and contentment by beautifying your living space. However, remember what I said about undertaking major remodels or renovations. Innovation however, can not only pimp up that crib but sex up that dull and deadly daily routine. Small adjustments can however, lead to bigger, more beneficial changes in other areas thanks to an alignment between Venus and Uranus in your 6th.

This week ends with Mars entering your 7th. Since you’re staying put you’ll be seeking more passion from your significant other. No special someone? Mars in here has you attracting whatever you fixate on. So make that love and not the opposite as this is your house of open enemies. Whatever you think, you’ll attract now. You might not be moving – but that doesn’t mean you have to stay home.

In a nutshell: Time to appreciate what you have and to plan for future improvements rather than make a move. When it comes to attraction – focus. Your thoughts draw your opposite number.


Old love takes on a new look
Take the time to get it right first time
Have a back-up – everything from files to plans

Check what you say, send out, sign or how you communicate. Above all this week, check your computers firewall or security settings. Avoid websites that are not secure and guard your passwords. Do not open that email or message with that attachment without first scanning it for viruses. Back up those important files to more than one source – not just your cloud. The chances of something happening to your computer, tablet, phone or even your car, are high this week so take every precaution.

Above all, and I cannot emphasise this enough, do not go out and buy new devices, appliances or automobiles unless you are placed in position where you have to replace an existing one. Do not sign important contacts or documents without reading the fine print. The reason to be extra-cautious is Mercury retro in its ruling 3rd conjunct Neptune. Your commute or travel plans may be subject to delays, cancellations and disruptions so allow extra time and have an alternative route in mind. Unless your Satnav offers alternative routes, carry a good old fashioned road atlas with you so you can take that exit if necessary. Check your insurances. I wish I could say Mercury direct this week will alleviate matters but it will remain in retroshadow until mid-April and has one more encounter with Neptune between now and then.

Venus also enters this house now. Normally this transit is a highly beneficial period when it comes to work and business matters. But not with Mercury retro in here. By all means continue to revise and refine existing plans and ideas and infuse them with Venus creativity. But hang back on launching them. Unexpected encounters with past loves could feature as Venus aligns to Uranus in your 5th on the 28th.

Something old could just be new again. But then it comes to something brand new, take things slowly if you seek something lasting. Mars enters that other Mercury house this week – your 6th. Time to bring your considerable energy to focus on finishing up those work-related tasks and projects that have been left hanging. Above all, don’t give in to impatience or rush to get things done. You need to check everything you do and send out now. Unless you want to go back and do it all again that is.

In a nutshell: Is there not enough time to do the job right the first time but you have to make time to do it again? Don’t be pressured to rush this week, Capricorn. Something old is new again now.


Make what you already have work for you
Lay the groundwork for new beginnings later
Watch where the money goes

Old money vs. new money this week. Or should I say that what you can best bank on is what you have already, rather than a new source of income or even funding? Venus enters its ruling 2nd this week and normally this means opportunities to increase your income and also your sense of self-worth. But the million dollar BUT in here is Mercury retrograde conjunct Neptune. This is telling you to stay away from taking out new loans or credit cards and also to avoid unnecessary spending – especially on expensive or big ticket items.

This house rules our possessions. Mercury rules communication devices, appliances and cars. Unless you need to replace something broken, avoid buying these at all costs now. Venus rules indulgence and beauty and Neptune is a higher vibration of Venus. Neptune also rules addiction and escapism. If you are not careful, you could be lured into making a big, indulgent purchase which while beautiful, turns out to be something you fall out of love with later and come to regret. Especially when the bill arrives. New sources of income may not work out or be what you are led to believe. Mercury heads direct again this week but the confusion isn’t yet over. Hold off on major expenditure if you can until mid-April when it is out of retro-shadow. Also, delay launching that new money making idea until then.
Using what you already have in a new and innovative way is your best plan as Venus angles to ruler Uranus in your security and home sector on the 28th. Mars enters your 5th and you want to start something – create something or leap into a love affair. Again, it may be better to wait. Unless you actually like guessing games, questions and delays that is.

In a nutshell: Work with what you have when it comes to your assets, money and even love potential this week. The time for something new will soon arrive. But for now – love what you have.


See past your reflection to true beauty
Get feedback
Who is the fairest of them all?

This week hang on to one truth, Pisces. It’s not you – it’s your planets. You may feel disconnected or on another planet entirely this week. You may also not be seeing yourself clearly. If you think there is something wrong with you, what you need to understand is that this week is like looking at yourself in one of those funfair House of Mirrors. Except there is nothing fun about it. What you are seeing or how you imagine you or others, see yourself is distorted somehow. And not in a good Instagram filter way either.

Retrograde Mercury in your 1st bumps into ruler Neptune this week. On the one hand, incredible insights around your past and your psychic abilities may surface now. On the other however, you just may not be able to see yourself for who you are. Venus’s entry into your 1st may not help matters. You may wrongly leap to the conclusion that everything from your hair to your clothes to your body shape is wrong and needs an Extreme Makeover. The problem with that is that if you give in to it, when all this planetary confusion lifts, you won’t like the illusion you are left with. This is all about connecting to the true beauty within. Which is all you may have lost touch with. YOU ARE A GORGEOUS SOUL!

How you are actually coming across to others may in fact surprise you. So don’t rely on your own perceptions or that mirror (or Instagram feed for that matter). You can ask for feedback now and someone may actually offer you insight that enables you to see your perceptions are skewed. Especially when it comes to how you come across with your ideas or at work. Mercury heads direct from the 29th but will have one more encounter with Neptune before exiting retroshadow so please, wait until mid-April before booking that plastic surgery or botox as by then the mirror may show you someone else entirely. Mars in your 4th can have you hung-up on totally trivial things unless you channel its energy.

It can also make you feel unsure or less confident. All of which can contribute to you feeling it has to be you. Don’t ask the mirror who is the fairest this week. That mirror for once, is telling you lies.

In a nutshell: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all? When it comes to how you think you look this week, Pisces, the truth may be very different to the reflection. See through it.

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