13th May 2019 Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 14 2018
- Set your values
- What do you need to exchange?
- Get some soul currency
All of us begin a new era in how we relate to our money and the material world, this week. But no more so than for you, Aries as the big planetary action is all in your money zone. Uranus, planet of revolutions and awakenings finally leaves your sign this week and heads off into your second of money, assets, possessions and values. There is also a new Moon in here the day this occurs which will make an angle of exchange between ruler Mars and Pluto in you 10th of career and reputation. Are you driven by the need for recognition or the need for money? Or maybe a bit of both? We’re all spirits in the material world and that song by Sting is going to prove an anthem for this Uranus in Taurus cycle. Time to look at our values and what we are prepared to exchange.
Ruler Mars is on the move this week arriving in Uranus’s ruling sign Aquarius and therefore the ruling house in your chart and will square Uranus in your 2nd as he does. The result may be a personal revolution in how you handle your money or even what you use it for. If you need money or other resources for anything, you may look to friends, contacts or even crowdfunding to get it. But chances are you want to be set free from too much debt now. What really matters or prioritising your resources will be foremost in your mind as Venus who rules your 2nd house, moves into your 4th of home family, security and nurturing. The roof over your head, the food on your table and the people you share these with will be your focus. This cycle is going to be all about trading, currency and exchange and you defining just what these mean to you. Some things are too valuable to trade and these may be your values. Head into the monetary revolution with these clearly defined this week.
In a nutshell: Currency, exchange and trade. These apply on a soul level as well as a material one. This week, you’re being asked to set a new value on your skills – and what really matters, Aries.
- Define what really matters
- Fuse the spiritual and material of a better way of living
- Sex, money, pizza? Yes, you can have it all – on your terms
Be the spiritual being in the material world now, Taurus. Who remembers that book: There’s More to Life Than Sex and Money? I can hear you all saying right now – There is? Funnily enough, yes. I could add pizza to that list but you get where I am coming from. This week sees the start of an evolutionary revolution which will radically change how you relate to this material plane of ours. And no, you won’t have to give up all those sensual pleasures in which you delight and make life worth living either. This week sees a new Moon appear in your 1st marking a new beginning and this occurs on the same day as the planet of awakenings – Uranus arrives in your 1st too. None of you have experienced this transit in your lifetime as adults. For all of us, it is going to be a game-changer when it comes to our money and material values. For you personally, it’s going to be about your relationship to your money and why you work for it and this is going to result in a total revolution when it comes to your values and what really matters.
Mars the planet of action is also on the move this week. In fact it’s a week of big shifts for you. Mars arrives in Aquarius which is Uranus’s ruling sign and your 10th house of success, career, recognition and renown. This results in a tense angle between Mars and the newly arrived Uranus in your 1st. This could throw up your first test around these themes: what are you prepared to ‘sell out’ for or alternatively, is there another, better road to success? Look to the alternatives before taking action. Ruler Venus is also on the move too. Heading into your 3rd of commerce and communication and making an enriching angle to Uranus as she does so. In here it’s all about increasing your business and the flow, but in a way that supports and nurtures you and those you care about. Bring it all down to what really matters now, Taurus. Yes, you can have sex, money and pizza and all those sensual pleasures. Just fix a price on them and don’t pay more than you can afford.
In a nutshell: Get ready for a personal revolution when it comes to your relationship with the material world, Taurus. You’re having an awakening around what really matters. And it’s priceless.
- Realign those values to your soul
- Hidden opportunities are revealed
- It’s all a spiritual experience
Let’s talk about secrets, Gemini. Whether you realise it or not, they are there. And what is hidden from you or what you hide from others will feature large over the next few years. If you can, keep your life an open book now. Because secrets will have a knack of bursting out of closets no matter how hard you try to keep the doors closed. Better then not to have any. You may have to bear in mind that even if you have nothing to hide, others may not be able to say the same. There’s a new Moon in your 12th of all things mystical, secret and hidden this week and it occurs the same day as the planet of awakenings, Uranus arrives in here too. Ruler Mercury is also still in your 12th and giving you the heads-up around something that needs to change or be dealt with in an effective manner. This may set the stage for the kind of themes you may encounter over the next few years as Uranus opens hidden doorways for you to opportunities you never knew existed.
If this all sounds somewhat daunting, it’s not meant to be. You’re about to break free of anything that shackles you – especially to the past. You may even have been unaware of the claim this has had on your soul. Uranus in this house favours any kind of study into metaphysical or occult subjects – especially astrology which Uranus rules. But any area of work that involves a radical new approach is favoured now. This is a transit of electrifying insights which can align you to the truth. This will also impact you not just on a spiritual level but on a material one too. What’s the hidden motivation or secret behind you and your relationship to your money? What ‘owns’ you? Venus is on the move from your 1st into Venus’s ruling second perhaps increasing your cash flow but also getting you to look at what you love and value. And why. There’s nothing that’s not spiritual about this material world. As spirits we’re here to interact and make sense of that. That’s your job for the next few years, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Step into a new cycle of truth and beauty, Gemini. Opportunities you never knew existed present themselves. And if you’re shackled to the past – step free into a radical new dynamic.
- Goals receive a power boost
- Get social
- Fate puts you on the path towards someone new
Big shifts are about to occur within your social and professional circles, Cancer. This extends on into any groups, bands, associations, unions, parties, clubs you may be a member of as well as your goals. These are all interlinked for you now and have the potential to impact on your life path and soul evolution over the next few years. Like a bolt from the blue, this week is the start of a radical awakening for you. The new Moon in your 11th usually brings in a renewed social life and announces the arrival of new friends. This week’s takes place the same day as Uranus moves from your 10th into its ruling 11th in your chart. The people who cross your path now have the ability to change the direction it has been heading in in more ways than one. Be open. Accept all invitations. If you have been thinking about joining anything – a group, Meetup, organisation, Toastmasters, class – doesn’t matter what it is, do it now. Your goals are likely to shift and change now and the people you meet may also play a pivotal role in you reaching them. Network like your life depended on it. Your future may. Have business cards printed if you don’t have any. You are going to be handing them out. You will be handed them back in turn so hang on to these. They will prove to be important.
The Moon and planets in your 11th are making extremely positive and can I say it, fated angles to the planets in your partnership sector. Also you have Venus arriving in your 1st this week who will also angle to Uranus. Part of what’s in store for you could include the arrival of a lover if romance is your goal. Or new friends that are made have the potential to be of the long term variety who can truly be assets to you. Above all, don’t get attached to plans and be prepared to accept last minute changes or to mix with people outside your usual circles. What hasn’t been your scene in the past may be very much your scene from here on in. Get out there and experiment with life. Opportunity is waiting – as are your people.
In a nutshell: New friends, new people, new lovers and fresh opportunities. Step outside your usual social circle if you get a chance now, Cancer. The universe is sending you an invitation. RSVP.
- Tread a new more innovative career path
- What rewards are you taking home?
- Watch how motives are revealed
Take a radical approach to career issues and the rewards you are seeking from what you do from here on in, Leo. If you have been thinking of striking out in a new direction, this week could mark the point where you commit to it – if only on a mental level. You have a new Moon happening in your 10th of long term career, rewards and reputation. This usually ushers in a new phase of achievement, an opportunity to step up a rung on that work ladder or the start of a cycle of increased recognition. But this new Moon promises to be a one-of-a-kind as it occurs the same day as Uranus, planet of revolution, evolution and awakenings enters here. The next few years are all going to be about taking a radical new approach to your career direction. Think first about what you and you alone bring to any job. If you are in the wrong career, nothing or no one is going to keep you there now. Many Leo’s will release and realise their inner entrepreneur and start their own business even if it just begins as a side hustle. Does it allow you to express yourself and shine? Then go for it. No matter what company you keep – and I mean that in a corporate/job sense of the word, you will not be content to remain in an environment who hangs on to the thinking ‘That’s the way it’s always been done around here’. Your desire is to innovate and take a different approach.
This also extends to your take-out as in the rewards you receive for what you do. Sure, money is important. But so is utilising your skills, being part of something exciting and feeling you have something to contribute. If you’re not receiving this in your present job, get ready for change. It’s coming I promise you. Mars and Venus are on the move this week. Mars enters your 7th of partnerships which Venus rules. While Venus enters your mystical 12th. What’s working and what isn’t with regards to love, working relationships, collaborations and close friends comes into focus. As will anyone who is out to ‘get’ or undermine you. Don’t be surprised if secrets, ulterior motives and hidden agendas surface now. You’ll be on a mission to get to the bottom of anything you feel is being kept from you. This week provides an awakening – and sees you stepping into the light as a result.
In a nutshell: Time to focus on exactly what your career provides you. Is it just money or is your take-home recognition and satisfaction too? You’ll take steps to claim the whole package now, Leo.
- Put your feet back on higher ground
- Recommit to those goals
- Welcome back love, passion and expansion
Travel, learning, expansion put you back on your path towards freedom now, Virgo. You need to follow your own North Star. Everyone has one. It’s time for a radical change of direction for you. One that aligns you with knowledge, purpose, exploration and dare I say it, love. We’re all born knowing what direction we need to head in. But things often conspire to knock us off course or make us doubt the direction we’re heading in. Yet our soul compass remains true and fixed and unwavering. If we’re just open enough to pay attention. Like a bolt from the wide blue yonder, a new cycle presents itself this week designed specifically to put you back on your true course if you’ve strayed from it. This week’s new Moon in your 9th links to planets in your house of romance and passion. Plus you have Uranus, planet of surprises and awakenings arriving in this house on the same day. You are now off on a journey which may contain surprise twists and turns along the way but which is designed to do one thing: put your feet back on the right path.
This may not happen overnight but this week could well mark the first steps you take towards this. Ruler Mercury also in your 9th angles to Saturn in your 5th too. Travel, dealings with overseas, law, learning, the outdoors and above all, a direction that represents freedom for you, all feature. Venus the planet of love shifts houses to enter Uranus’s ruling one in your chart – the 11th. Be on the look out for new connections who may be from a galaxy far, far away (or just seem slightly larger than life or unusual in some way). There’s the promise of romance wrapped up with this too. Or at the very least, new friends who may travel with you on that North Star route. See this as the start of a cycle to realign you with your biggest dreams. And remember, the journey itself is often the goal. So live the journey, and the dream Virgo.
In a nutshell: Time to reclaim your own path to love, your goals and your passion. Don’t settle any more for what’s safe but doesn’t truly fulfil you. Time to shoot for the stars, Virgo.
- How powerful do you feel?
- Reconnect to desire
- Think, act and choose different
It’s the end of one cycle and the start of a new one this week, Libra. For the past few years you have been riding the relationship merry-go-round courtesy of Uranus in your partnership zone. This week that particular carnival ride comes to an end – at least in the form you have experienced it. Uranus will retrograde back in there briefly – call this one last revelation, but it will feel quite different from how you have experienced this since 2011. From the 15th, Uranus enters your sector of change and transformation – on the same day the new Moon also appears in here. What is this going to be about? Well, for starters, this is your house of relationships where sex is important. You may experience a radical reawakening of desire – and that could include the desire for someone or something very different! Mars is in your 5th house of romance this week and as a result you may be drawn to someone very different to the type you would usually be attracted to. Experimentation could well follow although whether anything lasting results from this is something else entirely!
On a deeper, longer term level, Uranus in your 8th is going to bring about huge changes in your money and how you handle your resources. Other people’s money, windfalls, pay outs , your salary, benefits – all may feature and be placed in your hands. It’s going to be a time of investment and in looking at radically different ways to do this. How comfortable you are with handling larger sums than you may be used to, or taking a chance will form part and parcel of this journey. It’s about looking closely at what works, what doesn’t and then it comes to the latter, opting for something else this time. Ruler Venus is heading off into your 10th of career this week and will make a fantastic angle to Uranus as she does. This could see a radical departure from your usual job or even a revolutionary change around the rewards you usually receive from your role. Do you want to be seen in a new and different light professionally? You can establish something more exciting, dynamic and beneficial for yourself now and be seen in a new light by others. It may mean leaving the safety of what you know. The untried for you now is where your main opportunities can be found.
In a nutshell: Risky business? Not really, Libra. But the cycle that awaits you is all about being in your personal power – and having the courage to try something new.
- Get ready for a different kind of love
- Know what you want
- It’s all in the evolution, baby!
Time to be asking yourself what you really want from a relationship, Scorpio. This should be easy for you as you are a sign associated with delving deeply beyond the superficial. Scorpios always seek depth in their connections. But the fact is our needs change over time. Have yours? Begin now by going within and seeking answers. It doesn’t matter if you are single or settled. You have a new Moon appearing in your 7th of long term love and partnerships so there’s no better time to do this. All relationships begin and end with us. We are the one common denominator. But we are also constantly evolving. Think back across all your past relationships. These people were your biggest teachers no matter how long the connection lasted or if it is still enduring. But what you will take out from this no matter what your current love status is, is that unless you were literally lucky enough to end up with the first person you fell in love with, the majority of those ‘ex’s’ would not get a look in if you met them today. That’s because you have changed. And your criteria changed along with that.
The new Moon marks the start of a Love Revolution for you Taurus. That’s because Uranus, the planet of electric awakenings, also lands in your 7th on the same day. Expect surprising twists and turns around relationships and most importantly, how you relate to others. Your ideas around what makes up the perfect partner or the perfect union could undergo a radical shift. You may try on all kinds of different partnerships for size – anything from a business one to an activity. If you’re settled you’ll want to evolve your relationship in some way and explore something new with your partner. It’s all laden with surprises, questions to be answered and above all, freedom. Venus who rules your 7th moves off into your 9th of just that on the 19th. And will sextile Uranus as she does. Want to know what freedom looks like? Pay attention around this day. It or more importantly, they, could be about to show you.
In a nutshell: Freedom to love – the way you want to love and be loved in return. It begins with knowing what it is you really need. Head up the Love Revolution this week, Scorpio.
- Going nowhere? Not anymore!
- Work to live or live to work?
- Success begins with loving yourself
The romance, children and creativity rollercoaster you’ve been riding since 2011 finally slows and stops right here this week, Sag. Are you relieved or sorry to be getting off? You may just get one more spin of the wheel later this year. But for now, you’ll feel a big shift. Hopefully at some point during the cycle you just experienced, you reconnected to fun, the child within and your passion. You may have flirted with people, with projects, with pleasure. What have you come away with? The 5th house in our charts wants us to shine and a Uranus transit through here is all about knowing we can do that and attract what we want – just by being ourselves. RuPaul said it: If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Even if you did not get the long term results that you hoped for – perhaps that forever kind of love or fame and fortune, chances are you’ve walked away with sexy, sassier and more edgy attitude that screams confidence.
This week’s new Moon in your 6th occurs the same day Uranus arrives in here. Look forward to breaking free of work that takes you precisely nowhere, routines that are ruts and the deadzone when it comes to your energy and wellbeing. Uranus electrifies and awakens. Gives us that life-saving jolt we need to get ourselves out of whatever flatline existence we may have fallen into. Often this is a shocking and surprising process as you may have discovered. But we are free and able to play with new possibilities through this. Get ready for a work revolution that will see your daily life change beyond recognition by the time it is over. Other notable transits this week include Venus in your 8th making a powerful angle to Uranus. This is your house of personal empowerment as well as your salary. That new way of working or even a sprinkle of sexual healing if needed could be on its way as Venus gives you a magnetic allure. Mars is in your sector of news, communication and business as well. If there are changes to be made, again, especially around your work, you’ve got the confidence to break through blocks to progress and blaze yourself a new trail. Plus you have the renewed energy and determination to do just that. Get working in a very different way now.
In a nutshell: Plug yourself into untapped reserves of energy, dynamism and innovation. Dull routines get a heart-starting zap as they change for the better. Plus you’ve a deeper allure. Work it.
- Don’t get so caught up with the climb you ignore the view
- Give yourself permission to love
- Remember, they’re not all frogs!
What are the creative changes you’ve been afraid to make, Capricorn? What experiences have you been denying yourself? Has life turned into all work and no play? All frog and no prince or princess? Have you begun to believe that this is just how things are? Yes, you are usually the sign with the goal and the mountain to climb. Whatever you commit to, you’re in for the long haul. Especially now you have your ruler Saturn in your sign doubling-up that Capricorn commitment. But if you’re too busy climbing to enjoy the view – or have forgotten there is a view, then this week isn’t about giving up on that climb. Rather it’s about other ways of getting to the top or at the very least enjoying the view while you climb.
Prepare for the unexpected as a new Moon appears in your 5th of romance and pleasure on the 15th. The same day the planet of excitement, thrills and surprises also arrives in here. You could be awakened to just what you have been missing out on. Or denying yourself. Unusual and unique people may be drawn to you now. You could attract someone you believe to be a frog only to discover they are a prince or princess in disguise. Uranus asks us to be open-minded, not to judge a book by its cover and above all, to love our individuality – and that of others. Showcasing your individuality, shining in your own way and being unafraid to do this is just one hallmark of this Uranus cycle. Love may take some unexpected twists and turns but no matter how things turn out, you are going to meet people you will never forget – and be more open, spontaneous and creative for it. Venus enters her ruling 7th in your chart this week as well making this one of the best weeks so far for love and partnerships of all kinds. Especially the ones who encourage you to pause in that climb and enjoy the view with them for a while. You may feel a little crazy, a little more ‘out there’ and willing to experiment more than usual under this cycle. The 5th is your party house and Uranus needs no excuse to party. So party your way to the top now, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Give yourself permission to shine. To have fun. To be romanced. Yes, you CAN have it all and still get to the top, Capricorn. Enjoy the view this week.
- Get ready for a new way of living
- Women bring unexpected benefits
- Follow your instincts
Ruler Uranus is in da house this week Aquarius, so that’s big news for you. That’s your 4th house of home, family, living arrangements. Your house, flat, apartment and what makes up your security – emotional and bricks and mortar, is set for a radical overhaul. You’ve never had this transit occur before but as you are ruled by Uranus you know to prepare for the unusual. This transit could see you create a home like no other – highly individual which stands out from its neighbours. The day Uranus enters here is the same day as a new Moon appears in this, the Moon’s ruling house. This would usually mark a new phase of living but Uranus adds an unexpected twist or flavour to it. During Uranus’s stay in here you will encounter people from your past and women will feature. The women you encounter whether this is a personal/family relationship or even a business one, will play an instrumental role in your establishing something new for yourself – either a home, a job or just a lifestyle change.
You’ve the desire and the impulsion to start the process as Mars enters your 1st the following day and squares your ruler, kick-starting the process of change. Your key to navigating this amazing process of change is to stay connected to your gut instincts now. Why? Because Cancer and the 4th house rule our gut! If you act on these instincts at some point during Uranus’s stay in this house you are going to be on the receiving end of a massive benefits in either your career or around your home or living arrangements. Venus is also on the move this week – off from your pleasure-centered 5th and on into your 6th. As she moves she makes a productive angle to Uranus perhaps bringing an unlooked for work opportunity or benefit around your home such as a way to earn additional income. This is a foretaste of more to come. Be at home with change now.
In a nutshell: Uranus your ruler makes a big move this week. Into your sector of home, living arrangements, family and security. Get ready for big benefits from changing more than rooms.
- Be your own best creation
- Welcome back romance and passion
- Showcase your original style
Time to become a true original, Pisces. Especially when it comes to your ideas, resources, business, communications and commerce. An exciting new cycle beckons you now. Channel those ideas and above all, take action on them. The new Moon combined with Uranus’s entry in here could bring you alternatives, exciting possibilities and new connections. Do not get attached to anything from plans to results however. Uranus in your 3rd is all about experimentation on a grand scale. But if you are willing to do this, what follows could be bigger successes than you have experienced so far.
As this cycle begins however, look very closely at anyone you get a bad feeling about or who you think may not be on the level. This does not necessarily have to be someone you work with although it can be. There may be someone around whose behaviour you have come to question of late. Continue to question it until you have answers and above all, do not be afraid to put in some strong boundaries if need be. Mars in your 12th hands you the ability to enforce these and also puts you on high alert if something feels ‘off’. As the planet of action angles to Uranus, you will discover just what that is so be ready. Venus is also on the move this week into your house of pleasure, creativity, enjoyment and romance. This is where you are destined to shine and be adored now. With Uranus in your 3rd you’ve a more confident and individual vibe attached to what you do and say. Believe me, others are going to sit up and take notice. And what – or who you attract in now could be radically different to anything you have experienced in the past. All the more reason to be open to a new and different kind of romance too. Or to start to treat yourself as your own best creation now. Has that sparkle been tarnished of late? Restore the glow. And your originality. Don’t try to copy anyone else. We all want an original – not a forgery. Above all, remember that feeling good is often the best antidote to the blues – and the best revenge.
In a nutshell: Time to do something with your ideas and make them as original as you are. Being yourself is your secret to success now. Whether in work – or in love.
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