Weekly Astrology Forecast October 31st 2022

Weekly Spooky Astrology Forecast for all Haunted Signs October 31 2022
Fly free and fearless
Stir that cauldron of change
Hex those limitations!
Dissolve barriers between you and your desires and put the hex on fears. Fly higher on that Nimbus 2000 or whatever your favourite broomstick brand is. Halloween – the night when traditionally the barriers between this world and the spirit one, become more permeable and dissolve. You’ve a frightening opportunity to make a clean sweep when it comes to determining those ambitions for the rest of the year. The Moon conjunct Pluto in your 10th hands you the ability to connect to the depths of your emotional determination and empowerment. For you, this isn’t some woo-woo spell casting but the night when you state a serious intention to overwhelm a goal you set yourself. The powerful change you set in motion hands you back any lost power.
Like a firework or comet, you scorch a trail across the sky. The week brings you another dynamic cauldron of change when Venus in your 8th opposes Uranus in Venus’s ruling sign/house – Taurus and your 2nd. This is all about money, assets, shared resources and your values. And you feeling as if you are in control of these. Direct them, conserve them and when it comes to your values, stand by them. That’s the powerful magic of change available for you, Aries.
In a nutshell: Self-belief is the magic ingredient when it comes to flying higher this Halloween week. Stand by your magical belief and value system. The results – spookily successful, Aries.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (8th to 2nd)
Open up to bigger possibilities
Break through those hidden barriers
Heed those insights from the source
Fetters that restrict you fall away. Expect to rise into the next stage of a magical transformation this All Hallow’s Eve as the Moon and Pluto meet in your 9th of freedom and opportunity. Maybe it is you who began this process. Taking steps to manifest something or being willing to see just what you could conjure up.
This is your house of luck and attainment. But luck comes to those who make the effort. That’s the secret. That ‘lucky’ break is no accident. The magic of self-intention manifested the opportunity. You applied for the job, took a chance and made the first move, or found the courage to reject something that no longer worked – even if you didn’t know if the future would bring you an alternative. And what rushed in to meet you was soul freedom.
Opt for that this week when the spirit world make may itself known in mysterious ways. In other words, the wisdom of your guides or ancestors takes over if you hesitate too long. Taking the choice out of your hands by presenting you with the unexpected but much needed catalyst that leaves you with no other choice but to head in a new direction. Ruler Venus in its ruling 7th of partnerships and long term spell-casting duos, duets and duels, opposes Uranus in your 1st on the 5th. This could mean fireworks between you and the other half of a magic act. One way or another. The result is yes, the freedom of real love jujus. And you free to embrace it (or them).
In a nutshell: Magical alignments this week could bring you the freedom to experience the alchemy of bigger, more satisfying love. Of course, that fellow spellcaster has a role to play. Find yours this week, Taurus.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (7th to 1st)
That old black magic’s got me in its spell
That old black magic that you weave so well
Those icy fingers
Up and down my spine
The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine
Ella Fitzgerald
The Moon meets Pluto in its ruling 8th on All Hallow’s Eve. And something or maybe someone has you under it’s spell, Gemini. Or is it you who is the one casting a charm that others are powerless to resist? This is a night to magnestise your desires. And if you have no object of desire – yet, to engage in a ritual where you write down what it is or the qualities you seek, and then burn the list in a fireproof brazier and release it to the sky and spirt realm. And wait to see how this is answered.
Of course, if you are coupled up, then making some hot hocus pocus with that wizardy other half is very much on the cards. This week also has Venus in your 6th make a surprise move on Uranus in your 12th. On Guy Fawkes night. Did you light the fire or was it always burning and just now got fanned into a conflagration? Something unexpectedly revealing could appear that turns what you thought on its head. This has its own kind of magic. The magic of revelation and surprise. An illusion could be revealed. The magic is the truth behind it, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Making hot hocus pocus could be your way of celebrating this Halloween, Gemini. It could also be there’s a spooky surprise in store for others that has you seeing something or something without the magic filter!
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (6th to 12th)
Is it time to cast that resurrection spell?
Share your voodoo and shake your hoodoo!
Hufflepuff? Slytherin? Who’s in YOUR house?
You mixing and mingling with your coven this Halloween week, Cancer? Love is also in the air. Or at the very least, the love of your soul group if not that special someone. Keep on mind, love could be on a return or resurrection for some of you. Now that’s due to Mars now retrograde in your 12th. There is the feel of a love rebirth or change round you and someone from the same Hogwarts house this week. All Hallow’s Eve has your ruler the Moon bringing a touch of alchemy to a close connection or partnership when it meets Pluto in your 7th. You may not be flying that broomstick solo. Or you and your boo are back on the same page when it comes to that spell book.
The 5th offers a wonderful opportunity to be out and about, circulating your voodoo soul and finding those of the same magical mindset. Venus in your romance zone opposes Uranus in its ruling 11th. Drawing towards you – well, even that opposite chemical reaction which compels and attracts both at the same time. It’s a week to share your own brand of charmed love in all its forms. And in doing so create a new me and you future.
In a nutshell: Your coven, enchanted circle, Hogwarts house or mystic circle features this week. As does attracting whatever is on your mind. You’ve the power of the collective and the power of your own imagination. See who answers the call this week.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (5th to 11th)
Small magic creates big changes
Keep plans flexible
Prepare for supernatural shifts
Magic is found in small things. And can be just a powerful when it comes to the effect it wields, Leo. What you have at your enchanted fingertips this Halloween is Practical Magic of the every day variety. Do not underestimate its transmutational power to deliver benefits that continue to work long after the witching hour has passed. The 31st, the day when the barriers between this mundane world and the spirit one, lessen and dissolve, could simply add that magic touch to something you have/need to do.
This is a great day to delve deep into other ways of tackling or approaching work and wellbeing matters. You will be lead towards an answer or fresh conclusion thanks to the Moon and Pluto meeting in your 6th. Anything to do with day job, work, studies or your habits and routine could shift along with your approach to them.
Home and career matters are highlighted by the opposition between Venus in your 4th and Uranus in your 10th. The flexible approach and letting go with help you deal with any unexpected or surprising shifts. It could well be that your simple spell of changing something small that you do has sent a signal to the ‘other side’ that you are now ready for a bigger shift. And that call is answered. What’s on offer could be exactly what you need to break out of any ruts or dead-ends, Leo.
In a nutshell: To preface Sting: Every little thing you do is magic this week, Leo. Focus on small shifts which will prove to have a touch of the supernatural when it comes to bringing in bigger changes.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (4th to 10th)
Live La Magic Loca!
Work that individual spooky touch
Throw cares into the cauldron
Do the magic thing your way this Halloween, Virgo. Why would you want to copy anyone else? When it comes to influencing – and I mean this in an authentic, passionate, powerful way – not Insta-filtered, your power lies simply in being yourself. No apologies, no half-hearted attempts. And certainly no imitations. If you can’t rise on the vibe of your own magical blend on this night, then when can you? And you shouldn’t care what others may think or that you need anyone’s permission either. The Moon and Pluto meet in your La Vida Loca 5th on the 31st. Black cats, black hats, voodoo spells at the ready. You cast them anyway you want. And funny thing, when you do you activate the power to attract back in kind.
This week is telling you to let go of limitations and also cares. To not look too far forward but to embrace fully the magic of being alive, vibrant and fierce in the moment. Otherwise you miss the crazy magic of living – or what could possibly be. Be open and willing to take your new emblazoned supernatural self in a fresh direction should it present itself on the 5th. The opposition between Venus in your 3rd and Uranus in your 9th opens a portal not just between the multiverse of possibilities and this one, but also has the potential to free you from something holding you back. This is what you can set in motion simply by doing magic your way, Virgo.
In a nutshell. It’s deeply personal and highly individual spooky stuff at your disposal this week, Virgo. Let go of comparisons to others. Making magic the only way you know how is the way to manifesting results.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 9th)
Ask those ancestors
See all experiences as learning
Adopt haunting self-worth tactics
Halloween coincides with the Day of the Dead in Mexico. This is traditionally the time when people gather to remember family members and friends who have transitioned. It is very fitting then that the 31st sees the Moon (which rules our roots and ancestors) co-join with Pluto (which rules death and then rebirth) in the Moon’s ruling house – your 4th. Making All Hallows Eve the perfect time for you to remember those you loved and who had a profound effect on you. And also open yourself to see if there are literally any messages or signs from ‘beyond’ for you.
Retreating to your power place, your home or familiar surroundings will serve you better than trick or treating on this night. Light a candle or even create an altar at home with photographs or other mementoes to honour your loved ones. Even if your relationship with someone was difficult when they were alive, reflect on what you learned from this. And if you cannot yet forgive – well, that’s optional. But state your intention to release the karma between you. This can offer you peace and soul clensing.
The 5th sees ruler Venus in its ruling 2nd in your chart oppose Uranus in your 8th. Money, values, what you share, possessions and income could feature. Again, think about what you were taught about this from others. Uranus has been busy these past few years totally realigning your value system. How does it differ from that which you had or which say your parents or grandparents adopted? With this may come an opportunity to reset your karma with money and prosperity too. What have your ancestors shown you around this? Whether their example was positive or negative, you can use it to create a new kind of financial freedom.
In a nutshell: Haunted by the past? This week brings release and also putting the lid on that coffin of bad memories, Libra. But wisdom comes with you into the future. And allows you freedom to fly that broomstick higher from here on in.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 8th)
Keep me burning for your love
With the touch of a velvet glove
Abra abracadabra
I wanna reach out and grab ya
No half baked intentions for you this Halloween, Scorpio. There’s mischief afoot. Of the very best kind. First however, it’s time to make magical intention. Words and even pictures are spells. The Moon’s meeting with ruler Pluto in your 3rd on the 31st can lead to some powerful conjuring. Whether you choose to convey this via what you say, write, communicate or capture on that phone. If you want to channel your creativity into a vision board – this night imbues it with that extra touch of manifestation.
However, one word of warning as you stir your cauldron of creativity, Scorpio. You are extra sensitive to the effect the energy of others has on you this night. You may not even have been aware of its impact until now. Or else dismissed it as nothing important or something you could handle. If that negative vibe enters your field this week however, its impact will be immediate and inescapable. Aside from being a downer, it also dilutes your own power now. Or triggers issues around self-doubt. My advice is – don’t entertain it (or them).
Venus in your sign opposes Uranus in your 7th offering a heads-up to love alternatives. In fact, another effect of that Moon/Pluto meeting could be some extra potent and sizzling love talk. Or see singles falling for someone outside their usual ‘type’. The feeling may be mutually irresistible. Whatever spellbinding you engage in this week – the sex magic kind or the spoken kind, back it up with serious intention.
In a nutshell: Surround yourself with positive energy this All Hallows Week. Your supernatural senses are tingling. You’re more sensitive to others’ energy, Scorpio. Ensure this is a whiter shade – not the darkside.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (1st to 7th)
Get wicked!
Tap into a magic currency
Join the hocus pocus richlist
Set in motion a frighteningly wicked fortune this Halloween, Sag. Werk that worth as the Moon and Pluto meet in your house of money, money, money, possessions and self worth. No, it is not the root of all evil. Hopefully that’s one negative spell you’re not buying into. Money itself is neutral. What does it buy you? Choices. Your relationship to the material world, what you believe you can earn, have and hold and above all, what enriches you on a soul level is what you need to focus on now. Because chances are its choices and experiences that add up to abundance for you. Not the ability to buy more. What’s your money ‘comfort level’? Are you comfortable going beyond that and having more? This transit says you can ask for inspiration on how to get it or make it. As well as identifying the blocks to it.
Venus rules your money and in a natural chart (one that has Aries rising), both your money zones (Scorpio and Taurus) are revitalised by the opposition between Venus in your 12th and Uranus in your 6th. Or the 2nd/8th axis in that natural chart. Old debts, rewards, pay it forward, what you share or invest not just your cash into but your time, love, friendship, talents, loans, mortgages, shares, taxes, benefits and wills may feature. It’s time to step into your own empowerment when it comes to creating more choice. Focus on hocus-pocusing that rather than an actual cash sum for that magic rich feeling, Sag.
In a nutshell: What’s the wicked truth about your cash, Sag? Money isn’t the root of all evil. Make a choice to look at what abundance actually means for you this Halloween. That witchy-wizarding rich list is what you want to join now.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (12th to 6th)
Exciting encounters set goals in motion
Look to your transformational curve
Become the master magician manifester!
Time to focus on what you want to draw to you or create in your life on All Hallow’s Eve, Cappy. This night is traditionally when magic thoughts have extra juice to them. And your ability to visualise is enhanced. The past years have been a time of major transformation for you due to Pluto’s presence in your sign. 2023 will begin its shift from your 1st into your 2nd. It will not completely leave you until 2024 however.
The 31st asks you think in bright technicolor and YouTube worthy details when it comes to what you still want to change or draw to you. The Moon and Pluto conjunct in your sign should be telling you that this is no time to doubt your ability to manifest and create. If you do, just look back at the past decade or so and look at the powerful changes that have made you the magician/shapeshifter of your own life.
New people or those you are already connected to could act as agents of change this week as Venus in your 11th opposes Uranus in your 5th. Look for unusual, exciting and unexpected encounters with individuals who are unafraid to stand out or walk to the beat of their own soundtrack. Accept any invites which offer entrée to different social or professional circles than your usual ones. You’re been awakened to what the future could just possibly hold. Simply add some visual details and hold that picture, Cappy.
In a nutshell: The magic of magnificent manifestation is yours to wield this Halloween week. Think in pictures and add as many details as you can. Someone you meet may have a key role to play too.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (11th to 5th)
Dive into mysterious
Walk between the worlds
Change evolves your soul path
Astrology, mediumship, the Tarot, meditation, self-help, psychic readings, therapy, spiritualism, mysteries, the multiverse of beliefs – all are yours to explore and discover answers in this Halloween Aquarius with the Moon and Pluto in your 12th. This is the night where the barriers between worlds dissolve and you have an Access All Areas pass.
Watch what you think as shazam! It could spookily appear. You are propelled into a soul search or tapping into an inner knowing for answers. Messages from the other side, sudden inexplicable ‘feelings’ show you where those answers can be found. Use whatever tools you have in your personal spell kit to find them. And do accept what you uncover. You can’t edit the truth or facts simply because you don’t like them. Acceptance empowers and frees.
This week has your ruler Uranus in your 4th of home, roots and stability oppose Venus in your house of career and status. It could be what you uncover or now know sets in motion a series of decisions impacting on how or where you live and the path you are on. It is all part of a deeper and ultimately necessary process of change which will transmute and evolve your soul. Don’t try to stop this process. Freely engage and enter into it. And know this is just the beginning of a far deeper, profound and magical change for you.
In a nutshell: Change or what you discover on a dreamtime walk of discovery holds the key to your future this week. Halloween delivers messages or signs from the ‘other side’ – or the opportunity to peer beyond the veil.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (10th to 4th)
Get coveting those coven members!
Have an all treat no trick gathering
Get fireworking
With the Moon and Pluto conjunct in your 11th of covens, Hogwarts houses, fellow spellcasters and wizarding witchy cohorts, it’s time for some combined magic this Halloween. Who is Ron or Harry or Hermione for you? Get your gathering happening on this night if you can for all treat and no tricks. If you are flying that broomstick solo (or just with the cat), this is your house of the future. And we set the future in motion by setting goals for ourselves. Take your top five – no more, no less, and re-write or re-visualise them. In doing so you imbue them with upgraded magical manifestation power and that all important emotional intention thanks to this conjunction.
Baby, you’re a firework on the 5th so time to make others go oh-oh-oh as you break free of something that limits you. Or simply astound and amaze as you confound those totally inaccurate preconceptions someone may have formed about you. Venus in your 9th opposition Uranus in your 3rd indicates a surprising and possibly unlooked for, opportunity or release into something bigger. It could represent a frash direction for you. Something perhaps others thought you would never attempt or do. So, prepare to astound this fireworking week. Wave that wand and exspelliarmus! You are free and out of whatever has boxed you in.
In a nutshell: Your Halloween magic this week lies in your ability to astound and leave a haunting impression, Pisces. Refuse to allow yourself to be defined by what others think you are. Fly like a firework, not a broomstick.
Oct 31 2022 Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
Nov 5 2022 Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (9th to 3rd)
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