12th February 2018 Weekly Astrology Forecast
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs February 19
- Don’t settle for less than heart-starting love
- Reconnect to the past
- Make it real
You’re always ready for action, Aries but this week is all about action with spiritual intent. It’s the secret ingredient behind getting what you want now. You gotta let the spirit move you –or direct that action towards what makes that bold heart of yours, beat out a new rhythm. If when you think of a goal, you can’t feel the delicious rush of heat just at the thought of it – then this one’s not for you. Ruler Mars in your 9th snares the North Node in your house of heart-starting love affairs. As well as an actual person, this could be a love affair with something you love to do, a project, your children or just expressing yourself. Whatever it is, you have to feel it.
One thing is certain, you can’t ignore what the heart wants now. Picking up something you left off or reconnecting to a lost love is a possibility thanks to first Venus and then Mercury meeting Neptune in your 12th this week. Emotions you experienced before reach back out of the past and you could experience them again as if they just happened yesterday – even if this was years ago. If this happens, it may not be an actual person or event you need to recapture, but how that made you feel. Yes, this may feel intense but it is absolutely authentic. So, stay connected to it and don’t settle for anything less. If it’s doesn’t make you feel like your soul is taking flight, then lose it this week, Aries.
In a nutshell: That delicious rush and heat tells you a goal is aligned with your heart’s purpose, Aries. So don’t waste your energy on anything that doesn’t fire you up now.
- Chase that dream
- Capture the passion
- Feel the heat
For weeks we’ve been discussing change and the need to embrace it, Taurus. This week you are doing more than just that. Gone is any doubt or hesitation over your next move thanks to Mars in your 8th. Instead of waiting for changes to occur you are actively initiating them. So, what has changed? (Pardon the pun!).
The answer is you of course. Set off in full flight after something new now. Your 8th house is after all, your house of passion. Suddenly you see how you have been accepting the tepid in your life, telling yourself it was ‘good enough’ when what you really needed was the searing heat! How do you get that? Change of course! Ruler Venus is in your 8th of friends, contacts and of course, those wild, beautiful dreams that make our soul come alive. You’ve the impetus now to strike out in search of them or initiate the changes needed to set your goals in motion. You want the new and also, something more meaningful and resonant. So, don’t be surprised if you actively seek out new groups and friendships now as Venus and then Mercury meet Neptune in your 12th. Spiritual compatibility will be every bit as important as shared interests in all your interactions now. If you connect with someone who fires up your imagination – even better. You may move on from situations and people who don’t now. Feel the heat – and create the change.
In a nutshell: You may not usually welcome change. But this week is different. Chances are you’re the one who wants a change for something better now, Taurus.
- Partner up for success
- Make life – and love, a collaborative venture
- Know what you want
It’s all about the company you’re keeping now and dare I say it, how you are seen and who you are seen with. Perhaps it’s time to cultivate a new aura of glamour or professionalism too. Your reputation, how you are known and what you are known for is probably your greatest asset now. Mars in your partnership zone could see you wanting more freedom in your relationships. And perhaps that is freedom to call the shots – or at least some of them. You want more ‘say’ in how things are done and now is the time to ask for all of that as Mars trines the North Node in your 3rd. News could have a direct impact on a close connection – anyone from your marriage partner or long term lover, to a business associate or boss. Is someone expecting to get things all their own way? Or making unilateral decisions for both of you? Hopefully it’s not you with the ‘my way or the highway’ approach this week. There’s so much more to be achieved when it’s a collaboration. But everyone needs to sit in the hot seat and call the shots once in a while. So ensure you get your turn.
Venus and then ruler Mercury meeting Neptune in your 10th could just see you radiating that aura of success now. Have a concrete strategy and the facts to back you up. Know your stuff. And act the part. Your image has a massive role to play in all this. Above all, friends, contacts and the ‘company’ you keep – in this case your job, employer, title or even the organisation you work for, will in many respects determine your success now. Take yourself seriously, because if you don’t, then who will? Single twins could attract a lover with serious potential. You need someone who knows what they want – just as you need to know the same thing. That way, you both get to see the opportunity that’s there for you now – and act on it.
In a nutshell: Who calls the lovin’ shots in your relationship? Take turns this week, Gemini. Single twin? That flirtation could go the distance – so follow through.
- Define your priorities
- Focus your energy to open up opportunity
- Don’t rush now!
Take time to smell the Sunflowers or if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, as it is winter, then gaze at the stars. What I’m saying is take some time to restore your spirit and look at the big picture this week. It’s not so much about the Meaning of Life in the broader philosophical sense but the need to look at the meaning behind what’s going on in your life. And you’ll miss all of this if you don’t slow down. Not just that but Mars in your 6th amounts to mistakes and even accidents if you rush. If accidents or the flue etc occurs now, or you find yourself having to do something all over again, take this as the universe’s way of getting you to stop, look and listen. Because there’s something you need to pay attention to now – the meaning behind all this. And the really big question which is: why am I doing this in the first place?
As a result your focus or priorities may shift this week. Towards the freedom of just focussing on what you care about. You know who or what that is, Cancer. It’s all about a bigger love, a bigger life experience, a bigger learning opportunity and expecting a bigger, better outcome in all areas. It’s time to try something new and to act on inspiration especially as Venus and Mercury meet Neptune in your 9th now. Your soul is calling out to you to explore a few new possibilities for yourself. Buy a ticket towards something big this week.
In a nutshell: Taking some time out allows you to focus on what really matters, Cancer. Deep down you know what that is. Stop, reconnect and recommit to it this week.
- Passion, daring and desire
- Make a date with destiny
- Follow your bliss
Fate and destiny have a massive role to play especially when it comes to lovers, children and your creativity this week, Leo. Are you ready for a date with destiny? Fiery Mars is heating up your 5th with passion and daring now. You’re unafraid to make the first move towards that shining opportunity or that totally hot stranger. You’re unafraid to dance and experiment with life. You not only have the desire and drive to go after whatever it is you want, you’re unafraid to express yourself and let the true ‘you’ shine through. As a result, everything lightens up, work seems like play (or you take steps to create work that feels that way!) and people are drawn into your orbit. They just want to feel that heat, Leo. So radiate now!
Passion now becomes more than just physical attraction. You crave connection on a soul level too. A relationship transforms or the past could feature as Venus and then Mercury meet Neptune in your 8th. You dive into new depths of understanding that is almost telepathic with your partner or attract one who just may be able to offer that to you. Just be aware that like any transit, Neptune’s mysterious influence can make those cosmic doors swing both ways. You can be transported to a new realm of sensuality and connection or you can be wrapped up in delusion and obsession and not see things how they really are. Keep those boundaries (Mars) in place and then when you come back down to earth, the reality just may continue to be everything you hoped for.
In a nutshell: Is it a dream or is it reality? Chances are you can make reality live up to the dream or even better it now, Leo. It’s all to do with boundaries this week.
- Events have a deeper meaning
- Navigate mysteries
- Get real when it comes to love
Often destiny works in the background. We’re not aware of the wheels of fate turning until after the event. And it’s only when we get the perspective of the past that we see events for what they truly were. Fate ensuring we went down a particular path. So, look beyond the obvious and probe below the surface this week. There’s more going on and a reason behind what transpires than meets the eye now. Mysterious tides form with the intention of ensuring that ultimately you end up exactly where you are supposed to be. This is not a week to drift with the current however. It is a time to take action based on what doors swing open and which ones are closed as Mars in your 4th angles to the North Node in your 12th.
Are these doors in your heart? Or in someone else’s? Destiny may be taking a hand in partnership matters or any venture involving you and at least one other person now. Ruler Mercury meets Neptune for some spiritual communion in your 7th on the 25th. This is just four days after Venus who rules this house in your chart, also made a conjunction with Neptune. This same day (21st) saw Mercury align to Saturn in your romance zone. This could bring you a love whose time has come, a deeper or more committed connection, empathy, an increased awareness of your partner’s needs or in cases where this is a working or collaborative relationship, divine inspiration to utilise to your advantage. Just don’t get lost in dream world however, as these conjunctions can in some cases, result in an extreme case of rose-tinted Coke bottle glasses when it comes to love and relationships. But if you are prepared to fall in love with the reality, rather than the idealised version of it, then this week could see you open new doors to loving – and being loved and understood.
In a nutshell: Ready for real love? And by that I mean with a real perfectly imperfect person? This week fate pushes you down a path you were always destined to walk.
- Let go and live more
- Less = more power
- Fall out of all you were and in to who you are
You’re initiating work and wellbeing shifts this week. Look forward to a surge of energy that sees you powering forward towards your goals now, Libra. All thanks to Mars in your 3rd trineing the North Node in your 11th. You’ve got a roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-on-with-it attitude. But this is also about the Beauty of Letting Go. Don’t just think this refers to decluttering. Of course it does and your transits this week are all about shedding what you no longer need – from bad habits, rut-creating routines and hamster-wheel jobs. But with fabulous meetings between ruler Venus and Neptune in your 6th, followed by Mercury in this his ruling house, it’s also about refinement and ideas too.
Letting go of anything from connections to excess weight sees you standing in your power now. And let’s face it – that’s a sexy thing. News could arrive that impacts directly on where you are living or your long term work situation – or both. There’s a fabulous song by Green River Ordinance which perfectly describes you and your journey this week: Stand outside these city walls, And feel the forces swimming strong, You’re bathed in starlight, pulled through ocean tide, It hits you here, tonight and – And you’re falling out of all you were
And you’re finding out the beauty of letting go
So, don’t be afraid to let go this week. As the song goes ‘You’re waiting for the right time’ And that time is now.
In a nutshell: Embrace the beauty of letting go. What is it you need to release? Do it confidently. Letting go of what you no longer need clears the way for what you do.
- You’ve got the secret to success
- Take control of your destiny
- Weave irresistible magic
This week could bring you recognition in some way, shape or form, Scorpio. Your sector of romance, attraction and yes, attention is lit up with some truly mystic aspects as Venus and Mercury both join with Neptune. Plus ancient ruler Mars, now in your 2nd of money, assets and self-worth, makes a destiny-defining aspect to the spinning North Node in your 10th of career, reputation and status. Take action and above all, ensure you are seen in the best possible light. This could be a week to shine and to receive attention for who you are and what you do. Whatever it is you do – ensure you do not stay home or lurk in the background. You need to be seen now. And working that touch of old Hollywood glamour that surrounds you thanks to the Neptune conjunctions. You give off an aura of star quality plus you have the ability to weave compelling spells that draws people in, whether you are communicating a business idea or just flirting!
Mars in your 2nd sets you off in pursuit of money, and self-worth boosting success. But this does not mean that you do not have to make the effort to attain it, or that it will necessarily fall into your lap. Venus and Mars square to each other providing you the ability to combine action and love. But this takes balance and effort. You have the strength and the ability now as Mercury and the Sun angle to Saturn giving you staying power and grounding your ideas with authenticity. Add to the mix Mars meeting asteroid Vesta on the 25th and you can take ownership of your destiny – and the success that follows it now.
In a nutshell: Want to know the secret to attraction? Whether it’s attracting more money, opportunity or love it’s simple. This week offers you the answer: authenticity.
- You have everything you need to get anything you want
- From the past comes something new
- Get a sense of place
The past two and a half years may have felt restrictive, Sag but they were also grounding and learning opportunities for you. By now you should have learned to work with what you have at your disposal right now. And have learned that the only way to conserve your resources is not to waste them. This applies to everything from your money to your time. With Mars now in your 1st and Saturn in your 2nd, you are now ready to apply all that you have learned and your new core strength to going after what really matters to you. The energy has now shifted and you should have first felt this around three weeks ago when Mars first arrived in your sign. This week Mars trines the North Node in your 9th of freedom, travel, adventure, learning and pretty well all things Sagittarian. Karma and your past could feature but from all this, a new future and perhaps fresh karma is being born. What you need to do in this ‘everything old is new again’ moment is take all your knowledge and use it to create a different future or outcome for you this time around.
Ruler Jupiter in your spiritual 12th is putting you in touch with ‘big’ issues. The deep side of life, your soul path, hidden meanings, your purpose, spiritual truths and the past. Plus you have some soul-searching aspects in your 4th of home, family and security this week as Venus and then Mercury meet with Neptune, the ruler of your 12th in here. This is all about where you belong and who you belong with and to. A sense of place is all important now if you are to gain the freedom you know you seek. Deep down you know where you belong. And you have the inspiration and the determination to get there. Make it happen this week.
In a nutshell: Restrictions fall away. You have all you need to strike out in a fresh direction now. Time to finally put what you’ve learned these past two years into action.
- Communicate with integrity
- Set your intentions
- Repeat as necessary
Are you receiving me, over? You may feel a little bit like you’re on a different wavelength to everyone else this week, Capricorn. You may have divinely inspired ideas but it may appear only you can grasp them. Attempts to convey these to others may result in blank looks or else misinterpretation. It’s either a week for music, muses and poetry or you humming: ‘I’m just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.’ Now originally this song was written for the legendary high priestess of soul, Nina Simone. But the one we usually remember is the 60’s blues rock version by The Animals. So, what is causing both the inspiration and the confusion? Venus and then Mercury (who rules communication) conjunct Neptune in Mercury’s ruling house. You may have to repeat yourself to ensure you are understood and please, especially when it comes to love or business, ask for clarification from the other party if you are not certain of their meaning. The other aspect of this transit is that you misinterpret something someone else has said when this was neither their meaning nor their intention. Clarify and communicate from the spirit this week. It’s time for plain speaking. And to ensure you have been properly understood.
Something with shades of the past attached to it may represent itself this week or require renegotiating due to Mars in your 12th angling at the North Node in Mars’s ancient ruling house in your chart – the 8th. You could be in the process of either finishing up some karma or creating some anew. All the more reason to ensure the channels of communication are open and clear. If someone else has misrepresented something now is the time to tackle this. You’re after the truth this week and the only way to do that is to have clear intentions. Let others be in no doubt as to what they are, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Don’t be upset if others seem to be out to deliberately misunderstand you this week, Capricorn. Time to get clear – and ask for clarity in return.
- Pay the love forward
- Create some shiny brand new karma
- Strike a balance
Love yourself, settle any debts. Those are your two main tasks this week. And I am not just talking about financial debts – this includes those of the karmic variety too. The reason I am encouraging you to do this is that you are now in a position to close one karmic cycle and then go on to create a squeaky clean, fabulously good, new one. And by doing this you would allow all the good stuff you need to flow in to your life, to flood in. What’s involved here? Action from Mars in your 11th of soul goals and groups trines the North Node in your partnership sector. Karmic debts? Forgive others and then forgive yourself. Pay something forward if you can. Actual physical money laden debts? If you can’t pay them back in full right this second have a plan and a timeline for doing this. And stick to it.
Your money house and also your house of self-worth sees Venus who rules this, meet Neptune in here on the 21st. Then Mercury comes in to have a meeting on finances with Neptune on the 25th. Just understand if you are looking at getting your finances in order there are no short-cuts or get-rich-quick schemes. Just long term, practical solutions. Above all, don’t be tempted to borrow more money right now or over-spend as Neptune can cloud reality. Time to balance the books on every level and that includes not undervaluing yourself. Creating good karma is easy now. And the results could just last lifetimes.
In a nutshell: It’s one of those weeks where the ‘books’ just have to balance. Whether it’s finances or just karma – settle those debts. For lasting results.
- Trust your instincts
- Turn ideas into action
- Work those birthday blessings, baby!
Mars and Vesta in your 10th allow you to work within existing structures or with those in authority. They allow you to further your own goals while being seen as both a team player and a team leader as needed. Now is the time to make inroads into those professional goals. To schedule that all-important interview or meeting. When it comes to work and career matters, time to advance your agenda and impress all at the same time. You’re better connected than you may realise when it comes to accessing contacts or assistance you may require thanks to Saturn in your 11th. Reach out and mine them to connect you with help with anything from your next career move to supporting you with a personal goal. It’s not just what you know but also who now.
The birthday blessings continue as well thanks to Venus and Mercury meeting ruler Neptune in your sign. This could mark the start of a new phase for you no matter what date your birthday falls on. It’s time to trust your instincts and follow your heart. Chances are with Mercury involved you’re channelling new ideas. Have enough faith in yourself to put them into action. Think about this, if we’re not true to ourselves, how can we expect others to be? Let go of the past and above all, stop blaming yourself for past mistakes. Self-doubt is your emotional Kryptonite now. Trust yourself and new beginnings will suddenly appear – especially when it comes to love and your career now.
In a nutshell: The birthday blessings from the cosmos continue this week. Trusting yourself proves to be the best gift you can give yourself. Follow your heart towards new beginnings.
photo by Jacko Watson
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