1st April 2019 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

Weekly Astrology Horoscope Video 1st July 2019 Michele Knight

Get ready for The New Moon in Cancer and Solar eclipse. It’s essential to mother yourself and look after your child within. A change of circumstances is coming! Be a warrior of love for yourself and others. It’s a tender time. Our unconscious is dragging old wounds and hidden insecurities to the surface for us to heal. Issues connected to being a mother, our own mothers and our attitude to self care are on the agenda.

There’s also a karmic flavour to this eclipse. We are dealing with soulful issues and our experiences with those we have known not just in this life but others. Venus is also dipping into Cancer giving us the love we need to face the challenge.

Much love to you

Michele x

One thought on “1st April 2019 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

  1. Thank you Michele! Yes I am feeling those intense energies today and I sense it will become more intense as the week progresses. The reading was hopeful for the weekend

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