Weekly Astrology January 8th 2024 Forecast for All Signs

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 8th 2024

By our astrologer Elena

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Step up to a different destiny

Bold, outside the box moves fuel success

Be ready to bring it, Aries!

Big up those ambitions no matter what they are, Aries. This week is set to take you further. I’d describe it as a stairway to heaven in terms of your career, studies, public image, status and ability to impress people in high places. With the new Moon in your 10th (11th) illuminating those rungs all the way to the top.

The planets including the Sun in your 10th and also Mercury from the 14th are boosted by ruler Mars’s boss level confidence when it comes to you making all the right moves as ‘24 really gains traction. This is the highest point in your chart – where you are ‘on show’ and bringing your best game.

The new Moon with its trine to Uranus asks for an original approach. While the trine between your ruler and Jupiter in your money zone (12th), tells you that not only is up the only way for you now, you could be looking at tangible rewards stemming from bold moves coupled with fierce determination. The only way is up for you this week. Seize the day, the desire and your destiny!

Even if you don’t work, your personal stock or your partner’s, is on the rise. As could be your title or status – as in going from single to settled or watching that title on your business card magically rearrange itself to something more impressive. It’s time to become very aware of how people in positions of influence and authority see you. There’s a saying you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Not true for you now as you may get more than one. Just ensure it is the lasting one you want to leave however. Time to step up – and let the world know you’ve ready for business – 2024 style.

In a nutshell: This week’s new Moon in your 10th illuminates a stairway to heaven when it comes to success and those ambitions, Aries. Leave underestimating yourself back where it belongs – in 2023. And be ready to ascend.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (10th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 2nd)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (10th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Be honest about what no longer works

Strike out towards something fresh

Set the new in motion

No more spinning that worn out track or rinse-and-repeat cycle that has had you feeling so stuck, Taurus. A new and better pathway is revealed for you this week. Planets in your 9th open portals of opportunity and escape routes designed with you in mind as they align to Uranus and Jupiter in your sign.

Do be honest about what still isn’t working for you this week. No matter how hard you try to reimagine or reinvent that wheel. The fact is, it’s on a cart that stopped taking you where you need to be a long time ago. But now, forget the cart as a better, faster, more reliable means of getting where you need to be appears and asks you to hop on board. This week’s good news as we really begin to embrace that 2024 jam is that your escape route beckons. Take that cosmic Uber as it pulls up.

Your horizons broaden and after what has been a period of struggle or simply plain inertia, solutions propel you up, up and away and back into effortless potential once more with the combo of the new Moon and especially the Mars/Jupiter alignment on the 12th. Remember, the planets are in Jupiter’s ruling house in your chart. Your money/career and even relationship status could benefit from this and again, move you in a new direction.

That doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for opportunity to come find you however. Travel or at least learning exploration will feature – but you have to kick start this. Watch for new from the 14th or a discovery around that next step. Perhaps even by signing up or clicking on that link. But take that first small step into a bigger world and Jupiter will provide the rest of the momentum and also place unlooked for solutions on your path. Who makes it happen? You do the moment you decide to explore what that new direction could potentially hold.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your 9th activates a desire to explore fresh avenues or kick-start a journey you abandoned, Taurus. Let’s face it – you’ve had enough of staying stuck. Ditch the wheel-spinning and put 2024 into high gear.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (9th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (9th to 1st)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 1st)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (9th)


You’re right on the money

Play with power

Bring sexy back!

What’s on that Spotify playlist – or should be, as 2024 begins, Gemini? How about Abba’s Money Money Money or simply Billionaire? Your money, assets, mortgage, legacies, benefits, loans, shares and what is shared with you and by you is in focus like no other time. The keys to the vault? Quite possibly you could be handed them or else the key to that executive washroom thanks to the new Moon and rush of planets in your dynamic 8th of change and transformation.

Ruler Mercury arrives in here from the 14th. But the new Moon’s alignment with Uranus in your 12th points to rewards or this stemming in some way from your past. Mars is the co-ruler of your 8th so at its most powerful. The day after the new Moon it aligns to Jupiter and the door to the vault or what is stored there for you karmically, magically offers you a way to transform a key area.

How comfortable are you with your own power? The sub-theme here is also: Power Money. Handling larger sums of it, being granted access to it as well as bigging up that feeling of self-worth. You may be placed in charge of someone else’s resources or assets or someone gives you access to theirs. It may not be actual cash but time, entrée, expertise – but its every bit as valuable. If not more so.

 You are not just hot in terms of being able to attract the assets or resources you need. But on fire when it comes to your intimate life. And this too is an asset, Gemini. Use whatever you have or are handed and shake your money maker regarding your talents. Bank on the results. More in your New Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.

In a nutshell: Something unexpectedly could return from your past. Or the novel or unexpected is a seriously bankable prospect, Gemini. It’s a chance to be that change you’ve been hoping would arrive. Get sexy.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (8th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (8th to 12th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 12th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (8th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Embrace something different

Love defies description

Get ready for a peak experience

Like a feel-good 80’s track, love makes your world go round this week, Cancer. You are in your yearly partnership and passion peak. Book-marked by this week’s new Moon in your 7th (11th).

Single? Put your landing lights on as at least one serious potential contender for your heart should appear as the Moon aligns to Uranus in its ruling 11th. Be seen – on line and off now as this tells you love can be found in unexpected places. Or could wear an unexpected face. Are you willing to try something new? The start of 2024 tells you that clinging to ideas around your ‘type’ is so ‘23. As is saying something is not your jam if you have never tried it.

If you catch yourself doing either – or both, look back and ask yourself how that worked out for you?

And be open about what form the next double act you enter into could take. Dynamic duos of all descriptions are not limited to the love and marriage variety. That special working partnership, your bestie, collaborator or partner-in-crime – a key union will open up your horizons and bring new experiences your way. Foreign affairs may feature. A lover from a place or galaxy far, far away. A business opportunity overseas. Settlers could embark on a new journey together. But if it’s broken consciously, uncoupling will be easier now than at any other time. The start of 2024 should assure you – you won’t explore it alone, Cancer.

In a nutshell: This week’s new Moon in your 7th brings together all the partnership potential that’s swirling around you. But how will this manifest? Don’t get stuck on one particular kind of relationship. Cancer. Or how it’s supposed to look for that matter!

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (7th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (7th to 11th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 11th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (7th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Work that devotion daily

Smarter options set your free

Get ready for a more profound love experience

Work that ‘24 energy, Leo. The joy is in the details and the devotional tasks you perform daily, towards yourself and to others. It’s got that Mary J Blige vibe to it and realising what you’ve got going for you every day and not sweating the small stuff (it’s ALL small stuff!), is your main task.

Your day job (whether paid or unpaid), your studies if you are engaged in them, your well-being, your habits, routine, and taking care of the everyday business of being, you are set to change from the point of the new Moon in your 6th on the 11th. Its energy along with Uranus in your 10th breaks you free from that rut.

If you are seeking work or a better position or simply to design a more satisfying and dynamic work/life balance, expect a shift. Working better, more freedom around your job, more energy, and even, yes, rewards – Mars hands you the fuel to make changes while Jupiter in your 10th hands you solutions and opportunities to make them real.

If you have been dealing with long-term issues around your well-being, you may discover alternatives or get access to the treatment and resources you need. There’s a touch of everyday, practical magic in the air. The more grounded and present you are with it, the better it works for you. Don’t be tempted to tune out, procrastinate or resort to escapism to avoid getting to grips with what you know needs to be done. Tackle those daily chores and responsibilities while being open to making them easier by working what you have better, smarter and with rediscovered joy. If it works, work it. If it doesn’t – you’ll find the way that allows to you be the beautiful soul you are becoming, Leo.

In a nutshell: There’s a touch of magic around work and wellbeing in the air with this week’s new Moon. Your body should be your barometer when gauging what works – and what doesn’t. You’re living and working smarter.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (6th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (6th to 10th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 10th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (6th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Conceive something new

Ready to be noticed?

Aim for love!

Babies, children, your adult children, pregnancies, creative passion, and yes, lovers or someone who could conceivably turn you into a parent, step-parent, or bring children into your life in some way are your life headlines this week, Virgo.

Ruler Mercury joins the Sun, Mars and the Moon (new Moon 11th), in your fabulizing 5th this week. Something big is being conceived. A creation, a concept, a love affair, a time to shine, the start of a pleasure trip thanks to the planets in here aligning to Uranus and also Jupiter in its ruling 9th in your chart.

Cupid’s arrows are everywhere this week. Crazy darts flying in all directions. Hitting anything from hearts to opportunities. If you’ve felt you’ve been off the radar regarding romance, potential lovers pop up out of nowhere. Above all, showcase yourself. Celebrate and emphasise what makes you stand out from the crowd – on line and in the real world. What you love to do and are good at – prepare for opportunities and discoveries now. The Mars/Jupiter alignment on the 12th ensures you are about to get noticed.

Lucky breaks in the arts, work, creativity, your passion or simply entrée to glamourous, red carpet circles or rubbing shoulders with VIP’s can be other ways you find yourself in the spotlight. Or the center of attention. This isn’t a week to hide yourself away. Be Insta-ready on more than one level, Virgo. The universe could just single you out for that close-up.

In a nutshell: This week’s new Moon casts you in a fresh role when it comes to love, what you love to do, an opportunity to get yourself noticed or even around babies, children and young people. Be ready to stand out!

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (5th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (5th to 9th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 9th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (5th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Changing rooms and location, location, location!

Future proof that path

Get really living

Bring it on home this week, Libra baby! The new Moon (11th) is in its ruling house in your chart. Home matters. As does nurturing you – heart and soul. Some of you may be contemplating a move, and in this, you are helped by the Sun in here as well as Mars propelling you out of that dusty safety zone. Mercury rules contracts so again, its arrival in here from the 14th enhances any negotiations as well as buying, selling, renting, leasing property and the move itself.

The planets here link to Uranus and Jupiter in your 8th offering anything from changing rooms to locations. Or even a change around how you earn or make your money. Or what adds that all-important pinch of emotional security to your relationships? If you are searching for the resources to make a move happen, this can remove the barriers to accessing this.

Some of you may benefit from the help of a family member, a pay rise, or a new source of income, that mortgage or loan. Uranus in the mix does ask that you come up with the grand design that meets your needs, however. And those of the people you care about. And to be adaptable and open to the fact that one person’s ideal way of living can add up to another’s hell of soul-stunting prison. This week allows you to get highly creative. Making money from home is favoured. That side hustle, Airbnb listing or taking a lodger.

It’s about changes that work to create a lifestyle not simply living. If you’ve outgrown that present home, been thinking of a relocation or had a property issue in need to resolution – be it your own or with your landlord, this week brings the shift you’ve been seeking. Escape to your kind of country? All possible, Libra. Welcome home to ‘24.

In a nutshell: There’s a grand design behind those decisions this week, Libra. Look to where you want to be and what you want to be doing for your future. Path and place intertwine with this week’s new Moon in your 4th. Welcome home.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (4th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (4th to 8th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 8th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (4th)


Got something to shout about? Share it.

Start that conversation

Get behind your thinking!

Mine those online opportunities and big up that social media presence in any way you can, Scorpio. Conversations revolve around love and partnerships – past, present, and tantalizingly potential.

Writing, studying, speaking, sharing, designing, applying, teaching, dating profile, TikTok to Substack, and beyond – here lies your playground and your future potential with someone from the time of the new moon in your 3rd.

Need a new job, confidence to launch that idea, device or even car? Your 3rd is a full house thanks to not just the Sun but Mars and from the 14th Mercury – which rules this sector of your chart. This is all about just how far an idea or conversation may take you. Short journeys may feature now. Or you discover something new right outside your front door, in your neighbourhood. There are undiscovered opportunities to be mined within what is familiar. All you need to do to spot them is change your focus.

If any of you have been thinking about upskilling or returning to study – this week could see you committing to taking that step. The feeling that you either have everything you need to get what you want or where you need to go, extends to your personal life as the planets trine with Uranus and Jupiter in your 7th. The 12th sets two hearts on fire and possibly united in passion or the desire to travel towards something together. Love this week could be a swipe away. Or right outside your front door.

In a nutshell: Got something to say, share or an idea? This week is no time to keep it to yourself, Scorpio. Start that conversation, take action, launch and apply. The new Moon in your 3rd marks the point where news arrives or something you start takes flight.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (3rd)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 7th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (3rd)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Upgrade your worth

Invest in a vision

Find your rich

The new Moon in your 2nd (11th) just wants to hand you that rich feeling, Sag. And asks, along with Uranus in your 6th, how you invest in yourself and your future. You are being asked to bring a vision into being and also pursue it. And not just more of the folding stuff.

It’s very important to understand that rich is a state of mind, and that feeling can be got from other things than simply the cash you have in your bank account. Right up until May, ruler Jupiter should present you with an opportunity to earn or increase that income in a new way. But you of all signs also know – Jupiter is all about the experience. And that the journey is every bit as valuable as the destination.

So, when that extra money does arrive, use it to buy yourself that new view on the world as opposed to just more ‘stuff’. Especially if it will add to your soul enrichment or how you craft that future, this week could herald the arrival of someone who acts as a role model for this. And who embodies that ‘rich’ feeling. Daring. Confident, Go-getting. Yes, they could be doing very nicely for themselves in that material sense. But it’s the way they love their life, what they do and their attitude to what they have, which truly shows you just what living a rich life is all about.

Do watch for them or for chance to go in a direction like this on the 12th when Mars also in your 2nd aligns to ruler Jupiter. They could easily be an employer or someone who has successfully harnessed that entrepreneurial spirit that is so on-vibe with your own freedom-seeking soul. Time to define just what rich means for you, Sag. And go your own way to live it.

In a nutshell: Rich is a feeling and an emotional truth for you, Sag. It’s all down to that precious freedom and ability to buy experiences. Yes, the new Moon in your 2nd highlights finances. And also simply more than money can buy you!

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (2nd)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 6th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (2nd)


Rock that transformation

Work your look

Welcome to your relaunch!

Let’s talk about your look, appearance, style, brand, and how others see and perceive you, how you come across to others. Your ‘message’. Verbal and non-verbal. What do you want to say that’s new, different and sets the bar for 2024?

No matter what day your birthday falls on – the new Moon in your sign is always the start of your new astrological cycle. It tells you not to be your old self especially as this one is aligned with Uranus – the planet of individuality and your future, in your 5th of glowing charisma, attraction, and glorious and unapologetic self-promotion.

Yes, a certain amount of self-preoccupation this week is not only permitted – but expected, Cappy. If you have been hyper-focused these past few years on the inner you due to Pluto in your sign, consider whether the outer you actually reflect who you are inside now. If adjustments and big ones need to be made, its the time to make them. Mars in your sign gives you the confidence to go for it. And also not care what others may think. You’ve a daring, sassy Take Me As I Am attitude that, paradoxically, has the effect of seeing you effortlessly shed who and what you have outgrown or no longer need and attract in the people and opportunities that seem designed with this new you in mind.

This week could start with a dramatic weight loss, repackaging, cosmetic enhancements, total social media brand evolution, or simply a complete image overhaul and relaunch. Especially once Mercury arrives on the 14th, don’t be surprised if you are drawn to a look you would never have considered in the past. Not only will you love it, but others will, too. You are your own best calling card now. Dress to impress. But do it your way.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your sign marks the beginning of your new astrological cycle. Do not be your old self. Look to your image to convey the deep changes which have gone on within you. The outer has to reflect the new you.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (1st)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (1st to 5th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 5th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (1st)


Work some deep vault magic

The future begins with the past

Prepare for transformation

You begin the New Year in sensitive, touchy-feely, down-low mode. Whatever is going on behind the scenes or deep within you – you’re simply not ready to talk about it – yet, Aquarius.

Yes, this involves your future as the new Moon in your 12th trines ruler Uranus in your 4th. And you may have to revisit or reframe the past in order to free yourself to explore this. Which also may be where the desire to withdraw and keep things to yourself (for now), comes in.

You may be dealing with old wounds that need to be released. And the age-old paradox of whether you talk about what’s hurt you and, in doing so, open up a can of worms with someone else as a result. Sometimes we say nothing out of not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings. But in doing so, we diminish and deny our own.

Of course, we may decide to resolve this on an inner level simply and if so, words may not be needed. Others may be nurturing a dream and know like the shoots of tender leaves, these are best kept in the dark until they gain strength. This can be anything from that secret ambition to that secret love. What is in focus is your inner truth and your secret self.

You are nowadays away from Pluto’s arrival in your sign. Ahead of this you have an angel on your shoulder – whispering answers to anything you need to know. The soul X-Files are yours to access. You may do this via therapy, the Tarot, astrology, spiritual exploration, self-help books, meditation, creativity, healing or any combination of the above. Expect answers to those big questions you’ve asked to be delivered unexpectedly. Watch the 12th for this. And when they come they bring solutions and freedom. The truth – out there and accessible now, Aquarius. Just embrace it even if it’s not what you expected. It will set you free.

In a nutshell: You may not yet be ready to share your plans this week – and that’s fine, Aquarius. You’re days away now from the transformational cycle of a lifetime. For now go deep and revisit your past. It’s where your future begins.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (12th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (12th to 4th)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 4th)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (12th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Click and connect

Soul contacts emerge

It’s not what – it’s who

It’s very much about who you know as opposed to what this week, Pisces. No matter where you are or whatever your circumstances are, circulate, nurture those existing connections, and actively seek out new ones – any way you can.

The new Moon in your 11th trines Uranus in your 3rd from Uranus’ ruling house in your chart. Setting your future in motion via who you meet and know. New and influential friendships open doors to new levels of experience and opportunity for you. Don’t go into hermit mode no matter what you do. Despite any restrictions, friends in high places or simply generous ones with no agenda will enter your life and possibly spin it out in a fresh direction.

Cocooning on the couch with that box set? So no. Or if you opt for that, at least invite others to a watch party remotely. Those with whom you share intense soul contracts and past life connections could be due to make an appearance once Pluto enters your 12th.

That group, cause, party or larger-than-life social scene beckons. Others could access this via work, study or business opportunities thanks to the alignment between Mars and Jupiter in your 3rd on the 12th. Just be aware with Mars in your 11th that any social connections past their Use By date will be shed now. Don’t try to hold on if this occurs. The call is to push out freshly baked minds and to simply be ready to RSVP yes to any and all invitations that come your way. People co-create our future. Just as we perform the same service for them. Join in, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Friends and connections are the co-creators of your future. This isn’t a week to be a shut-in. Join in, connect, and circulate in any way you can, Pisces. Those who you share soul connections are set to appear.

9 Jan 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)

10 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (11th)

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 3rd)

14 Jan 2024 Mercury enters Capricorn (11th)

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