Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs July 18th 2022

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs July 18th 2022
Shine replaces self-doubt
Don’t take on the fears of others
Love and other opportunities rule the stars
It’s shine time, Aries. First some serious house clearing may have to take place as a series of searing oppositions occur between the Sun and planets in your 4th and Pluto in your 10th. Plug into self-empowerment and self-belief in your ability to achieve, blaze your own trail or do whatever is needed to ensure your needs are met – be they emotional, material or physical.
Yes, you may be more aware of your perceived vulnerabilities than at any other time. Or that dark side of self-doubt you keep so well hidden. Denying how you feel just feeds the feeling however. And anyone who tells you feelings are not facts actually needs to get theirs straight. They feel real and get in the way of the truth. What you need to understand is that in your vulnerabilities and so-called flaws lies your strength. Especially if you have been made to feel less than capable by others. You need to consider the source if the latter has occurred. Chances are someone has told you this because your braveness and potential capabilities frighten THEM. Watch the 18th and the 21st for evidence of this. And opportunities to broker some kind of power deal for yourself.
Overnight – expect a scintillating shift in how you perceive yourself! Mercury enters Leo and your 5th on the 19th, the Sun on the 22nd and Ceres the 24th. By now you should clearly see what you thought of as flaws as anything but. Simply fascinating facets that sparkle and add to your shine. Your mind is now set free from serious self-examination. You want to stretch, express yourself, party and play. This is one of your peak cycles of attraction. Especially when it comes to love and other opportunities, Aries. Singles could see that successful swipe or meet someone simply by doing what they love to do. Big, bold validation could arrive on the 23rd courtesy of the trine between Mercury and Jupiter in your 1st. You get your ‘yes’ answer, an offer or step into a solution which brings you freedom. All that deep work you do pays off this week, Aries.
In a nutshell: Deep dives mean we eventually come up for breath. You burst out into a whole new way of seeing things this week, Aries. That dynamic extends to how you see yourself. And to spotting fresh opportunities!
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (5th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (1st)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 10th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (4th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (5th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (5th to 1st)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (5th)
Send those roots deeper
Where have those actions taken you?
Change has a plan for you
What have you created you can now build on, Taurus? You’ve been on a cycle of expansion and ideas this past month. Hopefully you have been using this to lay the foundations for something lasting and permanent. Pushing forward with plans. Initiating discussions, applications, agreements. Something could be signed, sealed or agreed on which points the way forward for you thanks to the range of oppositions between the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in your 3rd opposing Pluto in your 9th. This results in a change or release for you to begin something much more freeing yet sustaining and real for you in the long term. A new job, a move, a shift in your lifepath journey for instance.
Do not get in the way of change. You are a week away from a brand new karmic cycle which sets the scene for you for the next 19 years. Do not hang on to what you have outgrown or which has no future for you. If you cling to the status quo or even the past for that matter, you will discover change happens anyway. And in a way you may not like. This week tells you surrender and a willingness to embrace the new is what sets you up for something lasting and better.
What this is may be apparent around the 21st when you and another could come to an agreement which sets you up to experience a new season of growth. The following day sees the Sun enter your 4th of foundation and life direction ownership. Where you are headed next has its roots in your past but presents you with a future proof option you can say yes to in the present. So, move forward with confidence and grace, Taurus. Remember – if things do not change they cannot improve. And any area where there is room for improvement shows just that now.
In a nutshell: Hopefully the past few weeks have seen you setting those ideas in motion, Taurus. Now, take the results and create something sustaining for yourself. Time to leave behind what you’ve outgrown. And grow into a future that fits you.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (4th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (12th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 9th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (3rd)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (4th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (4th to 12th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (4th)
Discover treasure in what’s familiar
Deal or no deal?
You had them at ‘Hello’
Ruler Mercury is on the move this week – into its ruling 3rd of sparkling conversations and shiny-bright ideas on the 19th. First it along with Ceres and the Sun, get involved with an opposition to Pluto which involves your money, self-worth, values and what you share. There’s a shift or a new deal on offer now with your income, salary, benefits, mortgage, investments, joint accounts or marital assets. You may have to know when the price is right – and when it isn’t.
Deal makers and also breakers feature before the full planetary shift into your 3rd is complete. The 21st could be decision time as the Sun and Ceres meet in your 2nd. Know your worth, Gemini. This goes for what you give and get back in return in your relationships as well as applying to your money.
Get talking, writing, designing, applying, pitching and sharing once the Sun (22nd) and then Ceres (24th) join Mercury. Travel and studies may also feature as could unearthing treasure right in your neighbourhood as this house rules everything that’s close to home. This includes that staycation of course. And if that is on your schedule now, familiar places take on the feel of undiscovered countries.
Getting together with friends, stimulating conversations and good times are on offer. Especially if you haven’t seen each other for a while. Make that effort to catch up. Or, if you have been meaning to join a new group, club or association, take that step now Chiron shifts to retrograde in your 11th. Work on any issues around shyness. Especially if they have their roots in childhood and school. What we need to understand as adults is usually everyone is seeking connection. And that starts with ‘Hello’. Okay, sometimes you are met with the brush-off but 99% of the time the other party wants the same as you do. Resolve to try it.
Ruler Mercury has a surprise in store for you on the 23rd when it makes a fabulous alignment to Jupiter in your make-a-wish sector. News, an invitation, an opportunity to enter a new social circle or a connection which can assist you towards a goal could feature. Again, this may be close to home or connected to someone you already know. There’s a lot to be discovered that’s right under your nose this week.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury alerts you to what’s right under your nose, Gemini. Ideas you can create magic from, new aspects of familiar places and revivals of familiar faces. You won’t have to travel far to find what you’re seeking this week.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (3rd)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (11th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 8th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (2nd)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (3rd)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (3rd to 11th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (3rd)
Find that middle ground
Compromise – but don’t sell out
Let’s get that after-party started!
Powerful shifts around a personal dynamic occur just prior to the Sun and other planets leaving your sign, Cancer. This does not mean the party is over. The after party in your 2nd house which begins on the 19th just means you are going to be guest of honour at an event whose theme is all about your self-worth and abundance.
Before this happens, there could be a shift or negotiation, a win/win or compromise to be struck between you and someone else due to Mercury, Ceres and the Sun in your sign opposing Pluto in your 7th. This could bring you a new understanding, deal or else see you moving on towards something more aligned to your needs if that common ground cannot be found. Remember, this can extend to working and business relationships, close friends or even that frenemy. Something’s gonna give this week. But ensure you are not giving away too much. You have to meet in the middle.
Rewards could be on offer this week thanks to the success setting stars in your 2nd. Those worldly and material ambitions receive a boost. Especially when Mercury in your 2nd trines Jupiter in your 10th on the 23rd. Chiron is retrograde in your 10th from the 20th and there’s no better time to be looking at what you want to achieve career- wise over the next 12 months. And to reset that agenda if necessary. Or even make a radical change to your path.
Being rewarded for what you do goes hand in hand with your ability to receive. Being the special guest at the abundance party means checking lack in at the door. So ensure you do just that, Cancer. It’s not about wishful thinking, but it is about upping your capacity to receive. And believing in yourself. If you have been accepting less than you deserve in your personal relationships, the oppositions at the start of the week combined with the planetary move into your 2nd later, mean you will no longer be shy in expressing those expectations. So, let’s get the self-worth party started, Cancer.
In a nutshell: The Sun enters your 2nd this week so expect pivotal transformation around relationships which are either 24 carat hallmarked – or revealed to be Fool’s Gold. Now you know the difference, you’ll know when and where to compromise – or not, Cancer.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (2nd)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (10th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 7th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (1st)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (2nd)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (2nd to 10th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (2nd)
Ditch the psychic weight and lighten up
Answer the call to adventure
Happy Sun Season, Leo!
Here comes the Sun! Your ruler returns to your sign this week bringing many happy returns, Leo and is joined by Mercury (19th) and Ceres (24th). Just prior to this, expect a big, ground shifting revelation around something you have accepted or taken for granted. But you now see clearly it has to change. This could be anything from something you do, think or believe to another party showing their true colours. Once you have seen it (or them) for what they are, there is no un-seeing it however.
Reframing the past, looking past the obvious to the real reason behind someone’s behaviour (or yours) or a renegotiation could follow on the 21st when the Sun and Ceres meet in your 12th. But hat is certain is you are heading into your new cycle with something changed for keeps. Perhaps around what you do or don’t want now for your future. And you feel lighter, more optimistic and less burdened as a result.
You’re looking at a year ahead where freedom, solutions and opportunities are still on offer. Especially when it comes to your career or path you have chosen. That all important Leo reputation will feature and you will be more aware than usual of the impression you create. Mixing with VIP’s and people of influence could play a big role and if this occurs, you need to act like you belong up there with them.
Something you have been waiting for or a release into something bigger, travel or an opportunity to break out into fresh, unexplored territory could land as early as the 23rd like a perfectly timed gift. Mercury in your 1st trines Jupiter in its ruling 9th. Read anything and everything you can now about the Hero’s Journey. Because your ruler the Sun and also Ceres is about to make the same kind of move. This is a call – and invitation, offer or solution, to head on a journey towards something bigger. Like the mythological figure of old, be ready to answer, Leo.
In a nutshell: You enter your new cycle lighter and more optimistic than you have felt in a long time, Leo. Ready for something new, enticing and bigger? Let in the sunshine of the soul and be ready to accept what’s on offer now.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (1st)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (9th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 6th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (12th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (1st)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (1st to 9th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (1st)
Get a new cycle preview
Your new, true colours emerge
Make time for friends and goals
Ruler Mercury (19th), the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) all enter your 12th this week. You are now officially in chrysalis mode preparing to unfurl wondrous new colours next month when the Sun arrives in your sign.
You may now be stepping back from the whirl of social activity and goal getting go that’s enraptured you this past month. Hopefully with a sense of connectedness and satisfaction. Final shifts around a friendship, a lover, your social circle or even a goal could occur this week as Mercury opposes Pluto on the 5th. Then the Sun and Ceres perform the same cosmic maneuver which could result in you re-prioritising a connection or goal. If a name of a person or group popped into your head – hold that thought.
Others may realise how important those social connections are if you have neglected them. Or that the pursuit of that goal is integral to who you are and your wellbeing. Again, you may be striking a deal around freeing up resources such as your time to invest more in these areas. Watch for the 21st for an opportunity to do this. Or for a connection which is offering exactly what you need.
Change is in the air ahead of those new beginnings. 12th house transits boost our awareness, creativity and psychic abilities. They can also see us boldly going where before we have hesitated to tread. Especially when it comes to empowered change. You may know this is coming and also, be ready to embrace it. Ahead of your new cycle comes the awareness that something needs to change or shift now. So when Mercury aligns to Jupiter in your 8th bringing just that, you are so ready, Virgo. Get ready to opt for something that matches those new, true colours you’re getting ready to show.
In a nutshell: Discovering your goals and dreams deserve more of your time and investment is the key to happiness. Not to mention attainment, Virgo. What you want or those priorities may shift this week. It’s all part of the preparation for you new cycle.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (12th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (8th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 5th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (11th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (12th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (12th to 8th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (12th)
Look to any obstacles as signposts
Embrace flexibility
Enchanted meet-cutes and friends with benefits
You are being asked just how seriously you have been taking your career, ambitions or even what you need to support you on your journey towards success, Libra. The start of this week tells you this is no time to be a lightweight when it comes to these. And also that if you don’t take what you want to achieve seriously, then how do you expect others to?
If you run into obstacles this week, or if doors remain closed no matter how hard you knock on them, then you need to step back and reassess your approach or even if what you are trying to achieve is still right for you? You could either be looking at the attainment or validation of a long term plan, or else looking to invest in something new for your future. The end of the month is going to ask you to reach deep and find a new flexibility or way of operating. This week could set you up for this as Mercury, Ceres and the Sun in your career and status sector oppose Pluto in your 4th.
How you come across will set the tone for all of this. Reputation and your word is everything. Important papers or long term agreements can be signed or entered into. As could negotiations with a potential deal emerging on the 21st when the Sun and Ceres meet.
Stay focused and use your natural diplomacy, charm and sense of integrity to achieve the right balance here. This should be easy for you. But also remain mindful if something has turned into too much work for too little reward.
If all this sounds like a big deal – well, it could be. Take it and make it if it is on offer. Then – lighten up and be ready to play as Mercury (19th), the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) arrive in your social sector. The scene is now set. Unexpected re-encounters perhaps with the one that got away could occur thanks to Chiron now backwards in your 7th. Mercury in your 11th aligns with Jupiter also in your 7th promising enchanting meet-cutes, friends with all kinds of benefits as well as the romantic kind, invitations and opportunities. Whoever you may be looking for in either a partner or a playmate, could be looking for you this week. Go seek them out.
In a nutshell: Know the result you want but at the same time, remain flexible when it comes to the path you take to get it, Libra. This week promises success in more than one area. From promotions to playmates there’s so much on offer.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (11th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (7th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 4th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (10th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (11th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (11th to 7th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (11th)
Time for a phoenix rising experience
Feel the fear – and know you got this
Step into something bigger
The Sun, Mercury and Ceres in your 9th at the start of the week open portals to change as they face-off against Pluto in what is Mercury’s ruling house in your chart. The question is how ready you are or how willing to step across that threshold, Scorpio?
News could arrive which is both an opportunity and a transformation rolled into one. Negotiations could also feature as could stepping out into unknown territory for you. It’s a comfort-zone expanding exercise. And maybe you’re a bit too comfortable, phoenix. This may all be telling you it’s time to rise again – if only off the couch! Take advantage of any opportunity to do this be it via traveling, accepting an offer, learning or being willing to embrace that slightly scary feeling you are out of your depth. Running back to safety isn’t what the universe wants you to do. It does want you to feel the fear – but also cut it down to size. Yes, this week says it’s all in or nothing. Go big or stay home.
The change could well come in the form of something connected to your long term path, career, public image and status – both professional and/or personal. You may also no longer be willing to put up with certain aspects of your everyday life and be taking steps to shake those up too. Or simply be shaken out of that rut by the need to establish a new routine due to bigger events.
Focus on your long term goals, career and your public image. You are ‘on show’ for the next month as the Sun lands in your 10th. So, on with the show now, Scorpio. You may find yourself interacting with people in positions of influence and authority. Authority contains the word ‘author’ and it is important you are seen as the author of your own path or destiny now. Stepping up is part of this. As is owning your choices and taking what you want to achieve seriously.
A big opportunity could present itself on the 23rd when Mercury in your 10th trines Jupiter in your 6th. And yes, this could mean leaving the familiar behind and opting for something bigger and more soul defining. You’re ready for this, Scorpio. Your soul path is constant transformation, reinvention and rebirth. Between now and August – prepare to rise again.
In a nutshell: A change brings an opportunity. But does it leave you wondering if you are the Right Stuff. Scorpio? The answer is if it is on offer you are. Taking what you want seriously gets others taking notice of YOU. Rise from the ashes of limitation, phoenix!
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (10th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (6th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 3rd)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (9th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (10th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (10th to 6th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (10th)
Free what feeds your soul
Turn up that shine
Transcend into the wide blue yonder
After change or transformation comes freedom. And that is always your goal, Sag. Freedom of the soul sustaining, exploration, wild pony variety. Untamed you may have been dealing with fences and restrictions for what seems like far too long. If money or lack of resources has been holding you back, then this week could bring you what you need to escape. Or you may simply experience a dramatic shift in how you see or react to a situation which in turn, sees you effortlessly transcend it soaring up, up and away as if it never existed in the first place. All courtesy of the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in Pluto’s ruling 8th opposing it this week.
You’ll feel the change and shift begin as early as the 19th when Mercury is the first planet to lead the charge into your Sag-flavoured 9th. Close on its heels is the Sun (22nd) and then Ceres (24th). Solutions, opportunities, offers and expansion are back on your menu along with travel. Many of you could be waving your passports and heading off into the wide blue yonder now.
If you have felt shut away, dull and dimmed, hidden from view or restricted, this week sets this to rights as ruler Jupiter in your 5th trines Mercury in its ruling 9th on the 23rd. News you have hoped for or anticipated arrives. You busta move and go from behind the scenes to centre stage. Those talents get a new outlet. Recognition arrives. Love manifests in a bigger and freedom-inspired form than you ever imagined. All that’s missing is your answer. So just say yes, Sag.
In a nutshell: If you’ve felt restricted, unseen or over-looked, this week offers the solution you seek. You’re back on the path towards shining freedom. And also back in pursuit of that bigger love now, Sag!
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (9th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (5th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 2nd)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (8th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (9th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (9th to 5th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (9th)
Take the next step
Does love need a health check?
Negotiations, win/wins and new deals feature – even in love!
Is it time to deepen that togetherness and send it on to the next stage, Cappy? You need to know it’s right and also that it’s real. If during your yearly love peak you have started to see someone, please don’t ignore those all important questions before taking that crucial next step. Because the answers are going to not only determine it, but ensure you’re not investing your love on something or someone unable to deliver over the long term.
The same applies for that spouse or long term love interest. Every so often we need to have a relationship health check to ensure we are both happy and on the same page. The message as the planets in your 7th oppose Pluto in your 1st is to take nothing for granted. The only way we get our answers is to ask. What are you looking for? Are you happy with where we are going? How can we make this journey even better for both of us? Or lastly, sometimes we have to ask whether it is time to call it a day and leave on a good note. Compromises and new deals can be made with someone key to your future (this includes that boss or employer), around the 21st with the meeting between the Sun and Ceres which can bring in a new arrangement or put a new perspective on a current relationship.
The timing is perfection as the planets begin their move into your 8th. Beginning with Mercury on the 19th. The Sun lights the shining path of self-empowered sexiness from the 22nd and power player Ceres joins them from the 24th. Mercury will trine Jupiter in your 4th on the 23rd. You are coming from a place of determination and there’s moving and shaking, wheeling and dealing do be done now. This could involve property, where you live or anything that adds to the foundation you’ve created – for yourself or with others. What’s happening on the surface this week has a huge impact on your emotional depths. Sweeping changes for the better, building on what you’ve already begun or love transformations bring rewards.
In a nutshell: Duos duets and double acts morph or deepen and provide you with your emotional bedrock for the future. Something evolves or shifts as you take it to the next stage. What are you in the process of creating, Capricorn?
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (8th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (4th)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (7th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (8th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (8th to 4th)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (8th)
Let go of the past with grace
Don’t wait for Shrek – escape that tower!
Say it with love – even to yourself
Let the emotional river run, the water flow and you become The Star in the Tarot, Aquarius. That image with its free flowing cups and water is so you. Put changes into action, have that discussion and leave ego at the door for the first part of the week, Aquarius. You are finishing up ‘me’ business before moving on to ‘It takes two’ and the business of love. The reason I advise leaving your ego out of it is due to the major oppositions between the Sun, Mercury and Ceres in your 6th and Pluto in your 12th. There’s a need to let go, come from empathy and compassion (possibly for yourself) and adopt a healing mix of spiritual surrender and forgiveness when tying up loose ends or simply bowing to the inevitable. Your best day for unfinished business, closing a door on the past or releasing something (or someone) is the 21st when the Sun and Ceres meet in your 6th. There should be no room for blame – external or the self kind, just a new and different day or way dawning.
It’s your yearly partnership peak. So, say it with love all week long. Especially when Mercury (19th), the Sun (22nd) and Ceres (24th) alight in your 7th of partnerships and long term love. If you have been in self-protection mode for far too long – perhaps even without realising it, then the transits at the start of the week should enable you to see this and release yourself from your self-imposed tallest tower without the need to wait for Shrek. Again, self-acceptance and universal love unlock the door. Remember, what keeps us there – the dragon within, is just looking for love too. So, show some to yourself if needed.
News could arrive around a partnership, an offer or a conversation between you and someone else sends you off to explore a fresh path together when Mercury aligns to Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 3rd
(23rd). If you are seeking a new love – or a new job for that matter, this is your best day to make your approach. Say it with love – even if it is just internally, Aquarius. Sometimes the conversations we have within have the biggest impact on our outer world.
In a nutshell: Your inner voice has been guiding you to release something, so go with that this week. You are about to enter your yearly partnership peak where love and all kinds of togetherness rule the stars. Let nothing remain which interferes, Aquarius.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (7th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (3rd)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 12th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (6th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (7th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (7th to 3rd)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (7th)
Look to what impedes your flow
What is your body’s memory telling you?
Live your emotional and spiritual truth
Be like water. Heed the messages of your senses this week right up until the 22nd when the Sun changes signs and enters your 6th. Until that time, immerse yourself and express what you truly feel as your yearly sensual pleasure peak captivates and climaxes, Pisces. Being a water sign this should be second nature to you. Just check whether who you are with or how you express yourself enhances your flow or impedes it? That is your cue to make whatever changes are necessary under the powerful oppositions between Mercury, Ceres and the Sun in your 5th and Pluto in your 11th.
Your physical form vibrates and stores experiences. You may find it helpful this week to read about the memory of water if you can and then apply it to your own life. Use this as your guide to decision making on the 21st which sees the Sun and Ceres align in your 5th. I could say go with the flow. This should make choosing easy. You are not meant to be diverted or dammed, Pisces. So, don’t align with anything or anyone which does.
Your emotional truth and living it is at the heart of your wellbeing for a water sign like you. Tangible benefits from living this are on offer as Mercury (19th) enters its ruling 6th closely followed by the Sun and Ceres (24th). This is the house of your work (paid or unpaid but both equally important), your studies (and this includes soft upskilling), habits, routine, diet, wellness and pets if you have them. Rewards or an opportunity to work smarter, better and with more flow could appear around the 23rd thanks to the trine between Mercury and your ancient ruler Jupiter in your money house. Or you set yourself up to receive this by answering flow’s call to move in a fresh direction. Let the river run this week, Pisces.
In a nutshell: What impedes the joyous flow in your life needs identifying this week. Is a connection not what you think it is? Remember, water can flow in another direction and it may be you need to do just that, Pisces.
Jul 18 2022 Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 18 2022 Ceres in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 19 2022 Mercury enters Leo (6th)
Jul 20 2022 Chiron retrograde in Aries (2nd)
Jul 20 2022 Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 11th)
Jul 21 2022 Sun and Ceres conjunct in Cancer (5th)
Jul 22 2022 Sun enters Leo (6th)
Jul 23 2022 Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries (6th to 2nd)
Jul 24 2022 Ceres enters Leo (6th)
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Calls recorded, 18+ with bill payers permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. . Terms and conditions.
My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It launched in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group.
Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite,
the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.