Weekly Astrology July 24 2023 Forecast for All Signs

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Explore endless improbable possibilities

Never say never

No more soul Band-Aids – just real healing

Chiron in your sign retrogrades this week. So, we now have Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and the object of improbable possibilities all backwards in the sky. And yes, throw in Mercury which is not yet at Retro 2.0 – that occurs next month, but is now in retroshadow in Leo and your 5th.

With Venus backwards and meeting shady Mercury (27th), please pay attention to any feelings you have about things that can’t, won’t or ever occur. Keep your belief in magic and manifesting strong! The more outlandish they appear, the more probable they will happen. This week says: Be prepared for an opportunity from the past to reappear.

Naturally, this is not the time to go seeking a new lover. The likelihood they are not who or what they appear to be is increased. Or you get ghosted once Venus heads direct and Mercury moves into full retrograde. The other likely outcome is you simply wonder what on earth you saw in them in the first place. Do steer clear of extravagances too. That indulgent splurge. Venus rules your bank account and your 5th is your house of pleasure and all things boujee and bling. Sure, you love it in the moment and HAVE to have it. But watch how it too loses its allure very quickly. However, there is a brilliant chance that something you worked on in the past can return to you.

Old wounds can be healed during the Chiron retro. Especially if these are linked to insecurities about your appearance, confidence or sexy self. As for the impossible event – that lover you never thought to hear from again, second chances, changes of heart (yours or theirs), or that opportunity you thought lost, could return. If you have said never again, this week and this entire retro cycle could see you saying never say never, Aries.

In a nutshell: Explore the realm of impossible improbabilities, Aries. Chiron retro in your sign lifts the barrier on what you think can happen. And what you never imagined turns out to be all too real.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (1st)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (5th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (6th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Seek out that bespoke solution

What worked in the past takes on fresh relevance

Renovate that existing love rather than seek out the new

Your ruler retrograde adds up to you realising there are no ‘One size fits all’ solutions, Taurus. Especially when it comes to home and living arrangements. This week sees you seeking out something highly individual. Either in terms of your own home or space. Or a solution for a family member. It has to be carefully designed with individual requirements in mind. The bespoke option is the only one which will do.

Certainly if someone has tried to sell you the wrong fit – in terms of your place, space or even where you fit into your family dynamic, Venus retro in your 4th offers you creative solution within a grander design as it meets Mercury on the 27th.

The other message of the week is: If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it. This applies equally to those DIY tasks as it does to relationship renovations as Chiron moves backwards in your 12th. In fact, reconnecting to your roots, what worked in for you in the past or simply realising you made the right choice way back when may look like a U-turn, but if it feels right for you now, could turn out to be future-proof planning after all. Chiron always says don’t assume.

Venus has its own retro rules just like Mercury. These govern love and money. No matter what house it is backwards in, resist swiping and spending if you can. Mercury enters Virgo which it rules and your 5th – which rules romance, on the 28th. Mercury itself is slowing down preparing for its own retrograde in here next month. Best outlet for your creativity, passion and love, Taurus? Feathering that nest, creative projects and existing loves. Design what you have so it fits you perfectly.

In a nutshell: There should be no place like yours, Taurus. Every pearl needs that oyster. If your space or even your path isn’t a perfect fit for you, retrograde Venus allows for beautiful readjustments. And exactly the right fit for love.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (12th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (4th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (5th)


Just how possible is that dream?

What you believe is always the determining factor

Stop replaying those old tapes!

2022-23 gifted you the Jupiter effect on your social life and your goals. Good times, expansion of your social circle and inroads to major goals are signs of Jupiter’s generosity in your 11th. Now Jupiter is working some mystical vibes in your 12th as Chiron in your 11th turns retrograde in here. The magic touch now includes some healing around your beliefs and how possible you believe goal attainment actually is for you.

What we tell ourselves subconsciously is what determines whether we get to goal. Of course, cosmic ordering and visualisation play a key role. As does taking practical steps to manifest what we want. But if those old tapes we are unaware of are spinning a negative message this is like being in training for a marathon and then running it carrying a dead weight!

Be kind, rewind this week as ruled Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Mercury’s ruling 3rd allows for some deep reprogramming if needed. You may suddenly be aware of the fact what you have been telling yourself isn’t supportive. Others could receive astounding, even confounding news related to someone or something from your past. A lover returns. You get re-offered that position you missed out on.

We are now heading into more retrograde weather as your ruler is slowing down in preparation for Retro 2.0 next month. Home truths dominate however as it crosses into your 4th on the 28th. If you are involved in moves or property matters, try to get them finalised now. Talking to others ‘close to home and heart’ and examining why you may have self-protection barriers in place – again, even unconscious ones, has a long term healing effect. You know you deserve to have what you want. And you know you can get it, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Henry Ford once famously said: Whether you believe you can or you cannot – you are right. Are those beliefs your real stumbling block to you getting what you want? Time to erase old tapes. And record yourself a new set, Gemini.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (11th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (3rd)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (4th)

july horoscopesCANCER

There is more than one definition of success

Money talks so speak its language

Communication is the new rich

Are you missing the significance of all you’ve achieved, Cancer? Reframe your success story as Chiron shifts to reverse in your 10th from the 24th. We are entering big fat retro weather now. We not only have Saturn, Neptune and Pluto backwards, but a rare Venus retro in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart.

Just like a Mercury retro, Venus retrograde has its own rules. Venus rules our love life and our bank account. So, when it is backwards in the sky new love and splurging are not good ideas. Especially if Venus retrogrades in either a ruling sign or ruling house in our personal charts. As your entire money and success axis is being impacted by retro weather, this is a good time to work on how you value your achievements to date (personal and professional), and your relationship to your money. Especially when Mercury and Venus meet on the 27th.

Just where does the money go, Cancer? Also, are you getting what you want from it to feel rich? Or just spending on stuff which actually has no real value? Time spent with what is probably the most important relationship we have with the material world (and an overlooked one), turns into your best investment. What does your relationship to money say about you? Also, time for the truth – without any sugar coating, about your financial position. But without any emotional judgement.

If you are in a relationship, this is one of the most important conversations you can have with your boo. So, have it. Dating? Finding out what their relationship to their money is before you move in together is all-important. Mercury helps you along as it moves into its ruling 3rd. It too is now in retroshadow as it heads into full fat retro next month. Get talking about money and also love. And don’t forget – you have so much to give in all areas, Cancer. But the flip side of that coin is receiving too. Don’t neglect that all important part of what makes the money – and the love, go round.

In a nutshell: Don’t forget to celebrate your milestones, Cancer. Personal achievements are successes in their own right. If you’re ignoring those, you’re missing just how capable – and magnificent you are.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (10th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (2nd)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (3rd)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Have a what-you-love revival

Make that investment in yourself

Watch for birthday encounters of the past kind

You’re in a love revival this week, Leo as Mercury and retro Venus bump into one another in your sign. It’s the ultimate re-meet-cute. A close encounter that brings something back for you which quite frankly, never should have left. Aided and abetted by Chiron now retrograde in your freedom sector. This could be a return to somewhere you love, a personal passion, a look – let’s face it, did the mod look ever really go out of style?! Or you entering your new cycle with an ‘everything old is new again’ approach.

What could revive is simply optimism, self-belief, taking better care of yourself, showing yourself the boundless love you usually lavish on others. No, you are not being selfish or self-obsessed. Look to what you feel you have unwittingly let go of or lost. Do you need a make-over or outer revival, Leo? Perhaps the retro birthday present to yourself goes deeper than that mental attitude or wardrobe update. If you feel your birthday present to yourself needs to be a cosmetic procedure, then why not? Project how you feel within. That’s the all-important factor now.

We are heading into bigger, fatter retro weather. We not only have Saturn and Neptune backwards in your house of change but also Pluto in your 6th. Mercury is now in retroshadow even as it leaves your sign and enters your money zone. Once you have made that investment in yourself, do now rein in your spending and also do some work on your budgeting and increasing your income if needed during the upcoming cycle. Almost 40% of people now have a side hustle. Or is it time to take that revived roaring self-belief and use it to go after that pay rise or better paying gig?

There’s no doubt the cosmos has a re-gift for you that you actually want this week. That’s why its called Many Happy Returns.

In a nutshell: This birthday cycle promises many happy roaring returns. Or simply a love and confidence revival, Leo. Take the love you normally lavish on those you care about and focus it on yourself instead. The past sends a re-gift that perfect for the present.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (9th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (1st)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (2nd)


Expect the unexpected

Rebirths and reunions feature

History doesn’t have to repeat itself

Changes you don’t see coming, unexpected developments, the blind side, the Joker in the pack, what you never imagined could possibly happen, re-runs and returns could turn your world upside down. It’s all a bit Monty Python and ‘Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition’ this week as Chiron retros in your 8th of rebirth and transformation and ruler Mercury meets retrograde Venus in your 12th.

If you have been seeking the truth – well, it’s no longer ‘out there’ but right in front of you. Suddenly revealed in HD and in a way that can’t be missed or denied. Unlike your ruler which retrogrades three times a year, Venus only heads backwards every 2.2 years or so. But just like a Mercury retrograde has rules, so does a Venus one. This one also takes place against a backdrop of outer planet heavy retrograde action. Pluto is retrograde and back in your 5th. And you have both Saturn and Neptune retrograde in your 7th house of partnerships. So, don’t be surprised if what you didn’t see coming concerns a lover, partner or close relationship. Venus retrograde in your house of the past can see that reconciliation or reach-out happening.

If this occurs, do take a wait-and-see approach rather than jumping straight back in. Mercury reaches your 1st this week (28th), but while it is still moving forward for now, it is in retroshadow. Next month sees it slam on the brakes and head backwards in your sign. You know the drill, Virgo. Things go backwards and forwards, stall, reverse or experience delays. So, by all means welcome back the past. But continue to expect the unexpected right up until September.

In a nutshell: History never has to repeat itself. Provided when it comes around again we choose to react to it differently. Yes, you can choose to re-embrace the past. But take it slowly and ensure a different outcome.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (8th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (12th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (1st)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Who moved your mojo?

Revivals, returns, re-runs feature

What you’re missing turns up to remind you just how much!

Ruler Venus retro-active is always a really big deal for you, Libra. It doesn’t matter what house in your chart this occurs in. It simply feels as if someone stole you mojo.

Just like a Mercury retro, a Venus one has its own rules. Again, these apply no matter where in your chart Venus heads backwards. Avoid seeking new love. Lockdown that spending. Lucky for you, unlike Mercury which goes retroactive three times a year, Venus only reverses once every two years. Just keep in mind all retrogrades serve a purpose no matter how muddled, mixed up and disconnected they may make us feel.

Like the Leos in whose sign Venus is backwards, your retro-life experiences are likely to revolve around some kind of revival, Libra. Something lost can be reclaimed now. And you feel so much better for it. This missing factor may even be something (or someone), that you did not even know you were missing. But turns out to be an essential soul element for you as Chiron now slams on the brakes in your 7th.

Watch for surprising returns and re-runs that may turn out to be the missing element or big reboot for you. Who or what reaches out on the 27th – 28th, or comes spinning back out of your past may take on fresh meaning. Or else simply show you that mojo was never missing in the first place. It just needed a little heart-starting. Reimmersing yourself in a past connection or goal revival is another distinct possibility as Mercury heads into your 12th. Mercury too is slowing down for full retrograde in here next month. Look to where lights wink back on and take that u-turn, Libra. That big 180 you make now isn’t nostalgia. It’s a future reboot.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus retrograde may make you feel you’ve misplaced your mojo. But maybe it’s not that which is missing? Something returns this week that you realise you can’t do without. Reclaim it, Libra.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (7th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (11th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (12th)


Reset that reputation

Don’t be afraid to knock again

Go bold or go home!

Whoever said you never get a second chance to make a first impression, did not do so under a Venus retrograde in their house of public and professional image, phoenix. And yes, just like your ancient symbol – you can rise this week thanks to a power meeting between retrograde Venus in your 10th and Mercury (27th).

If you want to be seen in a new light, make a career move you have hesitated over, try that path not taken or just change that public perception of yourself, this meeting hands you the ability to do that – and more. Don’t forget, Venus rules your love life as well as your bank account. Retrograde in your 10th this can see you claim overdue rewards. But also as your 10th rules your partner’s status – set yourself some new dating criteria and relaunch yourself onto the market as that keeper. And yes, you aiming higher includes updating that LinkedIn profile or CV.

Chiron is also retrograde in your work zone favouring more bold reboots. We are in heavy retro weather which includes ruler Pluto back in your 3rd as well as Saturn and Neptune in your house of romance, children and creativity. Getting serious about what you want from here on in should be your priority during this cycle. Mercury moves into your 11th of who you know. It too is slowing down and will retrograde in here next month. This is Mercury’s ruling sign so do keep in mind its capacity for mayhem will increase. That being said, your network and who you know needs to be mined now. See this as your test market for that relaunch. That ‘Remember me?’ or willingness to knock on doors again could see you being seen in a whole new light. By exactly the person you wish to be seen by.

In a nutshell: Craft your public and professional image and get ready to be seen in a new light. It begins with you investing in yourself and taking what you want to achieve oh-so-seriously. Your best impression ever can be made now, Scorpio.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (6th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (10th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (11th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Don’t let go of your dreams

The old is the new love

Recommit to your vision

Venus retroactive in your 9th sees you taking what’s closest to your heart even more seriously than usual, Sag. Of course, this includes that big love – travel. But also includes anyone or anything that sends your soul soaring.

Unlike Mercury which retrogrades three times a year, Venus does so rarely. Approximately once every two years. However, just like a Mercury retrograde, a Venus one has certain rules which apply no matter what house in our chart it is backwards in. KISS applies here. Avoid seeking new love and work on your relationship to your money.

Venus retro sees us looking at who or what we love. At love lost and love that really matters to us. Especially in your 9th. Venus retro hones your focus. It goes from faraway love to close up love. Attainable love. Or alternatively, to the love you are not prepared to give up for anything. This of course can mean letting lesser loves go. We only have so much time and resources. You get more discriminating about yours. Returning to an old love – and this includes somewhere you have travelled to in the past is possible as Mercury and Venus meet on the 27th. The sudden reappearance of an old love can’t be ruled out either as Chiron now retrogrades in your romance zone.

Maybe you thought love has passed you by or missed you out. This can see that missed opportunity either in the form of a person or solution, drop magically back within your grasp. But it has to really really matter and you have to want it with every fibre of your being. What it means to you is everything. If it is merely so-so love, it needs to be let go of now.

Mercury moves into your 10th from the 28th. This is Mercury’s ruling sign so do keep in mind it is now slowing down for a retrograde in here next month. Big love revivals include what you love do to. Does your current path provide that along with the rewards that fund other big loves, Sag? You have the opportunity to reboot more than one big dream if you know what these are. And are willing to work this like a pro.

In a nutshell: Some things are simply not for sale. Like our dreams. But it’s easy to be diverted. This week allows you to reclaim a vision that’s simply too important to give up on. Hold the dream tight, Sag.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (5th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (9th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (10th)


Find lost parts and rediscover lost paths

Reset your priorities

Slow is the new fast

Big backtracks happen this week. Especially if you have not been able to shake the feeling that you lost something essential to your soul along your journey, Capricorn. Pluto back in your 1st is responsible for part of this. But the major player is Venus making a rare retro in Pluto’s ruling 8th in your chart.

You also have your ruler Saturn retrograde along with Neptune in your 3rd. So, there’s a touch of not realising just how important what you have given up or lost is – until this moment. Of course the missing element will be different for everyone. But as Mercury and retro Venus meet in your house of rebirth (27th), brings a past passion or something you wanted back into prominence. And you realising exactly what’s been missing.

You may have allowed your sense of responsibility and duty to others get in the way. Or told yourself it wasn’t important. At least when compared to what others needed or their feelings. If so, you now see your dreams and needs as equal. And you won’t be about to neglect these again. Chiron also helps you reclaim a lost path as it too heads backwards in your 4th. What you never thought you’d go back to – you do and gladly.

Fierce, fearless you faces the future now. With what you need now firmly in place and you unafraid to claim it. Mercury is slowing for full retro action next month but enters your 9th (28th). Pausing for a reboot or to reclaim what was lost over the next few weeks, turns out to be a short cut towards a bigger, better and more satisying love – real or metaphorical. Do take all the time you need this retro-cycle. It will turn out that slow is the new fast.

In a nutshell: Putting others first shows your caring and empathy. But if you don’t see your own needs as equally important you’re no good to them anyway. This week says it’s okay to put yourself first for once. Fuel up on self-care, Cappy.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (4th)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (8th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (9th)


Love grows where your focus flows

No more no-go areas

Bust those blocks!

Venus is retrograde in its ruling house in your chart (7th). That adds up to not seeking anything new but in focussing on the relationships you have. Above all, with Pluto back in your 12th, please do not over-romanticise the past. Nor become over-critical about partners in the present. Neither is going to get you what you want.

Holding back what you really need from others no longer serves either. Chiron also making a retrograde in your 3rd, asks you what you are too scared of to put into words? And then urges you to look deeper into what you fear will happen if you do? Were you taught growing up there are some things you just don’t talk about? Or are there unwritten rules or unspoken no go areas in your union that you feel you can’t voice? Or are you simply afraid to talk about the elephant sitting in the room even though it keeps getting bigger? If you need anything from someone – just ask.

The meeting between Mercury and Venus (27th) removes any remaining barriers to honest sharing. And admitting the elephant exists is one good way to get it moving out. Someone may need to hear from you how much you do love, care and value them. This is an excellent time for relationship gardening. Above all, if you need to make changes to unions – no matter what kind, don’t just allow the status quo to continue. Revive the closeness and passion. But if something isn’t working for you, don’t use all the time and love you have already invested in it as a reason to continue. Especially as Mercury opens you to changing dynamics when it enters your 8th (28th). And don’t let fear of saying what’s on your mind, block the flow of love for you from here on in.

In a nutshell: Anything unspoken usually ends up blocking the flow in our lives. Time to out what’s on your mind, Aquarius. Others are not mind readers no matter how close. Do let them in on those feelings.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (3rd)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (7th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (8th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Does making money have to be hard work?

Build on what you have

Allow your creativity free rein

Making money from what you love. Just what are your beliefs around this, Pisces? Do you think you are ‘selling out’? Or do you believe that making money is or needs to be ‘hard work’? Or that you couldn’t make money from doing something you love to do?

The term ‘easy money’ applies to Venus retrograde in your 6th. But its your perspective on this. Whether you think its easy or hard. Or needs to be. Yes, we all need to do what we need to do in order to pay our bills. This may mean working a job we don’t enjoy for a while. But retro Venus’s meeting with Mercury (which rules your 6th), on the 27th, combined with Chiron now retrograde in your money house, is an invitation to look at your beliefs around whether making money should be hard, easy or just plain enjoyable.

Some of you may be considering a side hustle even if you are not yet ready to go for the job that feeds your soul and spirit as well as your bank account yet. And if so, you can focus on doing what you love and the rewards this can deliver.

Use your creativity in new ways. Don’t allow those subconscious whispers around whether or not your work is ‘good enough’ to hold you back. Venus retrograde has rules just like a Mercury one. These are put your search for new love on hold for now. And pay attention to your relationship to what you already have. This includes your talents and skills. The new love embargo needs to be kept at the front of your mind as Mercury heads into your 7th (28th). Mercury is slowing down in preparation for full retro next month. With the ruler of your 7th backwards in Mercury’s ruling 6th and Mercury in retroshadow in Venus’s ruling 7th, this simply adds up to loving who and what you have with fresh appreciation. Love should not be hard work. And making money from something you love needn’t be either, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Shake up your beliefs around money and how you make it. Is something only earned if it requires hard work from you? Time to review your thoughts around what’s meant to be easy. Love being the other side of this equation.

24 Jul 2023 Chiron retrograde in Aries (2nd)

27 Jul 2023 Mercury conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (6th)

28 Jul 2023 Mercury enters Virgo (7th)


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