Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 21st 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs June 21st 2021
by our astrologer Elena
Put your feet back on higher ground
Own your intentions
Be a love Firestarter!
The summer solstice arrives under free-flowing trines of beauty, love, spiritual truth and us feeling at one with the world. Venus in your 4th trines Neptune in your 12th on the day the year pivots. It’s asking us all how we want to spend the rest of 2021. Feeling disconnected from our paths and others or feeling ‘at home’ with ourselves, where we find ourselves and reaching for our higher purpose?
The following day we have a Grand Water Trine which will boost any psychic or creative talents you possess. It’s pointing you towards soul-validating decisions. After weeks of spinning your wheels, you have a green light now to launch those ideas or take action as Mercury is stationary direct in its ruling house/sign of Gemini. Don’t allow yourself to drift, Aries. This week wants you to set a course and claim your purpose.
Your inner compass points True North
Act on what your gut is telling you to do now, Aries. Don’t ignore those inner promptings. Above all, be on the look out for anything that comes spinning out of your past but reimagined. More resonant, uplifting and which opens doors to a new way of seeing the world as the Sun trines newly minted Jupiter in your 12th on the 23rd. Yes, it requires a shift or change within. Or even around those ambitions. Green light? You got that as Mercury moves forward again in its ruling 3rd from the 22nd.
Are you ready to play with fire? Without getting those fingers burned? Around love, freedom, creativity? Ignite those passions again from the 27th and step out in search of opportunities to shine, love or just ways to create or express yourself. Let go of worrying about what others may think and above all, be light and free as Venus arrives in Leo.
Harness the power of perception
This week’s full Moon on the 24th in your 10th, isn’t just about our career and ambitions as many astrologers would have you believe. It’s also about owning our intentions and getting our hearts and our heads working together. Harness the power of perception and purpose and getting them to align. It’s amazing what we can achieve when we do this. Neptune’s retrograde in its ruling 12th opens you up to seeing things how they are – as opposed to how you wish they were. But also shows you the path to how they can be for your future. The past doesn’t dictate where you go from here, Aries. Align your heart and your mind and step into possibilities.
In a nutshell: Turn on your soul GPS this week, Aries. Listening to the voice within aligns you to where you are meant to be – and even who you are destined to be with. It’s not a week to simply drift. But one to download a map to your destiny!
Renovate your lifepath
Set your intentions
Get a fresh sense of belonging
Showcase yourself on the home front and decorate your soul space as Venus lands in your 4th this week. Our living space is often a reflection of what’s going on within us. So, think beauty within and beauty behind closed doors too. Anything you need to do to bring tranquillity, comfort and sensuality into your home? Is it time to redecorate? Buy new things? Or upgrade your home in general by moving? This Venus favours property dealings especially now Mercury is direct in Venus’s 2nd from the 22nd.
Behind all of this we have the Sun’s arrival in your 3rd on Solstice Day (21st). It’s the time when we look back at the past six months at what we have achieved. And can set new intentions for the following six. And there’s no better focus for you than your foundation, what supports you, home, homeland and family.
There’s no place like home
Begin this right where you live and for those Taureans who are settled, with who you live with. For those in mixed households, rope in that roomie or lodger if they are on the same page as you to make those enhancements or plans as a series of free-flowing, life and love enhancing trines ripple across your houses of partnerships, plans and the future. The best one being the Sun/Jupiter trine on the 23rd which could see a contact open up an opportunity for you on the 23rd.
This is the same day as Venus opposes Pluto in your 9th and the day before the full Moon in here. This is a wonderful period for thinking about where you want to go next. This doesn’t just include the possibility of moving home but also moving on up in terms of your career. Or even a big move such as to another part of the country – or another country entirely! What calls to you? Or where?
Time to answer this or at least explore what it is saying as Neptune turns retro in your 11th on the 25th. Look to what where and how you live says about you. It’s as big a statement about you as your image, look, appearance, style or what you say. This week favours lifestyle enhancements and upgrades. Don’t be afraid to give this a makeover, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Ruby slippers are optional this week but it is time for a new look at that place you call home, Taurus. Need more living space? Or more breathing space? Time for expansion between now and ’22.
Get ready to walk the talk
Step up to authenticity
You own it so werk it, Gemini!
Green lights flicker on around those personal plans this week Gemini as ruler Mercury moves forward again from the 22nd. You know the drill. It still has to clear retroshadow which takes another three weeks. The motorway is open but some lanes may still be closed to plan for delays and diversions until then.
Ideas receive a creative boost and anything you say gets that touch of magic and allure to it thanks to Venus’s arrival in your 3rd on the 27th. Love could be the hot topic as is your enhanced ability to sell yourself in for that job. Anything to do with writing, speaking, publishing or the internet – it doesn’t matter if you are communicating on-line or in person. People want more of what you are selling or saying now. Work this but remember, it’s not just about the talk, it’s about the walk too.
After a month-long focus on you and your image and deeply personal desires, the Sun moves out of your sign on Solstice Day and lands in your 2nd. Venus is in this its ruling house until the 27th. Plus, we have a series of authenticity boosting trines designed to elevate your status or street cred happening in here.
Step on up!
With Mercury now hustling for you once more, time to make those calculated moves in terms of your career path, side hustle, income and work. Ensure you come across as someone who knows what they want, where they are going and backs up what they say with smart centered action thanks to this week’s series of move on up trines starting with Venus/Neptune on the 21st, the Grand Water Trine across your entire 2nd/6th/10th axis on the 22nd. The real opportunity bearing transit being the Sun/Jupiter on the 23rd.
Stay connected to your purpose as Neptune heads backwards from the 25th. But the full moon in your 8th on the 24th tells you it’s time to harness empowered change. This occurs in your house of shared assets and resources. This includes your salary and anything else that is shared with you. Is it time to ask for more? Or to set a fresh set of either values or boundaries and stick to them? Rewards could just flow your way if you do, Gemini.
In a nutshell: The year pivots on the solstice and ruler Mercury heads direct once more. Time to decide where the rest of ’21 is going to take you. Set those intentions to empowerment with Jupiter this week!
Express yourself – trines three
Look deep into the mirror of love
Happy solstice birthday, Cancer!
Make a wish! Happy birthday to all sensitive, intuitive and empathic Cancerians out there. This cycle is all about embracing a new kind of freedom, opportunity and soul-releasing solutions. It’s about reconnecting to your higher self if you have lost that. And will deliver lasting insight and knowledge which you can use to re-frame your future if you are open. Sound good?
These are your gifts – trines three!
Restrictions should now begin to melt away like ice cream under the solstice Sun. Jupiter sits in its ruling 9th meaning you haven’t had a birthday so laden with opportunity and expansion for 12 years. You also start your cycle with Venus in your 1st which trines Neptune in your 9th on the 21sr. So, you have both the rulers of this sign (Pisces) in here. Let your imagination take you on a journey towards what you believe this new cycle holds for you.
This is the first of this week’s amazing trines. The second occurs the day after the Solstice Sun arrives in your 1st. The 22nd bring a Grand Water Trine between Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 5th. This is about launching yourself full-force and fearlessly into a new cycle of pleasure, romance and self-expression. With Mercury direct in your 12th on the same day, this is now asking you to head off in pursuit of your dreams.
Harness your intuition
The trine between the Sun in your 1st and Jupiter on the 23rd opens a doorway towards whatever it is you desire to experience in the coming year. Leave that comfort zone behind. Step into your glorious power and ability to harness your intuition to go after what truly matters. Did you know your sign used to be associated with explorers? Time to set sail and to leave the familiar behind you.
This week’s full Moon in your 7th shines back into your 1st so someone is holding up a mirror now as to how they see you. A past, present or even potential partner. Ask yourself if this matches how you see yourself? Or are they showing you what you are in the process of becoming? Venus is on the move into its ruling 2nd on the 27th. Self-worth and deservedness fuel your choices and decisions. Plus, you are not likely to stick with anything or anyone that short-changes you or steps on your dreams. Celebrate not just a new cycle, but upping those expectations, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Light the candles, dream big and make a wish! Your birthday season starts here. And comes pre-packaged with the promise of romance, pleasure and the ability to express yourself – trines three, Cancer!
Focus your thoughts for manifestation magic
Soul calls are answered
It’s preparation for glow, baby!
What happens now will have been thought about by you for some time. Even subconsciously. That old saying ‘Be careful what you wish for’ applies this week, Leo.
Prepare to glow
You are in preparation time for the bold new cycle which begins with your birthday next month. Now, if you have been wishing for change for instance – this week could see it appear. Remember with change – it is change only. And if it does arrive in answer to that call you’ve been putting out there – either consciously or subconsciously, it will bring benefits with it. Although you may need to look beyond the obvious.
There’s a deep dive occurring in your mysterious 12th house this week. Ruler the Sun arrives in here on the 21st. And you have a series of wondrous and inspiring trines taking place which originate in this house. Your creative and psychic talents will be at their peak. Incredible insights and ways around barriers and old problems could magically manifest. As could deep healing which leaves you free to enter into your new cycle unencumbered by past wounds.
Perhaps it is freedom from past hurts that you have been wishing for? Or a wish so deeply connected to your soul that you may have thought it impossible or else you just didn’t want to tell others about it. Maybe for fear you would be told this was wishful thinking? Or the belief that it couldn’t be for you? Venus’s alignment to Neptune on the 21st shows the way towards making dreams into goals and goals into the living truth.
Small Steps
Mercury heads direct this week in your 11th of goals and your future. Time to follow through on what you have been just planning or revising during this retrocycle. But it’s the Sun and the Solstice that fires up that intention Leo. That and path owning and change creating trines starting with the one on the 21st, continuing with the Grand Water Trine which links Venus in your 12th, the Moon in its ruling 4th and Neptune on the 22nd and peaking on the 23rd when your ruler trines Jupiter. You’ll take any opportunity or solution which arrives now to change things up and apply your signature fearlessness to it. Using it to break away from something that has been holding you back for far too long.
This week’s full Moon in your 6th brings a focus on how to make small but significant changes to your habits or routine which end up handing you far bigger results than you might have imagined. Or even believed were possible. It tells you not to underestimate the power of a small step to propel you towards even bigger results. Once Venus lands in your sign from the 4th you should have begun to see what that wish has set in motion for yourself. A month-long process begins this week, Leo.
In a nutshell: Get ready to embrace positive change. By engaging with the process before it arrives, Leo. Ruler the Sun is about to make one of the year’s best entrances and angles to Jupiter. The result? Soul-centered solutions to long term blocks.
Duets, double acts and duos feature
Make a wish and reach for those goals
The future revolves around who you know
Ruler Mercury will head direct once more from the 22nd. It will take another three weeks to exit retroshadow however. But take it career matters are back on the schedule for you, Virgo. Or anything that puts you on that status setting runway to enhancing that reputation. Be seen, known and noticed for making all the right moves.
Double up and don’t go it alone!
Right now, your 7th house of partnerships has both Jupiter and Neptune in here and both planets will be the focus of this week’s series of sparkling, future-forming trines. This house rules long term working dynamics and your bff as well as those long term love duos and duets. If you are in a partnership with anyone, this usually elevates and changes up your status. Venus in your 11th of contacts and connections is usually about the love of friends. But when it trines a planet in its ruling 7th which it does to Neptune on the 21st, this changes everything. So, this could involve a past, present or emerging love interest.
The solstice Sun in your 11th on the same day brings a month long focus on who you know and also what you want to attract or create in your life. Letting others know what this is, actrively going looking for it is part of your process. Connect and search, Virgo. Especially on the 22nd when a wonderous Grand Water Trine could act like the tide, washing what you were seeking up on your shore, as it links Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 3rd. It is important to talk about what it is you want – or ask for help. Discuss anything from those emotional wants to those success centered goals. And be direct and upfront. Wear your heart on your sleeve.
Major transformation
The best aspect of the week if not the entire year so far when it comes to your love or partnership future, has to be the Sun’s trine to Jupiter in your 7th on the 23rd. The same day as Venus opposes Pluto in your 5th. Expect a major transformation around a partnership or a key connection. And the emergence of something new.
Neptune heads retro in your 7th too this week. You are now actively seeking something real. Venus’ landing in your 12th from the 27th promises enhanced creativity and is an invitation to do a little dream weaving around love. If someone or something returns from the past now, it could do so with fresh significance. That includes past friendships who can help you in the present towards the love you want to experience in your future.
In a nutshell: It’s all about who you know – not so much what, this week, Virgo. Whether it’s friends, professional contacts or that past, present or prospective partner. Your people hold your future in their hands. Get connecting.
Friends bring benefits
Up size those ambitios
Just do it!
Ruler Venus is on the move this week into your 11th of friendships and the future on the 27th. Friends with benefits (not THAT kind, the other sort!), friends in high places, generous friends, good times shared with friends – all this and more is on offer with Venus in here.
The main focus is on your 10th of career, rewards and reputation. Especially after the Sun arrives in here on the 21st. Focus on goals linked to this. Venus in your 10th enhances your professional image but its important you stay connected to what you need to deliver in order to succeed, Libra. Take care of the details and they will take care of you as Venus trines Neptune in your 6th on the 21st.
Do the work!
This is an excellent week for work and career matters of all descriptions. Or anything that boosts your personal stock or status. Mercury heads direct this week from the 22nd in your 9th of expansion., big dreams and big business. This is also the day when Venus forms one angle of the Grand Water Trine between your 10th, the Moon in Venus’s ruling 2nd and Neptune.
However, when it comes to an opportunity to substantially improve your long term work or study prospects, the Sun’s alignment to Jupiter in your 6th on the 23rd points to a powerful, promotional shift. Especially when combined with Venus’s opposition to Pluto in your 4th the same day and a full Moon in what is the Moon’s ruling house on the 24th. This could see many Librans offered a choice or opportunity to literally ‘move on up’ on some level. How others see you may not be the same again. Elevate those ambitions this week.
In a nutshell: Big benefits could be on offer around work, your day gig or wellbeing this week. Ruler Venus also connects you to friends and contacts who can bring benefits – both personally and professionally, Libra.
Polish up that sparkle
Time to play
Yes, pleasure IS a spiritual pursuit – and a truth
Go big or go home this week, Scorpio. Time to focus on the young ones. Or is that simply you feeling young at heart and carefree again? Babies, children, teenagers, young people or that footloose and fancy-free version of you that you may have lost touch with will form part of your 2021/2022 love experience. As could that potential love interest or opportunity to shine.
Whatever form this takes, it will be a bigger experience than what you may have allowed yourself to have or even hoped for. Big dreams get a boost from not just Venus in your 9th but the Sun in here from Solstice Day – 21st. Embrace a lightness of being, that extrovert part of you, the inner child who may have been hidden away but who now demands permission to come out and play. Above all, give yourself permission to allow this and also not to take things too seriously now.
Mercury moves ahead once more in your sector of sharing and empowered change from the 22nd. But the real release into something entirely more pleasurable comes from this week’s series of trines triggered by Venus and the Sun in your 9th. Venus trines Neptune in your 5th on the 21st inviting you to indulge in dreamy, escapist fantasy, pleasure and romance. Immerse yourself in creative self-expression and pleasurable pursuits. That fantasy world you create – well, you could just find the perfect person to join you there on the quest.
Bring it down to earth to make it real
It’s not so much castles in the air to ride to, as reality fuelled dreams you can bring down to earth and experience. But with eyes wide open in wonder. Two of the best transits of the year for this occur on the 22nd and 23rd. the first an awakening Grand Water Trine which aligns you to what you need as opposed to what you believe you want between Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 1st. The second points you in the direction of big dreams and an even bigger love experience on the 23rd when the Sun and Jupiter are in each other’s houses in your chart and form a trine. This is one of the most magnetic transits of the year for you.
Especially as this occurs the same day as Venus in here opposes ruler Pluto in your 3rd. News or encounters change everything.
Watch for who or what appears the following day at the time of the full Moon in your 3rd. And don’t be afraid to ensure love is the real deal as Neptune swings back in your 5th either. Venus enhances your stock and desirability and ensures you make your best impression both personally and professionally when it enters your 10th on the 27th. All in all, put yourself out there this week, Scorpio. Best face forward!
In a nutshell: Time to lighten up if things have been oh-too-serious lately, Scorpio. Play with possibilities and take a tour of your imagination. Above all, see fun, self-expression and love as spiritual quests. You’re starting a big one now!
Good things come with small changes
Create your best ever life to live each and every day
Do the details
We know you are a big picture thinker, Sag. It’s someone else’s job to take care of the details. Usually. This week however, focussing on the details could be your secret superpower when it comes to the pursuit of something bigger.
Ruler Jupiter in your 6th wants to unpack everyday luck, benefits and solutions for you to live your best life. To hand you work or study you enjoy. Habits that free you rather than a rut which traps you. No longer being ruled by that ‘To do’ list and feelings of guilt when you don’t. Ditch the drudge now and tap into inspired ways to redesign your day which energises, empowers and brings joy.
It’s a new kind of sharing economy – the soul kind
Changes are ahead which can also open up financial freedom and flow. Plus, partnership matters come out of stasis as Mercury heads direct in your 7th from the 22nd. It’s the time of the trines this week which are what are really bringing the beneficial change. If you set in place small ones of your own first. The first trine is the one between Venus in your 8th and Neptune in your 4th on the 21st. Look close to home at those tasks or decisions you should tackle. Ditch that ‘To Do’ list if its guilt-tripping you. Instead create a ‘Done’ list and write down everything you have accomplished instead. Turn what you are supposed to do on its head. You will be surprised at the difference this makes.
The Sun arrives in your 8th also on the 21st bringing a month-long focus on your money, income, assets, loans, mortgage and what you share. Everything from childcare to that line of credit. The second trine of the week is between Venus, Neptune and the Moon in your 12th on the 22nd. Again, get to grips with anything you have allowed to slide around home, finances or setting boundaries for yourself and/or others.
Open the vault
The real gift of the week for you is the trine between the Sun and ruler Jupiter on the 23rd combined with Venus opposing Pluto in Venus’s ruling 2nd. You have a full Moon appearing in here the very next day. Jupiter could hand you the key to a door – literally while Pluto opens the vault allowing you to access more resources.
Put your house in order this week and understand it’s all small stuff. Don’t allow the small stuff to drift and form big blocks. Venus moves into your 9th on the 27th. Time to step back into freedom at this point. Don’t allow what you should be doing stop you from doing what you want to do, Sag.
In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter wants you to live it large. Your best life each and every day. To create this – you need to focus on the small stuff. And watch the big stuff transform all by itself. Little changes add up to a lot this week, Sag.
Who is that opposite number?
Double up and double your future potential
Jump start that love, Capricorn!
Bring on the love, Capricorn! Someone will be caught in that searchlight this week. That past, present or potential partner perhaps? You begin the week with a magical alignment between Venus in its ruling 7th and Neptune in your 3rd. Conversations could revolve around duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions. There’s enchantment in the air now.
No matter what kind of double act you may be looking for, this is the week to set out and seek it. Or to tackle conversations with existing partners or simply to tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Don’t take love for granted. If it’s a working or business union you seek, again, this week promises you’re in a position to effectively sell yourself and all you have to offer. Mercury which rules communication, heads direct in its ruling 6th of your day job and wellbeing from the 22nd providing that extra boost.
Jump in for love!
The Sun floods your partnership sector with heart-starting warmth on the 22nd. Don’t be surprised if one particular relationship is front of house and/or front of mind now. Or else the desire to find it. The Grand Water Trine of the 22nd has you focussed on a relationship future as it links Venus (7th), Neptune (3rd) to the Moon in your 11th. If you are seeking any kind of union from a working one to that lover, watch who appears now.
Conversations or a connection take on fresh significance or an opportunity is held out to you on the 23rd. This day promises a transformation around a partnership as Venus opposes Pluto in your sign and the Sun in your 7th trines Jupiter in your 3rd. If you are seeking someone to team up with, then this could mark the start of something significant. Who or what is on offer could become clear the next day as the full Moon in your sign illuminates someone or an opportunity opposite you. This could literally be your ‘opposite’ number.
Speak your truth
Neptune spends half the year backwards and in your 3rd this allows you to speak your truth so don’t shy away from this. Be aware that while this week’s aspects can reawaken love and bring new dynamics in for many, they cannot fix what’s broken beyond repair. This tells you no more Band Aids. Deal with it.
Venus’s entry into your 8th on the 27th could see what has begun take a more serious turn. This is your ‘other’ money house, your house of joint assets as in that home, joint account, mortgage etc. Your salary, maintenance, benefits etc. And yes, your house of sex and passion. This could see a job offer or raise appear for some. That flirtation heads to meltdown stage or you take that existing union to the next level. It takes two this week, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Solstice and the Sun’s arrival in your 7th adds up to a month-long focus on that past, present or potential partner. There’s a new set of love rules on offer now, Capricorn. Brand new beginnings around duos, duets and double acts are on offer.
Time to get really living
Get a fresh focus on resources
What you have to offer is more than you think
If living is a full-time occupation, then this week is about not just living well but living large, Aquarius. And the means to do that. Your day job whether paid or unpaid will be in focus. As will your income, resources and overall wellbeing and what impacts on this.
This is a week to prioritise self-care if you have been neglecting this lately. This is where making the most of your resources begins. You can’t accomplish anything if you are running on empty. Nurture yourself and opt for choices that energise and support you – mind, body and soul. Steer clear of negativity and energy vampires as Venus in your 6th trines Neptune in your 2nd. This is especially beneficial for those of you who earn a living via their creative or psychic talents, healing, the caring professions or any area which relies on insight, research and leaps of imagination.
If you are thinking of launching a business, side hustle or seeking a new job, then Mercury direct again in your 5th from the 22nd, supports this as well as that search for love! Especially after the 27th when Venus enters its ruling 7th. Apply for that position be it in a company – or for someone’s heart!
The Sun’s arrival in your 6th on Solstice Day (21st) brings with it your annual focus on work, study, habits and routines. You also have two day making, rut breaking aspects designed to get you energised and designing a life that you want to be fully immersed in and living to the full – each and every day.
Discover hidden resources
What you have at your disposal to change up how you work and live may surprise you. The 22nd brings a Grand Water Trine which allows you to make connections between what you have and how you can utilise it. I’m talking about your talents, skills and experience. Venus links to the Moon in your status and career zone and Neptune in Venus’s 2nd.
The real money maker of the week is the Sun’s trine to Jupiter in your 2nd on the 23rd. The same day as Venus opposes Pluto in your 12th. You also have a full Moon in here the following day. This may show you how you can use those resources you have overlooked or taken for granted – including your time and expertise, and maximise their potential. Neptune retrograde in your 2nd the next day allows you to maintain a clearer vision on how to do this and focus on your money and earning albitites.
The confidence to sell yourself in perhaps better than you have done before is a hidden benefit of Venus in your 7th. Believing in yourself is the key to attracting rewards, opportunities and love. Self-care starts with knowing your true worth. Don’t accept less than that this week, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: When it comes to what you want to achieve or attain, this week could see you uncover previously hidden or overlooked resources. Jupiter in your money and skill sector says you could be your own hidden asset. Don’t ignore what’s right under your nose, Aquarius.
Step into one-in-a-lifetime potential
If you feel it – you become it
Stars can’t help shining – it’s what you’re designed to do!
Get fabulizing and feel fabulous now the Sun enters your 5th on the 21st. It’s all about you radiating your very own version of gorgeousification. Don’t allow yourself to be defined by what others think this is. Sometimes its just an inner feeling rather than an outer look. It’s what people used to call ‘star quality’. You’re in a position to enchant as Venus in your 5th trines your ruler Neptune in your sign on the 21st too.
This is a very rare and significant period for you which will continue on into 2022. Right now, you have both your rulers ancient and modern in your sign. This doesn’t happen very often. In fact, because your contemporary ruler Neptune takes 165 years to go around the Sun, this doesn’t happen at all in many people’s lifetimes. This is your once in many incarnations to dive into a sea of opportunity and oneness. And to live your personal truth.
Sail away towards your imagination
Needless to say, spending time by the water now is the ideal place for you to dissolve those barriers between your inner dreams and bring them into reality. We have a Grand Water Trine on the 22nd between Neptune, Venus and the Moon in your 9th. It is asking you what you want to learn, see and experience now. Also, with Mercury direct in your 4th on the same day, where you want to live or be to have these experiences? Time to centre yourself, define your path and find your port from where this all begins and returns to.
Imagination allows you to travel into the future and explore these possibilities as the Sun trines Jupiter in your 5th on the 23rd. This is a day to make powerful connections or set those intentions as Venus opposes Pluto in your 11th and we have a full Moon in your 11th the next day magnetising your desires and goals. Be careful what you wish for today. Pluto magnetises those desires! Luck is on your side if you take steps towards what you want. Especially when you link to your belief in your own star power!
Neptune spends almost half the year retrograde which it turns to on the 25th. This allows you to continue to tap into your signature power resources of intuition, creativity and insight and apply them to your image, message, brand and with Venus in your 6th from the 27th – your everyday dreams in a practical manner. What this week wants you to understand is that you have everything within you to get wherever you want to go. That’s powerful self-directed magic, Pisces!
In a nutshell: From now and on into 2022, you have once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to experience for real what your imagination can create. So, people may say you’re a dreamer – and what’s wrong with that, Pisces?
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