Weekly Astrology June 26th 2023 for All Signs
What you seek is strictly personal
Time for satisfaction and rewards
You have the attention
You want something that’s uniquely personal to you. Somehow Mick singing about not getting any satisfaction isn’t anything you can relate to. There’s an emotional intensity around this desire. And you’re not going to stop until you get it.
This week wants you to stretch yourself. Even as you look to feathering your own nest thanks to the Sun and then Mercury in your 4th. Buying, selling, renting, leasing property, career decisions or even family matters gain traction and also clarity. Opportunity could literally knock with the perfect deal thanks to the meeting between the Sun and Mercury (which rules contracts) on the 1st. Both also entice Jupiter now in your 2nd, opening opportunities and assets. The Sun and Mercury both trine Saturn in your 12th this week promising rewards stemming from the past or something you’ve worked long and hard to attain.
The uniquely personal want or need comes from ruler Mars and also Venus in your 5th. Maybe to express yourself creatively. Maybe to experience love. Perhaps for a more satisfying, heart starting experience in another key area. Whatever it is, you feel a restless urge which won’t let you go until yes, you’re satisfied. The thing is, you know what you need to do to get it. Are you simply ready to admit to yourself that you’ll do it better than anyone else? You have someone’s attention in the best possible way this week, Aries. The outcome? So satisfying if you just toss that mane and go for it.
In a nutshell: With ruler Mars and Venus in your romance and attraction zone, you won’t take no for an answer when it comes to satisfaction. This is no week to be shy. Or to hold back from making your move. You’ll never know unless you try.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (4th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (12th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (4th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 2nd)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
Kick-start that conversation
Action creates opportunity
The right company includes you now, Taurus!
Mercury rules your 3rd and joins the Sun in here from the 27th. Both meet on the 1st and their angles to Jupiter in your 1st brings up tender conversations and self-initiated opportunities your way. Don’t hold back and above all, don’t self-censor now. Your ideas or what you share could turn into a literal pot of gold. Or bring to you the solution you’re seeking. But to make the most of this you have to start the discussion, Taurus.
Do make the most of your contacts and people you know. Especially those who are older than you and offer insight and worldly wisdom. Those of you who have made all the right moves so far in terms of your public image and your career, could receive an invitation to join an elite group or find yourself keeping company with VIP’s or those in positions of influence (in the traditional rather than the social media sense). The Sun and Mercury’s alignments to Saturn in your 11th tells you this week is about who you know or meet rather than what you know. Ensure you come across as someone who belongs.
Ruler Venus along with Mars are in residence in your 4th of home and family. And asking you to take care of some outstanding business in these areas which is actually, long overdue. You do need to own that you love the status quo. And can allow those lifestyle choices to continue long past their use-by date. Do take charge and don’t procrastinate this week if something close to home demands your attention. Don’t make excuses or claim you’re too busy. The high tensile angles between Mars (26th) and then Venus (2nd), and Uranus show you on these dates that you can’t afford to ignore or not get talking about what needs to change. If you need advice on the best way forward – your best resource is also found in your circle, Taurus.
In a nutshell: A key discussion paves the way towards progress or something so much better close to home. So don’t put off having it. Watch for invitations or an opportunity to mix and mingle with movers and shakers. You have entrée. Use it.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (3rd)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 11th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (11th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (3rd)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 1st)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)
Stand and deliver!
Be ready to claim your rewards
Step up and get serious
Stand and deliver aspects mean that you are about to hold someone accountable this week. In other words, they need to put their money where their mouth it. Yes, talk is cheap and actions will prove to speak louder than words. Volumes in fact, Gemini.
Venus and Mars are busy having one type of conversation in your 3rd. While ruler Mercury joins the Sun in your 2nd from the 27th. You may be the one asked to deliver across the 29th-30th when boss planet Saturn will trine the Sun and your ruler from its ruling 10th. This is your opportunity to be seen, to leverage that past track record of achievement and reap the rewards. You are clear on your outcome. And expect serious results.
Your reputation sits on your ability to deliver and keep your word. Yes, you are serving that in all seriousness now. But what about others, Gemini? Your 2nd is your house not just of money but of your self-worth and how you expect to be treated. If someone is promising you the Moon but failing to deliver even a glow-in-the-dark sticker, then the gap between words and results will be shown to be wider than ever. They may even promise one too many times. And you’re now done with making excuses for them. Or their excuses come to that.
Good news around the 1st should more than make up for any shortfall or disappointment. You’re done and also off to claim bigger and better things for yourself. What may at first look like a setback quickly rights itself or pushes you down a new path. And you suddenly see that unless this had happened, you would never have taken the steps towards something better. Opportunity could arrive in disguise thanks to the Sun and your ruler in conversation with Jupiter on the 1st. If you say no more, stick to that. Do get serious and real about what you will and won’t accept. And add up the cost for not doing that.
In a nutshell: Put the finishing touches to projects and plans this week, Gemini as ruler Mercury prepares to turn retro. When it comes to money – hang on to your cash. Time to save rather than spend.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (2nd)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 10th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (10th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (2nd)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 12th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
Stop the dreaming and start the action
Magic begins with work
It’s a Go For It week
Lift the lid on those dreams for the coming year as Mercury lands in your sign (27th) and Neptune retro in your 9th indicates the time for just dreaming is done. Now you need to get on with the doing. You’ve one of the best, most imaginative windows of the year opening up for you. And you need to seize the day – and the momentum, Cancer. Next month we will enter the most intense retrograde weather of the year so far. Progress will slow or stall completely. This tells you – make the most of the moment. It’s your biggest birthday gift.
The 1st offers you one of the best dates of your cycle of delight as this sees the Sun and Mercury meet. Good news flows in your direction whether this is your actual birthday or not. You are at your most open, outgoing, flirtatious. Ready to party and play. And also share. That excitement you’re projecting is contagious. Life and soul of the party? Yes, and then some.
If you utterly, seriously and definitely want something, do take the steps towards it. Saturn in your 9th is all about bringing those dreams down to earth. And pursuing them in a practical manner. It tells you that yes, this is all possible. But it will take work as well as the magic of your imagination to make it real. If you are willing to do that, and act rather than just talk, then the Sun and Mercury’s alignments to Saturn across the 29th and 30th could deliver you someone prepared to listen or offer some kind of backing. There’s the gifts of validation, love and manifestation in the air. Share your enthusiasm. And allow it to fuel you.
In a nutshell: Glow for it, Cancer! The arrival of Mercury in your sign along with the Sun puts you at your most playful, flirtatious and outgoing. You clearly see what you want and are determined to have it. Magic is created by us taking action. So make it happen.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (1st)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (1st to 9th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (9th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (1st)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 11th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 11th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
Your next move – revealed
Go with that first response
Step into your power
Don’t miss the secret sauce your 12th house wants to add to a key area of your life. Your intuition is on high beam now, Leo. Seeking out what you need to know to bring you magical enhancements for your upcoming cycle while your ruler remains in your 12th.
What you need to know, news you have been waiting on, inspiration and revelation follows the Sun/Mercury conjunction in here on the 1st. Your next move needs to be using this or taking action on it. Whatever you do, don’t park this insight or tell yourself you’ll deal with it later. Mars in your sign now is all about the action. And the follow through. And also knowing that what you decide to do is the correct response. Pro tip: Your first reaction is usually the correct one. Look back at when you didn’t go with that and you’ll see how correct this is.
You are the sign of rulership and this week tells you that you can rule. With confident overwatch and surety as what you discover or are told, merely gives you the bigger picture. You’ll benefit from the perfect trines between the Sun (29th), Mercury (30th) and Saturn in your 8th and own your power. And the power of your own choices. Once made, you know you made the right call, Leo. This week banishes hesitation, self-doubt and as an added secret extra ingredient, any leanings towards feeling you don’t have what it takes. Welcome to your power.
In a nutshell: Where do you rule this week, Leo? In matters of the soul and spirit. Your intuition knows the steps you need to take so don’t ignore it. It’s a week to restart that fierce determination and confidence ahead of your new cycle!
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (12th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (12th to 8th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (8th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (12th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 10th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 10th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)
Vibe with the sensitive, the spiritual, the seekers
Get connecting
What stops your from saying ‘Yes’?
Friendships and all connections need spiritual depth. Creative souls are the ones you vibe best with. Seeking love? Usually the Sun and ruler Mercury in your 11th would be more about the friendship than the romantic kind. But you have Saturn and Neptune in your 7th and Mars and Venus in your 12th. Barriers to finding love are lifting or a past love returns. Don’t rule this out.
Single or settled, the 1st offers one of the best days of the month to connect and circulate thanks to the meeting of your ruler and the Sun in your social sector. Do get out and about. Organise to get together with friends. And resist any impulse so stay home and cocoon. The bigger the gathering or the more people at the venue you choose – the better. This is a week to draw new connections to you. Simply by being out and about. Right place, right time. And don’t be afraid to strike up that conversation either. Mars in your 12th doesn’t do shyness.
Taking a chance and putting yourself out there pays off. This applies to singles. It’s about setting the energy in motion. Surprise trips, last minute invites could also feature. If they appear what’s stopping you from saying yes? There should be nothing right now. You’ll never never know what’s on offer if you never never go, Virgo. Time to simply find out. Don’t stay home.
In a nutshell: Whatever connection you are seeking – whether it be friendship or romance, this is your week to go look for it, Virgo. But know unions need spiritual depth to last. Your seeking that divine spark and lucky for you – others share it.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (11th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (11th to 7th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (7th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (11th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 9th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 9th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)
Get serious
Bring your best game
Love the path you’re on
With the Sun and now Mercury (27th) in your 10th its now time for serious pursuits. Be this the pursuit of a career ambition or a more personal one. A big 10th house transit always calls on us to bring our best game. There are no half-measures. We have to have a clear outcome in mind. And also know how we aim to achieve this.
Don’t be diverted from what you know you want, Libra. Or what you know is right for that matter. Someone may ask you to deliver on something and if so, you need to be prepared to step up. Your 10th is your house of reputation. And that reputation is based on your ability to follow-through. So, don’t promise anything if you know deep down you can’t deliver.
However, your ability to deliver could see rewards, recognition and a soaring rep thanks to the angles between the Sun, Mercury and boss planet Saturn across the 29th-30th. The 1st could see you grasping that prize and happy with your outcome.
Ruler Venus is slowing down in your 11th in preparation for a rare retrograde later in July. Mars is also in here. Both planets ask you look to friendships for continued resonance. Sometimes we don’t even notice how one-sided a connection is. That friend who has so much to say but never asks us a personal question for instance. This doesn’t mean a friendship is over. But it may mean you need to call them out. For the upcoming retrocycle which will be intense – focus on taking care of the love you already have. And for this week, your career promises your best source of satisfaction and love of a different kind.
In a nutshell: You’re operating at Boss Level this week and need to bring your best game. Take what you want to achieve seriously. And watch how others take you seriously in return. You won’t be in the mood for one-sided friendships however. Those in high places? That’s a different matter.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (10th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (10th to 6th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (6th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (10th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 8th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 8th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)
You can get there from where you are
Create opportunity
Get ready to dance with life!
Just occasionally the universe hands us an Access All Areas pass. Where we enter a cycle when more than one area of life – in fact several at once, run smoothly. This week just happens to be one of those.
You’re benefiting from ancient ruler and Mars in your house of public image and career. As well as the Sun and Mercury in your 9th of travel, opportunity, solutions and expansion. Then there’s Jupiter in your partnership zone – positively charged by both the Sun and Mercury from its ruling 9th on the 1st. Added to this beautiful alignments between the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in your house of creation, pleasure and attraction.
This tells you that you’re moving on up this week. Something new, enticing, exciting and above all, bigger is on offer for you. Dance in the creative vortex of your imagination. But do understand as with any transits, no matter how positive they are, what we take out from them is in direct proportion to the actions we take. Doing not very much at all dilutes your delivery. There’s so much confidence and daring bubbling up within you now, Scorpio, how dare you not?!
Good news or the start of a new journey or pathway to follow appears on the 1st when the Sun and Mercury meet. Do take a chance on this day and set something in motion. The response you receive back from the universe should be immediate. And confirm you are on the right track. If something is offered to you, whatever you do – don’t refuse it. Opportunity doesn’t wait around. And don’t forget – it’s also something we can create for ourselves. Simply by following that divine spark of inspiration that tells us we can.
In a nutshell: Life flows in your direction once more. We create luck and opportunity by simply taking action. And as we do, the universe moves with us. So, go with what’s on offer this week, Scorpio. The more you immerse yourself, the deeper the experience.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (9th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (9th to 5th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (5th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (9th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 7th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 7th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)
Change those colours
Craft something better
Go with your process
You’ve got the attitude that without change there would be no butterflies. So, seeing as spreading your wings is first and foremost on your mind, you are more than happy to abandon yourself to the process, Sag. In whatever form it takes.
A key area may have been on your mind for some time as to where this needs to occur. It could even be close to home. Or around your work or something you do on a daily basis. Maybe it does still work – up to a point. But you know there is room for so much more improvement. Get to grips with transformation this week now Mercury arrives in your 8th (27th). And meets the Sun (1st). You will also benefit from the clarity that Neptune retrograde in your 4th delivers. As the steps you need to take in order to bring about the changes, become abundantly clear. And turn out to be so much simpler than what you thought.
The 1st is highlighted for you as this is the day when the Sun and Mercury both angle to ruler Jupiter in your 6th. Indicating the changes are all geared in your favour. Working less but achieving more for instance. Bigger, better benefits either in terms of money, time or take-out. There’s no pretending you don’t know what you need to do. Or what area calls out for some TLC. Give it all you’ve got now in terms of ideas, input, attention and love. And watch how everything including how you feel, changes for the better.
In a nutshell: Chances are you know what needs to change in your life, Sag. This week shows you that the smallest steps towards it deliver fast results or better outcomes than you imagined. Take one step and the next reveals itself. The process is simplicity itself. The results – simply beautiful.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (8th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (8th to 4th)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (4th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (8th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 6th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 6th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)
Stand by your intention
You + another = greatness
That’s the power of love, Capricorn!
Your yearly love peak harnesses the lasting potential and long term promise of ruler Saturn this week. Yes, the Put a Ring on it planet in your house of vows, promises and contracts angles to Mercury in your 7th. From what is Mercury’s ruling house (30th). The Sun makes the same angle on the 29th.
Stand by what you say and believe what is said, Capricorn. This is the energy of the card of the Two of Cups in the Tarot. Two people – lovers, partners, friends, collaborators, come together with open-hearted intent. And are on the same page. Or they will be again if there has been a falling out or misunderstanding.
Renewed faith in love or the power of it, is also love making itself known. Both your houses of love, being loved, attraction and loving, are highlighted in what is a rare cycle for you with Uranus and Jupiter in your 5th. Don’t be afraid to ask for something bigger. While Saturn tells you only love integrity will do. Don’t just limit yourself to thinking the experience on offer is the love variety of love either. It’s two people, two hearts and two minds aligned in the same direction. What matters is the intention, the commitment, the purpose and the coming together. And hey – it’s all love. Which in your case and the other party’s – is greater than the sum of its parts.
In a nutshell: Your yearly partnership peak receives a rare boost due to both love houses being lit up this week, Capricorn. You and another party come together to share something. Love, a vision, a purpose, a goal. The reason doesn’t matter. It’s all love even if it’s not love love!
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (7th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (7th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 5th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 5th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)
Ditch the need to ‘settle’
What is meant for you has your name on it
Passion is your direction
Make choices based on passion this week. And please – don’t settle, Aquarius. It seems like a good option at the time. But know what? It’s always fuelled by lack of self-worth. Those low-rent expectations which tell you: This is as good as it gets.
No way. Be patient. Keep the faith. Know in your heart of hearts what is meant for you ultimately will appear. Because it has your name on it. Now you can relax. This is especially true with relationships. Mars in your 7th entangles with ruler Uranus in your 4th on the 26th. Highlighting where ‘settling’ for anything from where you live to your path to your relationships, only delivers dissatisfaction eventually. Any frustrations you feel may be coming from that.
Venus also in your 7th (which it rules), makes the same angle on the 1st. Along with the Sun and now Mercury in your 6th of wellbeing and work, you’ll see the link between too much compromise which goes against the gain, and how you end up feeling. It’s just not good for you. This week allows you to redress this in a fresh way. Neptune retro lifts the lid when it comes to that self-esteem and why you bought into ‘settling’ in the first place. Oh and yes, there’s the other definition of that. Getting too settled with what no longer works or lights you up. The Sun and Mercury’s trine to Saturn in your 2nd says you deserve better. Trade up the settle wherever you may find it.
In a nutshell: The settle leads to dissatisfaction, Aquarius. You’ll be aware of areas where you’ve compromised too much this week. Was this because you were led to believe you couldn’t have what you really wanted? Trade up that belief system now.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (6th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (6th to 2nd)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (2nd)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (6th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 4th)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 4th)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)
Redirect the drift
Step out of the shadows and into the light
No hesitation – just go for it!
Ruler Neptune reverses in your sign this week. Neptune spends almost half the year backwards. It’s all part of its air of mystery. Seeing as it rules illusion and retrogrades are just that – illusions brought about by our earthly perspective, these lift under a Neptune retro. We get served a much needed dose of reality. Or simply a different spin. Be ready to not only receive that but take action as Mars and Venus both in your 6th, trigger Uranus in your 3rd. And yes, maybe things have been allowed to drift for far too long, Pisces. This is your opportunity to direct them where you want to go.
This is also your yearly pleasure peak with the Sun and now Mercury (27th) in your 5th. Attraction, romance, holidays, hobbies, passions and babies, children and young ones feature. This is an excellent week not just to escape illusions but to get away from it all in the form of a holiday if you can. Others may feel a veil has been lifted as they step out of the shadows to become the centre of attention once more. Do go after what you want. Especially as you should now no longer be distracted by what you don’t need. The 1st brings hot, swift summer love, good times and you at your brightest and most radiant. Don’t keep this hidden any longer, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Peer through illusions to be reality. Especially when it comes to your fierce beauty and talents waiting to be unfurled, Pisces. You step free of distractions to focus on what really lights up your soul. Others take notice when you make that move.
26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (5th)
29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)
30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (5th to 1st)
30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (1st)
1 Jul 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer (5th)
1 Jul 2023 Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
1 Jul 2023 Sun in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 3rd)
2 Jul 2023 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
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