Weekly Astrology June 5th 2023 for All Signs – Love Confidence

Become a natural law in your own right
Get ready for a close encounter of the success kind
No matter where you find yourself – you impress
Pluto returns to Capricorn and your 10th this week. Here it will stay until early 2024. Simply see this as yet another opportunity to show the world how awesome and awe-inspiring you can be, Aries. You are not yet finished climbing that ladder. Pluto occupies a sign for a long time. Its been in Capricorn since 2008 and isn’t quite done with it yet. You’ll have to wait until 2025 before it has left it for good.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets.
For you, it is not just your own powerful efforts which may play a role in your progress. But Pluto returning to your 10th to shake up that corporate structure and shake-down those at the top who no longer deserve to be there. As a result, some of you will move on up into those vacated positions. The Ceres/Neptune opposition could highlight where those changes may occur. Be ready. The secret to succeeding with Pluto? Stick to your principles.
You’re in expansive, light-hearted and sharing mood this week thanks to Venus’s arrival in your 5th and Mercury in its ruling 3rd. You want to show out, be spontaneous, ditch the filter (either mentally or on that phone!), and simply be yourself. You fit in effortlessly with whatever company you find yourself. Be it that boardroom or chatting to that hottie in the coffee shop. You’re on a charm offensive this week, Aries. Robert Palmer wrote a song about you back in the 80’s: You’re a natural law and Simply Irresistible. Just be that and power on with Pluto!
In a nutshell: Permission to be yourself is one of life’s best gifts – and greatest pleasures. When we abandon ourselves to who we are without a care, we radiate and attract with effortless ease. That’s Venus’s promise for you this week as it reaches your fabulizing 5th, Aries!
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (5th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 11th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 12th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (10th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 10th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (3rd)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 2nd)
Look before you leap
Is the grass really greener?
Know what your heart wants – but take your time
There may be a tug of war happening between where you find yourself right now vs. where you want to be, Taurus. Ruler Venus lands in your 4th of home, heartland and family matters. And yes, that’s fine if your heart is where it is supposed to be. Maybe not so much if you are actually yearning for where that grass looks a lot greener.
Don’t be in a hurry to make sudden, impulsive changes. I know that’s not usually your style in any case. Use the tightly woven angle between Venus and Jupiter in your sign this week (11th) to plan out a plan to get there over the long term. The reason I am telling you this is that Venus will make a rare retrograde in here next month. By which time your needs or desires may have changed.
Also, if you do head out onto a certain path, there may be no more u-turns should you decide its not for you. This applies to anything where the grass is greener or looks like it. From that neighbourhood to that job or even that relationship. The sign now Pluto is back in your 9th this week reads: Enter at Your Own Risk. Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t go there. Pluto is all about our transformation. And in your 9th, the process comes from going where we’ve been afraid to until now. But Pluto also says: Eyes wide open. Know what you are getting into.
Don’t act like a tourist in other words. And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be up close and personal. But Pluto also says: You signed up for it.
Mercury shifts from your sign into your 2nd favouring all dealings around money, income, earnings and yes, the transactions in our lives which are based on self-worth. Trading one thing for another especially if you decide its not for sale, is the kind of power Pluto wants you to wield. That’s Pluto power trippin’ and it approves, Taurus.
In a nutshell: The heart wants what the heart wants but does it have to have it or go there right now, Taurus? Yes, you’ve shown yourself able to wait. But ensure before you head off in that new direction, you know where you will end up.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (4th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 10th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 11th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (9th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 9th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (2nd)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 1st)
Say it and see it through
Talk and action deliver success
Weave that magic as only you can, Gemini!
Everything you say, share, send out is infused with truth, perception, creativity and sparkle this week, Gemini. Welcome back ruler Mercury into your sign (11th) and also Venus into Mercury’s ruling house (your 3rd) on the 5th. The combination charms, entices, flirts and infuses whatever you say or are selling into cosmic catnip nobody can resist. Looking for anything from love to a new job or to launch that idea? You have magic spells – a whole lexicon of them in fact, that nobody else even knows exists. Do weave those wonders, Gemini.
Do however keep to the simple rule that you only say it if you mean it. After all, the best magic is all about belief. It’s the essential part you always need in order for the spell to work. Truth and integrity, the ability to stand by what you promise and see it through ensures that Pluto’s return to its ruling 8th this week (11th) contains no fallout.
We only experience Pluto in a few houses in our charts during each lifetime due to its distance from earth. It is especially powerful in its ruling house. It hands passion, strength and above all, self-control. Provided we steer clear of trying to control others, we gain by Pluto being in here. Pluto hates hypocrisy. It outs this. Hence the need to keep the energy very ‘clean’. So, if you say it, stand by it. Follow through. A Pluto meltdown isn’t what you need.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be up close and personal. Whether Pluto appears as the good guy or the bad guy – that’s up to us.
Do take those plans and ideas and run with them now. Next month we are back not just in Pluto retro energy, but a rare Venus one. So, don’t procrastinate. Pluto power says get it done. You’ve all the resources you need to convince anyone you encounter you have what it takes.
In a nutshell: There’s nothing cheap about that talk this week, Gemini. The magic power of persuasion is yours. But don’t say it unless you mean it. Or intend to see it through. No more procrastination. Just passion.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (3rd)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 9th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (12th to 10th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (8th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 8th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 12th)
Transform that love experience
Time to focus on unfinished business
The water’s perfect – dive in!
As the line from Peter Benchley’s blockbuster Jaws reminds us: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water . . . Yes, I am talking about Pluto’s return to your house of love, marriage and partnership’s this week, Cancer.
Pluto in here has been all about transforming your experience of love, being part of a double act and even dragging from the depths, old fears around love in order for them to be faced and finally well – exploded just like that shark. You’ve had a brief holiday period where the beaches have opened again and you can dive into the ocean without wondering just what might be lurking below the surface. You can almost hear the old da-dum . . da-dum . . . da-dum, da-dum, da-dum theme starting up again now Pluto lands back in Capricorn and is now set to stay there until early 2024.
Think of this as tackling unfinished business, Cancer. Between you and someone else. That past, present, potential partner. That current or ex. Either together forever now or the inescapable truth this isn’t to be. Pluto deals in absolutes. In black and white. There’s nothing in between. Pluto also hands power to those who have felt powerless. It should have put you in charge of your relationship destiny. If that hasn’t happened yet – it will. Certainly before Pluto exits here for good which will occur at the end of 2024.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be up close and personal. Since 2008, Pluto will have opposed your natal Cancer factors. One of the most powerful Pluto transits we can ever experience. It has changed your desires or even your experiences around the concept of together forever. Whether you are now heading into the future as two or alone.
You have more astral assistance that you may realise now when it comes to tackling any remaining Pluto residue thanks to Venus exiting your sign and landing in its ruling 2nd in your chart. The Sun isn’t far behind don’t forget. Plus, Venus will make a rare retrograde next month, the retroshadow of which actually covers off all Pluto’s backtracking in your 7th. Hence, you have all the tools you need for a love rebirth happening now, Cancer. So, when you think about it – the water’s perfectly safe.
In a nutshell: Pluto’s return to your 7th is all about unfinished love business, Cancer. Perhaps a final healing stage. A new beginning between you and someone close. Or you gathering your courage and preparing for that deep dive again.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (2nd)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 8th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (11th to 9th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (7th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 7th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (12th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 11th)
Take love slowly
Reset that glow
Time to fly, butterfly!
Get your glow on ahead of your birthday cycle in July thanks to the arrival of Venus in your sign (5th). Venus is set for a long term stay due to the fact it will retrograde next month and will remain in your 1st until October. This makes this an unusually long Venus experience for you. And like any retrograde, a Venus one has its own rules.
This will not be a good time to go looking for love. Even if you seem to find it, it is unlikely it will last. Or you wonder what all the fuss was about once Venus moves direct again. Self-love however? Venus retro in our 1st loves to indulge. So, upgrade your appearance, look, wardrobe, face, style, profile in whatever way makes you feel renewed, beautiful and special. Your relaunch will happen from mid-September onwards.
While we are in retroactive motion, let’s talk about the other major biggie which is Pluto exiting your 7th (Venus’s ruling house) and returning to your 6th (11th). Pluto will not return to Aquarius until early 2024. And then it will make one more re-visit to your 6th before it exits for good at the end of that year. You may be striving for perfection when it comes to your work and career. You are certainly holding yourself up to high standards, Leo. And expect the same from others.
If a new and better job or even a new and better you is what you want, then Pluto’s return to here along with your long Venus transit, will give you the opportunity to go for it. And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Pluto in your 6th hands you the power to really work what you have. And become powerful via it.
Who you know or are connected to are equally important now as Mercury joins your ruler the Sun in your 11th (11th). You are in social butterfly mode. Yet one more reason to focus on that image and how you are coming across. Unleash the full glory of that regal presence within.
In a nutshell: Venus in your 1st wants you to love yourself and show the world how much you do, Leo. Time to invest or update that look, appearance, style, image, social media feed or wardrobe. Yes, project to impress and dress to attract, Leo.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (1st)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (10th to 8th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (6th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 6th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (11th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 10th)
Be ready to revive
Go back in time
The Summer of Love starts here
If I could turn back time. Suppose you could, Virgo? Blasts from the past feature now Venus is set for a very long stay in your 12th house. This is the house of your past. Not just in this lifetime but your past lives. Keep in mind you now have Saturn in your 7th of partners. If someone or something from your past is destined to reappear – it will during this cycle.
Venus will retrograde in here next month. And you of all signs knows what that means, Virgo. So, the Venus retro and subsequent retroshadow covers your birthday cycle. You may be going back to go forward because of this.
This coincides with Pluto returning to your 5th of lovers, indulgences, babies, children and creativity. It will remain in here until early ‘24. It will then move into your 6th, before making one more revist to your 5th and then leaving it for good at the end of 2024. Hence this theme of love revisits, revivals and rebirths. Far more than looking towards the new, the past contains the potential you may need to re-explore.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be up close and personal. That doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it however.
And its oh-so-glorious and Haight-Ashbury in its heyday if you go there, Virgo. With flowers in its hair. If you’ve taken on board Pluto’s alchemy when it comes to romance, creativity, conception and counter-culture peace, love and mung beans vibe in here, Pluto can make you feel like you’ve entered your very own summer of love. With the perfect lover. And please, don’t ruin the vibe by looking in all the wrong places if they have yet to find you. That’s not feeling the love. That’s shutting yourself off from it.
Ruler Mercury is on the move into your 10th and this hands you focus when it comes to going for what you want. The Ceres/Neptune opposition on the 10th has you looking at the truth around love or a partnership matter. Comparing the past to the present but also what you need for the future. If it holds true it comes with you. Or simply revives in a new way, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Ready for the love revival, Virgo? Your very own summer of love experience? Flowers in your hair are optional. As are the Haight-Ashbury threads. The vibe however? Welcome back to the sixties!
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (12th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 6th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (9th to 7th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (5th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 5th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (10th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 9th)
Friends are the new family
Goals and desires fire your imagination
Click those Louboutin’s and say ‘There’s no place like home’
Many Librans have been dealing with family shocks and DNA revelations due to Pluto outing whatever has been lurking in that family or genetic closet since 2008. Yes, on the one hand you have felt a new and intense connection to your people, homeland, the place you call home, family or roots. Others may have completely redefined these. And yet others may still be reeling from fallout around just what was going on behind that so-called ‘respectable’ suburban facade.
Until we are parents or adult ourselves, we tend to forget that our parents or even grandparents, were people who had stories all their own. They were also often powerless and made to conform depending on the times or society they were born into. This still goes on in certain parts of the world today. Your Pluto transit through Capricorn and your 4th continues again this week with another branch to be written on that family free as Pluto re-enters here.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be up close and personal. In your 4th it literally moves in with you. Like the guest who out-stays its welcome.
Perhaps its you who has been cast as the black sheep or even the family scapegoat. If so, Pluto has been there to help you strike out on your own path. Others may have been dealing with finding that place to belong or changing family dynamics. Elderly parents who you now have to parent. Putting down roots or pulling them up. All signs of Pluto in your 4th. There may be more removals ahead either physically or emotionally between now and the end of 2024 when Pluto leaves this house never to return. Until it packs its bags, prepare for more than just changing rooms.
Ruler Venus is on the move into your 11th reminding you that sometimes friends are the real family. Travel, moving around and big dreams are also in focus thanks to Mercury in your 9th. Get moving and get things done now as next month your ruler makes a rare retrograde. It’s time to go for goal be this around a lifestyle, project or plan or place you want to be. Pluto hands you the power to get you there.
In a nutshell: Time to continue to redefine what home and family mean to you now Pluto returns to your 4th. Ruler Venus reminds you that sometimes friends are the family we wished we had. While big goals and dreams beckon.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (11th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 5th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (8th to 6th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (4th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 4th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (9th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 8th)
Choose your words with care
One conversation or idea changes everything
Look who’s talking!
Ruler Pluto is on the move this week back into your house of communication, ideas, commerce, getting around, siblings and cousins, your neighbourhood and yes, your Twitter feed, website, TikTok following, podcast, Instagram and anything you say, share or send out.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. If you were born during Pluto in Scorpio or were an adult at that point, you know how up close and personal Pluto can get.
That energy is tense, powerful and transformative. Words once they are out there cannot be taken back. Do keep this in mind, Scorpio. Pluto hands us control. And this includes the ability to control what we say, when and how. Pluto tells us that the pen is mightier than the sword – which is why dictators always want to silence journalists and writers or limit the internet. Under Pluto, words can hurt more than physical blows or the truth can set us free. Which is why we need to take every care how we use ours.
Yours can be used to empowering effect when it comes to your business, your studies, communicating ideas in a powerful way, and when used for healing or good. Not for the opposite. You have the most integrity of all the signs, Scorpio. And are the most comfortable with Pluto’s energy. So, what do you have to say as Pluto enters its endgame in here? Choose carefully and watch how the power of an idea changes the world (or at least yours!).
You can use this superpower in your career now as Venus enhances your professional and public image in your 10th. Next month it will retrograde so do initiate those self-promotion or career plans now. Mercury also makes a shift this week – into Pluto’s ruling 8th. Which tells you that truly, that dialogue you begin now is a game-changer, Scorpio. Get talking.
In a nutshell: There’s no topic off-limits now ruler Pluto returns to your 3rd, Cappy. Restart that conversation and tackle that issue once and for all. Leave nothing unsaid now as once started, it could change everything.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (10th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 4th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (7th to 5th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (3rd)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 3rd)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (8th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 7th)
Plan a return trip to love
Werk your worth
Shake your money maker!
All the things you love are back on the menu this week as Venus enters your 9th and Mercury your 7th, Sag. Travel, impossible possibles, expansion, forward motion, big dreams, new horizons to explore. Do keep in mind that Venus will retrograde in here next month. However, returning to an old love or place you love – that’s the kind of journey Venus offers.
An old opportunity could resurface as Ceres in your 10th opposes Neptune. Or you imagine a better way of getting where you need to go. Or has it been money or lack thereof holding up the motion on your ocean, Sag? The good news is the vault door was only closed temporarily. Because Pluto returns to your 2nd this week and turns the cash flow back on. Hopefully you have used its brief visit to your 3rd (where it will return in January 2024), to work up or launch any plans to get more of the folding stuff. If you have set these in motion, shaking your money-maker Pluto style, Pluto could just direct more resources your way.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. And you have when it passed through Sagittarius. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Pluto has now been asking you not just to know your worth – but to work it.
Having access to more stems from knowing you deserve more. And also that you have the power to get it for yourself via those smarts, talents and skills. Pluto can pay you out in interest if that belief is now unshakeable.
Watch also on the 11th when Venus squares your ruler Jupiter in your 6th. Is someone trying to get away with paying you less than you’re worth or else not giving you credit? You should know this isn’t your only option if so. Go explore the others. Pluto says: Don’t be short changed.
In a nutshell: Pluto returns to your 2nd of money and other assets. Pluto loves a hustler so do get yours on, Sagittarius. Above all, work your worth and know what it is. The results could be just more of what you love (and I’m not talking just about money!).
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (9th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 3rd)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (6th to 4th)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (2nd)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 2nd)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (7th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 6th)
Surrender to a higher power
Love needs a slow burn
Make that healthy choice
Honey, I’m home! Yes, Pluto returns to your sign this week serving more of its intense, special kind of attention on you. The thing to remember with Pluto is that well, resistance is futile. In fact, the more we resist, the more persistent Pluto gets. Therefore, trying to ignore Pluto’s return won’t work. It’s back until early 2024 and then for one more final and possibly, world defining revisit between September – November before then leaving your sign for good. And you never the same.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Your Pluto experience will be as up close and personal as it gets in your 1st and meeting all your Capricorn factors.
The moment we surrender to Pluto’s higher power. That we engage with whatever area of our lives it wants us to transform, is the moment Pluto knows we have taken its lesson on-board and its work here is done. So it moves on. Where you are in this process? The return of Pluto allows you look back to the start of 2008 to where you are today. Are you still resisting or did you pass surrender a long time ago? This will determine your final Pluto experience before it leaves for good.
Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house of our charts. This week Venus moves into your 8th and Leo. Chances are the final transformational process is likely to include double acts, duels, duets and dynamic and dramatic duos. Another key player in this drama. You probably already know who that is Capricorn.
Do take emerging relationships slowly however. Venus will retrograde in here next month which puts all love matters on hold (and money too). Pluto may ask you to demonstrate one final time all you have learned about yourself during its time in your sign. And the way it does this may be to throw that potential love interest into your path. Just to see what you do. What you used to or do you now have a new playbook co-authored with Pluto?
Mercury is also on the move into its ruling sign of Gemini and its ruling house (6th) in your chart. If you’ve learned anything during Pluto’s stay, it should have been to simply go for the healthy choice. Pluto reminds us that fallout can take thousands of years to clean up. So, make that part of the surrender process and Pluto turns into a welcome house guest.
In a nutshell: Honey, I’m home! Pluto returns to your sign this week. The irresistible force barging in and insisting you commit to deep, personal changes. What you resist, persists. This describes Pluto to a tee. Your best option – surrender and be that better being. Just go with it, Capricorn.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (8th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (1st)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 1st)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (6th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 5th)
What are you becoming?
Love heads your way again
Pluto has left the building
Just like Elvis – Pluto has left the building. The 11th sees it return to your mysterious 12th and it won’t revisit your sign again until early 2024. You are once again back to egg stage, Aquarius. Is that dragon egg or phoenix egg? Or you own superb chimera of magical mystical beings which together represent the magnificent splendour that is you?
This has been a Pluto taster session with those of you with Aquarius factors at 0o affected. When Pluto returns in January, it will reach 2o of your sign before turning back to your 12th again. Which means that more of you will feel the Pluto rebirth effect. Pluto will remain in your sign from the end of 2024 and will not leave until 2044. By which time all Aquarians will have undergone the Pluto straw-spinning process turning them into shining beings at the end.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Pluto continues its deep healing and uncovering of your final fears and shadowy residue which prevents you from living in your full, shining power. Go with the process. Remember, this is a rebirth and sadly, all birth is painful.
Love is in the air with Venus in its ruling 7th and Mercury in your 5th of romance and attraction. The love you lost, the love that passed you by, the one that got away or the best they were saving till last – take it they may now feature. Do stay connected to that deep reservoir of inner knowing Pluto’s stay in your 12th has handed you. This includes being able to see where you have sabotaged yourself in the past or where fear has held you back. The end part of this process is ditching what remains of it. Simply so you fly free.
In a nutshell: No fear when it comes to love or what you desire, Aquarius. Pluto presses pause on the Now Age has it returns to your 12th. This gives you time to see what still stands between you and the love you want. Or simply being who you were born to be.
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (7th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 1st)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (4th to 2nd)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (12th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 12th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (5th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 4th)
Reboot your future
Laser focus delivers
Are you ready to face the fear of dreams coming true?!
Your Future 2.0 is rebooted here as Pluto returns to your 11th. This is Pluto’s penultimate revisit to this house. You have one more before it exits the sector of your chart for good and at the end of 2024, moves into your 12th until 2044.
For now, focus on how and what, heads into that unknown territory with you. And reimagine what it holds for you. This is your house of goals and visualisation. Where the future manifests. Pluto adds the power to change the flow on a quantum level which basically adds up to you being able to manifest it if you bring the focus.
Does that scare you, Pisces? Pluto loves a joke you see. Well, you need a sense of humour to spend an eternity in hell. So, in our 11th Pluto knows that sometimes the thing we want the most, scares us the most. So, it sends it anyway just to see if we can call on our courage and claim it in spite of this.
And please, pay no attention to those astrologers who tell you Pluto and the other outer planets for that matter, are simply ‘generational markers’ and don’t affect us personally. Pluto would have a lot to say about where that hot air was blowing from. Ask anyone who has had Pluto transit a personal planet in their chart. This is an intensely personal as it gets. Is that a personal dream you’re nurturing? Be careful what you focus on. Pluto will deliver just to see if you now run scared.
The most obvious example of this would be the person who dreams of winning the lottery. In big lottery wins, Pluto as well as Jupiter is always involved. Their wish is granted but they are so far outside of their comfort zones with all this rich, they contrive to lose it so they can return to what feels familiar. It’s the same with that lover. We dream of someone wonderful. They turn up and then we begin to ask: What’s the catch? Why me? Until we drive them away.
Watch out for Pluto’s tripwires. And do say: No matter how much having what I dream of might scare me, I am ready to experience it anyway. And what’s more I’m not going anywhere! Saturn in your signs whispers: You got this.
Venus and Mercury this week favour more down to earth practical matters as they enter your 6th and 4th respectively. Turn your talents to work, home, duties, routine and wellness. Take care of the small stuff. Then if Pluto delivers the big stuff – well, you then know you got this, Pisces!
In a nutshell: Pluto’s return to your 11th puts the emphasis back on transforming your future path. And your goals. If what you seek is already seeking you, are you ready, Pisces? And by that, I don’t mean ready to run but ready to embrace it!
5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (6th)
5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 12th)
9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 1st)
10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)
11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (11th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 11th)
11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (4th)
11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 3rd)
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My New Tarot Deck
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