Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 7th 2022

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 7th 2022
Answers appear
Embrace the inclusive
Take that high road to heaven
Gender politics or bias anywhere from the workplace to your marriage, home or family may feature this week. There’s a spotlight on themes you may not have even been aware of until now. Sometimes we don’t even fully comprehend the depth of just what ‘gender bias’ is. Vesta’s meeting to Pluto may demonstrate this in some way. The unknown bias which nevertheless is one. This includes dismissing one cultural form as less important purely because it appeals mainly to a specific gender identification. ‘Chick lit’ would be a term that fits this. It may be overt or covert but confronting nonetheless. This is your opportunity to change it.
Who is biased may surprise you as Mercury lands in your 12th just three days after. Vesta’s arrival in Aquarius challenges any cis-gender male centric approach and fortunately from that point on, we arrive at a more fluid and inclusive period.
Take that shining, higher pathway
All this being said, this is a powerful week for your creativity, intuition, imagination, psychic skills or simply joining the dots between points which were invisible before. The Sun’s meeting to Neptune shines on something which has been obscured from you – but which is now illuminated as if by magic. The next and highly obvious move, an opportunity, a meaning, that missing piece of the puzzle. What comes to light shows you the way forward, Aries. It’s as if doubt or confusion never existed. You’ll have your answer, what you need to know or that shining pathway lit up now.
In a nutshell: Self-doubts banish and questions are answered this week. Someone’s true motivations or beliefs could cast them in another light. Your inner light however guides you forward towards a new opportunity this week. Get some clarity, Aries.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (10th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (12th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (11th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)
Nobody puts baby (or you!) in the corner
Go with the flow
Seek out soul sustaining connections
Nobody puts Taurus in the corner this week! Vesta’s meeting with Pluto tells you that outdated gender rules are about to be overturned. Defy any attempt to define who you are, what you are capable of or the role you are meant to assume if this is based on nothing but out-dated gender bias.
You may find yourself having to challenge these assumptions this week. And these may not be confined to the workplace but could be encountered in other areas too. Traditional gender roles within your family could see you challenging some out-dated tropes – no more ‘Boys will be boys’ or ‘Sugar and spice’ for instance. No matter where and how, you are not about to be confined by them as Vesta moves on into your 10th on the 11th. Instead, you are likely to turn the outdated theme on its head. Don’t be afraid to challenge this if you encounter any kind of bias now.
The future is fluid
This is a week where everything gets a little more – well, fluid. That goes for your goals, friendships and you ability to change course and adapt to your future needs. Mercury’s arrival in your 11th puts you in touch with friends, people and groups with whom you share the same resonance or beliefs. You seek connections that hand you that priceless feeling of spiritual connectivity. These may be outside your usual circle. Go with the flow.
The Sun’s meeting with Neptune on the 13th is a day where getting involved in any group activity that involves astrology, Tarot, innovation, helping others, changing the dialogue or even charity, will hand you big benefits. Seek out those with shared beliefs especially those on the same spiritual path or who share your desire to create a better world via movements or collaborations. On a personal level, a previously hidden pathway to a goal could be revealed. Taking it may require you to be fluid in changing direction to follow where fate is flowing, Taurus.
In a nutshell: This week is like a party for the soul. Everyone should be invited and nobody should be excluded. Embrace fluidity and diversity. Above all, join in. Life’s a river, so go with the flow and let go of the outdated, Taurus.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (11th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (10th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)
How many ideas does it take to change a mind?
Make that inspired move
Move on up in March
You are the sign of ideas and communication. And being a mutable sign you are always open to shifts, mind changes and embrace innovation. You are naturally curious and open as well as adaptable. We can say however you don’t have much patience with people who are closed minded or stuck in an out-dated or even biased way of seeing the world.
You may encounter just that person this week as Vesta bumps into Pluto in Pluto’s ruling 8th. Someone may say or do something which leaves you quite frankly scratching your head or simply outraged they can think that way in this day and age. Just bear in mind if so, that some souls in this lifetime cannot open their minds even a chink, even when the rest of society and you for that matter, hold very different points of view. And no matter what arguments you put forward, they may not budge.
Know your stuff
If this occurs, leaving them behind may be your only option at this time. Ruler Mercury moves into your 10th this week handing you all the tools you need to communicate your ideas effectively. So, if you are not having any impact on someone, understand this says more about them than your ability to get those ideas across. The 13th hands you illumination around anything from that inspired career move to the insight into someone’s motives and beliefs and the way to handle them. When it comes to dealing with people in positions of authority and influence now, state your case with conviction, don’t promise something you can’t deliver on and know what outcome you want to achieve and communicate this clearly. If you do, between now and April, look forward to a move on up.
In a nutshell: Change your mind and you change your world. But someone may simply be unable to grasp that. Don’t waste your time on arguments you can’t win, Gemini. It’s better spent advancing that career agenda this week.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (8th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (10th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (9th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)
All’s fair in love – or needs to be
Inspiration opens up your horizons
Possibilities expand
You want something fairer and more equal when it comes to any kind of relationship now, Cancer. So don’t be afraid to insist on it this week as Vesta and Pluto meet in your 7th. You won’t take kindly to anyone assuming you will take on more than your fair share or in being restricted for that matter. Especially if this is based around gender roles. It may be time to challenge the status quo if so as Vesta quickly moves on into your 8th.
Freedom is your goal and it comes rushing towards you like a breath of fresh air breaking you out and offering entree into something bigger and more soul aligning. You can thank the once in many lifetimes line up in your 9th which this week includes Mercury from the 10th. Travel, opportunities, heaven-sent solutions, learning, expansion are all highlighted now as you leap into previously unexplored territory.
Ditch the restriction
You’ll refuse to be confined either by an outdated role or ideas around what is or isn’t possible for you. You’re seeking out experiences, people and places which add more meaning to your life and which broaden your horizons on some level. This week sees the Sun meet Neptune in your 9th. Some of you should be literally traveling now and this could even be to somewhere you have past links to or have inexplicably felt drawn to.
The mass media, publishing, the law, academia, transportation, the great outdoors, sports, the ocean and large animals – especially horses or marine mammals, could also feature for others. Something expands your understanding of what is possible from here on in but it asks you to leave the familiar behind and go into unknown territory. Head towards it, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Know when to compromise but also know when something unfair needs to be addressed. This week is all about freedom to move forward. And you can’t do that if you’re playing by someone else’s rules, Cancer.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (7th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (9th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (8th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)
Change up those roles
Begin a beautiful transformation
Feel the fear and ask anyway
Shift that focus if you suddenly discover your day job or routine is no longer designed with you in mind, Leo. Or is unfairly skewed based on gender identity. Yes, this can occur at home just as easily as it can at work. Perhaps in some cases, more so. Vesta bumps into Pluto in your 6th on the same day then on the 11th lands in your 7th. Fair’s fair and everyone should take an equal share in partnership matters.
You’re bringing sexy back!
You are in a position to craft beautiful transformations if a current situation requires them. Mercury arrives in your 8th on the 10th and the 13th brings a key meeting between your ruler the Sun and Neptune. Look to those deep, unacknowledged needs that are in fact so vital and primal to you. This includes the need for rewards and recognition, to be treated as an equal in a partnership and on to those emotional needs and ah-hem – those in the bedroom too. In fact, it’s time to attend to intimate YOU and to perhaps get a little bit more inventive if things have turned positively vanilla between you and your boo.
Fears can come to the surface in order for you to shine that bright light on them and ask yourself just whose limitations have you been carrying around anyway? If you fear asking others nicely for your needs to be met, you could just feel the fear yet ask away anyway, this week. You are heading into a period where riches and rewards are on offer. Yes, these could be material ones but they can also be those money can’t buy you. Such as seeing yourself as desirable again and as a person who is able to craft the changes you are seeking. Work that power, Leo.
In a nutshell: Work that va-va-voom factor, Leo. That confidence and fierce daring is oh so hot right now. Sure, you may be shaking in your Jimmy Choo’s over taking that step, but believe me – nobody else will know.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (6th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (8th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (7th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)
Feed that eternal flame with questions
Explore a new emotional landscape
Take a deep dive into double acts of all descriptions
Take your time with that emerging double act, Virgo and just ensure you and that potential boo are on the same page when it comes to all important attitudes and values. It’s a week to get talking about what truly makes you both tick. There’s no point in going further if you find later you disagree on all important ideas as Vesta meets Pluto in your 5th this week.
You may know that many astrologers think Vesta should be your ruler and not Mercury which should be left to the Geminis. You and the object of the eternal flame do have a lot in common. And that being said, before you light that eternal flame for someone, do get illumination on their attitudes around gender issues etc if you want to avoid being burned and that flame snuffed out.
This is one of the best cycles you have ever experienced when it comes to love and all kinds of partnership matters. So, there’s a need to get it right and perhaps ensure you check all those boxes Virgo style. Mercury is on the move into your 7th favouring partnership talks while Vesta moves on into Mercury’s ruling 6th wanting to make those roles at work and home a lot more fluid.
Love is fresh territory to explore
Your best day for exploring just what that opposite number is all about is the 13th when the Sun and Neptune meet. Enter a new world of understanding and revelation as to what makes that person tick. Of course, that begins with asking the right questions. Your ruler and Vesta combined have a list that could just fan that eternal flame – and keep it burning, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Take a deep dive and find out what that opposite number is really thinking. Exploring their ideas, thoughts and beliefs is the way to ensuring that spark gets fanned into a flame – for keeps.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (5th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (7th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (6th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)
Act in the name of self-care
Work with your higher purpose
Find joy in what you do everday
What you do around the home, working from home but also who does what around the home features this week as Vesta and Pluto meet in your 4th. If you have switched to permanent hybrid working, this week could see you looking at whether you are in fact now expected to wear too many hats. Others may simply decide to shift the balance of power over who does what. Or else decide they either want to work from home permanently or else return to somewhere less isolating.
Work to align your soul
Mercury moves into its ruling 6th and the emphasis on your everyday work environment – your day job (paid or unpaid), studies, habits, routines continues. Give these the priority they deserve now, Libra. Explore the idea of creating pleasure around what you have to do every day as Vesta moves into your 5th from the 11th. How where you are makes you feel will also have a bigger role to play. Do you have to get creative around where you work or even how you support your body, mind and that all-important spirit? That’s the holy trinity of wellness you need to focus on.
Any ongoing health and wellbeing factors which drain or dull you – or anything that contributes to mood swings, could require expert advice so please seek it and also, take what you are told seriously. It’s time to get imaginative when it comes to what you do, consume, repeat or spend your time on each day. The Sun is about to shine a light on what is working and what simply has no place any longer as it meets Neptune on the 13th. Some of you may move to a job which feeds more than just your body but aligns you with your purpose. Others can get creative around healing and striking a better work/life/habits balance. Work with your highest intention for self-good this week.
In a nutshell: The way you work and your everyday habits and routine are in focus this week, Libra. Change these up so you align mind, body and spirit. Inspired moves see you creating joy from the everyday stuff you have to do. Turning it into what you enjoy doing instead.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (4th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (6th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (5th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)
Get your glam on!
Take that image to a new level
Creativity, inspiration and attraction send you soaring
Lovers, that lingerie website, indulgences, sensuality, the bedroom, creativity, stand out moves, babies, children and those younger than you are about to light up your life in a big way this year thanks to the shining stellium of planets in your 5th house.
Get ready for sensual overload!
Take it you will experience one, some or a massive sensual smorgasbord of the above as ‘22 unfolds. This is no time to be shy, Scorpio. This is a time to take centre stage and deliver that star making performance. Just take it you are star struck and designed to stand out. First, Vesta bumps into ruler Pluto in your 3rd which may make you take an initial step back over someone’s frankly outdated attitude over gender. Take a stand if needed but don’t allow their bias to dim that shine.
The 10th sees Mercury enter your 5th sparking ideas, flirtation and yes, illuminating what you say and send out – that Instagram feed, dating profile, screenplay, design – get those creative juices flowing and in anything from that selfie to that website design – know the eyes have it. Beautiful eyes (yours) or eye candy features in some way. So if you are creating something, a picture is worth a 1000 words.
Vesta moves into your 4th on the 13th which could see you reassigning roles around who does what at home. Be this around your family or with that roomie if you have one. You won’t tolerate any outdated assumptions that certain tasks will be undertaken by those of a certain gender identity. Ditch the outdated for something more fluid.
If looking for love this week yes, the meeting between the Sun and Neptune promises more than just eye candy but do ensure you get to know the real person behind that facade. Your creative and psychic skills soar and you also come across to others as dusted with what can only be called golden era Hollywood glamour. Work that like a star, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: Glamour, pleasure, romance, attraction. This is a stand-out cycle for you Scorpio where you can command attention or draw what you need to you effortlessly. While enjoying yourself in the process. Others swipe right on you. Enjoy.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (3rd)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (5th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (4th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)
Write some more equal money rules
Open a door to living large
Find that sense of belonging
Themes around equal pay, equality and discrimination could explode – especially if they have been simmering below the surface for a while. Vesta’s meeting with Pluto on the 7th asks if all is fair in love and rewards, Sag. You could find out a colleague is getting paid more than you for doing the same job based on their gender identity for instance. Others could feel disempowered around their money or made to feel that your financial goals aren’t important.
Live it large
If these themes surface either at home or work, you are unlikely to keep quiet about them now as Vesta moves off into your 3rd. That aside, there is a new level of satisfaction and attainment to be found for all Sagittarians closer to home now thanks to the massive stellium in your 4tFind h house. Mercury’s arrival in here on the 10th favours real estate dealings but ruler Jupiter in here is working for most of ‘22 to expand your lifestyle/living space.
Some of you may be entering into discussions or deals around house moves, expanding your current home or even your career. Anything and everything which underpins or enhances your sense of belonging and place. It could be time to send those roots deeper or else pull them up entirely and plant yourself somewhere new. The Sun’s meeting to Neptune brings those needs to the surface or illuminates that sense of place. You’ll know what move or where is exactly right for you, Sag. Live large in ‘22.
In a nutshell: Money is neutral and fluid which is why it is called ‘currency’. Don’t allow outdated ideas prevent you from experiencing abundance. Where in the world do you want to call home? Doors to it open wide for you, Sag.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (2nd)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (4th)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (3rd)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)
Find new ways to move that message
Do you see things equally?
Ideas take you higher and further
The implications of the Vesta/Pluto meeting in your sign on the 7th could be huge when it comes to seeing how your ideals around gender align to someone else’s. You could find your values at odds with theirs. You are willing to discuss this and to put it right but are they? If you find yourselves at odds, unless there is a shift by one side or another, you may diverge on this difference of opinion permanently.
Your ideas are yours so do own them now as Mercury joins what it a massive mega-stellium in ts ruling 3rd. Commerce, business, communication – all these things dominate now. Everything from that CV to that screenplay, podcast, commute, your devices, your social media feed, YouTube channel and message.
Moving pictures and ideas that move you
The Sun’s meeting to Neptune on the 13th is about to take something around these to the next level. Anything you say or ‘put out’ there has the ability to resonate with people on an extremely deep level now. This can be as simple as a personal conversation you have with one interested party such as that potential date or employer, or go bigger and more viral with that internet presence. You may invest in new devices to communicate further and better. That camera, phone, microphone, lights, training. Or others may upgrade their personal form of transport. Travel may also feature for some of you. What moves you in terms of getting around or ideas takes you further. For this reason alone, don’t be held back by small minds and small ideas, Capricorn. Let that message take you further.
In a nutshell: You are the message and the messenger. The idea and the movement this week, Cappy. Time to explore how far what you send out or receive back can possibly take you. Barriers to communication dissolve. Reach out and touch more people than ever.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (3rd)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (2nd)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)
Communicate those values
Know what money does and doesn’t buy you
True abundance is choice
The start of the week may see you taken aback when someone voices their true feelings around an equality issue. Perhaps you have been assuming everyone is as evolved as you are, Aquarius. This may tell you otherwise as Vests and Pluto meet in your 12th.
Vesta quickly moves on from this heading for your 1st on the 11th. And along with Mercury moving into your 2nd from the 10th, you wont hesitate to make your own feelings known on the subject. Especially if what you hear is at odds with them.
Cash up into freedom and prosperity
Values, self-worth and your money will be at the heart of what you say and do now. All the way up until May this year and then again in the last quarter of it. If you are focused on changing up your money story or your relationship to it, you can literally write a new happily ever after around you and your cash. Or simply that self-esteem and expectations. Mercury joins the Sun, Jupiter and Neptune in here and the Sun and Neptune meet this week. You may explore new sources of income and get more creative with what you already have. In other words, you may feel richer because you utilise those resources in new ways.
Chances are its not really money you’re after but choices. And yes, I do understand that money buys you those, Aquarius. If you don’t have enough cash your choices can run to Hobson’s. At the same time however, think about the number of people with more than enough who simply become slaves to status or are ‘owned’ by the possessions they have amassed. An example of this would be the person who saves to buy the high end car but then keeps it in the garage as they are afraid it will be damaged. This year offers you an opportunity like no other to earn, have and appreciate more. Just ensure money buys you freedom.
In a nutshell: Money, money, money, Aquarius. Time to embrace a new kind of spiritually rich feeling as the Sun and Neptune meet this week. Ensure the money you make buys you freedom and choices. It’s about abundance – go with the dough!
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (12th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (2nd)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (1st)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)
Love reaches across time and space
Align with your purpose
Share your journey with others
A beautiful divine alignment occurs in your sign this week as the Sun and Neptune reach out and hold hands across time and space. You are in turn linked to the entire quantum of possibilities, Pisces. Time to ask yourself what it is you are truly seeking now. And to understand that the planets in your sign are working with you to bring this so much closer.
Part of this process may involve saying goodbye to people that you no longer share a resonance with. Perhaps along the way your values diverged without you realising it. You may see the world (and them) very differently and the meeting between Vesta and Pluto in your11th on the 7th may bring about a situation that hammers this home. Days later, Vesta will move on into your 12th and there will be no going back to seeing things (or them) the same way.
Reach that potential
Mercury will join the planetary party in your 1st from the 10th asking you to share yourself and your ideas with others in new ways. This is a wonderful time for self-promotion on every level. Sharing yourself is the ultimate way to elevate the energy around you in a joyful, positive way. Set an example now and reach out and touch the lives of those you encounter in a positive way. There’s a saying all the world loves a lover. You don’t need one to fall in love with life. But having said that, if you are seeking one or anything else for that matter, your ruler beams in fated mates and divine possibilities. You radiate potential and purpose now. Live it to the full, Pisces.
In a nutshell: The Sun and your ruler Neptune reach out across time, space and dimension to bring you new possibilities and a personal pathway towards your dreams, Pisces. Don’t be held back by the small minds of others now. Soar and explore the amazing potential around you.
Mar 7 2022 Vesta conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (11th)
Mar 10 2022 Mercury enters Pisces (1st)
Mar 11 2022 Vesta enters Aquarius (12th)
Mar 13 2022 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)
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