Weekly Astrology November 27th 2023 Forecast for All Signs

gemini full moon

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Your sensei senses inspire

Be an original thinker

Saying everything means listening more

Draw on those original idea and explore, explore, explore alternatives this week, Aries. Put them on the table especially if you end up dealing with someone determined to stick to their guns. Your inner wisdom is there to guide you and also inspire.

There’s a need to gather knowledge and also apply what you have already learned under this week’s full Moon in your 3rd. Also, to understand that communication is a two-way street. And sometimes we forget to listen thus loosing what the other person is really saying in translation. This is powerful magic if we just pause and ask ourselves what the emotion really is behind what someone may be saying. And will always lead us towards the right solution or Q&A which results in better understanding. Your sensei senses are working overtime to provide this. Follow up and don’t dismiss that nudge from your subconscious as to the direction you need to take. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

Mercury, planet of communication and ruler of Gemini, is slowing down even as it enters your 10th this week. This works in your favour as you will weigh up those words before speaking. Best day for tabling that discussion, holding out an olive branch or simply being open to listening – the 2nd when Mercury aligns to Saturn, ruler of your 10th. That inspired way forward to begin that win/win or find that common ground follows. Or ideas receive the ignition they needed.

In a nutshell: You so get communication is a two-way street. What is someone really saying? You’re listening more and looking for the emotion behind the words under this week’s full Moon in Gemini. Inspiration strikes when it comes to those ideas. Or the meaning behind what they’re trying to say.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 12th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (3rd)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (9th to 12th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (10th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (10th to 12th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 10th)


Shine a light on what’s really worth it

Yes, you ARE enough, Taurus!

What’s the real bottom line?

The light of the full Moon illuminates your 2nd house and also the one opposite it – your 8th, this week. You have a full house of planets in your 8th also. The Sun, Mercury up until the 1st, Mars and Ceres. This light is set to show you the difference between your fears and concerns about money or even your self-worth. And what the reality actually is. Call it an accounting or lunar audit if you like. And prepare for the bottom line to be revealed!

I promise you things will add up, dear Taurus! Insecurities are often illusions and this full Moon dispels them for you. If you have been misled into thinking you are not enough – just the way you are, not worthy of that raise, promotion, support system, love – this Moon guides you towards that lodestone of truth. And a shift that follows releases you from that particular prison of thinking.

There’s another side to this. You have proof positive that you are capable, talented, deserving and even have the material results to back that up. But you still worry this won’t be enough. Perhaps your motivation is you at your most generous and kind hearted – you want to ensure your loved ones and children are taken care of. But do ensure that as well as giving them what is needed materially, your pursuit of this doesn’t make you too busy to be available to them.

You may just be providing for yourself. But if it’s resulted in a constant pedal-to-the-metal cycle to get more, do count the actual cost of that over the long term, dear heart. Mercury enters your 9th this week (1st). And while it is slowing down (take care travelling), it is concerned with your freedom and ability to enjoy life. This week tosses any limiting beliefs around money, your earning ability or just your ability to take time for yourself, out the window. Add up the benefits of that, Taurus. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

In a nutshell: A full Moon of revelation in your 2nd exposes the bottom line on a key issue. And shows you how to value yourself more. That includes valuing yourself enough to make time for yourself and your own needs. A little reset turns out to be priceless.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 11th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (2nd)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (8th to 11th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (9th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (9th to 11th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 9th)


Give yourself the gift of your own power

Daring duets and dynamic duos feature

Explore your emotional truth

This week’s full Moon in your sign shines its light back into your house of opposite numbers – Sagittarius. Just who is illuminated, Gemini? Is it that person whose messages crowd your inbox? Your spouse or live-in boo? That ride or die? Your fellow mischief maker? Or does it instead hang a Situation Vacant sign up as you realise there’s a gap to be filled?

If it happens to be the latter, don’t over-compensate by plummeting head first into cuffing season. Love and relationships (or lack thereof) – just thoughts around these can make you extra sensitive under this full Moon. And also act as triggers. Single or settled, it’s about your emotional strength and power, Gemini. And in gifting yourself this if needed now.

Your usual openness and outgoing nature may be replaced by you feeling you need to emotionally protect yourself. You are either extremely comfortable and feel safe around who you are with. Or those barriers go up. Do look closer at your reactions as they may in fact be an accurate barometer of deeper feelings you may not have been aware of. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

That super-sensitivity also hands you enhanced creativity and psychic gifts. And yes, this does allow you to tune in to others’ emotional states as well. In fulfilling their needs however, don’t neglect your own. This week sees ruler Mercury shift into your 8th. Even as it slows preparing for Retro 2.0. This is the point where you understand those emotions which emerged do in fact stem from something real and concrete. You’re not exaggerating and are justified in feeling those feels. Whether its blissful closeness, lack of connection with that special someone or an empty space that needs to be filled, the 2nd and 3rd are the days to talk and go deeper. In your vulnerability lies your strength, Gemini.

In a nutshell: The full Moon in your sign makes you super-sensitive to the opinions, feelings and opinions of others. Don’t over compensate by going into self-protection mode. One relationship is front and centre. Or is that a vacancy in your life waiting to be filled?

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 10th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (1st)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (7th to 10th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (8th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (8th to 10th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 8th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Start that soul MOT

Know how you deserve to be treated

Insight hands you the right choice

The full Moon in your 12th is one of the most mysterious and mystical of the year for you, Cancer. You are three weeks away from your annual lasting love and partnership peak. And this is a good time to have a Love MOT. Look to the state of your union(s) as well as what you want from partnerships in the upcoming cycle.

Do look closely at any connections – friends, working relationships, business unions and collaborations, as well as romantic partnerships, that may be changeable, blow hot and cold, subject to self-destructive behaviour, pity parties or even where you feel you don’t know where you stand or the person is withholding. You are the mate who deserves to be respected, valued and loved, Cancer. Are you getting this? Any concerns need to be faced clearly and cleanly.

This lunar cycle prepares you for the next stage which is why it is so important you take a reality check. Are you single? Seeking? Look at those qualities you’re looking for in a partner and add creative, imaginative, curious, artistic and empathic to your list if they are not already on it. Believe me, these qualities along with shared values and goals are what are most likely to lead to something lasting for you as Mercury lands in your 7th (1st).

‘Tis the season to be jolly and singles may encounter someone who could fit the bill as they get festive. Mercury is slowing down in your 7th in preparation for full retrograde. Time to revise that dating profile or list of deal makers if one of your goals for ‘24 is to find that perfect match. Others find that the enhanced insights they draw down from this week’s Moon define the next stage of a particular duet. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

In a nutshell: A mysterious full Moon in your 12th draws you a clear picture of elements you may not have seen before in a relationship. Or what you need for a future one, Cancer. Incorporate the wisdom that only deep lunar magic can bring you!

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 9th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (12th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (6th to 9th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (7th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (7th to 9th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 7th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

Who is that agent for change?

Show your true colours – no shade

The right scene is where you’re seen

Your 5th house is lit this week with the Sun, Mercury (until the 1st), Mars and Ceres crowded in here. Someone may be trying to rain on your parade however. Maybe its jealousy. Maybe simply misery loves company. Or just plain bad manners. You may feel judged, restricted, held back. This may even be subtle, shady and could have been going on for longer than you think. Has your generous Leo heart been making excuses for someone’s bad behaviour? If so, you’ll draw a line. It may be overdue, Leo.

Don’t allow anyone or anything to interfere with that glow. Validation and the ability to be seen, celebrated and accepted as yourself are what you should rightfully expect under a full Moon in your 11th. Someone could enter your circle, your feed or drop into your DM’s who acts as a catalyst or agent of change. Above all, they are instrumental in showing you how you should be seen. And support or offer that for you. If there is a contrast between how they are and how someone else is acting towards you, they will merely highlight this.

Love and even success could follow. Certainly you’ll unfurl those true colours and talents under this full Moon. Yes, it is time to party and play. If you are socialising – do be on the lookout for the individual I described!

Mercury is on the move this week into its ruling 6th (1st) where it will retrograde later in December. So, take it that its ability to create confusion, chaos, change and cancellations will be increased. If this week sees a change in plans however, this could simply work to your advantage. If one plan gets cancelled that alternative on offer could see you in the right place, at the right time, making that oh-so-right connection. Party on and also check your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

In a nutshell: Is that a friend or a frenemy, Leo? Expect the full Moon in your friendzone to expose the difference. Don’t allow anyone to dull that sparkle by trying to throw shade over you. Someone may act as an much needed Agent for Change.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 8th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (11th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (5th to 8th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (6th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (6th to 8th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 6th)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Three’s your magic number

Create an emotional success story

Go for the slow burn

The silvery Moon in your 10th highlights success and rewards for you. Comfort and security are your main goals under it. And also the ideas you’ve acted on or initiated which have led to this. Long term results you can rely on. And as well as in business or materially, you’ll seek that in love now too.

If the Moon is in your 10th then it opposes the Sun in the Moon’s ruling 4th. Progress, prosperity and your willingness to put in the effort to attain what you want are what are highlighted for you. Also the emotional take-out you get from achieving something you set out to do. Which is often the most rewarding and lasting element of our success story. Ensure yours includes that. Especially if under this full Moon you find yourself thinking about a new career path or challenge. Is this the missing element you need to truly feel you’ve succeeded?

Now for the secret sauce! Look to any work or career dynamic which involves you and two others. This is about a triumphant trio (or could be), as opposed to a dynamic duo. Variations include you, your boss and that client. You, your manager and their boss above them. You being part of a team made of three. Threes the charm under this full Moon. A new take on the triangle if you like. Without any of ‘It’s complicated’. Thrupple up in some way and you may just boost your chances of success. If you are interviewed by two others or pitching to two, sit up, take note and bring that boss game.

If you have something to celebrate, like the successful completion of that project or win, who compromises the two you want to celebrate with? Ruler Mercury says invite more than one as it crosses into your sector of joy and pleasure (1st). Go out with two other friends. Two family members. Easy, peasy three-sy. Triple that success factor. Triple your fun.

In a nutshell: The full Moon in your success sector highlights your progress to date. And can deliver rewards, recognition, boost your rep and offer that next step up. The power of three is in play. You and two others. Celebrating? Or simply planning what your next big move will be?

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 7th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (10th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (4th to 7th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (5th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 7th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 5th)

weekly astrologyLIBRA

Follow your own North Star

Ideas take you further but emotion fuels them

Move on up!

You’re transcending, traveling or otherwise moving forward under the energy of the full Moon in your 9th, Libra. Writing, studying, publishing, the mass media, the internet, content creation may form part of this experience for you. Whatever you have to share or say, and the bigger the message or emotion behind it, the more you need to send it out under this full Moon.

If you are actually going places – as in traveling from point A to point B as opposed to going places status-wise (also a form of travel so a distinct possibility!), do keep in mind that this full Moon is in Mercury’s ruling sign and that Mercury is retro-shady in your 9th which rules all this. Yes, it’s Retro Lite instead of Full Fat, which begins later in December. It does, however tell you to factor in delays and cancellations. You may not need it, but it is better to have that Plan B with you than need it and not have it!

The other element to this is big news you have been waiting on arriving. Something peaks, culminates and releases you into a fresh cycle of opportunity and expansion. You get to cement your path or direction for the foreseeable future. If adventure calls in the form of a new love interest, expect someone curious, youthful no matter their age, who loves the spontaneous and hates predictability.

Your path, purpose and the ability to author that will shortly become a driving force in your life as the planets move into your 4th. Starting with Mercury this week. One thing is certain, Libra. You get to follow your own North Star. And straight on until morning. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

In a nutshell: Ideas sprout wings or news sends you in a fresh direction. If opportunity or solutions appear for you this week, chances are they stem from something you sent out, shared or started. You’re proof you create your own luck, Libra.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 6th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (9th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 6th)c

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (4th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (4th to 6th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 4th)


Clear away the old to make way for the new

Make room for fire and passion

Transformation and alchemy are the chemistry of change

The powerful and intense energy of the full Moon in your 8th sees you poised on the verge of one phase and ready to enter the next one. You are always ‘at home’ with 8th house energy as your sign is the 8th house in the traditional zodiac. So, where others want to run away and hide, your attitude is ‘Bring it on’!

Under the Moon’s watchful presence this week you will confront any remaining resistance to entering into the upcoming cycle that can only be initiated by embracing change. Perhaps its just a change in your own thinking. It could be something you’ve known for a while needs to be released. Especially if it no longer fulfils your emotional needs, phoenix. By letting go you free up essential energy and resources that can now be channelled into the new, the exciting, the fulfilling. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

If this means saying no to someone and you’re hesitating about telling them over concerns about hurting their feelings (as yours always run so deep you are super-sensitive to those of others), simply do a 180o on how you see this. By telling them you free up your own energy. And also theirs. That’s kindness. Do see it this way.

There’s fire of passion and intention behind this full Moon and you’ll also seek that out in your intimate connections. Nothing tepid or so-so. However, don’t stray too far on to the wild side in your search for intense experiences. Mercury leaves your 2nd and heads into its ruling 3rd on the 1st. Its retrograde occurs in there later this coming month. Anything you’re keeping under wraps under the full Moon may then come tumbling out in ways you may not like. Make this week one of truth telling, Scorpio. That could be just the change you need to welcome in.

In a nutshell: Dance in the vortex of transformation under this week’s full Moon. Embrace empowerment and the call to make changes in your life in the name of passion! Let go of what no longer brings that to make way for the new.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 5th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (8th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 5th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (3rd)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 5th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 3rd)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Who’s the one with whom you never run out of things to say?

Relaunch? Don’t keep that new look under wraps

Special someone? Is that you?

Who is that special someone with whom you have so much to talk about, share or explore? A full Moon in Gemini and your 7th is always about one particular double act, dynamic or dramatic duo or duet. Or even on occasion that duel. Of course, this could just be the duel of a debate. The heated exchange of ideas. Does it seem like foreplay however? This full Moon brings out the flirt in you. Plus the desire to experiment, Sag!

Yes, that mental sparring partner can be your lover. But it can be that ride or die, collaborator, mentor, close working connection or even in some cases, your sibling as your 7th is ruled by Gemini – the sign of the twins.

Two people can come together under this full Moon with a specific goal in mind. Of course for loved up Sagi’s this is a fabulous night for date night. Or to meet that potential new boo for the first time. In fact, if that swipe isn’t that keen to take this into the real world now, this may be your cue to swipe elsewhere.

You’ve a full house of power planets (Mars and Ceres) in your sign. When you’re hot you’re hot. But right now you’re sizzling Sag. I do hope you know how to use this. Push forward with plans and bring something to a stage of completion now. New look? No better time to dance it out than under this full Moon. More in your Full Moon in Gemini Moonscope.

Mercury switches signs and enters your money zone from the 1st. Like Arnold it will be back however. Right now its in retro-shady mode. The shadows will increase shortly. Yes, this gives you time to refine any changes to your image, brand, content and even your online life. And also decide what you want from relationships. It also tells you know where your money is going and only spend on what increases that feeling of true worth. Because with all the focus on someone special, don’t neglect your own specialness. You know what always gives you that. Experiences in other words, Sag. Priceless.

In a nutshell: Flirting gets elevated to Olympic level under the full Moon in your 7th. Who is it that you have so much to talk about with? You’re so up for the debate this week. Whether its world politics or simply love that’s up for discussion. Sag.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 4th)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (7th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (1st to 4th)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (2nd)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 4th)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 2nd)


That thought process delivers your answer

Let your energy levels be your guide

Prioritise self-care

What’s been on your mind, Capricorn? If you have been weighing something up, the pros and cons, analysing, mulching, fact checking, the full Moon in your 6th boosts that process for you. Extra clarity or information could arrive.

However, some of you may need to heed what this energy is telling you if this relates to a time out, social media detox or a much-needed soul recharge. Watch your energy levels under this full Moon as this is your house of wellness and well-being. Your body or even your skin could be extra sensitive. You could react to something you eat or even apply. You’ll know if those habits are worth continuing. Or if you need to overhaul them.

If you feel alive, energised and want to power ahead and complete something – this full Moon favours bringing projects, ideas and content to a key stage, then by all means continue. If you find you are running on empty or literally hit a wall, then its time for a down-shift and to open to this full Moon’s re-energising properties.

The Moon is in Mercury’s ruling sign and house in your chart. So, we have to pay close attention to Mercury’s arrival in your sign this week. Is there something you have been putting off attending to? Especially if it relates to work, self-care, your routine, habits or overall wellbeing. This can be anything from delaying getting that health check up (telling yourself you’re too busy), to fuelling your body with over-processed foods, to feeling generally overwhelmed by all you have to do. Mercury hands you clarity and prioritises what you need to do. It stops procrastination in its tracks. Or shows you some things – like looking after yourself, are too important to ignore.

Check in with your inner wisdom, your energy level and what your body is saying this week. A recharge could see you rebooted, renewed and ready by the time the Sun brings your birthday season. That’s a date that’s too important to miss. So don’t be afraid to schedule a date with self-care in preparation.

In a nutshell: If you conclude a step you need to take, you didn’t arrive at it overnight. You’ve been weighing things up for quite some time. The action you need to take is obvious under this week’s full Moon, Capricorn. Check your Moonscope for more.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 3rd)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (6th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (12th to 3rd)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (1st)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 1st)


Don’t allow the past to spoil the present

Attraction begins right now

Love where or who you’re with!

Don’t lose track of the fact the Sun, Mercury (until the 1st), Mars, and Ceres are having a party in your social sector. Where you go, who you know, play, and who you play with – team players and also who you draw to you, are all important this week.

Love the one you’re with is the playful message of the full Moon in your 5th. Friendships are cemented by shared interests, ideas or experiences. Above all, this is a full Moon which wants you to be fully present in the moment and express your true self in some way. What it does not want for you is for you to be looking back at ‘the way we were’. Getting over-sentimental over a lost love for instance. Or thinking that the good times are behind you. Look to any emotional attachments to the past that surface under it. Are you focussing on unrequited love? If so it could be getting in the way of reciprocated love right now.

What about those unfulfilled dreams and desires? That’s a better focus as you can actually do something about them! This is one of the best full moons under which we can attract outstanding results for our projects, plans, and ideas. What we create, launch, share and send out. Being in the moment means acting in it. So, if you have something to apply for, pitch on or simply share, you can weave that extra bit of allure and magic into it. Action is what activates the Law of Attraction. So, just do it.

This full Moon wants you to experience pleasure, enjoyment, romance, or good times with others. Or open the way for this to happen. Mercury leaves you 11th for your 12th on the 1st. It won’t be in here long as its retro-shady and will reverse shortly heading back to your 11th again. But this will also allow you to reclaim the goals that still tug on you to make them real. Some dreams need to be let go of as they prevent new ones from coming true. Others call on us to return to them to make them happen. You’ll know which is which this week.

In a nutshell: Playful, flirtatious, romantic, pleasure seeking. What’s not to love about this week’s full Moon in your 5th, Aquarius? Fall in love with the present moment. And don’t allow past regrets to stop the Law of Attraction flowing your way.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 2nd)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (5th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (11th to 2nd)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (12th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (12th to 2nd)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 12th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Find your place of emotional safety

Decode what your body is saying

Revivals find a new place in your heart

Double up on that sensitivity and lunar energy as the full Moon appears in its ruling 4th and the sign of the double act – Gemini. You may want to spend some time decompressing under it. You may seek out those simple home comforts. Yes, that includes comfort food, Pisces. People who feel like home will be those you want to be around. If there aren’t any who fit this description, you’ll be quite happy to spend this time alone. With what nurtures and supports your every sense and essence.

If you are socialising, you will yearn for familiar places and faces. It’s important under the influence of the full Moon in this house to look at how ‘in tune’ you are with your body’s rhythms and its needs. And to honour those. Yes, you can ditch the diet or fasting for just one night. Or give a polite No, thanks to that invitation to that gathering you know may be an assault on those heightened senses. At least for now.

Your emotions may need expression. Do you have someone you can talk them through with? Or some of you may need to draw on your own reserves of empathy and compassion as a friend or even family member may want to unload on you. You bring an enhanced awareness of their emotional experience which stems from a deeper understanding of your own journey.

Don’t worry, you won’t stay in cocooned, hermit mode, Pisces. Days after the full Moon has withdrawn its searchlight, Mercury arrives in your 11th ahead of your yearly social and goal setting peak. This is when you’ll re-emerge from introspection and soul exploration. Because Mercury is in retroshadow and about to head into full reverse, this offers an opportunity to revive and reconnect to old friends. As well as look seriously at whether some old goals still crave fulfillment, Pisces. Do they meet an unanswered emotional need? If so, head back towards that old dream. Renewal happens after you recharge those resources.

In a nutshell: A full Moon in its ruling 4th boosts your creativity, your psychic abilities but also your sensitivity, Pisces. It’s totally okay if you feel the need to withdraw, cocoon and self-protect. Seek out old friends or revive past goals. Something still holds resonance – and meaning for your future.

27 Nov 2023 Ceres in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 1st)

27 Nov 2023 Full Moon in Gemini (4th)

27 Nov 2023 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (10th to 1st)

1 Dec 2023 Mercury enters Capricorn (11th)

2 Dec 2023 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (11th to 1st)

3 Dec 2023 Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 11th)

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