Weekly Astrology September 18th 2023 Forecast for All Signs

libra main

weekly horoscope aries seasonARIES

Fall in love with love

Right or wrong – you’ll know

Charisma is your superpower!

You have to be in love when the Sun reaches your 7th, Aries. Or at the very least, in love with the idea of love. Or an idea. You feel overflowing with so much love to give. Like the Ace of Cups in the Tarot which perfectly captures the essence of this transit. You’re overflowing with good feelings. And seeking that outlet to express them.

And yes, if you’re saying it, you do mean it, Aries. Because while you have so much to give you’re not wasting it either. If you are seeking any kind of double act dynamic duo – now is the time to put yourself out there. The Sun helps you not only attract that potential fellow mischief maker or partner-in-crime, but assists you in making the right choice. It’s not your concern you are radiating so fiercely others are drawn to you. But just because you attracted them doesn’t mean they are a keeper. Hey – your charisma right now is not your concern. But it’s a superpower for sure.

Single or settled, you are after the key one-to-one union. If it’s right – it’s so good nothing else comes close. But oh baby – if it’s wrong you’ll see you’re running for the finish line dragging a dead weight behind you. Watch for examples around the 19th. The upside is if you have to let go, this cycle makes it easier on everyone’s feelings – yours and theirs.

In a nutshell: This week begins your annual partnership peak. When duets, double acts, duos and duels feature. You’re filled to the brim with love and good vibes to share. Are you set to fall – or are in fact rising in love now?

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (7th)

weekly astrologyTAURUS

Stick with that joyful mindset

Take care of business

Welcome to the real world!

Don’t shirk the work! You’re exiting your annual peak of pleasure and indulgence this week. And as a result may come down to earth with a bump. The workaday, mundane world calls you back from Love Island. However, like all good trips you’re coming back with a permanently changed mindset when it comes to priorities. You’ve seen how important creating, playfulness and abandoning yourself to joy is. You’re recharged and feeling good. There’s no need to lose that vibe as the Sun crosses into your 6th.

You do however have to take care of business, Taurus. This is the point where if you began a new love affair during the Sun’s transit of your 5th, you get to see how it evolves to fit into your real world of job, studies, daily responsibilities and routine and all the other demands on your time. Friends, family, the internet. Reality is like an alarm clock – waking you up out of dreamland and into the light of day. Welcome to real world romance.

The next month asks you do the work – no matter whether this is paid or unpaid. How do love and work exist together in your world? This is where you get to come up with something that works for you – or the two of you. You’ll streamline everything from your desktop to your priorities to create this. And sure, it sounds unromantic to be scheduling date night but that also says love remains your priority no matter what else you have going on. Want to change jobs? Now is the time to prioritise that search. You’ve a yearning for the pristine and the perfect. You know less is more. And one is all you need – when it’s the right one.

In a nutshell: The past month has taught you the importance to play, fun and joy. Keep the connection even as the real world of what needs to be done intrudes. Yes, you CAN find the perfect work/love/life balance, Taurus. Hold on to joy.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 9th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (6th)


Follow your bliss

Radiate and you attract

Get footloose!

Truth about where you are, the path you’re on or a close dynamic allows for you to shift or make a key decision this week. Think of this as simply clearing the way for enjoyment, buzzy good times, letting loose and love, Gemini!

The vibe is all footloose as the Sun dances into your 5th on the 23rd. Single as a Pringle? You’re so ready to mingle. What’s more – you should have no problem attracting that potential love interest as your joyful, upbeat glow acts like a magnet. The Sun rules this house so is at its most expressive and expansive. And your 5th is the sign of Libra – the balanced scales and ruled by Venus. This is where you can become your most glowing, radiant and yes, indulgent. And also redress any imbalances in your life. Such as all duty and no delight. Which is why I advised tackling something once and for all at the start of the week.

The secret to getting the most from a 5th house transit is to simply follow your bliss and put yourself out there. Whether you are seeking love or not. Be playful, generous with your time and praise for others, share and shine. Let go of worries about what others think and free your inner child. Time spent with children – your own or others, or those younger than you, opens your heart and also brings new and satisfying experiences. Cut loose for the next month, Gemini!

In a nutshell: Enter a divine balancing act between what you know you must to – and what you want to do. It’s okay to cut loose once in a while and this week opens up a portal to indulging yourself just a little. Or a lot.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (5th)

july horoscopesCANCER

Ensure you give to yourself what you give to others

New directions open up

Time to make home centered moves

You are at your most compassionate and empathic this week. Nothing phases you. You radiate acceptance, understanding and non-judgement. That is why others will be gravitating towards you, Cancer. And please, direct all these qualities towards yourself in the ultimate act of self-forgiveness if need be as the Sun enters your 4th.

Your ability to understand and empathise – and also take a ‘No biggie’ position – no matter if it IS a biggie, provides the safe harbour others need. You are a refuge for the next month. But also you are no push over either. Once you have given all the emotional support needed you effortlessly turn into a powerhouse of practicality when it comes to what needs to be done next.

You’re ‘at home’ with the energy in here. Decisions can be made around family, lifestyle and living arrangements during this cycle. If something has become too confining – or it you have simply outgrown it, the way ahead becomes clear this week. All thanks to the Sun’s aspects to Neptune in your 9th and Pluto back in your 7th. You and your significant other could decide on a new direction together. And that move could just as easily involve a change of roles as it could premises. Again, no matter the logistics – no biggie, Cancer.

In a nutshell: In your desire to care for others – don’t leave yourself out of the equation, Cancer. Others may turn to you as a wellspring of compassion, non-judgement and practical advice. But don’t leave yourself out of the mix! Find your refuge – within you.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (4th)

monthly horoscope augustLEO

The more questions you ask, the closer you get

Share your story

Conversations open doors

The fact you want to get to the heart of the matter is what boosts your attraction factor as your ruler enters your 3rd, Leo. The more questions you ask and interest you take – the more others want to be around you. And look at you with thinly disguised adoration. The fact is – you ARE genuinely interested. You want to know. Facts fascinate you as do other people’s stories.

Yes this makes you a force to be reckoned with when it comes to that interview process or even dating. That list of questions you have has others baring their souls willingly. Because they get you are coming from that place of genuinely wanting to know more about them. People love to tell their stories. And as part of your process over the coming month, don’t forget to tell your own, Leo.

Money and work matters are favoured this week as is your side hustle, social media presence, creative feed, ideas, writing, design and photography and the internet. Share your story. Get dialoguing. Everything you say or write, or even visually communicate conveys so much even in the subtext. It will resonate with your audience be this one or many. And it could just deliver followers or financial rewards for you. Your ruler is in your house of commerce and contracts. You and another party may be jointly saying yes to something after a discussion. Questions lead to the answers you seek. Get talking, Leo.

In a nutshell: Ruler the Sun in your 3rd has you asking all the right questions. And getting the answers in return. Others are drawn to your curiosity and genuine interest. Become a collector of stories. And a sharer of your own.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (3rd)

weekly horoscopesVIRGO

Write a fresh chapter

Find the balance

What’s the story, morning glory?

Who wrote the book of love? You know there are two songs with this title. One by the Monotones (1957). And the other by Peter Gabriel (2004). If you listen to both – you will hear both sides of the Libra scales being expressed in the lyrics. And as the Sun moves into your 2nd on the 23rd – your task is to balance the books – literally. In love and relationships as well as your cash and finances.

Has the Book of Love become ‘long and boring’ to quote Gabriel. Or is it ‘the one that’s true’ to quote the Monotones? Which chapter are you at, Virgo? Venus rules Libra and your 2nd house. The double sided coin of love and money. And self-worth. The good news is that the Sun leaving your sign this week means you are in charge of writing the next chapter. And making it better balanced in both areas of your life.

Lack, a long and boring tale you can’t lift – those are imbalances to be addressed. Funny how when one area of our life improves, others follow. Work on the obvious out-of-whack area – be this love or money, and the other will magically fall into balance. Before the Sun exits your 1st it will oppose Neptune in your 7th. And trine Pluto back in your 5th. That’s both your love and attraction houses illuminated with clarity and fire. Showing you where the books are balanced just right. Or where you need to be fine tuning. Get writing a more balanced story in that love book, Virgo.

In a nutshell: What’s the book of love say, Virgo? Before the Sun exits your sign you get to author a fresh chapter. Watch for a shift in a key area over the next month. And know that when one area changes – others come into alignment.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (2nd)

libra mainLIBRA

Release and move ahead

Partnership karma comes full circle

Happy birthday, Libra!

Happy birthday, Libra. Your new cycle begins as the Sun arrives in your sign. This also applies if you have Libra rising in your chart. Do not be your old self. Time to unveil a fresh facet of yourself. You are thinking differently about yourself. Or you should be. So think about how you convey this non-verbally via your image, look, appearance, style, profile or feed. It’s all in the message you send out.

In the run-up to the new, the Sun highlights an important issue for you around home, wellbeing, work or lifestyle. One final adjustment or release to be made as it aspects both Neptune in your 6th and Pluto in your 4th. Do give this your full attention, Libra. And see this as something to be done and dusted so you make way for the new.

With the South Node back in your sign – and the North in your 7th, this becomes one of the most important reboot periods you’ve experienced since 2005. This is all about the karma between you and someone else. That significant other. Partner-in-crime, double act, fellow mischief maker, dynamic or dramatic duo. If you are seeking to create new relationship karma, there’s no better way to signal your receptivity to it than a change to the outer you which reflects the inner shift within. Existing relationships come full circle now. You are happiest in a union and it is where you achieve your most growth. And can grow your brilliance. Get ready for something next level in love.

In a nutshell: Your birthday brings you one of the most important cycles for love and partnerships that you’ve experienced since 2005! There’s karma to be created between you and someone else. Love comes full circle. The timing – it’s right, Libra.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 4th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (1st)


Yes you DO – need to know

Ask if acting gets you what you want

Close that cycle for keeps

Yes, it’s a Need to Know week and take it – you do need to know, Scorpio. Before the Sun exits your 11th for your 12th on the 23rd it opposes Neptune in your love and creativity zone and trines ruler Pluto in your 3rd of news, communication and the internet. What is exposed or what you read or hear is an important message which needs to be taken on board.

Maybe this is news you have been waiting on. Or perhaps just confirmation of that gut feeling you’ve had for a while now. It may relate to something you need to change about yourself. Or act as a revelation and guiding star for the next two years. Whatever it is – hold on to its truth. You may choose to sit with it for a while rather thaan take immediate action. The Sun’s arrival in your 12th puts you in an inner, contemplative move.

Above all, before taking action or even having that ‘talk’ – ask yourself if it is likely to get you what you want? Yes, sometimes we shy away from having that discussion because we look at it the same way as we would regard having root canal therapy without anaesthesia. Let’s not even go there! But you need to know the difference between avoidance and taking something on board but realising that any confrontation won’t get you the result you want. Instead you may choose to simply shift your priorities or take a different approach. This may signal to the universe you have evolved to the point you’re no longer required to deal with the situation again. Close that karmic cycle, phoenix. And take a different path.

In a nutshell: Ignorance is not bliss. It’s the opposite, Scorpio. Embrace the facts or the truth behind those ‘gut’ instincts. You’re about to be proven spot-on. And once you see it, ask what actions get you what you want. It may be simply moving on is your best use of the truth.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (12th)

mercury and venus in sagittariusSAGITTARIUS

Welcome your karmic co-creators

If you are owed – you will be paid

Take your future down a fresh path

A brand new cycle of you, others and your goals is in motion as the Sun reaches your 11th (23rd). Who you know, meet, are connected to in the wider sense – friends, groups, associations, bands, movements, clubs, Meetups, unions, parties and your wider circle, takes on fresh significance and fuels your karmic journey. These will be people you have travelled with before. Either in this lifetime already or in a wider, karmic sense.

It’s important to make your very best effort to connect and circulate. To make your social life your main priority now. Your people are waiting for you. But you must have the effort. Who enters your life will impact your destiny. In ways you cannot yet imagine. Shifts around your career or even family and home could bring them into your orbit. It may be one avenue you’ve been on closes but an alternative opens up. If money has been holding you up and you are owed in some way – then the 19th – 21st could see that channel open.

Above all, don’t waste time pursuing friendships where you feel you need to maintain a facade or become someone you’re not. And do understand for the coming month the energy leans towards the universal kind of love that friendships embody. Not the romantic kind. I could say for the next 18 months, one particular friendship or group of people could make you feel like you’ve won the lottery on some level. There’s a big win ahead for you around who you know – or will get to know. Join in, Sag.

In a nutshell: Who you know and meet is set to change your destiny in ways you may not yet imagine, Sag. Goals come into focus as to those who can help make them happen. It’s time to meet your dream team. Get connecting.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (11th)


Say it and serve it piping hot!

Choose your journey

You are meant for bigger things

You’re serving truth and doing what you know needs to be done. And know you have the power to make it happen, Capricorn! You have freedom to choose the path you go down this week. You’re also applying your smarts and what you’ve learned to your decisions. Travel may feature for some due to the Sun in your 9th right up until the 23rd. And your opinions for that matter. Yes, you may be coming across as a cosmic know-it-all especially across the 19th-21st. But what your are saying comes from a place of knowledge and experience. If someone doesn’t like what you’re serving, you are unlikely to let that worry you. Or edit your response for that matter.

There’s a fearless quality about you which you will continue to carry forward with you as the Sun shifts into your 10th (23rd). But now that inner editor does take over. Sure, you may think it but you may keep it to yourself. Ambition and practicality take over. You’re very much ‘on show’ during thiis cycle so how you act and what you say becomes more important. And you are very much aware of their significance. You could be asked to step up, take on a bigger role or be in the public eye. C’mon Cappy, you know secretly you love this and have in fact been waiting for it to happen. So don’t be shy or self-effacing. Ready for your close up? You bet! Rewards and accolades and attention are on offer if you’re due. Be a living breathing fearless truth telling success story this coming month.

In a nutshell: Be ready to step up and into something bigger and more breathtaking, Capricorn. Chances are you already know what you want. So when it’s offered don’t hesitate. You’re serving boldness and realness. It’s an unstoppable combo.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 1st)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (10th)


Step into a wide, wilder world

Just what can you do if you dare?

Embrace the experience!

What’s heading your way over the next month is wild, wonderful and comes under the ‘things that money can’t buy’ heading. Get ready in other words for an emphasis on encounters and experiences, a rollercoaster rides of thrills and also opportunities. And thank the Sun in your 9th for this.

Travel may feature. If not, the world will come calling in some way. That person from overseas or that new ethnic restaurant that you try. You’re in a mood to go there when it comes to taking chances and finding out just what you can get away with. A lot as it happens, Aquarius! Whatever your situation or circumstances you won’t let it define you or hold you back. And that fierce daring is a force for attraction in itself.

Just prior to the Sun switching signs, it opposes Neptune in your 2nd (19th) but trines Pluto now back in your 12th (21st). What you take out from this may in fact act as rocket fuel for what you are about to undertake. You want to change something and you see a way it can be done. That’s where the daring part comes in. All this brings in a feeling of optimism and a belief you are destined for more. Something bigger. Larger than life people may cross your path. Those who walk their path their way – and clearly love it. Anyone from a teacher to a hippie to a CEO or a pilot. They’re a breath of fresh air and represent all the possibilities out there. Follow if you dare.

In a nutshell: Life is about to show you that the best things about it are the people and experiences it offers. You’ve a desire to dare, to try, to explore. And you’ll never discover just what is out there for you – unless you go there.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 12th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (9th)

full moon in piscesPISCES

Discover the glue that binds souls together

Dive into the depths

Embrace your power!

Before the Sun begins its work deepening relationships when it moves into your 8th (23rd), it opposes ruler Neptune (19th) and then ignites Pluto in your 11th (21st). How you see a particular connection may shift as a result. Maybe you suddenly realise someone doesn’t belong in the friendzone after all? Alternatively, you become aware of how they see you.

It’s all important you exit your annual partnership peak with the right people in place, Pisces. This cuts across romantic and marriage partnerships and includes working and any long term dynamic duos. If out of your deep sense of empathy and devotion, you stick with something that no longer works, the upcoming Sun in the 8th transit will feel deadly difficult.

All healthy unions go deeper and get cemented when the Sun moves from your 7th to 8th. This is a power couple transit where if you and someone else are aligned, together you become more than the sum of your individual parts. Knowing you have the power to make things happen – whether you are single or settled, is the key.

You need relationships and sex with depth. Nothing and no-one superficial now. If you are dating and someone reveals a shallow side, be wise and powerful enough to take it no further. You want someone who will dance with mysteries with you. Joint assets and money may also feature. Again, this is going to be about how powerful you feel attracting, changing and handling it. You’ll come to understand the meaning of fate, karma and destiny in the coming month. And your role in making it, Pisces.

In a nutshell: Relationships resonate and show you their hidden depths this week. You need a partner to explore this with. It’s also time to step into empowerment and self-belief. Don’t doubt you have all you need to direct your destiny from here, Pisces.

19 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)

21 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

23 Sep 2023 Sun enters Libra (8th)


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