6th January 2020 Weekly Horoscope Forecast

Aries weekly Horoscope
Surprise, surprise
Sweet Love
Sensual delights
Last week’s New Moon in Leo gave you a deeper understanding where your creative future lays and what you need to let go of to find greater happiness. It might be that you have to let go of negative thought patterns, change your routines or examine your intimate relationships BUT you are genuinely feeling excited and should already be bumping into joyful moments and superb people.
On the 24th Venus opposes Saturn making you question your relationships or butt heads with somebody, this is not the day to chat things through, although it may be a tipping point for you. Having said that there seems to be a wild, open and Tiggerish energy taking you over. You can’t refuse good times.Each moment of life counts and if you’ve been feeling dissatisfied or unhappy you’re determined to shake things up.
Mercury is also trine Uranus on the same day, and Mercury is very cheerful and creative, Uranus in your sign finds you tempted to spit everything out, and it might just bag you the lover or creative project you’ve been lusting after. With Venus sextile Uranus expect an unexpected conversation to reveal what someone is feeling about you. Hot damn! The Sun conjunct Mars on the 27th gives you a peak experience; this is your time for Amore, connect, laugh and allow your passion to be stirred.
In a nutshell – It’s all about the random and unexpected this week as Uranus is showering you with surprises. Love, creativity, and lust are electric.
Weekly Horoscope Taurus
Karma is a gift
Super innovator
Love abundance
Venus, your ruler, is in a serious mood as she opposes Saturn the strict. Is it time to rein in the spending and feasting? You’re torn between wild abandon and being boringly sensible. Why not have both? Be a good little bull at the start of the week and save up for an extravagant experience on the 30th when Venus sextile Uranus is bringing you a fabulous surprise. You’re about to connect with the right souls to help you blossom and stretch. Break your routines and travel in different circles; change brings rewards. What are you waiting for?
Mercury is changing signs on the 26th, and he’s slipping into your happy place. Flirtations, creative spurts, and a renewed sense of optimism and openness are on the way. Texts, Facebook messages, etc. bring a large dose of flirtation and laughter, and this is just the beginning! You’re quite the visionary and have turbo-boosted creative juices. It’s time to shake things up and pour yourself an ideas Mojito.
On the 27th, your focus turns to your home and family as you seek to move things along. You’re starting a project to redecorate, relocate, or gather your clan together for a celebration. Be ambitious about it, but avoid being accidentally amBITCHious! Allow others to have their say. Teamwork gets things done much quicker.
Astrology in a nutshell -, Venus is having a showdown with Saturn, so try not to overindulge until the 30th when your ruler is encouraging you to have a surprisingly good time. Mercury goes to your joyful place, so expect a dash of good news.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Weekly Horoscope Gemini
Ground your brilliance
Peace and love
Venus in your sign has a beef with Saturn. Don’t be surprised if you feel penned into a corner as your relationships are sorting themselves out. All our personal interactions offer us a chance to evolve our soul and learn. Being a mercurial and quicksilver free spirit, you find it hard to compromise, especially if you feel someone is trying to control you. Try to listen to the other person’s point of view before you run for the hills. With Mercury trine with Uranus on the same day, it might be wise to ask your close friends what they think. An important connection pops up and offers you a hand.
The Sun is conjunct with Mars on the 27th, making you feel very forceful about a topic. Yes, you can get your ideas out there and express your visionary style, BUT don’t be pushy about it. You have genius moments, but how you express them will be the difference between success or struggle. Luckily, Venus is sextile to Uranus on the 30th, making you very charming and lovable, so work it, work it!
Astrology in a nutshell – Venus is playing push me, pull me with you. Balance up your desires and be very careful with how you express yourself. A group is very interested in you.
Weekly horoscope Cancer
Enthusiastic momentum
Spiritual dreams
A past life connection
Cancer with Mercury the planet of communication trine Uranus on the 24th, you are in an excellent position to storm ahead. Get your ninja claws out as you’re going to have to be quick. Uranus brings a genius idea that is visionary. Finances and career are well highlighted this week. Sometimes, you’re a bit shy about pushing your ideas forward. However, Mercury and Uranus are helping you be spontaneous, and you should find this immensely gratifying. On the 26th, Mercury is shifting signs, making you much more flexible. You are awash with new thoughts and plans. From this week, you’re able to talk to exactly the right people. Be confident in what you are expressing now as it has been percolating for a very long time. Don’t you think you should give birth to your concepts? In the words of Kung Fu Panda, ‘Embrace your awesomeness’!
On the 27th, the sun is joining forces with Mars the powerful. You are feeling exceptionally vigorous and stubborn on this day. Well, this is great; so is everyone else. Avoid bashing shells with anyone. Meditate before you go to any meaningful negotiations.
On the 30th, Venus is bringing you a soul connection with someone at work. Thanks to your Uranus, this is likely to come as a surprise. Trust the universe, listen to the signs, and use this energy to your advantage. There’s a deeper meaning to your alliances on the 30th.
Astrology in a nutshell – focus focus focus. There is a hidden purpose in much of what happens this week. Use your intuition to ferret out the clues. When it comes to your career, if you play your cards right, you are charmed. Now is the time to express your brilliance.
Weekly Horoscope Leo
Wacky surprises
Be Daring
Love spells
It’s a busy week, Leo! Mercury, the silver-tongued planet of communication, is leaving your sign. While you might be sad to see him go, hopefully, you made the most of his power and charmed the pants off of all of those who crossed your path. Your words were spells, but now it’s time to seal the deal. You are focusing on everything that is important to you. Something may have happened to make you redefine your direction, and now that you’ve come to grips with the change, you’re going to own it. You are ready to make a commitment and go for it. When Mercury trine Uranus, you may get an offer to spread your wings, change your philosophy, or go on a sudden and unexpected adventure. This week, the juice of life lies in travel, expressing your unique soul, and thinking out of the proverbial box. Be an intrepid feline and hunt down the unconventional.
The highlight of the week is when your ruler, the sun, snuggles up to Mars, the passionate, on the 27th. Things are about to heat up, and you are sizzling and more than ready to nab what you want. Anything is possible today, and you are every inch the queen. You’ll push hard to get your desires met. Funnily enough, the less you push, the more gentle and charming you will be and the further you will go. Be your graceful, generous, and warm self, and you can’t go wrong.
With Venus sextile to Uranus on the 30th, you will be invited out to an unusual event or hook up with a fascinating new tribe. Your web skills and social networking will also get some extra magic as Venus gives your reach some love.
Astrology in a nutshell – Queen! You rule this week, especially on the 27th, when your radiant ruler hooks up with dynamic Mars. POWERFUL is not the right word! What are you going to do with all this celestial energy?
Weekly horoscope Virgo
Enchanting words
Psychic revolution
Secret admirer
Hey Sweetie, how you doing? There’s been a lot of change around you recently, and this week you want to do things your way. Fair enough! Having said that, somebody in the family might see things differently as squabbles about work and home get tense. Tune into the abundant spiritual wisdom you have right now; trust your intuition on how to navigate the storm. Mercury, your ruler, is trine Uranus, the unpredictable, on the same day (24th), giving you the potential for an instant genius solution. In other good news, Mercury is entering your sign! Yeah, baby, you are on top form and supremely persuasive. Mercury LOVES being here and brings in all sorts of inspired thoughts and vibrant conversations. You’re brazen, confident, and at ease. Sprinkle your sparkle on people you are drawn to.
On the 27th, if anyone around you has a secret agenda, you should sense it. Expect a soul revelation. You might decide to change addictive or self-destructive behaviour or thinking. Once you make a decision, it’s easy to follow through. You are in tune with the Cosmos and seize the day.
With Venus sextile Uranus on the 30th, you might get a surprise and find out that a colleague or acquaintance is besotted with you. Tempting as it is, don’t tease them unless you mean it!
Astrology in a nutshell– The celestial energy is starting to turn your way. Mercury, your ruler, is entering your sign bestowing you with linguistic super powers. What you say and hear this week has significant meaning.
Weekly Horoscope Libra
Bold and beautiful
karmic conversations
avoid conflict
On the 24th, Venus, your ruler, is tussling with Saturn, the sensible. You might feel as if bossy people were trying to pee on your parade. Perhaps they have your best interests at heart but are just going about it the wrong way? Don’t rise to the bait. Remain calm as Venus is soon going to kick start your revolution. With Mercury trine Uranus also on the 24th, you can gather your tribe to back you up and help you love-bomb any obstacles to clear your path.
Mercury is changing signs on the 26th and awakening your intuitive side. You are very aware and sensitive. You find yourself talking to troubled souls and opening your heart to other peoples’ problems. Try to keep some boundaries so that you don’t drain your energy. Use those psychic skills to suss out a love interest, or you could find yourself falling for a charmer.
The Sun together with Mars bring spectacular energy into your social sector. You’re persistent and forceful as you fire off original ideas. You feel you can conquer any opposition, but be aware that everyone else does as well today! Your enthusiasm is infectious and draws some fascinating collaborators. Social media is a good thing, but whatever happens, DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS. Arguments will water down your progress. What happens on the web is eternal! If you don’t want your great great great grand relatives to read it in 100 years, then don’t write it!
Venus is sextile, shocking, and electric Uranus on the 30th and is offering you a magical mystery tour of love or lust.
Astrology in a nutshell: Venus, your ruler, is taking you on a merry dance. Love, temptation, and intrigue are all possibilities, but try not to get into a power struggle at the start of the week.
Weekly Horoscope Scorpio
Balance in lust
Adapt to fulfill your potential
You’re a Phoenix
Venus the loving has fisticuffs with Saturn the stern on the 24th. Do you have issues with anyone about money or power? You are not in the mood to compromise, but if you end up being stubborn just for the sake of it, you might lose ground. On the same day, Mercury is trine Uranus, allowing you to have zaps of instant insight. Take care of small details, and make a commitment to your career. You’re gutsy enough to pull it off as long as you don’t let paranoia or insecurity get the better of you. Venus is making you sexy as hell and drawn towards role-play and general naughtiness; look out for a lover who initially comes across as controlled.
Mercury is shifting signs on the 26th, giving your social life a turbo boost and shoving you towards the right group. It’s all about teamwork for the next month, with you gravitating towards a soul group who inspire and support you. With the Sun cosying up to Mars on the 27th, you’re relentless about achieving your goals. Keep yourself focused, and whatever you do, don’t get too cocky. This could be your moment. The sun is making you super confident, and Mars gives you the steely determination you need. In the words of Marvel’s Iron Fist (Yes, I’m binge watching on Netflix), ‘Kindness is eternal law.’ Although the cosmos can’t promise you kick ass super powers just yet, you can achieve lasting success if you sprinkle kindness into every negotiation.
Astrology in a nutshell – You are determined to regain your power and show the world what you are made of. Tread lightly. An attraction pops up with someone who is more unusual than you think.
Weekly Horoscope Sagittarius
Wild thing, you make my heart sing
Onwards to a huge adventure
Sexy shenanigans
Venus is opposing dogmatic Saturn at the start of the week, making you demand more freedom. You might find yourself questioning your relationships and wanting to go on a quest to find what’s missing in your life. You hate to be controlled and will fight tooth and nail to do your own thing. Having said that, are you resisting too much? Are you choosing freedom, or do you just want to run away? You know what they say: no matter how far you travel, you will always be there. You have so much potential at the moment; especially when Mercury goes into your career zone, it’s essential you discover what it is that you want. When you form a healthy relationship with yourself and work on your inner voice, anything is possible.
Golda Meir said
‘Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.’
Before you flee a friendship or relationship, ask yourself: are you running away from them or you? The Sun and Mars are tempting you with a road trip, strange thoughts, and a call to the wild, cool — but have a plan. It’s an excellent time to harness your courage and express your original and unique side. Love potential turns around on the 30th as Venus and unpredictable Uranus bring you a stunning evening of passionate possibilities.
Astrology in a nutshell – Dream big, wild one; the Universe is supporting your visions. Make sure you are being honest with yourself and working on your self-belief and esteem. An unexpected, intriguing liaison stirs your feelings.
Weekly Horoscope Capricorn
Sexual power
Psychic intrigue
Ingenious ideas
Capricorn, your week is like the famous Bermuda cocktail, the ‘Dark and Stormy’. It’s tasty, it’s compelling, and it packs a punch. On the 24th, Venus is opposing your ruler, Saturn, and you may feel that someone close to you doesn’t appreciate your newfound sensitivity. Recently, you started to trust your intuition and are using your spiritual inner Google. You know you have all the answers; you sense things and feel that you are trotting towards your destiny. Others might not understand your strange ways of doing things. Be patient, and they will soon catch up, particularly since it should turn out that you are always right!
Mercury is changing signs and bringing unusual and exciting conversations and ideas your way. In many ways, the world is opening up for you. You still have your strength and your eternal tenacious attitude to help you. On the 27th, the sun hooks up with Mars in your primal zone. Expect great extremes around sex, obsession, money, and power. You may be tempted to exert force in a situation or ferret out secrets and subterfuge. Yes, you will be a full-on psychic detective, but do play fair, as Karma is always watching. Don’t go snooping where you know you shouldn’t! You have explosive sexual charisma this week. Use it wisely or not, ha ha!
Astrology in a nutshell – you’re crackling with charisma and sensuality. Yes, you know that someone is telling you stories, but how you reveal this will say a lot about you. Stay on the higher ground and enjoy your newfound power.
Weekly Horoscope Aquarius
Daring Dates
Decisive Moment
All Aquiver
Aquarius, you’re a little torn on the 24th, as Venus and Saturn are kicking off, and you can’t decide whether to go it alone or stick with a team that you feel is controlling you or pulling you down. Your heart is open and full of love and creativity. You’re longing for freedom. Perhaps it is time to move on from a gang of pals or a group you have had ties to? Mercury and your ruler, Uranus, are bringing in a supportive friend or lover who has some excellent advice and could help you decide. Either way, learn from Saturn and have a solid backup plan. You’re innovative and ingenious right now, and when Venus dances with Uranus on the 30th, your inspirations should come together. Oh, and triple check that you believe in yourself! To move forward, you have to KNOW that you can do it and that it’s possible.
Venus is showing you a good time and wants you to indulge in all of life’s pleasures. There are great text-pectations, as texts, emails, and Facebook messages get more and more intriguing. You’re feeling lighthearted and confident enough to get swept up in a lovely connection. Since you are an air sign, how people communicate is very important to you as your mind is one of your largest erogenous zones when people excite you. With Mercury entering your dark and sensual zone, there are plenty of profound experiences coming your way, and you might line up a new lover on the hush-hush or at least fantasise about one. You will also feel unusually forceful when it comes to love. The Sun and Mars are filling you with fiery energy, so if a relationship is not working out, you’re going to lay it on the line. You will remember who you are, and that will be a game changer.
Astrology in a nutshell – Motivated to succeed, you’re thinking of taking control and doing it your way. Love is complex and exciting. You are going after who you want and are determined to sort your love life out.
Weekly Horoscope Pisces
Deep Healing
Family Time
Cocoon Building
Venus is nudging you toward nurturing yourself and those who are close to you. On the 24th, Venus has a run-in with controlling responsible Saturn, which may awaken your inner rebel. There’s a realisation coming about your work-life balance. When these two planets tussle, it’s hazardous to cause a scene or indulge in drama just for the sake of it. Try not to butt heads with anyone in authority until you’ve thought things through. Oh, and if you decide it’s time for a radical change, take a leaf out of Saturn’s book and make a solid plan.
Mercury is also trine Uranus on the same day. Uranus is famous for thinking outside the box and throwing down spontaneous genius. It looks like you’re going to be taking better care of your finances and security and doing a soul inventory to find out what else you need. With Mercury heading into your relationship zone, you want to tend to your emotional life.
The Sun is conjunct Mars on the 27th, creating a fire in your belly for order and balance. Be careful not to push your agenda for clean living on everyone around you; not all of your friends will be a fan of your mung bean stew or your sudden desire to Parkour your way to work. It’s fantastic that you have a strong drive to look after your body and health, but avoid being self-critical or judgmental of your less virtuous friends.
Venus is square Chiron, the wounded healer, on the 30th, as well as Venus sextile Uranus. Your soul is going through a revolution as you heal wounds from the past; it’s hard to face things we would rather ignore, but be a warrior of love for yourself. Uranus brings some thrilling moments and assures you that you are much more secure now than you have ever been. Why? Because you have a healthy relationship with yourself.
Astrology in a nutshell – Share your love with those who are close and cosy up for some home time. A clash at work could have you questioning if you’re on the right track. Emotional healing is bringing you rewards.
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