21st August 2017 Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 23
- Take yourself seriously
- Make a powerful change
- Get ready for recognition
Sell yourself this week, Aries. Not on a soul level of course. But certainly present yourself and your ideas in the best possible light. Power moves can be made and a major career milestone could be reached. Ruler Mars in your 10th makes a power play to Jupiter in Mars’s ancient ruling house in your chart (8th). With Mars also meeting Pluto in here you’ve got the power and the ability to get yourself taken seriously, and the drive and ambition to back it up. The only downside I could see here is that with both Mars and Pluto involved you could find yourself at loggerheads with people in positions of authority and influence. Your determination to succeed at all costs could see you alienate people. But that’s not you now. Head into the dragon’s den and make friends and influence people instead as this week also sees Venus enter your 3rd of ideas and sweet talking. So, you can combine all that ambition with the skill of a career diplomat. In effect furthering your own goals while coming across as someone people want to work with. It’s not just about what’s in it for you, you’re making it clear what’s in it for others. What’s more a fabulous angle between Venus and Chiron in your 1st could just heal any issues around self-confidence or consign impostor syndrome to the past.
Saturn rules your 10th and reminds you that if you take yourself and your talents and skills seriously and act with authority, others reflect this. The results could literally be yours to enjoy as cash in the bank and/or kudos for a job well done. And that added feeling of accomplishment and sky-rocketing self-worth? Priceless.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mars powers your confidence and ambition now. Plus you’ve the ability to impress people in authority and influence people. Time to reap those rewards, Aries.
- Benefits come via partners
- Love and money are linked
- What expands your world?
After the changes you were pushed to make at the start of the year, chances are you’re now experiencing a new kind of freedom, Taurus. You could be seeing the knock-on effect of this across all areas of your life – including partnerships and your bank account. Being a Venus ruled sign you know how these two areas are intrinsically linked. Love well, is lifting you higher now in that Jupiter in your 7th can bring you benefits via a partner (this includes friends and business partners as well as the other kind!), a partnership that expands your world and your experiences or just make you lucky in love. In fact, luck as well as love in all around you now so singles, get out there and work it! This week Jupiter fires up your desire to explore – angling across to fiery Mars in Jupiter’s ruling 9th. It’s your signal for more expansion – that overseas trip, business pitch, look for that job or that new lover. While luck is on your side, don’t take any risks. There’s a big difference between the two. Lucky for you, you have Saturn in your 9th trineing the Sun in your 1st and keeping things real and grounded in reality. Saturn in here allows us to simultaneously see the big picture while paying attention to the details – and the consequences of our actions.
Ruler Venus leaves your 1st this week to arrive in her ruling 2nd. That new kind of freedom also encompasses the financial kind and knowing you have the resources you need to back you up. Some assets are money in the bank. Others are intangible but perhaps even more valuable. If you’re single Venus could deliver a new romance. Self and actual worth boosting opportunities appear. That road to expansion widens. Stop worrying about what others may think. The ones who truly count are already walking the path with you – or are happy to join you.
In a nutshell: Change should have brought you a new kind of freedom. To stop worrying about what others may think. That’s the kind of self-love that attracts the right kind of ‘other’, Taurus.
- Embrace the power of ‘No’
- Get ready for something new
- Love your worth
See everything and everyone you come into contact with this week as a reflection of some part of you. So, what are you being shown? Venus arriving in our 1st is always about our self-worth and ability to attract. What do you believe you are ‘worth’? How you are being treated by the world at large is showing you just where your values lie. And this has nothing to do with what clothes you wear or whether an advertising campaign is telling you that you’re worth it. Mars in his ancient ruling 8th is all about boundaries and these are always a good indicator of how strong our self-worth is. So, you’ve the ability to rebuild, reinforce or reassert these if necessary. Whether it’s that lover who has stood you up at the last minute yet again or that boss who keeps on adding to your workload, as Mars and Pluto both rule your 8th and meet in here on the 26th, the simple power of the word ‘No’ could do more for your self-worth than any designer handbag.
However, Venus in our 1st usually marks the start of something new and beautiful. A love affair, a new opportunity, a makeover, a creative project that allows you to shine. Ahead of your birthday, you’re also in a season of necessary change. This could begin with you adopting a sassier air of self-confidence and extend to you making some big decisions around your career and where you want it to take you in the coming year. It all begins within you and extends out into the world this week.
In a nutshell: The world is reflecting what you think you’re worth back at you this week, Gemini. Decisions around what you are willing to accept result in new better beginnings now.
- What’s the opposite of love?
- Fate is at work
- A key connection tranforms
It’s one extreme or the other when it comes to relationships this week, Cancer. In other words, hot or not, on or off, love or indifference (sorry, the opposite of love is not hate, it’s a complete absence of anything remotely pulse-quickening. The emotional equivalent of foot powder in other words). Mars and Pluto meet in your 7th this week. So, passions will be either peaking or you’re looking at someone and wondering what the hell you thought you were doing. A key connection is about to transform, one way or another. With Mars making an angle of attraction to Jupiter in your 5th of romance, then a frankly irresistible lover could take some from extremely single to extremely smitten very quickly. Fated encounters or an important friendship could be the result of the Sun in your social 11th trineing Saturn who is also in your 7th. Remember this house rules business partners, activity partners and your closest friends too. As well as open enemies. The Pluto/Mars meeting could mark the ending of something or a final go-around or if you are involved in anything from a court case, to a business deal with a partner or soon to be ex-partner, then this could mark the culmination of that process. Saturn is the ruler of time. So, Saturn in your 7th is either about time for a serious commitment or alternatively, time’s up!
Venus is also on the move this week into your 12th. Venus in here links us to the past so people from our past, especially lovers can reappear. Again, they either kick-start that heart or your reaction doesn’t get beyond tepid. Just be aware however that if you do get re-involved with someone from your past, it will now either finally work out, or if it ends, this time it’s for good. This is your house of secrets, the ones you keep and the ones that are kept from you. Hopefully your life is an open book. If secrets have been kept from you and with your energy at its peak, confrontations are likely to ensue. It’s either hello or goodbye this week.
In a nutshell: It’s either full-on passion – or nothing this week, Cancer. One thing is certain. When it comes to love or close connections, you won’t settle for anything other than the real deal.
- What’s working for you?
- Adjust your routine and lifestyle
- Benefits come via friends and connections
Work, career and wellbeing matters dominate the week. What’s working and what isn’t – anything from your job to your daily routine, your lifestyle or even your diet, is up for review now. Time to look closely at your diet, weed out the processed foods and ensure you are getting plenty of leafy greens and calcium. Job changes or improvements could be just around the corner for you thanks to ruler the Sun in your career zone and a slew of transformation-triggering planets in your work sector. Whatever you do this week however, please do not hurry or take shortcuts as accidents could occur as Mars and Pluto meet in here. The Sun makes a highly beneficial angle to Saturn from Saturn’s own house and this could result in your efforts being recognised and success in work ventures or a new job offer.
Venus is on the move this week and making you more social, more out-going (if that is possible!) and eager to connect. You’re more open than usual to meeting new people and those from different backgrounds or professions. You’ll also find you’re more confident when it comes to going up to people and starting a conversation. The right thing to say just comes easily to you now without any shyness or awkwardness. Benefits could come to you via friends or the people you know and if there is something you want to do or achieve, then share your dreams and ambitions. You may discover that people you connect with now can help you towards them. Venus on her own in here is more about good times with friends than romance. Yes, there may be a flirtation or two but you may find it all settles down into being ‘just good friends’ rather than go further. Enjoy connections for what they are and you’ll be amazed at the benefits.
In a nutshell: Work changes and opportunities propel you on to the next career stage, Leo. Friends with benefits? You’ve got them this week but perhaps not those kinds of ‘benefits’!
- The heat is on!
- Where does your heart want to take you?
- Follow that passion
Expect a big shift around romance or something that makes you passionate this week, Virgo. You have a deep desire now to be seen, adored and noticed! What’s wrong with that? Absolutely nothing! It’s your time to shine, spread your wings and finally shrug off the last vestiges of winter. Ask where your heart wants to take you. What direction is it telling you to go in? This could involve travel, creative self-expression, showcasing your abilities or yes, love. When you know what this is, commit to it with every atom of your being. 100%. No holds barred. Now is not the time to hold back Mars is in your 5th heightening passion and turning up the heat. Your ability to communicate what you want or just head towards it is enhanced with a touch of boldness now. Jupiter says luck is on your side. Take a chance especially with your ideas. And above all, radiate that passion.
Romance will either be on or off as Mars meets Pluto in your house of attraction. You are either heads over heels or feet heading fast for the door. If you are single the Sun in your 9th angles to Saturn in your 5th pointing to perhaps a fated and potentially long term encounter. Others could receive that acknowledgement they’ve been striving for with their career as Venus enters your career zone. Your ability to make a good impression both personally and professionally is enhanced. Venus in here adds that touch of diplomacy and magic to your ideas and how you get yourself across. This house also reflects the status of our partner as well as our own. Venus could send you a potential candidate for your heart who is successful who raises your personal stock. Turn up the heat this week, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Change sets in motion the law of attraction for you this week, Virgo. Follow where your passion wants to take you. The law of attraction is yours so work it now.
Questions about home, where you live, family (what this means to you) and your security are ‘front of house’ this week. Decisions need to be made that are going to affect your living arrangements or your career (or perhaps both) for some time to come. Now, chances are you have known this was coming for a while. Perhaps you have pushed this on to the backburner. This week however, there’s no dodging this particular bullet. So, my advice is to deal with what occurs in a practical manner. Think things through carefully as you will be living with your decisions for a very long time to come. A house or apartment move could be imminent for some of you and again, chances are you have known this was on the cards. Mars and Pluto meet in your sector of home and security this week pointing to rapid change and transformation. Plus you have the Sun in both these planets ruling house (8th) trine Saturn also in your 4th. This is all about change that results in greater stability and security for you in the long term. Others could accept a new job that allows them to put down roots and plan for the future. So, look and plan ahead now.
Ruler Venus is on the move this week too. In your freedom-enhancing 9th Venus adds a dash of good luck to anything you undertake. Time to take a chance. Travel brings benefits and romance could take you places – quite literally. Or you could fall for someone from far away or with overseas connections. Be ready to play and explore and enter a bigger life experience on some level. This week also sees Venus sextiles Chiron in your 7th, Venus’s ruling house. Chiron is not a planet nor an asteroid, but is a comet. In mythology Chiron was a healer but could not heal himself. So, Chiron represents our attempts to heal deep-seated wounds. This could be very personal for you now as you are the sign of partnerships and this is the area Chiron is asking you to probe deeper into. Happy to fall for anyone just because they show an interest whether or not you are compatible or they treat you well? Or are you alone and without a partner simply because you don’t go out there looking for prospects? Venus and Chiron push you out of the door and out of your comfort zone – even if it means saying goodbye now. That’s your healing. And your freedom.
In a nutshell: Healing and freedom in love are yours this week. Plus luck is on your side so take a chance. Long term decisions can be made so make your move now, Libra.
- Say what you mean to say
- Win with words
- Get ready for hot talk
That loaded 3rd house you have right now asks you to think before you speak and certainly before you act. Words have weight and alchemical magic now. Both your rulers ancient and modern are in this house in your chart along with Saturn who is adding that aura of authority and responsibility behind everything you say and communicate now. Time to stand by your word and also not promise more than you can deliver. Both your rulers ancient and modern are in the house and they will meet in here on the 26th. Ancient ruler Mars also makes a positive angle to Jupiter in your 1st. Winning with words could just be your forte. However, ensure you don’t have a knee jerk reaction to what someone else says or rush with anything that involves writing, speaking or presentations. Also, don’t get so attached to your ideas you shut out feedback or the ideas of others as conflicts can ensue. This week can either see you push forward with ideas, work or business plans or else have you embroiled in arguments or alternatively, transport or appliance breakdowns.
Long term agreements can now be reached especially with partners or around work and money as Venus enters your 8th from the 24th. Passion and desire heighten any interaction whether you are negotiating that work contract or one of a more personal nature. All those third house planets along with Venus in here can turn the talk XXX rated very fast! What this week has to teach you is not to say something unless you mean it, to think before you do and then to ensure you follow through. Be honest and transparent especially if you are handling someone else’s resources now or in a job where you have to craft communications. Also, if you don’t know the answer, don’t bluff. You’ll end up with more than just egg on your face if you do. Above all, think before you Tweet this week.
In a nutshell: Words have the power to send you in a new direction this week, Scorpio. Choose them carefully and above all, stand by them. Say what you mean, and mean what you say now.
- What dream do you need to fund?
- Do you have a secret admirer?
- Love, radiate and attract – that’s your mantra!
Don’t make this week about money for money’s sake. This would be out of character for you in any case. Usually if it’s money you want it is for that gofundme trip or big dream. Money for you is energy and unlocks the world of learning and experience. Of course, that does not mean you don’t require a safety net just like anyone else. So, the money aspects in your chart this week may result in your pursuing more cash with an eye to creating both – the bedrock to fall back on and the funding for those big dreams. You’ve the energy to attain both thanks to a meeting between Mars and Pluto in your 2nd now. This could mark a transformation around your income or even how you earn it. The Sun is in your sector of work making a wonderful angle to Saturn also in your money zone. Plus Mars makes another one to ruler Jupiter in your 12th. What you do really need this cash for may surprise even you. Or you could be rocked by the revelation you have a secret admirer. Revelations are likely this week as could also include the knowledge you have more resources at your disposal than you realise.
Venus rules two houses in your chart – your 2nd of money where the majority of this week’s astro action takes place and your 7th of partnerships which she arrives in on the 24th. It’s all about the love you attract and the love you have now. Anything that involves you and at least one other person is favoured now. Time to look for love if you don’t have a partner and express yourself no matter what your partnership status. Business should expand, existing love deepen and good times beckon. Whether it’s money or love – time to radiate – and attract now.
In a nutshell: Powerful shifts around money or your love life could occur now. What do you need to go fund? Or is it backing for the heart and soul you need this week, Sag?
- Tie up loose ends
- A situation comes to a climax
- Release yourself into fun, joy and romance
This week sees you determined to get things done, Capricorn. Self-assurance and empowerment drive you forward. You are fearless this week and there’s nothing you can’t tackle now. Those tasks you may have been putting off or avoiding you’re now keen to get out of the way. No more procrastination. You’re also craving release from the status quo. If you are encountering frustration now in that you don’t think things are changing – or events moving fast enough, try to step back and see the big picture. If you adopt a long term perspective you should see that you’ve been making incredible shifts across all areas of your life but these may not have occurred all at once. Mars and Pluto meeting in your 1st this week can increase your desire for change and also to push things forward. But push forward too hard and you may encounter delays and resistance or rush and accidents could occur. Do tie up loose ends and bring what you can to a logical conclusion. The rest? Know it will happen when it is meant to and that change is already in motion.
That surrender to destiny attitude applies to love too. The Sun is in its ruling 5th in your chart – your house of pleasure, attraction and romance and shining across to ruler Saturn in your 1st. The Sun in this house usually points towards new beginnings no matter where we are in our cycle. Saturn points to establishment. This is your house of romance, creation and self-expression. You’ve the creative life force that powers the Sun available to you now, so how will you it? It may be the start of something but Saturn says you could be playing for keeps. There’s something a little bit special about what begins now and with your determination right now, you’ll make the most of it, Capricorn!
In a nutshell: You’ve the energy needed to tackle those tasks you’ve been putting off. Not only do you feel good you’re free then to enjoy what’s coming. New beginnings in love or good times follow.
- Deal with changes
- Get ready for peak performance
- Welcome back the love!
Upheavals, endings and exposures may not be what you had ordered, but if you’re honest, chances are they come as no surprise. Even if you are not facing the final chapter of a story this week, your energy is peaking. Mars and Pluto meet in your 12th. Think of this as tapping into raw, primal energy. You can literally use this to shift the tectonic plates of your life structure and change your world. Of course, this transit may not manifest in quite such a radical way. But fearlessness when it comes to doing whatever needs to be done is a more likely outcome. Just be aware this is not a good time to take any kind of risk. And you will also not suffer fools gladly. All this may be designed to bring about a restructuring of your life or even your living arrangements that suit you much better. There’s also an element of honesty at play here as the Sun in your 4th trines Saturn also in your 12th. That’s being honest with yourself – perhaps about your values and honesty from others. Ensure you get it and uphold it now.
But this week isn’t entirely oh-so-serious. Venus enters your 5th of attention, attraction and adorability. Don’t you love the sound of all those words? It pretty well sums up what you could be in for. Lucky breaks, romance, good times, playfulness and stepping into an effortless ‘flow’ with everything you do acts as a contrast to all that deep 12th house energy. The universe is inviting you to come out and play. Chiron, that icy wanderer in our solar system recently entered your 3rd house of news and communication. Inspiration, conversation and also recognition could come from Venus making a pleasurable angle to this comet this week. You may hear something you don’t want to this week, and this is followed by something you do. Embrace contrast now.
In a nutshell: Peak energy leads to peak experiences. But be honest, you’ve known the way things would pan out. But these could push you into a new realm of fun, recognition and romance.
- Love your living space
- Stay alert
- Home offers a new source of pleasure
Venus enters your 4th of home, family and lifestyle this week while big changes could ripple across your circle of friends or networks. If you are feeling distracted, foggy or just have a lot on your mind, this may be a good week to stay home and enjoy your surroundings rather than being out and about. Venus in our 4th can have us beautifying our homes – perhaps redecorating or enhancing it in some way. Family, your parents, the people you live with or children if you have them, play a larger role and there’s a feeling of increased closeness. Your home life should flow nicely and Venus in here is more about entertaining at home that going out. If you move under a Venus in your 4th transit, you are usually unpacking for some time to come. Venus in here also often delivers a better or more beautiful home for your money if you are seeking a new one and this applies both to buying and renting. The only downside of Venus in this house is that you could find yourself blowing any budget you set yourself for decorating or furnishings. Venus is all about aesthetics and beauty and just wants the best. Venus lures you into spending more by whispering it is an investment – whether it is a £500,000 painting or those new cushions. Be warned!
Staying home and appreciating it may be a better bet than being out and about this week – especially if you have a lot on your mind. If you are socialising outside of your home please stay aware of your surroundings, avoid arguments be they with people you know or those you don’t, and don’t take any chances such as that late night shortcut with no pedestrians. Mars and Pluto meet in your 11th this week. At its best this transit offers an exciting shift in your social circle. At it’s very worst it can result in arguments with friends, trouble with people in authority or in extreme cases, accidents or being the victim of a crime. These are not absolutes, just cautions. My advice? Let Venus talk you into buying that Instant Pot, some beautiful new china and entertain at home instead.
In a nutshell: Use your street smarts when out and about this week. But you’ll discover when it comes to enjoyment – or entertaining, there really is no place like your own home now!
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