Weekly Horoscopes September 4th 2023 – It’s good!

Be ready for repurposed opportunity
Take love slow
You’ve had the bust – now embrace the boom!
Venus heads direct in your house of romance and attraction this week (4th). But the same day sees Jupiter big up the retro weather as it reverses in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. Mercury remains retrograde in its ruing 6th and with Jupiter’s backwards motion we still have six planets retrograde including all the outer ones.
Yes, barriers between you, love and what you love begin to lift. But keep in mind Venus has a retroshadow to clear. So, small steps rather than whole-hearted leaps, Aries. You may need to dial down that signature boldness and sexy, sassy style for a bit longer. Jupiter in your 2nd will be dedicating itself to bringing you big money benefits between now and mid-2024.
There is no missing out now. Jupiter delivers the boom, the bull market, the business, the boost to your bank account and your net and self-worth growth. Retro weather this week – trines between retro Mercury in your 6th and Jupiter (4th), the Sun and Mercury conjunct (6th) and Sun trine Jupiter (8th), could offer a redelivery point. You make up losses with the gains exceeding these. Something you thought you had missed out on returns – repurposed. You land that better paying gig. The business or side hustle takes off. Or you get handed the resources you needed. Whatever form the wins and gains come in, this is Jupiter. There’s more to come. Take the win this week and invest it in any way you can. You’ll gain the interest in ‘24.
In a nutshell: Venus heads direct in your love zone but Jupiter reverses. Use caution in new ventures especially those of the heart. But if you thought opportunity had passed you by or that what you needed was out of reach – Jupiter has other plans for you, Aries.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (5th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (2nd)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (6th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (6th to 2nd)
Go back to love
Turn that sparkle back on
Revive, reconnect, rejoice!
You along with fellow Venus-ruled sign Libra will immediately feel the shift in energy as your ruler heads direct in your 4th on the same day. Stagnation turns to sparkle. Especially when it comes to home and property matters. However – Jupiter in your 1st retrogrades the same day as Venus goes direct. So, this leaves us still navigating one of the most intense retro cycles we have seen for some time. We still have six planets backwards (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).
Mercury is retro in your love and pleasure zone and Venus needs time to gain traction. This tells you that you need to get to know that prospective boo better before taking things further. Also, Mercury is retro in your house of holidays. And with Jupiter backwards too, both long and short journeys will be affected. This includes your commute if you do one. And also keeps the embargo on buying anything from a car to a horse in place.
Yes, this makes it sound as if you are still going nowhere fast, Taurus. But that’s simply not the case. Divine backtracking and redeliveries feature as could returns and reruns. Travelling back to somewhere you visited in the past is favoured. As are reconciliations and reunions. Revivals of love, hobbies, creativity and what sparks joy and pleasure. Keep those ‘re’ words in mind. You are in a cycle that promises massive gains and benefits. For the time Jupiter is retrograde look to what may have shown so much promise in the past, but perhaps you abandoned or simply lacked the courage to follow through with. Jupiter says its potential is still there for you. All you have to to is reconnect and re-explore it. But you have to make the decision to go look. Or simply ask again if the first answer was no. There’s a better outcome on offer this time around.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus ends its retrograde. But Jupiter in your 1st reverses the same day. Stick with the cycle of refinement you’re in, Taurus. There are huge gains and big benefits on offer. Something still holds potential for you. If you care to re-explore it.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (4th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (1st)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (5th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (5th to 1st)
Become a miracle worker
Inspired possibilities are waiting to be explored
Discover the truth around those needs
Jupiter in your 12th actives the full magic, beauty and forever benefits of this house. It clears our path of invisible barriers between us and our dreams. Which very often we had no idea existed. It bigs up our creativity, our inspiration and our psychic abilities. And it also delivers us rewards we have racked up in our past. Not just in this lifetime either.
As your ruler Mercury is retrograde, you know focussing on the future right now isn’t productive in any case. So keep in mind the treasure is to be found behind you this week as Jupiter retrogrades on the same day as Venus heads direct again (4th). We still are in a period of cyclonic retro-activity as despite Venus direct, there are still six planets backwards.
You so got this cycle, Gemini as Jupiter is in your house of the past. And as well you know, retro planets are all about gathering what we can from our pasts that is still relevant, re-framing or repurposing it, and then releasing what we no longer need. Jupiter in your 12th favours miracle working. And also this week, with the Sun and retro ruler in your 4th, realigning yourself with what you truly need. The 4th – 8th gifts you with the minor miracles of seeing that you really need. And divesting yourself of what you don’t. By the time all this retro weather has blown over, you’ll find yourself in a very different place.
In a nutshell: The magic of your 12th house is mysterious and subtle. But oh so powerful and lasting. Gather up the pieces of your past which light your way forward and repurpose them for your future. The retro weather tells you: Upcycling those gifts gets you better results this time around.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (3rd)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (12th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (4th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (4th to 12th)
How far to that goal?
Take that quest one step at a time
News marks a return
Venus shifts to direct motion in its ruling 2nd in your chart this week. But as Jupiter turns backwards on the same day (4th), its time to pause to look at goal progress so far. How is that path towards wish fulfilment, Cancer? Remember my telling you when Jupiter entered your 11th back in May, to make three wishes? And to expect at least one of these to come true? Jupiter in resting jolly face motion now asks you to look at what you’ve attained, how far you’ve come, and also what you’ve done on your own behalf to make those goals happen.
This week could be fairly pivotal for illustrating all of the above. Do continue to keep an eye on spending and also to move forward in your love quest slowly if you are on one. Venus will take a while to clear its retroshadow. Plus you have Mercury retrograde in a ruling sign and house in your chart. Both Mercury and Jupiter rule travel, so extra planning and time may be called for if you are going anywhere.
Your best window this week for goal-centered ventures, friendship and for refining that project, plan, pitch or message has to be the 4th – 8th. This sees both Mercury and the Sun trine Jupiter and also a Sun/Mercury conjunction. Don’t be surprised if you hear from someone from your past, something reverses but in your favour, or welcome news brings the return of something you hoped for. By the end of the month you’ll be making real progress. But this week sees you restart those engines.
In a nutshell: Venus direct again slowly lifts the lid on love and money matters. But Jupiter now retrograde in your 11th asks you to stop and ask yourself if you are doing everything in your power to achieve that goal? Chances are, you still have resources to explore, Cancer.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (2nd)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (11th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (3rd)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (3rd to 11th)
You have a relationship with money – but it is not who you are
Refine and redefine that image
Candid sharing shows you your true worth
Finally – Venus ends its retrograde in your 1st this week. You should now be moving forward – more refined, more fierce, more confident and centered in what makes you special, Leo. Venus retro in our 1st hands us an opportunity for an image makeover. Not just the outer ‘us’ but most importantly, how we see ourselves. Which at the end of the day is what defines everything else in our lives.
Venus will take some time to clear its retroshadow which does allow you room to fine tune your results if needed. We do remain in major retro weather due to Jupiter heading backwards in your 10th the same day Venus goes direct. Which keeps the number of retro planets topped out at six. Show your career path, your public and professional reputation and those ambitions the same kind of love you’ve lavished on your personal look and inner self during the Venus retro, now Jupiter is backwards in here. And prepare to storm up that rewards ladder once it heads direct again.
Do also continue to talk openly about your feelings and also, your finances, while Mercury remains retro in your 2nd and it ruling sign of Virgo. This retrograde favours truth telling especially around areas we would normally have difficulty with. Money and self-worth are often tangled up for us psychologically. Admitting we may not earn as much as someone else, or are struggling with debt, or can’t afford something can have us feeling we’re somehow not worthy, are less than, or are failing on some level. Money talks even when we don’t join in the conversation. The meeting between ruler the Sun and retro Mercury (6th), plus the trines between Mercury (4th), the Sun (8th) and Jupiter, offer you a chance to change the conversation but honestly talking about money on some level. This is a great time to ask where that promised raise has got to or to refinance. Or just to know that a number on a bank statement doesn’t represent your true worth, Leo.
In a nutshell: Launch Leo 2.0. That more defined, fierce and refined version of you that you have been working on during the Venus retrograde in your sign which ends this week. When it comes to your feelings around love or money – telling the truth shows you just how much you are valued.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (1st)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (10th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (2nd)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (2nd to 10th)
Returns, reruns, reunions
Nothing pays off like persistence
Give it your best shot!
Ruler Mercury continues its backwards moonwalk in your 1st. And encounters the Sun on the 6th. Both Mercury and the Sun trine Jupiter its ruling 9th – also retro this week from the 4th. Do keep in mind that you can hit big problems with overseas travel at this time. You know the rules, Virgo. But do abide by them.
Continue to take anything to do with love or money matters slowly. You are still strongly advised to put swiping or searching for that mate on hold until Venus reaches your 1st and your ruler has cleared its retroshadow. Please don’t worry. You will more than make up for lost time from the end of the month onwards.
Returns, re-runs or an offer being re-made are part of the Jupiter retro promise this week. Especially on the 4th when retro Mercury aligns to it. The 6th sees the Sun and Mercury meet. While the Sun trines Jupiter on the 8th. Even if you fall face-first into something brown across these dates, you’ll stand up coated in chocolate and covered with extra sprinkles. If you have been waiting for something to come to a conclusion, for news or simply to give something another shot – these are your delivery dates. Or to make that incredible, second chance and better impression than your first. Second time around or better late than never rules. Turns out your first attempt wasn’t your best shot after all, Virgo. That’s the magic of retrograde reattempts.
In a nutshell: You’ll never know unless you try, Virgo. And while your ruler retrograde in your sign really doesn’t favour anything new – it does love reattempts. A launch window opens in the eye of the retro hurricane this week. Go on – give it your best shot, Virgo!
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (12th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (9th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (1st)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 9th)
No more hard work friendships
Make that power play
Rock those changes!
Ruler Venus is direct again in your 11th. And the lessons you are taking forward with you from this cycle are that you don’t have to try nearly as hard at you thought you did. At anything really, Libra. Bending yourself out of shape to people please? Be this for a lover or that group? You are so done with that $*&!.
What you are taking with you is a new determination when it comes to those goals. And just being yourself. This is your house of the collective and how it sees you. The way you come across may have also undergone some changes. Your style of dress for instance. Many of you may be sharing this new look across social media. Again, you’re not really bothered about the likes – although you’ll get them anyway. It’s just another way to express your authenticity.
You become an even more brilliant version of you despite Jupiter joining the retro party from your 8th. Despite Venus direct this still leaves us with six planets backwards. One being Mercury in your 12th along with the Sun. Both make angles back to Jupiter across the 4th – 8th. This window could bring about a big win, validation or even – dare I whisper it? Pure, powerful lust. Or at the very least, mixing with the movers and shakers. The more elevated the company, the more you feel you belong and can be yourself. Chances are Venus retro has handed you the ability to not only find your niche, but to bloom within it, Libra.
In a nutshell: The end of Venus retrograde sees you ready to show the world a whole new side of you, Libra. Rock out those changes. But when it comes to trying too hard to win friendship or approval – take it you’re just so done with that phase.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (11th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (8th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (12th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (12th to 8th)
Own that need to be needed
Love offers something sustaining
No more quick fixes – just lasting effects
You need to be adored. Or acknowledged. The wallflower look isn’t for you. Neither is playing the hermit with pizza and a boxset. At the very least you need a Ride or Die. Or that circle of loyal and devoted friends. The ideal? That extra special someone who knows just how lucky they are to have you in their life. This can even be your boss. What matters to you this week is feeling special and needed by at least one person, as Venus moves direct in your 10th once more. And Jupiter shifts backwards in your 7th.
Venus direct doesn’t mean the retro weather is breaking up however. Jupiter shifts backwards in your 7th keeping the number of retro planets at six. But the combination of two tries between retro Mercury and the Sun in your 11th and Jupiter, and a Sun/Mercury conjunction across the 4th – 8th, is what is fuelling that need to be seen and needed. By someone or even a circle of someones. It’s a real, important desire that Jupiter and now Venus, want you to acknowledge. This week offers you a chance to stand out – or even be shown how much you are loved. Oh, and this isn’t a ‘quick fix’ kind of thing where you expect someone to ‘complete’ you or heal any wounds. What’s on offer can give you those warm and fuzzies. But you’ll find going forward, there’s something so much more sustaining on offer – for both of you.
In a nutshell: The need to be seen, loved, acknowledged – this doesn’t come from wanting attention. We all need to feel we matter to someone. Who this is could be anyone from that boo to your boss this week. It’s not a quick rush love fix however. Something lasting fuels the feeling.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (10th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (7th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (11th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (11th to 7th)
Get ready for a big break
Keep your focus
You kick-start it but Jupiter gets you over the finish line!
Venus finally direct in your 9th (4th), coincides with ruler Jupiter heading backwards in your 6th. Just as you figured a breakout move towards freedom was possible, it turns out to be slower than what you hoped. Jupiter keeps the retro planetary line-up at six. This is one of the most intense retro-cycles we’ve experienced in a very long time. Where it can seem we are constantly going over old ground. Or that ‘two steps forward, one step back’ feeling.
That will all begin to lift by the end of the month. Mercury retrograde in its ruling sign of Virgo and your 10th tells you career matters are still subject to change even as barriers start to come down around big loves. You are not a sign which waits around for opportunities to simply appear. You believe in making them happen. Jupiter now retrograde in your 6th is helping with the heavy lifting with work and well-being. But along with Mercury which rules this house, reminds you that to succeed, you still need to do your part. If you do and take a very focussed approach, you could see rewards from your efforts to date pay off thanks to trines between retro Merc, the Sun and Jupiter. And a superb conjunction with the Sun and Mercury. This is you bringing your best game.
One word of caution on this retro week: it calls for work/life balance. If you have been pushing yourself too much lately, you’ll see you have no other option but to stop now. But sometimes a reset is exactly the break we need.
In a nutshell: Jupiter retrograde in your 6th of work and wellbeing, asks that you fine tune that work/life balance. And maintain your focus to get you the results you are after. If you’ve been running on empty lately – time to take a break, Sag.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (9th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (6th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (10th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (10th to 6th)
What was hard to read or hidden gets translated
Slow is the new fast when it comes to romance
Take advantage of a break in the retro weather!
Venus is direct again in your 8th but Jupiter heads backwards in your 5th (4th). Love and matters close to your heart may still be subject to change and fluctuation. Your children may be hard to read or unpredictable. What could be exposed which may surprise you, is someone’s hidden selfishness. It’s not the trait per se that comes as the shock. More like you coming late to the party and finally seeing them for what they are. And being shocked at how long it took you to catch on.
Mercury is retrograde in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart. And with Jupiter retro in your house of holidays, this adds up to extra special precautions and planning if you are travelling. Obviously we cannot always plan our trips around when the planets are direct. Or we may have no option in when we travel as it may be for business. The window from the 4th – 8th may lighten the retro effect if you are going anywhere as we have trines between retro Mercury (4th) and Jupiter, the Sun and Jupiter (8th) and in between a superb Sun/Mercury conjunction.
It’s a brief green light amongst the ambers and reds of this intense retro weather front. Do use this and push forward with big plans or get where you are going. With the rules still in place, naturally. You’ll see nothing but green lights ahead by the end of the month.
In a nutshell: In the words of Phil Collins: You can’t hurry love. Do keep this in mind even as Venus heads direct this week. Jupiter retrogrades in your romance zone and love may take a detour. Meanwhile, in another area, a window of opportunity unexpectedly opens. Be ready.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (8th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (5th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (9th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (9th to 5th)
You know the quality of the love you have
Focus on security and sharing experiences
Move back to that emotional safe space
Love limitations finally lift as Venus heads direct once more in its ruling 7th in your chart. Re-prioritize those relationships you care so deeply about. The retrograde will have shown you the lasting quality of these. Or the lack in some cases. Either way, you are ready to move forward. Seek out things you love to do together. Doesn’t have to be big. That movie you like to watch together. A walk. But it all adds to the loved-up feeling you carry forward with you.
As Venus heads direct, Jupiter turns backwards in your 4th of home and family. While Mercury remains retrograde in your house of change and shared resources. The Sun and Mercury link to Jupiter this week and also meet in your 8th. Think renovate, refinance, return.
The ‘re’ words honestly do apply across your living arrangements, moves, family matters, career, path and joint financial matters. Not just the account you may share with a partner. But any financial dealing where another party is involved. Be it the boss who pays your salary or your bank who loans you the money. Shoring yourself up and anything which adds to your sense of security is what you need to focus on. Or simply moving back emotionally to that space where you feel supported and secure. Which we also create with the ones we love.
In a nutshell: Venus heads direct in its ruling 7th this week. Putting love and partnership matters back on the map for you. It’s all about that feeling of emotional safety that being with the right person brings you. Continue to seek out and build on that, Aquarius.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (7th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (4th)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (8th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th to 4th)
Restore inner balance and harmony
Protect your trusting, compassionate heart
Showcase ideas set to dazzle!
Venus heads direct once again in your 6th of work and wellness. Hopefully you have used this time to create a better work/life balance. Once which gives well-being and peace of mind equal priority with what you have to do.
However, when it comes to the task of searching for a new love, you are not quite out of the retro woods as Mercury remains retrograde in your 7th. And you now have Jupiter retrograde in Mercury’s ruling 3rd. If you are seeking or swiping, keep Fleetwood Mac’s Sweet Little Lies playing in the background for a while longer. And please don’t fall for them. People may play on your sweet, compassionate soul.
This is a week however to share that sweetness and talk about what really makes you tick in any conversation. There’s a brilliance to your ideas. Especially the ones you may have dismissed in the past. And if you truly are seeking closeness, honestly there’s no quicker way to achieve that then courageously letting someone know what your emotional truth is. You’ll be amazed at the healing power of conversations right across the 4th – 8th. This is when retro Mercury and the Sun in your 7th trine retro Jupiter. While the 6th brings the chance to dazzle with your ideas and showcase your brilliance. If you can weave in an element of fun into all this – the results will be even better. Don’t sit on those feelings. Or ideas. This is your week to share them and say it with love.
In a nutshell: Share your truth boldly and without the need to self-protect, Pisces. Especially if true connection is the take-out you seek. But when it comes to anyone new, do ensure that they come from the same place of honesty. The only way to be sure is to take your time.
4 Sep 2023 Venus stationary direct in Leo (6th)
4 Sep 2023 Jupiter stationary retrograde in Taurus (3rd)
4 Sep 2023 Retrograde Mercury in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
6 Sep 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury in Virgo (7th)
8 Sep 2023 Sun in Virgo trine retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (7th to 3rd)
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